Tag: Osama

  • UCLA Scientist predicts Osama Bin Laden in Kurram Agency [90% probability]

    Jaosn Kottke carries a link of a report where a UCLA geography Professor Thomas Gillespie has used a technique typically used for tracking endangered species in order to pinpoint the most likely location Osama Bin Ladin, the worlds most wanted terrorist. In a paper (pdf) published in the MIT International Review Gillespie describes how he…

  • Interview with Mangal Bagh

    Guest Blog by Faisal K. from Deadpanthoughts Just who is Mangal Bagh Afridi a khurram agency bus driver turned religious zealot? Or a savvy implant by the ISI into this troubled sector to bring about a liberation of the locals from the foreign Taliban. According to noted history Mangal bagh came into being when Mufti…

  • President Kirdari: McCain & Obama debate on Pakistan

    In roughly 37 odd days from today, The United States of America will be electing its 44th President. Though the elections are limited to only the citizens of United States of America but the outcome of electing the new President has a far greater global impact then being limited to the confines of the borders…