If you are like one of the millions of people who feel that the leaders of the world should stop running around in circles and start working to finally solving the Middle East Crisis, if you are one of those pro-peace activist, then you should definitely join hands with Avaaz.org. Avaaz is the voice of hundreds and thousands of people like yourself who want the leaders to listen for once, ask them to stop their bickering and start the healing process. There have been many discussions as to what may be happening for the past six years where we sadly continue to see a degrading global peace, kicking off with 9/11 heading towards Guantanamo and then stepping into Iraq and presently full geared towards a campaign in Iran. It may simply be a clash of civilizations, but the question that must be asked, is why has this political crisis been camouflaged into a religious battle it has literally been transformed into a battle between the East and the West or in other words Muslims vs Everyone else. I assure you the problem is far from religion, society or culture but simply politics. It is simply the political infrastructure exploiting a local religious sentiment for its own interests.
The world may deny all they want but there is no doubt this political battle took the drab of religion since the start of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict which can be seen as the root cause of all issues between Islam & the West. It’s time to step up and take the initiative and tell them to stop, rethink and come to a peaceful solution. If we want to save the world from self immolation, this conflict and all the other conflicts must end.
Watch this video which quite simply shows that people are not bad, but it is how the powers of the world project us that make us evil in the events
Then head on over to Avaaz.org to sign the petition, and join the thousands who believe in a peaceful settlement for the Middle East Crisis, then later also join the effort to promote the cause, as more the people joining hands the more likely will the the chance that the global leaders might hear of this effort
One response to “Stop the Political Clash of Civilizations”
Yet another online petition. This has a negligeable chance of affecting any world leaders. Online petitions are just like air.. you can make as many petitions as you want but it hardly effects anyone even though the petitions may deal with critical issues.