TTP must give up arms before talks says Rehman "Dakait" Malik

In other news "Dr" Rehman Dakait has said that TTP must give up their "arms" before talks …..

He had told reporters “The minimum agenda is that they give up arms and come forward and then there will be talks. But if they think they will keep Kalashnikovs in their hands and also hold talks, that will not happen,”

Dr. Dakait – can you please give 'wazahat' [clarification] on your statement as such a statement coming from an irresponsible statesman needs more clarity – it is vague if you meant "arms" as in hands & fingers because TTP may gladly oblige but did you accidentally mean arms as in Klashinkovs …. I bet you did .. but then again you are known to fudge the truth, so please help us out WILL 'YA – LINK



