Category: Free Speech
Draconian Cyber Crime Law in Pakistan
Yesterday a few concerned Pakistanis gathered together at The Second Floor to discuss the Cyber Crime Bill (Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act 2007). The event was hosted at T2F and sponsored by Alchemy Technologies allowing Barrister Zahid Jamil an opportunity to explain / interpret in simpler terms the impact of this bill on our daily…
- Blockage in Thailand
Don’t Block the Blog ( Barely a few days earlier Turkey had gone through a similar blockage of the entire domain being blocked for Turkish users. Reports are now coming in that Thailand has also sadly scummed to a similar bout of censorship effectively blocking the entire domain for all internet users in…
Turkey Censors
A few months back in March there was a huge circus surrounding the decision by the Turkish government to block the entire YouTube website as it hosted a video which according to the official government statement was insulting Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey. Unsurprisingly the same, modern Turkey was now up in…
- Website Blocked in Pakistan
It is a fact that those romantic days of ‘Enlightened Moderation‘ a key phrase used to disguise the term Martial Law by Pervaiz Musharraf are a thing of the past. General Musharraf is now the Judge, Jury, Prosecutor and defendant all in one, playing with the fate of this country as he feels appropriate. His…
Geo Tv Blackballed because of Imran Khan
Last night was scheduled to re-broadcast the Jawab Deh where Iktikhar (also known as ‘Fitna’) the show host was interviewing Imran Khan and his tell-all attack on MQM. Reports of the blocked channel came first from Gulshan and it was soon verified by GEO where a number of areas across the country were blocked.…
I Support, Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa
The Government of Pakistan (read Pakistan Army) has been trying its best to suppress the release of the book titled Military Inc.: Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy which was written by Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa. Since Friday, the proposed release date the military has pulled all stops to prevent the release of this all-exposing book going to…
PEMRA Clamps Down on TV Channels
The saga continues, the battle between the bureaucracy and the electronic media has now come to an interesting juncture. PEMRA (Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority) has issued guidelines to all TV channels curtailing their freedom to cover LIVE events hence forcing them to seek prior clearance from PEMRA. The trojan horse has been camouflaged under…
GEO and AAJ Pulled off Air
Breaking News: it has come to my attention through reliable sources that the GEO.TV & AAJ.TV have both been pulled off the air in a bid to issue them a stern warning and also curtail their press freedom. I suspect this has all to do with the CJP crisis and the tussle the Govt had…
Lal Masjid issue and its Blocked Website
I am sure many have heard and read about the Burqa clad women armed with sticks who were protesting in Islamabad. The set of images has been displayed across millions of websites showing yet another extremist element in Pakistan. I have a slightly different take on the entire issue, but before you start rapping me…
PPF-Aslam Ali Award – Nominations Open
Pakistan Press Foundation has announced that it is accepting nominations for the 2nd Annual PPF-Aslam Ali Press Freedom Award before the 15th of April. The award, instituted by PPF with support of UNESCO, carries a cash award of one hundred thousand rupees (US$ 1,650). Individuals as well as professional and non-governmental organisations working in the…
Whither freedom?!
Guest Blog by Urooj Zia The past few days have been bleak. Not because the issue of the suspended chief justice of Pakistan (CJP) hasn’t been resolved yet. Not because inflation continues to rise in the country, or that new taxes are being imposed, or that the I.I. Chundrigar road has been FUBAR-ed. No. The…
An Unconstitutional Reference
Guest Post by: Rai Muhammad Saleh Azam The writer is an Advocate of the High Courts based in Lahore Ever since the President sent a Reference to the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) against the Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP), Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, under Article 209 of the Constitution of Pakistan on that fateful day…
Dawn Under Pressure
Open Letter written by Hameed Haroon (CEO & Publisher, DAWN Group of Newspapers) March 23, 2007 Dear Madam / Sir, I am writing to draw your attention to an important matter that indicates the rapidly worsening environment for the freedom of press in Pakistan. It has always been difficult for governments to coexist with a…
Text of Reference Filed Against the CJP
Start Quote BEFORE THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COUNCIL, PAKISTAN ISLAMABAD Reference by the President, Islamic Republic of Pakistan under Article 209 of the Constitution Respectfully sheweth: The facts and circumstances necessitating this Reference by the president of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (“Pakistan”) under Article 209 of the Constitution, briefly stated, are as under: I. The…
Voice of America covers Pakistani Bloggers
Voice of America did a one hour round table discussion calling in four different bloggers from across the world into a telephonic round table discussion The guests were Adil Najam of, Ramla Akhtar of Next> by Ramla blog, Hakim of and wrapping up the talk with myself as the fourth speaker. The host…