Ever since the afternoon of the faithful day when in between the intense fighting at the Lal Masjid, the Pakistan Army victoriously announced the death of the head militant of Lal Masjid Maulana Ghazi Abdul Rashid. Watching the news reports come through on all news channels I did notice that everyone was refraining to tag his death as a Shahdat. For many non-Muslims reading this article, it might seem to be a trivial issue but to a Muslim it means a world of a difference. A simple naming terminology is of no consequence to the soul in this world but it means a phenomenal difference in life-here-after. Quite simply its a decision to be made by Allah for him on the day of the Judgment.
A shaheed is a title that is given to a Muslim after his death, if he died during the fulfillment of a religious commandment. For a moment lets forget the political issues surrounding the crisis, coming to the root of the issue it was Ghazi Abdul Rashid who was defending the integrity of Islam challenging the ineffectiveness of the government in implementing the sharia law hence allowing a progressive degradation of our society. Without doubt Right or Wrong Maulana Shazi Abdul Rashid was defending his place of worship and was fulfilling his religious duties in this process.
Shaheed is a title for a Muslim when he dies for Islam While on the other hand the aggressors (Pakistan Army) were overwhelmingly attacking the mosque to the extent of destroying a large portion of the property throughout the compound. Hence can easily be labeled as aggressors against Islam, which is probably the highest crime for a Muslim. The jawans may be following order but it must be remembered that if one of the jawans were to loose his life in battle against Islam cannot be labeled as a Shaheed simply because he was a Muslim.
I share with you an interesting email I received by Mr. M Javed Iqbal who portrays a very compelling argument, which actually also got me thinking about this important issue. I quote…
During the attack on Lal Masjid and Madarsah Hafsa a question that was repeatedly raised was ‘ Who is “Shaheed” and who is “Halak”.’
In my opinion the distinction is crystal clear. The mistake and mischief lies with the initiator. Who started knocking down masajid in the capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan? If I am traveling and somebody open fires on me, I have a right to defend myself and fire back at him. Therefore we must understand that what Ghazi brothers did was in self defence. The pity is Mullahs of the country have been corrupted by Musharraf by offering nice salaries and perks to them, hence they failed to point out that the sanctity of a masjid was to be safeguarded at all costs. No Muslim can dare attack a masjid, because it is Allah house.
Accordingly security forces, army men and rangers who attacked Lal Masjid are jahunumi and the fighters of Lal Masjid are shuhdaa and shall Insha Allah Will be rewarded with Paradise. Each officer or jawan must have refused to obey illegal order of attacking a masjid. They could say: “Look sir ! we joined the army to protect the Masajid and save women and children, not for destroying and killing them”.
Since they gave preference to order of the officer over Order of Allah, they are mahluk and jahanumi.
The brave fight back of Ghazi Abdul Rashid is an eye opener. When most of the Mullas just talked he challenged the illegal and immoral acts of Musharraf regime of knocking down 90 year old masajid of Islamabad and kept fighting for the cause till death. On such noble death Mir has said:
Marge Majnun pe aqal gum hai Mir Most Mullas could not see this fine line and remained indifferent, although they could have raised hue and cry against desecration of masajid. We should not forget that Quran says “Allah is Most Powerful and Revengeful” Every party can see his image in this mirror!
Kiya Diwane ne maut pai hai !
Considering the issue, I feel convinced that the sad demise of Ghazi Abdul Rashid should be labeled as a Shaheed and full respect offered to the body in regards to its proper dignified burial. I would hold the Pakistani Army responsible to the extent of disobeying the Islamic Law to which they all have sworn to uphold.
He died defending the religion of Islam against the evil forces.
1,044 responses to “Shaheed or Halak ? – Ghazi Abdul Rashid”
I am only say that propaganda destroys any nation from the side of its political, economical or even the side from religious. Let first i comment on my friend which starts this topics, says “Without doubt Right or Wrong Maulana Shazi Abdul Rashid was defending his place of worship and was fulfilling his religious duties in this process.”
My question is are you know the secrets of their hearts?
If he was want to implement the sharia law so whats the badness in this purpose?
and like our government (which is the thrail of america)
we also attack and abuse on it. Kill little hafiz children.
Is this right?
is this right that america attacks on pakistan and we even obbey their orders?
One thing is remember my brother that the sharia law will be implement on all the world on one day.
Allah destroys those nations which don’t obey Allah orders and make new generations which pray Allah all commands.
i saw in mirror while righting this post and believe me i saw “nooraniyat” on my face for the first time in my life.
thanks for the advice.you made my day
by the way @haq and @dark cloud kicked your butt very hard (i must say if some one did that to me i would be long gone)
the problem is your “MUNAFIQANA BUTT” is so “DHEET” that kicking will not work
one have to take more aggressive steps.
i saw in mirror while wrighting this post and believe me i saw “nooraniyat” on my face for the first time in my life.
thanks for the advice.you made my day
by the way @haq and @dark cloud kicked your butt very hard (i must say if some one did that to me i would be long gone)
the problem is your “MUNAFIQANA BUTT” is so “DHEET” that kicking will not work
one have to take more aggressive steps.
Ghazi is hero of islam.
Ghazi is Shaheed of Islam.
how funny , arrogant , proud and vain…its not nooraniyat what u saw…its ur vanity which made u see what u saw…..coz how can abusive language and slander etc can bring nooraniyat to one;s face.
dark cloud…..ur claim that they kicked me out etc etc is not based on fact…dark cloud himself quoted a hadith which ghazi proved ggazi wrong and later he left coz of that…..
haq…..yes he left after admitting in several posts that ghazis actions were wrong
as far as ur own insanity is concerned it is evident that u cannot support ghazi or his actions therefore u indulge in abusive language…..maybe u consider the use of such language as shariat in the same manner as u consider ghazis criminal acts as sharaee…….
if ghazis actions can only be proven correct by criticizing musharraf nawaz and zardari then everybody in this world is correct…shariat cannot be implemented by ghair sharaee actions….
munafiqana butt…….maybe these words are the essence of sharia tht u support……….lolzzzzz
i will not say tht u support and his actions coz thts not ur aim and purpose…u only come here for galam galoch etc……
praise ghazi for his demands
and punish him for his deeds/actions
laughs out loud
i think shaheed ghazee abdul rasheed did some personal damage to you.
otherwise no one can sit on internet and keep spewing the poison for more than 1 year with out single day off.
i will not be surprised if some one tell me that you are a son of aunty shameem and becuse of the actions of ghazee abdul rasheed your bread and butter was badly kicked.
if it is a case then my symathies are with you.
you see ALLAH(swt) created the hawk but He also created
carrion eating vulture.
HE created a lion and also created the shit eatiing swine.
and created human being and gave him the choice to be whatever he want to be.
obviously you chose munfiqat,hogwash and chikenfeed for smearing the high level shohada to earn some bread and butter.so sad….
these are ur agressive steps tht is
more abuses
i hv already stated tht this is all what ur able to do..ghazi rasheed caused personel damage to the families of the martyred soldiers …he also caused major damage to pakistan;s image as a sensible muslim nation…..he tried tto malign the name of islam by his so called sharaee crimes.
if this is personel damage then i hv been personally agreived by his actions….
u can keep on calling watever u want to im not bothered by cheepstakes like u…….
u hv still not put up any defence supporting ghazis actions as per sharia……
u hv also not clarified ur sharaee stand against hijras ……
ur posts are very predictable….u dont surprise me at all as after a long thought process of an entire day ur only able to come up with new abuses….
i will never answer u back in the form of abuses as tht is below my dignity and code of ethics . it is also forbidden as per shariah….
even the prophet (p.b.u.h) never answered back when ppl used to call him bad names…..
I think so reputed islamic scholars should decide if ghazi Shaheed was right OR wrong, secondly Court should decide.
In the above case both, scholars and court has given verdict in favour of Ghazi.
General Musharraf and its agent Noman and Zaid Zaman don’t have authority to speak.
you do not abuse……
but you are being indulged in one extremly loathful act since more than 1 year with out a day off.far more nauseous than abusing……….no need to repeat.
you can be “munafiq” with out this monkey business.
i can assure you.
did you ever see the walking talking "MUNAFIQ" depicted by Quran and Ahadeeth e Nabwi?…..no!
read few posts of @noman,@nauman@ayesha@R.A.J.A(on snake in differend id's)
it's a life time opportunity to see the walking talking "munafiq" depicted by Quran and Ahadeeth.
in ur last post u called musharraf harami and now ur calling me an agent…….wow…u maintain tht i dont hv any authority to speak …yup only u hv it….and which court has given a verdict in favour of ghazi being rite……if so y maulana burqa has still not been released????????? u did not answer tht who is ghazi then to decide tht its a brothel / prostitute?????????? y not court?
hope u will answer next time
u dont surprise me at all…ur main purpose at this blog is only to abuse which u consider as per ur shariat….nauman or noman are always known as nauman or noman just like u spell colour or color…….
( app kahain tou haqeeqat, hum kahain tou munafiq)
if ghazi cannot be defended by any of u tht does not mean tht others are indulging in loathful bizz……..
ur true channel i.e geo has brought back shahid masood after speaking so much against him……esp uir hamid mir in nks…………
who is hypocrite???????
praise ghazi for his demands( if correct)
punish him for his actions
so simple……….laughs out loud
@ Noman
When you speak for Musharraf and defend his illegal action against LAL masjid. That means you are agent of Musharraf.
Chaudry Iftikhar the rightful cheif Justice gave a clear verdict to again rebuild Jamia Hafsa and re-open Lal Masjid but your Master Musharraf defied the order. All the Islamic Scholars were against Musharraf (the Puppet of USA) actions.
You can ask any islamic scholars that who was right.
In my opinion too Ghazi was true and Musharraf was illegal.
Allah Talah will punish Musharraf and its agent in this world and in the next world for murdereing several hundered innocent students and people of LAl Masjid.
right you are. musharraf has gone but he left behind his legacy and hiers. the “MUNAFIQEEN” with in pakistan.
wandering around gaurding the patrimony left by pervez musharrf through lies,tricks and deception.@noman goes few steps further indulging himself in derogation,lies and loathful laughing and dancing over dead bodies of high level shohada.i never saw some one so mean,so sick and so nauseous.a typical walking talking “munafiq”
i hv never defended musharraf but i am against anybody being called harami or any other abuse but for u tht is sharaee….lal masjid is open…its a riteful place of worship as it is built on legal land …the orders regarding jamia hafza only pretain to the legal alloted land by cda…otherwise they are supposed to construct the madrissa under wafaq ul madaris ,elsewhere…….i have heard maulana israr and numerous others scholars who despite demanding the implementation of shariah state that the law shd not be taken into ones own hands….nobody supports ghazis actions including u…….as far as iftikhar ch being cj or not is not the discussion in this blog……….
i do not speak for musharraf…i only feel for the ppl who died coz of ghazi;s stupid criminal behaviour…….if he was so correct in all his actions then why umme hassan and others not in custody not following the same path now……..y all of them ran away frm tht so called jihad…….
u prove ghazis actions prom Quran and sunnah thts y i say praise him for his demands and punish burqa bros for their deeds…
jawad u can only indulge in filthy abuses…please go back to ur qadiyani temple as tht is ur fav place
laughs out loud
“i hv never defended musharraf but i am against anybody
being called harami or any other abuse but for u tht is
You are a “munafiq” I have no doubt in my mind. It is crystal clear to me.
Calling someone a munafiq is a very serious allegation, I think more serious than calling as “kafir”.
Any one who fears ALLAH (swt) should be very care full in these things because otherwise he will be guilty of slandering and will be accountable in judgment day.
I studied your most of posts, observed your behavior and lastly done analysis in the light of Quran and ahadeeth. My conclusion is that you are a “munafiq” the “munafiq” as per used in Quran and ahadeeth not as a slang word we use in our daily lives.
I have a strong reason to say this and your posts are evidence that you are a munafiq according to Quran and ahadeeth.
I have been expressed my contentions in the form of doubts so many times and now I present you my abriviato placiturn once again.
First thing wile reading your post one thing strikes any one, the repeatedly use of religious terminologies like “Quran and sunnah” “shariyah” “iman” and incongruous references from Quran with deliberate distortion from original meaning. Which is not some thing which can be easily tampered as there is extremely hard and restless work behind the transfer of commentary and paraphrase from Rasool ullah(saaw) to succeeding generations without slightest possibility of misinterpretation.
As Allah (swt) says in Quran;
“Behold, it is We Ourselves who have bestowed from on high, step by step, this reminder? And, behold, it is We who shall truly guard it [from all corruption].
(surah al-hijr / 09)
That is why you munafiqeen must understand that you can not make fool by chanting “Quran and sunnah” or by misinterpretation.
In the following I will prove (inshaALLAH) that what make you munafiq
1) Your attitude towards masajid and madrisa which lacks the profound attachment and care which every Muslim have. In one Hadeeth Rasoolullah S has said: “The most beloved places to Allah are the masajid.”
The Prophet S has stated in one Hadeeth that the condition of a Believer outside the masjid is that of a fish out of water. A fish obviously has no desire to be out of water and if it is taken out, will long to return, and will remain restless for as long as it is out of water. In the same Hadeeth, the sign of a munafiq (hypocrite) has been described as a bird in a cage, longing to be released there from as soon as possible.
Rasoolullah S has said:
“There are seven (types of persons) whom Allah will give protection with His Shade on the Day when there will be no shade except His Shade :…(one of them is) a person whose heart is attached to the masjid…”
(Bukhari, Muslim)
I did not see any kind of sanctity for masajid in your posts. In spite of saving masajid and madrisa which are claimed to be built illegally by most corrupt CDA, pervez musharraf and his security goons (including 100 year old masjid) later on was proved to be a great source of abashment court as court gave the verdict to rebuild the mosque, you gave the reference of masjid e zarrar which was built by your spiritual ancestors with the intention of spreading fitna. While these masajid is built by true muslims with the intention of saying prayers. You sacrilegiously and criminally mixed two events which do not have slightest resemblance. As mentioned in Quran clearly:
“AND [there are hypocrites] who have established a [separate] house of worship in order to create mischief, and to promote apostasy and disunity among the believers, and to provide an outpost for all who from the outset have been warring against God and His Apostle. And they will surely swear [to you, O believers], “We had but the best of intentions!” -the while God [Himself] bears witness that they are lying
(surah al tauba-107)
By the way no masjid and madrisa in Islamabad was built on land peculated from a widow, orphan or any other citizen of Islamabad.
Even though if I agree on the notion that the masajid and madrisa were built on peculated land of CDA your behavior is typical of a “munafiq” persistently and over vehemently insist on demolishing proves that you are a typical munafiq. In spite of demanding CDA to withdraw from ownership of a land you insisted on demolishing which is not a behavior of Muslim.
2) Profound attachment and care for brothels and prostitutes.
You don’t want to consider aunty sahmeem a pimp and she is running a brothel. It is a grave slander for you, while whole Islamabad knows about this brothel.
You are mad about Chinese massage parlor incident.
You were deeply shocked when I called neelofar bakhtiyar a “lowlife”.
In your words:
“Neelofar bhakitiar was hugged by a gora …does tht make the woman a non
muslim or a lowlife as u say???????
Indicates that you do not know about the pudency which every muslim by birth have.
After so many complains when aunty shameem neither closed the brothel nor shifted to specific places for brothels and prostitutes ,students of jamia hafsa took an action and force these prostitute to repent. That incident made you extremely mad and you started cheap and disgusting lambastes against these rasikh ul aqeeda mulims.
In the defense of brothels you again used your “munafiqana” trick and searched aayat which can be used against the act of jamia hafsa and then you find aayat of sura al noor. Which are specifically and exclusively about chaste women. But your munafiq nature never able to abstained from playing with the meaning of the words of Quran
You implied the condition of 4 witnesses on the brothels. Your approach, favorites and preferences clearly indicate about your deeply rooted “infaq” or munafiqat
While Islam insists on chastity and cleanliness of body and soul. Islam restricts its followers from evil deeds. ALLAH (swt) says in Quran:
“Verily, as for those who like [to hear] foul slander spread against [any of]
those who have attained to faith grievous suffering awaits them in this world
and in the life to come: for God knows [the full truth], whereas you know [it]
(surah al noor-14)
Another place Allah (swt) says:
“And bids you only to do evil, and to commit deeds of abomination, and to
Attribute unto God something of which you have no knowledge.
(surah baqarah -169)
and bids you only to do evil, and to commit deeds of abomination, and to attribute unto God something of which you have no knowledge.
In another place Allah(swt) says in Quran
Say: “Verily, my Sustainer has forbidden only shameful deeds, be they open or secret, and [every kind of] sinning, and unjustified envy, and the ascribing of divinity to aught beside Him – since He has never bestowed any warrant therefore from on high and the attributing unto God of aught of which you have no knowledge.”
(surah a’raf-33)
While your actions your feelings and intentions can easily felt and seen through your persistent posts. Every muslim pious or sinner like me even can not think of defending the brothel in the neighborhood. Your continuous and relentless post with derogatory remarks who took action against these centers of evil. And desperate try to justify that action against “Quran and sunnah” is a proof of your munafiqat.
Your sacrilegious approach to defend the obscenity clearly tells us that you do not have a fear of Allah(swt). Because you are a “MUNAFIQ”
3) Countless, Persistent, disgusting and cheap lies with out any penitence about intentions of shohada e lal masjid and jamia hafsa about the numbers of shohada , ghazi rasheed ,hamid meer, gen jamshed kiyani and phosphorus bombs with highly offensive, derogatory and sardonic remarks against the high level souls of shohada e lal masjid and jamia hafsa. Indulgence in the action which is very close to an act of dancing and laughing over dead bodies. This clearly shows your deep rooted “NIFAQ” and hatred against rasikh ul aqeeda muslims.
Allah (SWT) has described the Munaffiqoon in the Qur’an as follows (what means):
“Among men are those who say: ‘We believe in Allah and the Last Day’, but they do not actually believe. They (think) that they deceive Allah and those who believe, but they only deceive their own souls. In their hearts is a disease so Allah has increased them in their disease and for them is a mighty punishment for the lies they used to tell.”
(Al-Baqarah: 8-10)
Anas (ra) reports that Rasool ul Allah (saaw) said:
“Three (characteristics) if they are found (in an individual) then he is a Munafiq even if he (is
seen) fasting and praying and says, ‘I am a Muslim.’
If he speaks he lies, if he promises he breaks his promise and if he is entrusted he betrays the
(Agreed Upon)
4) Challenge every one to prove the action of ghazi Abdul rasheed in the light of “Quran and sunnah” while his action is clearly justified by “Quran and ahadeeth”
Before the presenting references from Quran about amr bilmaroof wa niha an il munkir. I would like to present a reference of Quran about the behavior of “munafiqeen” about that”
Allah says in Quran:
The hypocrites, both men and women, proceed one from another. They enjoin the wrong and forbid the right…”
(Tauba, 9:67)
Here is the answer of the challenge.
“You are the best community that has been raised for mankind. You enjoin good and forbid evil and you believe in Allah.”
(Aal-e-Imran, 3:110)
. “The believers, men and women, are protectors of each other: they enjoin what is right and forbid what is evil.”
(Tauba, 9:71)
A very famous hadith declares it as an issue of faith.
“Whoever amongst you sees an evil should change it with his hand. If he is unable to do that then with his tongue. If he is unable to do that, then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of Iman.”
So if a person does not even feel bad about an evil, he has no faith whatsoever. Similarly we are encouraged to promote good
“Let there arise out of you a group inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong. They are the ones to attain success.”
(Aal-e-Imran, 3:104)
These aayat e mubarika and hadeeth clearly justify the actions of ghazi abdul rasheed. These aayat are acceptable for muslims but as I don’t see fear of Allah(swt) in your attitude these will not acceptable for you.
5) celebration on massacre and defeat of helpless rasikh ul aqeeda muslim.
As I mentioned earlier that every Muslim Pakistani grieved the massacre of helpless rasikh ul aqeeda muslims.even liberals who believed that religion is a private matter. And disagree with ghazee abdul rasheed on imposing shariat. Because of inherent affiliation between muslims.as rasool ullah said:
Ummat is like a body when one part hurts the other part feel pain.
Only a “munafiq” or kafir can be happy on this tragedy. You go many steps further and started laughing while mentioning about those high level shohada.LOLZZZzzzzzzhahhahahah……..heheheheheehehehe and so on.it clearly indicated that you have no fear of Allah(swt) and defeat and death is highly welcoming for you. You celebrated at triumph. And revealed your self a real”munafiq”
The aim of this post is not to blame some one but to defend the servants of Allah(swt) who love Allah(swt ) and his order, fought promotion of virtue and prevention of vice, have no reluctance to sacrifice even their lives.
The purpose of this post is to defend the honor and respect of high level and exalted shohada and to reiterate my determination that I will inshaAllah always be there where I found a “munafiq” and to protect innocent and naive muslims against the pretence propagated by munafiqeen. Any muslim who read this post would be aware of munafiqeen chanting “Quran and sunnah”.when ever I remind this aaya of holy quran;
“Verily, as for those who like [to hear] foul slander spread against [any of]
those who have attained to faith grievous suffering awaits them in this world
and in the life to come: for God knows [the full truth], whereas you know [it]
(surah al noor-14)
I feel pity for you.
May ALLAH save us all from the fire who’s fuel will be the humans.
May ALLAH save all from the pretense of modern age?
May ALLAH save us from the pretence of exterior as well interior?
hahaha ( if u consider urself a dead body then surely im laughing over u)
i knew tht u can only abuse/slander/lie….u hv added nothing new and these are the same allegations which i hv alreadyu answered rather i hv answered ur each and every silly criticism but if ur needle is stuck to one point i cant do anything abt it.
i am really not bothered by ur beliefs coz jihalat persists till the time one opens ones minds to the truth….
its really funny to read some one defending shariat who is the biggest abuser on this blog….ur logic supporting abusive language is just ur opinion as ur every other belief..it is not based on Quran and sunnat….
mburqa brothers are punishable in the light of all the Ayas/ahadith u mentioned……
please tell me what u call a person visiting a qadiyani temple????????
laughs out loud (u have not answered maulana burqa , umme hassan and ur hijra issue)
Because we are dealing with same old “munafiq” who has been seated on the same forum since one year, with same nauseous intentions and with same old monkey business.
“please tell me what u call a person visiting a qadiyani
munafiq ne jab ghazee abdul rasheed aur shahada e lal masjid o jamia hafsa ko naheen bakhsha to mujhey kia chorhay ga. by the way i went to qadiyani mosque because my one of my class fellow in 3rd year mbbs(whom i didn’t know that he was a qadiyani) asked me to go for prayers.
you are such a hopeless monkey shit.
by the way if you want to know my ideas about qadiyaniat, you can visit following forum of teeth maestro:
i was there with the ID of dr_jawwad71.
(After a month) u realized that u had gone to qadiyani mosque and that too with ur class fellow who was a qadiyani and u dint know abt him
but u claim to know every thing
u hv never seen aunty shamim and without witnesses u know she runs a brothel
u were sure that im qadiani
u are well aware of the neeyats of ghazi brothers
but lolzzzzzzzzzzz
u did not know abt ur friend tht who he was
hahahaha…….u really make me laugh
monkey shit…………. Ghazi sahib ki sharee recognized gali hai kia??????
Laughs out loud
Im on this forum since 1 yr…. then???????? Im here on this blog as my questions are still unanswered……….
Yes my intentions are really noble
Im here to call ppl munafiq , qadiyani, kafir, agent , harami, pimp, lowlife, bastard just coz they do not support ghazi rasheed
My objections on ghazis actions are still there…as u don’t hv answers u come up with abusive language and slander/lies….i challenge u again to counter the points raised in my post of nov 10, nov 18….but maybe that’s asking too much because u have shown ur entire upbringing, background and education by the choice of language in ur nonsensical posts…
You are the one who is interested in qadiyanis thts u visited the temple…maybe u were seeking support for burq bros coz only non muslims benefited frm the lal mosque fiasco…no true muslim can support ghazis criminal acts as I hv seen no ayat in Quran supporting abduction, theft, burning, muredering muslims, slandering. Islam puts an emphasis on taqwa …taqwa is the basic principle necessary for guidance and all other acts……..we are commanded by Allah to exercise sabar in all our problems..fisad has not been encouraged…..however as u don’t have answers neither u want to seek guidance from the Quran u will keep on calling me bad names…I m not bothered as for me allahs word is supreme and I cannot create new Gods / biddats in the shape of burqa brothers as they are ordinary mortals……u want me to respect and recognize ppl who ran away from their own call for jihad …even if I consider their point then all those who survived including maulana burqa and his wife are your criminals…you shd be speaking against them as they surrendered and ran away …even the ghazi bravo was asking for safe passage…..wow….what hypocrisy.
U may keep on praising such petty criminals but infact their cause has nothing to do with islam or shariah coz their actions speak otherwise…..
I fail to understand your inability to answer my posts…why u want to preech qadiyaniat? What benefit would anybody gain from learning abt tht religion but uvisit their temples and also indulge in support of the unislamic deeds of the burq bros .however u do it at your own will and wish
U did not know abt ur fellow being a qadiyani despite 3 yrs of knowing him . u could not recognize him .
Similarly maulana burqa did not know y and for what purpose he came out wearing burqa.
Umme hassan also doesn’t know why she ran out….
Nor do all the students who surrendered ….maybe for 5000 rs which they asking for as promised.
All the hijras( sorry if I hurt the feelings of this community) outside lal mosque and on this blog who who did not join the so called jihad …
All of them hv also failed to continue abductions from the various brothels in isb/rwp in the name of amar bil maroof, many cinemas are also waiting to be burnt by these jihadis
( tum kaho tou haqeeqat, hum kahein tou munafiq)
laughs out loud , hahaha
i know a very good psychiatrist who treat all kind of mental sickness. if you are interested i can give you his contact no>
but please do see some psychiatrist.
lolzzzzzzzzzzz are the initial signs of madness.
strange tht u hvnt visited even once.maybe thtsy maulana burqa is admitted in pims tht is to be treated by a [psychiatrist hahahahahahahaha
asusual again ran out of answers……..or hvnt come up with new abuses lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
sheeshon mai norrani chehra dekhna bhi pagalpan hi ki nishani hai ….furthermore defending wrong against right supporting lies against truth also shows your mental sickness.
ur style of writing is very simple…….
6 days munafiqat /qadiyanait plus abuses
1 days quoting ayas that clearly throw light on ghazis criminal acts
inshort 7 days of attempting to decieve urself and others….
maybe ur still under the effects of visiting qadiyani temple or maybe u still go there to find answers coz where else would u be blessed with new ghazis sharaee recognised abuses…….( your vocabulary is really rich)
( tum kaho tou haqeeqat, hum kahein tou munafiq)
@ LOLzzzzzz!
the other treatment for the mental sickness like lolzz
is “LOLOMYCINE” injection.i am sure there must be plenty
of prevert residing in your native place.this treatment
is obnoxious but it is an aggresive way of treatment for
the mental sick and pervert like you.
i hope your munafiqana butt will be just fine
after “lolomycine” injection.
have an injection and get rid of freeking
munafiqana butt.
this is the shariat which u want to be implemented??????
Allah orders us in the Quran to refrain from the use of bad language but u esp dont seem to care abt Allah;s word…….its obvious as u visit qadiyani temples…….
your helpness , sharmindigi of failing to support your arguement is evident……..
i told u that u dont surprise me at all…..
u disregard the word of Allah amnd dare to call other ppl munafiq ….how funny…..Allah has ordered us to observe taqwa .the choice of words by u does not fit any sharaee description and what to talk about taqwa…..but why would u care???????
its evident that u do not respect Quran and sunnat otherwise you would know that the prophet;s (p.b.u.h) sunnat has the best guideline for us.
u might belong to or support , qaum e loot .
if these are your agressive sharaee steps to implement shariat , im not bothered at all ….
u are p .hd in galam galoch thtsy u used the word dr…..
i will not answer u in the same language if thats what you are trying for
maybe you are trying to describe your own self and your nooraniyat in your posts…
these are te result of frequent visits to qadiyani temples……
who is a lowlife and hypocrite???????
i really feel sorry for your mental condition.
but dear!
i can not give the due respect any pervert
munafiq who do the mockery with high level shohada
on barbaric messacre of helpless women and children.
your mental condition need immidiate intervention no matter how bizzare the treatment (which i suggested),is much lesser than your mental sickness.
for munafiqat only ALLAH(swt) can deal with it.we do not have a cure for that as it is “marz ul qalb”
please do not hesitate to have prescribed treatment.it will be painfull initially but it has magical effect on the mental sickness.
i really dont mind
u cannot even give respect to the person you are supporting…..
you cannot respect anyone
im sure
you cannot respect the orders of Allah i.e to refrain from slander/lies/dirty conversation and abuses.
u dare to counter the points raised in my post of nov 10, nov 18….but maybe that’s asking too much because u have shown ur entire upbringing, background and education by the choice of language in ur nonsensical posts…
your posts depict that ur still under qadiyanis spell……
there is a phrase in urdu
( khisiani billi khamba nochay)
when ppl run out of answers /logic they indulge in such kind of behavior……
maybe ur inspired by qaum e loot so whatever u suggest , practice it yourself……maybe ghazi sahib k maslik mai jaiz ho thtsy ur suggesting ppl for such things.
the amazing truth about human tongue
it takes 3 yrs to learn how to use it….
its very hard to learn
when not to use it…..
WHERE ARE THE LOLZzzzzzzzzzzzz this time?
don’t be mad noman.i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
i thought you can laugh and dance over dead bodies.
you can do mokeries over more than 2000 shohada.
you can enthusiasticaly defend chakla and prostitute.
you can defend the worst human being ever lived over
pakistan soil.
why you can’t have a LOLOMYCINE for your mental sickness??????????????????????????????????
it will be much easier for you.
“the amazing truth about human tongue…………….when
not to use it”
it is a slander and lie i never used my tongue against you.
i challange any one who can prove that abuse in writing is against “Quran and sunnah”…….familiar rant??
strange time! the “ummati” of abdullah ibne ubbai is giving us the bhashan about “quran and sunnah”
in last! did you heard?
” a LOLOMYCINE a day
keeps mental sickness away
LOLZzzzzzzzzzzzzz(tumhen apni man aunty shamim aur apney bap pervez musharraf ki qasam.
i challange any one who can prove that abuse in writing is against “Quran and sunnah”…….familiar rant??
have u never read the Quran
have u never even once realized the greatness of our religion and the prophet(p.b.u.h)…how can u even suggest that the Quran and sunnah support abusive language in writing or verbal.
i asked you to prove ghazis acts as per Quran…u failed as the holy Quran is against all such criminal activities.
but for your convienience im giving u references….
Regardless that u haveof ur abuses and your belief that to abuse ppl is sharaee…i am happy that u have finally asked me to refer to the Quran…
I will refer you to surat hujrat ayat 11 .please read it and correct yourself.i will also refer you to the shan e nazool of this ayat ( sabit bin qais razi allah once made fun of another sahabi in the presence of prophet(p.b.u.h) .another riwayat states that this ayat pertains to bani tameem who used to make fun of various sahabis ).
I refer you to surat inam ayat 108 in which allah specifically forbids to abuse even those idols which the kuffar worshipped .
However as you are bent to prove that nawzubillah the Quran allows the abusive language and nowzubillah the sunnah also proves it , amazes me…I don’t know whether to laugh at this or pity you for your ignorance and such blatant misinterpretation of the Quran. Your suggestion regarding the injection also is against the Quranic teachings …I refer you to surat airaf ayat 80.however despite Allah;s guidance your choice to propagate such activities depicts your true beliefs /origin etc etc…..
Im not mad at you, I have not made a mockery of anything ….i have given my arguments/questions against ghazi which u have not countered.however the mockery you are making of Allah;s ayas by supporting abusive language/homosexuality/slander/lies is horrifying .if a non muslim reads your posts to understand islam and muslims he would clearly be shown a negative picture.your acts though different are similar crimes as committed by ghazi.
Do read some good books esp Quran .watch positive programmes like those on peace tv u will learn manners and decency ( if you are interested). Your mentality suggest that you rate ghazi and his crimes above Allah and his commandments , indicating biddats / qadiyani influence albeit with a different idol which in your case are the criminals who died in lal mosque…you are not willing to listen to Quran due to your bias .you have close your ears and eyes.nowhere I have supported anybody u say……I have only questioned ghazis crimes that too in the light of Quran but for you its difficult to open the Quran then read as u have limited mentality.
If someone talks about Quran and sunnah u call it bashan…this is the amount of respect for Quran……considering your choice of words and obnoxious manner of addressing ppl its not difficult for anybody to recognize you for what u are…..i do not respect you but I will not indulge in abusive language as it ios forbidden.
Khisyani billi khamba nochnay k sawa kuch nahi kar sakti………….
Laughs out loud
i am not a sick person to challange any one to prove my wrong doing according to quran and ahhadeeth.
the challange was nothing but just a taunt as i saw many challanges in your posts.
what i do for my deep rooted hatred of extreme degrees for MUNAFIQEEN, SECULAR FASCISTS, MATERIALISTS AND ANY ONE WHO CELEBRATES THE DEFEAT OF MY FELLOW MUSLIM WHO IS FIGHTING FOR ISLAM AND SHARIYAH which made me say what i don’t say in my life.
and i am not penitent about that.
i love all the mujahid who are fighting for aala e kalma tullah. to my understanding the “mulhima” is about to occur as profecised by NABI e KAREEM(saaw)
every shahdat of a rasikh ul aqeeda muslim is like a stab in my heart.
consider this post as my last one.
i don’t expect you to fight for islam or give the respect to shohada but as a human you refrain yourself from laughing and dancing over dead bodies of an other human being
my prayers are the same
May ALLAH save us all from the fire who’s fuel will be the humans.
May ALLAH save all from the pretense of modern age?
May ALLAH save us from the pretence of exterior as well interior?
Hahahahaha ( if u really consider urself dead then im laughing at u)
U might have been taunting but against whom?????????? I atleast was not your target coz I have always maintained that u should support ghazis crimes as per Quran .the taunts if any were directed against the holy book by urself.this was the only challenge in my post…what was so difficult in answering decently????????????this must have been a challenge for you…thtsy your language/examples/choice of words/abuses/slanders/lies exposed your true personality…..you are sad over the defeat of an individual but you have no sadness over breaking Allah;s commandments, sirf naray bazi sai klam nahi chalta…….ghazi brothers did not repent neither do u…they committed crimes against islam and humanity…..u over indulging in sins by the choice of your words .
Our love for allah and his prophet (p.b.u.h) should out way our love for any individual.
The purpose of my post has always been that ghazi brothers were not fighting for islam or shariah.they were just using the name of islam for their own petty interests…rather then doin good deeds and changing the society by hard work i.e tableegh which was the prophets(p.b.u.h) way they indulged in fisad just to support illegal construction of jamia hifza they martyred numerous security ppl, u have never once expressed sadness over the loss of these innocent lives…by defending ghazi and criminals inside masjid you were infacting laughing and ridiculing these individuals…..i would call them better muslims then ghazi and thugs…you call ghazi brothers as rasikh ul aqeeda .how funny…you know their actions were not based on taqwa, neither they had anything to do with islam or sharia……..u proved my point by firstly accusing a lady u even havnt seen as a prostitute but when I highlighted this is bohtan u started abusing me by calling me different names ending with the abuse of a prostitute bastard son, absolutely in bad faith.your numerous other abuses including the propagation of homosexuality should also not make u repent as u must consider them Islamic and as per sharia.
I oppose all those who try to use the name of islam to cover their sins as you also do the same…using dirty abusive language/slandering to defend islam………how funny.its very easy for you to call anybody who opposes you a munafiq thts how u ppl operate tht is bad mouthing your opponents.all thaikaidars of islam have no responsibility towards anyone…they can say or do anything they please……
If your position had been based on truth u would have been able to answer /defend it but you know it very well to be false it in your heart thty u cannot even once dare to answer nov 10, nov 18 post of mine……….this was the only difficulty which made you indulge in bad behaviour………
U want to distort the truth and call criminals shohada just coz all their crimes were in the name of islamwhich itself is the biggest crime they committed.it would have been better if u had used Quran and sunnah in an attempt to defend your arguments but you chose the more sharaee path ( according to ur mentality) i.e abuses and u still don’t repent………..
Its ur last post………..similar to haq , dark cloud etc……nowu will claim tht im kicking myself out ……….hahaha…….these were ur special aggressive steps???????lolzzzzzzzzzzzz…..it was never about winning or losing but u made it point of ego…………I will still say that nobody has been able to defend ghazi …….u esp also failed…….if u consider it ur defeat , what can I say………….it would be better if u use this to obtain better guidance from the Quran……..
Khisiyani billi jab khamba noch noch k thak jati hai tou khud hi tang aa k bhagti hai……….
Your belief that by indulging in such kind of behavior ur fighting for islam is extremely funny………….
Lolz( ur brain is dead , so im laughing at u)
neither shaeed or halak but asshole islamist mass killer
finally your brother joseph the cristian is arrived.
20 LOLOMYCINEs for both of you.
ur willing to go against allah…but wont admit the truth….
tum tou apni bat par qaim nahi reh saktay………
this is your true personality!!!!!!!
maybe ur equipped with new stock of abuses……….
plz identify your religion……
poora pakistan hai..he has used the same kind of words that u use….
( hum kahain tou haqeeqat, aur log kahain tou bohtan)
i do not abuse……….
khisyani billi sharmingi k maray khamba nochti rahay tou uss sai woh saheeh nahi ho jati……
i gave u a safe exit with full protocol but u want ppl to laugh at ur sick mentality then its solely ur choice…..
don’t be short with me.
it was just a congratulation.
since one year you are doing this monkey business alone now you have a spiritual brother to carry on this work.
i think one year was not lost you got some success.
if this joseph is not your another id.
marry christmas (as i can’t greet you on eid ul adha) and have a nice day.
i will congratulate u on bakra eid..
coz i stick to my position tht using abusive language/slander /lies will not prove ghazi correct…..
but as u dont believe in Allah;s words and continue to indulge in abusive language thinking it to b sharaee ,i think there is no hope for you…..
if ur theory abt poora pakistan supporting ghazi is being proven wrong i cant do anything abt it…….
u may consider talking abt ahadith and Quran as monkey bizz nowzubillah ..but maybe the promos of ur injections are the only sharaee things in which u and ghazi believed….
my stand remains
dare to prove ghazi actions from Quran and sunnat
lolzzzzzzzzzzz( mission impossible)
this is what i keep calling obnoxious and loathsome monkey business.
slanders and lies were not sufficient for you that is why now you started deception and forgery.
well that is what a munafiqat is all about.
first you tried to prove your monkey business in the light of Quran and sunnah and now you are applying my criticism against your obnoxious activities over Quran and Ahadeeth(maazALLAH SUMMA maazAllah)
this is i call a display of sick and loathsome mentality
that is why i suggested you a LOLOMYCINE
a MUNAFIQ can only be treated by ALLAH(swt)in hereafter
for ordinary muslim like me sure it is mission impossible.
there is a difference between what your actions the shariat u want to support……plz understand that shariat does not require and will never be supported by galam galoch/slander/lies…………..
i did not try to prove , i proved that ghazi was wrong according to Quran and sunnah…..and none on this has been able top prove otherwise……
you are only sticking coz islam , Quran And Allah;s words have no importance for you……you can abuse and talk abt Allah in the same line…..you can suggest injections and talk abt shariah without shame and guilt…….
u can call ppl kafir , qadiyani, lowlife etc etc butur own words speak a lot abt ur conviction, character, personality, upbringing and background……..
u realized very well the impossibilty of your mission tht is to prove ghazi correct from quran/sunnah.
you are the one conducting monkey bizz …it is you who is abusing…….
you declared tht it was ur last post but as u cannot live without abusive u started posting again otherwise u hv not brought any fresh evidence in favour of your beloved chor uchakas…….
yesterday i visited teeth maestros hamid mir blog………lolzzzzzz…..apkay poray pakistan ki theory wahan par bhi ghalat hi sabit hoti hai……..
ru still visiting qadiyani temples????????
i will never try to compete with u in abuses coz ur a doctorate in tht…………
lolzzzzzz……keep on abusing as ur only gud in abusing/lying/slandering & then believing ur a true muslim……….
shame on u
@noman or nauman or ayesha or yousef islam or faisal!
so many ID’s for one man? definitely a blunder this time
you should be care ful in your monkey business.
this is the difference between you and me i have only one ID
while one ID is not sufficient for you to disprove my “POORA PAKISTAN THEORY” this is the time for LOLZ but i feel pity for you.
I have absolutely no mission to prove the GREATNESS of ghazi abdul rasheed. it has already been proved as he layed his life for a great cause that is why i didn’t respond your filthy dergatory and sick remarks.
you fail to realised that a smear campaign becomes a joke when a person gives his life to defend his cause.
only a munafiq has that kind of sacriligious approach to use the words ALLAH(swt) to bolster his ridiculous and sick attacks on the most respected high level shohada.
my prayers are the same WITH one addition
“ya ALLAH mera khatima ghazee abdul rasheed ki tarah farma
aur mere sath qayamat ke din ghazee abdul rasheed ki
tarah ka muamla farma” AMEEEEEEEENNN
aur tumhara khatima pervez musharraf , aunty shameem aur
neelofar bakhtiyar ke saath farma
this is the last thing a muslim can do when he faces a MUNAFIQ
now who is faisal??????
my id has been nauman/noman ,use brains….and i hvnt conceal;ed it…thats just ur imagination……..i dont post comment on any other blog……….and i think ur referring to faisal on hamid mir blog……wahan i dont hv to add anything…..my points have already been posted by various ppl but if ur happy that they all are my ids keep on beliving it………
actually u have no id…ur very confused….its evident from your use of abusive language, so called sharaee injections sponsored byu qaume e loot and visits to qadiyani temples…..
you basically feel pity for your helplessness…..and i will definitely laugh at you.hahaha
sirf khwaish kiun
jihad mai beth jatay…..
ajj tumhara bhi blog hota….
buzdil ya what u say hijra……
you really dont have to prove that ghazi was a great theif…he also was a big killer , a great slanderer/lier etc etc etc……his greatness is evident from supporters like u who are great abusers/liers/slanderers & visiters to qadiani temples and followers of qaum e lout….
your piety is evident from your fine language……you must be using similar language infront of ur own family…..
if i remember correctly ur fav ghazi was begging for safe passage on all ur fav pakeeza channels including hamid bhai;s…….daily many dakus are killed in encounters …u must be considering all of them shohda…
many jews die for their cause…many hindus die for their;s while killing muslims in kashmir and palestine…u must be their supporter too as they also die for their cause…..
it is said …….awara kuttay bhonk rahay hon tou insaan ko yeh zaib nahi deta k unn k sath mil k bhonkna shru kar dai……..
so i will not reply to your abuses as its similar to barking……..
khisyani billi khamba noch noch k khud hio pagal ho ho k har blog par chakrati phirti hai ……
billian bhi ajkal munafiq ho gaeen hain………wow
luv and regards for …molvi jawad almashoor ghatia zuban walay
now who is faisal??????
look at your previous post smart ass!
and look at the name of commentrator in last two of your comments.
funny thing is u didn,t realize your name is still faisal on your comments.
what a pity.
lost in MUNAFIQAT???
you proved my point….
i was trying to make use of your methods..
maulana aziz tht he has 50 suicide bombers inside ?
remember ghazi rasheed sayin there are no children inside
remember u yourself sayin ghazis methods were crossing limits.
if u read my post carefully i indicated intentionally that i visited hamid mir blog….
i took the id of last post which was fresh
just to lure into a trap…….
if im not wrong
maulana aziz was tryin to change his id/sex
if im not wrong
how u avoid that u urself admitted he crossed limits
if im not wrong
how u kept on justfying the use of abusive language
in short
i was denying my own actions in the similar manner of your and ghazi……..
and u think that it was blunder/mistake
however the limits of my culpability are very restricted and innocent….
even after proving my point i will not indulge in injection promotion or galam galoch……….
u just questioned urself…and this is what u do…..
for a noble cause……
pata nahi app abhi bhi sheesha dekhnay mai kamyab huway hain ya nahi……….
this post is again frm id faisal dedicated to molvi jawad almashor teekon wali sarkar……
khud app apnay dam mai siyad a gia…..
( hum kahain tou haqeeqat, tum kaho to munafiq)
kamaz kam iss post ka jawab de dena…. k whatever i have pointed was not done by you ppl
hehehehe( laughing @ ur dead brain)
change the ID asshole!
it’s still faisal.
bohat hi barha besharam hey tu.
pata naheen
change the ID asshole!
it’s still faisal.
bohat hi barha besharam hey tu.
pata naheen kitni tawaifen mareen hongee jab tu paida huwa
change the ID asshole!
it’s still faisal.
bohat hi barha besharam hey tu.
change the ID asshole!
it’s still faisal.
bohat hi barha besharam hey tu.
pata naheen kitni tawaifen mareen
change the ID asshole!
it’s still faisal.
bohat hi barha besharam hey tu.
pata naheen kitni
change the ID asshole!
it’s still faisal.
bohat hi barha besharam hey tu.
pata naheen kitni tawaifen mareen hongee
change the ID asshole!
it’s still faisal.
bohat hi barha besharam hey tu.
pata naheen kitni tawaifen mareen hongee jab tu paida
change the ID asshole!
it's still faisal.
bohat hi barha besharam hey tu.