Public flogging of a woman in SWAT – is this the Islamic way of handing out justice?

A shocking video which is making news across the local media in Pakistan of a women being publicly lashed in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. Her crime being that she was seen publicly with a man who was not her husband. I think merely watching this video makes me cringe at the skewed concept of ‘Sharia’ being enforced in our northern areas, I believe this is not what Islam preaches

I agree with Faisal K when he says “All the women leaders in the assemblies of Pakistan upon seeing this should resign from their posts in protest” This is outrageous even in the light of the five women who were buried alive in Baluchistan. A search on shows that Meher Bokhari a show host on Samaa is planing to do a show today at 7pm on this controversial issue of public flogging. Also covered in The Guardian






211 responses to “Public flogging of a woman in SWAT – is this the Islamic way of handing out justice?”

  1. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    not abiding by the rules of Quran is not the problem in the islamic jurisprudence.islam's main concern is not to allow the people violating its rule openly.

    for example you fast or do not fast is the problem between you and ALLAH(swt)and its nothing to do with islamic penal code.

    but if you eat publicly in the month of ramadan then it will and it should be a problem.

  2. hasan Avatar

    Thank you for your response. Please tell me about my second query. Apparently such people who do not want to live by the rule of Quran are spreading fitnah.

    Its a choice after all, if I do not make it, then what?

  3. hasan Avatar

    And wow! Sharia is a choice? you sure about that?

  4. SM Imran H Zaidi Avatar
    SM Imran H Zaidi

    @ Ibad

    Why do you need us shias to show your true face? Why do all you guys go rabid at the sight of shias; quoting misleading articles from wahabi propaganda sites?

    See you are a typical wahabi supporter of the taliban who probably gets petrodollars for anti-shia statements or maybe some mulla promised you 72 virgins. Why dont you move to swat to implement the flogging of women in the open; because thats what you are; an animal. I do not need you to tell me what my sharia tells me. Stop quoting information from wahabi/nasibi/jewish propaganda sites.

  5. blog Avatar


    I quoted Verse 2 from Sura Noor Above

    What do you say about that ? isn't that clear enough ?

    "it’s nowhere mentioned in the Quran that the implementation of Sharia is necessary in all Muslim countries"

    What a lame argument is this! if there implementation is not necessary then why is Quran setting out the rules ? where in Quran is mention about 'muslim countires' ? all Muslims are one nation

    Islam tells us to ' Islam mein pora pora dakhil ho gaio"

    its not that we take out the part we like and reject the other part

    have you heard the proverb "MEETHA MEETHA harap harap KARWA KARWA tho tho too" ?

  6. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    it sounds like whenever i get angry i kill my opponent.

    obeying the authority is not a choice its compulsion because the law is out there and i have to face the consequences if i violate the laws.

    i couldn't understand the point.

  7. Amina Avatar

    @ dr.jawwadkhan: Well to answer your questions, Mr Muhammad Asad was a Jewish convert to Islam and served as one of PAkistan's first ambassadors to the United Nations. His translation of the Holy Quran is considered one of the best, if not the best among all translations.

    @ blog: Here my friend is the Muhammad Asad translation, please see the difference for yourself:

    (1) A Surah [is this] which We have bestowed from on high, and which We have laid down in plain terms; and in it have We bestowed from on high messages which are clear [in themselves], so that you might keep [them] in mind.

    (2) AS FOR the adulteress and the adulterer flog each of them with a hundred stripes, and let not compassion with them keep you from [carrying out] this law of God, if you [truly] believe in God and the Last Day; and let a group of the believers witness their chastisement

    (3) [Both are equally guilty:] the adulterer couples with none other than an adulteress – that is, a woman who accords [to her own lust] a place side by side with God; and with the adulteress couples none other than an adulterer – that is, a man who accords [to his own lust] a place side by side with God: and this is forbidden unto the believers.

    (4) And as for those who accuse chaste women [of adultery], and then are unable to produce four witnesses [in support of their accusation], flog them with eighty stripes and ever after refuse to accept from them any testimony – since it is they, they that are truly depraved!

    (5) excepting [from this interdict] only those who afterwards repent and made amends: for, behold, God is much forgiving, a dispenser of grace.

    Now according to this translation, adulterer and adultress are defined as those "who accord [to their own lust] a place side by side with God". Clear? Somehow, I cant see the Swati girl having committed this crime! If you are interested in the entire translation plz visit the following site:

    This is an online Quran project that offers free translations of the Holy Quran in many languages. Feel free to browse the webpage.

    Peace on all of you!

  8. Amina Avatar

    For more on Mr. Muhammad Asad, this is the wikipedia entry:

  9. blog Avatar


    that is not translation, it is his own interpretation and If doubt if any of the main stream ulema agree with that meaning , the aaiyah is clear enough but still some people are bent on twisting its meaning!

    What do you say about amputation of hands and legs is that also against shria in your version of islam ?

  10. Danial Burki Avatar
    Danial Burki

    It's amazing the amount of shit that can result from a made-up story that people think is the Ultimate Truth.

    Truly amazing, that we've developed higher brains and yet billions of people choose to waste them.

  11. yaseen ch Avatar

    i think we will bring them to justice and they will be hanged publicly believe me,this will happen soon.

  12. Fahd Murtaza Avatar


    I just had a discussion with many of people and the best people I know think thats its a made-up story and yet another Hollywood prank (so many of us know that Taliban do have Amerian Intelligence people in them). I also think so. Well I have strong points to think like that. If anybody want to discuss on this very aspect, he/she is more than welcome.

  13. Danial Burki Avatar
    Danial Burki

    The made-up story I was referring to was religion! Heh. Sorry for the confusion.

    As for the veracity of this video, it has been confirmed by several eye-witnesses, including a correspondent of a national Urdu daily's Pindi bureau.

  14. Fahd Murtaza Avatar

    Pakistan main eye witness

    You can buy a 100 with money!

  15. noman Avatar


    its not just about this story .a lot of such crap has been goin on in the name of religion. i have no issue with sharaee law but that has to be really defined and not on some mullahas whim or fancy.


    Pakistan since its creation in 1947 had 3 constitutions and a number of elections.even now members have been elected from swat. The people of swat know whats right for them. But at the moment wahan danday ka qanoon hai.if people want change they would vote for it.a change can never be imposed. And as far as sharia is concerned who will decide which version of fiqh to follow? The current govt wether gud or bad has been elected by the ppl.we have to follow it. We cannot commit kharooj. As it is forbidden in islam. Coz it is cause of fisad as evident.

    The girl is innocent till her crime has been proven in a legitimate court of law whether through nizam e adal the federal shariah court or the Pakistan penal court. But it must be recognized law.we cannot be held hostage by bandits.

    About the man ur mistaken.that too would sell . a lot of videos are available and hv been shown by the media regarding beheading of men.

    Why didn’t u answer on my proposals for lal mosque and jamia hifza culprits.


    You have rendered exemplary services to the criminal of lal mosque. As their chief spokesman u have introduced sharaee galam galoch which must have been taught to u by ur religious family. Word lolmycin and accusation of prostitution must be daily exchanges between u and them.

    U must be in a habit of calling ur family members as kafirs on petty disagreements.lolz.

    So u also disagree with imam e kaaba despite being in saudia and believing in its system..then who is munafiq????/


    Waisay maulana burqa ko hamid mir bhi aunty kehta hai.

    Lal mosque/hifza brigade /swat /fata are all foreign sponsored traitors within Pakistan.

    They shd be treated with an iron hand.we have the examples of sahaba karam dealing with such fitnas.

  16. Fahd Murtaza Avatar


  17. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    the question was that are we ready for implementation of shariya or not?

    one can question the judegement and procedure taliban adopted in that flogging case.but being a muslim you can't question the hudoodullah.

    it make me sad when i see the muslims over reacting on such issues while we have ignored much appaling issue with out a word of protest.

    why such kind of hue and cry over a flogging?

    why not on the pregnant lady who were murdered after made he attack by canines and forced her to deliver her baby and then killed that baby too? do you remember that incident.

    where are we at that time?

    why we did not protest? because those barbarics were not belongs to taliban?

  18. Fahd Murtaza Avatar

    There are people who are true Muslims; but in a corrupt nation, no fair person can survive, so we are always left with stupid and corrupt people ruling us. Pakistani people are always manipulated by such stupid stories.


    I am sick of this personal attack thing. We are here to improve ourselves not calling names.

  19. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    i will slap the gaurd for not checking your cage properly.

    again he left it open.

  20. Danial Burki Avatar
    Danial Burki

    @Fahd Murtaza: So the video is doctored by CIA agents who are embedded in the Taliban; and you will not trust any eyewitnesses. So you're not convinced that the Taliban have conducted this barbaric act?

    You're walking on thin ice, mate; especially as the Tallies, Mullah (Faz)Lullah's spokesperson to be precise, have admitted that this took place and that too in the last ten days or so.

  21. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    because many pakistanis started respecting brothels.

    yes thats right.if you do not believe me ask @noman.

    @noman is still furious at ghazi abdul rasheed shaheed on forcibly removing prostitutes from the brothel.

  22. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    “How would you define this blasphemy by Mawdudi [Spiritual God Father/Founder of Jamat-e-Islami and Friend of Khomeini”

    where is the blasphemy einstein? [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    I didn't know that you dont consider bad mouthing the Companions of Prophet a Blasphemy. Read what Khomeini has to say about Sahaba and then read how Mawdudi and Jamat-e-Islami supported Khomeini. As per Islamic Punishment [your favourite] 80 lashes for those who badmouth a Sahabai [Durrurl Beh Imam Shawkani and Baloggh Al Maram by Hajar Asqalani] and Mawdudi's book Khilafat o Malookiyat is full of it.

    Khomeini once made a statement which was published in the Tehran times (Kitaab be Noujawanaan – P8) that if he conquers Madina Munawwarah, he will remove the two idols (Hadhrat Abu Bakr and Hadhrat Umar (May Allah be pleased with them) besides Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him). I am certain that no believer will accept such a statement against the great luminaries of Islam. Are we then to condemn only Khomeini and condone Mawdudi knowing well that Mawdudi was a close friend of Khomeini and was sympathetic to his course. In a book titled, ‘Two brothers – Maududi and Khomeini’ page 129, the following statement of Dr Ahmad Farouk Maududi (son of Abul-A’ala Maududi) was published in Roz Naame, Lahore – 29 September 1979, “Allama Khomeini had a very old and close relationship with Abba Jaan (father). Aayaatullah Khomeini translated his (fathers) books in Farsi and included it as a subject in Qum. Allama Khomeini met my father in 1963 during Hajj and my father’s wish was to create a revolutionary in Pakistan similar to Iran. He was concerned about the success of the Iranian revolution till his last breath.’

  23. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    "Mawdudi’s book Khilafat o Malookiyat is full of it"

    now you are disoppointing you know what is the meaning of blasphemy?

    @amir mughal!

    you have a talent.please do not waste it in cheap & third rated crap.

  24. Fahd Murtaza Avatar

    This is getting much personal, come on guys!

  25. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    be a "shedaee" rather than "halwaee" of sawa panch rupiya.

  26. John Maszka Avatar


    I'm doing research on terrorism, and I've put together a pre-survey questionnaire that I'm circulating in order to get feedback on what a non-biased (non-western, non-white) survey might look like. The final survey will go out later this year.

    The survey can be accessed at

    Would you post it, and possibly circulate it? I’m very interested in incorporating the views of women, non-whites, and people living outside of America and Western Europe.

    I'd appreciate it.


    Take care,

    John Maszka

  27. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    “Mawdudi’s book Khilafat o Malookiyat is full of it”

    now you are disoppointing you know what is the meaning of blasphemy? @amir mughal! you have a talent.please do not waste it in cheap & third rated crap.


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    I know very well what is blasphemy and Mawdudi has openly insulted the Companion of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] in his accursed book "Khilafat O Malookiyat and insulting Companions of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] is tantamount to insult the Prophet Mohammad [PBUH].

    Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] "Whoever abuses my Companions, upon them is the curse of Allah, the angels and all the people" [Saheeh, At-Tabaranee].

  28. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    refrences from his books.

    refrences rather than speculations

  29. SM Imran H Zaidi Avatar
    SM Imran H Zaidi

    This whole taliban thing is perpetrated by the usa and its minions using saudi petro-dollars in our country. These illiterate people fight less for islam and more for the 72 virgins which their leader mullahs see in dreams. It is worthwile to mention that these so called talibani jihadi madrassahs have been the breeding grounds for the worst paedophiles to exist on the planet. Boy they're in for a surprise when they wake up on the other side…

  30. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    refrences? refrences from his books. refrences rather than speculations [Dr Jawwad Khan]



    1) Syed Abul 'Ala Mawdudi in, Khilafat o Mulukiyat, states:

    "One more dis-liked innovation (bid'at) that reigned in the time of Hadhrat Muawiya [ra], that he himself (khud), and by his orders all (tamam) his governers, in their sermons (khutboon) through the pulpit reviled and insulted (sab o shatm) Hadhrat Ali [ra]. Even yet, in the mosque of the Prophet (S), through the pulpit (minbar) before the rawdah e nabawi, the dearest of the Prophet's (S) relatives were villified (gal'ian) and Hadhrat Ali's (ra) children and the nearest of his kin bore witness to these villifications (gali'an)."

    No interpretation should ever be made wherein the status and honour of any Nabi (Prophets-PBUT) is slurred. The perfect example of our Nabi (PBUH) is right before our eyes. Study the entire treasure of Hadiths {Traditions of Holy Prophet Mohammad-PBUH}, and you will never find a single word, which denotes even the slightest disrespect to any Nabi. However, the sharp pen of Mawdoodi has even reached the sanctity and respect of the Prophets {PBUHT}. He mentions with indifference and informally:

    1- “The example of Moses {PBUH} is like an impatient conqueror, who marches ahead without making arrangements for those who he left behind, and behind him rebelliousness spreads like a wild, uncontrolled fire”. [Risala Tarjumanul Quran – Vol 29, No 4, page 5 September 1946]

    2- “Hadhrat Dawood [Holy Prophet David – PBUH] was influenced by the general Israeli society’s custom during his era and asked Urya to issue a Talaaq (Divorce).” [Tafheemat, Part 2, page 42, second edition]

    3- “There was base and carnal desire in the act of Hadhrat Dawood {Prophet David – PBUH} and there was inappropriate usage and abuse in his authority. It was an act which did not suit any consenting person in the government.” [Tafheemul Quran , Part 4, Soora Swaad, page 327, First Publication September 1966]

    4- Regarding Hadhrat Nooh {Holy Prophet Noah – PBUH} he states:

    “Sometimes a delicate and natural occasions arises for a Nabi {Prophet}, even such lofty and honoured humans are prone to give in to their human weaknesses. But when Allah Tala gave him a warning that the son who was left the Haqq {Faith} and took to Baatil {Infidelity}, understand him to be yours purely for this reason that he was born from your back. It was the result of ignorance. He then immediately disregarded this wound in his heart.” [Tafheemul Quran, part 2, page 344, third publication 1964].

    5- Regarding the statement of Hadhrat Yousuf {Holy Prophet Joseph – PBUH}:“Appoint me as treasurer of the land”

    Mawdoodi states: “This was not merely a request for the post of the treasury, as some people assume, in fact, it was a desire for dictatorship. As a result of this, the position which Yusuf {PBUH} achieved was very much similar to the position Mussolini had held in Italy.” [Tafheemat, part 2, page 122, fifth publication 1970]

    6- Hadhrat Yunus {Holy Prophet Jonah – PBUH} was neglectful in the duty of prophethood. Presumably he left his place before time after losing his patience.” [Tafheemul Quran, Part 2 Suran Younus, footnote 312, 313, third publication 1964]

    7- “Here you should understand the reality of the human weaknesses that was apparent of Adam (PBUH). A spontaneous emotion caused by satanic encouragement made him negligent. As soon as his self-control languished he fell from the lofty pedestal of obedience into the pit of sin.” [Tafheemul Quran, page 133, vol 3]

    8- Concerning one of the holy wives (RA) of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH} he says: “She became a little bold in opposition to Prophet (PBUH) and began abusing him”. [Weekly Asia Lahore, Pakistan, 19th November 1976 and Tafheemul Quran, Vol 6, page 24-26 in Soora Tehreem].

    If we use these words which were used by Mawdoodi for Prophets {PBUT} and Prophet’s Wife {PBUH – RA} for Maulana Mawdoodi and his wife, the Jamat-e-Islami and their supporters would raise hell all over the place. For example, if it is stated that Maulana is a dictator, a Hitler or a Mussolini of his time, he acts according to his carnal desires, he is overcome by the emotions of ignorance, he is abusing his authority and he has been deficient in fulfilling his responsibility, etc.etc. If these words are deemed derogatory and disrespectful when used in relation to Maulana Mawdoodi, then let us be fair, how can they ever possibly be suitable for the lofty status of the Prophets {PBUT}?

    It is obvious that the respected wife of Maulana Mawdoodi is not more disciplined or holier than the wife of Prophet {PBUH}. If any of his follower has to comment that Maulana’s wife speaks out of turn in his presence, then Maulana will regard this statement as insulting and humiliating. Therefore I cannot understand how a statement which is regarded as irreverent for Mawlana could not be offensive for Prophet {PBUH} and his {PBUH} wives {May Allah be praised with all of them}.

    After the Prophets {PBUT}, the most sacred group is that of the Sahaabah {Companions of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)}. Whatever has emanated from Mawdoodi’s pen in his books “Tajdeed Wa Ahyaa-e-Deen”, Khilafat Wa Mulukiyat”, and “Tafheemul Quran”, etc.etc. regarding Hazrat Usman Ibn-e-Affan (RA), Hazrat Ali Ibn-e-Talib (RA), Hazrat Talha (RA), Hazrat Zubair (RA), Hazrat Ayesha Siddiqua (RA), Hazrat Muawiyah Bin Sufiyan (RA), Hazrat Abu Moosa Al Ashari (RA), Hazrat Amr Bil Aas (RA) and other Sahaba, I regard as pure Shiaism. After studying Mawlana’s writings I have come to the conclusion that just as he is unaware of the reverence of Prophethood, similarly he is unaware of the ranks of the Sahaabah.

    “No Wali {saint} can reach the status of the Sahaabah. Hadhrat Uwais Qarni {RA} with all his loftiness could not match the lowest Sahaabi because he did not achieve the benefaction of the company of Prophet Mohammad {PBUH}. Someone asked Abdullah Bin Mubarak {RA- Scholar of Hadith} as to who is nobler, Hadrath Muawiya or Umar bin Abdul Aziz. He replied: “The dust that settled in the nose of Muawiyah’s horse in the company of Prophet {PBUH} is by far better than Umar Bin Abdul Aziz {RA}.” [Mujjaddid Alfe Sani].

  31. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    refrences? refrences from his books. refrences rather than speculations [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Mawdudi, Jamat-e-Islami and their blind supporters while defending the Filth Compiled by Mawdudi in Khilafat O Malookiyat and in several volumes of Mawdudi's Commentary in Tafheem, say that it is all written in the books of Islamic History, ok, very well.

    Lets have a survey of Islamic History and how it was compiled [I have History by Tabari, Tabaqat-e-Ibn-Saad, History by Ibn Khalqan, History by Ibn Khaldun, History by Ibn Kathir – Al Bidaya Wal Nihaya, History of Sahaba by Ibn Athir in my personal Library and May Allah guide me and you as well and May He protect our faith intact after going through the Lies these Islamic Historians concocted and attributed it to Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] and his Companions [May Allah have mercy on every single one of them]

    Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari: “I am writing this book as I hear from the narrators. If anything sounds absurd, I should not be blamed or held accountable. The responsibility of all errors or blunders rests squarely on the shoulders of those who have narrated these stories to me.” Tabari's Tareekhil Umam Wal Mulook (The History of Nations and Kings) popularly called "Mother of All Histories" is the first ever "History of Islam" written by 'Imam' Tabari (839-923 CE) at the junction of the third and fourth century AH. He died in 310 AH. [Preface of Tareekhil Umam Wal Mulook (The History of Nations and Kings) by Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari.]

    Ahmed Bin Hanbal says:Three kinds of books are absolutely unfounded, Maghazi, Malahem and Tafseer.” (The exalted Prophet's Battles, Dreams and Prophecies, and Expositions of the Qur’an). [Ahmed Bin Hanbal as quoted by ibn Rajab al-Hanbali in Dhayl Tabaqat al-Hanabila (Appendage to the Encyclopedia of Hanbali Scholars)]

    Hafiz Ibn Kathir says: Had Ibn Jareer Tabari not recorded the strange reports, I would never have done so. [Tafseer Ibn Katheer (Commentary on Quran) and Al Bidaya Wal Nihaya (History – From Start to End)]

    Ibn Khaldun says: The Muslim historians have made a mockery of history by filling it with fabrications and senseless lies. (Muqaddama Ibn Khaldun)

    Shah Abdul Aziz Dehelvi says: Six pages of Ibn Khaldoon's History have been deliberately removed since the earliest times. These pages had questioned the most critical juncture of Islamic history i.e. the Emirate of Yazeed and the fiction of Karbala. [Even the modern editions admit in the side-notes that those pages have been mysteriously missing from the ancient original book. [Tohfa Ithna Ashri by Shah Abdul Aziz Dehelvi]

    Shah Waliullah Dehelvi says: Imam Jalaluddin Sayyuti's Tarikh-ul-Khulafa is the prime example of how our Historians, Muhaddithin and Mufassirin, each has played like Haatib-il-Lail (One who collects firewood at night not knowing which piece is good and which one is bad). [Izalatul Khifa A'N Khilaafatil Khulafaa by Shah Waliullah]

    Example is as under:


    Muhammad ibn Ishaq ibn Yasar [Birth:85 AH 704 CE Death: 150-153 AH (767)]

    The earliest is Ibn Ishaq's Sira, his biography of the Prophet. It is also the longest and the most widely quoted. Later historians draw, and in most cases depend on him. [Uyun al-athar, I, 7, Ibn Sayyid al-Nas (d. 734A.H.)

    A contemporary of Ibn Ishaq, Imam Malik [d 179 AH], the jurist, denounces Ibn Ishaq outright as "a liar" and "an impostor" just for transmitting such stories. [`Uyun al-athar, I and ibid, I, 16].

    It must be remembered that historians and authors of the Prophet's biography did not apply the strict rules of the "traditionists". They did not always provide a chain of authorities, each of whom had to be verified as trustworthy and as certain or likely to have transmitted his report directly from his informant, and so on. The attitude towards biographical details and towards the early events of Islam was far less meticulous than their attitude to the Prophet's traditions, or indeed to any material relevant to jurisprudence. The attitude of scholars and historians to Ibn lshaq's version of the stories has been either one of complacency, sometimes mingled with uncertainty, or at least in two important cases, one of condemnatlon and outright rejection.

    The complacent attitude is one of accepting the biography of the Prophet and the stories of the campaigns at they were received by later generations without the meticulous care or the application of the critical criteria which collectors of traditions or jurists employed. It was not necessary to check the veracity of authorities when transmitting or recording parts of the story of the Prophet's life.[Ibn Sayyid al-Nas (op. cit., I, 121)]

    It was not essential to provide a continuous chain of authorities or even to give authorities at all. That is obvious in Ibn Ishaq's Sira. On the other hand reliable authority and a continuous line of transmission were essential when law was the issue. That is why Malik the jurist had no regard for Ibn Ishaq. [Kadhdhab and Dajjal min al-dajajila – Liar and Liar amongst Liars]

    His contemporary, the early traditionist and jurist Malik, called him unequivocally "a liar" and "an impostor"[Kadhdhab and Dajjal min al-dajajila – Liar and Liar amongst Liars] "who transmits his stories from the Jews".[`Uyun al-athar, I, 16-7 by Ibn Sayyid al-Nas].

    In a later age Ibn Hajar Asqalani further explained the point of Malik's condemnation of Ibn Ishaq. Malik, he said,[Tahdhib al-Tahdhib, IX, 45. See also `Uyun al-athar, I, 16-7] condemned Ibn Ishaq because he made a point of seeking out descendants of the Jews of Medina in order to obtain from them accounts of the Prophet's campaigns as handed down by their forefathers. [ibid.]

  32. Danial Burki Avatar
    Danial Burki

    This space is for comments, everyone. Instead of copy/pasting entire chapters and cluttering the entire page, please provide a link. I'm sure the mods would agree.

  33. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Dear Burki Sahab,

    Sorry for this. I hope Moderators would retain the links above and remove the text. Pardon again.

    I only tried to remove the Islamic Itch from some commentators.

  34. Ajay Mishra Avatar
    Ajay Mishra

    Amina thnx for the link. But no I dont wanna read ur religion of peace and turn myself into a monster, giving away each logic and reason and agreeing that every damm think tht happens, from shi*ting to fu*king is a per gods will!! I have read enough things abt Islam from ur Quran to give me a clear picture of barbarism! No religion is perfect. But ppl of other religion have guts to rectify them and not follow something so outdated and barbaric blindly to be clones! So Ms Amina, I am not spewing venom. I just said 2 truths which are well known about ur prophet. If u think thts venom then well thts ur religion! I posted same thing twice but no liberal Muslim had the guts to say tht wht prophet did was wrong! Become barbaric clones, bomb each other out, but plz let other ppl live in peace! God save us from Islam and its peace!

  35. hussain Avatar

    Ajay Mishra,

    Well go back and worship rats and monkeys and sprinkle some cow urine on your food, if thats what you call a religion.

    Go ahead, plz indulge yourself. Let Pakistanis alone. THNX.

  36. Ajay Mishra Avatar
    Ajay Mishra

    And Amina, I opposed or questioned ur religion once or twice and u said go spew ur venom somewhere else. Well it goes according to Pak doesnt it? No FREEDOM OF SPEECH. U r not free to interpret religion or question it! Haa all the claims of Islam being tolerant down the gutter. Its not ur fault. U have been taught to blindly follow something for years. What else can u do.

  37. noman Avatar


    you are very gud at avoiding the issue by abusing people directly or indirectly.

    i very well know you dont have any answers.

    you basically dont respect anybody it imam kaba, ghamidi, maulana israr.

    you can only worship criminals who hide behind burqas and spread terror by use of guns.

    as far as prositutes are concerned lal masjid ya mullah brigade hi unki talash mai rehti hai .na milay tou kisi ko bhi pros kehdo…wats a big deal.

    m adrissas are not respected coz of filth like you.


  38. noman Avatar

    fahad murtaza .

    copy paste where i have called names….molvi who wear burqa is a burqa molvi…is it my fault?

    dr jawad is in habit of abusing.u pinpoint my replies in which i abused him back….

    so better read carefully

  39. Amina Avatar

    Dear Ajay,

    I'll answer your second post first, you questioned my religion and I provided you with links to read up on Islam. Didn't I? You said, you were not interested in reading up on my religion, well, fine by me! If you don't want facts obscuring your opinions, so be it!

    As for my suggestion to 'spew venom' somewhere else, well it was in response to the degradation of an entire religion and dehumanization of nearly a fifth of the world's entire population, that you seem so adept at! If that's not spewing venom, I don't know what it is! And excuse me, you are merely repeating a favorite phrase of all Islamophobes, i.e, Muslims are not allowed to question their religion. Did you even follow our discussion from above? We all were arguing over the implementation of Sharia, a set of Islamic laws and I was actually questioning it. But as I said earlier, plz don't let facts obscure your opinions, and it seems to me you never will!

    Lastly, your name suggests you might be a Hindu and you certainly seem to hail from India. Well, I'm not going to abuse whatever religion you follow, if any, but a word about India! Well India receives nearly hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the world who are keen to pay homage to the Taj, a MUSLIM legacy. That's right! numerous other MUSLIM landmarks, erected by MUSLIM kings receive as many, if not more visitors. Well, blow them apart all sir, if you hate Muslims so much. And be sure to shoot your recent Oscar winner A R Rahman as well, because he is a committed Sufi Muslim! And countless other leading celebs of India.

    Finally, I have some friends in India, whose views are completely different, not to mention more 'humanistic' than yours! My university hosted the first Annual Pakistan-India drama festival and all Indian delegates loved being in Pakistan. And we loved hosting them over. So I won't hold your views against all Indians, because I have more sense than that, and I don't believe in having genocidal fantasies about an entire nation and followers of any religion. Thanks and peace be upon you, as you are so fond of saying yourself!

  40. Fahd Murtaza Avatar

    Do you people even realize why we are here? Does abusing each other and discussing religions gonna make any difference. Improve yourself. Don't say wrong words to Hindus or Christians. You don't even have right to discuss anyone. If you people were somewhere out of Pakistan, you could even get sued by the person you get personal with. But even if you live in a place like Pakistan where there are no human rights, you still should improve yourselves and compliment eachothers.

  41. Fahd Murtaza Avatar

    Do you people even realize why we are here? Does abusing each other and discussing religions gonna make any difference. Improve yourself. Don't say wrong words to Hindus or Christians. You don't even have right to discuss anyone. If you people were somewhere out of Pakistan, you could even get sued by the person you get personal with. But even if you live in a place like Pakistan where there are no human rights, you still should improve yourselves and compliment each others.

  42. Amina Wasif Avatar
    Amina Wasif

    @ Fahd:

    "But even if you live in a place like Pakistan where there are no human rights, you still should improve yourselves and compliment each others."

    …my point exactly!

  43. Fahd Murtaza Avatar

    Yes Amina

    What I am trying to say is, you have a chance of improvement. We should realize whats wrong and whats right. Instead of pointing just to others, we should always think how we can take part in bringing the change. Just realizing whats wrong is important is a great thing; even if you can't do anything about wrong doers. Though it would be the lowest level of Iman!

  44. Ajmal Khan Avatar

    It’s all happening! Allah forbid but it’s already all happening. There were no suicide bombings before 9/11 there was no conception of moderates and extremists. Who's drawing these lines? Separatist movement in Baluchistan is on the rise. The northern areas have already become destabilized. ISI bashing and the notion of nuclear assets being unsafe is on the rise. Pakistan is on the verge of foreign subjugation. It’s all a setup someone clearly has an agenda. The new world order is fast approaching. Atheist and agnostic people need not to worry coz true Muslims are the ones who would suffer. Muslims of Pakistan need to strengthen their already weakened faith because this is a time of test from Allah. Do not lose your faith it will soon be put on trail.

    Take a look at this article:

  45. Amina Avatar

    Well Fahd, I guess we all know what's wrong with our country and that's why we are here, to discuss it. If you are referring to my earlier arguments with Ajay Mishra, well he seemed determined to have his way in this thread, so I simply suggested a list of things he might want to pay attention to!But you're right, probably this isn't worth our while. I too would gladly discuss what's wrong with my country with my fellow countrymen instead of people who only say negative things about Pakistan because their media does such a splendid job of filtering all the negative things from Pakistan without ever mentioning the positive ones!

  46. Fahd Murtaza Avatar


    Ten first of all, we should boycott GEO as it does this great job. I never let my parents and my sisters watch this stupid channel which has only one aim; to highlight THE PROBLEMATIC PAKISTAN. i personally know so many of Americans are useless piece of sh..t but they are not treated like crao by their people. People always tend to help them improve. We need to think in that way. Solving problems in something not discussing them. Its just like, "Billi Ke Gale main ghanto bandhe gaa kon?"

  47. Faiza Saeed Avatar
    Faiza Saeed

    Do you guys know who broke this news on media? Ms. Meher Bokhari of Samaa Tv, on her show nai rahain, spoke to Haji Muslim Khan (ttp) as well as ameer izzat (tnsm)… the best shows accross media covering the entire issue before anyone else even noticed, plus on thr rights of women…

    i think she is delivering her shows on blog

  48. Dr. Amjad Avatar
    Dr. Amjad

    People talking of image problems but we have to come out of denial. Face this music. I dont see it as disservice, i see it as bold and strong and Meher Bokhari raising voice of so many helpless women. Geo overdoes it.

  49. Amina Wasif Avatar
    Amina Wasif

    Fahd, Geo isn't 'that' bad. Well I was talking about foreign media, not Pakistani media. As Pakistan's spokespersons, our media has a role to highlight the problems of our country, personally I find Geo much more balanced than other channels but if you find it otherwise…

    I was talking about the wonderfully skewed coverage of FOX, CNN and Sky. BBC occasionally does an ok job, only Al Jazeera English gives a very balanced coverage.

    Btw, in America also, there is a group of delusional wingnuts who routinely appear on Fox and I've visited brilliant websites entirely dedicated to exposing these neocons, such as

  50. Fahd Murtaza Avatar


    GEO is very bad. Its just that we dont even realize how they are doing it. Watch carefully. Did they ever highlighted productive stuff thats going on. Though I like their Umeed-i-Sehr sort of stuff but they are all spreading sugar coated suff.