Ever since the afternoon of the faithful day when in between the intense fighting at the Lal Masjid, the Pakistan Army victoriously announced the death of the head militant of Lal Masjid Maulana Ghazi Abdul Rashid. Watching the news reports come through on all news channels I did notice that everyone was refraining to tag his death as a Shahdat. For many non-Muslims reading this article, it might seem to be a trivial issue but to a Muslim it means a world of a difference. A simple naming terminology is of no consequence to the soul in this world but it means a phenomenal difference in life-here-after. Quite simply its a decision to be made by Allah for him on the day of the Judgment.
A shaheed is a title that is given to a Muslim after his death, if he died during the fulfillment of a religious commandment. For a moment lets forget the political issues surrounding the crisis, coming to the root of the issue it was Ghazi Abdul Rashid who was defending the integrity of Islam challenging the ineffectiveness of the government in implementing the sharia law hence allowing a progressive degradation of our society. Without doubt Right or Wrong Maulana Shazi Abdul Rashid was defending his place of worship and was fulfilling his religious duties in this process.
Shaheed is a title for a Muslim when he dies for Islam While on the other hand the aggressors (Pakistan Army) were overwhelmingly attacking the mosque to the extent of destroying a large portion of the property throughout the compound. Hence can easily be labeled as aggressors against Islam, which is probably the highest crime for a Muslim. The jawans may be following order but it must be remembered that if one of the jawans were to loose his life in battle against Islam cannot be labeled as a Shaheed simply because he was a Muslim.
I share with you an interesting email I received by Mr. M Javed Iqbal who portrays a very compelling argument, which actually also got me thinking about this important issue. I quote…
During the attack on Lal Masjid and Madarsah Hafsa a question that was repeatedly raised was ‘ Who is “Shaheed” and who is “Halak”.’
In my opinion the distinction is crystal clear. The mistake and mischief lies with the initiator. Who started knocking down masajid in the capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan? If I am traveling and somebody open fires on me, I have a right to defend myself and fire back at him. Therefore we must understand that what Ghazi brothers did was in self defence. The pity is Mullahs of the country have been corrupted by Musharraf by offering nice salaries and perks to them, hence they failed to point out that the sanctity of a masjid was to be safeguarded at all costs. No Muslim can dare attack a masjid, because it is Allah house.
Accordingly security forces, army men and rangers who attacked Lal Masjid are jahunumi and the fighters of Lal Masjid are shuhdaa and shall Insha Allah Will be rewarded with Paradise. Each officer or jawan must have refused to obey illegal order of attacking a masjid. They could say: “Look sir ! we joined the army to protect the Masajid and save women and children, not for destroying and killing them”.
Since they gave preference to order of the officer over Order of Allah, they are mahluk and jahanumi.
The brave fight back of Ghazi Abdul Rashid is an eye opener. When most of the Mullas just talked he challenged the illegal and immoral acts of Musharraf regime of knocking down 90 year old masajid of Islamabad and kept fighting for the cause till death. On such noble death Mir has said:
Marge Majnun pe aqal gum hai Mir Most Mullas could not see this fine line and remained indifferent, although they could have raised hue and cry against desecration of masajid. We should not forget that Quran says “Allah is Most Powerful and Revengeful” Every party can see his image in this mirror!
Kiya Diwane ne maut pai hai !
Considering the issue, I feel convinced that the sad demise of Ghazi Abdul Rashid should be labeled as a Shaheed and full respect offered to the body in regards to its proper dignified burial. I would hold the Pakistani Army responsible to the extent of disobeying the Islamic Law to which they all have sworn to uphold.
He died defending the religion of Islam against the evil forces.
1,044 responses to “Shaheed or Halak ? – Ghazi Abdul Rashid”
Ch ch ch ch
Itna ghussa
Itni repetition
Your norani shesha must have broken……
I do everything openly….
Its ppl like you who hide behind a so called islami id…..
You failed again to answer my last post……
Parhna nahi atta kia???????/
Ya dogar ki beti ki tarh number lagwa kar hi mbbs mai ayay thay?/
Who bhi pata nahi….
Apni post mai 8 dafa apni family history batai last line????????/
Besharmi ki intha tou insane ki galion aur choice of words sai hi evident hoti hai…….
Nowzubillah yehi shariat apki khwaish hai……….
Ur finally caught in my trap and still abusing……how sharaee…….
What spelling of noman would u prefer in my next post
Nauman…noman….. or faisal is alrite with you????????
This post is again dedicated to
Molvi jawad ghatia zuban walay…….
( hum kahain tou haqeeqat, tum kaho tou munafiq)
it’s not an anger asshole!
it was a technical fault.
you proved your self not only munafiq but also an idiot asshole.
how come??????????
by making u a fool??????????
by trapping u in your own trap?????/
u accused me of being yousaf islam……
i thought that if u accuse me of multiple ids or fakes ids
then u must say the same abt maulana burqa….
but ur duplicity is proven….
thtsy like a khisyani billi ur abuses have become more cheep…….
u disreagard Quran and its teachings
and u call others munafiq
iss sai bari munafiqat aur kia ho gi…..
u only discuss prostitutes etc and then talk abt islam……
look at your language and then see who is the munafiq
dont crap about poora pakistan theory and respecting those criminals of lal mosque by calling them shohda……
yes im still laughing…….
as u have been fully exposed…..
qaul o fail mai tizad…….
u wanted to acheive shihadat then wats stopping u……
maybe ur own munafiqat
waisay teekon wala kam chor dia ya abhi tak Quem lout ko follow kar rahay ho…….
Allah rasool ko tou tum nahi mantay……
ur religion is galam galoch…….
i will be waiting for ur next cheep ghatia abusive post…..
regards to dactar jawad …… dispeser ….qaum e lout
shame on you!!!!!!!!!
yesterday on geo fir a rasikh ul aqeeda madrissa trained imam masjid in mangla was shown…the pious imam had murdered a lady with whom he had illicit relations and a cute 4 yr old child…..he burried them in the mosque…later took out the bodies and cut them in pieces…throwing the remains in mangla dam & burrying the heads at another location……….
as its evident by the raskih ul aqeeda actions of ghazi and his followers it is clear tht lal mosque was also home to such criminal lowlives……
the duplicity of maulana brothers and their followers is again crystal by their complete forgetfullness about their demand for shariah……..now they only ask for reconstruction of jamia hifza so tht they can again tap the huge zakat collections from all over pakistan for their criminal activities……
on the other hand there are some true believers lke dr zakir naik , maulana israr ahmad and ahmad deedat etc who are busy spreading the word of allah and converting thousand of non muslims to islam all over the world…these people in their seminars are subjected to harsh statements and rebukes by non muslims…but praise of allah be on them that they remain calm and patient and answer in the light of Quran ……Allah is with those who are sabareens…….thtsy these people are not only respected but are successful in spreading islam……
however dr jawaad and other blind followers of the criminal ghazi only believein abuses and offensive behavior…they have the dhitai and besharmi of calling their actions and the crimes of ghazi and his brother islamic…….
actions of musharraf , zardari, nawaz and other politicians are highly questionable but their wrongs cannot be used as a justification for what ghazi did…..he and his brother should be severely punished for their crimes…even if one of them is dead a court should establish their guilt….
the true heroes in the entire episode are the personel and familes of the security forces who suffered during the operation…they died to save us from the wrath of these criminals……..may Allah grant them solace & numerous bounties in this world and the hereafter…..
the munafiqat , double standards of ghazi and his supporters is evident from their deeds and words…the post of most ghazi supporters is only based on rubbish…they consider the use of foul language as islamic……its a pity that they cannot justify their actions from Quran and sunnat ………
shame on ghazi brothers and their supporters….
Halak !
definitely a SHAHEED!
may ALLAH shower him with His divine blessings
dactar jawad almashoor tekon wali sarkar ki wapsi…..
your praise of a criminal including your post full of abuses on this blog are clerar indication of the type of people supporting ghazi……
i have proven your double standards and hypocracy …however u remain just to indulge in more lies and falsehoods thtsy why i say hahahahahahahaha………
if ghazi is shaheed then all decoits killed in encounters shd also be called shaheed………
chal jhoota, munafiq kaheen ka
coz of trapping you in ur own words
khisyani billi khamba noch noch k chakra gaee bichari…..
if ur unable to defend ur beloved culprit its an eye opener for you
but if u feel happy by abusing others ……never mind….
keep enjoyin!!!!!!!!!!
so u finally agree…..
the debate was of…..ghazi being shaheed or halak
tum nai tou galion mai apnay ghazi ko bhi nahi baksha…….
dactar jawad!!!!!!!!!!
apki nooraniyat /helplessness jhalak jhalak rahi hai………….
apko tou ghazi ki tareefon mai kitab likhni chahye
as ur enriched with logic/ galian to support him
khisyani billi khamba nochay….
dactar jawad almashoor teekon wali sarkar……
ya sahib hallak howa han or jin ko inhon na istimal kiya wo sab shaheed han.
agar koi apna ap ko bohat bara samajhta ha to mari baton ka jawab da.
rasheed sab na sab masoom bachon or bacheyon ko andar yargmal banaya howa tha. or apna bhai in ki bivi bachon ko or apni bivi ko keyon bahir bhaja.
is bat ka jawab ghor sa socho or pura deen parh ka dakh ko kahin be is ki misal nahi mila ge. kiya bura tha ka apna pura khandan safe kar liya or dusron ka masoom jo wahan tha un ko bahir na aana deya
lanat ha rashid per or is ka khandan walon per
Allah tala na insan ko akal de ha us ko istimal karo jahan tak kar sakta ho Quran ma ya parh lo
Nabi Akhir Zaman PBUH ka dor ma jitna be ghazwat howa howa han Ap PBUH na un sab ma hisa liya howa ha
Jahan jan bachana ka hukam howa wahan jan be bachai gai apni or apna satheyon ki.
seedi se bat ha insan ki akal ki
koi be banda kisi be country ma rah ka 1000 banda ikatha kar ka us country ki govt. ka sath mukabila nahikar sakta.
jihad female per faraz nahi ha or rasheed sahib na female ki jaanin zaya karwa din.
agar ya jihad karna nikla tha to apna khandan keyon safe karwaya
kiya wo females kisi ki oladin nahi thin.
Allah rashid ko wasil jahanum kara Ameen.
or un ko be akal ki hadayat da jo is ko shaheed kahta han
iss blog par ghazi k tamam supporters aql e qul ki hasiat rakhtay hain….they believe themselves to be superior to the Quran therefore they cannot see logic nor do they have any sense common or otherwise….dactar jawaad , ghazis gretest supporter is a case in point…. ghazis actions are not defendable ….he has recived part punishment in this world and would get the vremaining inshallah in the here after…..however his brother and umme hassan are still alive …they shd also be publicly hung …..all those who malign islam and cause fisad shd be punished….atleast i cannot ask for their forgiveness……..shame on them and their supporters!!!!!!!!
“laanat ullah he aalal kazibeen wal munafiqeen wal aada e
ALLAH(SWT) Uske farsihton aur tamam makhlooqat ki laanat har jhootey,munafiq aur deen ke dushman par.
thanks to Allah tht ur finally seeing the truth and condemning both maulana bros and ofcourse all their supporters………
dactar dactar i hope tht u hv left the bad practice of indulging in abuses and filthy language……..u must hv also realized after reading the Quran tht ur so called teekas common in ur posts are haram…….
this one esp for u ………hahaha
koi be banda jo ya kahta ha ka ghazi shaheed ha to wo QURAN OR HADEES sa asi koi be bat sabit kar da jo ghazi na ki.
pakistan is a muslim country
We must say about those who are killed in the way of Allah as Insha ALlah Shaheed because only Allah SWT Knows the actual niyyah of the person at the time he was killed. Please note this.
Now as far as the question about the issue is concerned, I would request all to please read Holy Quran and Sunna yourself as you may be reading a lot of other things. Allah SWT Will Insha Allah question us about this on the Last Day. So fear Allah and think deeply in it and you will Insha Allah find your answers.
Besides all thsoe who saw the episode of attack of the ” muslim” army on mosque know that this type of thing never pays fruit or the desired results. With brave soldies of army showing signs of “victory” to the first group of journalist, allowed to visit the mosque after its ” conquer”. These brave soldiers of army were standing in the mosques with shoes on. Yes this army is worth good to conquer its own people. Against enemy, it is like a lamb. Look what happended in Kargil and later how bravely they are fighting our own people in FATA.
If the leadership is a slave of US howcome we can have an army that will safeguard the interests of Pakistan?
completely agreed.
Ghazi abdul rasheed is a shaheed.he along with fellow puritan muslims gave their lives in a way of “ala e kalmatul haque” for promotion of virtue and prevention of vice.may ALLAH(swt) accept their sacrifices and give their high places and jannat.they deserve respect and remembered
noman @ conan the barbarian!
if you were here in front of me i would kick your yanki ass and show you the way to your boss pervez musharrafs final place of tourment.
hello dr. jawwaid
i didnt call anybody by is name, i posted comments if you think you are right then you should discuss with your family he would be favour you.
dr. jawwaid you been fail to expl. by Quran and Hadees.
kick is not solution on your topic.where the kick use if anyone abuseing then you can say that.
but thnik about it you’ve bee kicked out that topic coz you have no any idea or ref.
dr. jawwaid
next time dont post any stupit topic if you have not any good comments or ref.
rashid has been killed. he did fight with muslim country against terror not for islam.
mr jawwaid if you think he is shaheed then whay you do that, you are also muslim and you should need shahadat but you can. you’ve got brain, you know islam dont say to fight with your muslim brother, if you do that then you should go to hell not paradise.
you’ve already kicked out that topic. what could you do other commentaters.
shame to you dr. jawwaid, i think you’re scraped doctor.
scraped doctor jawwaid, you are abnormal person,
Gen Muaheeif was Boss all of the pakistani nation when he was in power. now the Boss is Zardari and kind for your information that topic is’nt for Mushrrif where are you going on.
that topic is mr. rashid who has been killed war on terror by Milit. govt.
dr jawaad almashoor gandi zuban waay….. and qaum e lout k supporter
u just know how to abuse or jahilon sai bat nahi ho sakti..i read in one of teeth maestro;s blog tht ur frm saudia …r their guns in any saudi mosque????????
some terorist once tried to occupy the qaaba in early 80's they were treated in a similar manner to ghazi……
sayad…..as far as conquering a mosque is concerned i can only laugh at u.the mosque was under occupation of terrorist u all saw the weapons …the brave army men freed the mosque frm the fasadis and the mposque is operating now with 5 times prayers held daily…..as far ghazi is concerned he shd hv been hung and the same is deserved by umme hassan.
neyaton ka haal Alah janta hai …beshak…..but all action shd be with in the bounderies of islam……….galian denay walay , qaum e lout jo support karnay walay iss blog par ghazi k sab sai baray supporter hain …unko ussi zuban sai gandi gali aur Quran ka nam letay huay sharam nahi atti rather they feel proud……..
u said tht the army is fighting its own ppl in swat and fata..what i dont understand is why are the own people fighting the army???/ if they are muslims why did they not go to fight the jews and israel? why dont they go to fight the hindus in kashmir????????/these so called own people are taking money frm india and israel and tryin to destablize pakistan…..remember mukharjee dstatement when he said jo agg hum nai apkay mulk mai lagai hai , app sai nahi bhujay gee…..also plz tell me in jahadion ko paisa kon deta hai????? aur yeh jin mulims ko swat mai qabar sai nikal k chowkon par tang rahay hain yeh konsa jihad hai………..school jilana islam ki konsi khidmaty hai????????wah….ab sab darhi rakhain , larkian parhna band karein kiunkay ap sab ki interpretition yehi kehti hai aur shaid apka bhi unkay baray mai yehi khayal ho ga k jo apko ghaat kahay woh kafir hai…………..
the army operation is justified but they are using less force….itni choot di hai tou yeh hal hai……….inko line mai khara kar k urana chahye………….shame on them and those who support them!!!!!!!!!
hi jawwaid why are you absent.
I read Quran with translation and Hadees.
you cant find about rashid any refrence by Quran and Hadees.
Noman bro say you live in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi peoples go to Dubai for refreshments. lolz
i also completely agree that :
Ghazi abdul rasheed is a shaheed.he along with fellow puritan muslims gave their lives in a way of “ala e kalmatul haque” for promotion of virtue and prevention of vice.may ALLAH(swt) accept their sacrifices and give their high places and jannat.they deserve respect and remembered
I could not read the entire lengthy discussion but I gathered that it hinged mostly on the verse of Quran "Amr bil mahroof and Nahi anil munkir", without however deciding what actually is meant by 'Maroof and Munkir' and whether this verse gives one the right to be a judge and all that Talibane Hufza had been doing.
here it comes again!
promotion of virtue and prevention of vice.
this is the most clear crystal verse which can not be interpretated by any other way.
problem is you have to be the muslim to accept the orders of ALLAH(SWT) i believe a QADIYANI can not take any benefit from QURAN E KAREEM.
You been fail to proved by Quran and Hadees.
I think you are Qadyani coz if you've read Quran then you'd find but you didnt.
I read Quran with translation but ghazi rashid story is'nt matching anywhere in Quran.
you'd contact your teacher he could be find.
Rashid has socide and killed his team, his team shoud be go to HAVEN and he'd Hell.
I think Jawwad has been ghazifobia.
mr. jawwad his you need HAVEN you should sleep next to ghazi coz you did more works for ghazi
mr jawwad if you need HAVEN
conan @ noman!
shut up.
i need to kick your freaky butt.
jawwadkhan without brain
mind you language dont use mother longue,
muslim talk be polite not as you as abuse
you've proved as you're qadeyani.
mother tongue
I would like to request all commnetators if you've refrence by QURAN or HADEES then supply there if not should be Quiet
Please dont use abusing if you are muslim.
someone use Dr. and would like abusing its not mean doctor I think its mean Driver.
How could we justify his "shahadat".He tried to impose "his islam" and in result he lost his life, not only his life rather he is responsible for other innocent lives whose were lost in this operation.
justification of his shahadat is in verse of quran which has been repeatedly quoted here:
he lost his life in promotion of virtue and prevention of vice. this is sufficient to prove his shahadat.
as far as messacre of thousands of innocent women and children is concerned, i think musharraf should be hanged along with the other army officers who took part in this messacre along with qadiani officials who secretly played their role mounting tension and making issues more aggravated.
In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful
Commanding For Good & Preventing From Bad
الامربالمعروف والنھی عن المنکر
First you proved about Rashid it had legal action against Govt.
how you can say about ghazi jihad.
last time he had highjack some females and safely release his family.
1- if any muslim challenge his Govt and killed by govt its not SHAHADAT.
Importance of Amr & Nahi
Amr bi 'l-marûf & nahi 'ani 'l-munkar is a moral and ethical safety-net for the Muslim community and the human society at large. It does not allow the Muslim community to abandon its members in the path of immorality and self-destructive path. Nor does it allow the Muslim ummah to be indifferent to the moral and ethical dilemma faced by humanity at large.
Allâh says:
"There should be among you (O believers), a group (of the learned and sincere persons) who should call (the people) towards goodness, bid (them) to the good and forbid (them) from the evil–they are the successful people." (3:104)
While describing the believers, Allâh says:
"…The believing men and the believing women are helpers of each other: they bid the good, forbid the evil, establish the prayer, pay the alms, and they obey Allah and His Messenger–these are the people on whom Allah will be merciful. Indeed Allah is Powerful and Wise." (9:71)
In the latter verse, while counting the positive qualities of the believers, Allah has placed amr bi 'l-ma'rûf and nahi 'ani 'l-munkar before the salât and the zakât. Because it is with amr and nahi that salât, zakât and other good deeds will be promoted and practised in the Muslim community.
Imam 'Ali bin Abi Tâlib (a.s.) said: "Verily the people before you perished because when they committed sins, the Rabbis and the Priests did not forbid them from it. And when the people became submerged into sins and the Rabbis and the Priests did not forbid them, then the chastisement came down upon them. Therefore, bid towards the good and forbid the evil; and know that bidding towards the good and forbidding from evil will not hasten your death or decrease your sustenance." On the same lines, the Prophet of Islam (may peace be upon him) had said earlier that, "My followers will be in good condition as long as they bid (each other) towards the good, forbid (each other) from the evil, and co-operate with each other in good (deeds). If they do not do this, then the (heavenly) blessings will be lifted from them and some (evil ones) among them will be imposed over them (as a ruler). In that state, they will have no helper, neither on the earth nor in the heaven."
Once a person from the tribe of Khath'am came to the Prophet and asked him: "O the Messenger of God! Please inform me about the best [teaching] of Islam."
The Prophet: "Believing in God."
Khath'ami: "Then what?"
The Prophet: "Maintaining [good] relations with the relatives."
Khath'ami: "Then what?"
The Prophet: "Bidding the good and forbidding the evil."
Then the Khath'ami asked, "And please also tell me what are the worst deeds in view of Allah?"
The Prophet: "Shirk: associating a person or a thing with Allah."
Khath'ami: "Then what?"
The Prophet: "Severing relations with the relatives."
Khath'ami: "Then what?"
The Prophet: "Promoting evil and forbidding the good."
These ahâdîth from the Prophet and the Imam are sufficient to impress the importance of amr bi 'l-ma'rûf and nahi 'ani 'l-munkar for the ethical and moral wellbeing of the Muslim ummah and humanity at large.
3. Amr & Nahi: An Expression of Brotherhood
Amr and nahi should not be seen as interfering in the lives of other people; it is, on the contrary, one of the demands of brotherhood in Islam.
The Qur'ânic verse in which Almighty Allâh has talked about Islamic brotherhood is not actually a verse about brotherhood–it is a verse which gives an extreme example of amr and nahi, and it justifies the "interference" by saying that "indeed the believers are brothers". Now read the entire two verses:
If two groups from among the believers fight (against each other), then you should make peace between them. However, if one continues its aggression over the other, then fight the aggressor party until it agrees to return to the command of Allah. If the aggressor agrees to return (to the command of Allah), then make peace between the two on the basis of justice. Be just; verily Allah loves those who are just. Indeed the believers are brothers, therefore, make peace between your brothers. And fear Allah so that you may be dealt with mercy." (49:9-10)
This verse is saying that Muslims cannot be indifferent to the problems of their brethren; they have to get involved: either they should resolve the conflict peacefully or side with the oppressed against the aggressor until peace and justice is achieved in the society. This is not interference in the negative sense, this is the demands and rights of brotherhood which Allâh has established among the believers.
4. Conditions & Levels of Amr & Nahi
The issue of amr bi 'l-ma'rûf and nahi 'ani 'l-munkar, depending on the circumstance, can take different forms: it can become wâjib or sunnat. Even the means of amr and nahi depends on the circumstances of the issue and the person involved.
The person who wants to do amr and nahi should observe the following conditions:
1. You must be familiar with the Islamic view on that issue in order to properly define "good" and "evil" before encouraging others to do good or forbid them from evil.
2. In each given case, you must weigh the possibility of the influence of your advice. If you are sure or there seems to be a great probability that your words will have no effect on the other person, then it is not necessary to do amr or nahi.
3. You must also evaluate the state of the person whom you want to advise. Is he insisting or repeating the evil deeds or was it just a one time slip on his part? If you discern or come to know that he is not going to repeat the sin, then you do not have to do amr or nahi.
4. You must also evaluate the overall situation to make sure that your action of amr or nahi would not lead to a worse situation than what exists at present.
* * *
Even when you have decided that you should do amr or nahi, you will have to look at the different level of doing amr bi 'l-ma'rûf and nahi 'ani 'l-munkar. In all, there are three levels of amr and nahi:
1. By indirect action: By indirectly expressing your dislike of the other person's wrongful behaviour. For example, by not greeting him or greeting him without the previous warmth, or by ignoring him: with the hope that this might lead the person to think about change in your attitude towards him, and hopefully guide him to the right direction.
2. Verbally: If the first method does not work, then talk to the person. Whether you should talk politely and friendly, or harshly depends on the situation.
3. By direct action: This is only applicable to those who have authority over others: parents, teachers and Islamic government. If preventing the evil depends on physical action, then it must be thought out very carefully. The example mentioned in 49:9 is of this level of amr and nahi.
امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کے متعلق گفتگو
میرے والد نے فر مایا: تم نے بہت سے احکام شرعیہ کو جان لیا ہے کہ جن کی تم کو ضرورت تھی اور بہت سی چیزوں کو جان لیا ہے ۔اب تم نے خدا وندعالم کے بعض احکام کو جان لیا ہے اور ان کے واجبات کی بھی حسب ضرورت تم پر وضاحت ہو گئی ہے اور ان کے بعض محرمات (حرام چیزوں) کو بھی یاد کر لیا ہے ۔اب میں تمہارے سامنے وہ چیز بیان کر تا ہوں کہ جس کو اس سے پہلے بیان نہیں کیا گیا۔
اس وقت تمہارے اوپر واجب ہے کہ تم ماضی کی تمام سختیوں کو یاد کرو۔ آج تم اپنے سر کو آسمان کی طرف بلند کرو ، اور اپنے دل کی گہرائی سے حزن و ملال اور حیرت کے ساتھ پر ور د گار کی بار گا ہ میں یوں عرض کرو “۔
الھی اعلم انک کلفتی ،ولکنی لا اعلم بما ذا کلفتنی“
”پالنے والے میں جانتا ہوں کہ تو نے مجھے مکلف بنا دیا ہے ۔ لیکن میں یہ نہیں جانتا ہوں کہ تو نے مجھے کس چیز کا مکلف بنایا ہے “۔ پا لنے والے؛مجھ پر ضروری ہے کہ میں جان لوں کہ تو نے کس چیز کو مجھ پر حلال کیا تا کہ میں اس کو انجام دوں ۔ اور کس چیز کو تو نے حرام قراردیا ہے، تا کہ میں اس سے پرہیز کروں۔
اس وقت تمہیں جان لینا چاہیے، تمہارے ہم عمر یا تم سے بڑے لوگ بہت زیادہ ہیں جو پڑھ رہے ہیں ، وہ مدت سے تمہارے ساتھ رہتے ہیں اور تمہاری تمام مشکلات ومصائب میں وہ تمہارے شا نہ بشانہ رہے ہیں۔ اورتم خدا کی بارگاہ میں عرض کرو ، کہ اے خدایا ! فقہ اسلامی کی کتابوں کے مطالب کو جیسا تو چاہتا ہے میرے اوپر روشن اور آ شکار بنا دے اور میری مدد فر ما،تا کہ میں ان کو تیری مرضی کے مطابق سمجھ سکوں ۔فعلا جن چیزوں کا سیکھنا ضروری تھا وہ تم سیکھ چکے، اور کچھ احکام فقہ کا تم نے ذخیرہ کر لیا ہے۔ اب تم کو قرآن مجید کے اس قول کے مطابق ان پر عمل کر نا چا ہئے۔
”ولتکن منکم امةیدعون الی الخیر یامرون بالمعروف وینھون عن المنکر و اولئک ھم المفلحون“
”اور تم میں سے کچھ لوگ ہوں جو لوگوں کو خیر کی طرف بلائیں اور اچھی باتوں کا حکم کریں اور بری باتوں سے روکیں اور یہی لوگ فلاح پانے والے ہیں“پس تم بھی لوگوں کو نیکی کی طرف دعوت دو اور انھیں اچھائی کا حکم دو اور برائی سے رو کو۔
سوال: والد صاحب میں کس چیز کا حکم کروں اور کس چیز سے منع کروں؟
جواب: جس نیکی اور اچھائی کو تم جانتے ہو اس کا حکم کرو اور جس کو تم برائی سمجھتے ہو اس سے روکو۔
سوال: لیکن ابا جان ؛ مجھے دو سرے لوگوں سے کیا مطلب جو شخص برائی کر رہا ہے میرا اس سے کیا تعلق ہے۔کہ میں اس کو ترک کر نے کا حکم دوں،میں کیوں لوگوں کے معاملات میں مدا خلت کروں ، اور ان کو نیکی اور اچھا ئی کا حکم کروں ، اور برائیوں سے روکوں، میں خود اچھا کام انجام دوں اور برائی سے ا پنے آپ کوروکوں کیا یہ کافی نہیں ہے؟
جواب: اے بیٹا ! آج کے بعد ایسی بات نہ کہنا اور دو بارہ اس کی تکرار نہ کرنا ۔ امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کچھ مراتب میں واجب کفائی ہیں اور اگر کسی نے بھی امر با لمعروف و نہی عن المنکر کے فرائض کو انجام نہ دیا مثلانہ میں نے، نہ تم نے اور نہ ہمارے علاوہ کسی اور نے ، تو ہم سب کے سب گناہ گار ہوں گے اور خدا وندعالم کے غضب اور اس کی ناراض گی کا باعث بنیں گے، اور اگر ہم میں سے کسی ایک نے بھی امر بالمعروف اور نہی عن المنکر کو انجام دے دیا تو پھر تمام لوگوں سے اس کا وجوب ساقط ہو جائے گا کیا تم نے خدا کے اس قول میں غور نہیں کیا؟
”ولتکن منکم امةً یّدعون الی الخیرو یا مرون بالمعروف وینھون عن المنکر واولئک ھم المفلحون“
” تم میں سے کچھ لوگ ہوں جو لوگو ں کو نیکی کی طرف بلائیں اور انہیں اچھی باتوں کا حکم دیں اور بری باتوں سے روکیں یہی لوگ فلاح پانے والے ہیں“ یہ آیت پہلے بیان ہو چکی ہے، کیا تم نے نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کے اس قول کو نہیں سنا کہ وہ ارشاد فر ماتے ہیں:
ْْلاتزال امتی بخیر ماامر وابالمعروف ، ونھواعن المنکر وتعاونوا علی البر الخ“
”جب تک میری امت اچھائی اور نیکی کا حکم کرے گی اور برا ئی سے رو کے گی اور نیکی پر ایک دوسرے کی مدد کرے گی اس وقت تک میری امت سے خیر ختم نہیں ہو گا ۔ اورجب وہ یہ کام ترک کر دے گی تو اس سے بر کتیں اٹھالی جائیں گی اور ان میں سے بعض کو بعض پر مسلط کردیا جائے گا۔ اور ان کا زمین اور آسمان میں کوئی مدد گار نہ ہو گا“ کیا تم نے امام علی علیہ السلام کا یہ قول نہیں پڑھا:
” لاتترکو الامربالمعروف والنھی عن المنکر فیولی علیکم شرارکم ثم تد عون فلا یستجاب لکم“؟
”امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کو ترک نہ کرنا ورنہ بد کار لوگ تم پر حاکم ہوجائیں گے۔ پھر تم ان کو بلاؤ گے تو وہ تمہاری آوا زپر لبیک نہ کہیں گے“ ”امام جعفر صادق علیہ السلام نے نے فر مایا:
” ان الامر بالمعروف والنھی عن المنکر سبیل الانبیاء ، ومنھاج الصلحاء فریضة عظیمة بھا تقام الفراض ، وتامن المذاھب ، وتحل المکا سب وترد المظالم، وتعمرالا رض، وینتصف من الاعداء ویستقیم الامر “
” امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر انبیاء اور صالحین کا راستہ ہے ، یہ ایک ایسا عظیم فریضہ ہے کہ جس کے ذریعہ واجبات ادا ہوتے ہیں اور نیک راہیں محفوظ ، اور کارو بار حلال ، مظالم دور ہوتے ہیں ، زمینیں آباد ، دشمنوں سے انصاف اور مشکلات حل ہوتے ہیں“
اور نیز آپ ہی کا یہ ارشاد ہے:
” الامر بالمعروف والنھی عن المنکر خلقان من خلق اللہ، فمن نصر ھما اعزہ اللہ ومن خذ لھما خذلہ اللہ “
” امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر دو مخلوق خدا ہیں ، جو شخص ان دو نو ں کی مدد کرے گا تو خدا اسے عزت عطا کرے گا اور جو ان کو ذلیل ورسوا کرے گا تو خدا اس کو ذلیل ورسوا کرےگا “
” کلکم راع کلکم مسؤ ول عن رعیتہ
” تم میں سے ہر ایک اپنے اپنے گر وہ اور جماعت کا نگہبان اور ذمہ دار ہے “
ہاں میں نے پڑھا ہے ؛
پس اس بنا پر تم بھی اپنی جماعت اور گر وہ کے ذمہ دار ہو ، جو شخص ذمہ دار اور نگہبان ہوتا ہے اس کی ذمہ داریوں اور واجبات وحقوق میں مزید اضافہ ہو جاتا ہے ۔ یا تم ان سب چیزوں کے بدلے یہ کہہ سکتے ہو کہ میں یہ فضول کام کیوں کرو ں میں کسی کے معاملات میں مدا خلت کیوں کروں یہ میرے لیے زیبا نہیں ۔ امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کوئی فضول چیز نہیں ہیں اور یہ دونوں کسی کے معا ملہ میں مدا خلت بھی نہیں ، یہ تمہاری شان کے خلاف نہیں ، بلکہ تمہاری شان کے عین مطابق ہیں۔ پس جس ذات نے تم پر نماز ، روزہ،حج اور خمس کو واجب کیا ہے اسی نے تم پر امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کو واجب قرار دیاہے۔
سوال: لیکن میں کوئی مولوی نہیں ہوں کہ جو امر بامعروف ونہی عن المنکر کروں؟
جواب: کس نے تم سے کہا کہ امر بالعروف ونہی عن المنکر صرف مولوی کی ذمہ داری ہوتی ہے ۔امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر دو ایسے واجبات ہیں جو تمہارے اوپر میرے اوپر مولوی صاحب پر، طالب علم، استاد،تاجر، مزدور، ملازم ، فوجی ، ماتحت، مالدار،غریب ، عورت اور مرد سب پر واجب ہیں۔
سوال: آپ کو میں نے فر ماتے ہوئے سناہے کہ امر بالمعروف و نہی عن المنکر کے کچھ مراتب واجب کفائی ہیں پس کیا ان دونوں کے کچھ مراتب واجب عینی بھی ہیں ۔ جیسے وجوب نماز یومیہ کہ جو واجب عینی ہے؟
جواب: ہاں ان دونوں کے کچھ مراتب واجب عینی بھی ہیں، اور وہ ایسے شخص سے فعلی وقولی اعتبار سے نارضایتی کے اظہار کا مرتبہ ہے۔ جوواجب کو ترک کرتا ہے اور حرام کو انجام دیتا ہے ۔ کیاتم تک امیرالمنین علی علیہ السلام کا یہ قول نہیں پہنچا کہ جس میں آپ نے فر مایا :
” امر نا رسول اللہ صل اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم ان نلقی اھل المعاصی بو جوہ مکفھرة“
” امیرا لمو منین علیہ السلام نے فر ما یا کہ رسول خدا ﷺنے ہم کو حکم دیا کہ جب ہم اہل معاصی ( گناہ کر نے والو ں) سے ملیں تو ترش روئی کے ساتھ ملیں۔“ یعنی ہم سب کے اوپر واجب ہے کہ جو شخص گناہ کا مر تکب ہوتا ہے اس سے نا پسندگی اور ناراضگی کا اظہار کریں۔
سوال: کیا امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر تمام حالات میں واجب ہیں؟
جواب: نہیں ،ان کے وجوب میں مندرجہ ذیل شرائط کا پایا جانا ضروری ہے:
(۱) امر با المعر وف ونہی عن المنکر کر نے والا شخص واجب اور حرام امورکو جانتاہو، چاہے اجمالی طور پر ہی جانتا ہو اور ان کی تفصیل نہ جانتا ہو اور اس کا اتنا جاننا ہی کافی ہے کہ یہ عمل واجب ہے کہ جس کا حکم کر رہا ہے اور یہ عمل حرام ہے کہ جس سے روک رہا ہے،
(۲) یہ احتمال ہو کہ جس کا یہ حکم دے رہا ہے اس کو وہ بجالائے گا اور جس چیز سے یہ روک رہا ہے اس سے وہ رک جائے گا اور اس میں کسی قسم کی کوتاہی لاپرواہی اور غفلت نہیں کریگا ۔
سوال: اگر یہ معلوم ہوجائے کہ یہ شخص جس کو امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کیا جا رہا ہے حرام کو انجام دے گا اور واجب کو ترک کردے گا اور واجب وحرام دونو ں میں کسی کی اہمیت کا قائل نہیں تو کیا حکم ہے؟
جواب: امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کے بعض مر احل اس سے ساقط ہو جائیں گے (اور ا ن دونو ں کے بعض مراحل واجب رہیں گے۔ اور اس کاقولاًو فعلاً واجب کے ترک کر نے اور حرام کے انجام دینے والے سے کراہت وناراض گی کا اظہار ہے)
(۳) یہ کہ واجب کا ترک کر نے والا اور حرام کا بجا لا نیوالا ترک واجب اور فعل حرام پر مصر رہے لیکن اگر احتمال ہو کہ وہ اپنے اس فعل سے بعض آجائے گا تو پھر اسکو امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کر نا واجب نہیں ہے۔
سوال: میں تاکید کے ساتھ سوال کر تاہوں کہ اگر وہ منکر کے بجا لانے اور معروف کے ترک کرنے پر اصرار نہ کرے تو کیا حکم ہے؟
جواب: تو پھر اس کو امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کرنا واجب نہیں ہے۔
سوال: کس طرح معلوم ہوگا کہ یہ شخص منکر کے بجا لانے پر مصرہے یا نہیں؟
جواب: جب تم پر کوئی ایسی علامت ظاہر ہوکہ جس سے یہ معلوم ہو جائے کہ وہ اپنے اس فعل سے باز آ گیا ہے اور وہ اس پر نادم ہے تو پھر معلوم ہوجائے گا کہ وہ اس پر مصر نہیں ہے اور اس کو امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کرنا واجب نہیں ہے۔
سوال: مجھے کسی شخص کے متعلق معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ وہ منکر کو انجام دے نے اور معروف کو ترک کرنے کا ارادہ رکھتا ہے تو کیا ایسی صورت میں مجھ پر امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کر نا واجب ہے؟
جواب: یہاں تم پر اس کوامربالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کر نا واجب ہے ۔ یہاں تک کہ اگر وہ ۔۔۔ صرف ایک بار ہی کیو ں نہ قصد مخالفت رکھتا ہو ( تو بھی تم پر واجب ہے )
(۴) حرام کا م کو انجام دینے والا اور واجب کام کو ترک کر نے والا اپنے اعتقاد کی بنا پر معذورنہ ہو مثلا جو فعل وہ انجام دے رہا ہے اور اس کے اعتقاد کے مطابق حرام نہیں ہے۔ اور جس کام کو وہ ترک کر رہا ہے وہ اس کے اعتقاد کے مطابق واجب نہیں ہے ۔ اور وہ اپنی اس خطامیں معذورہے۔ تو ایسی صورت میں تم پر کوئی چیز واجب نہیں ہے ۔
(۵) امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کر نے والے کی جان، مال اور ناموس کو حد سے زیادہ خطرہ نہ ہویا اس کے امر با لمعروف ونہی عن المنکر سے کسی کو خطرہ لاحق نہ ہو ، اگر ایسا ہوگا تو پھر واجب نہیں ہے۔
سوال: اور اگر امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کرنے سے اسے اپنی جان یا مسلمانوں میں سے کسی کو نقصان پہنچنے کا خطرہ ہو تو کیا کرے؟
جواب: تو اس حالت میں اس پر امر با لمعروف ونہی عن ا لمنکرواجب نہیں ہے، مگر یہ کہ معروف یا منکر شارع اسلامی کی نظر میں بہت اہم ہوں ۔ تو ایسی صورت میں احتمال کی قوت کا لحاظ اور تحمل کی اہمیت کا لحاظ کرکے دونوں طرف کا موازنہ کرنا ضروری ہے۔ پس کبھی امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر واجب ہے اور کبھی واجب نہیں ہے۔
سوال: اور جب میں معروف کے حکم کرنے اور منکر سے نہی کرنے کا ارادہ کر لوں تو؟
جواب: امر بالمعروف ونہی عن المنکر کے چند مراتب ہیں:
wow!conan @noman
thanks for the refrences from Quran e kareem.you made my job easier.but dear why "makalma"???can a "makalma" make a difference in this type of discussion?
i would be happy if you produce some thing from hadith or asar e sahaba.
you said:
"if any muslim challenge his Govt and killed by govt its
it shows your poor understanding about islam and utter ignorance about islamic history.
the fasiq and fajir govts in islamic history is being challanged by rasikh ul aqeeda muslims since the begining of islam.
hazrat imam hussain(rata) was the biggest example.
shaikh majadid alf e sani was the other example of our subcontinent.islamic history is full of these examples.
glad to see the refrences from Quran e kareem.
the meaning is crystal clear "promote the virtue" and "prevent the vice"
question is how we can prevent the vice?
the right answer is the following hadith
“Whoever amongst you sees an evil should change it with his hand. If he is unable to do that then with his tongue. If he is unable to do that, then with his heart, and that is the weakest level of Iman.”
(sahee Muslim)
this was an answer of point you raise.
regarding poisnous propaganda against shaheed ghazi abdul rasheed.it is so obnoxious,cheap and disgusting that i do not see any reason to answer that.people know that what happened 1 year ago and diaspora understand very well the reasons behind this poisnous propaganda even after 1 year.
i am sure this propaganda will work in reverse direction.it is the law of ALMIGHT.
my prayers are the same as before:
ya ALLAH(swt) mera khatma ghazee abdul rasheed aur doosre shahada e lal masjid o jamia hafsa ke saath farma.
aur conan @ noman ka khatima un logon ke saath farma jinhon ne in rasikh ul aqeeda muslims ko bedardi se qatal kia.
Is there any fatwa which clearly mention that what ghazee abdul rasheed did was unislamic?
can you produce one?
ALL muftian e karam and ulema e deen said what ghazee abdul rasheed demanded was just right.their only reservation is the use of force.
the practical question what will happen when one day you see a brothel start working in your neighborhood:
1) you shall tell them to move from here.(obviously there will be no result)
2) you will complain in nearby police station (obviously there will be no result)
3) you will send the complain with representation of elders of neighborhood to the high govt officials.(who are also frequent visitors of that brothel = no result)
4) you send the complain in highest level PM OFFICE and president.(who believe in "enlightend moderation" = no result)
5) you go to the courts ( PLO judges = no result)
agar ghazi k sath khatmay ki khwaihs thi tou uskay sath baith jatay…..according to u hijra kiun banay huay ho……..
and as far as ur understanding of Quran and hadees it is evident from ur filthy language …..ghazi ka sab sai bara supporter could not answer any of post and disappeared for a period of time…..
all ulemas including maulana israr , amongst others have stated tht ghazis actions were wrong……..u urself hv admitted tht his methodology was wrong…….
i hv already proven ghazi wrong and a petty criminal by the ahadith which u have quoted infact it was the govt which indulge in amar bil maroof…….
u hv not answered my post of nov 10, 18………….why???????
i stand by the govt and demand tht umme hassan and ghazi aziz should be hanged till death for their responsibility in the deaths of all those killed during lal mosque operation…………
however i request you not to waste time by posting on blogs but practically take ghazis crimes forward if u really believe in it…….
today it is only the army who is deployed along the borders with india….jihadi fisadi people like you are sleeping or mourning over arsalan ka baap …………lolz..even those in fata or swat were busy in destroying schools and killing own soldiers….the great indian sponsored jihadis in swat and fata have also issued a call for the death of hafiz saeed and other pro pakistan kashmiri leaders . but dactaar sahab ko galam galoch aur logon ko qadiyani bananay sai furasat milay tou woh aqal sai kam lein………..
maybe still visiting qadiyani temples………….lolz
hatsoff to all the jawaans of pakistan army!!!!!!!!!
Comment by dr.jawwadkhan
regarding poisnous propaganda against shaheed ghazi abdul rasheed.it is so obnoxious,cheap and disgusting that i do not see any reason to answer that.
laughs out loud!!!!!!!!!
jis baat ka jawab na ho call it obnoxious cheep……hehehe…………
daactar sahib thinks his posts are very informative……all crap!!!!!!!!!!
but calling people bad names in absolutely bad faith is a right thing to do……..thts totally positive….
thts y i can only do hehehehe…..
your presence in this forum for more than 1 year along with comments with many ids is a proof of propaganda against this honorable man.
effective propaganda requires high level of intellect and intelegence,otherwise it causes backlash.
next time be careful on ids.
did u tell the same to maulanma aziz when he was running in burqa………… i deliberately made u a fool to prove ur hypocracy……….u take the name of islam and abuse every one opposing u on this blog…….
anyone who dares to oppose ghazi bro u call him qadiyani etc etc etc …………………………..thts really a high level of intellect and intelligence that u show…….
Schacht asserts that hadiths, particularly from Muhammad, did not form, together with the Qur’an, the original bases of Islamic law and jurisprudence as is traditionally assumed. Rather, hadiths were an innovation begun after some of the legal foundation had already been built. “The ancient schools of law shared the old concept of sunna or ‘living tradition’ as the ideal practice of the community, expressed in the accepted doctrine of the school.” And this ideal practice was embodied in various forms, but certainly not exclusively in the hadiths from the Prophet. Schacht argues that it was not until al-Shafi`i that ‘sunna’ was exclusively identified with the contents of hadiths from the Prophet to which he gave, not for the first time, but for the first time consistently, overriding authority. Al-Shafi`i argued that even a single, isolated hadith going back to Muhammad, assuming its isnad is not suspect, takes precedence over the opinions and arguments of any and all Companions, Successors, and later authorities. Schacht notes that:
Two generations before Shafi`i reference to traditions from Companions and Successors was the rule, to traditions from the Prophet himself the exception, and it was left to Shafi`i to make the exception the principle. We shall have to conclude that, generally and broadly speaking, traditions from Companions and Successors are earlier than those from the Prophet.
Based on these conclusions, Schacht offers the following schema of the growth of legal hadiths. The ancient schools of law had a ‘living tradition’ (sunna) which was largely based on individual reasoning (ra’y). Later this sunna came to be associated with and attributed to the earlier generations of the Successors and Companions. Later still, hadiths with isnads extending back to Muhammad came into circulation by traditionists towards the middle of the second century. Finally, the efforts of al-Shafi`i and other traditionists secured for these hadiths from the Prophet supreme authority.
Goldziher maintains that, while reliance on the sunna to regulate the empire was favoured, there was still in these early years of Islam insufficient material going back to Muhammad himself. Scholars sought to fill the gaps left by the Qur’an and the sunna with material from other sources. Some borrowed from Roman law. Others attempted to fill these lacunae with their own opinions (ra’y). This latter option came under a concerted attack by those who believed that all legal and ethical questions (not addressed by the Qur’an) must be referred back to the Prophet himself, that is, must be rooted in hadiths.These supporters of hadiths (ahl al-hadith) were extremely successful in establishing hadiths as a primary source of law and in discrediting ra’y. But in many ways it was a Pyrrhic victory. The various legal madhhabs were loath to sacrifice their doctrines and so they found it more expedient to fabricate hadiths or adapt existing hadiths in their support. Even the advocates of ra’y were eventually persuaded or cajoled into accepting the authority of hadiths and so they too “found” hadiths which substantiated their doctrines that had hitherto been based upon the opinions of their schools’ founders and teachers. The insistence of the advocates of hadiths that the only opinions of any value were those which could appeal to the authority of the Prophet resulted in the situation that “where no traditional matter was to be had, men speedily began to fabricate it. The greater the demand, the busier was invention with the manufacture of apocryphal traditions in support of the respective theses.”
In summary, Goldziher sees in hadiths “a battlefield of the political and dynastic conflicts of the first few centuries of Islam; it is a mirror of the aspirations of various parties, each of which wants to make the Prophet himself their witness and authority.” Likewise,
Every stream and counter-stream of thought in Islam has found its expression in the form of a hadith, and there is no difference in this respect between the various contrasting opinions in whatever field. What we learnt about political parties holds true too for differences regarding religious law, dogmatic points of difference etc. Every ra’y or hawa, every sunna and bid`a has sought and found expression in the form of hadith.
And even though Muslim traditionalists developed elaborate means to scrutinize the mass of traditions that were then extant in the Muslim lands, they were “able to exclude only part of the most obvious falsifications from the hadith material.” Goldziher, for all his scepticism, accepted that the practice of preserving hadiths was authentic and that some hadiths were likely to be authentic. However, having said that, Goldziher is adamant in maintaining that:
In the absence of authentic evidence it would indeed be rash to attempt to express the most tentative opinions as to which parts of the hadith are the oldest material, or even as to which of them date back to the generation immediately following the Prophet’s death. Closer acquaintance with the vast stock of hadiths induces sceptical caution rather than optimistic trust regarding the material brought together in the carefully compiled collections.
Real Islam is only Koran free-minds.org
Once a Sahabi of Muhammad (pbuh)killed a man and when this news reached to the Holly Prophet (pbuh) Holly Prophet called that man and asked why you have killed while he was reciting Kalama-Tayyaba. the man who killed replied " he was afraid of death so why he read Kalama Tayyaba. Prophet (pbuh) replied did you peep into the heart of that man.?
Same but more strong logic is here in madarasa there were giving Taleem-e-Quran/Hadit Sharif. Conclusion The Mulana's death will certainly be count as Shaheed and all the men took place in battle including their head of the state was at fault and would Insha Allah be met with horrible death here in this world but also on judgement day. Maulana and his collegues were innocent and Shaheed Insha Allah. If you do remembere the case of Hazrat Imam Hussain Razi Allah Tala
Anho the Yazeed and his forces who indulged in killing of so respectfull persons (Nawasae Rasool and other Ehle Bait) who they not be called Shaheed. Certainly Yes. the same case here.