Public flogging of a woman in SWAT – is this the Islamic way of handing out justice?

A shocking video which is making news across the local media in Pakistan of a women being publicly lashed in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. Her crime being that she was seen publicly with a man who was not her husband. I think merely watching this video makes me cringe at the skewed concept of ‘Sharia’ being enforced in our northern areas, I believe this is not what Islam preaches

I agree with Faisal K when he says “All the women leaders in the assemblies of Pakistan upon seeing this should resign from their posts in protest” This is outrageous even in the light of the five women who were buried alive in Baluchistan. A search on shows that Meher Bokhari a show host on Samaa is planing to do a show today at 7pm on this controversial issue of public flogging. Also covered in The Guardian






211 responses to “Public flogging of a woman in SWAT – is this the Islamic way of handing out justice?”

  1. Khaled Avatar

    @ Jawwad Taliban and all the Talibans here

    First of all who are the people giving those Shariah Punishments ?

    Is there any Islamic court present ?

    Is Swat under Pakistani Law or under Talibans Law ??( muslim han Spokesman of Talibans in Swat said this video is 10 months Old, At that time no Deal was made between Gov and Talibans so the law of the land was Pakistani Law)

    Is Swat is declared as Islamic State ?

    The So Called Nizam e Adal has nothing to do with Shariah it was an old method of Law in Swat from the time of Wali e Swat.

    The details available till now and what GEO is showiong the only sin of that poor girl is to go out with her Father In Law,

    I don't accept these talibans as followers of Islam as they are doing suicidal attacks in the name of Islam, Islam never allowed suicide in any circumstances, it is Declared HARAM by Allah and Prophet (PBUH) so who the hell are Talibans who are preparing and urging people to do suicides ??

    The people doing suicidal attacks are not only rejecting the Order of Allah but also giving a bad name to Islam and this incident is also a deviation against Islam.

    To touch a Namahram Girl is a SIN in ISLAM and the Talibans are quite happily doing the sin themselves .

  2. Khaled Avatar

    This incident also draws a line between Talibans and Anti Talibans in Pakistan, Jamat e Islami Ansar Abbasi are openly siding with talibans while the rest are against this act.

    This incident also shows the real face of ansar abbasi as well, He is a Taliban and on the payroll of people made, finance and trained talibans. (Hameed Gul and Co)

  3. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    It does not matter to me if it is a man or a woman.The treatment and humiliation is unacceptable.

    Who are the people awarding punishment?Who gives them the right todo us.

    It is not Shariat,It is black law.

    Shariat is a law,it needs a Qazi ,a Munsif,a witness ….in the absence of all this it is just barbaric twisted people using the name of Islam to make us shut up.

    Muslims must not accept this.


  4. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @ khaled!

    i did not support this act. but i shall continue supporting hudoodullah.taliban just provided an opportunity for the secularist to spew their venome in the name of crime against women.

    why such a hue and cry?

    do we live in sweeden or denmark?

    we live in pakistan.where we see appaling injustices against men and women every day.

    women get burn alive, women kidnapped and raped all the time.

    where are you at that time?

    compare to the injustices in our rural area this punishment is nothing.

  5. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Dear Ms Amina,

    Problem with activist type of Muslim is this that they think that Islam exist in punishment whereas punishments are just a minor part of Islam to maintain order in society. Mullahs' are possessed by the Genie of Piety – Yaani in Maulviyon par Taqway ka Bhoot Sawar Hai. Similarly veil and beard etc.etc in Islam but Islami is not just the name of Punishments, Beards, Veil, and Mullahs having Bad Breath but a way of life which in my humble opinion can only be spread in society gradually and systematically to create an environment for a healthy, clean and pious society. This cannot be achieved by those [Jihadis, Talibans, Afghan Warlords and Saudi and Irani Mutawwas] who had been Foot Soldiers for the US CIA during several of their Campaigns. Saudi Mullahs used in Iran Iraq War for issuing Fatwa against Iran, Irani Ayatullahs were part and parcel of Iran Contra Scandal, Pakistani Mullahs [Mawdudi] included since 1965 till even now are part and parcel of establishment, list goes on and on…

  6. Dr RazaHaider Avatar

    Taliban’s are son of a bit*hes with no legitimate history but originating probably from brothel houses.

    This is too painful and I feel so incapacitate that I am unable to help the girl by any means.

    I must say I am ashamed in front of the whole world.

    These people are destroying the image and philosophy of Islamic principle by their mongering and mustering behavior and we are sitting aloof; shedding eggs to let them derail and destroy the basic face book of Islam.

    I would definitely own American action of drone if at all such figures as monsters are the target.

    Under no means Taliban and Alqaida must escape.

    Kill these bast*a*ds; the Taliban and Alqaida.

    They are enemies to humanity.

    My appeal to all!

    This is not Islam nor are these b*sta*ds; Muslims.

    These are Taliban’s; a new criminal illegitimate gender against all religion and beliefs.

    Help us to eradicate these bas*a*ds.

  7. blog Avatar

    @Dr Raza

    "This is too painful and I feel so incapacitate that I am unable to help the girl by any means"

    I hope you would have same feelings for Dr Afia and all the girls that were massacred in lal masjid ? or am I wrong here?

  8. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Why some people want to take revenge of Dr Afia from whole of Pakistni women.

    Can you touch Barbra Bush?Can you ask George Bush why he had Guantanamobay.


  9. blog Avatar

    All the tv channels asking is it right for a na-mehrams to hold the girl! while at the same time broadcasting advertisements/promos having the same very indecent things

    how hypocrite can we get ?

  10. Khaled Avatar

    @ Blog

    Talibans are Holy Cows giving Huddod Punishments not Commercials makers and TV channels, SO the Question will be asked by the people called themselves Muslims and practice the real islam and flogging the girl in public with male visitors and holding that girl from hand and toes !!

    @ Jawwad

    May i know who has the power to give punishments on Hudood Allah cases ?

  11. Khaled Avatar

    @ Blog

    Lal Masjid operation was done by Army of Pakistan, after completing all the legal formalities, the Then ISI chief and now Army Chief gave the report to then Army Chief about Lal Masjid and ask him to take action, An SSG Col was shot dead by Militants of Lal Masjid.

    Islam does not allow force implementation and the people who trying to impose the Islam through the barrel of gun not only defaming Islam but also trying to break Pakistan

  12. Amina Avatar

    Well, there is still hope for this country, as some of the comments show! As for those who don't agree with my take on this flogging, well all I'll say is that 'the only truth in the world is perception'. If you perceive this as legal under the 'Islamic law', so be it then! However, as I and as all 'rational' Muslims perceive it, this is barbarous! As a Muslim, and as a 'practicing' Muslim, I strongly condemn it.

    First of all, saw a rather interesting interview on Dawn News, where the person who filmed this video was being interviewed. According to him, the girl's family had previously rejected a suitor and that suitor later joined the Taliban and exacted revenge on the girl by falsely accusing her of adultery with a stranger and so had her flogged.

    @ blog: Well, if there were 'four' witnesses, then I wonder why they were not mentioned. If you heard Taliban's spokesperson's interview with Geo TV, even he didn't claim that there were four witnesses! But of course, since you know better…

    @ Dr. Jawadkhan:

    Excuse me doctor, last time I checked I was still a Muslim, just because I don't follow your version of Islam, does not mean you have the divine right of accusing me of being 'unislamic'! Ever read that verse in the Holy Quran: 'Let there be no compulsion in religion'? Well, just what part of no compulsion you don't understand? And btw, your point that the Taliban have given the secularists a chance to rant against Islam, well it's a superb chance for you to set the record straight. But no, you'd rather the Taliban carried on with all this, while you would like to carry on with this metaphorical flogging of all secularists! Also, as a parting shot, may I quote Hazrat Ali (R.A) here? " The Qur’an is but ink and paper, and it does not speak itself.” Even though human beings are the agents of God, they are not infallible creatures and are bound to make mistakes regarding implementation and interpretation of God’s rights. So nice try…


    Thanks for your support! I'm sick to death of this Taliban mentality taking over. Well, for the last time, our leader the Quaid, did not-as in never-called for Pakistan to be a theocracy, let alone a country where Taliban can prosper. Anyone who disagrees, please feel free to go anywhere in world, but please leave our country alone. I don't want the same to happen to my country, as what happened in Afghanistan or Iran. So please leave us all in peace! Thanks.

  13. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    could you please cut the version crap out?

    it is an straight forward order written in Quran e kareem.

    any one can see that.

  14. blog Avatar


    Do you think that Quran by no impulsion means that you are free to break all the rules that are set out in Quran ?

    Qur’an is noted in Surah 24 (An-Núr), Verse 2:

    “The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you in their case, in a matter prescribed by Allah, if ye believe in Allah and the Last Day: and let a party of the Believers witness their punishment.”


    So the isi/army chief are divine their judgments can be questioned ? bhutto was also hanged after the completion of all the legal formalities ? does that make it right ?

    and its a open secret that who killed the col

  15. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    was that so simple? completing all the legal formalities and isi reported one commondo killed and finally operation.end of the story?

    2000 man and women and chilredn were killed .there was REAL barbaric,merciless slaughter of people who stand for shariya not only by heavy weapons but also the chemical weapon like phosphorus bombs which literally eat up the human flash because of its burning fire.

    did you protested the same way like you are doing in the flogging case?

    why is there such kind of double standard?

  16. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Excuse me doctor, last time I checked I was still a Muslim, just because I don’t follow your version of Islam, does not mean you have the divine right of accusing me of being ‘unislamic’! [Amina]


    Dear Ms Amina,

    Answers are as under particularly for those who at the drop of hat issue Fatwa of apostasy against any Kalima Reciting Muslims:

    Whoever offers prayers as we do and turns his face to our Qiblah and eats the animal slaughtered by us, he is a Muslim for whom is the covenant of Allah and the covenant of the Messenger of Allah; so do not violate Allah's covenant." [Sahih Bukhari]

    “Ibn Umar related that the Holy Prophet said: If a Muslim calls another kafir, then if he is a kafir let it be so; otherwise, he [the caller] is himself a kafir.''(Sunnan Abu Dawood)

    “Abu Zarr reported that the Holy Prophet said: No man accuses another man of being a sinner, or of being a kafir, but it reflects back on him if the other is not as he called him.''(Bukhari)

    “Withhold [your tongues] from those who say `There is no god but Allah' — do not call them kafir. Whoever calls a reciter of `There is no god but Allah' as a kafir, is nearer to being a kafir himself.'' (Tabarani, reported from Abdullah Ibn Omar)

    If the above Hadiths do not satisfy then read this!

    Usaamah bin Zaid reported,

    “Allaah’s Messenger sent us towards Al-Huruqa, and in the morning we attacked them and defeated them. I and an Ansari man followed a man from among them and when we overwhelmed him, he said, “La ilaha illal-Lah.” On hearing that, the Ansari man stopped, but I killed him by stabbing him with my spear. When we returned, the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) came to know about that and he said:

    "O Usaamah! Did you kill him after he had said “La ilaha ilal-Lah?” I said, “But he said so only to save himself.” He kept on repeating that so often that I wished I had not embraced Islaam before that day. [Agreed upon, and this is the wording of Bukhari]

    and in another version in Sahih Muslim about the same incident:

    “Did you tear open his heart to see what was in it?'' [Muslim]

    Heresy, Apostasy & Misuse of Blasphemy Law – 1

  17. blog Avatar

    @farrah, k.raja

    Why some people want to take revenge of Dr Afia from whole of Pakistni women.

    Can you touch Barbra Bush?Can you ask George Bush why he had Guantanamobay."

    this is not about taking revenge, why all the humping and jumping is being done on this issue ?

    did you also protest the same way when some thieves were burnt alive in khi ? what is more barbaric lashing or burning? were the legal 'formalities' met before burning them?

  18. SM Imran H Zaidi Avatar
    SM Imran H Zaidi

    These taliban are nothing but agents of america and the zionists. They ridicule islamic law and are the main cause of the defacing of Islam in the wider public opinion. What is more sad is that some people in our country openly support this jahiliat; and rather than condemning it come up with stupid assumptions about the laws of sharia and how should it be implemented. Is this the type of Islam they want to establish in Pakistan; where we would see the public flogging of every woman without a trial and being touched by na-mehrams who are bad-mouthing each other?

    No wonder the outside world regards us as animals who have no regard absolutely for even our own religion.

  19. Abdulrahman Rafiq Avatar

    Such barbaric atrocities must end. Lets send a message to the world, loud and clear that Pakistanis are alive and will not, at any cost let their country fall to the barbarism that we've witnessed today in Swat Valley. We're a progressive, peace loving nation. Have had a few road blocks, but all is not lost. This land, it's people have tremendous drive, great potential and talent to achieve the Sun and the Moon. Be it in Technology, Art, Science, Music we have it all. All we ask for just and sustainable Governance that supports the people and that our "Elected" Government honor it's Social Contract with the People of Pakistan. Long live Pakistan!

  20. Abdulrahman Rafiq Avatar

    Why has the video been removed from youtube?

  21. Ibad Avatar

    SM Imran H Zaidi,

    Offcourse you will say that because you are Shia and they are Sunni.

    What is Islamic Law according to you? Muta? Taqqayiah? tabarrah?

    You guys are getting a free ride in this so called war on terrorism..

    Stop riding a free ride for your bughz-e- Abu Bakar and Omar.

  22. Ibad Avatar

    SM Imran H Zaidi,

    You forced me to post this.

    Here is a brief about the free-riders in this *war of error*.

    1) Shia say Imaams are higher in status than the Ambiyaa

    including our Nabi, Muhammad (S.A.W.W)

    Ref: Ibid / Al Hukumatul – Islaamiyaa – 52 Khomeni. Hayaatul Qutoob Vol 3, P10 /Ibid Vol 2. P787. Footnote

    2)Taqiyyah (essentially means to lie to hide the truth)

    This means 'Holy Deception'

    Ref:(1.) Usul -e- Kafi

    3)What they think of Sunnis:.

    1.) Most dirty and polluted left over water is that of a sunni.

    2.) Not permissable to marry sunni because they are Kaafir.

    3.) Cannot eat animal slaughtered by sunni.

    4.) Sunnis created from soul of Jahannam.

    5.) Shia's created from soul of Jannat.

    Ref:1.) "Manlaa Yahuruldul Faqiah" – Vol 1. P8.( 2.) Tahdhidul Akaam/ Ibid Vol 3 P258. (3.) Ibid.( 4.) Usul – e- Kafi. (5.) Ibid.

  23. noman Avatar


    where is your favourite “Quran and sunnah” chant gone?

    munafiq spare no time ridiculing the laws of sharia indirectly

    dactar jawaad

    Quran is the supreme law but lets not even think of terming this barbaric criminal act as Islamic or sharaee.what I find truly disgusting is that thugs and bandits are using the name of islam for their own vested interest.

    Who are these guys?

    Who gave them the right to dispense so called justice?

    How do u know that the girl committed adultery?

    If so what about that man who was with her?

    Where are the 4 witness?

    These so called Taliban are nothing but traitors within Pakistan. I ask you who is funding these guys?

    How come that they have enough money to buy weapons to fight the police and army?

    Obviously from the enemies of Pakistan and all those who want to harm and dismember this beloved country.

    Its not that the victim was just a woman.such barbaric acts have been taking place without prejudice to gender.a number of videos are available in which men are being beheaded , shot or flogged for alleged crimes.these so called thaikadars of muslim morality also have a muslim Canadian women in their custody.a journalist whose only crime was a being a foreign national.these guys have no respect for humanity.they have no morals and can one even think of humane behaviour from barbarians like you who believe in suicide bombing, use of human shields, slander , abuses, filthy shameless language .

    Blog and dactar sahib

    Some criminals who should be punished by the rules of hud

    1. maulana aziz ( aunty burqa) he should be punished for wearing female clothing and running along with na mehram girls.

    Atleast the same amount of koras for him and remember we all are witnesses of this crime.

    2. ghazi should be punished posthumously in a manner similar to the dead body hangings by Taliban in swat.remember he said on tv that are no children inside lal mosque.he also used human shields ( as u have already accepted in ghazi criminal blog).

    3. all the students of jamia hifza for roaming around in isb without mehrams and more so some of them from running away from jihad.

    Ghar walon ki mohabat jihad sai ziada aziz thi..lolz

    Both of you can refer to imam kaabas opinion of the lal mosque don’t be ridiculous that he is also American and musharaf agent.

    Its an open secret that ghazi wasn’t let go by his fellow terrorist.

    The video and many more like the same are reasons enough to hate all those even remotely associated with Taliban.

    Shame on both of you for supporting crimes

  24. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Offcourse you will say that because you are Shia and they are Sunni. What is Islamic Law according to you? Muta? Taqqayiah? tabarrah? You guys are getting a free ride in this so called war on terrorism..Stop riding a free ride for your bughz-e- Abu Bakar and Omar.[Ibad]


    Dear Ibad Sahab,

    Why do you forget that Lal Mosque Anarchist were quoting Karbala incident to justify their Khurooj [Mutiny], now read:

    Quite a tragedy with Pakistani Religious Class who at the drop of hat declare any adversary as Yazeed without going into details. For Mawdoodi General Ayub was Yazeed, For PPP General Zia was Yazeed and for these Anarchic Mullahs [whose once biggest supporter was Musharraf and Establishment before 911] Musharraf was Yazeed.

    In his alleged Last will Mualana Abdul Rashid Ghazi said by making Incident of Karbala a Hujjat [Proof] had said;

    If our Amir Sayyidina Hussein R.A. was martyred in helplessness then we are proud to be part of the same caravan. Insha Allah, the Islamic revolution will come to this country.

    Hanafi School of thought on Khurooj:

    Hazrat Hussain Ibn-e-Ali [May Allah be pleased with him] going against Ameer Yazid [May Allah have mercy on his soul] and the Sunni view on Yazid:

    1) O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger and those of you who are in authority; and if ye have a dispute concerning any matter, refer it to Allah and the messenger if ye are (in truth) believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more seemly in the end.[AN-NISA (WOMEN) Chapter 4 Verse 59]

    2) Sayyiduna Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah. And whoever obeys my ruler (amir), obeys me, and whoever disobeys my ruler, disobeys me” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 6718 & Sahih Muslim, no. 1835).

    3) Sayyiduna Anas ibn Malik (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Listen to and obey your ruler, even if he is an Abyssinian slave whose head looks like a raisin” (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 6723 & Sahih Muslim).

    4) Sayyiduna Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “Whoever sees his ruler doing something he disapproves of, he should be patient, for no one separates from the (Muslim) group even for a span and then dies, except that he will die a death of (pre-Islamic) ignorance. (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 6724 & Sahih Muslim, no. 1849).

    5) Sayyiduna Abd Allah (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: “A Muslim must listen to and obey (the order of his ruler) in things that he likes or dislikes, as long as he is not ordered to commit a sin. If he is ordered to disobey Allah, then there is no listening and no obedience. (Sahih al-Bukhari, no. 6725 & Sahih Muslim, no. 1839).

    The above evidences are clear in establishing the fact that one must obey the ruler even if he is corrupt or a sinner (fasiq). The reason for this, in the words of Allama al-Ghunaymi, is that, there have been many corrupt rulers in Islamic history and never did the predecessors (salaf) rebel against them, rather they used to submit to their rule and establish Jumu’ah and Eid prayers with their permission. Also, piety is not a pre-requisite for leadership. (Sharh al-Ghunaymi, p. 110).

  25. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    1) Shia say Imaams are higher in status than the Ambiyaa

    including our Nabi, Muhammad (S.A.W.W) Ref: Ibid / Al Hukumatul – Islaamiyaa – 52 Khomeni. Hayaatul Qutoob Vol 3, P10 /Ibid Vol 2. P787. [Ibad]


    Dear Ibad Sahab,

    I hope you and Jawwad Sahab would agree with the Ideology of Mawdudi and you will love the Islamic Revolution of Mawdudi-Khomeini Brand of Islam.

    How would you define this blasphemy by Mawdudi [Spiritual God Father/Founder of Jamat-e-Islami and Friend of Khomeini]:

    Khomeini once made a statement which was published in the Tehran times (Kitaab be Noujawanaan – P8) that if he conquers Madina Munawwarah, he will remove the two idols (Hadhrat Abu Bakr and Hadhrat Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) besides Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him). I am certain that no believer will accept such a statement against the great luminaries of Islam. Are we then to condemn only Khomeini and condone Mawdudi knowing well that Mawdudi was a close friend of Khomeini and was sympathetic to his course. In a book titled, 'Two brothers – Maududi and Khomeini' page 129, the following statement of Dr Ahmad Farouk Maududi (son of Abul-A'ala Maududi) was published in Roz Naame, Lahore – 29 September 1979, "Allama Khomeini had a very old and close relationship with Abba Jaan (father). Aayaatullah Khomeini translated his (fathers) books in Farsi and included it as a subject in Qum. Allama Khomeini met my father in 1963 during Hajj and my father's wish was to create a revolutionary in Pakistan similar to Iran. He was concerned about the success of the Iranian revolution till his last breath.'

  26. Ajay Mishra Avatar
    Ajay Mishra


    didnt ur prophet (peace be upon me) used war in early stages to spread islam? Didnt he behead ppl (read: jews) in the wars? Of course he then married a 9 yr old child. Talibans are immitating ur Prophet of so called peace. Stick to 1500 yrs old religion which was developed in tribes of Arabia. 21st century application of tht religion is barbarism. Peace be upon all of us who have to go thru this religion.

  27. Ajay Mishra Avatar
    Ajay Mishra

    For the first time I agree with Doc.. Doc u r right. Islam is barbaric. If u believe in ur Allah then ur quran prescribes it. Go back to dark ages and bomb each other. world will be a better place without u!

  28. Amina Avatar

    Dear Mr. Mishra, This is not a discussion on religion. If you want to spew venom against Islam, plz check out any of the following sites and deploy it here:

    And kindly read carefully the code of ethics before jumping in a discussion and enlightening a whole group of people with your views. Oh, and if you'd like to read up on Islam itself, then I recommend

    @ doctor.jawwadkhan:

    See my good doc, thats what comes out of declaring every barbaric thing legal in the name of Islam! Kindly state carefully in the next post if you are a Muslim or a member of the bloody cult known as Taliban. Because its funny that you mention all sorts of verses in your defense but never discuss the verses I've quoted!

    @ Ibad:

    Excuse me sir, please read up Amir Mughal's post to check out the definition of a Muslim. A Muslim is a person who believes in the Kalima. Period. And Shiites are very much a part of Islam. So kindly watch your mouth.

    @ Amir Mughal:

    Thank God for a voice of sanity!

    @ S.M. Imran H Zaidi:

    You are absolutely spot on. To fight the Taliban we need to fight this 'Taliban' mentality. (which incidentally some people also display here). And don't let claims by some enlightened souls, that because you are a Shiite, you are less of a Muslim, deter you.

  29. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Of course he then married a 9 yr old child. [Ajay Mishra]


    Dear Mr Mishra,

    You are wrong.

    The Holy Prophet Mohammad [PBUH]'s Marriages – 1

    The Holy Prophet Mohammad [PBUH]'s Marriages – 2

    didnt ur prophet (peace be upon me) used war in early stages to spread islam? Didnt he behead ppl (read: jews) in the wars? [Ajay Mishra]


    Dear Sir,

    You are wrong again, read the posts completely and you will get answers for your every query.

    Conquest of Persia and Islam.


  30. Amina Avatar

    Thanks for the references, yes, I'd suggest Mr.Mishra to read up this material.

  31. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Ever read that verse in the Holy Quran: ‘Let there be no compulsion in religion’? Well, just what part of no compulsion you don’t understand? [Amina]

    didnt ur prophet (peace be upon me) used war in early stages to spread islam? Didnt he behead ppl (read: jews) in the wars? [Ajay Mishra]


    Dear Ms. Amina and Mishra Sahab,

    For your kind perusal

    And if thy Lord willed, all who are in the earth would have believed together. Wouldst thou (Muhammad) compel men until they are believers? [YUNUS (JONAH) Chapter 10 – Verse 99]

    And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our Allah and your Allah is One, and unto Him we surrender. [AL-ANKABOOT (THE SPIDER) Chapter 29 – Verse 46]

    Had Allah willed, they had not been idolatrous. We have not set thee as a keeper over them, nor art thou responsible for them. Revile not those unto whom they pray beside Allah lest they wrongfully revile Allah through ignorance. Thus unto every nation have We made their deed seem fair. Then unto their Lord is their return, and He will tell them what they used to do. [AL-ANAAM (CATTLE, LIVESTOCK) Chapter 6 – Verse 107 and 108]

    Muslims have already been advised:

    There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower. [AL-BAQARA (THE COW) Chapter 2 – Verse 256]

    And if any Muslim has still got the itch for Islami Dawah (Preaching) then the only option with Muslims is this:

    Call unto the way of thy Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and reason with them in the better way. Lo! thy Lord is Best Aware of him who strayeth from His way, and He is Best Aware of those who go aright. [AN-NAHL (THE BEE) Chapter 16 – Verse 125]

    As per History of Ibn-e-Khaldun [Volume 2]

    When the Caliph Omar (May Allah be pleased with him) entered Jerusalem in the year 634, Islam granted freedom of worship to all religious communities in the city. Proclaiming to the inhabitants that their lives, and property were safe, and that their places of worship would never be taken from them, he asked the Christian patriarch Sophronius to accompany him on a visit to all the holy places.


    Christian missionary, T.W. Arnold had this opinion on his study of the question of the spread of Islam: ". Of any organized attempt to force the acceptance of Islam on the non-Muslim population, or of any systematic persecution intended to stamp out the Christian religion, we hear nothing. Had the caliphs chosen to adopt either course of action, they might have swept away Christianity as easily as Ferdinand and Isabella drove Islam out of Spain (Thanks to Civil Wars in Muslim Rulers of Spain – History by Ibn Khaldun Volume 5, 6 and 7 ), or Louis XIV made Protestanism…" It is a function of Islamic law to protect the privileged status of minorities, and this is why non-Muslim places of worship have flourished all over the Islamic world.

  32. Ibad Avatar

    Aamir Mughal,

    First of all, lets make this clear. I am not a Jamat-e-Islami supporter. After making this clear I would like to ask you about this…

    Khomeini once made a statement which was published in the Tehran times (Kitaab be Noujawanaan – P8) that if he conquers Madina Munawwarah, he will remove the two idols (Hadhrat Abu Bakr and Hadhrat Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) besides Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him).

    So if Khomeni(Kizzab) said so, does that mean any one who has terms with him would go to hell as well?

    So does that mean, if you have a Kafir friend and you hang out with him, you are a kafir? get some fresh air, PLZ.

    Dear Amir Mughal, you can go on and self-promote, I have no problem, but don't try to act like a scholar.

  33. Ajay Mishra Avatar
    Ajay Mishra

    Here more proof of ur land of pure. and religion of peace:

    Aamir u trying to say Muhammad didnt marry a 9 yr ols ayesha? didnt consummate his marriage. 1400 yrs ago it might be ok. 60 yr old marrying a child. IN todays world its known as pedophile. Yet no Muslim has the guts to say tht its wrong! Muhammad is ur ideal man right. A pedophiel, polygamit, war monger is ur ideal man? The day Muslim ll ve guts to say tht my religion has some ills and we should rectify it, this blind extremism will stop. Till thn Peace be upon us ๐Ÿ™‚

  34. Ajay Mishra Avatar
    Ajay Mishra

    Here more proof of ur land of pure. and religion of peace:

    Aamir u trying to say Muhammad didnt marry a 9 yr ols ayesha? didnt consummate his marriage. 1400 yrs ago it might be ok. 60 yr old marrying a child. IN todays world its known as pedophile. Yet no Muslim has the guts to say tht its wrong! Muhammad is ur ideal man right. A pedophile, polygamist, war monger is ur ideal man? The day Muslim ll ve guts to say tht my religion has some ills and we should rectify it, this blind extremism will stop. Till thn Peace be upon us ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. blog Avatar

    this incident is just being used to spew out hidden hatred against Islam!

    no one answered that why they didn't condemn the burning of thieves in Karachi and are crying hell over this one?

  36. noman Avatar

    blog…did u answer what i asked?

    ofcourse burning of theives in karachi is also condemned.burning of any public pvt property to show anger, or a means to show disapproval to anything is condemned.

    but the difference is that in karachi that was not done in the name of shariat or not defending was absolutely a cruel act.

    i asked few questions in my post so i would like u to answer them as dactar sahib intellectual ability only permits him to abuse, slander and put up filth.

    you being supporting the act lets hear from you.i would like to know answers of my specific questions not things from here and there.

  37. hasan Avatar

    Blog is right..

    a lot of us hate islam.. but feel repressed about it..

    So either we accept it fully, with of course the flogging punishments, child marriages and other such issues,

    Or accept the point Amina is making that Islam might have been okay back then in the Arabian peninsula but needs some ijtehad or modifications now.


  38. blog Avatar

    @noman what are you trying to imply here ?

    does not using the name of Islam make it less of a crime?

  39. blog Avatar


    Who are these guys?

    May be taliban from swat area

    Who gave them the right to dispense so called justice?

    talbian have been running a defacto govt in swat for sometime now, these things happen when state fails to fulfill its responsibilities and fails to provide justice to people . the same question can be also be asked about our current judicial system ? who gave them the right to dispense punishments based on English law ? did anyone ask us if we want sharia law or a messed up version of english law ?

    How do u know that the girl committed adultery?

    How do you know that girl did not commit zina?

    If so what about that man who was with her?

    may be he was also punished but we won't see that video as it wont sell well with the media

    Where are the 4 witness?

    again we don't know if there were witnesses or not, so we should not reach to conclusions without knowing the details

  40. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    "How would you define this blasphemy by Mawdudi [Spiritual God Father/Founder of Jamat-e-Islami and Friend of Khomeini"

    where is the blasphemy einstein?

  41. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    you want to know about noman!

    see his comments on the blog "shaheed or halak"

    he is there since one and half year spewing venom against the people who were brutaly messacred.

    he is a living munafiq.

  42. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    would you please tell me how ajay mishra is different from many pakistani secularists? his comments are the same we use to read from those pakis secularists who are also posting in this blog.

  43. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    modification in ALLAH'S(SWT) divine work?

    you people are just great.

  44. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    modification in ALLAH'S(SWT) divine work?

    like GM food? no one not even poor & hungry countries of africa ready to get it free.

    you people are just great.

  45. Amina Avatar

    Guys, is it that difficult for us to stay on topic? This discussion as I perceive it, started with the condemnation of the flogging incident, but has now grown into a full blown argument about the so-called munafiqs, secularists and unislamic Muslims and Sunni-Shiite issues. I honestly feel like being part of a 'Taleem-e-Blaighan' class, minus the learning potential!

    For the last time, those who continue to support flogging as 'Islamic', please read the Quran first, carefully, and then tafsir and translation by 'Muhammad Asad', not by that blithering idiot Mawdoodi, who did more damage to Islam through his home spun freak ideology than even the Taliban can do through this flogging. And, btw, Prophet (pbuh) himself recommended Ijtehad to one of his companions.

    Lastly, please read this fantastic article by 'Abdal Hakim Murad', a Muslim convert:….

    Hope he clarifies much of your misconceptions. Peace!

  46. hasan Avatar


    Is flogging Islamic? Short Answer


    I am very pleased that you have read the references. I would be indebted if you can enlighten me about the same issue I asked Doctor Jawed, that is, is Flogging Islamic

    this is because if it is Islamic, then I am confused whether I should condemn this or not. I know I should be asking some real authorities, but the 'real' authorities if they exist do state that flogging is islamic

    since you have elaborated that you are against flogging, I am directing my question towards you too.



  47. hasan Avatar

    @ Miss Amina

    A whole book is a very hefty citation. Can you be more specific, like with the number of page you are referring to, or perhaps the actual quote(s) you intend to use

    Again, thanks for bearing


  48. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    please tell us more about the "muhammed asad" because i do not recognize this name.never heard about him.while moulana syed abul aala modudi have a world wide recognition,even in the eminent scholars and ulema.

    his work is out standing.i personaly feel that he was the mujtahid of 20th century.

    did you ever read his book? i dont think so..

    please rest assured that the orders of ALLAH(swt) about flogging,stoning and other islamic jurisprudence is not some thing which can be interpretated other wise by any one. you know why because it is written clearly in QURAN.

    please tell me how mr "mohammed asad" translated the aayat e mubarika of sura nur-2.

    best regards

  49. hasan Avatar


    If somebody (or some group of people) does not accept to abide by the rule of Quran, does anybody have to right to make them do otherwise?

    Please provide references. I see a forceful coercion on the part of Taliban on the people of Pakistan.

  50. Amina Avatar


    Hasan I won't pretend to be a scholar, I am a common Muslim, and as Doctor sb here would tell you, a secularist! But the truth is like a common Muslim, I have struggled with my faith and frankly I have some issues with some parts of Islamic teachings, but then it is part of God's order to the Muslim Ummah, that we should always question our faith. The beauty of Islam, as I see it is that there are so many different interpretations of Islam and Quran and because of it, not inspite of it, it's one of the fastest growing faiths!

    Having said that, it depends if you denounce the act of flogging itself or flogging in the context of Islamic teachings. As for the act itself, well I don't have anything against flogging, as long as its the bloody Taliban that are being flogged! But when an innocent girl is being flogged and is begging for mercy, I'd never condone it. Period. And the funny thing is that Islam does not condone it either. Flogging is prescribed for those who spread 'fitnah' in community. Well, exactly what sort of fitnah does a 17 year old girl spread, I ask you! If anything, its the Taliban who are doing it, so they should be flogged! Secondly, it's nowhere mentioned in the Quran that the implementation of Sharia is necessary in all Muslim countries. Sharia laws are suggested to the Muslims as a possible means of countering the vices in a society, and lets face it, the society we are talking about (pre Islamic Arabia) was a barbaric one itself. It did deserve many of such laws, what do you expect from a people who bury their daughters alive!

    Having said that, please do look up the following scholars on net, I've often mailed them my questions and they always answer my queries.

    Khalid Abou el Fadl

    Omid Safi

    Abdal Hakim Murad

    Masud Ahmad Khan.

    Look up the website, there are plenty of excellent articles online. They might help.

    In the end, I'd like to say that as a 'Muslim feminist', I'm completely at peace with the teachings of the Prophet in regard to women. Also look up the fascinating feministic tafsir of the Quran by 'Laila Abu Lugud'. She meticulously translates the Quranic teahings and explains it. I wish you luck!