Tag: CJP

  • Cricket in the Jungle

    Guest Post By Samia Altaf While everyone is focused on what will happen, the much more profound impact will be of what is happening before it happens. Something will happen after all, it always does when the dust settles there will be a deal: it will be Him, or him, or her in the drivers…

  • Teachers Action Committee

    At a meeting of teachers on 6th December, it was unanimously decided to form a Teachers Action Committee. With representatives from various universities, colleges and schools of Lahore including PU, LGS, NCA, BNU, LACAS, FCC and GCU, the aim of TAC is to provide a forum where teachers can unite their voices against the illegal…

  • Request for the resignation of the Chairman NAB

    Open Letter by Amer Nazir Mr Naveed Ahsan Chairman, National Accountability Bureau, Pakistan Subject: Request for your resignation. It is with astonishment that I have today read your speech given on the Anti-corruption day. The entire world is now finally coming to grips with the fact that the statements given by the Pakistan government are…

  • This, that and the other – Ardeshir Cowasjee

    A very interesting article written by Ardeshir Cowasjee printed in Dawn 9th Dec Having written a column for this week, but having no desire to be carted off to jail or to suffer any physical inconvenience not being a street fighter and, besides, not having too much time left to me I consulted my lawyer…

  • US Activist Arrested at US Senate Hearing on Pakistan

    On December 6, Tighe Barry, a CODEPINK activist who along with Medea Benjamin was deported from Pakistan at gunpoint for supporting pro-democracy forces, was arrested at the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing on US Assistance to Pakistan. Barry and Benjamin, deported on December 5, flew directly to Washington DC to attend this hearing. They…

  • Vigil for Muneer Malik’s Recovery

    People’s Resistance would like to issue a call for a 6-hour vigil outside SIUT today 7th Dec for the quick recovery of Mr. Muneer Malik. Please show up in full force and share your concern for this great leader and his struggling medial condition. Location : SIUT Karachi Date: 7th December 2007 Time: 6 pm…

  • The Silence of Friends

    Guest post by Salman Ahmad β€œIn the end, what we will remember is not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends – Martin Luther King Jr The Chinese proverb goes May you live in interesting times and the past week has been nothing if not that. The openly accusatory e-mail exchange…

  • Musharraf’s emergency upends Pakistan’s courts

    By Nafisa Hoodbhoy, McClatchy Newspapers A month after President Gen. Pervez Musharraf declared a state of emergency in Pakistan , the country’s once-independent judiciary is in disarray and still under attack, making it unlikely that America’s closest ally in the war on terrorism will have a functioning democracy anytime soon. Police lines surround the principal…

  • Coalition of Concerned Citizens – A successful day on Capitol Hill

    Press Release issued by Coalition of Concerned Citizens An impressive number of Members of U.S. Congress and a Senator addressed a large gathering of Concerned Citizens to show their support for the restoration of pre-November 3 independent Pakistani Judiciary. In addition to the U.S. lawmakers, the representatives of Amnesty International, and International Crisis Group also…

  • People’s Resistance issues a Protest Call for 13th Dec in Karachi

    The meeting held at Karachi Press Club was a great success which was attended by quite a number of political parties, civil society groups, lawyers, laborers and student organizations. It was mutually accepted to answer to the call of People’s Resistance on the 13th of December holding a protest rally at Regal Chowk at 4:00pm…

  • Musharraf’s teams Mis-statements at Asia Society

    A detailed rebuttal to Musharraf PR Teams Mis-statements at Asia Society Meeting in New York on Friday Nov 30, 2007 which ‘mis’represented by Nasim Ashraf, Kashmala Tariq and Barrister Ali Saif My views before the event and after the event were all concentrated on the fact that this was sadly a pro-musharraf deal and Asia…

  • First Things First : Muneer Malik Op-Ed in Dawn

    Op-ed article published in Dawn, 6th December 2007 by Muneer A Malik, former president of the Supreme Court Bar Association who is currently hospitalised following renal failure during his detention in Attock jail It was heartening to see Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif finally sitting together. The formation of a joint ARD-APDM committee is a…

  • Aitzaz Ahsan Addresses the Legal Fraternity While Under House Arrest

    Letter written by Aitzaz Ahsan from his sub-jail in Lahore to the legal fraternity while under house arrest My dear colleagues, Asalam o alaikum. As I write this from a sub-Jail, let me tell you how proud I am of each one of you and of myself to be part of the community that is…

  • Save Judiciary, Save Pakistan

    Originally Flickr’d by Techunar I feel these two words truly interlinked. How can we expect to do anything in Pakistan, let alone run a country without an independent Judiciary. It has been my view that the present crop of politicians over the past 22 years (1985 to present) have repeatedly proven to have little care…

  • PML-N to reverse boycott decision soon

    There are reports coming in from a number of news agencies that PML-N will very soon reverse their decision to boycott and succumb to the demands of their party stalwarts and contest the election. I truly feel that contesting the elections will only provide Musharraf with even more legitimacy to continue his reign on this…