Barely over three years back on July 6th 2004 was the release of the first ever post made by this blogger on the world wide web. Three years seems like a long time, but it has been fun. This fad started off like just one of those geeky itches, an attempt to explore the latest cutting edge technology, but little had I known then, that this portal would have me engulfed entirely ultimately becoming a passion which has been immensely satisfying.
Blogging provided me with a window of an opportunity to share my thoughts with the world around us available for anyone who cared to listen to the ‘bull’ I spat out in the past three years. It must be noted that I have penned over 502 articles on this blog, about 225 odd articles on Karachi Metroblog and a few more here and there for probably around 750 articles online.
For the third anniversary of this blog I thought it would be interesting to crunch a few numbers in regards to the blog posts and categories, a little different to the statistics review which I did in January and hope to review it again in 2008. So here are a few graphs that maybe be technically meaningless for many but it just shows a few trends that reflect the three years at
Teeth Maestro’s Monthly Post Count
Since the start I have generally made it a personal commitment to ensure that I make a few posts every month and it can be seen in this chart as well showing a wide variation on my frequency of posts. In the recent past specially in the months of March, May and June there was indeed a rise in the number of posts showing a tumultuous political situation in Pakistan
Teeth Maestro’s Category Count
The category count has been skewed, a large extent to three main categories, showing a definite inclination towards Pakistani Politics and International Politics
- Pakistan (253 posts)
- Politics (197 posts)
- International (162 posts)
Teeth Maestro’s Blog-to-Spam Correlation Graph
Probably the bread and butter for any blog is the amount of interaction it receives. Off the 502 posts that I have made on the blog there have been over 3,152 comments but surprisingly a grand total of 231,000 spam comments which have been caught by Akismet and Spam Karma filters. This shows that the spammers have too much time on their hands and are mostly no good
Its been a good three years at this blog and without doubt I must say the readers must be given due credit for their level of participation. It is this interaction that keeps a blogger like me blogging,
10 responses to “Teeth Maestro v3.0”
3 years to fame doc ๐
They were superb years … congrats and **thumbs up**
Way to go TM! Congrats and keep rolling !
Congrats buddy!
Congratualtions on your wonderful (ongoing) innings. Looking for ward to much more.
Thank you also for your mentoring of other Pakistani bloggers and Blogistan in general.
Congrats Dr. Awab!
It has been equally pleasant for us to have u blogging…i used to be a silent reader of ur blog for quite long actually b4 i myself started blogging and commenting on ur blog ๐
Keep going!
well done doc!keep it up:)
congrats doc. i have been too lazy to update my blog or to comment on urs:D. been looking for jobs.
Congratulations Dr. Awab!
Congrats!! ๐
a brave affort, keep on speeking the truth. Allah will support you all. May i have a contact with you?