Tag: America

  • Bush off to the woods

    What a ruler to set by example, the day after he won the elections, he announced he needs to take a break. So fellow americans your President is off to Camp David for a week of much needed rest and also to repeat exactly what he did four years ago. Shows how concerned he is…

  • Why is it important for Bush to win

    I have been a staunch supporter for Kerry throughout the pre-election campaign and still hate Bush to the guts, but right at the last day, I might have a change in my overall decision. Why? You might ask, I feel that in the past 4 years the US has lost its credibility in the entire…

  • Prediction: Kerry Wins

    Of all analysts trying to predict the ultimate winner in the US elections let me also put “my two cents worth”. My prediction John Kerry as the next President of the United Stares of America. Slate.com has him leading by 10 electoral votes as of 31st October leading by 277-267 so let see how the…

  • “Journalism by Remote Control”

    Journailst based in Iraq are unable to move about physically and they feel enclosed in a prison hence to compensate for their loss of mobility, most reporters have increasingly turned to their trusted Iraqi staffersâ€translators, drivers, fixersâ€to collect first-hand information from news scenes and conduct interviews with Iraqis. Imagine how scared shit the American Army…

  • Intent to produce WMD

    This is the most hilarious comment from Bush trying to justify that Saddam had intentions to produce WMD and hence supporting his intention to go to war. Well with intentions like these the world would be a messed up place, I give you an example, what if i wanted to kill that teacher who has…

  • Part of Patriot Act Overturned

    “Part of the Patriot Act, a central plank of the Bush administration’s war on terror, was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge on the 9th of Sept 2004 U.S. District Judge Victor Marreo ruled in favour of the American Civil Liberties Union, which challenged the power the FBI has to demand confidential financial records from…

  • @ UPENN

    Hey blog readers out there. I have moved out of Karachi for sometime – and I am right now sitting in Philadelphia trying to attend a course at UPENN. Its been 2 days an I am bored shit without any cricket. To be honest I am not complaining too much as I love NFL. It’s…

  • Bush in his acceptance speech

    excerpt from Slate.com Back to the Future What Bush would do if he were president. For $2.4 trillion, guess what wordother than “a,” “and,” and “the” occurs most frequently in the acceptance speech George W. Bush delivered tonight. The word is “will.” It appears 76 times. This was a speech all about what Bush will…