Category: Israel
Will You Stop !!!
Do take a look at this map of the Israeli occupation from 1946 to 2000, a region predominantly occupied by the Muslims back in 1946 has slowly diminished to barely a few green spots on the map. It blatantly appears to be an invasion slowly expanding its territory and shoving the Muslims into extinction. Under…
Iran you’re Next
Total world domination is what appears to the ultimate goal of the United States of America. The US has been playing the same tactics it was found guilty off a few years back when it was itching to dip into the oily waters of Iraq. It threw at the UN and the world every conceivable…
President of Iran’s Letter To President Bush
The world has been abuzz with a letter by the President of Iran Ahmadi-Najad to the President of the US George W. Bush. On first reports the contents were not being reported but now an english translation has been provided courtesy ‘Le Monde’ it was posted on the website of FountainHead, do also check out…
Pakistan – Israel Talks
The latest hot issue that has gripped Pakistanis and also the Muslim world is a sudden show of softness by Pakistan towards the Israeli nation culminating into a round of high level talks this past week in Turkey. A step taken by our unconstitutional-military-coop-no-shit-ruler President Pervaiz Musharraf seems to be quite revolutionary and this move…
Marching to an Illegal war
In March 2002 long before the US publicly started waging its illegal war on Iraq it had already done some groundwork with its commitments with the American Poodle (UK). In a secret meeting held in Texas in July 2002 Blair and Bush agreed on principle to invade Iraq even if the UN or other nations…