Ever since the afternoon of the faithful day when in between the intense fighting at the Lal Masjid, the Pakistan Army victoriously announced the death of the head militant of Lal Masjid Maulana Ghazi Abdul Rashid. Watching the news reports come through on all news channels I did notice that everyone was refraining to tag his death as a Shahdat. For many non-Muslims reading this article, it might seem to be a trivial issue but to a Muslim it means a world of a difference. A simple naming terminology is of no consequence to the soul in this world but it means a phenomenal difference in life-here-after. Quite simply its a decision to be made by Allah for him on the day of the Judgment.
A shaheed is a title that is given to a Muslim after his death, if he died during the fulfillment of a religious commandment. For a moment lets forget the political issues surrounding the crisis, coming to the root of the issue it was Ghazi Abdul Rashid who was defending the integrity of Islam challenging the ineffectiveness of the government in implementing the sharia law hence allowing a progressive degradation of our society. Without doubt Right or Wrong Maulana Shazi Abdul Rashid was defending his place of worship and was fulfilling his religious duties in this process.
Shaheed is a title for a Muslim when he dies for Islam While on the other hand the aggressors (Pakistan Army) were overwhelmingly attacking the mosque to the extent of destroying a large portion of the property throughout the compound. Hence can easily be labeled as aggressors against Islam, which is probably the highest crime for a Muslim. The jawans may be following order but it must be remembered that if one of the jawans were to loose his life in battle against Islam cannot be labeled as a Shaheed simply because he was a Muslim.
I share with you an interesting email I received by Mr. M Javed Iqbal who portrays a very compelling argument, which actually also got me thinking about this important issue. I quote…
During the attack on Lal Masjid and Madarsah Hafsa a question that was repeatedly raised was ‘ Who is “Shaheed” and who is “Halak”.’
In my opinion the distinction is crystal clear. The mistake and mischief lies with the initiator. Who started knocking down masajid in the capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan? If I am traveling and somebody open fires on me, I have a right to defend myself and fire back at him. Therefore we must understand that what Ghazi brothers did was in self defence. The pity is Mullahs of the country have been corrupted by Musharraf by offering nice salaries and perks to them, hence they failed to point out that the sanctity of a masjid was to be safeguarded at all costs. No Muslim can dare attack a masjid, because it is Allah house.
Accordingly security forces, army men and rangers who attacked Lal Masjid are jahunumi and the fighters of Lal Masjid are shuhdaa and shall Insha Allah Will be rewarded with Paradise. Each officer or jawan must have refused to obey illegal order of attacking a masjid. They could say: “Look sir ! we joined the army to protect the Masajid and save women and children, not for destroying and killing them”.
Since they gave preference to order of the officer over Order of Allah, they are mahluk and jahanumi.
The brave fight back of Ghazi Abdul Rashid is an eye opener. When most of the Mullas just talked he challenged the illegal and immoral acts of Musharraf regime of knocking down 90 year old masajid of Islamabad and kept fighting for the cause till death. On such noble death Mir has said:
Marge Majnun pe aqal gum hai Mir Most Mullas could not see this fine line and remained indifferent, although they could have raised hue and cry against desecration of masajid. We should not forget that Quran says “Allah is Most Powerful and Revengeful” Every party can see his image in this mirror!
Kiya Diwane ne maut pai hai !
Considering the issue, I feel convinced that the sad demise of Ghazi Abdul Rashid should be labeled as a Shaheed and full respect offered to the body in regards to its proper dignified burial. I would hold the Pakistani Army responsible to the extent of disobeying the Islamic Law to which they all have sworn to uphold.
He died defending the religion of Islam against the evil forces.
1,044 responses to “Shaheed or Halak ? – Ghazi Abdul Rashid”
completely agreed!
he is a shaheed.
may ALMIGHTY give him a high place in the dwellers of janna.
maulana burqa and umme hassan should be punished for their crimes after their deaths u may keep calling them whatever u want to but the fact remains tht they were petty small time criminals responsible for so much destruction…….
naseem the same hadith can also apply top all the soldiers who were all kalima go and were martyred while performing the noble duty of protecting pakistanis
"naseem the same hadith can also apply top all the soldiers who were all kalima go and were martyred while performing the noble duty of protecting pakistanis.
kalima go??? killing innocent women and children?
destorying the mosque by Artillery?
why shouldn't i apply my kick on your…..
jawaad will u try giving answers to my post of nov 10, 18
i hv answered ur each and every allegation…….
if those so called innocent women were inside with their will i dont sympathise with them( they were passing their veils to help the criminals hide and run away)lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
kia hi jazba e emaan hai!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wah wah
but if they were against their will the responsibility lies on ghazi brothers for using them as sheild for his pvt purposes……
u never told us y ghazi lied on ur beloved media abt the presence of children????????????????????????
u dare answer my those posts above and u will get the answrs urself
but deliberately avoiding it is a confession that u believe they were criminals…………
so dont try to keep repeating things which i have already answered…..
so ur beliefs abt supporting qaum e lout still stand and that is ur true personality and jazeba e emaan……….
waisay u still have not joined ur beloved ghazi and obtauined shihadat……….as per ur definition jihad must be goin on in afghanistan , iraq etc plz go there …….why r u tryin to spread the cause of mossad and raw in pakistan………………………………
the same old obnoxious,cheap and disgusting propaganda.
the same old monkey business.
lagta hey ghazi brothers ne aapki rozi rotee par lat mar dee hey jabhee aap usay aik sal bad bhee muaf karney par tayyar naheen ho.
you know nothing about me.i am really very brave man and i have been proved my bravery in many occasion.
for your information i was in kunnar,khost and jalalabad 20yrs ago.
and i will again ago if i needed there.
tell me about you. will you come up with your real identity?
i bet you won't and you shoudn't because taliban soon will be all over pakistan to kick your millitarily protected b**t.
and your hahahaha will turn into aaaaahhhhh.
Yes. The Taliban will soon be all over Pakistan. Girls' schools will be shut down and women will be forced to stay at home. The economy will crash and the only revenue will be through the pious and Islamic smuggling of heroin through Central Asia.
Instead of real policy, illiterate mullahs, while they are not busy having sex with young boys, will be whipping people for 'fahashi' and even murdering them. Traffic poles will be adorned with headless bodies of the enemies of Islam. Children will be taught how to use AK-47s instead of multiplication tables and the alphabet.
That should wake up the majority of the schizophrenic people of Pakistan, which will trigger a mass exodus from Pakistan. Iran, India and China will close their borders to refugees, and there will be civil war due to the pure and pious laws of the Taliban and the race for scarce resources.
But hey, at least the nation will die with 'honour'.
And for the record, I salute the brave soldiers and policemen who laid down their lives to fight these cowards who hid behind women and children, despite being armed to the teeth.
It shames me that my country did not accord state burials to these soldiers and handed over the Pakistani flag to their families.
The post, and the comments in agreement that followed, make me sad to say the least. I was a reporter outside the cordon when this was taking place, and there were parents pleading with the mullahs to let their kids go as they were too young to die like this. I saw parents faint with anguish when loudspeaker calls by the army to let the children go were answered with silence or bullets.
The lunatic barbarians that brainwashed and held those children and women hostage deserve shame, not the soldiers who laid down their lives fighting this terrible scum. It is a shameful testament to the character of our nation that today, most know the name of the evil mullah who died there, but not the courageous SSG officer who led the charge on this criminal den.
Hey @noman the quranist !
Please welcome your brother @denial the liberal fascist
One attacks on a shaheed in the light of Quran and sunnah.
Other do it in the light of secularism bullshit.
But I don’t know why you all look same to me.
Too late. They already have been entered in the premises and right now they are knocking at your door.
run as fast as you can
or hide in some dark and smelly place.
Zamaney men aehl e eiman misl e khursheed jeetay hen.
Idher doobay udhar niklay, udhar doobay idher niklay.
They're not knocking at my door. I am disappointed Dr Jawwad, given that you are such a big Taliban-lover, you should know that they never fight face to face. If they ever do reach me, they're likely to throw a grenade at me or rig my house with a bomb and then run away to their caves like rats because they are the brave warriors of Islam.
It's really funny how you are constantly evading the issue of these mad mullahs being so brave that they had to use children as human shields. Oh wait, that's Zionist propaganda, there were no children in Lal Masjid! Heh.
we have passed through this and i don't want to repeat what i have said so many times.but i can tell you one thing.
the biggest problem with you people is that you people want to change the history according to your funny and distorted perception about islam.
1) 2000 people, men women and children messacred barbarically by our "sher dil jawans".
who were murdered?
people who beloged to jamia hafsa and lal masjid.
2) how they murdered??
our army use the artillery and even phosphorus bombs to the poor and helpless women and children.
3) for what crime?
closing the brothels by force and setting the porn cds on fire?
which you want the people of pakistan to deny?
because your distorted perception about islam and jihadis.
That still doesn't answer the question: why were the mullahs hiding behind the women and children? Why didn't they let the women and children go and fight the army directly, given that they were such brave Muslim warriors?
It's a simple enough question, Dr Jawad. My funny and distorted perception of Islam has nothing to do with it: why can't you admit that these mad mullahs used women and children as human shields?
Or does your Islam allow human shields and escaping in burqas as an 'honourable' defence?
Also, tell me something. These mullahs were all gung-ho about eliminating social evils, and imposed themselves on civilians that had not attacked them or bothered them. But then why do your beloved Tallies sell/tax hard drugs to finance their operations and purchases?
Heh, I guess if the Tallies want to sell drugs, I guess that is pious and pure in the name of Islam! And because Islam is a religion of peace, they will behead you if you disagree with them!
you still sound funny.
who were killed and brutaly massacred?
mad mullahs….right?
by whom??
mad dogs of pakistan army
you said that you were there?
didn't you see women and students coming out of jamia hafsa?
the remaining women and children are those helpless women and children who were taken from all over the pakistan.
mostly orphans and succourless women taken from rubble of earth quake in kashmir few yrs ago.
jamia hafsa provided them shelter, food and security.
they have absolutely nothing to go.
out side world was ferocious and terrible for them.
jamia hafsa was the their world.
molana abdul aziz and umme hassan was just like parents for them.
these poor and helpless women and girls refused to leave the jamia hafsa.
and mad dogs of pakistan army torn their bodies apart into many pieces by their ferocious canine teeth.
the scene of bombardment is still fresh in my mind.many people like me couldn't sleep many nights after that massacred. i can clearly understand the feelings of suicide bombers who kill the mad dogs in uniform.
i wish i could find a way to the father of these mad dogs, pervez the wild pig.
imagine what are the feelings.
can you name a single country which used heavy weapons ignoring the presence of women and children in thousands?
while other options remained intact.
electricity could be cut off, water supply could be restricted, gas and ration could also be restricted.
they can be easily forced to come out from jamia hafsa without the merciless massacre.
because you are as blood thirsty as some taliban could be.
their thirst is a reaction of your thirst.
the bastard aijaz ul haq coaxed moulana abdul aziz in a way that he used burqa and came out in order to save the lives of thousands of students. you put him on tv blaming him for escape???
he left his sick mother,his son and his brother behind all were killed by mad dogs.
you call it escape???
and what you people did to him?put him on tv in the burqa??
such a insult?
many still couldn't forget.
you might have no idea about your sick mentality but every word against these high level shohada stab straight into the hearts of many people like me.
you know what are you doing???
you and others are dancing and laughing over the dead bodies of thousand of poor and helpless puritans, the rasikh ul aqeeda muslims.
in future if some talib come to you and slaughter you like a goat and behead you. i suggest you do not be shocked.
because he will have a justified reason for that.
I'm sure some may have been orphans and widows. But I had parents crying for their children that never appeared. How can a child be an orphan if his parents are outside crying for him? If the images of the massacre are fresh in your mind, then also remember the faces of those parents. Most of the minors at Lal Masjid and Jamia Hafsa had their parents standing outside or calling from far-flung areas to find out about their well being. And they were horribly distressed to know that these mullahs had decided that they were going to 'donate' shahadat to these kids. What cowardice!
You STILL haven't answered the question: if these mullahs were so considerate of these children and women, why didn't they let them go?
I'll give you the answer since you don't have the moral strength to do so yourself: because if they'd let the women and children go, they'd have had to fight like real warriors.
Nice of you to blame the burqa episode on Ijaz-ul Haq (who I have no love for given that he's the spawn of Pakistan's Prince of Darkness Zia-ul Haq). Actually, the mullah later justified his action by saying that he needed to escape to continue his struggle and that Islam allowed it.
Further, please get off your high horse. You're arguing your point as if Pakistani soldiers had fun assaulting a house of worship. Once again, this question should haunt you Tallie lovers: Why didn't the brave and noble warriors of Islam simply let the women and children go? Were they scared? Were they hiding behind human shields like rats?
I have no love for religion, but how can you defend these mad mullahs when Islamic history is scattered with examples of real warriors like Khalid bin Waleed and Salahuddin Ayubi?
You have no rational basis for defending these people, only your blind adherence to your religion.
p.s. The Kashmir earthquake argument is so fallacious and deceitful that it defies description. I was working as a reporter and rescue worker for eight months in Muzaffarabad and Bagh, and I know the kind of relief the mullah parties provided. They embezzled aid money to fund their jihad, they kidnapped young boys to train as jihadis, and they imposed their brand of Islam on the locals of Kashmir.
I bet you won't believe me when I tell you that I have seen Jama'at-ud Dawa camps turning away women from the food line because their heads were not covered.I have also seen JuD camp managers refuse the government, the UN and NGOs access to their accounts and how they spent aid.
For every bit of bullshit you throw my way, Dr Jawwad, it will come right back at you like a fecal boomerang.
i read some where that anger is the punishment you give to yourself on the obnoxious behaviours of the others.right now i am giving that punishment to myself.
if hamas can do atrocities to its own people.
if taliban can kill their own people.
then why not "mullahs of lal masjid and jamia hafsa" can use the women and children as a human shield?
you saw the relatives of these students on tv?
what was the timing? was it begining of the operation or at the end of the operation?
tell me how can a institution throw out its young male and female students in a situation like these?
when mad dogs are waiting out side.
you need gauranties and involvement of strong thrid party.
people were crying over not having acces to their loved one because army cordoned off the whole area.
now you come up with allegation of sodomy and drugs or some mafia style money raising..
you know what make taliban to start fighting against war lords?….yeh the sodomy incident.when a warlord openly married a boy and make the boy to sit on the tank and had a round to all the city.may be you do not want to know.
in taliban era popy culture was eradicated.even BBC showed in its documentary…may be you missed that documentary.
taliban era was the era of peace if not prosperity.
now you come up with funny allegations.if some mullah do the wrong thing it doesn't mean that every person with beard is a wrong doer.
there are ulema, there are religious students and there are persons from all walks of life who want the rule of shariyat.
60 yrs we have tried every thing now it is the time for real thing.it is time for shariyat.
if my guess is not wrong taliban will take only 5 yrs or perhaps less than 5 yrs to take a control the some part of the punjab.
its time for real thing.
"For every bit of bullshit you throw my way, Dr Jawwad, it will come right back at you like a fecal boomerang.
of course it will and it does. you know why??
because i am dealing the people with bullshit.
danial _____ ghazi bros according to jawad closed the brothels….cant u c heera mundee is shut down ……… basically ghazi brother if the lady who is alleged owner of brothel was really doin such kind of buizz gained free publicity and nothing else……….
dactar sahib says………..(the bastard aijaz ul haq coaxed moulana abdul aziz in a way that he used burqa and came out in order to save the lives of thousands of students. you put him on tv blaming him for escape???)
if somebody tells u to wear a burqa would u throw ur brains away and do whatever anybody is suggesting you…….hahaha he came out to save lives of thousands of ppl ……….he should have sent those all outside instead of running away……………..who suggested the mother of jamia hifza to surrender………………lolzzzzzzzzzzz
he says further (while other options remained intact.
electricity could be cut off, water supply could be restricted, gas and ration could also be restricted.
they can be easily forced to come out from jamia hafsa without the merciless massacre)
this operation was of 7 days…they were given more than enough time for their khail tamasha……these bunch of stupid , misguided people kidnapped the policemen initially…..and the firing was started frm inside and it was an army man who was the firsty one to embrace shihadat.
bhai sahib adds (
who were killed and brutaly massacred?
mad mullahs….right?
by whom??
mad dogs of pakistan army)
who is responsible for the deaths of these soldiers …..i wont call anybody dog , pig to prove my point
shame on all of you!!!!!!!!!
laughs out loud …look at this:_
((((((((((you know nothing about me.i am really very brave man and i have been proved my bravery in many occasion.
for your information i was in kunnar,khost and jalalabad 20yrs ago.
and i will again ago if i needed there.
tell me about you. will you come up with your real identity?
i bet you won’t and you shoudn’t because taliban soon will be all over pakistan to kick your millitarily protected b**t.
and your hahahaha will turn into aaaaahhhhh.))))))))))
i believe tyaalban also people belonging to group of qaum e lout………………
just look at his language and choice of words and these believe they are providing services for talegh e islam……..
becoming sr zakir naik, maulana israr etc who are busy in spreading the word of Allah through knowledge is a real big task for these people…it needs brain and humanity and most imp understanding of islam………….
dare answer my posts jawaad!!!!!!!!!
but how can you……………
as ur mind is shutoff to jihalat……..
and ur poora pakistan theory tells u how much that criminal was supported………..
ur abuses , allegations and bullshit posts does not make him innocent or correct
but if u want to increase ur sins by abusing or wanna lower ur frustration by ur stupid , meaningless logic /posts keep doing it……………..i really dont mind
laughs out loud!!!!!!!!!!!
danial : good job ( now it would make him mad)lolzzzzzzzzz
third party guarantee…………………….. khud bhag gayay aur bakion k liyay guarantee……..great shohda was begging for safe passage …lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz coward sick people.
Jawad says (((((((((then why not “mullahs of lal masjid and jamia hafsa” can use the women and children as a human shield?)))))))
So u finally agree that they used them as human sheilds so who is responsible for their deaths……ghazi brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who was using them as sheilds …. Ghazi brothers the terrorist ….shame on you.
Dr Jawwad, I was there for the entire duration of the standoff. And the parents were there throughout. You have presented some seriously disturbing and pointless arguments in defence of the jihadis keeping the women and children inside:
You ask how an institution can let its students go at a time like this? Okay, so if a school is about to be bombed, the principal and teachers should keep the kids INSIDE than let them go to their parents outside? Superior logic, Dr sahib! I'm floored.
Mad dogs waiting outside? The reason the 'mad dogs' waited seven days for an operation that would've been over in 36 hours was because they wanted as little violence as possible. You think they'd have shot kids walking towards their parents? What bullshit. The very reason they waited was to get as many kids out as possible and to see if these brave warriors of Islam would fight like the men they claimed to be.
As for the ban on poppy, the Taliban produced world record amounts of Heroin for most of their rule. It was banned only in 2000 through a fatwa, which indeed brought down cultivation dramatically. However, the truth is a bit more complicated. In an interview with Ahmed Rashid, detailed in his book "Taliban", the Taliban's anti-narcotics officer told him that the effective ban was only on hashish, "which was consumed by Muslims", but not on heroin, which was "consumed by Kafirs in the West". I hate the Taliban, but I don't think they are stupid. Mullah Umar was not stupid enough to completely shut off an industry that provided Afghanistan's only export. Further, adversity brought their true policy to light: by 2007, the Taliban had raised poppy cultivation to record levels again.
But here's the bottomline Dr Jawwad: You have not only admitted that the Lal Masjid brigade used children and women as human shields, you have also justified it along with similar atrocities carried out by the Taliban and Hamas.
I never judged you for the extremely abusive language you used towards me, but this comment really lays bare your morals.
khird ka nam junoon rakha,junoon ka khird
jo chahey aapka husn e karishma saz karey
situation is so funny here.
people were killed by army.
the blame is on peoples.
women and children killed by army.
the blame is again on people.
the sherdil jawan used heavy weapons? in the presence of women and children….
again the blame is on the people.
the daler jawan used phosphorus bomb??
have you any justification for that?
please do not try to deny the fact.because late gen jamshed kiyani has been given his testimony on tv channel.
i tell you what to do now?
launch a smear campaign against jamshed kiyani.
you people are true a fascist.belive me.
khird ka nam junoon rakha, junoon ka khird
Being dramatic won't hide the fact that you have effectively concluded this debate in your own words.
how funny
dr sahab u are just a cheap propogandist .your brave ghazi rasheed claimed on tv that were no tv children inside ( no on hamir mir/jew tv) but on all news channels …umme hassan and molana burqa came out with a lot of children/women ( now thats a case of a capt deserting his own ship).now when the army goes in and kills cheap petty criminals people like you climb a horse and cry foul.
what is the justification moral /legal /ethical or religious any of ghazis acts, however you have avoided this issue and will continue to avoid it in future as well as you dont have any justification….
the only new development is your admission ghazi used women/children as human sheilds so why you are mourning over their deaths .
u claim to b brave and have been in jalalabad and khost…
taliban killed less russians and more muslims(northern alliance).so you must also have a number of kalimago names in your battle honours. wow what a pride in killing fellow kalimago musdlims..the same pride ghazi must have felt on the deaths of muslim soldiers and cameramen and children who died because of his cheap publicity campaign….
shame on you for calling those really brave sons of the soil as pigs and mad dogs. why did not the mad dogs harm any of the other women and children who surrendered even umme hassan and maulana burqa.
you are indeed shameless and your islamic beliefs are evident from the bad language you use.
danial says and i agree "Being dramatic won’t hide the fact that you have effectively concluded this debate in your own words."
noman is shia i know him thats it and shia r kaffir khumeney is kutta.haha
" brave sons of the soil"
laugh out loud!
(although it is noman's line)
is it a joke time?
brave son of the soil….soil beneath the 100yr old toilet?
or coward son of a gun.
the brave soldier who defeated and surrendered begging for lives in 1971?
or like in kargil misadventure when these soldiers literally ran away once indian jet started the bombardment.
why the bravery is specific to the people of pakistan?
it seems that you have a easy recipe for the bravery. what you need few helpless women and children and civilians with rudimentary defense. and an army armed with heavy weapons and phosphorus bombs. what you have to do is just pull the trigger.
bravo….you covert the donkeys into a brave men. yehhhh
this army can not protect its citizen from drone attacks.
In fact provide them an air base. Lying the nation all the time.
(hey noman! you can jump from one tree to other)
when this army faces the red eyes of us officials, the sherdil jawan and generals start pissing in their pants.
laugh out loud baby! laugh out loud
wehshat men har naqsha ulta nazar aata hey
majnoon nazar aatee hey aur lela nazar aata hey.
"bharhay ka tatto" become "brave son of the soil".lolzzzz
insan bandar ki nasal se hey yeh to suna tha. laikin bojh ladnay walay tattoo bhee bandar ki nasal se hen, yeh pehlee bar sun raha hoon.
Hey noman! Why don’t you go back to your cage and peel some bananas
more filthy language…well thats what you are good at….
another attempt to avoid the topic….
you call them bharay ka tatoo…..so what about the jihad that taliban wajed against fellow muslims aided financed and supported by cia money .
the funny thing is that jihadi mullahs areonly brave when hiding behind women or children as in lal masjid or behind civilian population in fata or sawat…………the only difficulty the army has is the attempt to cause min civilian loss of life.coz u fisadis dont care…….u r criminals and terrorists havin nothing to do with jihad or islam
More 'shairi' from the backside of trucks and rickshaws and more dilly-dallying revisionist history. Dr sahib, let it go: everyone's position on this matter is clear, especially yours.
hey dany!what happened to your bhashans on liberalism and secularism?
1) i represent the sentiments of common pakistani men.there is absolutely no need to clearify my position.but yours and @noman's position is shocking for a common man.
especially ghazi bashing.
2)"More ’shairi’ from the backside of trucks and…….. dude you need a lot to learn about udru shairee.
3)any way nice talking to you guys.it is a valueable experience for me through which i concluded that any thing is possible in this world.
hey noman! don't mind dear.be happy and keep jumping from one tree to the other.lolzzzzzzzzz
taliban zindabad lalmasjid zindabad noman shia kaffir khumaney kutta.shia pehle ye proof karo ke tum jaiz ulad ho muttah ke paidawar nehi ho.hahaha
you do not represent any one other the jahaleen….the taaliban u represent have a filthy mentality as evident by ur and ur friend;s post.even the dr attatched with your name is misleading as it indicates education which u lack the most….
almost everyone opposing ghazi has proved him wrong by logic and fact…you have avoided the topic using jingoism and emotive lies.a futile attempt to cover the crimes of the jihadi fasadi mullahas.
and your abuses, dirty language does not hurt me at all…you are only increasing your own sins….
lolzzzzzzzzzzz( sign of my well being and happiness)
shame on you and all fisadi mullahas including ghazi.
doctor???? what r u saying. u r mental i think u should go to mental hospital other wise i will help u.nOMAN IS SHIA AND AYATULLAH KHUMANEY IS BIG DOG OF WORLD.HAHAA THATS END MUTTAH KE ULAD NOMAN PEHLE PROVE KAR KE TU HILALI HAI HAHAHA PEHLE YEH JAN TERE ABAA KON HAI
Shariah is a myth, there is nothing called shariiah law or islamic law or Khhilafah or Imama in the Koran. Islamic sects invented the Shariah after they invented the "Sunnah"
Imam Bukhari (died in 256H/870A.D), was well known for his compilation of Hadith/Sayings attributed to the prophet (peace be upon him). Al-Bukahri is considered by the majority of Muslims to be the 2nd source for Islam after the holy Book and is used by the majority to 'explain' the revelations of the Quran by showing what the prophet and his companions used to do/say.
When GOD says in His book: 'Obey GOD and obey the Messenger', the Muslims take GOD to be represented by the Quran and the Messenger to be represented by Bukhari and the Hadiths.
The prophet (peace be upon him) delivered to us the holy Quran by receiving its inspiration for many years.
"Say, 'Whose testimony is the greatest?' Say, 'GOD's. He is the witness between me and you that this Quran has been inspired to me, to preach it to you and whomever it reaches. Indeed, you bear witness that there are other gods beside GOD.' Say, 'I do not testify as you do; there is only one god, and I disown your idolatry.' (6:19)
Some of the people around the prophet at the time of revelation were very disturbed by the words of the Quran and even asked the prophet to bring them sayings 'other' than the book:
"When our revelations are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet us say, 'Bring a Quran other than this, or change it!' Say, 'I cannot possibly change it on my own. I simply follow what is revealed to me. I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the retribution of an awesome day.' (10:15)
Yet, the prophet could not help these people by changing the words of the Quran to suite their desires…he could only deliver the message as it was inspired to him and to them, for the Quran is a book unlike any other:
"Say: If men and jinn should combine together to bring the like of this Quran, they could not bring the like of it, though some of them were aiders of others. " (17:88)
So, when the people of the time listened to the words 'obey GOD & obey the Messenger', they understood that the words of GOD were being revealed through the person of the Messenger, and that to accept and obey these words was to obey and accept GOD Himself!.
After all, the words of GOD were unlike anything they had heard of before…
"When you read the Quran, we place between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter an invisible barrier. We place shields around their minds, to prevent them from understanding it, and deafness in their ears. And when you preach your Lord, using the Quran alone, they run away in aversion." (17:45-46)
After the death of the prophet (peace be upon him), the people who had fought his message and the words of GOD saw that this was a 'no win' situation for them, and that the words of GOD would capture the hearts of every believing man and women filling them with justice, equality, tolerance, peace, and freedom.
Yet, even with the spreading of the message, GOD had predicted the inevitable:
"We have permitted the enemies of every prophet – human and alien devils – to inspire to each other fancy words, in order to deceive. Had your Lord willed, they would not have done it. You shall disregard them and their fabrications.This is to let the minds of those who do not believe in the Hereafter listen to such fabrications, and accept them, and thus expose their real convictions. " (6:112-113)
Enter the 'Hadith' collectors and narrators…
These were people who could not be satisfied with the words of GOD Alone and were searching for new gods to replace those that Islam had destroyed.
Bukhari was one such person…
Being born 200 years after the prophet's death (peace be upon him), Bukhari went to perform a task that none of the native Arabs had dared to do…He collected the Hadiths under the guise of 'complementing' the Quran, when in reality his true mission was to undermine and destroy its message with those of his masters!.
Just like Paul (not Jesus) is the father of today's Christianity, so it is that Bukhari (and not the prophet) is the true head of what we call 'Islam' in its present form!.
It is time for Muslims to WAKE-UP and realize that their religion has been hijacked for the last 1,000 years by the enemies of the prophet, and that tyrannical and brutal regimes are a model image of what Bukhari and his colleagues had intended for Islam…They could not destroy the Quran, but they found another way to distort GOD's great message to mankind.
Will we continue to propagate these lies?.
Or will we take a stand against the idols that wish to discredit GOD & His Messenger's words?.
Below is a sample of what GOD's enemies have been propagating:
Narrated Hudayfh Ibn al-Yaman: Prophet said: "There will come rulers after me who do not guide to my guidance and do not practice my Sunnah, and the hearts of some them are the hearts of Satans but they are in the body of human." I said: "What should we do at that time?" Prophet (PBUH) said: "You should just listen to them and obey those rulers. No matter if the hurt you and take your wealth, you should follow them and obey them."
Reference: Sahih Muslim, Chapter of al-Imaarah (chapter 33 for the Arabic version), Section of necessity of joining the majority, 1980 Edition, Arabic version (Saudi Arabia), v3, p1476, Tradition #52.
Beware that our prophet's complaint on judgment day does not include you:
"And the messenger said, 'My Lord, my people have deserted this Quran.' (25:30)
Discover real Islam, the Koran
noman lolzzzzzzz!
dear why don't you leave this forum and do some thing nice for a change. its more than 1 year….and still you are behaving like a "bijjoo" the animal who dig the grave and eat the dead human flesh.
don't you think that this act is extremely nauseous?
do some thing good.
"almost everyone opposing ghazi has proved him wrong by logic and fact….
hey noman! what happened to "Quran and sunna" chanting?
lolzzzzzzzzzz noman lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
hey noman!
your one more friend came.
the koranist!
lagta hey pakistan men jahiliat men phd ka riwaj chal parha hey.
dactaaar saaaab u r like a khisyani billi jo khamba noch noch sathia gai hai …………
the quran is supreme fact and logic but may b u believe in sumething else like distorting religion using human sheilds, killing fellow muslims.
pakistan is a very vibrant country and most od the young ppl are educated and do not support fisad and terrorism.they not jahils like u and ur friendtaliban to teach them about islam..
you are burning coz im here since 1 yr and so far no one has been able to prove ghazi.
lolz usko saheeh sabit karnay k bajayay sabki true auqat aur personality bahir ajati hai…..
you appear on almost every blog of teeth maestro…..you are failed dactar and a waila person……lolz
Quran and sunnah …i understand that you will always avoid the topid therefore there is no using quote u from Quran…..
if ur really interested read my previous posts.
ghazis position is not defendable.
your posts are the biggest proof….
good job of avoiding the topic.
sharmindgi mitanay ki nakam koshish!!!
"the quran is supreme fact and logic but may b u believe in sumething else like distorting religion using human sheilds, killing fellow muslims"
yes honey!
Quran is supreme.its final.even a slightest doubt make you out of islam.
but whenever you try to detach Quran from ahadeth mubarika,u,ll loose the whole islam.its an utter nonsense.
do what you do best.you are trying to eat the dead flesh of a shaheed and i will do what i do best.i'll always be standing out as long as it goes.
lots of bananas for you.
shia exposed from their own books
still being a propogandist for raw and mossad sponsored fasadis u are right , u are very obstinate at defending the enemies of state and those who use the name of islam for their own interest.
dont tell me that you have learnt manners from Quran and sunnah.
you have also failed to pin point any hadith or ayyah supporting this criminal but thats a matter of record that you are really best at avoiding answering the real issue.
your last sentence i.e dead flesh of shahed…..is self explanaitory….shaheed kabhi nahi martay lekin yeh shaheed ( criminal) zehni aur deeni tor par apni maut sai pehlay hi mar gia tha.
as his so called supporters incl ualso abandoned him and only good for drawingroom galam galoch , which you must have learnt from similar deeni institutes.
if a supporter like taliban and u on this blog use filthy language tou shaid apka islam yehi hai…
if u both try to incite me you are failed ,
i laugh at your helplessness and sick mentality.
"your last sentence i.e dead flesh of shahed…..is self explanaitory….shaheed kabhi nahi martay lekin yeh shaheed ( criminal) zehni aur deeni tor par apni maut sai pehlay hi mar gia tha"
go out side and express your feeling about ghazi abdul rasheed in public especially in islamabad and rawalpindi….
can you do that???
i don't think so…
because deep down you have a fear that if you did it, people will act…..
its mean shaheed ghazi is still alive and living in the hearts and minds of not only muslims like me but also munafiqeen like you…..yes! he is living inside you that is the reason that even after 1 year you and me are discussing about shaheed ghazee.
what made u think that i have not done it and dont do it openly.
i hv proven your poora -pakistan theory wrong..
your beloved media and hamid mir were also his open critics.
people still discuss zia ul haq and benazir amongst other dead politicians…they are also shaheeds then.
rah e haq sabit karnay k liyay yeh anokha aur stupid logic hai.
but …ur not capable of logic…..people dont recognise him outside of g6…some say who that lal masjid molvi….
musharraf must be living inside you along with pakistan army thts u discuss them a lot…..lolz
tum waqai sathia gayay ho!!!!!
pakistan army zindabad!
pakistan paindabad!
down with all taliban scounderals….
awaiting more stupidity from you……….lolzzzzzzzz
"i hv proven your poora -pakistan theory wrong.."
no you didn't.
you just tried to prove.
by different ids.
how foolish….
how pathetic…
shia baat yaha khatam hote hai ke tum prove karo ke tum muttah ke ulad nehi thats all.gali ke baat nehi contact your own scholars.kafir kafir shia kafir taliban zindabad imam khumaney kafir
if that is the case then y cant u reply anybodys post regarding the issue….my nov 18, 24 posts still unanswered.
changing ids…..lolz…..what maulana burqa was trying to do wearing a burqa…..showing his bravery!….hahaha.
taaliban is ur another id…gud..i dont mind.
the numb of ghazi supporters are more on this blog but none can prove him correct….so that doesnt make a diff.
even ur cheep tactics like ur post and this another new id join the blog they dont matter at all…
you are badly failed to answer anybodys question…..
you discuss pakistan army , musharraf a lot….coz he lives inside your heart…..hahaha
ghazi shaheed just like benazir and zia coz ppl still talk abt them…….lolz….
you a propogandist think new cheep tactics to prove these fasadi mullahs…but you are failed
and now
its just khisyani billi jo khambay noch rahi hai.
taliban shariat nafiz karna chahtay hain????????/
what is the punishment for tohmat in shariat????? and what is the punishment for galam galoch????????///
do mention the punishment for wearing women dress by men??????
you admitted that women/children were used as human sheilds….so penality for murder in shariat?????????/
beware larkio/aunties/bhacho!!!!!!!!
srilankan team nai shariat ki konsi khilafwarzi ki thi k app k bhaion nai unko bhi attack kia??????????
comeup with more crap post!!!!!!!!lolz
"if that is the case then y cant u reply anybodys post regarding the issue….my nov 18, 24 posts still unanswered"
because these posts are merely a cheap propaganda, a balatant lie.not even worth reading.
"taaliban is ur another id…gud..i dont mind"
no honey! its not me.i never said any thing about aehle tashee. ask teeth maestro!
btw its your style not mine.i have only one ID because i am a ghazi lover.
"you discuss pakistan army , musharraf a lot….coz he lives inside your heart…..hahaha
honey! this is bad,really bad.it was my line.
yes musharraf lives inside me.because i want not only his trial for the crimes against pakistani muslims but also a very harsh punishment day and night till he die and then i want to cut his body into many pieces and want to wrap in a skin of a swine and bury him under the most used public toilet.till that time he will be inside my mind day and night.
khasiyani billi to khamba nochti hey, khasiyana bandar kia karta hey? naheen maloom?
when ever you write a post just look in the mirror.
your whole post is full of disgusting,cheap and sick remarks.it is worst than a filthy language.
did you ever realize that?
lol noman r u in sense taliban didnt attack sirlankan team.it was isi who attacked srilankan team and shia kafir hai kafir hai kafir hai kafir hai u cant prove that tum muttah ke ulad nehi ab jab tum hilal aulad he nehi tu tum ko kuch bolnay ke zarorat nehi hai pehle apnay abu ko dhondo ke asli walay kahan hain phir kuch bolna taliban=shariat
visit website about shia muttah
Cheep propoganda…this cheep propoganda was telecasted on ur beloved sachay tv channels….ur hamid mir was part of it….but y would u comment on this , coz it does not suit you…….
(your whole post is full of disgusting,cheap and sick remarks.it is worst than a filthy language.)
Lolz….even then u choose to answer disgusting cheep sick remarks with ur dirty filthy mentality but for ghazi you don’t answer as u consider its not true….
No sir!!!!!!!! Thts not the case…u choose not to answer coz ur speechless and u know that your position is basedon lies….
Ok I agree with ur musharraf theory…..thts what I wanted to prove that if I discuss ghazi and leftovers I feel the same about them….well I demand public hanging for the crimes he has comitted….the brutal mentality u hv shown for musharraf maybe is an inspiration of hollywood movies…a psychotic who fantasize how he seeks pleasure by killing people in different ways ….i am not interesed in these taliban criminal bodies and how they are punished…but surely I want apunishment for their sins/crime.
do you have some thing new to say? or you just want to be played like a record?
ghazee did not kill any one.
in fact he was killed for his cause with the bravery and honor.
musharraf killed 2000 people along with women and children.
who deserve punishment?
man i tell you one thing!
your propaganda sucks
oh really????????????????????
ur admission previously that yes he made women/children human sheilds and now he is innocent……lolz
you also admitted in ur earlier post that his methodology was not correct…now he is brave…lolz
bytheway why ur telling me abt his bravery…..y dint u tell hamid mir and your other beloved rasikh ul aqeeda media channels…..hamid mir himself wanted that govt writ be restored and such criminal mullahas be punished…
apni self created bongian khud hi parh k khush hua karo…
i will keep on repeating my questions until u answer my post i.e 18 nov,22 nov….
you are unable 2 answer anybody questioning his acts…
previously , u had proven that you know a lot of abuses and that u suport qaum e lout .your visit to qadiani temples is evident from your posts and beliefs ..it has really affected you but now you hv also proven that you are a psychotic saddistic pervert who takes pleasure in talking rubbish always.
oppressors or oppressed?
killers or killed?
violators of quran,sunnat and the constitution of pakistan?
or the people of "amr bilmaroof waneha anil munkir"??
this world or hereafter?
choice is yours.
your choice can lead towards heaven or hell.
ALLAH (swt) is the most merciful and the most gracious in His divine running of universe.
but HE is the avenger,the subduer and the compeller.
please do not mock the people who were killed in his way.
ask His forgiveness.He is the forgiver.
this is not sadistic,perversion or rubbish.
Khuda ka kuch khof karo.
ajj naik parveen banay ka shok char gia?????
galian dei k konsi Quran o sunnat poori kar rahay thay…
Qaum e lout k baray mai bhi Quran shareef mai parha hoga…
human sheilds use karna kis sunnat aur hadees sai sabit kareingai…
muslims burqa pehn k kis ghazway sai bhagay thay iski bhi yakeenan apkay pas koi misal ho gi……..
amar bil maroof hi tou mai kar raha hun.ghazi was a criminal.same is his brother , wife and companions…
waqai kuch khuda ka khouf karo…
hamid mir ko yeh sab kiun nahi bataya….taliban and taliban lovers k ilawa sari dunya call them criminals…
maulana israr a legend religious scholar does not support his acts as islamic…nweither u can prove it correct from Quran and sunnah …….
yes you are saddistic, pervert and rubbish!!!!!!
lolz…….jo jantay bhojtay ghalat bat/chez ko support karay uss ka Allah hi hafiz…
still speechless…avoiding the answers.