Tag: war on terror

  • Response to Thomas Friedman’s article “Calling All Pakistanis”

    Guest Blog by Asim Khan Dear New York Times Editors Response to Mr Friedman’s article “Calling All Pakistanis“..He wanted ordinary citizens of Pakistan to protest. Well here is the protest in words, from an ordinary Pakistani which is more effective rather than being on the streets. Mr Friedman must realise that his statements cannot be…

  • Hindu Terrorism touching Great Heights

    Guest Post by Yaseen Khawar of pakistanic Reuters, The biggest news agency of the world published a report on 17th November “India wonders how deep “Hindu terrorism” goes This story was consequentially published in all the leading newspapers and magazines of the world the next day While earlier terrorism was usually connected with Islamic terrorism…

  • Karachi University Seminar about the Military Operation in Bajaur, Waziristan, Kurram Agency & Swat

    On 25th October, Saturday an event was organized in Karachi University organized by Karachi University Teachers Society, (KUTs) in collaboration of Peoples Resistance (PR). The main speakers were, Mr. Kak Kahil a Peshawar based AJ TV Journalist and Mr. Wali Haider who has just recently returned from the Bajaur region. Both speakers spoke at length…

  • Open letter to Obama & McCain by Amina Masood Janjua

    The News, Sunday, October 26, 2008 Dear Barak Obama and John McCain, Whichever one of you wins this election, I wish you success and I hope from the depths of my heart that you will transform the image of America into what it should be. I pray that you are able to show the true…

  • Why I as a Pakistani, choose to support Obama, instead of McCain

    For a few days people must have noticed that I have starting sporting a button on my blog which loudly proclaims ‘I Support Obama‘, and consequentially many friends have questioned my reasoning to opt for the Democratic candidate instead of the sweet talking McCain. Firstly I accept the fact that as a non-American whatever I…

  • McCain’s ‘failed state’ reference, challenged by ex-US Ambassador to Pakistan

    The US Presidential debates are still over a month away, but the campaign frenzy is nearing its climax and mud slinging has slowly started to peak. The numerous comments made during last weeks Presidential debates are still being carefully analyzed with a magnifying glass and their subsequent meanings deciphered endlessly. As we may recall Pakistan…

  • Presidential speech, is he stalling everything or truly bringing reconciliation the soil, a critical analysis

    Guest Blog by Amjad Malik 20th September 2008, ‘Land mark’ presidential speech to the joint session of the Parliament was overshadowed by a quick reminder of the menace of terrorism in the form of an explosive terrorist attack at Marriott Hotel, Islamabad which took over fifty three lives and scores were injured. This condemnable attack…

  • Sick of Musharraf lovers – a factual rant

    Guest Post by Saira Ansari I’m very disturbed, disappointed and sick to death to see the amount of facebook’ers on my list who think Musharraf’s leaving has been a catastrophe for Pakistan. Just because a new evil, a.k.a Zardari, is in the house does not mean that the previous evil is now a good man.…

  • Lost war and a lost cause

    By: Amjad Malik On the anniversary of tragic events of September 11, the statements of both Pakistan and US armed officers are frightening for Asia. New York Times reported today that ‘President Bush secretly approved orders in July that for the first time to allow American Special Operations forces to carry out ground assaults inside…