Tag: Censorship

  • RSF plans for an Online Protest Against Internet Censorship

    Reporters without Borders is organizing a 24-hour Online Protest between 11 a.m. on 7 November and 11 a.m. on 8 November. This protest is to raise our voice against the 13 Governments that are being labelled as ‘Internet Enemies’. We as Pakistanis and activists of the Don’t Block the Blog where we condemn the Censorship…

  • Bahraini Blogger Blocked By Bahrain

    Pakistanis don’t need to be told how much it can hurt to be at the receiving end of a censorship on their own blog, we sadly have had a massive blockade on the entire Blogspot.com cordoning off more then 10 million blogs for over 11 months and counting. Its sad to note that a few…

  • Blocking of Websites to get Worse

    Sept 2nd 2006, The Government of Pakistan has dealt yet another severe blow to the Internet community in Pakistan, as it has now created a body constituted by the Ministry of Information Technology which would examine contents of websites reported or found to be offensive or containing anti-state material and block them off in Pakistan.…

  • Internet Governance in Pakistan

    A very interesting post made by TEE EMM (Tariq Mustafa) a veteran Pakistani Blogger who has been blogging since 2001. I had been following his blog for some time but then all of a sudden he disappeared and has reemerged recently back into the blogging world (though I now see a few posts in between…

  • Inblogs.net – Slap the Block for Indians

    Yasir Memon & Naveed Memon have come yet again to save the blogging community from the douldrums to have launched Inblogs.net which is similar to pkblogs but more suited for the Indian traffic. On July 17th the Indian Government has started blocking a number of websites specifically Blogspot, Typepad and Geocities. This comes as a…

  • Blogspot Blocked AGAIN

    Well our celebrations from the last post, were indeed short lived as the PTA has again resumed the blocking of the entire blogspot domain. As of today, 6th May 2006 5:00pm, after a brief relief of three precious days for the internet surfing society of Pakistan, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority appears to have again resumed…

  • Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace concludes

    The final day of the Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace ended with probably one of the best technical sessions of the event, it was titled “Internet Security” and was conducted by Ethan Zuckerman of Berkman Center / Global Voices, and Nart Villeneuve of Citizenlab. Both were well versed in the security aspects and gave an…

  • Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace (Day 2)

    The second day of the Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace was quite interesting to say the least, which covered issues of technology and legal implications on free speech movement Issac Mao, hails from China and talked about some very interesting ways how the Chinese by pass the GFW (Great Fire Wall). The authorities maintain a…

  • Silencing the Pakistani Blogs

    On the start of the second day of the Freedom of Expression in Asian Cyberspace conference, I was chosen to project the efforts of Don’t Block the Blog. The PowerPoint presentation is Silencing the Pakistani Blogs PowerPoint presentation (1 MB), an audiopodcast is available in MP3 here(6.4 MB), while I also enclose the entire text…

  • Slap the Block

    The creative mind of a few local Pakistanis Yasir Memon & Naveed – has created this nifty utility for those individuals in Pakistan stuck behind the Government supported censorship on our Internet The way this service works is that you can simply go-to http://www.pkblogs.com/blogname where blogname is “blogname.blogspot.com” Alternatively head on over to www.pkblogs.com –…

  • Don’t Block the Blog – 2

    Just a progress report on the Censorship Campaign organized by our own administration. I am embarrassed to point out that the blockage still exists, it now can be understood as NOT an innocent mistake but more as an organized ploy to deliberately block all blogs. No progress has been made to alleviate this blockage and…

  • Don’t Block the Blog

    As I write this post on the morning of 4th March 2006 all sub domains of Blogspot.com carrying thousands of free blogs continue to remain censored for all internet users in Pakistan. The mess all started on the 27th of February when the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority issued instructions to all ISP to block all websites…