Ever since the afternoon of the faithful day when in between the intense fighting at the Lal Masjid, the Pakistan Army victoriously announced the death of the head militant of Lal Masjid Maulana Ghazi Abdul Rashid. Watching the news reports come through on all news channels I did notice that everyone was refraining to tag his death as a Shahdat. For many non-Muslims reading this article, it might seem to be a trivial issue but to a Muslim it means a world of a difference. A simple naming terminology is of no consequence to the soul in this world but it means a phenomenal difference in life-here-after. Quite simply its a decision to be made by Allah for him on the day of the Judgment.
A shaheed is a title that is given to a Muslim after his death, if he died during the fulfillment of a religious commandment. For a moment lets forget the political issues surrounding the crisis, coming to the root of the issue it was Ghazi Abdul Rashid who was defending the integrity of Islam challenging the ineffectiveness of the government in implementing the sharia law hence allowing a progressive degradation of our society. Without doubt Right or Wrong Maulana Shazi Abdul Rashid was defending his place of worship and was fulfilling his religious duties in this process.
Shaheed is a title for a Muslim when he dies for Islam While on the other hand the aggressors (Pakistan Army) were overwhelmingly attacking the mosque to the extent of destroying a large portion of the property throughout the compound. Hence can easily be labeled as aggressors against Islam, which is probably the highest crime for a Muslim. The jawans may be following order but it must be remembered that if one of the jawans were to loose his life in battle against Islam cannot be labeled as a Shaheed simply because he was a Muslim.
I share with you an interesting email I received by Mr. M Javed Iqbal who portrays a very compelling argument, which actually also got me thinking about this important issue. I quote…
During the attack on Lal Masjid and Madarsah Hafsa a question that was repeatedly raised was ‘ Who is “Shaheed” and who is “Halak”.’
In my opinion the distinction is crystal clear. The mistake and mischief lies with the initiator. Who started knocking down masajid in the capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan? If I am traveling and somebody open fires on me, I have a right to defend myself and fire back at him. Therefore we must understand that what Ghazi brothers did was in self defence. The pity is Mullahs of the country have been corrupted by Musharraf by offering nice salaries and perks to them, hence they failed to point out that the sanctity of a masjid was to be safeguarded at all costs. No Muslim can dare attack a masjid, because it is Allah house.
Accordingly security forces, army men and rangers who attacked Lal Masjid are jahunumi and the fighters of Lal Masjid are shuhdaa and shall Insha Allah Will be rewarded with Paradise. Each officer or jawan must have refused to obey illegal order of attacking a masjid. They could say: “Look sir ! we joined the army to protect the Masajid and save women and children, not for destroying and killing them”.
Since they gave preference to order of the officer over Order of Allah, they are mahluk and jahanumi.
The brave fight back of Ghazi Abdul Rashid is an eye opener. When most of the Mullas just talked he challenged the illegal and immoral acts of Musharraf regime of knocking down 90 year old masajid of Islamabad and kept fighting for the cause till death. On such noble death Mir has said:
Marge Majnun pe aqal gum hai Mir Most Mullas could not see this fine line and remained indifferent, although they could have raised hue and cry against desecration of masajid. We should not forget that Quran says “Allah is Most Powerful and Revengeful” Every party can see his image in this mirror!
Kiya Diwane ne maut pai hai !
Considering the issue, I feel convinced that the sad demise of Ghazi Abdul Rashid should be labeled as a Shaheed and full respect offered to the body in regards to its proper dignified burial. I would hold the Pakistani Army responsible to the extent of disobeying the Islamic Law to which they all have sworn to uphold.
He died defending the religion of Islam against the evil forces.
1,044 responses to “Shaheed or Halak ? – Ghazi Abdul Rashid”
again indulging in slander…i hv never attempted to justify bush or musharraf…as far as ghazi is concerned he was judging the society as per his interpretition of Quran ….waisay who gave him this authority??????? tht is the entire point of my discussion.
atleast now u hv agreed if partially tht the madrissa shd hv been demolished……in ur opinion how shd ppl holding guns , threatning to kill or abduct others at their own will and judgement be treated????? u can see the videos of these so called mujahedeens slitting the throats of ppl on u tube ….they all are justified…….molvi umer claims of killing 70 ppl in wah blast in ur opinion he must also be the greatest mujahid……..
noone can mess up with the truth…truth will prevail even after 30 yrs……Quran and sunnat is for everybody………u can also use it if u are aware of it…….sadly u hv no answers and no logic….anyone reading ur post side by side would definetely realize ur personality traits tht is abusees, filth, slander and free time to visit qadiyani temples……….
im against all those molvis who attempt to hijack the Quran , sunna and misuse it for their own lethal benefits…..
women and children inside………y did they not come out????? if any coz ghazi said no children inside……innocent larkion k karnamay tou boht dekhay hain…..lefetovers call on tv everyone kafir so i assume the those who died hv the similar traits so i dont sympathise……………
if any one of u wants to discuss musharraf , bush , wapda, cda, zardari plz do so on thir respected blogs…………..this blog is for the justification of ghazis actions as evident from its name but u can keep on trying to confuse the issue and support a murderer ,abducter, slanderer and a mufsid…….
dr sahib tussi parh likh k gawaya……….
@Noman You just talk like Zaid Zaman Hamid and Altaf Hussain
Musharraf is a traitor secular , murderer , dictator and just to extend his illegal rule and please his western master portrayed Ghazi Shaheed as a bad person.
My dear if Ghazi Madrissa was like masjid e zarar then 70 % mosque in Pakistan are also like masjid zarar , so according to you they should also be demolished. If Musharraf occupies the whole country illegally, that’s alright for u but when a peace of land is occupied for mosque purpose , that’s wrong. So Noman Or Musharraf are the final authority to give Judgement that Ghazi Maderssa was illegal as It is for the court to decide and by the way superme court of Pakistan has given clear verdict to that again rebuilt the Ghazi maderssa that’s mean it was not like was not like Masjid zarar. Now noman please do not start this bakwas that Chief Justice Iftikhar was also a Terrorist.
People in lal masjid were human being they were not animal that blood also counts, they also had a heart , they also had a family and above all as Pakistani citizen they was entitle to full justice in the court of law. But Muderror Musharraf decided I am god and I can kill any one I like and the justice was denied to innocent mulims, human being in Lal Masjid.
Had there been only 1 American citizen present in Lal Masjid, Musharraf did not have the guts to do operation there Or if the some people had occupied any American School , there would have been negotiation.
I shall upload a audio / video of lal Masjid real story but listen to it and if you have a clear heart , you would relize that Ghazi is really a Shaheed.
As you said Mujahiddin slitting throats on u tube. How did you know they were Mujahaddin , so u know them personally , may be they were Indian agent or enemy of Islams . May be the video is fight between Taliban and Ahmed Shah Masood , where Ahmed Masood was also a muslim but sided with India and may be he was cutting throat.
1) 100 year old mosque has been demolished?
ANS: so what!….i did not demolish it. Ask CDA as I m not responsible for that.
2) What are you responsible for?
ANS: i am responsible of demolishing the mosque and madrisas. As these are build on confiscated land and some one told me about masjid e zarraz. And my aim to prove that the action of ghazi abdul rasheed was against “Quran and sunnah”
3) but what about our govt: officials from top to bottom? Are their actions are according to “Quran and sunnah”
ANS: i am not responsible for gen pervez his ministers and govt: officials and i am not a defender of gen pervez and i don’t care of his actions. What I do care is to tell the people that “ghazi abdul rasheed shaheed was doing against “Quran and sunnah”
4) if you are not defending pervez mushrraf then why you
slandered about hamid mir about his 2 farms in chak
shazad and why did you try to smear the integrity of
the gen kiyani???as both guys raised their voices
against pervez musharraf
ANS:…………?????/we should not deviate from the topic pervez musharraf, CDA and higher govt: officials are not the topic of discussion.
5) but why ghazi abdul rasheed was doing amr bil
maroof wa neha un il munkir and he was using the
force against evil deeds?
ANS: blah blah blah blah …. i challange any one who can prove the actions of ghazee abdul rasheed in the light of “quran and sunnah”
6) but what about above mentioned aayat(amr
bilmaroof…….munkir and hadeeth of 3 degrees of
ANS: prove me this aaya and hadeeth in the light of “Quran and sunnah” i challenge no one can……….(laughter in back ground)
7) I couldn’t understand why you are so mad about ghazee
abdul rasheed? is there any other reason except his
actions against “Quran and sunnah”?????
ANS:…… YES the students of jamia hafsa and lal masjid messed with Chinese massage parlor and aunty shameem which is against “Quran and sunnah”
8) But massage parlor and brothels are prohibited in Islam??and aunty shameem was running the brothel…right???
ANS: How dare you to call aunty shameem a whore with such a disrespect. You slanderer . Your action is against “quran and sunnah” do you have 4 witnesses????……. (hey khaki wardee! use some phosphorus bomb against this man. he has no knowledge of “quran and sunnah”)
9) Sorry sir! Please forgive me i don’t want to be killed with phosphorus bomb? But in Quran 4 witness are asked if some one slendered against the CHASTE woman??
Please see the refrence;
“And those who launch a charge against chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, (to support their allegations), flog them with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors;
(sura al noor -4)
ANS: u hv failed to prove ghazis actions as per Quran n sunnau know tht u r wrong …ur position is based on lies but ur still defending it because of ego…….these are just attention diverting tactics u r using…..i challange u to prove his actions in the light of the above ….u will fail as others inshallah coz allah is not on the side of jaheeleens…….
all of ghazi supporters hv run off as usual……coz its impossible for jaheelens and mufsids to defend fisad they are tryin to spread………….
(sky tearing laughter in the back ground)
Well u are finally seeing the light if but partially……u say musharraf actions were unislamic..correct …….many of them must hv been….but nobody is defending him….let me put u a question …all of abdullah bin abi;s , and the kuffar e makkahs actions were unislamic …masjid zarar when built was demolished on the orders of Allah as it was deeemed unislamic.the prophet (p.b.u.h) did not compete with these ppl by comitting unislamic acts nawuzubillah….all his actions were as per sharia as per wahi as per ethical and moral norms….when he had to build a mosque in madina land was purchased for it …he did not just start building from his own accord…..arif very rightly said by u all those mosques which are built illegally shd be demolished…recently on a tv prog news 1 mubashar luqman show a mosque built by dawaet islami was shown in khi….this was built on the plot owned by a widow who had two small children…the widow is running from pillar to post but hey arif and jawaad would let her children starve, let her plot be stolen kiunkay chori ki zameen par allah ki ibadat honi hai..aur iss chori ka tou both bara sawab hai……and chori karnay wala molvi yakenan rasikh ul aqeeda hai.in fsd it was mentioned all big mills hv encroached upon land to build one room mosques and thus including acres of extra land in their mill in the name of islam…who would dare to stop them? Atleast u wont….
U also claim tht nobody knows if ahmad shah masood was an American/Indian agent…my point exactly..the lal masjid episode hurt Pakistan badly…..it was not musharraf;s govt which went coz it wud hv gone otherwise also but the image of Pakistan tht a molvi claiming the authority to challenge the govt by harassing ppl in the capital itself…kash molvi America sai jihad karta……….kash suicide bombing American army k khilaf hoti……1000s of american/Indian soldier are present in Afghanistan but hardly anyone of them is bothered by these mullahs …the molvis so called jahadis hit out at their fellow muslims………how are u so sure tht ghazi was not an agent??????? Coz all his actions speak otherwise……….
The supreme court has given a verdict to rebuild the madrissa, very right…this is the legal and proper way of doin things…however the court has only permitted the construction on already allotted land …I ask u here if maulana aziz can now go to court y did he not do so before??????? If aunty shamim and the numerous parlours and brothels are to be declared illegal he could hv done so with the courts help…he himself did not hv any right to take the law into his own hands………I hv already given numerous options in my post of nov 10 these could also hv been exercised resulting in the safety of all those killed during the operation……yes all those in lal mosque had hearts and families but where were their minds????? Had they not read the Quran…did they not know tht they are doin unislamic things and causing fisad …..all of them shd hv surrendered like ummehassan ……moreover wat abt the families of the security personal who embraced shihadat during the operation?????? Wat abt those killed in the suicide blast in wah and isb?????? Ur beloved hamid mir himself claims it to be a reaction of lal mosque …he claims meeting innocent female wearing suicide jacket……..chak shahzad …..i hv already appologised tht I did not hv proved……however u hv not answered 1 ) hamid mir changed his statements on lal mosque before and after the operation as he also used to call them terrorist 2) and wat abt this innocent female suice bomber frm jamia hifza as claimed by sacha hamid mir……….as far jamshed gulzar the man;s character is evident frm my posts above …u r always repeating and not answering any of my points…
I hv already given my point regarding amar bil maroof etc etc in 10 nov post…ur just taunting as u hv no counter to my answers…if im wrong quote the relevant ayas to prove me wrong…….i hv not denied amar bil maroof……wat ru trying to portray??????? Wat is tht blah blah blah …….u don’t hv answers to tht blah blah but ur ego cannot permit u frm admitting it
Ur admission tht 4 witnesses are reqd to prove any one as zani is correct……if u do not hv these 4 witnesses u cannot accuse anyone of being unchaste….this is according to Quran and shariah……ur not taunting me ur the word of Allah…………its very easy for ppl like u to call anyone who opposes them by bad names or abuses….u hv license to indulge in slander ..app tou mujhay bhi pimp keh chukay hain…………apkoiss ki gawahi kis nai di??????? Pakar tou apki bhi ho gi…if not in this world inshallah in the next world……….
If u disagree with any of arguments which was detailed i.e nov 10 come up with superior logic…..u on the other hand would not talk abt Quran and sunnah but indulge in galam galoch, slander, taunts and accusing others of being qadiani………
Musharraf lost the elections so he was booted out…..he was claiming to be democratic ppl disagreed and booted him out …however ghazi was claiming tht he had the license to enforce his own interpretation of islam….i also hv the right to disagree and I will keep on doing so till the time any of u can prove me wrong from the Quran coz tht is the only supreme logic given to us by Allah almighty………plz grow up…learn how to talk, to argue in a decent manner, to give logics and counter logics……the way ur behaving becomes jahil women who indulge in laan taan……….
Im happy tht u hv learned to laugh …it’s a healthy activity which as u now know its not unislamic which previously u thought was against shariah…so keep on laughing and I really don’t mind if u really tear the sky off……….
Laughs out loud ( this would be termed as laughing over dead bodies)
@Arif …bravo again
Did you see the light??i give you more
Your interpretation is just imazing. Who taught you these lovely things?
1) Masjid zarrar was built with intensions of spreading of fitna in muslims and by munafiqeen
Masajid in islam abad was built by ordinary Muslims(not at least by ghazi Abdul rasheed or molana abdul aziz) .Lal masjid was using to impose shariyah and against evil deeds of society.
2) Masjid e zarrar was demolished by Nabe e Karem (saew) who was informed by ALLAH(SWT) about the intentions of munafiqeen and of course by the order of ALLAH (swt)
masajid in islamabad were demolished by CDA. And who gave the order? …..yes!…..Our beloved gen pervez musharraf .
why ???? because these masajid are the security risk in movements of vips.
Who feel uncomfortable when they saw bearded men in the way.
3) were these masajid built through unwarranted peculation of any widows,orphans or any other person????no these masajid were built “illegally” on the lands of CDA
Including 100year old masjid.
So the million dollar question is …whether the demolition of masajid in islam abad are justified by demolition of majid e zarrar????
Of course …..yes
Because @noman say so.
“kash molvi America sai jihad karta……….kash suicide bombing American army k khilaf hoti……1000s of american/Indian soldier are present in Afghanistan but hardly anyone of them is bothered by these mullahs …
question: what the hell @noman is talking about????
ANS: may be he didn’t heard any news about Afghanistan since 8 yrs.
“The supreme court has given a verdict to rebuild the madrissa, very right…this is the
legal and proper way of doin things…”
Q: what does it mean??? Do you want to say that first CDA will demolish a mosque and madrisa and then after courts verdict we will be able to build those mosque again.
Q: what about your instance??? We are sick and tired,listening the troll about illegal peculation of land and unwarranted constructions of masajid. Where youpeople stand now after court verdict.
Q: are you sure this argument goes in your favour?
Your numerous options???? Are you talking about the same old bull shit you are spreading restlessly since one year with different identities????
Superior logic or superior bull shit?
“uradmission tht 4 witnesses are reqd to prove any one as zani is correct……if u do not hv these 4 witnesses u cannot accuse anyone of being unchaste….this is according to Quran and shariah……ur not taunting me ur the word of Allah……
ALLAH (swt) reveled these aayat. When munafiqeen slandered about chastity of ummul momineen HAZRAT AYESHA (raa) as they never missed a chance to hurt RASOOL ULLAH.(SAAW) .so through these aayat ALLAH(swt) gave the immunity to the chaste women of society not the “chaste” women of brothel.
Your understanding of islam is amazing
Im happy tht u hv learned to laugh …it’s a healthy activity which as u now know its not unislamic which previously u thought was against shariah…so keep on laughing and I really don’t mind if u really tear the sky off……….
One more thing about sunnah” NABEE KAREEM(SAAW) NEVER LAUGHED , neither He laughed nor he approved laughing He said(meaning)
“ if you know what I know then you would cry more rather than laughing”
masjid zarar when was demolished on the orders of Allah but Lal Masjid was demolished on the order of General Musharraf (who thinks he is GOD).
Luqman of TV1 is a puppet and Goverment Agent, So I don't watch is bloody and Dramabaz shows. If there is a dispute on land , it is for the court to decide not Harami Musharraf.
Musharraf was the agreesor, ghazi acted on reaction as self defence. He kidnapped Protitute Aunty Shamim and chinese message which were running illegallly but its alright for mush .
We had a wine shop in our locality in Karachi in 1998, we did every thing to stop it legally but eventually we took law into our hand and march a crowd of 500 people towards wineshop , broke it and now the wine shop is gone for ever.
Again "Ghazi Shaheed"way of doing was wrong but his intentions and demands were right.
arif the use of word harami for anyone no matter how much politically opposed ur is a sin as ur also not a God and neither was ghazi……..
we hv to consider the case of all masjids illegally built on the basis of masjid e zarar…u went out to destroy a liquor shop but how many times hv u gone out to destroy such illegal constructions…..kia islam sirf apni gali mahallac saaf karna hai????????/ sharab is out of pakistan????????
u telling me ghazi kidnappind women in self defence??????????? if aunty shamim is a prostitute has prostitution finished even by her after tht sharaee kidnapping and self defence………just prove kidnapping of anybody even prostitute in light of Quran and sunnat……….heera mandi nis built by musharraf???????????????????? even before musharaf pakistan was free of prostitutes…………… there was a sharaee govt before him????????????????? where ghazi was at tht time?????????????y ummehassan is quiet now???????? y ghazi was asking for a safe passage if he was doing jihad i.e self defence………….
if the destruction of mosque is to be decided by courts tht is true then wether someone is prostitute or not shd also be decided by court………….u call mubasshar lucman a drama baz may be all who oppose u are dramabaz……
u also hv not answered any of the question i put fwd esp in 10 nov post……………
jawaad g
plz correct urself …..lal mosque was not built by ghazi brothers…it was a govt masjid in which both brothers were paid govt employees tht is khateeb and naib khateeb..mashallah sharaee tankhwa patay thay…but jiska khaya ussi ki thali mai chaid kia……………..
again masjid e zarar shd be the basis of our judgement…..i believe tht theghazi brigade actions if not of munafaiq was tht of mufsids….the actions were unislamic , crossing limits as u say so even arif say so……..but islam allows breaking the rules of Allah nawuzibillah by beloved ghazi sahib coz unka maksad naik tha…….evil deeds roknay k liyay tableegh kidar kartay thay????he started fighting/jihad against fellow muslims directly…..the day u hv the courage and guts to speak for the ppl who hv been wronged by such molvis I would believe ur cause…atleast ur sincerity tht ur against all sins but ur support of ghazi shows ur selective attitude…
Afghanistan news…….there is no jihad going on in Afghanistan…both sides are fighting Americas war.giving usa the excuse to stay on and Afghanistan…..hv u forgotten tht osama bin laden was paid cia agent and bush senior and junior paid workers of the bin laden group before their presidencies……..from where they are getting the arms and ammunition/money for this so called jihad???????? Don’t tell me tht Afghanistan is first world nation producing such weapons…….
4 witnesses……..those ayas , ayat e barat abt hazrat ayesha (razi Allah) were abt women in society…u agree with me or not …these prostitutes are not frm mars…also from the same society…….unkay liyay islam aur uskay qanoon farq nahi hain…….to prove some one a prostitute or any brothel witnesses are reqd….just by rumours or allegations u cannot start calling women as prostitutes or a house as brothel…………..this was what ghazi sahib did………….wat abt the male clients , the zanies?????????? None of them were abducted…….u also hv not spoken banything abt them ????????/ y?????????????and wat was wrong in the options I gave abt brothels??????? Y cant those be practiced or anything in the better manner???????? Neelofar bhaktiar was also frm a brothel???????????? Her hugging was unislamic ……but geo shows only Islamic programme thtsy biyanbazi on geo is jaiz………
who gave both u and ghazi the license to abuse ppl??????
My logic is the Quran and sunnat …I hv always said tht prove me wrong frm it…but u call it bullshit (nawzubiiah)………………only ghazis saying shariat makes him sharaeee…no matter wat else he is indulged in……………..lolzzzzzzzz
The hadith u quote to me is out of context…..the prophet(p.b.u.h) when he said tht we wud cry if knew abt wat he knew tht is dosagh and azab awaiting ppl who do not obey Allah……laughing was reference to all other wordly things which we give preference over the word of allah ………….
I do notlaugh with gay abandon…wat I find funny is ppl committing sins doing unislamic acts , abusing, abducting slandering etc etc all in the name of islam……….their only justification is musharraf…….musharraf ghalat hai tou hum bhi ghalat karain????????????????
Laughs out loud
Plz stick to the points and answer my questions if u hv spare time do read Quran as well………..
Till the time u do not prove ghazi correct frm Quran and sunnat yes the argument goes in my favour……….
I must admit that i have never come across such a Martian style of logic……… … who are you people?? Who taught you this unique kind of arguments?
“plz correct urself ….. …
How can I correct my self while I am giving the same argument (lal masjid was not build by ghazi brothers…..yeh this was my argument)
but jiska khaya ussi ki thali mai chaid kia………”
One more hadeeth (meaning) “once ALLAH(swt) decided to destroy a village and sent the angles. after some time angel came back and said oh our Lord in that village, resides a very pious man who waste no time and pray all the time(morning or night). ALLAH (swt) said “destroy him first as he didn’t tried to stop the violation of my commands”
From where you brought this logic? … insan ALLAH(swt) ka diya huwa khata hey aur uskey aehkamat ki pabandi ka mukallif hey. Who are you people? Where is the “Quran and sunnah” now? Is that your superior logic? Tell me which is superior, commandants of ALLAH (SWT) or general ethics???
I believe that the ghazi brigade actions if not of munafaiq was tht of mufsids…
“KHirad kaa naam junooN paR gayaa, junooN kaa KHirad
jo chaahe aap kaa Husn e karishmah_saaz kare
(Men kahoon to haqeeqat, tum kaho to bohtan)
Afghanistan news…….there is no jihad going on in Afghanistan…both sides are fighting Americas war.
This what I call blah blah blah …..Really very funny …..Does it mean if I fight with my enemy it will be my enemy’s fight …..?Who are you people??? Where you come from??
OBL was cia agents??? Who told you that??/ I can believe you only if you accept that you are also a paid agent of CIA. Then your information will be credible.
(Men kahoon to haqeeqat, tum kaho to bohtan)
Does “quran and sunnah” never told you about punishment of slandering.???
witnesses……..those ayas , ayat e barat abt hazrat ayesha (razi Allah) were abt women in society…u agree with me or not …these prostitutes are not frm mars…
who are you people??? From where you come from……..
4 witness for known chaste woman like HAZRAT AYESHA (raa) not for woman like aunty shameem or neelofar bakhtiyar(who openly hugged a gora and when I call her lowlife because of publicly demonstration of obscenity. You got mad as you did not like the word “lowlife for neelofar bakhtiyar) …..did you understand now???
Every fornicator male or female should be punished according to hadood ordinance.
First you said;
“Im happy tht u hv learned to laugh …it’s a healthy activity which as u now know its not unislamic which previously u thought was against shariah…so keep on laughing and I really don’t mind if u really tear the sky off……….
Then you said;
“laughing was reference to all other wordly things which we give preference over the word of allah ………….
You people should know that what ever you write become recorded history of conversation. I don’t know what you say about this act, I call it a blatant lie.
In last I want to know “WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE??? WHERE DO YOU COME FROM???
Hahahaha…………….. u hv finally discovered ur funny bone……on one side u say tht im from mars and then u want to know from where do I come from??????????????? Maybe all those who oppose ghazi are frm mars in ur opinion…………in my opinion all hv been created by Allah…I hope u agree……as far as ur suggestion that 4 witnesses are only reqd 4 declaring chastity of umhat ul momeneen or women of good character is false…..
Ayat 4, surah noor clearly states the reqt of 4 witnesses for alleging zana against a women……however in ur opinion no witnesses are reqd for women like aunty shamim…if so how without any witness can their crime be proven?????? Only by ghazi say so??? This principle if agreed to would open a Pandora box…everyone would be free to declare someone they don’t like as corrupt or zani………as far as brothels are concerned how do u prove without witnesses tht a certain place is a brothel???????? Just by ehl e muhaala say so???????? Even if they hv not seen anything personally and its just a suspicion…………in our society its very easy to point finger at ladies……..all working ladies can be called low lives by ur standards…….the hadood ordinance also has many lacunas…the admissibility of forensic evidence is not there to prove rape …a women requires 4 witnesses ……how laughable!!!!!!!!! There is no provision of dna testing / seminal analysis…however fornicators/adulterers must be punished as per sharia rules….similarly all those who indulge in tohmat shd also be punished by 80 koras……..for argument sake if I agree tht the lady was owner of a brothel wat was the sharaee significance of kidnapping her??????????? And giving her free advertisement over the national media…..similarly hugging is indecent but neelofar bhaktiar maintains tht she was hugged by the man who was her trainer…it was not done by her permission……and hugging does not prove adultery or fornication…at the most it can be termed as indecent…nor does indecent behaviour makes some one a lowlife……
ghazi;s double standards:
1. both brothers were appointed caretakers of lal mosque by a military dictator zia who was involved in judicial murder of Bhutto but no problems at all….
2. ghazi burnt meldy cinema and u all justify tht ghair islami movies are shown there…..but ghazi was willing to use all these pvt news channels for his publicity .despite the various highly indecent programmes being shown on these channels…..geo has been running documentaries making it easier for a common man frm where to get prostitutes, wat are the rates and wat are the gestures they use for invitation……….maybe these are public service messages but no problems here as well…..
3. ghazi personally went for the afghan war waged by American money…..but ab America ganda hai…….whom he was fighting there??????? Basically the shiatie northern alliance whom he doesn’t consider muslims therefore must be killed.
4. ghazi and his brother built a madrissa on encroached land…u also support mosques on encroached lands…..but u forget the Quran as did ghazi……I quote surah toba ayat 108 and 109….”( iss masjid mai tum kabhi kharay na hona , beshak who masjid k pehlay hi din sai jiski bunyad parhaizgari par rakhi gae hai who is qabil hai k tum is mai kharay ho……..109…..tou kia jis nai apni bunyad rakhi Allah sai dar aur iski raza par who bhalla ya who jis nai apni ne chunni aik garhay k kinaray tou who isay lai kar jahanum ki agg mai gir para aur Allah zalimon ko rah nahi deta……) jamia hifza as per ghazis own admission was built on encroached land …uski bunyad taqwa nahi thi jaisay Allah ka hukm hai ( yeh unkay kartooton sai zahir bhi hai) but ghazi has his own sharia.
5. ghazi abducts aunty shamim but we do not hear anything abt her male clients….thts strange she was running a brothel without clients…convenient.
6. Quran says tht if u kill one man it is killing of the humanity but ghazi sahib was responsible for killing 13 muslim soldiers…not of Indian army but of Pakistan police/army and rangers…..but it was self defence as u sa y…..very strange self defense against arrest coz army was not threatening to kill them if they had surrendered…..maulana burqa is still alive…umme hassan is also present.
7. ghazi was fighting for sharia….but on the same hand he wanted to run frm this self created jihad and was asking for safe passage…thts really funny……maulana burqa secret negotiations k naam par pata nahi kidar bhag rahay thay…….umme hassan saas ko pechay chor k khud bhi bahir gae…itni jan piyari thi k shariat tou issuer hi nahi tha beta bhi bhool gia…devar kis khatay mai……….
8. some say on this blog maulana burqa came out on ijal ul haq suggestion but umme hassan bakion ko choe kar kiun bahir aai?????????????
9. wat was ghazi;s shariat…wat all he wanted???????????? Wat were his so called demands????????? Wat were his proposals to implement the Quran in letter and spirit???????? Danga fisad, aghwa, qatal , tohmat, burning…………
Allahs commandments are not in conflict with ethics or morality infact these commandments spell out and define morality and ethics…..if u find any commandment in conflict with general ethics and moral values u r free to quote the ayat……
Obl………..u must hv missed watching the documentary abt 9/11 i.e Fahrenheit 9/11…the documentary gave evidence which has not been refuted by the bin laden family or the bush family…watch it its easily available …….but maybe u r one of those who believe tht 9/11 was the work of afghanis/taliban….. but every one in the world is a lier except hamid mir and gen kiyani……..now u want me to admit tht im cia agent…previously it was qadiyani issue…u were rather updated of their temples as u hv visited them but ilzam dosron par
U asked me abt the punishment of slandering…ur the biggest slanderers of all…Quran also forbids calling ppl by bad names but u convieniently call ppl kafir, qadiani, pimp, lowlife, bastard etc etc………….lolzzzzzzz……..
Lastly , in defense of laughter I still consider it a healthy activity…u being a dr know tht it takes 14 muscles to smile and 72 to frown…my use of two meanings or more than 1 meaning abt laughter is not a lie……….i can atleast indulge in this harmless activity without fear of ur fatwa…….coz its much better than galam galoch which u prefer and maybe think its Islamic and sharaee……..
Yes arif is really brave…atleast he is honest enough to admit tht ghazis way of doing was wrong and demands were correct……..my point exactly………praise him for his demands and punish him for his actions………..bat insaf ki hai
i got it you are a teacher who teaches ordinary public,that how one can retort the cheap,deflective and perverted mentality.well done keep it up……
thanks for the compliment…….i hv quoted ayas from the Quran if u hv the guts to call them deflective and perverted well its ur choice…….
these are the usual comments when ppl run out of answers, logic qand want to avoid the superior logic i.e Quran…….
(tum kaho tou hakeeqat, hum kahain tou deflictive)
ur last two post which comprised of self questions and answers and cutting/paste were really master pieces and creative confusion………….
calling ppl qadiyani, pimp, low life , bastard etc etc according to u maybe are signs of knowledge and kamil emman………
laughs out loud
calling ppl qadiyani, pimp, low life , bastard etc etc according to u maybe are signs of knowledge and kamil emman………
in the last i will say that pimps, lowlives and bastards can be forgiven,even a qadiyani can be given hidaya.
but there is no salvation for “MUNAFIQ”.
ALLAH(swt) has such a wrath on munafiq that He told Nabi e kareem(saaw) not to pray for them,i will not listen any pray for munafiq even you(nabi kareem-saaw)pray for him.
calling ppl qadiyani, pimp, low life , bastard etc etc according to u maybe are signs of knowledge and kamil emman………
in the last i will say that pimps, lowlives and bastards can be forgiven,even a qadiyani can be given hidaya.
but there is no salvation for “MUNAFIQ”.
ALLAH(swt) has such a wrath on munafiq that He told Nabi e kareem(saaw) not to pray for them,i will not listen any pray for munafiq even you(nabi kareem-saaw)pray for him.
(dead serious matter/not funny at all)
now ur trying to call me munafiq
what for?????????/
agar kisi bat ka jawab nahi hai tou galian to mat dou
tumko wahi nazil hoti hai tht everybody else who opposes ur viewpoint is munafiq………
ur still indulging in slander
….plz tell me wat Allah says abt slanderers…….
basically ur approach is k agar choti gali sai kam na chalay tou uss sai bari gali dou………..aur phir uss sai bari……….
app shaid galian denay ko shariat kehtay hain…..shame on you
u must hv read my post above for which like my previous posts u hv no answers and ur typical approach is of galam galoch etc etc has started……..
i invite u again to stop abusing as it is a sin….if u dont hv guts to appologise for abusing me atleast ask for forgiveness in isolation……….
just to support urself u hv started supporting qadiyanis…..y not as u visit their temples………
pimps, lowlives can be forgiven………tou yeh bat ghazi ko nahi pata thi………wat was the fuss abt???????????????????
atleast not sharia kiunkay yeh tou app bhi mantay hai his actions were wrong but demand thek thi…………
again i praise his demands but he, maulana burqa and ummehassan shd be punished for his actions ……..
if ur unable to defend ghazi;s actions it means tht im munafiq………..ghazi ko ghalat mantay huway bhi usko ghalat kehnay sai dartay hain…………bari ego hai………….laughs out loud!!!!!!!!!!!
ch ch ch ch ch………….i pity u
whose mentality is cheap and perverted???????????? mine or urs????????????
shame on u!!!!!!
try something decent this time…..u will really feel gud im telling u……….
@noman sahib!
arey aapkiyoon dil par le gaey.aap jaisey ashiq e “quran o sunnah” ko koee munafiq keh sakta hey.khuda nakhuwasta aap kiyon honey lagay munafiq.
munafiq to poora pakistan hey jo ghazee abbdul rasheed se hamdardee rakhta hey.
munafiq to woh log hen jo kehtey hen ke ALLAH(swt) ki zameen par ALLAH(SWT) ka qanoon ho.
munafiq to woh sarey mujahideen hen jo america ke khilaf kihad kar rahey hen.
munafiq to woh log hen jo porn cd’s jalatey hen.
munafiq to woh log hen jo aunty shameed aur neelofar bakhtiyar jaisee iffat maab auraton par bohtan lagatey hen.
khuda nakhuwasta aapkiyon honey lagay munafiq.
baraey meherbani hamen apni hansee se mehroom na kijiye.
chalen aapki bat rakh leta hoon.
“laughing was reference to all other wordly things which we
give preference over the word of allah ………….
aapko aunty shameem ki kasam hans dijiye
Ur highly mistaken…….mai jahilon ki baton ko dil par nahi leta.
Poora Pakistan ??????????????????????
Kuch thora ho gia na………
Ghazi k actions ko India/usa bhi support kartay hain……….
Hamdardi tou ghazi sai mujko bhi both hai………bechara apni ego k haton mara gia……….poora Pakistan buzdil nikla…kisi nai usko support nahi kia.
……….really sad ……bechargi uski tou iss sai zahir hai k yateem bachay bachion k uskay 6 mahenay k dramay k bad bhi bahir sai uskay jahad mai koi shareek nahi hua……….really sad………
akhri din tak tou sabko jan piyar thi sab sharaee demands sae passage ki nazar ho rahe thi shaid who sharaee safe passage mang raha tha……
umme hassan election mai kab khari ho ge???????? Itni support sai tou she can be a pm aur maulana burqa Pakistan k pehlay burqaposh president…………
serious question, y ur so reluctant to talk abt Quran???????????????
Pooray Pakistan sai madad lai k hi meri post ka jawab dai dou to prove ghazis actions in the light of Quran and sunnat…….
But who is interested in answering??????????????????
Jawad sahib is just here to slander/abuse……..
Opppppppps sharaee abuses…..
Hahaha………aunty shamim ya koi aur kyuon????????/ laughing on ur helpness of ur incapability of answering back in the light of Quran and sunnat .
I thought “munafiqeen” do not exist any more, not at least in Pakistan. We used to call some one munafiq out of anger or to the person who lies too much.
But this is the unique time in the history of Pakistan. Now we are looking the people who are defending all kinds of obscenity, rampant corruption, mockery with practice of Islam, cruel, sardonic and derisive commentaries for high level souls who fought for shariya and mercilessly massacred by “ sher diler sipahi”.
Wow! What an era.
It is an exemplary point where we see the one chanting quran and sunnah.
It is a point of repentance to see the one quoting from Quran to legitimize obscenity, demolishing the mosque and killing of rasikh ul aqeeda mulims.
Allah (swt) says in Quran;
The Hypocrites, men and women, (have an understanding)
with each other: they enjoin evil, and forbid what is
just, and are close with their hands. They have forgotten
Allah; so He hath forgotten them. Verily the Hypocrites
are rebellious and perverse. Allah hath promised the
Hypocrites men and women, and the rejecters, of Faith,
the fire of Hell: therein shall they dwell: sufficient is
it for them: for them is the curse of Allah, and an
enduring punishment.
( AL TOUBA – 67/68 )
finally u hv decided to discuss things in the light of Quran…i can also use the same ayat tht is ( al toba 67/68) to describe ghazi and his supporters……plz ponder on the word hypocrite……it includes some one who does not practice what he preaches.ghazi and his followers are a case in point…even you who support him are the biggest abuser i hv encountered on this blog…….now who is the hypocrite????????
in ur own post u admitted tht ghazis actions crossed limits meaning tht they were wrong out of the bounds laid down by allah yet u call him rasikh ul aqeeda……now who is the hypocrite??
u allege tht i m defending obscenity,corruption , mockery with practice of islam etc etc………it is the other way round…….calling any women corrupt without following the islamic edicts of witnesses etc is greater than obscenity……..now who is the hypocrite??
as far as corruption is concerned if i encroach upon even one inch of land cda will take action, cda takes action every 3/4 months against encroachers in khi co etc but it did not take action coz of the same corruption , against jamia hifza…who bribed whom and why did this corruption take place. why a so called rasikh ul aqeeda muslim did not approach the authorities concerned for proper allotment of land…..why only qabza??????? now who is the hypocrite?????
it is you and ghazi who made mockery of islam….just consider all your actions…abduction, qabza,killing , setting fire to public property and causing fisad…….galam galoch in your case…….now who is the hypocrite????????
you and all his supporters ask others to believe you just coz u say so.but when some one asks u abt ur credentials u hv no answers…..all ghazi supporters are rasikh ul aqeeda by birth…it does not matter if they are doin unislamic deeds etc etc…..the strength of their emaan and qualifying factor is only ghazi rasheed……..
those so called jihadis asked for safe passage……this is the greatest mockery . if tht had really believed in their cause they would not hv even offered to give up for their lives……they all knew tht they were wrong………..
is burning porn cd centres a solution to the prob, in this manner the next step wud be burning of internet cafes and so on……geo , ary, ajj etc show all kind of indecent material and movies…….wat abt them???? woh tou sachay hain just coz they were against musharraf…
emaan aur amal ki naai definition shaid yeh ho gi
nawaz sharif was wrong thtsy musharraf shd do wrong.musharraf was wrong thtsy ghazi shd do wrong and so forth…….zardari tou hai hi sharaee sadar……
as u hv started reading the Quran plz analyze ghazi;s actions and prove them by supporting ayas and sunnah……i would really be amazed if u discover nowzubillah the holy prophet(p.b.u.h) indulging in similar activities for the propogation of islam and enforcement of sharia
Allah persistently draws our attention to in the Qur’an towards “munafiqeen”. Munafiqeen or Hypocrites, as the verses relate in the Quran, are two-faced people, who act as if they were pious believers, though they do not have faith. They are impostors. More importantly, they do not engage in such falsehood unaided; they aim to infiltrate the company of the believers, posing as one of them. The reason they seek to be accepted among the believers is to gain some personal advantage.
They associate themselves with believers, appearing to be faithful, so as to deceive them in whatever way they can. Once they realize they will not be able to attain their desired end, however, or when the believers are faced with ordeals when tested by Allah, they immediately abandon them, thus revealing their true faces. Whether while or after leaving the presence of the believers, they do not abandon their agenda of bringing harm upon the believers, or fomenting conflict, and striving to ruin the unity of believers. For that reason, hypocrites are referred to in the Qur’an as “munafiqeen” (those who incite nifaq and fitnah).
Hypocrites are a kind of people to whom Allah calls attention in many verses of the Qur’an, and against whom He repeatedly warns believers to be cautious. For this reason, a believer, who takes the Qur’an as his guide, needs to be vigilant against hypocrites, and be knowledgable of all their characteristics, for, every community of believers, who live by the morality of the Qur’an, will certainly encounter hypocrites.
It would be very wrong to say that such people existed only in the time of our Prophet (saas), in Macca and Medina, for,-in every other period-as today, such characters are present right before us, under modern guises.
In our present societies too, there are communities of hypocrites who assume they can conceal themselves by taking on the attributes of a believer. Deceptively, they ally with those who are unclear or insincere in their understanding of religion, as they are themselves, for the purpose of concealing the truth, changing it for falsehood, forming new sects, and bringing harm to the believers, both materially and spiritually.
The Qur’an addresses to every nation and all ages. In compliance with the following verse,
“… He will show you His Signs and you will recognize them.” (Surat an-Naml, 93),
one who considers every matter in light of the “Quran , will recognize that the verses pertaining to hypocrites in the Qur’an, are accurate, and that, in our time also, such people, proving the miracle of the Qur’an, behave as they are described in the Qur’an. In that regard, believers expect that it would be an important form of worship in Allah’s sight to expose the evil intentions of the hypocrites, to reveal their true intentions, and to struggle ideologically, as prescribed by the Qur’an, to counter the war they wage against Allah and His religion.
Being acquainted with the attributes of hypocrites is important for another reason; believers are responsible for educating themselves on these attributes. Being aware that inappropriate behavior is a quality of hypocrites or disbelievers renders a believer alert against such traits. Being arrogant, as well, is an attribute of hypocrites and disbelievers. However, in a moment of inattention, a believer might also act arrogantly. However, when he realizes that what he does is an attribute of a hypocrite or disbeliever, he immediately repents. For this reason, when reading the verses in reference to hypocrites, believers should also reassess themselves and derive the necessary lessons.
plz read my post above and then answer, dont twist……..and avoid the issue
and then tell me who is the hypocrite???????????????????????????
ALLAH(swt) say in Quran about you;
And who is more unjust than he who forbids that in places
for the worship of Allah, His name should be celebrated?
Whose zeal is (in fact) to ruin them? It was not fitting
that such should themselves enter them except in fear.
For them there is nothing but disgrace in this world, and
in the world to come, an exceeding torment.
(surah al-baqarah-114)
again an accusation…….dont quote ayas out of context…….i hv not at a single moment mentioned tht mosques shd not be used as places of worship……neither i hv in any manner supported the destruction of any legitimate mosque …..
u may plz women abducted and placed inside places of worship etc for any reason what so ever
also inform me abt the mosques in prophet;s time in which suicide bombers were trained and incited to cause mass murder of innocent ppl who were all muslims……..also quote me any incident in which the sahaba rasool (p.b.u.h) indulged in slander from the pulpit of the mosque………
ghazi rasheed k actions k baray mai bhi ayat quote kijiyay……………ubkay yeh tamam crimes ibadat k zumray mai hargiz nahi atay
Were the following acts for “a struggle to break the country free of shackles of a lawbreaker or “for the implementation of Shariah laws:
Illegal encroachment on a government land,
Illegal occupation of a childrens library,
Kidnapping and illegal confinement of women,
attack on businesses and forcing them to shut down,
Kidnapping of policemen,
Setting up parallel courts within a state against the laws of that state,
Kidnapping and illegal confinement of foreigners,
Snatching arms and equipments from security personnel,
Firing and killing security personnel,
damaging and burning, public and private property,
Keeping arms and ammunition in a mosque for no apparent reason,
not laying arms on the request of authorities and firing at security personnel during the leniency period of 5 full days,
keeping some of the people in Mosque without their consent and endangering their lives (also many of them got killed during the operation).
If so many people have died and everything is so obvious with so many indications, then why is anyone not going to court? Secondly, when it was repeatedly announced for continuously five days that people inside should come out, and they will not be harmed, then what is the justification of anyone still hiding inside OR they were being kept there against their own will.
still not answered any of my questions…….who is the hypocrite?????????????????????????
i have no doubt in my mind for a single moment the time since i read your first post that you are not a muslim either you are a qadiyani or you are munafiq. later your post proved that you are a munafiq.i express my doubt about your disgusting behaviour and sick mentality that it is useless to repeat it again.
i even can not pray for you knowing that you are a munafiq and fearing the wrath of Allah(swt)might be on me if i pray for you.
as ALLAH(swt) said in Quran;
“And, indeed, He has enjoined upon you in this divine writ that whenever you hear people deny the truth of God’s messages and mock at them, you shall avoid their company until they begin to talk of other things – or else, verily, you will become like them. Behold, together with those who deny the truth God will gather in hell the hypocrites”
(sura al nisa-140)
In their outward appearance, hypocrites are almost no different from Muslims. Their intentions, however, is entirely different. To one considering their outward appearance, hypocrites could give the impression of being a pious person; with their speech, behavior and other traits, they impersonate believers and in their manner of worship, pretend conformity to religious norms.
However, their understanding of the religion is a product of their errant rationale, rather than of the Qur’an. The basis of their perspective on religion is their ambition to reap personal benefits, and satisfy their own desires and intentions.
In concealing these intentions, hypocrites strive to take advantage of those benefits that emerge from the positive environment fostered among believers who live by the morality of the Qur’an. They seek to profit personally from this bounty, abundance, beauty, peace, security, joy, unity, compassion, love and respect Allah has granted the believers as blessings. However, they believe none recognizes their opportunism but that they can readily deceive the believers. Moreover, they believe they are successful, a good fortune they attribute to their intelligence.
However, though they think otherwise, hypocrites are truly deluded. For, to the true believer, even the slightest insincerity is apparent. Still, beyond that, Allah, Who is aware of the innermost thoughts, knows the real intentions of these people. Consequently, those attributes of a believer they pretend outwardly have no validity whatsoever in Allah’s sight.
Allah relates this truth in the following verse, “… What they are doing [their worship] is purposeless.”
(Surat al-Araf, 139)
oreover, Allah knows of the hypocrites’ disingenuousness, and whatever else they think are able to conceal. Consequently, in the words of the Qur’an, through such insincerity, “… [hypocrites] deceive no one but themselves but they are not aware of it.”
(Surat al-Baqara, 9)
u make me laugh not coz u funny but coz ur simply pathetic…….now u claim tht u hv wahi coz u know tht someone is a munafiq or qadiyani…….wow………ur jahalat is evident by ur ability to question anyone’s emaan……..even after ur admission that u visit qadiani temples i have never called u a non muslim, qadiani .
now who is munafiq????????????
yesterday i came to know of a cameraman of cnbc pakistan named intisar…he was the first man to be shot by a sniper from lal masjid…his life has been destroyed as his spinal cord has been damaged…
ghazi is entirely episode for this episode…u can confirm it independtly …frm ur posts its evident tht ur justification for ghazi will continue in the shape of abuses.
u claimed tht entire pakistan supports him…..how false……i conducted a small survey in lhr and karachi asking what do u think abt ghazi abdul rasheed????????????answer was who is this chap????????i said lal masjid molvi, u support him????????????then the responses were
+ who hijacked the mosque
+brainshed children
+ a friend in cnbc told me abt intisar and said they pray tht ppl like these brothers are punished strictly ans severly
+ we dont even know/recall him how can we support him
+another said maulana burqa shd hv died as ghazi rasheed was in lesser control of things.
+one said, this molvi burqa khud tou deal kar k bahir agia .imagine someone who is so opposed to the govt being and is being placed in the luxurious simly dam resthouse and later in a house in behria town.
+ one also adbiced me tht nobody even knows him in lhr or khi so dont waste time in talkin to ppl asking abt him…….
who is the hypocrite????????????????????????????
the funniest thing about u is that u can talk about anything but the issue and the criminal….you hv been trying to malign me by abusing me througout ur post but you hv not been able to quote a single ayat in favour of ghazibrothers……….
you hv not answered a single point of my post…….i feel u dont even read them?????????? coz u just hv to abuse and for that reading is not reqd………..rather than quoting ayas to support ghazi;s actions ur picking out ayas and trying to allege tht all those who oppose u are munafiqs………
ur really sick and hypocrite of the highest order!!!!!!i can easily quote the same ayas and call u a munafiq but in my opinion we can only question ppl;s actions in the light of Quran and sunnat not their emaan…as only Allah knows the haqeeqat of emaan……..
please quote ayas for these actions……….
u have also not able to support galam galoch…..the fact remains tht ur a pathetic person
Were the following acts for “a struggle to break the country free of shackles of a lawbreaker or “for the implementation of Shariah laws:
Illegal encroachment on a government land,
Illegal occupation of a childrens library,
Kidnapping and illegal confinement of women,
attack on businesses and forcing them to shut down,
Kidnapping of policemen,
Setting up parallel courts within a state against the laws of that state,
Kidnapping and illegal confinement of foreigners,
Snatching arms and equipments from security personnel,
Firing and killing security personnel,
damaging and burning, public and private property,
Keeping arms and ammunition in a mosque for no apparent reason,
not laying arms on the request of authorities and firing at security personnel during the leniency period of 5 full days,
keeping some of the people in Mosque without their consent and endangering their lives (also many of them got killed during the operation).
If so many people have died and everything is so obvious with so many indications, then why is anyone not going to court? Secondly, when it was repeatedly announced for continuously five days that people inside should come out, and they will not be harmed, then what is the justification of anyone still hiding inside OR they were being kept there against their own will.
now who is the hypocrite???????????????????
jawad , the definitions of munafiqs really helped us in seeing the true face of ghazi and his followers….
Allah relates this truth in the following verse, “… What they are doing [their worship] is purposeless.”
(Surat al-Araf, 139)
i believe that now u can finally see the mirror and recognise who is munafiq…….who was working for personal benefits , who was giving the impression of being pious by using lal mosque for personal benefits,who has got double standards :-
1. both brothers were appointed caretakers of lal mosque by a military dictator zia who was involved in judicial murder of Bhutto but no problems at all….
2. ghazi burnt meldy cinema and u all justify tht ghair islami movies are shown there…..but ghazi was willing to use all these pvt news channels for his publicity .despite the various highly indecent programmes being shown on these channels…..geo has been running documentaries making it easier for a common man frm where to get prostitutes, wat are the rates and wat are the gestures they use for invitation……….maybe these are public service messages but no problems here as well…..
3. ghazi personally went for the afghan war waged by American money…..but ab America ganda hai…….whom he was fighting there??????? Basically the shiatie northern alliance whom he doesn’t consider muslims therefore must be killed.
4. ghazi and his brother built a madrissa on encroached land…u also support mosques on encroached lands…..but u forget the Quran as did ghazi……I quote surah toba ayat 108 and 109….”( iss masjid mai tum kabhi kharay na hona , beshak who masjid k pehlay hi din sai jiski bunyad parhaizgari par rakhi gae hai who is qabil hai k tum is mai kharay ho……..109…..tou kia jis nai apni bunyad rakhi Allah sai dar aur iski raza par who bhalla ya who jis nai apni ne chunni aik garhay k kinaray tou who isay lai kar jahanum ki agg mai gir para aur Allah zalimon ko rah nahi deta……) jamia hifza as per ghazis own admission was built on encroached land …uski bunyad taqwa nahi thi jaisay Allah ka hukm hai ( yeh unkay kartooton sai zahir bhi hai) but ghazi has his own sharia.
5. ghazi abducts aunty shamim but we do not hear anything abt her male clients….thts strange she was running a brothel without clients…convenient.
6. Quran says tht if u kill one man it is killing of the humanity but ghazi sahib was responsible for killing 13 muslim soldiers…not of Indian army but of Pakistan police/army and rangers…..but it was self defence as u sa y…..very strange self defense against arrest coz army was not threatening to kill them if they had surrendered…..maulana burqa is still alive…umme hassan is also present.
7. ghazi was fighting for sharia….but on the same hand he wanted to run frm this self created jihad and was asking for safe passage…thts really funny……maulana burqa secret negotiations k naam par pata nahi kidar bhag rahay thay…….umme hassan saas ko pechay chor k khud bhi bahir gae…itni jan piyari thi k shariat tou issuer hi nahi tha beta bhi bhool gia…devar kis khatay mai……….
8. some say on this blog maulana burqa came out on ijal ul haq suggestion but umme hassan bakion ko choe kar kiun bahir aai?????????????
9. wat was ghazi;s shariat…wat all he wanted???????????? Wat were his so called demands????????? Wat were his proposals to implement the Quran in letter and spirit???????? Danga fisad, aghwa, qatal , tohmat, burning…………
Allahs commandments are not in conflict with ethics or morality infact these commandments spell out and define morality and ethics…..if u find any commandment in conflict with general ethics and moral values u r free to quote the ayat……
who is the hypocrite?????????????????????????????????????
You are a “munafiq” I have no doubt in my mind. It is crystal clear to me.
Calling someone a munafiq is a very serious allegation, I think more serious than calling as “kafir”.
Any one who fears ALLAH (swt) should be very care full in these things because otherwise he will be guilty of slandering and will be accountable in judgment day.
I studied your most of posts, observed your behavior and lastly done analysis in the light of Quran and ahadeeth. My conclusion is that you are a “munafiq” the “munafiq” as per used in Quran and ahadeeth not as a slang word we use in our daily lives.
I have a strong reason to say this and your posts are evidence that you are a munafiq according to Quran and ahadeeth.
I have been expressed my contentions in the form of doubts so many times and now I present you my abriviato placiturn once again.
First thing wile reading your post one thing strikes any one, the repeatedly use of religious terminologies like “Quran and sunnah” “shariyah” “iman” and incongruous references from Quran with deliberate distortion from original meaning. Which is not some thing which can be easily tampered as there is extremely hard and restless work behind the transfer of commentary and paraphrase from Rasool ullah(saaw) to succeeding generations without slightest possibility of misinterpretation.
As Allah (swt) says in Quran;
“Behold, it is We Ourselves who have bestowed from on high, step by step, this reminder? And, behold, it is We who shall truly guard it [from all corruption].
(surah al-hijr / 09)
That is why you munafiqeen must understand that you can not make fool by chanting “Quran and sunnah” or by misinterpretation.
In the following I will prove (inshaALLAH) that what make you munafiq
1) Your attitude towards masajid and madrisa which lacks the profound attachment and care which every Muslim have. In one Hadeeth Rasoolullah S has said: “The most beloved places to Allah are the masajid.”
The Prophet S has stated in one Hadeeth that the condition of a Believer outside the masjid is that of a fish out of water. A fish obviously has no desire to be out of water and if it is taken out, will long to return, and will remain restless for as long as it is out of water. In the same Hadeeth, the sign of a munafiq (hypocrite) has been described as a bird in a cage, longing to be released there from as soon as possible.
Rasoolullah S has said:
“There are seven (types of persons) whom Allah will give protection with His Shade on the Day when there will be no shade except His Shade :…(one of them is) a person whose heart is attached to the masjid…”
(Bukhari, Muslim)
I did not see any kind of sanctity for masajid in your posts. In spite of saving masajid and madrisa which are claimed to be built illegally by most corrupt CDA, pervez musharraf and his security goons (including 100 year old masjid) later on was proved to be a great source of abashment court as court gave the verdict to rebuild the mosque, you gave the reference of masjid e zarrar which was built by your spiritual ancestors with the intention of spreading fitna. While these masajid is built by true muslims with the intention of saying prayers. You sacrilegiously and criminally mixed two events which do not have slightest resemblance. As mentioned in Quran clearly:
“AND [there are hypocrites] who have established a [separate] house of worship in order to create mischief, and to promote apostasy and disunity among the believers, and to provide an outpost for all who from the outset have been warring against God and His Apostle. And they will surely swear [to you, O believers], “We had but the best of intentions!” -the while God [Himself] bears witness that they are lying
(surah al tauba-107)
By the way no masjid and madrisa in Islamabad was built on land peculated from a widow, orphan or any other citizen of Islamabad.
Even though if I agree on the notion that the masajid and madrisa were built on peculated land of CDA your behavior is typical of a “munafiq” persistently and over vehemently insist on demolishing proves that you are a typical munafiq. In spite of demanding CDA to withdraw from ownership of a land you insisted on demolishing which is not a behavior of Muslim.
2) Profound attachment and care for brothels and prostitutes.
You don’t want to consider aunty sahmeem a pimp and she is running a brothel. It is a grave slander for you, while whole Islamabad knows about this brothel.
You are mad about Chinese massage parlor incident.
You were deeply shocked when I called neelofar bakhtiyar a “lowlife”.
In your words:
“Neelofar bhakitiar was hugged by a gora …does tht make the woman a non
muslim or a lowlife as u say???????
Indicates that you do not know about the pudency which every muslim by birth have.
After so many complains when aunty shameem neither closed the brothel nor shifted to specific places for brothels and prostitutes ,students of jamia hafsa took an action and force these prostitute to repent. That incident made you extremely mad and you started cheap and disgusting lambastes against these rasikh ul aqeeda mulims.
In the defense of brothels you again used your “munafiqana” trick and searched aayat which can be used against the act of jamia hafsa and then you find aayat of sura al noor. Which are specifically and exclusively about chaste women. But your munafiq nature never able to abstained from playing with the meaning of the words of Quran
You implied the condition of 4 witnesses on the brothels. Your approach, favorites and preferences clearly indicate about your deeply rooted “infaq” or munafiqat
While Islam insists on chastity and cleanliness of body and soul. Islam restricts its followers from evil deeds. ALLAH (swt) says in Quran:
“Verily, as for those who like [to hear] foul slander spread against [any of]
those who have attained to faith grievous suffering awaits them in this world
and in the life to come: for God knows [the full truth], whereas you know [it]
(surah al noor-14)
Another place Allah (swt) says:
“And bids you only to do evil, and to commit deeds of abomination, and to
Attribute unto God something of which you have no knowledge.
(surah baqarah -169)
and bids you only to do evil, and to commit deeds of abomination, and to attribute unto God something of which you have no knowledge.
In another place Allah(swt) says in Quran
Say: “Verily, my Sustainer has forbidden only shameful deeds, be they open or secret, and [every kind of] sinning, and unjustified envy, and the ascribing of divinity to aught beside Him – since He has never bestowed any warrant therefore from on high and the attributing unto God of aught of which you have no knowledge.”
(surah a’raf-33)
While your actions your feelings and intentions can easily felt and seen through your persistent posts. Every muslim pious or sinner like me even can not think of defending the brothel in the neighborhood. Your continuous and relentless post with derogatory remarks who took action against these centers of evil. And desperate try to justify that action against “Quran and sunnah” is a proof of your munafiqat.
Your sacrilegious approach to defend the obscenity clearly tells us that you do not have a fear of Allah(swt). Because you are a “MUNAFIQ”
3) Countless, Persistent, disgusting and cheap lies with out any penitence about intentions of shohada e lal masjid and jamia hafsa about the numbers of shohada , ghazi rasheed ,hamid meer, gen jamshed kiyani and phosphorus bombs with highly offensive, derogatory and sardonic remarks against the high level souls of shohada e lal masjid and jamia hafsa. Indulgence in the action which is very close to an act of dancing and laughing over dead bodies. This clearly shows your deep rooted “NIFAQ” and hatred against rasikh ul aqeeda muslims.
Allah (SWT) has described the Munaffiqoon in the Qur’an as follows (what means):
“Among men are those who say: ‘We believe in Allah and the Last Day’, but they do not actually believe. They (think) that they deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only deceive their own souls. In their hearts is a disease so Allah has increased them in their disease and for them is a mighty punishment for the lies they used to tell.”
(Al-Baqarah: 8-10)
Anas (ra) reports that Rasool ul Allah (saaw) said:
“Three (characteristics) if they are found (in an individual) then he is a Munafiq even if he (is
seen) fasting and praying and says, ‘I am a Muslim.’
If he speaks he lies, if he promises he breaks his promise and if he is entrusted he betrays the
(Agreed Upon)
4) Challenge every one to prove the action of ghazi Abdul rasheed in the light of “Quran and sunnah” while his action is clearly justified by “Quran and ahadeeth”
Before the presenting references from Quran about amr bilmaroof wa niha an il munkir. I would like to present a reference of Quran about the behavior of “munafiqeen” about that”
Allah says in Quran:
The hypocrites, both men and women, proceed one from another. They enjoin the wrong and forbid the right…”
(Tauba, 9:67)
Here is the answer of the challenge.
“You are the best community that has been raised for mankind. You enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah.”
(Aal-e-Imran, 3:110)
. “The believers, men and women, are protectors of each other: they enjoin what is right and forbid what is evil.”
(Tauba, 9:71)
A very famous hadith declares it as an issue of faith.
“Whoever amongst you sees an evil should change it with his hand. If he is unable to do that then with his tongue. If he is unable to do that, then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of Iman.”
So if a person does not even feel bad about an evil, he has no faith whatsoever. Similarly we are encouraged to promote good
“Let there arise out of you a group inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong. They are the ones to attain success.”
(Aal-e-Imran, 3:104)
These aayat e mubarika and hadeeth clearly justify the actions of ghazi abdul rasheed. These aayat are acceptable for muslims but as I don’t see fear of Allah(swt) in your attitude these will not acceptable for you.
5) celebration on massacre and defeat of helpless rasikh ul aqeeda muslim.
As I mentioned earlier that every Muslim Pakistani grieved the massacre of helpless rasikh ul aqeeda muslims.even liberals who believed that religion is a private matter. And disagree with ghazee abdul rasheed on imposing shariat. Because of inherent affiliation between muslims.as rasool ullah said:
Ummat is like a body when one part hurts the other part feel pain.
Only a “munafiq” or kafir can be happy on this tragedy. You go many steps further and started laughing while mentioning about those high level shohada.LOLZZZzzzzzzhahhahahah……..heheheheheehehehe and so on.it clearly indicated that you have no fear of Allah(swt) and defeat and death is highly welcoming for you. You celebrated at triumph. And revealed your self a real”munafiq”
The aim of this post is not to blame some one but to defend the servants of Allah(swt) who love Allah(swt ) and his order, fought promotion of virtue and prevention of vice, have no reluctance to sacrifice even their lives.
The purpose of this post is to defend the honor and respect of high level and exalted shohada and to reiterate my determination that I will inshaAllah always be there where I found a “munafiq” and to protect innocent and naive muslims against the pretence propagated by munafiqeen. Any muslim who read this post would be aware of munafiqeen chanting “Quran and sunnah”.when ever I remind this aaya of holy quran;
“Verily, as for those who like [to hear] foul slander spread against [any of]
those who have attained to faith grievous suffering awaits them in this world
and in the life to come: for God knows [the full truth], whereas you know [it]
(surah al noor-14)
I feel pity for you.
May ALLAH save us all from the fire who’s fuel will be the humans.
May ALLAH save all from the pretense of modern age?
May ALLAH save us from the pretence of exterior as well interior?
Dr sahib in anger u certainly crossed all limits……control ur anger and talk sense……first of all I do not care abt fatwas by ppl who indulge in abusive language/slander and visit qadiyani temples…….however on reading ur posts I was struck by ur confused personality………the subject under discussion if I may remind u is wether ghazi was shaheed or halak………u hv not given a single argument in favour of this gentleman yet………the only reference is to the ayas referring to amar bil maroof……..if u notice thts what the army did and that’s what im doing………that’s the only purpose of me being on this blog tht is preventing islam from being hijacked by ordinary ghundas and qabza groups……………..neither u hv answered any of my questions nor mentioned a single action in light of Quran and sunnat……..tomorrow u will start justifying bank robberies etc etc for collection of money for paying zakat………hahahaha..
U allege again and again that I support destruction of mosques, noway…the mosque destroyed by cda shd be built…it was a wrong action…100 yrs old mosque shd not hv been destroyed..the ppl who did it shd be punished ……you urself say tht the court has ordered reconstruction therefore it is evident tht courts are the forum to decide disputes, common sense…….this is the same which is lacking in burqa brothers when they started looting , burning slandering, abducting just to save illegally constructed jamia hafza………instead of insisting tht all places of worship be built on taqwa as mentioned in Quran sorah toba ayat 108-110 u believe tht illegal construction shd be justified and later ratified……..you want a similar ratification of all ghazi crimes……….aurtain aghwa ki thts amar bil maroof………..lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Brothels………. I hv not supported any brothel …plz show me the firs launched against any brothel incl aunty shamim if it was a brothel ……..it was as publicity stunt………..as far as entire isb knows abt the brothel ur in a habit of using extreme words…..poora Pakistan, poora isb……….hv some sense……..a small place in g6 known by entire isb??? But even if I bel u and ghazi I hv the right to question the timing of his amar bil maroof and munkir……..aunty shamim started workin in 2007????????? Pehlay ghazi so raha tha????????????????? Where were male clients……still no answers?????????? Wat sharaee significance of kidnapping???????????????????? And if it was a correct act why is it not being repeated in pir vidhai faizabad etc known places of corruption…………umme hassan is still alive…..25oo students of isb still alive……..musharraf is no longer there to stop them……………….neelofar………is concerned I still stand by what I say…………….geo par fahashi jaiz hai kiunkay wahan biyanat denay hain yah amid mir hai………..but those who oppose u they shd not be respected at all and called munafiqs.
Hamid mir, kiyani, phosphorous bombs…………read my posts above…regarding these 3 u answer my questions………phosphorous bombs is not there with Pakistan army…I do not agree with politically motivated faujis who lie on tv…………kiyani shd hv resigned and refused being promoted to rank of lt gen and chairman fbsc…..however he did not…
A very famous hadith declares it as an issue of faith.
“Whoever amongst you sees an evil should change it with his hand. If he is unable to do that then with his tongue. If he is unable to do that, then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of Iman.”
The army actions were exactly in the light of this hadith………..
Celebration over dead bodies……….this is an absurd allegation
1. it was not a massacre of innocent ppl.tthey were all criminals and shd hv been punished.even maulana burqa and umme hassan shd be punished for the murder committed by them.
2. u call them rasikh ul aqeeda and still say that thy crossed limits…..thtsy I do hehehehe
pooray Pakistan ki theory kal clear kar di thi………..im also a Pakistani reside in isb and disagree with you…….and there are millions more like me ppl who hv lost their lives in suicide bombing , families of army/police personal killed/wounded by ghunda of burqa brothers , cnbc whole channel coz their cameraman was disabled by ghazi sahib………….mqm which represents entire Karachi ………..poora pakistan kaisay????????
In all ur posts u hv only raised fingers on my neyat ,a matter which is strictly between me and Allah…………I on the other hand do not question your neyat I only question your and ghazi;s actions………you hv still not supported the use of abusive language …maybe thts also amar bil maroof as ur doing it……….similarly the burqa brothers hv given up their so called jihad, they were and are not helpless at all………if jihad was must then it shd be must now as also as the evils are still in the society………….u want ppl to respect burqa brothers on making a mockery of islam and infront of entire world………they ran away and u call them rasikh ulaqeeda……….even by ur definition they are not ……..
Answer ghazi double standards:-
1. both brothers were appointed caretakers of lal mosque by a military dictator zia who was involved in judicial murder of Bhutto but no problems at all….
2. ghazi burnt meldy cinema and u all justify tht ghair islami movies are shown there…..but ghazi was willing to use all these pvt news channels for his publicity .despite the various highly indecent programmes being shown on these channels…..geo has been running documentaries making it easier for a common man frm where to get prostitutes, wat are the rates and wat are the gestures they use for invitation……….maybe these are public service messages but no problems here as well…..
3. ghazi personally went for the afghan war waged by American money…..but ab America ganda hai…….whom he was fighting there??????? Basically the shiatie northern alliance whom he doesn’t consider muslims therefore must be killed.
4. ghazi and his brother built a madrissa on encroached land…u also support mosques on encroached lands…..but u forget the Quran as did ghazi……I quote surah toba ayat 108 and 109….”( iss masjid mai tum kabhi kharay na hona , beshak who masjid k pehlay hi din sai jiski bunyad parhaizgari par rakhi gae hai who is qabil hai k tum is mai kharay ho……..109…..tou kia jis nai apni bunyad rakhi Allah sai dar aur iski raza par who bhalla ya who jis nai apni ne chunni aik garhay k kinaray tou who isay lai kar jahanum ki agg mai gir para aur Allah zalimon ko rah nahi deta……) jamia hifza as per ghazis own admission was built on encroached land …uski bunyad taqwa nahi thi jaisay Allah ka hukm hai ( yeh unkay kartooton sai zahir bhi hai) but ghazi has his own sharia.
5. ghazi abducts aunty shamim but we do not hear anything abt her male clients….thts strange she was running a brothel without clients…convenient.
6. Quran says tht if u kill one man it is killing of the humanity but ghazi sahib was responsible for killing 13 muslim soldiers…not of Indian army but of Pakistan police/army and rangers…..but it was self defence as u sa y…..very strange self defense against arrest coz army was not threatening to kill them if they had surrendered…..maulana burqa is still alive…umme hassan is also present.
7. ghazi was fighting for sharia….but on the same hand he wanted to run frm this self created jihad and was asking for safe passage…thts really funny……maulana burqa secret negotiations k naam par pata nahi kidar bhag rahay thay…….umme hassan saas ko pechay chor k khud bhi bahir gae…itni jan piyari thi k shariat tou issuer hi nahi tha beta bhi bhool gia…devar kis khatay mai……….
8. some say on this blog maulana burqa came out on ijal ul haq suggestion but umme hassan bakion ko choe kar kiun bahir aai?????????????
9. wat was ghazi;s shariat…wat all he wanted???????????? Wat were his so called demands????????? Wat were his proposals to implement the Quran in letter and spirit???????? Danga fisad, aghwa, qatal , tohmat, burning…………
Allahs commandments are not in conflict with ethics or morality infact these commandments spell out and define morality and ethics…..if u find any commandment in conflict with general ethics and moral values u r free to quote the ayat……
answer my specific questions in nov 10 post and and my questions regarding hamid mir…
who is the hypocrite????????????????????????
i read your whole post it was no different from previous posts.a repeat of same kind of arguments again and again.
i gave my arguments.May Allah(swt) forgive if there is a human error in my post.
let the Allah(swt) decide who will get his mercy ghazee abdul rasheed and shohadea e lal masjid o jamia hafsa OR you,pervez musharraf and his cronies and goons of army.
done is done there is no more ghazee abdul rasheed and shohada e lal masjid o jamia hafsa.
but i believe some others will appear and will keep appearing till Allah(swt) law prevail on His land.
i believe the sacrifices given will never be wasted.
INSHAALLAH there will be new people and new mujahid to continue this war.
aehl e iman jahan men misl e khursheed jeetey hen.
idhar doobay udhar nikley, udhar doobey idhar nikley
look who is talking????????????
u believe that it is a repition coz u hv not answered a single of my question………your poition is based on lies and u just stick to it………..the petty criminals who died in lal masjid are no more………i pray to allah that such criminal hiding under the guise of islam and jihad do not ever appear again……..but you are right tht people like these sick creatures do exist and may come again and again…….
the falsehood of your claim that it was jihad is evident from the fact nobody including u is continuing ghazi;s so called runaway jihad……..these include his brother and his wife plus the surviving students……..
again indulging in slander and accusation…i hv never pervez musharraf criminal acts…however this act shd be supported…the goons of army are maybe those rasikh ul aqeeda soldier who were killed at the hands of these mufsids inside lal mosque…….my heart goes out to the families and the individuals of the brave souls who gave up their lives to save the ppl from pakistan from these terrorist…….
few months ago a lady professor of quaid e azam university came in capital talk along with umme hassan…..even ummehassan could not answer the similar points raised by the lady…..and u claim whole pakistan starts that mentally sick molvi…….u did not comment hamid mir claim abt suicide jacket…….neither u comment hamid mir;s changing side against to pro ghazi in one night
who is hypocrite????????????
u still hv not mentioned why kiyani was accepting all the benefits/promotions from the same general of whom he was against since kargil issue………
u chose not to comment on the options of resolving the brothel issue……neither u told me the sharaee significance of aunty shamim abduction????? or about male clients?????? and also refrained from obscenity being shown on various tv channels just coz ummehasan comes on these channels………thtsy they are not lowlives
who is hypocrite????????/
u hv miserably failed to explain ghazis actions…..no justification has also been given of the jihad waged in a black burqa by mulana burqa nor of the sharaee surrender by the students, nor of the sharaee escape of maulana burqa , nor the reason y ummehasan aboned her female students inside and went out…….
the value of jihad for these students was evident when on the very first night when they started crying after surrendering on tv tht they were not 5000 rs as promised by the govt……………lolzzzzzzz
u hv also not explained y ghazi was lying abt the presence of children in the mosque………u may term it tactics in the same manner as u termed announcement of suicide bombers inside as tactics……….laughable..
u also failed to explain ghazis demands and means to implement the shariat in letter and spirit??????????no written document has so far surfaced explaining the changes required in the constitution of pakistan or banking sector…..who all did he consult before launching this so called jihad???????? no major religious org came out in support of him.
aunty shamim……. where were the firs/complaints lodged against the woman tht the abduction was the only solution……if the lady was corrupt u only provided her with free advertisement of her services……..nothing ever read abt her in papers/tv before but now she is the household name……the fame and opportunity provided to her by ghazi now has translated ur allegation tht entire isb knows abt her is true………
u hv also not explained the sharee abuses which u hv been giving on this blog against my person, nor hv u explained how ghazi was rasikh ul aqeeda despite having crossed limits…….ur belief as evident now is based upon crap so dont tell me tht u believe it thts y its true…..
comment by dr.jawwadkhan on October 31, 2008 @ 6:01 pm
ghazi abdul rasheed demanded? one can differ the methodology (including me)but his demand is just right
yet u call him rasikh ul aqeeda…….thtsy i laugh
u said yesterday tht ghazis actions were justified under certain ayas……wow what a sudden discovery coz u were disagreeing with his methodology in ur above mentioned post……..if ghazi ctimes can be termed as jihad then george bush according to ur definition would be a bigger jihadi….all israelis wud also be called jihadis as per ur interpretition………musharaf , zardari , nawaz apkay bhi sharaee nro mai jihadi hi kehlain gai……….
who is the hypocrite????????????????
your questions are the questions of a moran and full of stupidity and devoid of truth.wrapped in slanders,lies and derisive comments against the high level shohada. however i gave answers of all questions not for sake of point scoring but for revealing the ugly face of munafiqat,to protect ordinary mulims from being prey of poisonous propaganda, you are being carried out.
the problem is that most of your post is consist of nothing but bull shit.it’s a very difficult for me to sort out the real question from derogatory,disgusting and a really very cheap commentary. i tried my best and answerd every question which was nearer to the decency.
as i proved your munafiqat from quran and ahadeeth.
as you are not the seeker of truth i believe you should wait for the moment when you die and haqqaniyat will reveal it self to you.
May ALLAH save us all from the fire who’s fuel will be the humans.
May ALLAH save all from the pretense of modern age?
May ALLAH save us from the pretence of exterior as well interior?
u hv tried to answer…………lolz
plz cut paste ur answers maybe i hv missed them…u answer my nov 22 posts …the questions are very clear………u could understand the alleged slander etc etc in my questions……u could also understand how to prove me a munafiq……….hahaha……….yet u say tht my questions were cheap and not clear and so ur unable to understand them then howcome u figured munafiqat and slaner etc out of something which u couldnt understand and sort out…………….
the fact of the matter is that my questions are crystal clear ……..u talk about decency…….do u want me again to cut /paste the decent sharaee abuses which u hv been giving in ur posts………as far as u proving me munafiq from Quran u r again lying………u hv only posted ayas defining munafeeqen frm the Quran and on there analysis they point in the direction of burqa brothers and those present inside the lal mosque…..
ur attempt to prove ur point by sharaee galam galoch can also under munafiqat…….u agree tht ghazi;s methodology was not correct , later u call them rasikh ul aqeeda this u turn can also be termed as munafiqat but y would u care……u claim tht its not a matter of point scoring for u but on the same hand u allege and continue to slander by calling me qadiyani , munafiq, pimp etc etc
the fact of the matter is its not abt right or wrong for u its just abt winning or losing as clear from ur post below…ur ego will never let u c the truth
comment by dr.jawwadkhan on November 7, 2008 @ 11:13 pm
right now i am laughing at your self proclaimed victory
keep dreaming……..
u tried to call me bad names just to confuse and divert attention abt the crimes of burqa brigade
who is the hypocrite??????????????
i now challehnge u to highlight the questions which are not clear in my nov 22 post or even in posts above………..please dont give me poora pakistan theory again as this has also been proven wrong………
i really pity ur helplessness as ur position is based on lies and u very well know abt it……..
well keep challanging.i will always be there whenever i found a munafiq in a disguise.
i will be there INSHAALLAH whenevr i see some snake spewing venom against high level shaohada and practice of islam.
do not behave like a “CHHINAL”.be a man. man do not bolsters his questions with slanders,lies and derogation.
what has been done in last year,is a recorded history and no munafiq can smear the history with lies,slanders and cheap and disgusting behaviour.
man talks throuh his heart.what is in your interior ,should be on exterior.don’t behave like a ssissified. be a man.
comment by dr jawwadkhan nov 23, 2008
(do not behave like a “CHHINAL”.be a man. man do not bolsters his questions with slanders,lies and derogation.)
( tum kaho tou haqeeqat, hum kahein tou derogation)
finally you are admitting that u understood my questions which previously u were denying tht they were not clear……the statement given by you describes u fully coz this is exactly what you are doing and you are correct when u say
(what has been done in last year,is a recorded history and no munafiq can smear the history with lies,slanders and cheap and disgusting behaviour.)
your last post again was not aimed at answering any of my question as mentally you hv accepted tht u don’t have answers for burqa brothers sharaee crime…….your post was aimed at leveling further abuses like chhinnal , munafiq , snake ,slanderer and finally sissy………….
Look who is talking??????????????
Your hypocrisy and sissiness is evident from the fact that on one hand u support ghazi and his band of thugs and on the other hand u chose not to join him…….now who is the sissy???????? Maut ka dar hai ya jantay ho k yeh sab kuch ghalat hai?????????? I believe a little of both….coz u urself admitted tht his methodology was wrong……..either u were lying then or lying now ……….please decide……….
And then lets decide once and for all is the person who is just questioning ghazis actions in the light of Quran and sunnah, tht is me , a lier/ slanderer or you and burqa brothers who broke all laws of Pakistan like musharraf and tried to defame islam by doing unislamic acts ion the name of shariah and there supporters can only support them with galam galoch , calling other kafir, munafiq qadiyani etc……
If u cannot write after a detailed deliberation or research then plz don’t waste your time….. previously u used to call me qadiyani with full conviction then ur conviction changed and started calling me a munafiq…y???????? coz I don’t support ghazi………
My questions are based on a reading of the Quran and the comparison with burqa brothers doings and interviews on tv/papers……….contradictions which exist in burqa brothers conduct hv been admitted by u as well ………all my questions are public knowledge …..ghazi took over the library, he murdered soldiers/cameraman,policeman, burned a neighbouring govt office, cinema and shops, abducted policemen, women, possessed weapons illegally, constructed a madrissa on encroached land,brainwashed children and attempted to use them as human shields………..these are just a few of his crimes……….he also misused the name of islam for personal gain
1st he raised the slogan of sharia for cheap popularity , then caused a lot of fisad which resulted in deaths of numerous innocent ppl , finally disowning his own cause/demands for jaan ki amaan and safe passage thtsy his brother and his wife ran away from the scene…………..this is the truth as recorded by history…….
If all this is slander prove it that im wrong………….
No answers for hamid mir , kiyani and all of the above………..
The extremism /terrorism of burqa brothers and their supporters is evident when they call all those who oppose them as kafir/qadiyani/munafiq………..
Who is the hypocrite?????????????????????
You hv been naggating ur own words and stand time and again in your posts………..
Who is the lier?
Who is the slanderer???
Who is munaiq?????
Laughs out loud!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who is the hypocrite?????????????????????
there was absolutely no need for so many question marks.
ask anyone…
since few days i was reading the posts from the begining of the blog.
it was very interesting to see that you are present here since 1 year, with different names like
@NAUMAN(not noman)
any one who read your posts can easily see that there is only one snake in human skin,who is spewing the poison.
using same ip address as pointed out by teeth maestro in august13th2007 post.
i read how @HAQ and @dark cloud kicked your munafiqana butt.
and analysis by @haq was astonishing revealing your munafiqana and cheap technique of lies and filthy propaganda
with the heading of “DOUBLE VISION” on 11th of august2007.
you people should know that masses can not be fooled in this period of time where every one has an multiple source of high tech information and knowledge.
still laughing?
dhitaee aur besharmee ki bhee koee had hotee hey…..
aik bat aur agar ghazee abdul rasheed tumharee tarah hijrha hota to is tarah shaheed na kia jata.
molana abdul aziz aur umme hassan agar tumharee tarah munafiq hotey to apni man aur bete se mehroom na hotey.
Laughs out loud
I hv not kicked by anyone as im still on the blog..but many hv seen the light due to my arguments.what I failed to understand abt ur closing argument of all those who died in lal masjid not being hijras is very funny.you implied that all those who ran away were hijras.this then includes maulana burqa . your categorization of umme hassan and other female students with this lot is also degrading for the hijras as hijras are better humans than the burqa brothers and hifza brigade …atleast they don’t indulge in crimes I hv already mentioned in all my posts
Now about use of multiple ids from the same ip address…..
I read posts of raja, nauman/noman,ayesha………….raja posts are pro ghazi ….u trying to say I posted them???lolz……….nauman/noman/usebrains are my id….when did I deny….rather with usebrains id I identified myself that I am same nauman or noman….this has been revealed to u as well tht im on this blog last yr….when did I deny……..what teeth maestro has pointed was spam……..i hv network problem…..therefore my post used to upload 2/3 times and he used to delete it……it happens now also and I have to be very careful …..u can see my applogy later to teeth maestro abt the fact on the blog……as far as haq double vision is concerned…I gave a detailed answer to which he did not reply…………..later when on the blog I discovered two different statements of sadia habib i.e first she said my cousins surrendered frm masjid , later it was she even ordinary Pakistani commented tht where is tht expert haq to comment on this as he claims to be best in analyzing posts…….
Moreover with my usebrains id somebody else misused it to support ghazi…….similarly once I pointed out that waqas id was used by another id for posting pro ghazi comments……………….
Haq tried to shift the attention by this post double vision and a reason to run away from the blog……….what abt dark cloud??????????????? He left after he had no answers…….waqas also did the same
Laughs out loud
I don’t need to support the truth by multiple ids…..if it was the case u would have been reading multiple post against ghazi but after dark cloud only I stayed regularly on this blog till now………………..it is evident im not using multiple ids…….but u will keep on alleging and accusing different crap………coz thts ur style…………
U don’t hv answers for ghazis action …teeth maestro also agreed in one of his post after being convinced by the arguments of those who oppose ghazi tht ghazi is not a shaheed….. I had not even joined the blog at that time……
dhitaee aur besharmee ki bhee koee had hotee hai………u talking abt urself???????
U hv attempted to prove me a qadiyani ………….by ur saying so im not qadiyani……so what so special about haq double vision………that was also an accusation like urs…….
By ur own definition ur hijra then as u also did not embrace the so called shihadat?????
You hv been trying to conduct a derogatory research on me coz u hv no answers for ghazis crimes…………. U again have convieniently side stepped the issue at hand tht is the legitimacy of ghazis actions ….ur just trying to confuse the issue by use of select material from this blog which to your mind maybe suits you…………the fact of the matter is that all ghazi supporters left one by one without answering my questions
I give answers for all the questions raised by you…but u hv not done so?????????????
Who is the hypocrite???????????????????
U call me munafiq ….but havnt I pointed out your own hypocrisy, lies many a times …….
Yes im still laughing !!!!!!!!!!!!!
so when are u giving my answers regarding ghazi;s double vision????????????
dhitaee aur besharmee ki bhee koee had hotee hey…..
jawaad i feel the same abt u…….. ur at loss of words and logic about ur allegations /slander and ghazi;s unislamic activities………
i will modify my statement that dhitaee aur besharmee ki in ur case waqai koi had nahi…..
the mark of respect shown to ghazi by urself by comparing him with hijras and calling maulana burqa , ummehassan and coward students and people not joining ghazis cause and call for jihad as hijras (include urself) is really laughable….however hijras shd go on strike on being compared with such criminals…..ghazi also was willing to surrender as indicated by the media ..he also wanted safe passage so now who is the hypocrite???????????( i will not call him hijra because hijras are also Allahs creations and deserve respect)
u can reduce ur besharmi by admitting that u have no answers and just busy wasting time…..
i have answered all your questions/allegations…but dhitaee aur jihalat ka ilaj sirf taleem hai which u lack….
laughs out loud
i believe its a decision to avoid the topic in hand by indulging in galam galoch/abuses/useless allegations and wasted activities……
i expect everything out of u except supporting your arguement by answering the questions
laughs out loud
laugh out loud!
kicked on butt
laugh out loud!
hell waiting hereafter?
laugh out loud!
wrath of ALLAH (swt)
laugh out loud!
angels of tourment in the grave
laugh out loud!
laugh out loud! because you will not have the opportunity of laughing after you die.
admitting that ur speechless
admitting that u cannot justify ur arguement
admitting that u can only indulge in taunts
admitting that u can only abuse/slander
admitting that u lack manners/decency
admitting that ur here just to waste time
admitting that it is just about ego not islam(in ur case)
admitting that u now associate with hijras ( as per ur explaination)
laughs out loud
laughs out loud
laughs out loud!!!! because u will get the opportunity of answering about ur galam galoch/slander/abuses/lies in the hereafter
( tum kaho tou haqeeqat, hum kahain tou blah blah blah)
who is the hypocrite?????????
aik bat kahoon,
bura mat man-na.
men ne zindagi men tum jaisa dheet aur besharam aadmi naheen dekha.
yes i know
tht u u dont hv mirror in your house
otherwise u wouldnt have been complaining :))))))))))
laughs out loud
admitting that ur speechless
admitting that u cannot justify ur arguement
admitting that u can only indulge in taunts
admitting that u can only abuse/slander
admitting that u lack manners/decency
admitting that ur here just to waste time
admitting that it is just about ego not islam(in ur case)
admitting that u now associate with hijras ( as per ur explaination)
laughs out loud
laughs out loud
laughs out loud!!!! because u will get the opportunity of answering about ur galam galoch/slander/abuses/lies in the hereafter
who is the hypocrite????????????
since few days i was reading the posts from the begining of the blog.
it was very interesting to see that you are present here since 1 year, with different names like
@NAUMAN(not noman)
any one who read your posts can easily see that there is only one snake in human skin,who is spewing the poison.
using same ip address as pointed out by teeth maestro in august13th2007 post.
i read how @HAQ and @dark cloud kicked your munafiqana butt.
and analysis by @haq was astonishing revealing your munafiqana and cheap technique of lies and filthy propaganda
with the heading of “DOUBLE VISION” on 11th of august2007.
you people should know that masses can not be fooled in this period of time where every one has an multiple source of high tech information and knowledge.
still laughing?
dhitaee aur besharmee ki bhee koee had hotee hey…..
aik bat aur agar ghazee abdul rasheed tumharee tarah hijrha hota to is tarah shaheed na kia jata.
molana abdul aziz aur umme hassan agar tumharee tarah munafiq hotey to apni man aur bete se mehroom na hotey.
aik bat kahoon,
bura mat man-na.
men ne zindagi men tum jaisa dheet aur besharam aadmi naheen dekha.
ur post is a repitition of crap tht is abuses/ acusations and allegations…….if u were not satisfied by my answer to haq u can refute it point ny point …..teeth maestro has indicated my span mail which i clarified later in one of my post to teeth maestro………
u did not tell me how haq and dark cloud kicked me out????
both could not answer the posts like u……..lolzzzzzzz
so u claim all those who did not die in lal mosque are hijras so now we are clear about y maulana burqa , the id of umme hassan and the others who came out of lal mosque is also clear……..maybe u consider urself a hijra too but the hijras would be angry at this comaprison as they hv more respect then these petty criminals…..
u shd be clear that by making repititve post/allegations which are unproven and not supported by any logic whatsoever cannot win an arguement…..
since u hv been reading old post and quoting haq u must be clear tht haq was also not convinced by ghazis criminal methodologies…however as it is a matter of ego with u u will not c the light.
hvnt u bought the mirror yet??????????????
or ur afraid of seeing ur face and recognising it for what is??????
if u cannot prove or support ghazi tou iska ghussa logon ko qadiyani, kafir, pimp , lowlife, bastard, besharam, dheet keh k na utaro……moreover u are highly mistaken that i need multiple ids to prove my point…truth remains the truth even if 1 man speaks or 10 and the lies remain lies no matter how loud they are spoken……….
plz buy a mirror before replying……
drink a glass of pepsio/cold water…
keep chill
be cool
laughs out loud
if ur unable to respect ghazi then please try to respect hijras in ur upcoming posts……….