Sunday’s Dawn has a report on the presence of Blackwater in Pakistan > there seems to be an apparent blanket of denial of their presence but tell tale signs continue to emerge that something is definitely afoot
Questions that must be asked of ourselves, (a) Can we trust our present leadership to tell us the whole truth, with honesty? (b) Can we trust America to NOT do such a thing and we believe the denial as per the US Ambassador, a representative of a country whose 233 year history is full of military operations, even if we were to, for a moment ignore this last decade of destruction and carnage?
Seriously, I’m not trumpeting an Anti-US paranoia, but answers to these questions are self explanatory to the rest of the world [non-Americans]. More importantly in this day and age of information war-fare, when a Minister comes on record to vehemently deny a story, following closely in the footsteps of Anne Patterson, when she tried to casually shrug aside this rumor mongering “I think this recent brouhaha over the embassy expansion has been difficult to beat back… just seems to be taken over by conspiracy theories” – Such idiotic statement emerging after reports that out of the proposed $1.8 billion US aid to Pakistan (2008-9), one billion dollars have been earmarked for the proposed extension of the US embassy. trusting this lethal duo, I’m more inclined to believe that there is something more than what meets the eye
On the flip side, America needs a dominant presence underneath China it also positions them to monitor Pakistan and be prepared god-forbid Indo-Pak nuclear tensions go out of control. We all know that Marines in military uniforms roaming the streets of Pakistan are a magnet for attacks [a grim reality in Iraq], but a rouge force ie. Blackwater-Xe, can potentially move far more freely and with greater impunity in the streets of Islamabad and its surrounding areas [also seen to Iraq] helping protect America’s interest from the ‘suicidal ghost’
All these American privileges come more-or-less because our esteemed President and his sidekick [Rehman Malik] are too sold out, literally everything in Pakistan is up for sale, lock, stock and barrel and the most valuable and probably the most frequently traded commodity in their portfolio is Pakistan’s soul and its self respect which I am sure in the hands of these corrupt leaders is up for sale to the highest bidder, be it America, India or even Israel, if the price is right — SOLD
59 responses to “The Brouhaha over Blackwater continues”
a representative of a country whose 233 year history is full of military operations,
on the presence of Blackwater in Pakistan
How Intelligence Operations are run?
Church Report
Covert Action in Chile 1963-1973.
94th Congress 1st Session COMMITTEE PRINT
FRANCK CHURCH, Idaho, Chairman
JOHN G. TOWER, Texas, Vice Chairman
read the text and findings against Henry Kissinger…
I was hoping that you would actually have something this time, but then you've actually stated that "tell-tale signs" have started to emerge and quoted YOUR OWN POST which has already been thoroughly dismantled.
And have you actually READ the Dawn article before making it the basis for yet another sensationalist and empty post on this matter? Because if you had, you wouldn't have considered it substantiation of this rumour.
I can only facepalm.
let's try and figure out the logic of the "argument"
1. we can't trust our leadership
2. we can't trust the Americans to NOT do something like this (interesting double negative)
3. both our leadership and the Americans are denying the reports
ergo…this blackwater stuff must be true…am I missing something? by your logic you can come up with any conspiracy theory…spread it on the web, wait for a denial and than claim it must be true given 1, 2 and 3 above. how convenient.
Sir, would you like to super size your Xe.
Shut it & Mac it!
Oh we all know that "conspiracy theories" are touted SO so that people wouldn't give them much credit. Our people have a history of becoming trusting puppets at the hands of our leaders.
By the way, this isn't just one Dawn Report. There are other articles/talks too which show clearly that there is something going on here, which we're not being shown the true picture of. Since this TOO has a history… so NO SURPRISE.
In the end… if it comes for a price, it's definitely sold. I agree with this.
Blackwater why not whitewater? becuz bush gone obama takes charge thats y
my ear are tired to hear blackwaters blackwaters and no one knows about who are they actually who r they? no matter they read whole wikipedia… i won't tell. U yOkeLs
I took who r u…. really? Quiz 2 days back on facebook and gotta result of Philosopher in my 1st attempt..
brou-haha, brouhaha, haha. I'm a Philosopher haha, brou-haha, I'm Sole-Super-Power while u all Sole-Super-fluous -power, hahaha
brou-haha, U ALL R Halluci-Nations instead of Happy-Nation.
haha, brou-haha, haha, hahaha U all r Marrano,haha-brou-haha
@Ronald Mcdonald
You're Mac-Marranos
LOL :o)
I'm the Mac-Daddy of the of the Mac-Marranos. And you better watch it , have dispatched a platoon of swine virus to bite your a**.
Xe Happy Meal anyone?
sorry for late reply.
1st i dun take mac-food 2nd wat else u can do except sending Marranos in our society, swine virus indeed he's a filthy raven and u r really a ravishers aka marranos.
should i send few Qaeda virus in your country who can bite your bums?
I'd like mine with a Khaled Sheikh Mohammed doll that screams "Death to America".
yet another incident reported by HM today…
Wow, you come defending your dads…….
Desi Cheetah = Barrister Ali (aka chootia)
Looks like Pakistan is heading to Afghanistan 2.0….The same way red army had their stooges running Afghanistan. The resistors didn't started all out war, but it started day by day and grew day by day.
BTW, I don't understand one thing why does US need Xe or BlackWater, when they have Pakistan Army to work for them as mercilessly as BlackWater can be. Pakistan Army would charge even less for the same work. I guess the US didn't award this contract to Pakistan Army and instead awarded to BlackWater, and thats why Pakistan Army is upset…$$$$$$$$$$..LOL…LOL….LOL
Dani – the problem with your premise that this brouhaha is all hot-air – its quite possible ti may very well be, yes there is a possibility, but when you notice a definite commitment on continued US military buildup – I think there is far more then what meets the eye. Mind you it is the same America that went guns plazing into Iraq because of "those irrefutable" mobile nuclear projects.
It is the same America and at the same time it is the 'the same Asif Zardari' and his sidekick that are without doubt the most corrupt people in Pakistan, if Zardari and his cronies have assumed office does nto mean that they are innocent, in whatever way they absolved themselves of their crimes it open for the world to see. In hands of these people everything is possible and more often then not you must expect the worse
Considering their shady past I'd never trust the USA and Zardari when they make tall claims of peace and harmony [& corruption free rule] – I believe all the hoopla about the Blackwater is a genuine threat – as any self respecting pakistani – id like all foreigner controls out of my country – plain and simple – if there is an increase then lets talk about decresing them to a bare minimum – if they have 1000 marines (for whatever reason) I want them out – the enclave in the US Embassy should merely be cordoned off and minimum staff maintained for proper consular functions – 1000 marines is like a damn good military force enough to control quite a large section of Islamabad let alone the US enclave
Its a matter of perception – and when I keep writing – I openly share a genuine general perception – it boils me – it was Americas War OF Terror that got us into this mess in the first place, and now you expect the same America to waltz in as our budding partner to save us from all evils (yeah right) – im betting that it definitely aint so – there is a defintie plan afoot and not merely "for the betterment of Pakistan" far from it
Blackwater or no blackwater, I believe time will prove us right that we should have been wiser, history has proven us right more often than not, that foul play at the intellegence level is usually on-spot and more often true
what we got this time?
an article with the picture? showing the presence of blackwater?
an article in daily dawn?
in enlish newspaper?
wow!that surprise a lot of people..
hamid mir again on blackwater…
what we got this time? an article with the picture? showing the presence of blackwater? an article in daily dawn? [Dr Jawwad Khan]
Nobody is denying the existence of Blackwater but the picture is of USA not Islamabad.
In this February 20, 2004 file photo, signs welcome visitors to the private North Carolina-based security company headquarters of Blackwater USA, near Moyock, North Carolina. Blackwater changed its corporate name to Xe Services in early 2009. — AP
hamid mir again on blackwater [Dr Jawwad Khan]
Hamid Mir had also filed this???
De facto Sindh CM finally transferred By Hamid Mir Monday, April 21, 2008…
ISLAMABAD: The man who has ruled Sindh as a de facto chief minister for many years finally lost his powers on Saturday.
Brigadier Huda, who was an ISI commander in Sindh, was in fact the caretaker of the MQM-PML-Q provincial coalition government. He was responsible for running the coalition in a smooth manner. All major decisions
were taken after his consultation.
He resolved the differences between former CM Arbab Ghulam Rahim and the MQM many a time. Many provincial ministers even used to say "ooper Khuda aur neechay Huda". The brigadier’s name figured in the power circles of Islamabad in the evening of May 12, 2007. Brigadier Huda was given credit for the show of massive government power in Karachi on that day.
Initially, the MQM was reluctant to hold a rally in Karachi on May 12. The then ISI DG Gen Ashfaq Kayani also had the same opinion that the MQM should not come out on the streets when Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry would visit Karachi. It was Huda who played an important role in convincing the MQM not to cancel its rally. He assured the MQM leadership that there will be no riots on that day though he was proved wrong. He was supposed to be very close to the then Army chief General Pervez Musharraf. However, no action was taken against him.
The blasts in the rally of Benazir Bhutto on October 18, 2007 in Karachi were another failure of Brigadier Huda. He was responsible for the security of Benazir Bhutto on that day more than anybody else. However, he was not transferred despite his repeated failures. His downfall started on April 9, 2008, when many people including lawyers were killed in the Karachi violence. It was another failure on the part of Huda. The new PPP government in Sindh felt that Brigadier Huda was still having immense political influence. It believed that he was in contact with the anti-PPP forces. Many important bureaucrats reported to the provincial
government that Huda was interfering in different
departments. He was more interested in "political
makings and breakings" than doing his security job.
After the episode of April 9, PPP leaders asked ISI Director General Lt Gen Nadeem Taj through the prime minister that Huda must be transferred. It took just a few days and Huda was transferred. He was replaced by another brigadier. The PPP gave a message that it means business and it will not tolerate any ambitious spymasters.
There are rumors in the capital that the ISI DG will also be transferred soon but highly-placed sources in the new government dispelled all these rumours. "The prime minister has the authority to change the ISI DG anytime but right now we don't need to change him," claimed a top PPP leader.
Foreign Policy in Focus
Privatizing Military Training
Volume 7, Number 6 May 2002
By Deborah Avant, George Washington University
Key Points
Private military companies (PMCs), performing an array of security tasks for a variety of clients, have proliferated.
In pursuing its war on terrorism, the Pentagon is increasingly relying on the services of PMCs, as overseas training programs expand.
Although private military companies have long performed covert and unsavory tasks, today’s PMCs are seeking to polish their image as legitimate firms.…
really ??? like whome??? wahabi is the term used by westerners for any mulim group who believe in jihad.[dr jawwad khan]
Are we even justified to blame America?
Published in the April, 1996 issue of The Progressive
Mercenaries Inc.: How a U.S. Company Props Up the House of Saud by William D. Hartung
resident Clinton tried to paint the bombing as just another senseless act of terrorism perpetrated by armed Islamic extremists, but the target was chosen much too carefully to support that simple explanation. The Saudi National Guard is a 55,000 man military force whose main job is to protect the Saudi monarchy from its own people, using arms from the United States and training supplied by roughly 750 retired U.S. military and intelligence personnel employed by the Vinnell Corporation of Fairfax, Virginia. A January 1996 article in Jane's Defence Weekly describes the SANG as "a kind of Praetorian Guard for the House of Saud, the royal family's defence of last resort against internal opposition." The November bombing — which killed five Americans and wounded thirty more — was certainly brutal, but it was far from senseless. As a retired American military officer familiar with Vinnell's operations put it,
"I don't think it was an accident that it was that office that got bombed. If you wanted to make a political statement about the Saudi regime you'd single out the National Guard, and if you wanted to make a statement about American involvement you'd pick the only American contractor involved in training the guard: Vinnell."
Mind you it is the same America that went guns plazing into Iraq because of “those irrefutable” mobile nuclear projects. [Teeth Maestro]
Dear Dr Sahab,
It is also the same USA who used to supply chemical weapon to its friend Saddam Hussein!…
Shaking Hands: Iraqi President Saddam Hussein greets Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, in Baghdad on December 20, 1983
Saddam Hussein [Ba'ath Party]
Never mind that forty years ago, the CIA, under President John F. Kennedy, orchestrated a regime change in Baghdad. In 1963, after a successful coup, the Ba'ath party came to power in Iraq. Using lists provided by the CIA, the new Ba'ath regime systematically eliminated hundreds of doctors, teachers, lawyers, and political figures known to be leftists. An entire intellectual community was slaughtered. (The same technique was used to massacre hundreds of thousands of people in Indonesia and East Timor.) The young Saddam Hussein was said to have had a hand in supervising the bloodbath. In 1979, after factional infighting within the Ba'ath Party, Saddam Hussein became the President of Iraq. In April 1980, while he was massacring Shias, the U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinksi declared, "We see no fundamental incompatibility of interests between the United States and Iraq." Washington and London overtly and covertly supported Saddam Hussein.
Arundhati Roy
Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy (Buy One, Get One Free) by Arundhati Roy Presented in New York City at The Riverside Church May 13, 2003 Published on Sunday, May 18, 2003 by
Copyright 2003 by Arundhati Ro y
"the U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinksi declared, “We see no fundamental incompatibility of interests between the United States and Iraq.” Washington and London overtly and covertly supported Saddam Hussein."
the same U.S. National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinksi on Afghanistan:
For your kind perusal,
Zbigniew Brzezinski [10th United States National Security Advisor] under US President Carter and Afghan Jihad addressing Afghan Mujahideen!…
Zbigniew Brzezinski to Jihadists: Your cause is right!
Are We to Blame for Afghanistan? By Chalmers Johnson
“Asked whether he in any way regretted these actions,
Brzezinski replied: Regret what? The secret operation was an excellent idea. It drew the Russians into the Afghan trap and you want me to regret it? On the day that the Soviets officially crossed the border, I wrote to President Carter, saying, in essence: ‘We now have the opportunity of giving to the USSR its Vietnam War.’
Nouvel Observateur: “And neither do you regret having supported Islamic fundamentalism, which has given arms and advice to future terrorists?”
Brzezinski: “What is more important in world history? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some agitated Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?”
Are We to Blame for Afghanistan? By Chalmers Johnson
Taliban Al Qaeda and Teir Masters people inside ISI, Jamat e Islami and so called right wing is more dangerous then Black Water who are killing Muslims and Pakistanis on daily basis.
and Afreen on Taliban boot lickers they don't even want to discuss it.…
Teeth Maestro
the Top Taliban Leadership is moving to Karachi i hope you will give refugee to Mullah Omer or anyone of his Deputy.…
today's Meray Mutabiq about Blackwater is a must watch
today’s Meray Mutabiq about Blackwater is a must watch [pk]
Credibility of Dr Shahid Masood & Meray Mutabiq????
More on Dr Shahid Masood…
Dr Shahid Masood more lies
Hidden Truth of Jawab Deh [1/4]…
Hidden Truth of Jawab Deh [2/4]…
Hidden Truth of Jawab Deh [3/4]
Hidden Truth of Jawab Deh [4/4]
Dr Jawwad,
Lagtaa hai tum nai Amir Mughal kee dummm per paaoo rakh diaa hai…. LOL…LOL…
@amir mughal is a great guy.he has a great deal of information and knowledge but it is equally important to know what should say and when.also the confusion,bias and prejudice are the enemies of real knowledge. no matter how much information you collect these things don't let your mind to digest those informations.
The problem is not USA the problem is our own leadership though.
It is our RULERs ( civil or military ) that people do not trust.
People of Paksitan have lost hope and trust in politicians the day they lose hope for the future of Pakistan?
I am fearful of that day ?????????
BLACK WATER and presence of USA in Pakistan is not liked by Pakistanis.
US presence in any Islamic country is not liked by the Muslims .Reason is not some Quranic Ayyat but Reason is the barbaric and inhumanly attitude and disgrace which USA brings to Islamic countries.
Palestine,Iraq,Afghanistan and Drone attacks on Pakistan are open examples of today .
What ever the reasons for Drone Attacks on Pakistan or for Afghanistan war 1 and Afghanistan War 11 ,it was public who died in the huge numbers .Saddam was one; millions died with him.This is psychological experience it cannot be changed by the packets of sweets.
How USA treated Egypt ,Libya ,Iran and the sanctions over Pakistan is not a forgotten history.It is the people who suffer and that sufference cannot be removed from the hearts and minds of people.
The war crimes and the abuse of human rights of USA in the Islamic World speaks for itself.
This is not propoganda this is what USA has taught us.
America is an experience in Muslim World.A reality ,we become highly uncomfertable like one does in the presence of a child molester.
It has become the part of Muslim psyche not to trust USA seeing their Treatment of ISlamic world over the past century.
Do I hate them? NO
Do I trust them to be allies with my country? NO
Do I believe they will be doing something beneficial for Pakistan in the long term? No
Do I fear tomorrow they can kill many Pakistanis in the name of some crimes which Americans have written themselves?
Yes I do
Ask any muslim in any Islamic Country the rulers or the leaders who are ruling Islamic countries with the backing and support of USA are considered to be the traitors.
Iran's President has been ellected and re-ellected because of anti US sentiment.
That is the sort of leadership Pakistanis want.
Presence of any sort of army in the grounds of any other country is a menacing experience .
What makes me even more insecure is why still USA insists to be present and seen and noticeable by the Pakistanis in the streets of Islamabad?When it is so obvious that it is sending the wrong signals.
Do they want us to get used to to it.
IS it like the Palestenians we will have to fight the American tanks with the sticks????
but it is equally important to know what should say and when.also the confusion,bias and prejudice are the enemies of real knowledge [Dr Jawwad Khan]
No doubt, Dr Jawwad Sahab is correct to the hilt but if I am prejudiced confused and biased then how would one interpret the following statement of Dr Jawwad wherein he has condemned members of two communities with extremely prejudiced and biased comment.
Comment by dr jawwad khan on September 26, 2009 @ 2:44 am
you came to the right place.psychosis is a treatable disease but psychosis with HAHAHA is a complicated case.
only some pathans and some shedis have a finest remedy for that. they turn the HAHAHAA from AAAAAAHH by their LOLOMYCINE injections.
NOTE:apnay kareebi karhak londay baz pathan say rabita kijiyey.aaram na aanay ki soorat men keerhey mar dawa ko battiyan bana kar istemal kijiyay…..apnay aap ko mohallay kay shararati bachhon say bacha kar rakhiyay….. wazarat e liberal jackasses- hakoomat e pakistan
Comment by dr jawwad khan on September 29, 2009 @ 10:46 am
hahahhahaa but it is equally important to know what should say and when.[dr jawwad khan]
Dear Dr Sahab,
You had said it earlier yourself that,
Comment by dr jawwad khan on September 26, 2009 @ 2:44 am
"psychosis is a treatable disease but psychosis with HAHAHA is a complicated case.only some pathans and some shedis have a finest remedy for that. they turn the HAHAHAA from AAAAAAHH by their LOLOMYCINE injections."
lag gaee kia….hahahhahahaha
i believe in tit for tat. i just responded him in a tit for tat fashion.that is all.
"It is our RULERs ( civil or military ) that people do not trust"
at last…thank God
@Amir mughal!
the knowledge needs a clear mind.if your let your mind polluted by taking side against the authentic information and the facts,then there is high porababilities that you shall go astray in the state of confusion.
for example you have noticed that i hate shias more than any one else but when i came to know the authentic hadith regarding hazrat Ammar bin yasir. i changed my way of thinking. i started to look the matter more deeper and in more details so i changed myself a liitle bit and came out from traditional sunni mindset.
on the other hand you proposed "jirah o taadeel" of a sahih hadith, deviating from the principals of your own school of thoughts…
for example you have noticed that i hate shias more than any one else but when i came to know the authentic hadith regarding hazrat Ammar bin yasir. i changed my way of thinking. i started to look the matter more deeper and in more details so i changed myself a liitle bit and came out from traditional sunni mindset. on the other hand you proposed “jirah o taadeel” of a sahih hadith, deviating from the principals of your own school of thoughts… [Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Dr Sahahb,
I still remember that debate with you on Hazrat Ammar Yasir [May Allah be pleased with him] wherein you had declared through misinterpreting that Hadith that since Hazrat Ammar was martyred in Siffin scuffle [not war as described in islamic history compiled on the lies as reported by Abi Mikhanf, Waqidi, Ibn Ishaq, Kalbi and Kalbi's son] while fighting against Hazrat Muawiya [May Allah be pleased with him] therefore Hazrat Muawiya [as per you a Baghi], wheras in Bukhari there is Hadith wherein Hazrat Hassan [May Allah be pleased with him] made peace with Hazrat Muawiyah and that year is remembered as aam al Jamaa [Read Bukhari again]. If Hazrat Muawiya [May Allah be please with him] was Baghi as per your interpretation then why Hazrat Hassan surrendered Kaliphate to Hazrat Muawiya and let me tell you that same "Islamic History" narrates that Hazrat Hasan and Hazrat Hussain [May Allah be pleased with them] used to accept Millions Dirham on their every visit to Hazrat Muawiya in Damascus, Syria [read Maqtal Abi Mikhnaf by Abi Mikhnaf – a book Shia quopte for Majalis for Karbala incident]
for example you have noticed that i hate shias more than any one else but when i came to know the authentic hadith regarding hazrat Ammar bin yasir. i changed my way of thinking. [Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Dr Sahab,
Don't misguide other by misquoting your own comment:
Read the debate on Hazrat Ammar and Hazrat Muawiyah [May Allah be pleased with both of them]
ABC: Torture Tape implicates UAE Sheikh…
i came to know the authentic hadith regarding hazrat Ammar bin yasir. i changed my way of thinking. i started to look the matter more deeper and in more details so i changed myself a liitle bit and came out from traditional sunni mindset.[ Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
Say it clearly that you started thinking like these two perverts mentioned below:
Mudodi Khumeni do bhai, Moudoodi and Khumeni(shia) two Brothers…
thanks for giving the links as i forgot the name of thread.
molana syed abul ala modudi (rehmatulla aleh) was the perfect example of required mindset for disgesting plain but undigestable facts which otherwise makes the diarhhea of the information inhibiting these informations to become a genuine knowledge.
moulana abul aala modudi (rehmatullah aleh) was a mujadid of 20the century..a great man with a great mind.not like real pervert wahabis who just lick their own shit.
Comment by dr jawwad khan on September 16, 2009 @ 11:12 pm
really ??? like whome??? wahabi is the term used by westerners for any mulim group who believe in jihad.taliban on the otherhand belong to deobandi school of thoughts [Dr Jawwad Khan]
moulana abul aala modudi (rehmatullah aleh) was a mujadid of 20the century..a great man with a great mind.not like real pervert wahabis who just lick their own shit. Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Dr Sahab,
Which of the comments above are to be take seriously. The same Wahabis [who as per you eat shit] gave Shah Faisal Medal [pictures of King Faisal Engraved on the Medal] to the Mawdudi.
moulana abul aala modudi (rehmatullah aleh) was a mujadid of 20the century. [Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Dr Sahab,
Read in the above book as to what kind of Filthy Language Mawlana Mawdudi used against Prophets [PBUT] and against the Companions [May Allah be pleased with everyone of them] of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH]. The book has provided the original quotes from Mawdudi's book with the editions and page number.
not like real pervert wahabis who just lick their own shit. Dr Jawwad Khan]
Dear Dr Sahab,
If we take your above comment seriously then why there are so many books by known Wahabis on your scribd list:
Ahle Hadith – Wahabi – Salafi are same!!!
1 – dr.zakir naik [Ahle Hadith – Wahabi – Salafi]
2 – alraheeq almakhtoum [Late Safiur Rehman Mubarakpuri was head of Darus Salafiya India and he won the medal for writing the excellent biography on Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
3 – qasas ul anbiya [Ibn Kathir (Ahle Hadith) was a pupil of Ibn Taimiya whose interpretation is quoted in Wahabi HQ Saudi Arabia]
4 – tafseer ibn e kathir [Ibn Kathir has compiled this Tafsir and it is called Tafseer fil Hadith means Tafseer through Hadith – [Ibn Kathir (Ahle Hadith) was a pupil of Ibn Taimiya whose interpretation is quoted in Wahabi HQ Saudi Arabia – The gift every Haji get in shape of Tafsir after Haj is basically a short version of Tafsir Ibn Kathir compiled by another Indian Wahabi Scholar Maulana Mohammad Junagarhi]
Barailwiyat Tareekh o Aqaid [Late. Allama Ihsan Illahi Zahir – A Pakistani Ahl Hadith Scholar – do not forget to read him on your favourite Jamat-e-Islami and JI's ideology]
Taqwiya tul imaan [Shah Ismail Shaheed Dehelvi was also Ahle
Hadith read his book [if you can read Arabic] Tanveerul Ainain.
I dont know what was you while writing the above comment:
not like real pervert wahabis who just lick their own shit. Dr Jawwad Khan]
not like real pervert wahabis who just lick their own shit. Dr Jawwad Khan]
Comment by dr jawwad khan on September 16, 2009 @ 11:12 pm
really ??? like whome??? wahabi is the term used by westerners for any mulim group who believe in jihad. @amir mughal! islam mazarat ko giranay kay ilawa bhi kisi cheez ka nam hay ya naheen?
Dear Dr Sahab,
Two of your favourite books in your Sribd List have chapters qouting Quran and Hadith against the Grave Worshiping and have clear advice to raze Pucca Grave and Shrines. Therefore if you have any objection then discard these two books
1 – Barailwiyat Tareekh o Aqaid [Late. Allama Ihsan Illahi Zahir A Pakistani Ahl Hadith Scholar – do not forget to read him on your favourite Jamat-e-Islami and JI's ideology]
2 – Taqwiya tul imaan [Shah Ismail Shaheed Dehelvi was also Ahle Hadith read his book [if you can read Arabic] Tanveerul Ainain.
because you have already said that [Wahabis lick their shit]
And do advise Barlevi member of JI to resign from Mawdudi's Calamity i.e. JI.
Brouhaha over a company whose offices are not available, whose activities are not known and whose personnel have not been seen anywhere in Pakistan. Some Pakistanis just cant live without a juicy conspiracy theory.
Let's not forget Blackwater/Xe is not the only mercenary firm active here. We also have:
Armor Group, a subsidiary of Wackenhut whose existance here can not be denied as the link takes us to there website and shows us "services" they offer here in Pakistan 😛
Inter-Risk was recruiting for DynCorp, (more about DynCorp here
Another breakthrough but still there is no name of Blackwater!
Pakistan Army should revisit its ISSB Selection Program
Owner of security firm arrested By Mohammad Asghar
Wednesday, 30 Sep, 2009 | 06:26 AM PST…
ISLAMABAD, Sept 29: The owner of Inter-Risk Security Company, Capt (retd) Syed Ali Ja Zaidi, who escaped arrest when police raided his house on Sept 19 and seized a large quantity of arms and ammunition, was arrested on Tuesday after the additional district and sessions judge cancelled his bail.
Zaidi was not in his F-6/1 house when it was raided. Police seized 61 repeater guns, nine 30-bore pistols, a 7MM rifle and 545 cartridges, along with records of arms and computer files. Two people were arrested when they failed to produce licences of the weapons. A case was registered with the Kohsar police against the accused on charges of fraud and possessing unlicensed arms. Capt (retd) Zaidi also runs the Care and Carrying company which works from an ‘automobile workshop’ in Rawat where a foreign company provides anti-terrorism training to retired security personnel.
He was picked up by a team of security forces during a raid in Rawat, but was released when some influential people intervened on his behalf. The Inter-Risk Security Company provides security to diplomats. Its licence was cancelled after unlicensed arms were recovered from his house.
Some Pakistanis just cant live without a juicy conspiracy theory. [Amir Ali]
Dear Amir Sahab,
You are correct to the hilt and we dont want to even see this naked truth which has also been published in Daily Dawn
The View From Pakistan's Spies by David Ignatius…
oh!one more thing ladies and gentlemen!
kindly add the daily dawn in the list of newspaper propagating cheap sensationalism and conspiracy theories.
@amir mughal!
let me clearify one thing.i know what allama aehsan ilahi zaheer wrote about jamat e islami and molana modudi. inspite of that i have the respect because of his work against shirk and bida'at.regarding his books against jamat e islami let me tell you one more thing that i can upload many books written in the refutations of wahabism and books that prove that wahabis are worse than shit licking pigs.
but i am not a "manazray baz" "mushrik saz" wahabi.
this is the difference between molana modudi and people like allama aesan ilahi zaheer because knowledge needs a broad mind and broader heart which can accomodate the oceans of knowledge which unfortunately allama sahab didn't have and he ended up as "WORTHLESS BBQ".why this happened to him because he was unable to digest the information he was his verbal diarrhea which killed him.
similarly proeffor sajid mir of markazi jamiat e aehl e hadith.i liked his book "chirstianity- an analysis and study" infact i have a hard copy of that book.but in reality he is nothing more than nawaz shareef's ass licker lowlife.inspite of his low character like other wahabis i liked his work.
same is true with dr.zakir naik. i like him till he speaks about comparative religion but when he starts talking about hadith,faiqah and history i turned my tv off because i do not want to laugh at him.
it is clear that a great majority of the scholar do not meet the necessary criteria to be respected as a whole but it doesn't negate their work.
i collect and read the books even those scholars for whom i have no respect at all.
BTW definition of wahabi which i described was according to the understandings of the west not mine. kindly mention it in the proper context
people like allama aesan ilahi zaheer because knowledge needs a broad mind and broader heart which can accomodate the oceans of knowledge which unfortunately allama sahab didn’t have and he ended up as “WORTHLESS BBQ”.why this happened to him because he was unable to digest the information he was his verbal diarrhea which killed him. [dr jawwad khan]
1 – Al Qadiyaniyyah
2 – ash-Shia Was-Sunnah
3 – ash-Shia Wa-Ahlul-Bayt
4 – ash-Shia Wal-Qur'aan
5 – ash-Shia wat-TaShia
6 – Baynash-Shia Wa Ahlus-Sunnah
7 – Babiyyahs [On Bahais]
8 -at-Tassawuf al-Mansha Wal-Masadir [refutation of the Sufis]
9 -al-Ismaa'eeliyyah
10 – al-Barailwiyyah [your favourite]
11 – A explanation of Kitaab al-Wasilah by Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah.
as you have noticed that i hate shias more than any one else. i changed myself a liitle bit and came out from traditional sunni mindset.[dr jawwad khan]
Dear Sir,
Please explain what is Sunni Mindset???
Dear Jawwad Sahab,
The above books are written and compiled by Ehsan Illahi Zaheer and these are taught in Medina University – Saudi Arabia for References. So Ehsan Illahi Zahir wasn't as worthless as you have declared him above.