Today concluded the first day of the Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace Conference. A large number of speakers from across the region spoke at lengths highlighting the battles of free speech being fought within their own countries. Check out the presentations and video clips of all the sessions at Free Expression in Asian Cyberspace Blog.
I personally would recommend these following speakers which were the highlight during the day
Prof. Ying Chan, University of Hong Kong, she spoke about the demographics of the Asian internet access. Her Presentation is here
Kunda Dixit, Nepali Times, he talks about the battle tussle with the King’s men in Katmandu and Nepal. His presentation is here
Chi Dang, who sheds light on the resistance movement and very innovative ideas of Vietnamese activists to by-pass internet monitoring. Her presentation is here
Andrew Lih talked about blogging and podcasting in China, and the new breed of web publishers who post on the internet despite so many restrictions imposed by the Chinese Govt. His presentation can be downloaded here
Manuel Quezon, discussed the heated controversial tapes exposing Philippine President in election rigging in the run-up to the previous election, which led to a rally of raids and arrests. His presentation is here
Rebecca Mackinson, Global Voices, she discusses the creation of Global Voices Online and the model to encourage the alternative news media as the future alternative to the traditional content. Her presentation is here
If you care to enjoy seeing the event in PodCast/VideoCast proceed to the Asia 0900 blog who are recording the events in real time.
After the long grueling day we were served with a sumptuous dinner at the a restaurant on the Manila Bay, enjoyed a casual night hosted by Sen. Juan Flavier