Shaheed or Halak ? – Ghazi Abdul Rashid

Ghazi Abdul RasheedEver since the afternoon of the faithful day when in between the intense fighting at the Lal Masjid, the Pakistan Army victoriously announced the death of the head militant of Lal Masjid Maulana Ghazi Abdul Rashid. Watching the news reports come through on all news channels I did notice that everyone was refraining to tag his death as a Shahdat. For many non-Muslims reading this article, it might seem to be a trivial issue but to a Muslim it means a world of a difference. A simple naming terminology is of no consequence to the soul in this world but it means a phenomenal difference in life-here-after. Quite simply its a decision to be made by Allah for him on the day of the Judgment.

A shaheed is a title that is given to a Muslim after his death, if he died during the fulfillment of a religious commandment. For a moment lets forget the political issues surrounding the crisis, coming to the root of the issue it was Ghazi Abdul Rashid who was defending the integrity of Islam challenging the ineffectiveness of the government in implementing the sharia law hence allowing a progressive degradation of our society. Without doubt Right or Wrong Maulana Shazi Abdul Rashid was defending his place of worship and was fulfilling his religious duties in this process.

Shaheed is a title for a Muslim when he dies for Islam While on the other hand the aggressors (Pakistan Army) were overwhelmingly attacking the mosque to the extent of destroying a large portion of the property throughout the compound. Hence can easily be labeled as aggressors against Islam, which is probably the highest crime for a Muslim. The jawans may be following order but it must be remembered that if one of the jawans were to loose his life in battle against Islam cannot be labeled as a Shaheed simply because he was a Muslim.

I share with you an interesting email I received by Mr. M Javed Iqbal who portrays a very compelling argument, which actually also got me thinking about this important issue. I quote…

During the attack on Lal Masjid and Madarsah Hafsa a question that was repeatedly raised was ‘ Who is “Shaheed” and who is “Halak”.’

In my opinion the distinction is crystal clear. The mistake and mischief lies with the initiator. Who started knocking down masajid in the capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan? If I am traveling and somebody open fires on me, I have a right to defend myself and fire back at him. Therefore we must understand that what Ghazi brothers did was in self defence. The pity is Mullahs of the country have been corrupted by Musharraf by offering nice salaries and perks to them, hence they failed to point out that the sanctity of a masjid was to be safeguarded at all costs. No Muslim can dare attack a masjid, because it is Allah house.

Accordingly security forces, army men and rangers who attacked Lal Masjid are jahunumi and the fighters of Lal Masjid are shuhdaa and shall Insha Allah Will be rewarded with Paradise. Each officer or jawan must have refused to obey illegal order of attacking a masjid. They could say: “Look sir ! we joined the army to protect the Masajid and save women and children, not for destroying and killing them”.

Since they gave preference to order of the officer over Order of Allah, they are mahluk and jahanumi.

The brave fight back of Ghazi Abdul Rashid is an eye opener. When most of the Mullas just talked he challenged the illegal and immoral acts of Musharraf regime of knocking down 90 year old masajid of Islamabad and kept fighting for the cause till death. On such noble death Mir has said:

Marge Majnun pe aqal gum hai Mir
Kiya Diwane ne maut pai hai !

Most Mullas could not see this fine line and remained indifferent, although they could have raised hue and cry against desecration of masajid. We should not forget that Quran says “Allah is Most Powerful and Revengeful” Every party can see his image in this mirror!

Considering the issue, I feel convinced that the sad demise of Ghazi Abdul Rashid should be labeled as a Shaheed and full respect offered to the body in regards to its proper dignified burial. I would hold the Pakistani Army responsible to the extent of disobeying the Islamic Law to which they all have sworn to uphold.

He died defending the religion of Islam against the evil forces.

I hope that, you too, would join me in prayer hoping that Allah would confer the title of Shahdat upon Shaheed Ghazi Abdul Rashid and grant him his deserved place in the life-here-after.



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1,044 responses to “Shaheed or Halak ? – Ghazi Abdul Rashid”

  1. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    wahabis are notorious for challanging ulema e haq for polemicizing and when they literally kicked by ulema [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Reference please as to where Wahabis have been kicked, by the way Fazail-e-Aamal, Deobandi Books, Shia Literature and Jamat-e-Islami's Filth is banned in Wahabi Paradise – Saudi Arabia


    I am still waiting for the reference of Hazrat Ayesha [May Allah be pleased with her] and Ghazwa-e-Hunain.

  2. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    But i will always be there when some one try to smear the high level shohada. long live shohada e lal masjid o jamia hafsa [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    It's not your duty nor you can protect anybody when Allah decides this:

    وَإِن يَمْسَسْكَ اللّهُ بِضُرٍّ فَلاَ كَاشِفَ لَهُ إِلاَّ هُوَ وَإِن يَمْسَسْكَ بِخَيْرٍ فَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدُيرٌ

    If Allah touch thee with affliction, there is none that can relieve therefrom save Him, and if He touch thee with good fortune (there is none that can impair it); for He is Able to do all things. [AL-ANAAM (CATTLE, LIVESTOCK) Chapter 6 Verse 17]

    وَإِذَا مَسَّ الإِنسَانَ الضُّرُّ دَعَانَا لِجَنبِهِ أَوْ قَاعِدًا أَوْ قَآئِمًا فَلَمَّا كَشَفْنَا عَنْهُ ضُرَّهُ مَرَّ كَأَن لَّمْ يَدْعُنَا إِلَى ضُرٍّ مَّسَّهُ كَذَلِكَ زُيِّنَ لِلْمُسْرِفِينَ مَا كَانُواْ يَعْمَلُونَ

    And if misfortune touch a man he crieth unto Us, (while reclining) on his side, or sitting or standing, but when We have relieved him of the misfortune he goeth his way as though he had not cried unto Us because of a misfortune that afflicted him. Thus is what they do made (seeming) fair unto the prodigal. [YUNUS (JONAH) Chapter 10Verse 12]

  3. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    first hadith.

    and now Quran e karim.

    be careful mr amir mughal!

    Quran ki mar bohat jaldi parhti hey.ALLAH(swt) ko apni kitab ke saath mazaq pasand naheen.

  4. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    But i will always be there when some one try to smear the high level shohada. long live shohada e lal masjid o jamia hafsa [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Saving someone from smear and giving someone respect and honour cannot be done by you even if you want because these are in the hands of Allah.

    قُلِ اللَّهُمَّ مَالِكَ الْمُلْكِ تُؤْتِي الْمُلْكَ مَن تَشَاء وَتَنزِعُ الْمُلْكَ مِمَّن تَشَاء وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَاء وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَاء بِيَدِكَ الْخَيْرُ إِنَّكَ عَلَىَ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

    Say: O Allah! Owner of Sovereignty! Thou givest sovereignty unto whom Thou wilt, and Thou withdrawest sovereignty from whom Thou wilt. Thou exaltest whom Thou wilt, and Thou abasest whom Thou wilt. In Thy hand is the good. Lo! Thou art Able to do all things. [AL-E-IMRAN (THE FAMILY OF 'IMRAN, THE HOUSE OF 'IMRAN) Chapter 3 – Verse 26]

  5. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    first hadith.and now Quran e careful mr amir mughal!Quran ki mar bohat jaldi parhti hey.ALLAH(swt) ko apni kitab ke saath mazaq pasand naheen.[Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Do you have the copyrights of Quran or Hadith? that before quoting do I have to ask you to quote Quran and Hadith?

    Waiting for the reference of Ghazwa-e-Hunain and Hazrat Ayesha [May Allah be pleased with her]'s participation in it because

    Your own words:


    Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 3, 2009 @ 11:49 pm

    @amir mughal! please always read the post before boasting yourself as all knower.i have already read the sahee bukharee thrice along with all saahe sitta.first time i read the sahee bukharee when i was 13 years old just for curosity.


  6. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    NEWS:“Supreme Court (SC) has rejected government plea seeking cancellation of bail of former Khateeb Lal Masjid Maulana Abdul Aziz in four cases…..”[DR JAWWAD KHAN]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Deviant Swat Mullah Sufi Mohammad says that Courts wont be allowed to work in Swat because these Courts are run on the basis of Secular and Anglo Saxon Laws.. By the way why is it so that some Deobandi Anarchy approach Anglo Saxon Court for Justice in Islamabad and get the relief then the courts are acceptable and same court are Un-Islamic in Swat??? Why this double standard???

    Why Hafiz Saeed approach a court which according to these ignorant and rampant Mullahs, are Secular and Non-Islamic.

  7. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    i do not mind personal attacks.

    do attack me and inshaALLAH i will be patient.

    but if you attack on my fellow muslim shohada i will waste no time and inshaAllah give you enough response.

    by the way it was my study of sahih bukhari which made me warned about your "derh hoshiyari"

    but the sahi bukhari is one of the bulkiest books only ulema who spend years in religious education know for sure,no other person can say with authenticity.and as it was a matter of hadith i demanded for refrences again and again till i became assured that it was nothing but a "derh hoshiyari"

    at the age of 13 i passed the my 8th standard exam with distinguished uncle gave me the gift of first day i was just turning the page till i found one hadith regarding ghusul and i was perplexed by reading raw mind was unable to accept at that time so out of curosity i started reading and reading.

    the other factor was my association with islami jamiat e talaba and as a worker i was obligated to read quran and hadith.i guess it was not a big deal any one would do the same in my position.


  8. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    i do not mind personal attacks. do attack me and inshaALLAH i will be patient. [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Sir, Where has gone Quran and Hadith now, which stops to adopt bad manners and bad language???

    but if you attack on my fellow muslim shohada i will waste no time and inshaAllah give you enough response.[Dr Jawwad Khan]


    More than welcome.


    by the way it was my study of sahih bukhari which made me warned about your “derh hoshiyari” but the sahi bukhari is one of the bulkiest books only ulema who spend years in religious education know for sure,no other person can say with authenticity.[Dr Jawwad Khan]

    Your own words:


    Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 3, 2009 @ 11:49 pm

    @amir mughal! please always read the post before boasting yourself as all knower.i have already read the sahee bukharee thrice along with all saahe sitta.first time i read the sahee bukharee when i was 13 years old just for curosity.


    and as it was a matter of hadith i demanded for refrences again and again till i became assured that it was nothing but a “derh hoshiyari” at the age of 13 i passed the my 8th standard exam with distinguished uncle gave me the gift of first day i was just turning the page till i found one hadith regarding ghusul and i was perplexed by reading raw mind was unable to accept at that time so out of curosity i started reading and reading.[Dr Jawwad Khan]


    So where is the reference of Ghazwa-e-Hunain????

    Your own words:


    Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 3, 2009 @ 11:49 pm

    @amir mughal! please always read the post before boasting yourself as all knower.i have already read the sahee bukharee thrice along with all saahe sitta.first time i read the sahee bukharee when i was 13 years old just for curosity.



    the other factor was my association with islami jamiat e talaba and as a worker i was obligated to read quran and hadith.i guess it was not a big deal any one would do the same in my position.[Dr Jawwad Khan]


    I didn't need the association with IJT to read Quran and Hadith.

  9. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    do you have any idea what these courts and judicial system did to poor pakistani people?

    hafiz saeed have a different agenda and different kind of supporters.his main support comes from the army establishment.because he works for pakistan army.

    he is priviliged man and well aware of immunity he have.

    that is why he opted to go to the court.

  10. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    Amir Mughal!

    i said what should be it is a personal matter i don't mind any are free to go…..

    ok dear my sleep time see you in the morning.

    have a sound sleep because salat e fajr differentiate a muslim from munafiq.(it was hadith and i can't give you the refrence right now)

    sweet dreams

  11. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    the other factor was my association with islami jamiat e talaba and as a worker i was obligated to read quran and hadith.i guess it was not a big deal any one would do the same in my position.[Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    IJT [ISLAMI JAMIAT TALAB] i.e. Jamat-e-Islami i.e. Mawdudi had very strange and deviant belief about Hadith. Do you follow the ideology of Mawdudi on Hadith or do you follow Hadith like ordinary Muslim.


    “Ahadith were transmitted by few men to few men, and the maximum on can get from them is only hope of authenticity (Guman Sihat) and not knowledge of certitude (Ilmul Yaqeen)” (“Tarjuman Al-Quran” Rabee’ Ul-Awal 1365)

    He also said in Takhfif of the Muhadiths:

    “These Hadhraat (Traditionalists) used to criticise each others. They even would say to each other “This one has no knowledge”, “Liar”, “Dajjal ud-Dajjajilah” then in their narrated Hadith, there is nothing that is free of mistake.” (“Tafhimat” p 294)

    He also said: “How can you say that what Muhadiths have declared to be authentic is authentic in reality. They themselves did not have complete certitude (kamil Yaqeen) on

    their authenticity.” (“Tafhimat” p 292)

    Hadith Expert says:

    Authentic Hadith leads to certitude, specially those having Talaqi bil Qabool, meanings that they have been accepted by the community without any objection. If all Ahadith do not have certitude, then it means our prayer, Syam and Zakah is all not based on certitude. This is why the famous Hadith rejector and apostate Ghulam Ahmad Parweiz objected that his position was close to Mawdudi that only Quran leads to certitude.

    Mawdudi wrote about the Mahdi:

    “He will be a leader on modern ways, he will have knowledge of Mujtahid on all new sciences…I fear that the Molvi and Sufi people will be first to speak against him…It is possible that he himself has no information that he will be the promised Mahdi, and after his death people will know him with his actions, that this one was to put caliphate upon Prophetic Manhaj. Al-Mahdi is not something to claim, but something to show…he (Mahdi) will create a school of though based on pure Islam, he will create a movement to change people’s mind” [“Tajdeed wa Ihya Deen” by Mawdudi p 31 to 33]

    Hadith says:

    It is clearly told in authentic Ahadith that Mahdi will be in Madinah.

    Mawdudi wrote about Dajjal:

    “This oneeyed blind Dajjal and others, all of these are stories that have no Shar’i basis, and there is no need to find them. The stories that are famous among laymen, Islam has no responsibility of it, and if anything of that (about Dajjal) is not proved then it does not give any defect to Islam” (“Tarjuman Al-Quran” Ramadan and Shawal 1364)

    Hadith says:

    Dajjal is mentioned 8 times in Sahih Al-Bukhari and 17 times in Sahih Muslim [Kitabul Fitan]

    Mawdudi on Beard [Sunnah]

    “But for me not only this definition of the Sunnah is false, rather I hold the belief that declaring this kind of things (like beard) to be Sunnah and then insisting on this understanding, is a serious kind of innovation and a dangerous deviation in religion” ( “Tarjuman Al-Quran” May June 1345)

    Hadith on Beards are witness to it that Mawdudi was Deviant so his rampant followers.

    Mawdudi wrote about the Companions of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH]:

    “But after these two (Abu Bakr and ‘Umar) Hadhrat ‘Uthman became their successor and little by little he went away from their policies” (‘Khilafat wa Mulukiyat’ of Mawdudi)

    Mawdudi wrote:

    “There was without doubt a mistake in one aspect of Hadhrat Uthman’s politics, and a mistake is a mistake, …and trying to prove at any cost that it was correct by forcing minds is not the requirement of intelligence and justice, neither it is the requirement of religion to say that the mistake of a Sahabi is not a mistake.” (“Khilafat wa Mulukiyat”)

    ”What Hadhrat “Ali did in times of Fitnah was what was required from a guided caliph. But there is one thing that is difficult to defend and one can object to it, and it is that after battle of Jamal, he changed his mind about the killers of ‘Uthman. In all Hadrath Ali’s time of caliphate, there is only one thing about which I have no other solution except to say it was wrong” (“Khilafat wa Mulukiyat”)

    Mawdudi wrote about Mu’awiyah:

    “Mu’awiyah acted on ways of old Jahiliyah” ( Khilafat wa Mulukiyat)

    He added:

    “ I do not doubt that that he ( Mu’awiyah) did a mistake based on good intentions that he thought he was rightful, but I think it is a mistake, and I am reluctant to think it was an Ijtihadi mistake” ( Khilafat wa Mulukiyat)

    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Do you want to know what Quran and Hadith says about the Companions?????

  12. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    the other factor was my association with islami jamiat e talaba and as a worker i was obligated to read quran and hadith.i guess it was not a big deal any one would do the same in my position.[Dr Jawwad Khan]


    You favourite Deobandi Mullahs on the Spiritual God Father of IJT, JI i.e. Mawdudi, I hope you dont follow Mawdudi!

    A literal translation of a letter entitled: "Tanqeed aur Haqqe Tanqeed" which appeared in the Dhul-Hijjah of the Bayanaat – Karachi by Maulana Muhammad Yoosuf Ludhianwi


  13. noman Avatar

    hats off……dactar jawaad

    tell the same to maulana israr, imam e kaaba.

    high level shohda…lolz

  14. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    don't you have some thing good to do rather than smearing the high levels?

    is that wahabism is all about?

    is that you personal view or the view of your whole community.because i know that molana syed abul aala modudi is respected even in the aehl e hadith.

    and he received ovations when he said:

    "i think "taqleed" is forbidden for a literate person and even worse"

    you people started clapping.

    and when he talked about the weaknesses of in compilation and collection of ahadith e mubarika, you people got furious.

    Funny thing is that a man who have no respect for hadith and fear of ALLAH(swt) and play with the words of Rasoolullah(saww) is talking about these issues.

    Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 13, 2009 @ 9:57 pm

    well my dear!

    ask your chief before say any thing against him and do not blunder like you did before and when I refuted the your arguments you ran away saying that these arguments are not mine?

    Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 5, 2009 @ 2:43 am)

    Not yours?

    Then whose arguments were those?

    Deobandi ulema?

    Whom you ridicule all the time?

    How pathetic and funny!

    I do not need to defend molana modudi .you know why?

    Because he is not so helpless as you think. His work is not classified, its printed and available every where. Any one can read and decide by himself.

    Be a gentleman rather being a grave digging “kafan chor”

  15. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    for those who do not have enough time to read all books of molana syed abul aala modudi.

    molana syed abul aala modudi's "most controversial" and decide for yourself.

  16. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    do you have any idea what these courts and judicial system did to poor pakistani people? hafiz saeed have a different agenda and different kind of supporters.his main support comes from the army Establishment.because he works for pakistan army. he is priviliged man and well aware of immunity he have. that is why he opted to go to the court. [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    What about Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi's Connections with Establishment and his bails from such ALLEGED CORRUPT COURTS, CORRUPT COURTS BAILED CORRUPT MULLAHS!!!

    Ejaz says he helped release Ghazi in terror cases

    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Ejaz-ul-Haq has admitted that he had made personal efforts to get Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi, Naib Khateeb of Lal Masjid, released in cases of terrorism.

    Expressing his views in a talk show on Geo TV alongside Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz Information Secretary Ahsan Iqbal, Nayyar Bukhari of the Pakistan People’s Party and Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi on Tuesday, the minister said he took the action after a written confirmation from the Maulana guaranteeing his good behaviour.

    Giving his side of the story in the programme, Maulana Abdul Rashid Ghazi denied the minister’s claim, saying he was never indicted in any terrorism case, while his car was impounded by police, which was never returned.

    He failed to give a satisfactory answer when asked about the fact that former chairman National Book Foundation Ahmad Faraz had registered an FIR against him on charges of forced occupation of land belonging to the Ministry of Education, but still no action was taken against him.

    Taking part in the debate, Ahsan Iqbal and Nayyar Bukhari accused Ghazi Abdur Rashid of conniving with the government to stage a socio-political drama to divert public attention from the ongoing judicial crisis.

    Ghazi said he has made it clear to PML-Q President Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain that the occupation of Children’s Library would continue until their demands for implementation of Islamic Shariah were fully met.

    Upon the terse comments, Ejaz-ul-Haq said if the Shujaat-Ghazi talks failed, the government would have no other option but launch a full-fledged operation at Lal Masjid. Meanwhile, Khateeb of Lal Masjid Maulana Abdul Aziz has started writing to the Ulema and the seminary students nationwide to seek their support in the ongoing row with the government.

    In his letters he urged the Ulema and students to rise against such social evils like liquor, obscenity and so-called “liberalisation”. The letters also urged all the students and the Ulema to proceed to Lal Masjid unarmed but with their batons and baggage for Aitekaf and speeding up their services for promulgation of Islamic values.

    They have been advised to avoid any prolonged bickering with personnel of the law-enforcement agencies and limit themselves to self-defence, refrain from rioting and destroying and burning public property at all costs.

    They have further been advised to rather offer themselves for jails but try to preach Islam and Islamic values, including Jihad to jail inmates, if detained by the government. On the other hand pamphlets have been distributed in Karachi by Tehrik-e-Talaba urging all to proceed to Islamabad on the call of Maulana Abdul Aziz. —Online

    Monitoring desk adds: talking to Geo News correspondent, Ejaz said that the administration of Lal-Masjid and the Jamia Hafsa was not showing flexibility in talks with the government. The minister warned of operation against it, which could result in the loss of lives if the matter remained unresolved. The federal minister said that senior Ulema, including scholars from Waziristan and Hangu, have been disappointed after failure of their efforts to convince Ghazi Abdul Rasheed and Maulana Abdul Aziz.

    Ejaz believed that restoring the writ of the government was not a difficult task, however, he added, the establishment was not willing to do it at the cost of human lives. Ejaz urged both Maulanas Abdul Aziz and Abdul Rashid Ghazi of Lal Masjid to adopt sagacious approach and avoid confrontation with the people. “Both the brothers should negotiate with the government and help reach a peaceful settlement of the issue as it is creating doubts in minds of the people of the country, he added.

    The people from various walks of life and the Ulema and Madrassa students persuaded them to give up but alas they did not pay heed to, he said. Terming one-month ultimatum issued by Lal Masjid absurd he said the Objective Resolution is the part of the Constitution and ensured that no law contrary to the Islamic injunctions can be enacted in the country. Responding to a question, he said enlightened moderation is not contrary to Islamic teachings as Islam stands for acquiring knowlege. It also preaches moderation as the best way of life.

  17. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    and when he talked about the weaknesses of in compilation and collection of ahadith e mubarika, you people got furious. [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Islamic Pervert Mawdudi had objected on those Hadiths which are repeated [Tawatur] and Authentic like the Hadiths of Mahdi and Dajjal [Anti Christ]

    Read about the compilation of Hadith before raising lame objection on Hadith. [May Allah save Muslims from raising fingers on Authentic Hadith]

    Issues Concerning Ḥadīth

  18. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    is that you personal view or the view of your whole community.because i know that molana syed abul aala modudi is respected even in the aehl e hadith.and he received ovations when he said: “i think “taqleed” is forbidden for a literate person and even worse” [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    I wonder if you have even read Khilafat O Malookiyat because on one hand you quote Mawdudi on Taqleed [Following any particular school of thought amonsg any 4 sunni Imams] whereas Mawdudi had a whole Chapter on Imam Abu Hanfia [May Allah have mercy on his soul] and his pupil Imam Abu Yousuf and Mawdudi and his Deviant Follower blindly follow Imam's work even if Imam's work go against Authentic Sunnah.

  19. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Not yours? Then whose arguments were those? Deobandi ulema? Whom you ridicule all the time? How pathetic and funny!


    When Unity of Ummah in such an State [divided] then why do you talk of Islamic System [which Islamic System? Deobandi Interpretation, Wahabi Interpretation, Jamat-e-Islami (Perverted) Interpretation, Barelvi Interpretation or Khomeini [Mawdudi] Interpretation. First these Cut-throat Mullahs should sit together and give a consensus interpretation and then one can give attention to these semi-literate Islamic Perverts.


    Mawdudi’s works began to appear in Iran in the 1960s. They were translated into Persian from Arabic by Ayatollah Hadi Khusrawshahi and members of a translating team working with him. Articles on Mawdudi and excerpts from his works also appeared in various issues of Khusrawshahi’s journal Maktab-i Islam. Following the revolution of 1978–1979, a number of Mawdudi’s works were translated into Persian from Arabic by Ayatollah Sayyid Muhammad Khamana’i. Interestingly, the first Persian translation of a work of Mawdudi was done in Hyderabad, Deccan, by Mahmud Faruqi in 1946; RJI, vol. 4, 90. More recent translations of Mawdudi’s works into Persian have occurred in Pakistan by the Jama‘at, which target the Afghan community of Pakistan.

  20. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    I do not need to defend molana modudi .you know why?

    Because he is not so helpless as you think. His work is not classified, its printed and available every where. Any one can read and decide by himself. [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Defend Pervert Mawdudi on Mutah:

    Temporary Marriage (Mut’ah) is permissible under certain circumstances. (Tarjumanul Quran, August 1955). Maududi puts forward an example: If a man and woman get stranded on an island, as soon as they procure food, they should go ahead and indulge in sex regardless of their marital status.

  21. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    "I wonder if you have even read Khilafat O Malookiyat because on one hand you quote Mawdudi on Taqleed [Following any particular school………..authentic sunnah."


    your claim that molana modudi objected on authentic mutawatitir hadith like hadith about hazrat e mehdi and dajjal tells me that YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT MOLANA SYED ABUL AALA MODUDI (reh:aleh) you just read some allegations against him some where,you copied and pasted.

    you are doing nothing but hearsay.which is not a good practice.if you read some allegations,first confirm it from the source.otherwise people will laugh at you.

    also you repeated the same actually did not give the refrence of the text which proves that molana syed abul aala modudi (reh:aleh) is objecting at the hadith e mutawatir.

    here is the link which proves it carefully what molana syed abul aala modudi wrote about hazrat e mehdi and dajjal
    (please read from page:37-39 / 43-51)

  22. noman Avatar

    dactar jawaad true personality revealed….lolz

    atleast being in jeddah value imam Qaaba opinion about those criminals.


  23. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    "Maududi puts forward an example: If a man and woman get stranded on an island, as soon as they procure food, they should go ahead and indulge in sex regardless of their marital status"



    same old forwarding the hearsay

    same old lies and forgeries.

    same old monkey business.

    i wonder would you ever give up?

    my question is,do you know any thing about muta'a?

    do you know what discussions had been taken place in ulema e salf?

    and if you do not know,as it is evident from your last post then why slandering a high level most eminent scholar of the 20th century?

    why calling him "deviant" and "pervert"?

    because you do not know?

    here is a detailed view of molana syed abul aala modudi about mutaa:
    (page: 18-21)
    (page: 51-54)

  24. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar




  25. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    you just read some allegations against him some where,you copied and pasted. you are doing nothing but hearsay.which is not a good practice.if you read some allegations,first confirm it from the source.otherwise people will laugh at you. I do not need to defend molana modudi .you know why?

    Because he is not so helpless as you think. His work is not classified, its printed and available every where. Any one can read and decide by himself. [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    I just quoted the Material on Mawdudi so please point your Fatwa of Heresy toward those Islamic Scholars who have written against Mawdudi, Jamat-e-Islami and IJT's filth. And If I am heretic because I differ with Mawdudi's Work/Ideology/Modus Operandi then what about these Scholars? Were they Heretic as well. Names of Books and Scholars [Read Mullahs] on refutation of Deviant Mawdudi and his JI's thoughts:

    I had just quoted [as per you Great Deobandi Scholar] Mawlana Yousuf Ludhiyanvi who in his book had 17 Chapters on Mawdudi’s Blasphemic Comments for the Prophet [PBUT] and Companions of the Prophets [May Allah be pleased with everyone of them] and Yousuf Ludhiyanvi, Yousuf Binnori, Abdul Majid Daryabadi had written volumes to refute Mawdudi so challenge these Deobandi Giant Ulema [as per your post not me] I have just quoted Mullhas on a Mullah.

    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    These are not some Deobandi Ulema:

    1 – Maulana Yousuf Ludhiyanvi – Binnori Town refuted Mawdudi.

    2 – Mawlana Yousuf Binnori – Founder of Binnori Town refuted Mawdudi

    3 – Mawlana Abdul Majid Daryabadi pupil of Ashraf Ali Thanwi refuted Mawdudi.

    You say you didn’t find any Blasphemic references in Mawdudi’s Tafheemat, I say go and get some books written by the above Deobandi Maulvis against Mawdudi because these Deobandi Maulvis have provided the References of that particular edition of Tafheemat wherein Mawdudi Calamity committed Blashphemy. In another thread you were very critical on Shia Community by the way Khomeini and Shia Scholars quoted Mawdudi on Hazrat Uthman and Hazrat Muawiya [May Allah be pleased with both of them]. If you dont believe me then you can check yourself.

    There is book written “Khilafat wa Malookiyat Ki Tareekhi Aur Shariee Haisiyat [Authenticity and Relity of Caliphat and Kingdom by Mawdudui] by Hafiz Salahuddin Yousuf [Editor of Weekly Eitisaam, Lahore Pakistan , he is a Salafi Scholar and if you get that book then please note that in preface following Deobandi and even Barelvi Scholar praised the above book on the refutation ofr Mawdudi's Deviant and Blasphemic Beliefs regarding the Companions of Prophet Mohammad. You have already praised Deobandi Mullahs in one of your mail and following Mullahs [not ordinary Jahil Taliban] praised the book:

    1 – Mufti Muhammad Shafi Usmani [Deobandi]

    2 – Justice Taqi Usmani [Deobandi]

    3 – Maulana Ziauddin Islahi [Daar ul Musanifeen Azam Garh India]

    4 – Maulana Yousuf Ludhiyanvi [Binnori Town – Deobandi]

    5 – Maulana Ghulamullah Khan [Rawalpindi – Deobandi]

    6 – Dr Israr Ahmed [Former Deputy of Mawdudi]

    7 – Maulana Amee Ahsan Islahi [Former number 2 of Mawdudi]

    8 – Agha Shoorish Kashmiri [Noted Scholar and Journalist]

    9 – Maulana Manzoor Naimani [One of the founder of Jamat-e-Islami and Deobandi scholar and also refuted Mawdudi in his book on Islamic Revolution of Iran]

    10 – Safi ur Rahman Mubarakpuri [Author of Prophet Mohammad – PBUH's biography Ar Raheeq Al Makhtoom and he is an Indian Scholar and a Salafi]

    11 – Yousuf Saleem Chishti [Deobandi Sufi Scholar]

    12 – Maulana Abul Hasan Nadvi [Former Head of Darul Ulomm Deoband and Member Board of Medina University Saudi Arabia]

  26. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    same old forwarding the hearsay, same old lies and forgeries. same old monkey business. i wonder would you ever give up? [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    If your above statement is correct then the following are included in your above mentioned categories because I have just quoted Deobandi Mullahs and some were even Jamatis:

    1 – Mufti Muhammad Shafi Usmani [Deobandi]

    2 – Justice Taqi Usmani [Deobandi]

    3 – Maulana Ziauddin Islahi [Daar ul Musanifeen Azam Garh India]

    4 – Maulana Yousuf Ludhiyanvi [Binnori Town – Deobandi]

    5 – Maulana Ghulamullah Khan [Rawalpindi – Deobandi]

    6 – Dr Israr Ahmed [Former Deputy of Mawdudi]

    7 – Maulana Amee Ahsan Islahi [Former number 2 of Mawdudi]

    8 – Agha Shoorish Kashmiri [Noted Scholar and Journalist]

    9 – Maulana Manzoor Naimani [One of the founder of Jamat-e-Islami and Deobandi scholar and also refuted Mawdudi in his book on Islamic Revolution of Iran]

    10 – Safi ur Rahman Mubarakpuri [Author of Prophet Mohammad – PBUH's biography Ar Raheeq Al Makhtoom and he is an Indian Scholar and a Salafi]

    11 – Yousuf Saleem Chishti [Deobandi Sufi Scholar]

    12 – Maulana Abul Hasan Nadvi [Former Head of Darul Ulomm Deoband and Member Board of Medina University Saudi Arabia]

    13 – “Khilafat wa Malookiyat Ki Tareekhi Aur Shariee Haisiyat [Authenticity and Relity of Caliphat and Kingdom by Mawdudui] by Hafiz Salahuddin Yousuf [Editor of Weekly Eitisaam, Lahore Pakistan

  27. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @amir mughal!


    do you pick a gun and start challanging your enemy with out knowing that gun is working or not?


    why you are giving me the refrences of ulema e deoband?

    have you decided to give up demlition of graves and become a typical "MUQALLID"?


    you just attacking some one with any thing a hand could pick in order to inflict an injury?

  28. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    have you decided to give up demlition of graves and become a typical “MUQALLID”? or you just attacking some one with any thing a hand could pick in order to inflict an injury?


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Quoting Deobandi Mullahs on Mawdudi was just an effort to show that when these Mullahs are not even united on single Interpretation then how could they maintain Order if they are given the state to govern. First they should unite on single interpretation and then demand Islamic System.

  29. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    do me a favour instead of wasting my time and giving me a continous headache of searching and writing,start reading the books of molana modudi,only if you sincerely want to know the truth.

    here is the link you can find almost all books of molana syed abul aala modudi(reh:aleh) in pdf and start investigation rather accusation with worthless crap.

    i think this is the biggest favor i can offer in this regard.

  30. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    jamat e islami is behind every move which is directed toward the rule of shariyah,no matter what ulema e deoband did to molana syed abul aala modudi.

  31. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    do me a favour instead of wasting my time and giving me a continous headache of searching and writing,start reading the books of molana modudi,jamat e islami is behind every move which is directed toward the rule of shariyah,no matter what ulema e deoband did to molana syed abul aala modudi.i think this is the biggest favor i can offer in this regard.[Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    In my humble opinion and as per my poor knowledge, we seek guidance through Quran and Sunnah because we have been ordered by Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] to consult these two sources [Reference Hadith of Quran and Sunnah Mawtta Imam Malik]. Nowhere in Shariah it is written to consult Deviant Books of Mawdudi for guidance.

    Justify the following Insults by Mawdudi on the Companions of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] in the light of Quran and Hadith.

    Mawdudi's Blasphemic Comment on Sahaba are inserted in the text and I hope either you defend the Companions of Prophet or defend the perversion of Mawdudi uloaded in his so-called Islamic Books:

    Mawdudi deserves this:

    Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] said, “Whoever abuses my Companions, upon them is the curse of Allah, the angels and all the people” [Saheeh At-Tabaranee and Tirmidhi]

    Abdullah Bin Abbas (RA) once said: ” Leave Amir Muawiyah (RA) alone because he is a person who has enjoyed the Companionship of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). [Bukhari Chapter Companions of the Prophet]

    Narrated Ibn Abu Mulaika: Muawiya offered one Rak’a Witr prayer after the ‘Isha prayer, and at that time a freed slave of Ibn ‘Abbas was present. He (i.e. the slave) went to Ibn ‘Abbas (and told him that Muawiya offered one Rak’a Witr prayer). Ibn Abbas said, “Leave him, for he was in the company of Allah’s Apostle.” [Sahih Bukhari Chapter Companions of the Prophet]

    Muawiyah – Malook – Dictatator as per Mawdudi but read the Hadith:

    Abi Mujliz reported: “Muawiyah went to Abdullah ibn Zubayr and Abi Amir, when he reached there abi amir stood up out of respect to muawiya whereas abdulla ibn zubayr remained sitting. Muawiya then said to abi Amir:”sit down for i have heard the Apostle of Allah(saw) saying:”that person who likes to see others stand up for him, then let him occupy his seat in hell fire.”[Sunan Abu Dawoud]

    ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab said, “Do not mention Mu’awiyah with anything but good. I heard the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, say, ‘O Allah, guide him!’” [Mishkatul Misabeeh]

    The Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] said, “Oh Allah, make him [Mu’awiyah] a guide, guided, and guide people through him.” [Al-Tirmidhi and Mishkat Al-Masabeeh]

    Muáwiya (May Allah be pleased with him) was even privileged to be the brother-in-law of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] since Umme Habiba (May Allah be pleased with her), the sister of Muáwiya, was one of his [PBUH]’s wives. Once Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] came home to find Muáwiya (May Allah be pleased with him) with his sister. He asked her whether she loved him. To this Umme Habiba (May Allah be pleased with her) declared that he was her brother and therefore she definitely loved him. It was then that Muáwiya (May Allah be pleased with him) received tremendous glad tidings from Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] , where he said, ‘Allah and His Rasul definitely love Muáwiya.’ (Tabrani).

    In another prayer for Mu’awiyah the Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] said: “My Lord, teach him the Book (i.e. the Qur’an) and arithmetic, and protect him against suffering.” (Related by Al-Bukhari in his Al-Tareekh).

    Such was the love Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] had for him that he was given the following beautiful and concise Dua by Nabi : ‘O Allah! make Muáwiya (May Allah be pleased with him) a means of hidaayat and make him one who is himself on hidaayat and give people hidaayat through him.’ (Majmaú Zawaaid)

    Prophet Mohammad {PBUH] made Dua for the knowledge of Muáwiya (May Allah be pleased with him) where he said, ‘O Allah endow Muáwiya with the special knowledge of the Qurân and save him from punishment.’ (Musnad Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal).

    Muawiyah was Dictator as per Mawdudi but as per Hadith he was Kaatib-e-Wahi [Scribe of Prophet Mohammad – PBUH]

    From Ibn Abbas: “Abu Sufyan said to the Prophet : Give me three. He said: Yes.” In that hadith it says: “And Muawiya! Let him to be a scribe in your presence. He said: Yes” – [Muslim]

    Ibn Asaker said: “ The most authentic tradition narrated about Mauwiya’s merit is the hadith of Abu Jamrah from Ibn Abbas that he was the scribe of the Prophet ” – related by Ibn Katheer in Al-Bidaya wal Nihaya.

    And Mawdudi violated the following Hadiths by quoting Liars Narrators of Tabari [By the way Salman Rushdie in Satanic Verse had also quoted Abu Mikhnaf, Waqidi and Kalbi and same are quoted by Mawdudi in his Filth called Khilafat O Malookiyat]

    1- The Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] said : “The best of my nation is my generation then those who follow them and then those who follow them.” [Saheeh Bukhari]

    2- And he also said, “Do not abuse my Companions, for if any of you were to spend gold equal to (mountain of) Uhud in charity, it would not equal a handful of one of them or even half of that” [Bukhaaree and Muslim].

    3- Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] advised us: “When my Companions are mentioned then withhold” [Saheeh, at-Tabaranee] .

    4- Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] said, “Whoever abuses my Companions, upon them is the curse of Allah, the angels and all the people” [Saheeh, At-Tabaranee] .

  32. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    "we seek guidance through Quran and Sunnah because we have been ordered by Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] to consult these two sources" (Amir Mughal)



    then what about spreading the hearsay?

    what about slanders,lies and forgery?

    does Quran and Sunnah say any thing about it?..of course it does but only for those who fear ALLAH(swt).

    and please don't say that deobandi ulema said that because right now you are using them to smear the one pure soul puritan.

    tell it an art?

    that keep quoting ahadith e mubarika as chargesheet for the crime one never committed?

    where are the refrences?

  33. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    then what about spreading the hearsay?

    what about slanders,lies and forgery?

    tell it an art?

    where are the refrences?


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Read your favourite Deobandi Mullahs on Mawdudi's Blasphemy.

    By the way where is the Reference of Ghazwa-e-Hunain and Hazrat Ayesha [May Allah be pleased with her]'s participation in it?

    where are the refrences?

  34. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    please don’t say that deobandi ulema said that because right now you are using them to smear the one pure soul puritan. that keep quoting ahadith e mubarika as chargesheet for the crime one never committed? where are the refrences?[Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Do you have the copyrights of Deobandi Literature? and you ask for the reference on Mawdudi, so here are the Deobandi reference and your own comment praising Deobandi Scholars


    ulema e deo band did a great job for islam.please do not redicule them on the basis of wrong doing of few illiterate fanatics. [Dr Jawwad Khan]

    few illiterate fanatics ON MAWDUDI:

    A literal translation of a letter entitled: “Tanqeed aur Haqqe Tanqeed” which appeared in the Dhul-Hijjah of the Bayanaat – Karachi by Maulana Muhammad Yoosuf Ludhianwi



  35. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    start reading the books of molana modudi,jamat e islami is behind every move which is directed toward the rule of shariyah [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Mawlana Mawdudi's books are FILTH as compared to the Holiest sayings of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH]'s Holy Words:


    Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] said, upon him blessings and peace: I have left among you two matters by holding fast to which, you shall never be misguided: the Book of Allah and the Sunna of His Prophet. [Reference: [Ibn `Abd al-Barr in al-Tamhid, Ibn Nasr al-Marwazi in al-Sunna, al-Hakim in his Mustadrak, al-Bayhaqi in al-Sunan al-Kubra, Malik in his Muwatta, al-Daraqutni in his Sunan, Ibn Hazm in al-Ihkam, al-Suyuti declared it hasan in al-Jami` al-Saghir, al-Suyuti in Miftah al-Janna]


    The Messenger of Allaah said: "I counsel you to have Taqwaa of Allaah and to hear and obey, even if an Abyssinian slave were to command you. For, verily, whoever amongst you lives (to grown old), he will see many differences. So stick to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the rightly guided khaleefahs. Cling tightly onto it and hold onto it with your molar teeth. And beware of newly invented matters. For, indeed, every newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is a thing that leads astray, and everything that leads astray is in the Hellfire." [Abu Dawood]


    Ibn Mas'ood said: "The Messenger of Allaah drew a line for us and then said: 'This is the Straight Path of Allaah.' And he drew lines on the left and right of it, and then said: 'These are paths of which there is not one except that there is a devil upon it calling towards it.' Then he recited the statements of Allaah [And (He commandeth you, saying): This is My Straight path, so follow it. Follow no other ways, lest ye be parted from his way. This hath He ordained for you, that ye may ward off evil [Surat-ul-Ana' aam 6:153- The Cattle 1:153]. 'And verily, this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and do not follow (other) paths for they will separate you away from His path." [Musnad Ahmad and An-Nasaa'ee].


    "I left upon you two things of which you will never go astray after them: The Book of Allaah and my Sunnah. They will never be separated until they return to me at the Haud (the Pond)." [Saheeh Al-Jaami']


    ‏حدثني ‏ ‏زهير بن حرب ‏ ‏وشجاع بن مخلد ‏ ‏جميعا ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏ابن علية ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏زهير ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏إسمعيل بن إبراهيم ‏ ‏حدثني ‏ ‏أبو حيان ‏ ‏حدثني ‏ ‏يزيد بن حيان ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏انطلقت أنا ‏ ‏وحصين بن سبرة ‏ ‏وعمر بن مسلم ‏ ‏إلى ‏ ‏زيد بن أرقم ‏ ‏فلما جلسنا إليه قال له ‏ ‏حصين ‏ ‏لقد لقيت يا ‏ ‏زيد ‏ ‏خيرا كثيرا ‏

    ‏رأيت رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏وسمعت حديثه وغزوت معه وصليت خلفه لقد لقيت يا ‏ ‏زيد ‏ ‏خيرا كثيرا حدثنا يا ‏ ‏زيد ‏ ‏ما سمعت من رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏قال يا ابن أخي والله لقد كبرت سني وقدم عهدي ونسيت بعض الذي كنت ‏ ‏أعي ‏ ‏من رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏فما حدثتكم فاقبلوا وما لا فلا تكلفونيه ثم قال قام رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏يوما فينا خطيبا بماء يدعى خما بين ‏ ‏مكة ‏ ‏والمدينة ‏ ‏فحمد الله وأثنى عليه ووعظ وذكر ثم قال ‏ ‏أما بعد ألا أيها الناس فإنما أنا بشر يوشك أن يأتي رسول ربي فأجيب وأنا تارك فيكم ‏ ‏ثقلين ‏ ‏أولهما كتاب الله فيه الهدى والنور فخذوا بكتاب الله واستمسكوا به فحث على كتاب الله ورغب فيه ثم قال وأهل بيتي أذكركم الله في أهل بيتي أذكركم الله في أهل بيتي أذكركم الله في أهل بيتي فقال له ‏ ‏حصين ‏ ‏ومن أهل بيته يا ‏ ‏زيد ‏ ‏أليس نساؤه من أهل بيته قال نساؤه من أهل بيته ولكن أهل بيته من حرم الصدقة بعده قال ومن هم قال هم آل ‏ ‏علي ‏ ‏وآل ‏ ‏عقيل ‏ ‏وآل ‏ ‏جعفر ‏ ‏وآل ‏ ‏عباس ‏ ‏قال كل هؤلاء حرم الصدقة قال نعم ‏

    ‏و حدثنا ‏ ‏محمد بن بكار بن الريان ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏حسان يعني ابن إبراهيم ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏سعيد بن مسروق ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏يزيد بن حيان ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏زيد بن أرقم ‏ ‏عن النبي ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏وساق الحديث ‏ ‏بنحوه بمعنى حديث ‏ ‏زهير ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏محمد بن فضيل ‏ ‏ح ‏ ‏و حدثنا ‏ ‏إسحق بن إبراهيم ‏ ‏أخبرنا ‏ ‏جرير ‏ ‏كلاهما ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏أبي حيان ‏ ‏بهذا الإسناد ‏ ‏نحو حديث ‏ ‏إسمعيل ‏ ‏وزاد في حديث ‏ ‏جرير ‏ ‏كتاب الله فيه الهدى والنور من استمسك به وأخذ به كان على الهدى ومن أخطأه ضل ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏محمد بن بكار بن الريان ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏حسان يعني ابن إبراهيم ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏سعيد وهو ابن مسروق ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏يزيد بن حيان ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏زيد بن أرقم ‏ ‏قال ‏ ‏دخلنا عليه فقلنا له لقد رأيت خيرا لقد صاحبت رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏وصليت خلفه وساق الحديث بنحو حديث ‏ ‏أبي حيان ‏ ‏غير أنه قال ألا وإني تارك فيكم ‏ ‏ثقلين ‏ ‏أحدهما كتاب الله عز وجل هو حبل الله من اتبعه كان على الهدى ومن تركه كان على ضلالة وفيه فقلنا من أهل بيته نساؤه قال لا وايم الله إن المرأة تكون مع الرجل ‏ ‏العصر ‏ ‏من الدهر ثم يطلقها فترجع إلى أبيها وقومها أهل بيته أصله ‏ ‏وعصبته ‏ ‏الذين حرموا الصدقة بعده

    صحيح مسلم بشرح النووي

    ‏قوله : ( ماء يدعى خما بين مكة والمدينة ) ‏

    ‏هو بضم الخاء المعجمة وتشديد الميم , وهو اسم لغيضة على ثلاثة أميال من الحسنة , عندها غدير مشهور يضاف إلى الغيضة فيقال : غدير خم . ‏

    ‏قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( وأنا تارك فيكم ثقلين فذكر كتاب الله , وأهل بيته ) ‏

    ‏قال العلماء : سميا ثقلين لعظمهما وكبير شأنهما , وقيل : لثقل العمل بهما . ‏

    ‏قوله : ( ولكن أهل بيته من حرم الصدقة ) ‏

    ‏هو بضم الحاء وتخفيف الراء , والمراد بالصدقة الزكاة , وهي حرام عندنا على بني هاشم وبني المطلب , وقال مالك : بنو هاشم فقط , وقيل : بنو قصي , وقيل : قريش كلها . ‏

    ‏قوله في الرواية الأخرى : ( فقلنا : من أهل بيته نساؤه قال : لا ) ‏

    ‏هذا دليل لإبطال قول من قال : هم قريش كلها ; فقد كان في نسائه قرشيات , وهن عائشة , وحفصة , وأم سلمة , وسودة , وأم حبيبة رضي الله عنهن وأما قوله في الرواية الأخرى : ( نساؤه من أهل بيته , ولكن أهل بيته من حرم الصدقة ) قال : وفي الرواية الأخرى : فقلنا : ( من أهل بيته نساؤه قال : لا ) فهاتان الروايتان ظاهرهما التناقض , والمعروف في معظم الروايات في غير مسلم أنه قال نساؤه لسن من أهل بيته , فتتأول الرواية الأولى على أن المراد أنهن من أهل بيته الذين يساكنون , ويعولهم , وأمر باحترامهم وإكرامهم , وسماهم ثقلا ووعظ في حقوقهم , وذكر , فنساؤه داخلات في هذا كله , ولا يدخلن فيمن حرم الصدقة , وقد أشار إلى هذا في الرواية الأولى بقوله : ( نساؤه من أهل بيته , ولكن أهل بيته من حرم الصدقة ) , فاتفقت الروايتان . ‏

    ‏قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( كتاب الله عز وجل هو حبل الله ) ‏

    ‏قيل المراد بحبل الله عهده , وقيل : السبب الموصل إلى رضاه ورحمته , وقيل : هو نوره الذي يهدي به . ‏

    ‏قوله : ( المرأة تكون مع الرجل العصر من الدهر ) ‏

    ‏أي القطعة منه

    English Translation:

    Yazid b. Hayyan reported, I went along with Husain b. Sabra and 'Umar b. Muslim to Zaid b. Arqam and, as we sat by his side, Husain said to him: Zaid. you have been able to acquire a great virtue that you saw Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) listened to his talk, fought by his side in (different) battles, offered prayer behind me. Zaid, you have in fact earned a great virtue. Zaid, narrate to us what you heard from Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him). He said: I have grown old and have almost spent my age and I have forgotten some of the things which I remembered in connection with Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him), so accept whatever I narrate to you, and which I do not narrate do not compel me to do that. He then said: One day Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) stood up to deliver sermon at a watering place known as Khumm situated between Mecca and Medina. He praised Allah, extolled Him and delivered the sermon and. exhorted (us) and said: Now to our purpose. O people, I am a human being. I am about to receive a messenger (the angel of death) from my Lord and I, in response to Allah's call, (would bid good-bye to you), but I am leaving among you two weighty things: the one being the Book of Allah in which there is right guidance and light, so hold fast to the Book of Allah and adhere to it. He exhorted (us) (to hold fast) to the Book of Allah and then said: The second are the members of my household I remind you (of your duties) to the members of my family. He (Husain) said to Zaid: Who are the members of his household? Aren't his wives the members of his family? Thereupon he said: His wives are the members of his family (but here) the members of his family are those for whom acceptance of Zakat is forbidden. And he said: Who are they? Thereupon he said: 'Ali and the offspring of 'Ali, 'Aqil and the offspring of 'Aqil and the offspring of Ja'far and the offspring of 'Abbas. Husain said: These are those for whom the acceptance of Zakat is forbidden. Zaid said: Yes.

    This hadith has been narrated on the authority of Zaid b. Arqam through another chain of transmitters. [Muslim – Chapter – THE MERITS OF 'ALI B. ABI TALIB (ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HIM) ]

    This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of Abu Hayyan but with this addition:" The Book of Allah contains right guidance, the light, and whoever adheres to it and holds it fast, he is upon right guidance and whosoever deviates from it goes astray. [Muslim Chapter – THE MERITS OF 'ALI B. ABI TALIB (ALLAH BE PLEASED WITH HIM)]

    فضائل أهل بيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فضائل الصحابة صحيح مسلم

    ‏ ‏حدثنا ‏ ‏أبو بكر بن أبي شيبة ‏ ‏ومحمد بن عبد الله بن نمير ‏ ‏واللفظ ‏ ‏لأبي بكر ‏ ‏قالا حدثنا ‏ ‏محمد بن بشر ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏زكرياء ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏مصعب بن شيبة ‏ ‏عن ‏ ‏صفية بنت شيبة ‏ ‏قالت قالت ‏ ‏عائشة ‏

    ‏خرج النبي ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏غداة ‏ ‏وعليه ‏ ‏مرط ‏ ‏مرحل ‏ ‏من شعر أسود فجاء ‏ ‏الحسن بن علي ‏ ‏فأدخله ثم جاء ‏ ‏الحسين ‏ ‏فدخل معه ثم جاءت ‏ ‏فاطمة ‏ ‏فأدخلها ثم جاء ‏ ‏علي ‏ ‏فأدخله ثم قال ‏

    ‏إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم ‏ ‏الرجس ‏ ‏أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا ‏

    صحيح مسلم بشرح النووي

    ‏قوله : ( وعليه مرط مرحل ) ‏

    ‏هو بالحاء المهملة . ونقل القاضي أنه وقع لبعض رواة كتاب مسلم بالحاء , ولبعضهم بالجيم . والمرحل بالحاء هو الموشى المنقوش عليه صور رحال الإبل , وبالجيم عليه صور المراجل وهي القدور . وأما المرط فبكسر الميم , وهو كساء , جمعه مروط , وسبق بيانه مرات . ‏

    ‏قوله تعالى : { إنما يريد الله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت } ‏

    ‏قيل : هو الشك , وقيل العذاب , وقيل : الإثم . قال الأزهري : الرجس اسم لكل مستقذر من عمل

    English Translation:

    'A'isha reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) went out one norning wearing a striped cloak of the black camel's hair that there came Hasan b. 'Ali. He wrapped hitn under it, then came Husain and he wrapped him under it along with the other one (Hasan). Then came Fatima and he took her under it, then came 'Ali and he also took him under it and then said: Allah only desires to take away any uncleanliness from you, O people of the household, and purify you (thorough purifying) [Sahih Muslim]

  36. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    "where are the refrences"

    means page no, chapter and book(if there is any along with "khalafat o malookiyat"

    refrence= page no,chapter,booka name.

    you didn' read that book. didn't you?

    copy paste,copay paste,copy paste.

    give me a favour:
    download this book, read it and find out.

    i know it is difficult but don't you want to expose a blasphemer? and protect others like me not to fall in the trap of "fitna e modudiat"?

    i gave you the link to download the book.

    now!i demand a proof.

    put up or shut up

  37. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    “where are the refrences” means page no, chapter and book(if there is any along with “khalafat o malookiyat” and protect others like me not to fall in the trap of “fitna e modudiat”? i gave you the link to download the book.

    now!i demand a proof. put up or shut up [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    I have all the books in original shape and original publication for which you have been pasting links.

    There are three very large book stores just opposite Binnori Madressah New Town Karachi. Just go there and ask for these books which have been written to refute Mawdudi's Blasphemic Ideology towards Prophets [PBUT], their Wives [May Allah be pleased with all of them] and Companions of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH]. The books are written by as per your own comment:


    ulema e deo band did a great job for islam.please do not redicule them on the basis of wrong doing of few illiterate fanatics. [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    The Deobandi Books which refuted Mawdudi:

    1 – Fitna Mawdudiyat by Yousuf Binnori [Deobandi and Founder of Binnori Town Madressah Karachi]

    2 – Kharijiyat-e-Jadeeda by Abdul Majid Daryadi pupil of Asharf Ali Thanvi [book was written before partition]

    3 – Mawdudui aur Sahaba Kiram by Mawalana Noorul Hasan Deobandi

    4 – Ikhtalaf-e-Ummat aur Sirat-e-Mustaqeem by Mawlana Yousuf Ludhiyanvi [17 Chapters are dedicated to refute this Satanic Mawdudi]

    I have these books as well and I will not tell you the reference or page number because you would have to go out and buy these books.

    In one of your comment you have said that Ahle Haidth respect Mawdudi and if that is so then read this [buy this] book which is written by an Ahle Hadith Scholar, and read it yourself as to how Mawdudi is treated in the book

    Khilafat wa Malookiyat Ki Tareekhi Aur Shariee Haisiyat [Authenticity and Relity of Caliphat and Kingdom by Mawdudui] by Hafiz Salahuddin Yousuf [Editor of Weekly Eitisaam, Lahore Pakistan.


    jamat e islami is behind every move which is directed toward the rule of shariyah, [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab

    Read what Mawdudi's son has to say about Jamat-e-Islami:

    'MMA was created by ISI' RECORDER REPORT [Courtesy Business Recorder 2005]…

    MULTAN (February 16 2005): Farooq Maudoodi son of founder of Jamaat-i-Islami, late Abul Aala Maudoodi, has said that Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) had been created by ISI and it is a part and parcel of the military government and cannot part ways with President Pervez Musharraf. Talking to a group of journalists here on Tuesday he said: "Qazi Hussain Ahmed met the then ISI chief, General Ehsan-ul-Haq, then called on General Pervez Musharraf and later met US ambassador, then flew to United States. As soon as he returned, MMA was formed like IJI (Islami jamhoori Ittehad)."

    He said that IJI was organised by ISI and funds were also provided by it on the assurance of Qazi Hussain Ahmed, who had also played a key role in IJI. "Now he is playing major role in MMA."

    Bitterly criticising the MMA, Farooq said that the role of MMA is evidence of its loyalties with military regime. It had approved the 17th constitutional amendment which is in favour of the present regime.

    He said: "Where has the MMA movement gone while its leadership is claiming that it would continue till the achievement of objective of 'Uniform'?"

    Farooq said that Benazir knew very well about MMA and she had some reservations about it. He said that ISI has complete record of MMA leaders and they cannot escape. He said that politics ended in 1958 when Ayub imposed martial law. He said that plundering of evacuee trust property (Auqaf) and politics of clerics destroyed the politics of the country.

    Regarding deletion of column of 'religion' from Passport, he said that it was a good step and Ulema should have welcomed it but they made it part of their agitation to hoodwink the innocent Muslims.

    Farooq said that some bad things were added in the constitution by Zia-ul-Haq, which must be excluded, which had bred many ills.

  38. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    jamat e islami is behind every move which is directed toward the rule of shariyah, [Dr Jawwad Khan]



    Haider Farooq Mawdudi, noted Pakistani Islamic scholar and son of the Late Maulana Sayed-ul-Ala Mawdudi, founder of the Jamaat-e-Islami(JEI), is one of the most vocal critics of the protagonists of 'Jihad' in Kashmir. In an interview given to a Lahore based Urdu magazine 'Diwar-e-Shahar' (August-September, 1998) he has openly come out against the present JEI leadership of Pakistani for supporting militancy in Kashmir. He has refuted 'Jihad' in Kashmir on the grounds that its against the tenets of the Quran as Islam does not permit a covert war. In this connection, quoting his father's stand on the issue, he points out that the double standards in Pakistani policy of pursuing diplomatic relations with India while waging a 'Jihad' against it through covert means. He also castigated the JEI leadership of Pakistan for spending huge amounts on waging 'Jihad' in Kashmir and sacrificing the lives of thousands of innocent and poor people. Excerpts from the interview is reproduced below.

    The Lucknow based vernacular weekly, 'Jedeed Markaz', published in Urdu and Hindi, has reproduced the said interview on its October 25-31, 1998 edition.

    Question: In what connection, did you visit India recently and who all did you meet and why?

    Answer: I met different Muslim leaders, including Kashmiris during my recent visit to India and expressed the view that three wars have been fought between India and Pakistan over Kashmir since their inception fifty years back and therefore, the Kashmir issue should now be solved at any cost and the Kashmiri Muslims should get the same benefits which are being enjoyed by the other Muslims living in India. I told the Kashmiri leaders that they were getting their young generation killed without any reason. The education, economy and everything of Muslims is being destroyed. I asked them to hold talks with the Indian government and get their demands met legitimately and constitutionally.

    Question: Haider Shahji, what sort of opinion you have given there? On one hand, holy 'Jihad' is being fought in Kashmir while as you are talking about constitutional right, education and economy.

    Answer: (Retorting back) What kind of 'Jihad' is being fought in Kashmir, you do not know the difference between 'Jihad' and violence. The ongoing blood-bath in Kashmir in the name of 'Jihad' can not even be termed as 'Khurooj'(revolt). You should study the 'Fiqah'(Islamic Law).

    Question: But the 'Jamaat' of your father, Maulana Abdul Ala Mawdudi declares it as 'Jihad'.

    Answer: Now, this is no more the 'Jamaat' of my father, this is now the 'Jamaat' of Qazi Hussain Ahmad. My father had categorically refused to accept the ongoing violence in Kashmir as 'Jihad'.

    Question: What are you talking about? Kashmiris are fighting for their right of self-determination, which has been bluntly rejected by India. The Britishers gave Kashmir to India through a wrongful partition, which Nehru, Mountbatten and Radcliffe had committed through dishonesty?

    Answer: Maulana Mawdudi, in his interview published in the bi-weekly journal of Jamaat-e-Islami, "Kausar" dated August 17, 1998, has clearly said that the intricacies developed over the Kashmiri issue are the result of the mistakes of 'our' leaders who accepted an ambiguous condition of the Britishers that the accession of any 'Riyasat' to a country would be decided by the Head of the 'Riyasat' and not only by the dominion of the 'Riyasat'. They also left the decision regarding the fixation of borders to Radcliffe and Mountbatten which resulted in the inclusion of Gurdaspur district in the Indian union and it also gave an opportunity to the Hindu King of Kashmir to accede to India.

    Question: Haider Saheb, you said that it is not lawful according to 'Shariat' to fight against that country with whom 'we' have diplomatic relations?

    Answer: Don't degrade its importance. I have not said that but Maulana Mawdudi said this. I do not possess such a personality. Maulana Mawdudi has categorically stated that according to 'Quran', it is unlawful to wage a war by a country against the country with which diplomatic relations are maintained. He has further said that it one party commits breach of agreement then the opposite party should first severe diplomatic ties with it and then resort to war-tactics instead of maintaining diplomatic relations overtly and resorting to war-tactics covertly. He stressed that Islam taught 'us' that if we, want to fight against anyone, 'we' should fight openly and if 'we' wish to maintain friendly relations with someone, 'we' should stick to that relation without any prejudice.

    Question: Haider Sahab, Maulana Mawdudi was a giant personality and a great religious scholar. We should talk about present scenario. Jamaat-e-Islami is still spending a lot on 'Jehad-e-Kashmir' also rendering sacrifices?

    Answer: Yes, presently the situation is such that Jamaat receives Rs. 60,000/- for every militant killed in Kashmir out this, only 15,000-20,000/- are being given to the families of the martyrs, while as the remaining amount is eaten up by the JEI leaders themselves who have opened a factory of martyrs. JEI leaders have made money by getting others children killed. As far as they themselves are concerned, no son of Qazi Hussain Ahmad was killed either in Afghanistan or Kashmiri, 'Jihad' and his children are leading a luxurious life while studying in the United States.


  39. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    do you have any idea what these courts and judicial system did to poor pakistani people? [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Secular "Kaafir" Pakistani Judiciary is really very very bad particularly in the case mentioned below. I agree with your statement above!

    SC dismissed govt’s petition against Maulana Abdul Aziz

    Updated at: 1255 PST, Tuesday, April 07, 2009

    ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court (SC) on Tuesday dismissed Federation’s petition against the decision of granting bail to Maulana Abdul Aziz, the former cleric of Lal Masjid.

    The SC bench comprised of Justice Javed Iqbal and Justice Ijaz Chaudhry has dismissed the government’s petition after hearing the case. SC also adjourned the hearing of children’s library case till Thursday and directed government to submit its reply in next hearing.

    Maulana Aziz had been granted bail in 25 out of 27 cases, while he was acquitted in one case. He had been behind the bar since his arrest on July 3, 2007.

  40. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    “where are the refrences” means page no, chapter and book(if there is any along with “khalafat o malookiyat” and protect others like me not to fall in the trap of “fitna e modudiat”? i gave you the link to download the book.

    now!i demand a proof. put up or shut up [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Mawdudi's Blasphemic Comment on Prophets [PBUT]:

  41. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    "There are three very large book stores just opposite Binnori Madressah New Town Karachi.I have these books as well and I will not tell you the reference or page number because you would have to go out and buy these books"

    "haider farooq modudi…..said this ,said that blah blah blah"

    your behaviour reminding me the instructions of american army to their soldier in that it is directed that if a soldier caught during action by enemy in that case soldier should pretend and behave like a mentaly retarded person.because mentally retarded person instigates the sympathies.

    such a pathetic tactic.

    you slandered a religious scholar a reformer and pious devouted person and you are asking me to produce allegations?

    isn't way beyond patheticism?

    why haider farooq?…..why the blah blah blah?

    are we discussing about haider farooq?

    dhitaee aur besharmi ki bhee koee had hotee hey!



  42. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    any way my demand is still there in case your conscience(if it is not dead) make you to apologise publicly for smearing such a dynamic personality.

    repent in front of ALMIGHTY for:

    playing with words of Rasoolullah(saww).

    smearing a high level shohda e lal masjid and jamia hafsa.

    slandering and abusing a person who deserves utmost respect and reverance.

    repent before it is too late.

    may ALLAH(SWT) forgive our sins.

    may ALLAH(swt) save us from the hell.

  43. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    "Mawdudi's Blasphemic Comment on Prophets [PBUT]:"


    i asked you a proof and again you give me the address of kafir saz o fatwa baz wahabi.


  44. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    I have History by Tabari, Tabaqat-e-Ibn-Saad, History by Ibn Khalqan, History by Ibn Khaldun, History by Ibn Kathir – Al Bidaya Wal Nihaya, History of Sahaba by Ibn Athir in my personal Library

    (Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 4, 2009 @ 8:12 pm )

    But I also have these books

    1 – A Great Collection of Fabricated Traditions (Arabic: Al-Mawdu’at al-Kubrah) by ibn Al-Jawzi, 2 – Mauzuaat-e-Kabeer by Mulla Ali ibn Sultan al-Qari, 3 – Saheeh al-Jaami’ al-Sagheer and Da’eef al-Jaami’ al-Sagheer, both by Shaykh al-Albaani, 4 – Irwa’ al-Ghaleel fi Takhreej Ahaadeeth Manaar al-Sabeel, also by al-Albaani, 5 – Al-Talkhees al-Habeer fi Takhreej Ahaadeeth al-Raafa’i al-Kabeer, by al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar al-‘Aqsallaani, 6 – Nasab al-Raayah fi Takhreej Ahaadeeth al-Hidaayah by Haafiz al-Zayla’i, 7 – Tuhfat al-Ashraaf bi Ma’rifat al-Atraaf by al-Haafiz al-Mazzi, 8 – Great Indian Scholar Muhammad Tahir Patni books e.g. “Tadhkirrah al-Mawdoo’aat Wal-Dhu’afaahas

    through which the Bio-Data and Authenticity of Narrators can be checked e.g Majority of Narrators [untrustworth, liars, fabricators and blasphemer] which Mawdudi have quoted in his so-called Magnum Opus – Khilafat O Malookiyat are as under:

    1 – Abu Mikhnaf.

    2 – Suddi.

    3 – Hishma Kalbi.

    4 – Muhammad Bin Hisam Kalbi.

    5 – Umer Waqidi.

    They have been declared known Liars and Blasphemers in the books abov

    ( Comment by Aamir Mughal on April 5, 2009 @ 11:24 pm )


    can't you produce YOUR OWN single argument refuting the "false claims" of molana modudi with such a big library.

    should i say "LAUGH OUT LOUD"?

    why are you so scarred?

    you have such a presious treasure according to you.

    cant you show a single gym?


    should i say "LAUGH OUT LOUD"?

    hey Amir Mughal! honestly the truth is:

    "you actually made my day"

  45. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    Mawdudi’s Blasphemic Comment on Prophets [PBUT]:”
    i asked you a proof and again you give me the address of kafir saz o fatwa baz wahabi. BE A GENTLEMAN. [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Go through the links they are not Wahabis but Barelvi Sufis quoting Deobandis on Mawdudi.


    can’t you produce YOUR OWN single argument refuting the “false claims” of molana modudi with such a big library.

    should i say “LAUGH OUT LOUD”? why are you so scarred? you have such a presious treasure according to you. cant you show a single gym? again should i say “LAUGH OUT LOUD”?

    hey Amir Mughal! honestly the truth is: “you actually made my day” [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Mawdudi had quoted Blasphemic Narrations compiled by these Liars on the Pious Companions of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH]. Read my quote again:

    I have read and have History by Tabari, Tabaqat-e-Ibn-Saad, History by Ibn Khalqan, History by Ibn Khaldun, History by Ibn Kathir – Al Bidaya Wal Nihaya, History of Sahaba by Ibn Athir in my personal Library

    But I also have these books

    1 – A Great Collection of Fabricated Traditions (Arabic: Al-Mawdu’at al-Kubrah) by ibn Al-Jawzi,

    2 – Mauzuaat-e-Kabeer by Mulla Ali ibn Sultan al-Qari,

    3 – Saheeh al-Jaami’ al-Sagheer and Da’eef al-Jaami’ al-Sagheer, both by Shaykh al-Albaani,

    4 – Irwa’ al-Ghaleel fi Takhreej Ahaadeeth Manaar al-Sabeel, also by al-Albaani,

    5 – Al-Talkhees al-Habeer fi Takhreej Ahaadeeth al-Raafa’i al-Kabeer, by al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar al-‘Aqsallaani,

    6 – Nasab al-Raayah fi Takhreej Ahaadeeth al-Hidaayah by Haafiz al-Zayla’i,

    7 – Tuhfat al-Ashraaf bi Ma’rifat al-Atraaf by al-Haafiz al-Mazzi,

    8 – Great Indian Scholar Muhammad Tahir Patni books

    e.g. “Tadhkirrah al-Mawdoo’aat Wal-Dhu’afaahas

    through which the Bio-Data and Authenticity of Narrators can be checked e.g Majority of Narrators [untrustworth, liars, fabricators and blasphemer] which Mawdudi have quoted in his so-called Magnum Opus – Khilafat O Malookiyat are as under:

    1 – Abu Mikhnaf.

    2 – Suddi.

    3 – Hisham Kalbi.

    4 – Muhammad Bin Hisam Kalbi.

    5 – Umer Waqidi.

    They have been declared known Liars and Blasphemers in the books above. One thing I forgot to mention that Mawdudi had quoted Rafizi [I hope you dont like Rafizis to defend Mawdudi] because all the narrators above were Rafiziz [Extremist Tabbrrai Shias]. Now, dont believe me just go and buy the books and you will that these Narrators were Shias whose narrations were quoted by Mullah Mawdudi on our Pious Companions [May Allah be pleased with all of them] of Prophet Mohammad [PBUH].

  46. Aamir Mughal Avatar


    BE A GENTLEMAN.[Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Where is the reference of Ghazwa-e-Hunain and Hazrat Ayesh [May Allah be pleased with her]'s participation in it.


    repent before it is too late.[Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dont worry about my salvation because its not your problem.

    That no laden one shall bear another’s load, And that man hath only that for which he maketh effort, And that his effort will be seen. And afterward he will be repaid for it with fullest payment; [Quran AN-NAJM (THE STAR) Chapter 53: Verse 38 to 41]

    Say: Shall I seek another than Allah for Lord, when He is Lord of all things? Each soul earneth only on its own account, nor doth any laden bear another’s load. Then unto your Lord is your return and He will tell you that wherein ye differed. [Quran AL-ANAAM (CATTLE, LIVESTOCK) Chapter 6: Verse 164]

  47. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    any way my demand is still there in case your conscience(if it is not dead) make you to apologise publicly for smearing such a dynamic personality. [Dr Jawwad Khan]


    Dear Jawwad Sahab,

    Apologise for what? For exposing Deviant Mawdudi's deviant views and books which insulted Prophet Mohammad [PBUH] and his Compaions [May Allahe be pleased with him]

    Read about another Deviant Pupil of Mawdudi and see and read for yourself as to how these JI Leaders violate Islam even those JI Leaders who wear Pious Sunnah like Beard on their face yet they dont have any shame left in them.

    Strictly speaking for the sake of those who support Jamat-e-Islami.

    The post may please be read as per Islamic point of view. Had the Jamat-e-Islami been a Secular and Non Religious Party it wouldn’t have been an issue but since Jamat-e-Islami was founded by Late. Syed Abul Ala Maudoodi on Quranic principles of:

    And there may spring from you a nation who invite to goodness, and enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency. Such are they who are successful. [The Family of Imran – III (Soorah Aal-e-Imran) Verse 104]

    Ye are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind. Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency; and ye believe in Allah. And if the People of Scripture had believed it had been better for them. Some of them are believers; but most of them are evil livers {The Family of 'Imran- III (Soora Al-Imran) Verse 110}.

    They restrained not one another from the wickedness they did. Verily evil was that they used to do! {The Table Spread – V (Soora Al-Maida) Verse 79).

    And when they forget that whereof they had been reminded, We rescued those who forbade wrong, and visited those who did wrong with dreadful punishment because they were evil-livers {The Heights – VII (Soora Al-Araf) Verse 165}.

    Now read about the conduct of a senior Jamat-e-Islami Member [nowadays an active member of MMA (an ally of General Musharraf in Baluchistan Government and Creator of LFO/17th Constitutional Amendment)] Mr. Naimatullah Khan [Former Mayor of Karachi]. Day in day out these Mullahs lecture all of us about Moral Turpitude and decay in Pakistani Society but they themselves should be scrutinized through the very lenses of Quran and Hadith through which they watch all of those who are considered ‘Less Muslims’. The women members of MMA [particularly the immediate Family Members of Qazi Hussain Ahmed are worse amongst the lot in MMA they are the permanent pain in the neck regarding Moral High Grounds of Quran and Hadith].

    On Friday [13th July 2007], a private TV Channel AAJ relayed an episode of Begum Nawazish Ali [hosted by Ali Saleem (a pronounced Hermaphrodite, he while giving an interview to an Indian Channel NDTV in 2006 opined that “he considered himself a Transsexual)]. I won’t say much about the interview but the prominent participant was Naimatullah Khan Advocate and another was a Female Model [she was not in Veil]. While Jamat-e-Islami since the last 60 years has made life a hell in Pakistan by conniving with several Military Dictators [the latest is Musharraf Regime through supporting his LFO/17th Constitutional Amendment] their members and that too senior members what to talk of Junior Members don’t even know the basic rudiments of Islam. Read below the Quranic Verses and Sunnah while keeping in mind the interview given by Naimatullah Khan to Begum Nawazish Ali:

    As per Quran and Hadith.

    1- And Lot! (Remember) when he said unto his folk: Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you? Lo! Ye come with lust unto men instead of women. Nay, but ye are wanton folk. { Verse 80 and 81 – The Heights. Soora Al-Aaraf}.

    2- And when Our messengers came unto Lot, he was distressed and knew not how to protect them. He said: This is a distressful day. And his people came unto him, running towards him – and before then they used to commit abominations – He said: O my people ! Here are my daughters! They are purer for you. Beware of Allah, and degrade me not in (the presence of) my guests. Is there not among you any upright man? The said: Well thou knowest that we have no right to thy daughters, and well thou knowest what we want. He said: Would that I had strength to resist you or had some strong support (among you)! (The messengers) said: O Lot! Lo! We are messengers of thy Lord; they shall not reach thee. So travel with thy people in a part of the night, and let not one of you turn around – (all) save thy wife. Lo!that which smiteth them will smite her (also). Lo!their tryst is (for) the morning. Is not the morning nigh. So when Our commandment came to pass We overthrew (that township) and rained upon it stones of clay, one after another. {Verse 77 to 82- Hud. Soora Hud}.

    3- What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, And leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk! {Verse 165-166 The Poets. Soora Al-Shora}.

    4- Must ye needs lust after men instead of women? Nay, but ye are folk who act senselessly! {Verse 55 – The Ant. Soorah Al-Namal}.

    5- And Lot! (Remember) when he said unto his folk: Lo! ye commit lewdness such as no creature did before you. For come ye not in unto males, and cut ye not the road (for travellers), and commit ye not abomination in your meetings? But the answer of his folk was only that they said: Bring Allah’s doom upon us if thou art a truth-teller. {Verse 28-29 – The Spider. Soora Al-Ankaboot}.

    Concerning Woman's Imitating Man and Vice Versa [Keep in mind Begum Nawazish Ali and member of Jamat-e-Islami giving an interview to a transsexual]

    The Prophet (peace be on him) declared that a woman should not wear a man's clothing nor a man a woman's. He cursed men who imitate women and women who imitate men. (Bukhari and Muslim)

    Among those who are cursed by Allah and His angels, both in this world and in the Hereafter, the Prophet (peace be on him) has mentioned the man whom Allah has made a male but who becomes effeminate by imitating women, and a woman whom Allah has made a female but who becomes masculine by imitating men. (Reported by al-Tabarani.)

    The women members of MMA particularly the Female Members related with Qazi Hussain Ahmed are more concerned about how a Free Citizen live his life even within the boundary walls of his/her house but these so-called Lease holder of Paradise and Hell miserably fail to warn their very own Senior Member i.e. Naimatullah Khan [have a flowing and a very beautiful beard too] on conduct unbecoming.

    “Enjoin ye righteousness upon mankind while ye yourselves forget (to practice it) you enjoin right conduct upon mankind, and forget (to practise it)? And ye are readers of the Scripture! Have ye then no sense? {The Cow – II (Soora Al-Baqara) Verse 44}.”

    The Jamat-e-Islami and their member should refer to Quran and Sunnah to learn about Islam instead to reading Islam through the Deviant Books of Mawdoodi.

    Sunnah on Hermaphrodites and Eunuchs says:

    Malik said from Hisham ibn Urwa from his father that an effeminate man was with Umm Salama, the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. He said to Abdullah ibn Abi Umayya while the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was listening. "Abdullah! If Allah grants you victory over Ta'if tomorrow, I will lead you to the daughter of Ghailan. She has four folds on her front and eight folds on her back." The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "This sort of man should not enter freely with you." [Muwatta Imam Malik]

    A hermaphrodite (mukhannath) who had dyed his hands and feet with henna was brought to the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him). He asked: What is the matter with this man? He was told: Apostle of Allah! he affects women's get-up. So he ordered regarding him and he was banished to an-Naqi'. The people said: Apostle of Allah! should we not kill him? He said: I have been prohibited from killing people who pray. AbuUsamah said: Naqi' is a region near Medina and not a Baqi'. [Abu Dawud]

    'A'isha reported that a eunuch used to come to the wives of Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and they did not And anything objectionable in his visit considering him to be a male without any sexual desire. Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) one day came as he was sitting with some of his wives and he was busy in describing the bodily characteristics of a lady and saying: As the comes in front tour folds appear on her front side and as she turns her back eight folds appear on the back side. Thereupon Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: I me that he knows these things; do not, therefore. allow him to cater. She (" A'isha) said: Then they began to observe veil from him. [Muslim]

    Narrated Um Salama:

    that once the Prophet was in her house, and an effeminate man was there too. The effeminate man said to 'Abdullah, (Um Salama's brother) "0 'Abdullah! If Ta'if should be conquered tomorrow, I recommend you the daughter of Ghailan, for she is so fat that she has four curves in the front (of her belly) and eight at the back." So the Prophet said (to his wives) "These effeminate (men) should not enter upon you (your houses). [Bukhari]

    Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

    The Prophet cursed effeminate men (those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, "Turn them out of your houses ." The Prophet turned out such-and-such man, and 'Umar turned out such-and-such woman. [Bukhari]

    Narrated Ibn 'Abbas:

    Allah's Apostle cursed those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners) of women and those women who are in the similitude (assume the manners) of men. [Bukhari]


    The Prophet said: Allah curses those who approach men (homosexuality) or women for anal intercourse (Tirmidhi, Nasaee, ibn Hibban)

    Hadrat Ikrima (may Allah be pleased with him) reported on the authority of Hadrat Ibn ‘Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) that Allah’s Messenger (may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him) said, “If you find anyone doing as Lot’s people did, kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.” (Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah)

    The Prophet (saws) said: (1) "Kill the one who sodomizes and the one who lets if be done to him." (Tirmidhi, a sahih (authentic) hadith)

    "May Allah curse him who does that Lot's people did." (Ibn Hibban, sahih (authentic))

    "Lesbianism by women is adultery between them." (Tabarani, sahih)"

    Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri: The Prophet (saws) said: A man should not look at the private parts of another man, and a woman should not look at the private parts of another woman. A man should not lie with another man without wearing lower garment under one cover; and a woman should not be lie with another woman without wearing lower garment under one cover. (Abu Dawood)

  48. Aamir Mughal Avatar

    any way my demand is still there in case your conscience(if it is not dead) make you to apologise publicly for smearing such a dynamic personality. [Dr Jawwad Khan]

    jamat e islami is behind every move which is directed toward the rule of shariyah, [Dr Jawwad Khan]



    LUNCH WITH BS: 'Begum Nawazish Ali' Kishore Singh / New Delhi October 16, 2007, 0:15 IST….

    Jamaat Islami Party member Naimatullah Khan and Supreme Court lawyer Aitzaz Ehsan, among others — established its bonafide credentials. "The people of Pakistan hide behind veils, masks, facades," he says. Suddenly, a popular, late night chat show was pointing it out — and getting away with it.

  49. noman Avatar

    dactar jawaad true personality revealed.

    cant get hold of his abusive tongue for long

    simply pathetic.

    amir mughal …doing a great job.well done.

    lolz….living in jeddah does not listen to imam e kaaba….lolz

  50. noman Avatar

    Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on April 14, 2009 @ 4:51 pm





    height of helplessness.

    this does not prove those criminals correct


    it changes the opinion of various ullema about them..lolz

    very funny indeed!!

    do this chatakh patakh to all these scholars too as they dont share ur view point.
