Tag: mumbai attacks
Mumbai attacks, a wakeup call for both arch rivals
Guest Blog by Amjad Malik Recent 26 November Mumbai shoot out which is decaled by some as India’s 9/11 though is condemnable, but this symbolic attack on western outlets of Taj and Oberoi has a double edged consequences. On one hand it unfolds the destruction in the commercial hub of India and on the other…
Response to Thomas Friedman’s article “Calling All Pakistanis”
Guest Blog by Asim Khan Dear New York Times Editors Response to Mr Friedman’s article “Calling All Pakistanis“..He wanted ordinary citizens of Pakistan to protest. Well here is the protest in words, from an ordinary Pakistani which is more effective rather than being on the streets. Mr Friedman must realise that his statements cannot be…
Strategic Motivations for the Mumbai Attack
STRATFOR: Strategic Forecasting Inc. In its weekly series of articles has discussed the motivations behind the attacks in Mumbai, I think its definitely worth reading to better understand the issue with a more neutral perspective without getting embroiled in a heated Indo-Pakistan debate Last Wednesday evening, a group of Islamist operatives carried out a complex…
Amaresh Misra talks about the Mumbai tragedy
ABN Chicago on Sunday did an interview with Amaresh Misra, a renowned historian, an activist who witnessed the tragic events in Mumbai. He has a very different view of the things occurred. He is one the few voices who were not given much coverage by the “Pseudo Secular” Indian media and brought some interesting insights…