For the past few months a family of about 10 individuals have camped outside of Karachi Press Club with the hope of seeking enough attention to help provide them justice, as their sole-bread earner Dur Mohd Aradeen was murdered by the local feudal lord in Khairpur, Khalifa Pir Bux Ghao and his hired accomplices.
A group of concerned Pakistanis, from the I Own Pakistan group have descended on Karachi Press Club and have resolved to help this family out, the effort has grown to providing them food and shelter while at the same time serious attempts are being made to provide them justice. At the same time Deneb Sumbul of Shirkath Gah, who was influential in the Kashkehli tribe case also helped gather the facts and her detailed summary of the case is as follows
The murder victim, Dur Muhammad, a driver was travelling from Sanghar to Dharki for his employer who was a small wadera, carrying over a lac in cash to make payment for a jeep purchased by his employer Ali Ghulam Nizamani. Dur Muhammad’s brother was travelling with him and they were both kidnapped and taken in another vehicle to the Otaq of Fakir Pir Bux Gaho. According to the investigative report of the Anti-Terrorist Court, the kidnappers demanded that the brothers arrange 10 lacs for their release. They then let one brother go with the warning that if the money was not paid, the other would be killed. The police were informed of the kidnapping.
The Sanghar victim’s family hold Fakir Pir Bux Gaho of Khairpur, Tauka Naro, Chundko, as the main instigator of this murder. He is a Khalifa of Pir Pagara and has a reputation for kidnapping, extortion, murder, kidnapping i.e. the usual – as his main occupation. Dur Muhammad is therefore perhaps not his first victim. He belongs to and works for the PML-F and has access to Kingri house. The torture and murder of Dur Muhammad most probably took place at Pir Bux Gaho’s Otaq because the police collected the body from a short distance away. A close look at the pictures on the banners bear evidence that he was brutally tortured before being killed.
Out of the 11 accused in the FIR, the four who were arrested were Imdad Hussain Ghao, Mehran Hussain Jamali, Manzoor Ali Zardari and Amir Bux Wassan. Mehran Hussain Jamali and and Manzoor Ali Zardari confessed to the crime and even provided the weapons and empty shells of the bullets they killed the victim with. The police statement claims they didn’t find any evidence against the other 7 accused, who the villagers and eye-witnesses insist were also, and therefore were not arrested. No explanation as to the torture marks.
Their case in the anti-terrorist court in Khairpur is mainly by the brother of the murder victim, Muhammad Aslam, and eye witness versus the 7 others (probably main accused). List: Ameer Bux Gaho, Muhammad Khan Gaho, Fakir Pir Bux (Khalifa –himself), Kando Wassan, Alam Gaho, Wassan Gaho, Salim Behan
The lawyer commissioned by the family didn’t present the eye-witnesses and the culprits too did not show up either in the ATC Khairpur court or its subsequent hearing a few days earlier. The victim’s family work for a wadera Ali Ghulam Nizami who is a small wadera who they say is good to them. But then he is also a Khalifa.
At the same time there is genuine concern that the so-called NGO “Atfal Trust – Alliance of NGO’s for Human Rights” is seemingly in “the business” of charging these poor people who may have already forked over close to Rs. 50,000 on one excuse to another.
Whatever next steps are taken, it has to be kept in mind that these victims from Sanghar have to return home to their village and waderas from Sanghar are famous for their cruelty. The Khalifa and his cohorts will be tempted to take revenge for standing up to them.
What Can You Do
- Join the Facebook group – Sindh’s Daughter waiting for new BIN QASIM
- Spread the message via facebook, twitter, blogs, emails and most importantly word of mouth
- Help be the voice against brutality, and feudalism in Pakistan
- Help contribute to providing food and shelter for the family of the victim
39 responses to “Seeking Justice for Aradeen’s murder by Feudal Lords in Sanghar”
I'm waiting for a post from Amir Mughal (Lusee) and D2 (Islamabad observer), who would come to defend the feudal culture.
Dear Qaim Khani Sahab in an another thread you had said
QaimKhani says: January 23, 2010 at 7:35 am – We don’t worship soil or land and thus our loyalty does not belong to soil or land, we worship Allah and to HIM belongs our loyalty.
You have used an abusive word in Sindhi Language against me lets read what Islam [Since you said above you worship Allah] has to say about the use of "Bad/Abusive Language" against a fellow Muslim [I am still a Muslim though not pious like you]
" Cursing a believer is like murdering him.'' [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "It does not befit a Siddiq (righteous Muslim) to frequently curse others.'' [Muslim]
Abud-Darda' (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Those who frequently resort to cursing (people) would neither be accepted as witnesses nor as intercessors on the Day of Resurrection.'' [Muslim].
Samurah bin Jundub (May Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Do not curse one another, invoking Curse of Allah or Wrath of Allah or the fire of Hell.'' [Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi].
Ibn Mas`ud (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "A true believer is not involved in taunting, or frequently cursing (others) or in indecency or abusing.'' [At-Tirmidhi].
These Feudals should know they are minority & if they dont know it the 70% Majority .. THE YOUTH of PAKISTAN make them bow on their Knees. InhAllah ..
Jaageerdari & Wadera System wont survive the Youth of our Nation.
Amir Mughal,
I'm not the first one to call you LUSEE and I think its a title you deserve for defending corruption in the name of "QAUM PARASTEE".
Before mentioning (COPY/PASTING)these ahadith, you should have reflected on these before lecturing others.
As someone said "loading a jacka$$ with books does not make him intellectual", so reflect on the things you copy/paste instead of a showing off.
When did Allah mention that the loyalty should belong to the land and soil and NOT HIM?
When did Allah mention that you should defend corruption because the ruling elite of that party or the founder of that party belonged to your ethnic group?
QaimKhani says: January 23, 2010 at 6:15 pm Amir Mughal,
I’m not the first one to call you LUSEE and I think its a title you deserve for defending corruption in the name of “QAUM PARASTEE”. When did Allah mention that you should defend corruption because the ruling elite of that party or the founder of that party belonged to your ethnic group?
Dear Sir,
Provide a single comment of mine where I have been Prejudiced??? Please also define and provide details of my Ethnic Group. Also tell all of us as to who else used this "Abusive Comment in Sindhi" on me beside you.
My views on Ethnic Nationalism is as under:
1 – Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet of Allah said, "There are two things of which my people will never tire: wailing over the dead and finding fault with people's ancestry." [Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, and Ibn Jarud]
2 – Narrated Abu Malik al-Ash'ariy: "Four things are among my followers from the traditions of Jahiliyyah which will not leave: pride of lineage, slandering kinship, use of astrology for rain, and wailing" [Muslim also narrated from him by Ahmad, at-Tabaraani, al-Hakim, and al-Bayhaqi in his Sunan]
3 – Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (r.a.), "Indeed Allah has removed from you the blind loyalties of jahiliyyah and the pride for ancestry. Either be a pious believer or a miserable insolent. (All of) you are children of Adam, and Adam is from dust. Let some men cease to take pride in others, who are nothing but burning coal for the HellFire, it will be easier for Allah to handle them than a dung beetle driving his nose into filth" [Ahmad, Abu Dawud similar reported in at-Tirmidhi]
When did Allah mention that the loyalty should belong to the land and soil and NOT HIM? [Qaim Khani]
Where did say that which you have attributed to me above???
Slavery attitude is still quite dominant in our rural areas of Sindh, Baluchistan and southern Punjab.
if some how civilized groups try to help these suppressed groups then influential feudal in their rural background discard them from their lands by using his full force.
This is one of black spot of our culture and most of its followers are in our parliament for securing their feudalistic interests and passing on this attitude to next ruling generation.
For these lords of land these people have lowest rank among other living beings.Even the pets i.e horses, dogs, birds of these feudal characters have good environment of living than these Humans.
Interesting thing is there that even their foreign return educated siblings are
also following the same principles of atrocities and oppression for these Slave people,mostly of them are found senseless of feeling of liberty or basic human rights.
So revolutionary steps are required to bring rebellious change in their harassed and confined loving attitude.Without bringing change in will power of persecuted class, no outer interference can shake the pillars of deep rooted imperialism in Pakistan culture.
I think media is on its way to bring this change in their innate attitude and in few years we would see change too in their mode of reaction to all time lord of ring.
Amir Mughal Lusee,
Here is the link:…
Now you can come up with excuses and try to belittle your *justifying the corruption* cause.
and please don't copy/past things you don't reflect on….just to give bhashansss.
D2(Islamabad Observer)….
What happened to you? you didn't post a comment defending your AUTAQ culture here.
According to you people in the city are misinformed about the wadera system…
Come now and justify this…
Dear Qaim Khan Sahab,
PART – 1
There is nothing wrong with Autaq Culture. It is Autaq in Sindh, Hujra in Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan and also Autaq in Punjab. This Autaq was called Mehman Khana in UP, Dehli and Bihar. Nothing wrong in Wadera Culture [Large Land Holding in Islam is allowed and it is not forbidden, checkout the History of those Companions (May Allah be pleased with them) who were extremely rich in a book Talbees-e-Ibless by Ibn Jawzi] as well but everything is wrong the way Farmers and Cultivators are treated by some Landowners in Pakistan [this abuse is not only restricted to Sindh, Abuse is also reported in Punjab and Pakhtunkhwa].
Being Feudal, Tribal Chief or Nawab is not wrong at all because Liaquat Ali Khan, Nawab Saleemullah Khan, and Raja Sahab Mehmoodabad were also Nawab and hold large land holding rather Princely States before partition and they contributed a lot for Pakistan.
It is the cruel behaviour not the Feudal and this cruel behaviour was also not restricted only to Sindh, this was also a part of the psyche of the Feudal in UP, CP, Bihar and Dehli and not only in Feudal but Religious Scholars as well.
The position of the Julahas had got thoroughly undermined and this inferior-lowly people (badzaat) were most active in the uproar(1857 rebellion).(Sir Syed Khan 1958:60)
Sir Syed had only the Ashraaf interests in mind when he started his educational movement. In an address at the foundation laying ceremony of ‘Madrasa Anjuman-e-Islamia’ in Bareli where children from the so-called ‘low-caste’ communities used to study, he said that he finds no use in teaching English to them. “It is better and in the interests of the community that they are engaged in the old form of study… It appears appropriate if you teach them some writing and math. They should also be taught small tracts on everyday affairs and through which they know basic beliefs and practices of the Islamic faith.
Part – 2
Sir Syed pioneered the cause of English education and rational and scientific thought amongst Indian Muslims. He was concerned only with the future of Muslim Ashraf ; not with the future of all Muslims i.e including the poor. This is not widely realised. He looked upon 'low born' people with contempt. For example, commenting upon qualifications for Membership of the Viceroy's Legislative Council, Sir Syed expressed his deeply rooted class (caste ?) prejudice when he said that 'It is essential for theViceroy's Council to have members of high social standing. Would our aristocracy like that a man of low caste or insignificant origin, though he may be a BA. or an MA., and have the requisite ability, be placed in a position of authority above them and have the power of making laws that affect their lives and property?
All those Deobandi, Barelvi and Ahle-Hadith Mullahs like Ashraf Ali Thanvi, Ahmed Raza Khan Barelvi, House of Shah Waliullah and even Rationalists like Sir Syed Ahmed and Company who Claim the Lease of Islam in Undivided Sub Continent, were Bigot Racist to the core while Deobandi, Bareliv and Ahle-Hadith of India also carried this Filthy Baggage of Sufiism with them in the name of Islam. Their thoughts are as under:
Sayyads, Ashrafs, Ajlafs, Jolahas, Rajputs, etc. Marriages were disallowed between the high caste Ashrafs, Sayyads, Sheikhs or Pathans and the low caste Ansaris, Kunjras or Qureshis. The founder of the Aligarh Muslim University, Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan, denied backward Muslims entry into AMU and kept its door open only for the Ashrafs. Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi wrote a book [Bahishti Zewar – Heavenly Ornaments] in which he said that the Sayyads are the highest caste and after them Ansaris, Qureshis, and Sheikhs but Mughals and Pashtun though High Caste but cannot be compared with Syeds.
Three groups found in Indian Muslims of Bengal:
Ashraf or better class Muslims ? The Syeds, Sheikhs, Pathans, Moghul, Mallik, and Mirza.
Ajlaf or lower caste Muslims ? Cultivating Sheikhs, and others who were originally Hindus, Darzi, Jolaha, Fakir, Mallah, Kula Kunjara, Kasai, Kalal, Dhunia, Abdal, Bako, Chamba, Dafali, Dhobi, Hajjan, etc.
Arzal or degraded class ? include Bhanar, Halalkhor, , Kasbi, Lalbegi, Maugta, Mehra.
1 – S M Jain:The Aligarh Movements, Its Origin and Development, 1885-1906.
2 – Paul R Brass.Language, Religion, and Politics in North India Cambridge 1974.
For More Reading:
1 – Hayat-e-Jawed by Altaf Hussain Hali.
2 – Maqalat-e-Sir Syed [Published in Lahore]
3 – Sugata Bose and Ayesha Jalal (eds.), Nationalism, Democracy and Development: State and Politics in India, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1998-9)
Dear Mr Qaim Khani,
Do read an indepth research in a book Tareekh-e-Owadh [present day UP] by Hakeem Muhammad Najamul Ghani Kaanpuri and it will open your eyes as to what had been going around in the Palaces/Jagirs of Nawabs in UP in 17 and 18 Century.
"Four things are among my followers from the traditions of Jahiliyyah which will not leave: pride of lineage, slandering kinship, use of astrology for rain, and wailing" [Muslim] [similar to that is narrated from him by Ahmad, at-Tabaraani, al-Hakim, and al-Bayhaqi in his Sunan]
Narrated by Abu Hurayrah
"Indeed Allah has removed from you the blind loyalties of jahiliyyah and the pride for ancestry. Either be a pious believer or a miserable insolent. (All of) you are children of Adam, and Adam is from dust. Let some men cease to take pride in others, who are nothing but burning coal for the HellFire, it will be easier for Allah to handle them than a dung beetle driving his nose into filth" [Ahmad, Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi]
O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female, and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct. Lo! Allah is Knower, Aware. [AL-HUJRAAT (THE PRIVATE APARTMENTS, THE INNER APARTMENTS) Chapter 49 Verse 13]
Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] said in his last sermon:
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any superiority over a white except by piety and good action " [Last Sermon of Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Musnad Ahmed Bin Hanbal]
Allah's Messenger said to him, "You are not better than people with red or black skins unless you excel them in piety." [Tirmidhi and Musnad Ahmed Bin Hanbal]
AJLAF OR ASHRAF WIFE [Daughter in Law]
Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said:
"A woman may be married for four reasons: her wealth, her lineage, her beauty or her religion; choose the one who is religious, may your hands be rubbed with dust! [Bukhari and Muslim]
Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said: "If there comes to you one with whose religious commitment and character you are pleased, then marry your daughter to him; if you do not do so, it will be a cause of fitnah and widespread mischief on earth."[Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah]
Govt of Baluchistan should make a commission to investigate all this terror and innocent killings in baluchistan.
Amir Mughal,
Don't go on a merry go round ride.
But Autaq culture I meant what autaq(s) are really used for. These days autaqs are used to either hold the kidnapped-for-ransom people or if the waders is not a dakoo then his sons will use it to bring whores and serve Sharab and kababs to their friends.
This all happens and the women of the family are aware of too. But since the sons are MAN of the family, the women are taught to keep their mouths shut or the poor women fear that they may be killed in karo-kari.
Go tell ahadith to those Feudal lords. But as I said, you are a jacka$$, you only copy/paste and nothing worthy stays between your two ears.
What I have quoted above can be read by anybody [Feudal Lords too] and Moral Turpitude is not restricted to a group of any single community every community has its share of bad apples.
Thats our justice system, in-effect by people for people.
When people can appoint murderers as President of Pakistan (Asif Ali Zardari) then offcourse low lives like these would prevail in the society.…
Then people wonder why are we screwed…..
Hail democracy,
Jeay Bhuttoo
Please be careful and do not malign the good name of respectful people and our honest leaders like Sir Syed and Liaqat Ali Khan for the sake of winning a debate.
1) Sir Syed was born rich in an aristocrat family with huge tracts of lands, however, at his death there wasn’t enough money in the home to arrange for his funeral. All of his wealth went to the University and to help pay for the studies of “poor” Muslim students – not the rich students who could afford to pay for their fees. Majority of Sir Syed’s quotations are purposely taken out of context to malign him. Sir Syed was a complex personality and his quotes out of context (and timeline) portray a completely different meaning.
ANYWAY DO NOT GO by the books and words. LOOK AT WHAT SIR SYED DID? And use that for a judgement on Sir Syed’s intentions. HE DONATED HIS ENTIRE WEALTH FOR THE BENEFIT OF THIS NATION.
2) Liaqat Ali Khan was born not rich but filthy rich. He had unlimited tracts of lands, spread over hundreds of kilometres. If there ever is some statistics, he would probably be in the top five richest persons in India in 1947. However, at the time of his death, there was no sign of this wealth left. Where did all that wealth go? Well whatever he had at the time of Independence, he gave it to the Government of Pakistan, without any pomp and show.
So please do not mix the true heroes like Sir Syed and Liaqat Ali Khan with the likes of rajas, tiwanas, khans, buxes and the lot.
PS. I don't know how accurate this ranking is, but I believe it says the truth about Liaqat Ali Khan, so I am including the link.…
Of course according to ahadith Muslim can own land, but according to Quran and Sunnah and history a true Muslim donates all he has to the poor or to the nation.
It is always surprising that no Mullah, no politician, no leader ever cites the ahadith that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and sahaba never ate to the full of their stomach, many including Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had only two sets of clothes, slept on floor, had no major personal belonging and at the time of death never left any significant wealth.
Please include these details, whenever you are citing ahadith about accumulation of wealth.
but according to Quran and Sunnah and history a true Muslim donates all he has to the poor or to the nation. [Asim]
Dear Asim Sahab
If all was given by the Companion [May Allah be pleased with them] and Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] as suggested by you then please tell us about the History of Zakat which Sahaba used to pay regularly and do read the Life History of Hazrat Abu Huraira [May Allah be pleased with him] who was once a poor Comapnion but later on became a Rich Companion who used to pay Zakat and also read about Rich Companions like Zubair Bin Al Awam, Abdullah Ibn Zuabi, Hazrat Usman, Hazrat Aby Sufiyan, Hazrat Muawiya, Hazrat Saad Bin Waqas, Hazrat Abdul Rehman Ibn Auf [May Allah be pleased with every one of them], they were Millionaire. Even Hazrat Ali [May Allah be pleased with him] had large family [7 wives after the demise of Hazrat Fatima (May Allah be pleased with her) and total 33 Children] and Hazrat Ali had large land holding in Yenbo [suburb of Medina – Reference – Tabari]
Not all but the amount which is to be given in Zakat is prescribed. Accumulation of wealth through Halal Means is like a worship because Allah likes those who are wealthy and do not beg.[Ref: Bukhari/Muslim] and accumulation of wealth is not sin.
For further Reading – Bulugh al-Maram min Adillat al-Ahkam, translation: ‘Attainment of the Objective According to Evidences of the Ordinances,’ is a collection of hadith pertaining specifically to Islamic Jurisprudence, referred to in Arabic as Ahadith al-Ahkam, by al-Hafidh ibn Hajar al-Asqalani.
Please be careful and do not malign the good name of respectful people and our honest leaders like Sir Syed [Asim says: January 29, 2010 at 6:10 am]
Dear Asim Sahab,
Since you have also talked of Islam therefore I hope you have read as to how Sir Syed Ahmed Khan tampered in interpreting Quran. [He rejected Hadith], read his Tafseer and you will know.
Dear Mughal Sahib,
I did not intend to start a debate for the sake of debate. But I will just reply to couple of your points.
Point 1: You have asked me for references in my first post.
Can you please clarify the exact quote for which you are asking the reference? Otherwise I will have to presume that, """YOU ARE SAYING that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and sahaba like Hazrat Umer (RA) did not have only two set of clothes but had huge wardrobes full of expensive clothes.""" (so please clarify which part, being a true Muslim you do not know about the life of our Holy Prophet and his closest associates).
Point 2: Please QUOTE from Sir Syed's tafsir where he says, ""I reject each and every single hadith"". Because if he says he rejects some and accepts some then he is no different than any other Muslim scholar, including Imam Bukhari who rejected more than a hundred thousand ahadith (more than any other scholar).
Point 2: Please QUOTE from Sir Syed’s tafsir where he says, “”I reject each and every single hadith”” [Asim]
Asim Sahab,
Please read as to how Sir Syed had interpreted “Jins”.
So please do not mix the true heroes like Sir Syed and Liaqat Ali Khan with the likes of rajas, tiwanas, khans, buxes and the lot. [Asim]
Would you like to define this Title of Syed Ahmed? Was that Title awarded by Imam of Makkah???
Dear Mughal Sahib,
You will never answer the question. Instead you will either ask another question or take the discussion deep into the recesses of religion to avoide answering the question.
Question 2: Please QUOTE from Sir Syed’s tafsir where he says, “”I reject each and every single hadith”".
Your Answer: Please read as to how Sir Syed had interpreted “Jins”.
My Reply: This is not a referenced answer which proves he rejects each and every hadith. I REPEAT, please provided a reference from his tafsir where he clearly states ""I reject each and every sigle hadith"".
Also please clarify, ARE YOU LYING or YOU are really IGNORANT in this HISTORICAL fact that Sir Syed had rejected his title in his later life. A clear evidence of this is found in his books/articles in which he decided not to include the title with his name, which of course educated Pakistanis know. However, the word Sir stuck with his name as a sign of respect by younger generation of Muslims.
However, if you decline to accept this fact then:
QUESTION 3: Please provide with clear evidence that Sir Syed had decided to keep his title and continue using "SIR" with his name.
YOU ARE SAYING that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and sahaba like Hazrat Umer (RA) did not have only two set of clothes but had huge wardrobes full of expensive clothes.”"” [Asim]
Where did I say that?
being a true Muslim you do not know about the life of our Holy Prophet and his closest associates). [Asim]
Please enlighten all of us particularly me.
Imam Bukhari who rejected more than a hundred thousand ahadith (more than any other scholar). [Asim]
Imam Bukhari rejected thousands of Hadiths because those Hadiths were Fabricated, Weak in Narration, and Lies but Sir Syed rejected Hadith on the ground that Hadiths are not proof [Hujjat] for anybody and only Quran is enough. If Quran is enough then please provide the description of Prayers [Salat] which we offer through Verses in Quran, also measurement of Zakat through Quranic Verses, punishment through Quranic Verses, and list goes on and on.
I still don't understand that why human minds instead of finding new modes of development as per prevailing situation, started probing the historical facts and acts of people of past for showing supremacy to each other.
If we see one personality or event of the past ,it is defined by many historians in different ways .Sometimes completely denies the previous one and hence become reason of conflict between generation, community or persons.So I think wasting time on digging the ruins of past , think tanks should focus their thought channels on running mainstreams .
Sir syed brought revolution in backwardness of Indian Muslims and his work is still is widely commemorated across South Asia as a great Muslim reformer and visionary.He surely clicked at that dark time among the uneducated and voluptuous Muslims rajas and nawabs and proved his intellect and credibility in all sects and classes of India.
Sir syed didn't donate but transformed his personal assets into educational institutes .These educational monuments still existing in India with full pride , honor and quality.
Liaquat ali khan had same background but played his role as active Muslim politician.He was also belong to elite class of India whose family was bestowed by British rulers.
Why he didn't claim his property in Pakistan up to level as they held in India is still unclear or being a childless might be a factor that he had lost interest in such kind of exchanges.
So both personalities acted and reacted as per demand of conditions and time.
We are now in different situation, Ardaeen like people are demanding justice from Muslim educated rulers.
They are living in free Islamic state.
They are living in a country where there is no restriction on education but surely all resources of minimum survival have been ceased to them by those people whose forefathers joined hands with Quaid and Liuaqat ali khan.
SO before finding flaws in their personalities, it would be better to see their goodness only.
People never thought that Urdu was selected our national language due to Urdu speaking elite class who led this separation movement but the area which they cordoned off for Indian Muslims was either belong to Punjabi or Bengali speaking majority.
We,Pakistani, inherited this elitism culture with creation of Pakistan and has given ruins of running state matters into hands of privileged class only .
Asim says: January 31, 2010 at 2:38 pm
You will never answer the question. Instead you will either ask another question or take the discussion deep into the recesses of religion to avoide answering the question. Question 2: Please QUOTE from Sir Syed’s tafsir where he says, “”I reject each and every single hadith””. I REPEAT, please provided a reference from his tafsir where he clearly states “”I reject each and every sigle hadith””.
Asim Sahab,
Place Quran/ Hadith and Tafseer by Sir Syed side by side and raed you will know why I used the Word Hadith Rejector.
Also please clarify, ARE YOU LYING or YOU are really IGNORANT in this HISTORICAL fact that Sir Syed had rejected his title in his later life.A clear evidence of this is found in his books/articles [asim]
Which book?
Dear Mughal Sahib,
As I said in my earlier post, you will never answer a question. Either you will ask another question or change the subject. I will repeat my questions and please answer to the point.
Question 2: Please QUOTE from Sir Syed’s tafsir where he says, “”I reject each and every single hadith””. I REPEAT, please provided a reference from his tafsir where he clearly states “”I reject each and every sigle hadith””.
As for Sir Syed's book, it looks like you have not even read his tafsir (yet you make such boasful claims about his writings) – in none of his writings he has used the title SIR. If I am wrong, then:
Question 4: please give the reference of the book in which he has used the title of SIR with his name.
Try to give straight forward answers this time.
Dear Asim Sahab
I have already answered your questions.
Dear Amir sahib,
as I said earlier, you will never answer the questions. I know you are used to conversation at your own site, where you conviniently delete any question/comment which goes against your predisposition and thinking. How do I know it? I have tried it a couple of times. As both times I was critical of your articles along with evidence, you promptly deleted them.
But back to the current debate. You still haven’t answered my questions. If you have really answered them, then please copy paste them again, to prove that I am wrong and you have answered them. I will repeat two of my questions.
Question 2: Please QUOTE from Sir Syed’s tafsir where he says, “”I reject each and every single hadith””. I REPEAT, please provided a reference from his tafsir where he clearly states “”I reject each and every single hadith””.
Question 4: please give the reference of the book in which Sir Syed has used the title of SIR with his name.
Dear Asim Sahab,
Wrong. You are more than welcome to comment on any of my post at my blog, I have never deleted any comment.
Dear Amir Sahib,
Ok, I will comment on your site but first, let us go to the start of the discussion, where you were going to answer my questions. If you DO NOT PROVIDE DIRECT ANSWER, we would be forced to believe that YOU LIED about Sir Syed in all of your posts. If you post anything other than the direct answers to the questions i.e. referenced answers, we will be forced to believe that you lied. I am repeating two of the questions below. (if you do not answer this will also mean you lied)
Question 2: Please QUOTE from Sir Syed’s tafsir where he says, “”I reject each and every single hadith””. I REPEAT, please provided a reference from his tafsir where he clearly states “”I reject each and every single hadith””.
Question 4: please give the reference of the book in which Sir Syed has used the title of SIR with his name.
Asim says: February 1, 2010 at 4:41 am Dear Amir Sahib,
If you DO NOT PROVIDE DIRECT ANSWER, we would be forced to believe that YOU LIED about Sir Syed.
Dear Asim Sahab,
First read the Tafsir of Quran by Sir Syed and then you can believe whatever you like. I am least bothered if "you" and even the whole world think I am a liar.
Dear Amir Sahib,
Since you did not answer the questions, we are forced to believe that you lied in your discussion and put false allegations on our heroes, Sir Syed and Liaqat Ali Khan.
We also know that you lied when you said that you do not delete comments on your blog, which criticize your articles.
(If you are really least bothered you will not reply to this)
Asim says: February 1, 2010 at 6:20 pm Dear Amir Sahib,
Since you did not answer the questions, we are forced to believe that you lied in your discussion and put false allegations on our heroes, Sir Syed and Liaqat Ali Khan.
We also know that you lied when you said that you do not delete comments on your blog, which criticize your articles(If you are really least bothered you will not reply to this)
Wish You best of Luck.
Since you replied to my last comment, then this shows us that you are really bothered that we know that:
1–You lie
2–You put false allegation on Pakistan's heroes, such as Sir Syed and Liaqat Ali Khan
3–You delete comments on your site, which criticize your articles
Actually, I think, it really bothers you that we have found the truth about you, that you are a liar and you go to enormous efforts to propagate false accusations against Pakistan's real heroes.
You are actually a typical symbol of what is wrong with Pakistan. Your generation was born in a wonderful country, which was devasted in a decade – in the 90s, when your generation got in power. You represent that 80% of Pakistan's older generation, which lives in INFERIORITY COMPLEX (which is usually compensated by adding nomenclaturs like Syed, shah, mughal, khan, Muhammad, etc.), are lazy, do nothing but whine all day, never give credit to anyone, blame everyone else for everything bad that happens to them and last but not the least of all, cannot accept the fact that they are wrong.
Zardari is not someone fallen out of the sky, he is of that 80% creed. If there were anyone else in his place, he would have done exactly what he is doing. Rest of the 19 percent were amicably represented by Mr. Musharraf, who thinks he is know it all, self-righteous healer. They think they know everything and everyone else is wrong. The one percent left cannot live with these 99% and as a result escape from the country, anyway possible.
To summarize, you are a liar, suffer from inferiority complex, put false allegations on Pakistan's heroes and delete comments from your site, which criticize your articles.
You cannot live with the fact that you did not get to say the last word. If you really do not suffer from inferiority complex you will not reply to this.