Proud of Samar Ali Khan for standing up against VIP Movement of Zulfiqar Mirza

HOT NEWS: Samar Khan is free, al charges have been dropped he is going home

PROTEST For Release of Samar Ali Khan who was standing up against VIP movement of Zulfiqar Mirza – Darakshan Police Station [map] 6pm TODAY

Last night at 11:30pm Architect Samar Ali Khan was arrested on Khy-e-Shamsheer for standing up against the VIP protocol blocking the road for Minister Zulfiqar Ali Mirza. After dropping a fellow architect home after dinner, Samar was proceeding home when at Khayban-e-Shamsheer a road block in front of the house of Minister Zulfiqar Mirza totally irked him, as a very active member of civil society in Karachi Mr. Samar Ali Khan, stepped out of his car and voiced his objection, he was able to walk up to the gate, rang the bell and demanded to speak to the owner [which was Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Mirza. The police escort immediately started pushing him around, naturally things got a little infuriated and a tussle broke out. Samar was arrested and taken to Darakhshan Police Station, where he spent the night and is being taken to court for a hearing, the family has still to know what charges have been levied against him

The PPP cadre and Mr Mirza is pushing the news in the media that he was enraged and out of control attacking, but witnesses say the entire provocation later was by the minister and his guards. A few people who met him barely two hours later at the police station say that Samar was generally ok, no major bruises, a little apologetic to have created all this fuss in the heat of the moment, but there is no doubt he was in high spirits

Either way, ever since Mr. Zulfiqar Mirza has moved onto the house on the main street of Khy-e-Shamsheer two speed breakers have gone up around his house and a convoy of police escort remains surrounding the area ready to block off traffic to allow the free unrestricted movement of the Minister. I personally have been caught up on that street once too many times and it might be possible that a fuse may have sparked within Samar to let it all go.

I feel it is a proud moment, for someone in Pakistan to have the gutts to stand up against this hegemony of VIP movement. Samar Ali Khan, what you did was right, we are proud of you and may this serve as an example for others to challenge this idiotic VVIP movement trend so common of our elected leaders

UPDATE 1: Samar was taken to court embarrassingly draped under a black cloth, the judge was not there so no bail hearing, he has been sent back to Jail for another day

UPDATE 2: A Protest has been organized outside Darakhshan Police Station [map] where he is being held at 6:00pm today [Jun 16th] Show up in numbers to protest against this VIP hegemony and support Samar Ali Khan

UPDATE 3: Talked to Samar on phone just now, he was definitely worried, as he was being treated like a criminal as a black cloth was being draped over his head – have told him to hold the fort and keep his hopes up high, pressure needs to be applied to break the hegemony of Zulfiqar Mirza

UPDATE 4 HOT NEWS: Samar Khan is free, al charges have been dropped he is going home






206 responses to “Proud of Samar Ali Khan for standing up against VIP Movement of Zulfiqar Mirza”

  1. Qazi Atiq Avatar

    Proud to read about it, we still have hope

    1. Awam Avatar

      Every time I get caught in VIP movement. I start out chanting against the movement. Once most of the crowd joined me. If every time one of these kuttas move, every starts calling out Kis kuttay kay laya haam ko rooka hia? Pretty soon, VIP movements would die down. If hunderds of people do it, the police will not arrest them.

      I have been doing this for years and I actually go up to the policemen too and ask them, so Ki Kutty ka laya haam ko rook raha ho? I have always had the police apologize to me and them concurring that the VIP mover are **#!.

      Anyways, if we start a nationwide "Stop the Kuttay movement" everytime they block our way, and the media catches on, These Dogs will have to stop this nonsense.

  2. Mahmood Mirza Avatar

    Well done Samar! You did what I would never have the courage or desire to do. Very proud of you. Thanks for sharing this Awab.

  3. Ibrahim Hashmi Avatar
    Ibrahim Hashmi

    Bravo to this gentleman…i think its time to standup against all those dumbos who know nothing of this country..ask them how a normal Pakistani makes his both ends meet…they dont know the prices of daily items but know how to have a protocol and dont have shame on what they do…they should be "chitrooled" publicly for the tax money of a Pakistani they spend on these protocols…They should not be spared…

  4. S.A.R.A Avatar

    hmmm.. wrong move by Samar, but a daring one. Lets see what charges the police has to levy on him. I doubt this will be an easy one for him.

    1. Teeth Maestro Avatar

      Ali Raza – Crazy yes, picking a bone with the ruthless Zulfiqar Mirza – OUCH – people who met him 2 hours later say he was a little apologetic, but that's what happens in the heat of the moment. Charges still have to be figured out, but I hear they talking about being a little tipsy ๐Ÿ˜‰ LOL – the mysteries of the magic potion, might it….. but I still believe it was not some random persons house, it is an issue that needs to be sorted out – Watch out Bilawal House Samar might be headed your way next ๐Ÿ˜‰

    2. Mahmood Mirza Avatar

      Magic potion? Hmmm. I hope that wasn't the case, but this kind of *action* is still much needed!

    3. S.A.R.A Avatar

      Oh shit! Magic potion's normally do not work out well in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan ๐Ÿ˜‰ Pls update as you get the info ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Farhan Avatar

    Excellent Samar bhai……… professionals like you are keeping this dead nation alive… KUDOSSSS to you

  6. Mehmood Motiwala Avatar
    Mehmood Motiwala

    Well donr Samar !!! We are proud of you.
    Zulfiqar is just a toadie, here today gone tomorrow. I too lead “Honk your car horn repeatedly if you hate this VIP movement” when Zardari was in Karachi a year ago. The police and security guards (we were opp the US Consulate) would not allow me to stand outside the car (I had waited 20 minutes)to catch some fresh air. Out of freustration I yelled at the autorities and told them to F*** off and to shoot me if they had the guts. All others came out of their cars as well, and we created a private sub-elite protest.
    Samar, although I am away, my spirit is with your cause: F*** the imcompetent VIPS !!! Especially that womanizing Zulfiqar.

    1. Alizeh Avatar

      It is extremely amusing how stories are twisted just to justify a drunken act and to malign a person cause they are in the public eye. The fact is Mr. Samar Ali Khan was on his way back from Sindh Club after a dinner where alcohol had been served and decided to make a pit stop on his way- as mentioned by his own son-in-law. Zulfiqar Mirza was at home at the time the incident took place and there was no VIP movement. Just because Samar Ali Khan does not have the balls to come on TV and admit he was drunk and a 3 day divorcee, an alcoholic since the marriage went bad, does not mean what he did was for the country or right in any way.

    2. Aun Avatar

      @alizeh: when was the last time you stood up against the corruption going on in the country? while the poor are getting poorer and the common man can't afford "daal roti", what are you and the crooks you support doing? obviousy busy keeping a tab on what samar is doing, having nothing better to do. so please, go back to your hole and stop maligning people who are actually trying to make a change.

    3. Athar A. Khan Avatar


      I respectfully disagree with your logic and analysis.

      First, with regard to your statement that Mr. Khan did not "come on TV." Apparently you are implying some sort of cowardice at play here. However, if you consider the facts objectively, it takes a significant amount of courage to stand up to the Pakistani police who shoot first and ask questions later. To me, walking past armed police officers and asking to speak to Mr. Mirza is an action far more courageous than making a statement of any kind on television.

      Furthermore, if Mr. Khan had an issue with Mr. Mirza, it makes perfect sense for Mr. Khan to ask to speak with Mr. Mirza. After all, if I had an issue with someone's behavior, I would make an attempt to resolve it directly with them rather than immediately launching a media campaign, threatening to sue, etc.

      Second, with regard to your statement about Mr. Khan's actions having nothing to do with his personal matters, I would offer a slightly different analysis. You are correct to the extent that one has no bearing on, or relationship to the other. However, you still attempt to create some kind of causal relationship between the two. In my humble opinion, what happens in a person's personal life has very little to do with their role as a civil activist. The two are entirely unrelated and therefore, there is no need for an ad hominem attack.

      Finally, I am not sure how you know these purported facts about Mr. Khan's personal life. Even if these facts were true, I would guess that you are someone close to Mr. Khan to have this kind of knowledge. Assuming that you are someone close to Mr. Khan, I find it disappointing that you chose to disclose such matters in such a public forum. Please take a moment to consider the kind of anguish you might feel if someone else chose to reveal any private facts about your life.

      Thank you for hearing me out.


  7. Ahmed Ali Saleemi Avatar
    Ahmed Ali Saleemi

    Proud of Samar. I have done this thrice. One night before the first long march, we had a tight schedule. had to pick up all our banners, food, travel belongings etc for the long march and road was blocked due to COAS movement. me and my activist friend went to the start of the blockade, had a heated debate with millitary police official and then started faced towards the general public and told them that this is your road, built by your taxes…the respone from the public was great. police and MP had to open the route and told the COAS convoy through wireless to wait ๐Ÿ˜›

    did the same once on Mush's route and once on PM Gillanis route. Both the times, the strategy was to involve the public. The response was amazing. Thrice i was able to get the blockade open….

    1. Syed Nadir El Edroos Avatar

      hear! hear! did the same thing last summer in pindi!Too bad the jawans are put in such a position where they are just following orders, if only the officer cadre was standing on the roads, but i guess the golf course awaits after business hours

    2. Teeth Maestro Avatar

      here here – we need to support such individual efforts – the minute I heard about Samar was like WOW – and hence I feel its important to show him and his family there are people who applaud his effort – problem is they are being pushed into a corner

  8. Parvez Avatar

    Being proud of him is great but what happens to him and how "we" as a society back him up is far more important. If they make an example out of him (which I hope they don't) then standing up will have been merely a symbolic gesture. We must learn to see this through and pressure the higher ups. Then each such action will be worth it.

  9. Mikail Avatar

    I absolutely agree, how we support Mr Khan will now define us from our lethargy and drawing-room/web politics. Even if they get him on magic potion charges, there's plenty we can do to let politicians know that the average person has had enough of their power abuses. And true about the poor jawans, so what's the best way to get our message across?

  10. Masuma Avatar

    I congratulate you for having the guts to take a stand against this nonsense,

    I think we all need to follow your example.

  11. S.A.R.A Avatar

    To all of you appreciating what Samar did, are requested to form a protest and walk to the Police Station to have him released. Lets see how many us are able to do this only.

  12. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Teeth Maestro says: June 16, 2010 at 2:55 pm here here – we need to support such individual efforts


    Unconditional Support for Mr Samar Ali Khan and Condemnation for Zulfiqar Mirza a Loud Mouth Braggart whose tongue does more work then his machinery to protect life of the citizens. Recent Sectarian Killings in Karachi is an open example [even Doctors were not spared].

    1. Aamir Mughal Avatar

      Jang says he was Tipsy:… and belongs to Tehreek-e-Insaf.

  13. Alizeh Avatar

    Dont attack me because I know the facts. Maybe you should get out of your hole and get your facts straight. And every other person on this page is keeping no tabs on what Samar is doing which is why they’re here right? Change does not come by acting like a cheap ass drunkard. Samar has enough resources to make a change come about in a decent manner. This act was more than just that. Hopefully some drunkard should show up at your house tomorrow and you can stand up with him for the country. Eliminate corruption by getting drunk – Yup, that is exactly what needs to be done to save this country!

    1. Aun Avatar

      Stop obsessing about him being drunk. Give me a break! The point of the matter is that someone stood up to these thugs who put themselves in front of everyone, and you're maligning him. Bringing about positive change with decency has not worked in Pakistan in 50+ years; what makes you think it will now? What have you done lately to bring about any change?

      The only reason this article came about was people saw an entire platoon of police officers jump on him for wanting to talk to Mr. Mirza about his ridiculous blockades; so no, no one is keeping tabs, but you obviously have been, knowing how drunk he was, and where he was, and how that has to be the reason behind what he did – how do you know he doesn't stand up to these thugs otherwise? You probably haven't realized the repercussions of these blockades and VIP movements, because you or your loved ones haven't ended up in an ambulance that couldn't get through. Food for thought?

  14. Adnan Ahmed Siddiqui Avatar
    Adnan Ahmed Siddiqui

    Call the incident as well


  15. Ahmed Ali Saleemi Avatar
    Ahmed Ali Saleemi

    I am not in Karachi, otherwise would have marched towards the police station with civil society activists. You should do something Dr. Awab !

  16. Ahmed Ali Saleemi Avatar
    Ahmed Ali Saleemi

    Jang aka GEO are the biggest dramas and liers ever!

  17. Sincere Pakistani Avatar

    You have reacted on Samar Ali Khan because he was drunk. He was coming back from a party which was held in ‘Sindh Club”Sindh club comes under the control of Interior Minister, if the alcohol is being provided in that club, it means Zulfiqar Mirza is aware of it, but in other words he must be also enjoying this facility.The question is not this that Samar was divorced or drunk, but the thing is this why all these idiots block the roads when they pass, this gives very much pain to the public.Samar did the right thing, he abused, used bad words, protested in front of that house.He has expressed the feelings of common public.

    1. Nazia Avatar

      Sincere Pakistani

      You in your innocence has given free and fair advice to all coward Pakistanis that to revive their spirit of self respect it is better to keep themselves in alcoholic state.In conscious way we cant think of any act of keeping our self respect in order so lets take alcoholic drink or if one is divorcee it can increase the hormones of dignity more than normal Pakistanis.

      This is what you are trying to convey?

  18. khizer Avatar

    Good going Mr.Samar…an active approach to this hated movements by every citizen of Pakistan who undoubtley can say millions of words but when it comes to taking a stand to stop these so called VVIP movements by our f……ministers pardon my language but they are good for nothing to be honest…people disappear as they don't even give a damn but every heart says this need to be stopped but since now you have shown people what does one needs to show his guts and for which heard you are being treated like a criminal one can only expect this from our minister and disgusting police who only work to lick the dirty feet's of these bloody ministers i can assure you that you have set an example in our society and have buzzed hundreds of people to stand up and make our moves and raise our voices to stop these officials to further destroy our country….I hope,wish and pray for your early release great job GOD BLESS YOU!

  19. Suman Avatar

    Way to go Sir!…proud of you!

  20. Hina Avatar

    Samar Ali Khan’s action is to be applauded. More, over every one of the civilians should stand united against such ministers and there protocols.

  21. Alizeh Avatar

    Just to inform you guys Samar Ali Khan called Zulfiqar Mirza and apologised for his drunken stint and said he regrets it and is ashamed.
    Really a true national hero, standing up for what he believes in.

  22. ASIF SAEED Avatar




  23. Aamer Iqbal Avatar
    Aamer Iqbal

    Only those get caught, persecuted and prosecuted who have little or no actual nuisance value. Thugs and bandits go around with impunity.

  24. Akbar Rizvi Avatar
    Akbar Rizvi

    VIP = Very Idiotic Person

    VVIP = Very Very Idiotic Person

    A nation gets the leaders it deserves. Pakistan has blissfully plunged into darkness. The very name of the country is a joke. We were never an "Islamic" republic, never will be, and never should be. I hope and pray that Samar Ali Khan comes out of this safe and sound.

    1. Nazia Avatar

      It can be modified as

      VIP :Very idle person who is in need of handicapped facilities .

      VVIP very very idle person who urgently need state facility on priority to do something for his country.

  25. arzoo Avatar

    Be Proud be Loud

    Glad to see you Awab writing on this

  26. Sincere Pakistani Avatar

    SAMAR KHAN….!!!!!

    No doubt you are realy a "KHAN", the whole nation is fedup from this vip culture, where any politicians passing & the whole area has been blocked as if some Enemy country has attacked on that area. People suffers who cares, but that particular idiot who is passing that way in an airconditioned car with gassip & enjoying the trip, don't even bother to even look out of his car, because they are all scared from people & from their "death". I have also passed that road where this decoit & traitor Zulfiqar Mirza residing. The road that belongs to the public who pays tax to the govt doesn't belong to this idiot, so why he issue orders to block the road when he is going out or coming in to his dungeon. This road is not his father's property, it belongs to the public. No body from our this society even myself protested against this illegal attitude of Zulfiqar Mirza, at least Samar Ali Khan has protested in front of that house where a mouce is living. Bravo to Samar Ali Khan.

  27. Anjum Hameed Avatar
    Anjum Hameed

    @ Alizeh..It is extremely demeaning to see how you have decided to expose the fact that Mr. Samar Ali Khan had been divorced just 3 days before this incident and other personal matters about must know the man personally to be privy to such information..I dont know either you or the accused but it is of NO value to the world to know what goes on in his private life..VIP's in our country treat everyone else with the contempt due not even to a slave..and people love to accuse others of deeds that they are exposed to themselves at the drop of a should be ashamed of your holier-than-thou statement..

    1. Aun Avatar

      Thanks Anjum.

  28. Sehr Asif Avatar
    Sehr Asif

    A true national hero.


  29. Alizeh Avatar

    How about an update no. 4?

    1. Aun Avatar

      Actually he didn't. Wait, unless you heard him apologize or Mr. Mirza personally told you? ๐Ÿ™‚ Right, thanks for the meaningless update.

  30. Alizeh Avatar

    Actually he did. Since the writer of this article has been having conversations on the phone with Samar Ali khan as suggested in the updates why doesn't he call Samar Ali Khan for the new updates?

    I love how you say " Actually he didn't" with such conviction. Clearly you're ill-informed.

  31. Alizeh Avatar

    Also, since you all are so interested in his release may I also inform you he has been released after phone calls and apologies from multiple family members who were ashamed by his behavior, as was he.

  32. asif deenar Avatar
    asif deenar

    @ alizeh :

    It seems u have a personal grudge against mr. khan….GET A LIFE!!! U ARE A COWARD..

    Mr. Khan is a true hero….THE WHOLE NATION SALUTES HIM…

    1. ali qazi Avatar
      ali qazi

      I agree with Asif deenar, in fact i would say we put Alizeh behind bars!!! i think Alizeh is paid to be talk in favor of the VIP movement…maybe Alizeh is the driver…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Alizeh Avatar

    Only because your hopes and dreams of him actually standing up against something meaningful have been crushed does not mean you take your anger out on me. Do something positive. Go protest over something real, do not turn stories around. You are just making yourself out to be fools that believe everything they are fed. Make use of your life.

  34. Nazia Avatar

    You people are lucky that samar stood against a political characters.Come to Rawalpindi area where Ammar chowk is notorious for regular "route" blockage when our dare generals and Americans convoys move from here and there.

    Army men take full control of that roads until generals reach home or office safely.No matter how much late is our common public through such daring acts of our brave army men.

    One thing interesting I must share here once I tried to reach the blockage vehicle of army to record my anger but suddenly a plain cloth man stopped me to advance further.He told me that gunmen covering areas are ordered to shoot who try to cross certain limit towards them.

    So I preferred to return back safe to my vehicle as I couldnt take risk of wasting my life as a label that a suicidal bomber was trying to hit the convoy of tariq majeed when she was shot dead by vigilant army men.Such scenes were commonly seen in swat war.

    So you people are lucky he is just arrested and soon would be released.

    Imagine the horrible daily situation of RWP people who helplessly see such scenes near kuchari chowk and ammar chowk when our generals are on run under state protection.

    So when ever I read slogans hanging all important roads like that pak fauj theri jurat of salam, pak fauj kay nishan, bahduri jurat aur aiman, I cant stop my smile.

  35. Rai Yasir Avatar
    Rai Yasir

    wat samar ali khan did, require lot of courage…i m proud of him….now u can be all judgemental and put thousand scenarios to prove him wrong but you knw wat he did was right….i knw him very well as a person and in watever sate of mind he is he will never do or say anything wrong…and stop defending mr zulfiqar mirza as if he is on the right….they are here to serve the nation…not to block the roads and put people in difficulties….shame on them hiding in thr homes like rats with so much paid security whn ppl are dying everyday on roads…

    is this country for the people of pakistan or for coward wannabe leaders….shame shame shame…

  36. Alizeh Avatar

    I would totally support you guys if that was the purpose of his action but what you people seem to not get is.. IT WAS NOT. He was not there to protest against anything. And if he really was then I request him to admit that was the reason he was there. If it was a protest then I ask him to continue this protest. Its convenient how you hear something has happened and make it into something it really wasn't. Please Mr. Samar Ali Khan come out with your cause, with the help of all these media friends you have, come out in public and tell the world what you were doing outside Zulfiqar Mirzas house.

    1. Aun Avatar

      Geez, baseless claims; how do you know it was not? In the past, he has stepped up in front of these roadblocks and protocols, with police showing up to impound his car and what not – stop blowing hot air, acting like Mr. Mirza is your uncle. You are obviously hiding in the shadows of these thugs you're protecting – unless you don't want your protocol or VIP treatment to be taken away. You say that he should "continue" this protest; just to be thrown into jail or be mistakenly shot as Mr. Mirza so aptly put it. Had it not been Samar Khan, and some guy on the street protesting, little do we know what would have happened to the poor sod.

      Sadly you live your life behind a smokescreen; little do you know or care about what happens behind it. Time for you to turn that screensaver off and do something meaningful.

      Round 5… fight!

    2. Kamran Ali Avatar
      Kamran Ali

      Alizeh – Might I question all your morality, might you need reminding of the way a particular son of a high official was merely rounded up and thrown into Darakshan and his mother yelled at for what !!! not stopping respectfully while your brother was backing out of the house????……

      Your house on the main road is a cause of serious nuisance and your family does little to respect the people. If you or your father have no courtesy to respect humanity then you have no right to plead any sort of innocence – you are more or less guilty by acquaintance – come back when you have washed your sins – neither you nor your father have the right to be called decent respecting members of society – money and corruption outweigh morality here.

      Twist Samar's incident in anyway – he did knock on the right door for the right reason. Protest or not, he had a point

  37. anas n butt Avatar
    anas n butt

    alizeh, you sound bitter. the man did what most folks want to but dont have the balls to. really you need to lighten up and not obsess about who was drunk and who got divorced. the man is a hero in my book

  38. anas n butt Avatar
    anas n butt

    oh and alizeh you might want to "blow" some steam so you're not so angry

  39. Nugh Avatar

    I think Samar Ali Khan did a great thing. I think it is cheap and callous to dig up his personal life and to try to dilute what he did by calling him a drunk. What he did was not a personal attack against Mr.Mirza; he basically had the guts to represent all of us who suffer continuously due to our "Public servant's" VIP movements. He is a hero as far as I am concerned and I wonder how "Alizeh" knows so much general and personal detail of this incident.

  40. Ooooh Avatar

    Alizeh Mirza? No wonder. ๐Ÿ™‚!/profile.php?id=5058727

    1. Ooooh Avatar

      I see why she was being so defensive now ๐Ÿ™‚ Can't blame her!

    2. Caught red handed? Avatar
      Caught red handed?


      Couldn't hide it now with the dp with daddy anyway ๐Ÿ˜›

      It's sad – just because someone took a stand against corrupt-rich daddy, she has personal information dug up about him and publicizes it.

      Baap ghar kay baap speed breakers banwaata hai, roads aam awaam kay liye block kerwaata hai, aur baiti logon ki personal details istimaal ker kay un ko publicly exploit kerti hai.

      Like father, like daughter.

      Good detective work, Ooooh!

  41. Varda Nisar Avatar

    Then why the hell didnt you ever stand for such a thing? Why are you the sort of people who would create all sorts of noise on the cyber space and are absolouetly worth nothing when it comes to action!

  42. Arslan Avatar

    oh oh oh.

    This is getting interesting.

  43. Arslan Avatar

    I agree with 39.anas n butt.

  44. Alizeh Avatar

    Reading over this article again I realized how not even the location of the incident could be correctly mentioned. Just goes to show how ill-informed the writer really is. Also, if your beloved hero was being treated like a criminal with a black bag over his head I wonder how he managed to not only speak on the phone but have access to a phone altogether. Clearly facts do not interest you guys as much as controversy does. So good ahead, excite yourself with this story. Facts are facts and you can not change them. Samar Ali Khan and his family know he was at wrong for which he has already apologized so you sitting here trying to argue and deny that happening doesn't change the fact that it did happen. Good night everyone. Hopefully tomorrow another psychopath will give meaning to your life.

    1. Sehr Asif Avatar
      Sehr Asif

      Baap barricades kay peechay chupta hai…

      baiti pakrhay jaanay par bhaag jaati hai.

      Strange, Ms. Mirza, that you could even INFER cowardice on Samar Ali Mirza's part.

      If cowardice is an issue, you might wanna ask daddy why hide behind the pickets, speed breakers, security personnel and regularly harass & ban the very common man from entering his vicinity whom he claims to represent.

      Good night indeed. May you sleep safe in your mountains of security.

      But do not forget to thank us all, for we are the ones who pay for it.

  45. Ali Kapadia Avatar

    all charges dropped? interesting. im sure there is a way for citizens to annoy these ministers conveniently on a regular basis. gota figure a way.. like fire crackers or car horns wherever there is a road block. any one wana take up the idea of a short citizen training film? it'll look like an in-flight safety video instructing citizens on what to do in case of a vip road block! btw, is throwing eggs legal?

    1. Athar A. Khan Avatar


      I think that is a fantastic idea. However, I doubt anyone could make a movie better than you could.


  46. Saad Avatar

    Above all, lets not forget; people like Samar Ali Khan pay for the very bread-and-butter of people like Zulfiqar Mirza. Regardless of whatever happens in his personal life (which really shouldn't concern any of us), I believe Samar had (and still has) the right to object the blockade. High time these political thugs realize who's actually keeping them in office.


    I totally respect, support and believe in what Mr. Samar did. At the same time, i do request all the people of "karachi" atleast to please forget their political associations, language and caste/religion and other attachments and for once start thinking n behaving like proper educated "human beings". this the time of coming together, the country is in dire straits and there are no signs of improvement. PPLEASE GET TOGETHER. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF, UR NEIGHBOUR, UR FAMILY, UR CITY AND UR COUNTRY. stand up against corruption, political employees, quota system, feudalism. Please. Please. Please.

  48. Nomad Avatar

    I believe Pakistan is not far away from the day when a mass gathering of frustrated citizens is going to march and storm into the private dwellings of such politicians. The resilience will break eventually. I do not know if we should live to see it happen but under the growing dire circumstances, it seems inevitable.


    I must add here that due to these bullshit politician VIPs (read– Very Insecure People) many a lives are lost during their movements and bloackades.. it also includes our "repected" army generals, esp when they block roads around cantt station and this causes jams in and around JPMC, which handles most of the medical "elected representatives" of the "people" and are revered by them, then why & what in the hell are they soooooo afraid of that they need to cordon off the roads on which they move? have a batalion of guards around their homes ??? these BLOODY M$#@#*&S !!!!!!

  50. Sick of VIPs Avatar
    Sick of VIPs

    Very proud of this guy! I think Pakistan has reached a stage where the people need to take up arms against the politicians, ministers, and all the so-called VVIPs.

    If these VVIPs need so many guards to protect themselves, they are obviously doing something wrong!!