Tag: Election
PPP demands foolproof security for Co-Chairperson PPP
The Pakistan Peoples Party has issued a request to the government of Pakistan asking for fool-proof additional security for the new Co-Chairman Mr. Asif Ali Zardari. I am shocked that Mr. Zardari did not enforce these measures with his wife Benazir Bhutto during her tour of Pakistan, it is confirmed that he had explicitly told…
Pakistani Voter List sent to Montreal for ‘Safe Keeping’ with Mehndi.com founder
Thanks to KO and his investigation skills we have come across yet another fiasco that will haunt the government of Pakistan in the lead up to the elections. In the past few weeks the Election Commission of Pakistan had hired the services of a certain Mr. Hayee Bokhari of Cronomagic Canada Inc, a data warehouse,…
‘The Duty My Wife Left Us’ – Asif Zardari, op-ed Washington Post
Asif Ali Zardari has today written an Op-Ed in the Washington Post. Reading this artcile I came off with a sarcastic smile and the only words that came out after every sentence was YEAH RIGHT!!!. In all honesty I suspect many of you might also have the same reaction The Duty My Wife Left Us…
Citizens Group Calls for a Non-Partisan President
The Citizens Group on Electoral Process met on January 4 under the umbrella of PILDAT and after the meeting they have agreed to these basic points, the minutes of the entire meeting are attached below which was attended an impressive list of some 20 respected members of civil society. I hope this ongoing pressure can…
Family Rivalries Surface to tear at Benazir’s Legacy
As predicated by this scribe in a post on Jan 1st the only way ruling elite can ensure a weakened PPP is to slowly chip away and exploit the jealousies and rivalries of the Bhutto clan, this could be the start of such propaganda, I personally see three potential breakaway’s from this post-Benazir era, Mumtaz…
STRATFOR: Bhutto and the U.S.-Jihadist Endgame
An article appearing in STRATFOR [Strategic Forecasting Inc.] about Pakistan, its definitely worth reading, but mind you its from the perspective of a Non-Pakistani, its time that WE stand up for what we believe is right for Pakistan, not what they hope is good for us. Is that too much to ask….. Pakistan, Bhutto and…
From President Musharraf to President Zardari
For many the headline itself is a scary thought, but I assure you its not unimaginable… Looking at the address by ‘Sir’ Musharraf to his humble servants today at 8pm was nothing even close to the ‘breaking news‘ we all expected but the more ‘shocking news’ was immediately following, the Press Conference by ‘Sir’ Zardari…
Musharraf Addresses Nation – Nothing Special !!
General Pervaiz Musharraf just finished his address to the nation but sadly its the same old dictatorship full of himself, in all honesty nothing has changed, Benazir Bhutto is out of the equation and the elections delayed by 40 days but its the same corrupt election commission, the same greedy President dearly clenching onto his…
ECP announces Feb 18 as new polling date
After three days of keeping the entire nation in suspense the Election Commission of Pakistan finally announced 18th Feb as the new polling date, accounting to a 40 day delay in the entire polling process. The new date should technically not be a problem for PPP, but now in an hour or so Sir Pervaiz…
Daughters of Asma Jehangir Assaulted
A statement has just be issued by the Asian Human Rights Commission calling attention to the assault on the daughters of Asma Jehangir, the leading Human Rights Activist in Pakistan where she alleges that her daughters assaulted and illegally held for several hours along with their friends by armed persons of the Pakistan Muslim League…
Report: ISI was diverting US aid to Rig the Elections
This news report to many does not come as a surprise, as many independent observers including this scribe have been screaming all along that these elections are no where near the notion of being free and fair – these elections were being carefully heavily rigged and the results planned in the favor of the ruling…
Musharraf to Address Nation Tomorrow with Polling Date amidst SMS Rumors
It now seems the Pervez Musharraf will take center stage to address his humble servants tomorrow evening for a presidential address to the nation at 8pm Pakistan Standard Time. His speech is expected to be about the new election date which the election commission of Pakistan cannot confirm. A number of SMS chains making their…
A Possible Solution to the Mess in Pakistan
It comes as no surprise that there is tremendous pressure on the Election Commission to hold the elections on time but the ruling elite know such a decision is doomsday for each one of them. Today yet again the spokesman for the Election Commission of Pakistan said that holding parliamentary elections as scheduled on January…
Review of the Political Situation at the Dawn of a New Year
With Sunday’s decision by the Pakistan People’s Party to contest the elections, it instantly threw the PML-Q and the ruling elite into a frenzy, the PML-Q had predicted this move and a day before had announced a complete stoppage of their election camping taking the excuse of deteriorating unrest in the country following the assassination…
The NAB Diaries – Part Three
Guest Post by Amer Nazir Part One of the ‘The NAB Diaries’ can be read here Part Two of the ‘The NAB Diaries’ can be read here It is with a heavy heart that I write today. My condolence to her immediate family and to all who looked up at her and I fear for…