As they say every vote counts, be it a national election or the Local bodies, I think its our duty to ensure that the right people are elected into office who can better serve our city is for you to decide. I assure you this post is not a plug for any party but comes straight from my heart, 18th August is the the day when all Karachites need to step up and be counted, vote for anyone who you feel will better serve your city, be it MQM, PPP or MMA but do vote.
As we all can see the administration is gunning for a single party with a dominating presence of banners, flags and massive billboards with Altaf Hussain pointing his finger out to you, as if to say Vote for me or else…..
Vote for anyone who you feel deserves to be in office but do vote. Be counted
4 responses to “Bring out the Vote”
yaakizzz dentist…… da hell i came here…….*scared & run*
🙁 and it was too distressing for me to know i cant vote. for army matters.yes agreed. and who ever gets elected i pray that it is for the good of karachi. May we all be safe.from the prejudice and biased policies.ameeen
Did you vote?
Yah it is our national duty to cast vote in order to bring good folks.well i wonder how can we ensure that whom to vote and whom not to vote.if you choose then rigging is on its come someone ensure that this party would do better for our city/country.history is the best answer of PML(N) and PPP two were huge political parties each held power twice what did they give to pakistan people except blatant battle inside in our country.convert our pakpool into cesspool of crime and corruption used pak and itz wealth as their personel bank,isnt it? yes they did,especially ‘ppp’ just did pee all around the k-city/country and make unclean to pak.shame on look what happened with them they all are exiled from pak which is i guess too late but who chose them,pak public eagerly chose em they brought em in order to spend better life but their buttery buttocks/talks gave nothing except deficit which is around 30$ billion.who repay it.will you? no way.all a$$.