Ever since the afternoon of the faithful day when in between the intense fighting at the Lal Masjid, the Pakistan Army victoriously announced the death of the head militant of Lal Masjid Maulana Ghazi Abdul Rashid. Watching the news reports come through on all news channels I did notice that everyone was refraining to tag his death as a Shahdat. For many non-Muslims reading this article, it might seem to be a trivial issue but to a Muslim it means a world of a difference. A simple naming terminology is of no consequence to the soul in this world but it means a phenomenal difference in life-here-after. Quite simply its a decision to be made by Allah for him on the day of the Judgment.
A shaheed is a title that is given to a Muslim after his death, if he died during the fulfillment of a religious commandment. For a moment lets forget the political issues surrounding the crisis, coming to the root of the issue it was Ghazi Abdul Rashid who was defending the integrity of Islam challenging the ineffectiveness of the government in implementing the sharia law hence allowing a progressive degradation of our society. Without doubt Right or Wrong Maulana Shazi Abdul Rashid was defending his place of worship and was fulfilling his religious duties in this process.
Shaheed is a title for a Muslim when he dies for Islam While on the other hand the aggressors (Pakistan Army) were overwhelmingly attacking the mosque to the extent of destroying a large portion of the property throughout the compound. Hence can easily be labeled as aggressors against Islam, which is probably the highest crime for a Muslim. The jawans may be following order but it must be remembered that if one of the jawans were to loose his life in battle against Islam cannot be labeled as a Shaheed simply because he was a Muslim.
I share with you an interesting email I received by Mr. M Javed Iqbal who portrays a very compelling argument, which actually also got me thinking about this important issue. I quote…
During the attack on Lal Masjid and Madarsah Hafsa a question that was repeatedly raised was ‘ Who is “Shaheed” and who is “Halak”.’
In my opinion the distinction is crystal clear. The mistake and mischief lies with the initiator. Who started knocking down masajid in the capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan? If I am traveling and somebody open fires on me, I have a right to defend myself and fire back at him. Therefore we must understand that what Ghazi brothers did was in self defence. The pity is Mullahs of the country have been corrupted by Musharraf by offering nice salaries and perks to them, hence they failed to point out that the sanctity of a masjid was to be safeguarded at all costs. No Muslim can dare attack a masjid, because it is Allah house.
Accordingly security forces, army men and rangers who attacked Lal Masjid are jahunumi and the fighters of Lal Masjid are shuhdaa and shall Insha Allah Will be rewarded with Paradise. Each officer or jawan must have refused to obey illegal order of attacking a masjid. They could say: “Look sir ! we joined the army to protect the Masajid and save women and children, not for destroying and killing them”.
Since they gave preference to order of the officer over Order of Allah, they are mahluk and jahanumi.
The brave fight back of Ghazi Abdul Rashid is an eye opener. When most of the Mullas just talked he challenged the illegal and immoral acts of Musharraf regime of knocking down 90 year old masajid of Islamabad and kept fighting for the cause till death. On such noble death Mir has said:
Marge Majnun pe aqal gum hai Mir Most Mullas could not see this fine line and remained indifferent, although they could have raised hue and cry against desecration of masajid. We should not forget that Quran says “Allah is Most Powerful and Revengeful” Every party can see his image in this mirror!
Kiya Diwane ne maut pai hai !
Considering the issue, I feel convinced that the sad demise of Ghazi Abdul Rashid should be labeled as a Shaheed and full respect offered to the body in regards to its proper dignified burial. I would hold the Pakistani Army responsible to the extent of disobeying the Islamic Law to which they all have sworn to uphold.
He died defending the religion of Islam against the evil forces.
1,044 responses to “Shaheed or Halak ? – Ghazi Abdul Rashid”
i dont know the man is qadiyani or not as it was mentioned above but the same gentleman on another blog posted a link where its stated tht he was ahamedi.
i dont know tht its a propoganda as dactar jawaad says abt everything or its true but, i salute tht he laid his life for the country . no i dont worship pakistan army. i praise the soldiers who fight like warriors not like snakes who hide behind women or in burqa and later run away frm their own call of jihad.
this is the link
and look at the izzat dactar jawad is receving.
imame Qabba stand on the issue is a slap on ur face !!!!
Dactar jawad im doing amar bil maroof.
ISLAMABAD: Imam-e-Kaaba Shaikh Abdur Rehman al-Sudais has ardently appealed to the Lal Masjid administration to give up the path it has adopted for the past few months or the enemy would benefit from anarchy and chaos.
“I deeply regret and am surprised over their undertaking,” he said while talking to a group of senior journalists at the Punjab House on Saturday. Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Asseri was also present on the occasion.
In his brief opening remarks, Asseri said the Muslim Ummah was faced with paramount challenges after 9/11, which should be tackled with wisdom and acumen. The Imam-e-Kaaba said he was disappointed to note that the Lal Masjid brigade had involved women and children who, he said “should not be used (in such activity).”
He said that seizing mosques was an act of enemies of Islam and Pakistan. “Being a well-wisher of Pakistan, I request these people to act while remaining within the clearly defined commandments of the religion. Any transgression will only accomplish the objectives of the enemy,” he said.
He said Islam does not allow anybody to make mosques sanctuary this way. This is no wise method, he said, adding that mosques are Houses of Allah Almighty, not meant to show power by any person or group. “Anybody who likes to enforce Islamic Shariah can’t force it on his own. It can’t be enforced at the individual level. Ulema and those having knowledge of Islam should be approached for this purpose.”
Al-Sudais expressed the hope that the issue would remain confined to the local level and would be resolved amicably. However, he said there are a lot of people in Pakistan who understand the religion and its spirit well, and a wrong course adopted by some would not make any difference.
“I counsel these people to compassionately resolve the issue according to the distinguished principles of Islam in consultation with the government, Ulema and officials,” the Imam-e-Kaaba stressed. He said Islam does not allow violence, terrorism and use of force. The religion teaches mutual compassion and emphasises on love and affection.
Al-Sudais said that in an Islamic government, everybody cannot act on his own and has to follow the system and institutions of the state. Anarchy and chaos, he said, are worse than murder, and Muslims must have to act collectively. They are not allowed to adopt an independent path.
The Imam-e-Kaaba said Muslims are protectors of each other while limiting themselves to the confines of the law, and the rules prescribed by the state institutions. Islam prohibits taking any actions that divide Muslims.
According to Noman a sunni who dies while defending Islam is not Shaheed, while a qadiani (who are Kafir) who dies while fighting his war is a Shaheed.
Wow!!! what a distorted morality….
An Ahmadi Major lays down his life for Pakistan
Major Afzal Mehmood was born in 1976 in Karachi and he did his F.SC from T.I College (Taleem ul Islam College) Rabwah, And for his Country and People he was fighting with the enemy in FC NWFP from past year. On 19th June 2009 he went on Patrol with his men on Pak-Afghan border but near Bajur they were ambushed the troops returned fire but this brave man achieved Shahadat (Martyrdom) when he was hit by a bullet in the Head.
On 20th June his Body was brought to Rabwah for Burial were he was given Full Army Salute and a Shaheed’s Burial.
sunni?/ ghazi brothers
he did not die for islam
so dont try to twist things ….
i dont know the major was qadiyani or not…must be a propoganda.
even if he was then i salute his bravery as he fought for the country .i have nothing to do with his faith or religion.
ghazi brothers criminials i dont even care abt their sect….
and for ur convienience i will put imam e qaaba stand on ur so called criminal minded shaheeds …
ISLAMABAD: Imam-e-Kaaba Shaikh Abdur Rehman al-Sudais has ardently appealed to the Lal Masjid administration to give up the path it has adopted for the past few months or the enemy would benefit from anarchy and chaos.
“I deeply regret and am surprised over their undertaking,” he said while talking to a group of senior journalists at the Punjab House on Saturday. Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Asseri was also present on the occasion.
In his brief opening remarks, Asseri said the Muslim Ummah was faced with paramount challenges after 9/11, which should be tackled with wisdom and acumen. The Imam-e-Kaaba said he was disappointed to note that the Lal Masjid brigade had involved women and children who, he said “should not be used (in such activity).”
He said that seizing mosques was an act of enemies of Islam and Pakistan. “Being a well-wisher of Pakistan, I request these people to act while remaining within the clearly defined commandments of the religion. Any transgression will only accomplish the objectives of the enemy,” he said.
He said Islam does not allow anybody to make mosques sanctuary this way. This is no wise method, he said, adding that mosques are Houses of Allah Almighty, not meant to show power by any person or group. “Anybody who likes to enforce Islamic Shariah can’t force it on his own. It can’t be enforced at the individual level. Ulema and those having knowledge of Islam should be approached for this purpose.”
Al-Sudais expressed the hope that the issue would remain confined to the local level and would be resolved amicably. However, he said there are a lot of people in Pakistan who understand the religion and its spirit well, and a wrong course adopted by some would not make any difference.
“I counsel these people to compassionately resolve the issue according to the distinguished principles of Islam in consultation with the government, Ulema and officials,” the Imam-e-Kaaba stressed. He said Islam does not allow violence, terrorism and use of force. The religion teaches mutual compassion and emphasises on love and affection.
Al-Sudais said that in an Islamic government, everybody cannot act on his own and has to follow the system and institutions of the state. Anarchy and chaos, he said, are worse than murder, and Muslims must have to act collectively. They are not allowed to adopt an independent path.
The Imam-e-Kaaba said Muslims are protectors of each other while limiting themselves to the confines of the law, and the rules prescribed by the state institutions. Islam prohibits taking any actions that divide Muslims.
(ghazi brothers actions were out of the domain of islam , im not challanging their faith)
yes i have seen the link and my comment even posted there…..
So if Ghazi didn't die for Islam, your sick mind thinks that this bastard Qadiani major died for Islam?
You guys worship every thing other than Allah. For you Qadiani is Shaheed, Hindu, kafirs can be shaheed but a Sunni Muslim can not be shaheed?
When the Govt forgets its duties to protect poor citizens than its the duty of Muslims to rise up against the unjust, tyrant Govt and thats what Ghazi and his students did.
Any body who fights and dies against this corrupt govt and the establishment is a Shaheed.
First of all u don’t have to abuse while arguing
It proves nothing but only speaks of your personality.
The governments were always bad, the budgets were always bad
Nothing new
Yes the major was in pakistan army. Pakistan army is fighting against terrorist .
The talibans and these low class mullahs are involved in anti Islamic services.
Well I cannot call ghazi brothers innumerable crimes as service to mankind.
He was doing this fasad for his own personal benefit.
If a site that you are a qadiyani I should believe that site or u ????????????
If imam e Qaaba cannot convince u im sorry then im nothing.
He has given a very detailed answer and it includes everything wat ever ur alleging…
All the renowned religious scholars share the same opinion
Im once again pasting his view point, read carefully and I hope u will get the answer.
Imam-e-Kaaba Shaikh Abdur Rehman al-Sudais has ardently appealed to the Lal Masjid administration to give up the path it has adopted for the past few months or the enemy would benefit from anarchy and chaos.
“I deeply regret and am surprised over their undertaking,” he said while talking to a group of senior journalists at the Punjab House on Saturday. Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Asseri was also present on the occasion.
In his brief opening remarks, Asseri said the Muslim Ummah was faced with paramount challenges after 9/11, which should be tackled with wisdom and acumen. The Imam-e-Kaaba said he was disappointed to note that the Lal Masjid brigade had involved women and children who, he said “should not be used (in such activity).”
He said that seizing mosques was an act of enemies of Islam and Pakistan. “Being a well-wisher of Pakistan, I request these people to act while remaining within the clearly defined commandments of the religion. Any transgression will only accomplish the objectives of the enemy,” he said.
He said Islam does not allow anybody to make mosques sanctuary this way. This is no wise method, he said, adding that mosques are Houses of Allah Almighty, not meant to show power by any person or group. “Anybody who likes to enforce Islamic Shariah can’t force it on his own. It can’t be enforced at the individual level. Ulema and those having knowledge of Islam should be approached for this purpose.”
Al-Sudais expressed the hope that the issue would remain confined to the local level and would be resolved amicably. However, he said there are a lot of people in Pakistan who understand the religion and its spirit well, and a wrong course adopted by some would not make any difference.
“I counsel these people to compassionately resolve the issue according to the distinguished principles of Islam in consultation with the government, Ulema and officials,” the Imam-e-Kaaba stressed. He said Islam does not allow violence, terrorism and use of force. The religion teaches mutual compassion and emphasises on love and affection.
Al-Sudais said that in an Islamic government, everybody cannot act on his own and has to follow the system and institutions of the state. Anarchy and chaos, he said, are worse than murder, and Muslims must have to act collectively. They are not allowed to adopt an independent path.
The Imam-e-Kaaba said Muslims are protectors of each other while limiting themselves to the confines of the law, and the rules prescribed by the state institutions. Islam prohibits taking any actions that divide Muslims.
And mr asim ur againg alleging I only worship Allah and consider Muhammad p.b.u.h as his last prophet.
look who is talking.the munafiq who uses multiple ID's to defame the shohada e islam.the shameless hypocrite liar
noman is nothing but shameless liar. the disgusting monkey only knows to jump from one position to another .here is the example .he denied that he doesn't know about qadiyani army officer here:
***Comment by noman on July 1, 2009 @ 6:06 am****
"i dont know the major was qadiyani or not…must be a
not realizing that he had given the refrence of pak tea house own by qadiyanis.which clearly state that the army officer was a qadiyani.he said here:
***Comment by noman on June 29, 2009 @ 10:03 am***
he read every comments on pak tea house and forgot to read the introduction of that slain son of a bitch?
Typical lie of a hypocrite
you know what the low lives moderator of pak tea house did?the followers of that GOD damn kazzab were in the state of denial.they denied every thing.town of kababeer or jew professor testimony about 600 qadiyani soldiers. every thing….and when i started qiving the refrences from the books of the mentality retarded sick bastard "ghulam ahmed qadiyani", they deleted my comments and they started threatening me.
what a pathetic low lives they are??(Qadiyanis and Munafiqeen
its again the time for facts check.
noman is a walking talking real munafiq.still very few in muslim society.
before talking to this son of a gun you must know the history.he is in this forum since more than 2 years,mocking with shohada e islam. like a bijjoo who digs the grave and take out the human body and eat that.
here is the example of his monkey business.
1)he has history of using multiple ID’s. @haq made a brilliant analysis.please also read the comments of @haq here:
Comment by haq on August 11, 2007 @ 5:17 am(just read it and enjoy)
2) this monkey business again confirmed by teethmaestro here:
Comment by Teeth Maestro on August 13, 2007 @ 5:15 pm
3) once he changed the ID during the conversation with me and didn't realize that and kept posting with fake ID. read and enjoy from here:
Comment by faisal on December 9, 2008 @ 4:47 am
till here:
Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on December 10, 2008 @ 6:23 am
4) he also used nick name like FAISAL and SICK N TIRED.
question is why?
answer i have already given.
he claimed that i didn’t give single refrence from Quran and hadith.
my answer is ” la’anat ullahe alal kazibeen wal munafiqeen”
Iyes I gave the link and I said I did not know he was a qadiyani coz the gentleman(jinnah disgraced) above had not given the link here but on teeth maestro he (jinnah disgraced)another blog gave this link which I saw later.
I reffered to the link for the izzat afzai u were receiving on that site.
Same question to u
If ur name is mentioned anywhere saying ur a qadiyani u will be a qdiyani as lot of cheepsters like u on the blog call those who oppose ur lover ghazi brothers as kafir
So do u think this bogus propaganda of urs make anybody kafir
I still don’t know abt that major …right!!!!!!!!!
Maybe or maybe not
U masters in qadiyaniat
And visitor of qadiani temples
Y u on every blog teaching qadiyaniat????????????
The major was a brave heart soldier of Pakistan army and was fighting against the terrorist….
and as far as the other crap i have answered secveral times
you u intentionally avoid to accept imam e Qaaba stand??????
y u constantly trying to divert the attention??????????/
the izzat afazi on the pak tea blog is ur true worth
i dont know anything about qadiyaniat so dont try to give a lecture on that.
u and ppl like u trying to divert the attention by talking abt major
Imam-e-Kaaba Shaikh Abdur Rehman al-Sudais has ardently appealed to the Lal Masjid administration to give up the path it has adopted for the past few months or the enemy would benefit from anarchy and chaos.
“I deeply regret and am surprised over their undertaking,” he said while talking to a group of senior journalists at the Punjab House on Saturday. Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Asseri was also present on the occasion.
In his brief opening remarks, Asseri said the Muslim Ummah was faced with paramount challenges after 9/11, which should be tackled with wisdom and acumen. The Imam-e-Kaaba said he was disappointed to note that the Lal Masjid brigade had involved women and children who, he said “should not be used (in such activity).”
He said that seizing mosques was an act of enemies of Islam and Pakistan. “Being a well-wisher of Pakistan, I request these people to act while remaining within the clearly defined commandments of the religion. Any transgression will only accomplish the objectives of the enemy,” he said.
He said Islam does not allow anybody to make mosques sanctuary this way. This is no wise method, he said, adding that mosques are Houses of Allah Almighty, not meant to show power by any person or group. “Anybody who likes to enforce Islamic Shariah can’t force it on his own. It can’t be enforced at the individual level. Ulema and those having knowledge of Islam should be approached for this purpose.”
Al-Sudais expressed the hope that the issue would remain confined to the local level and would be resolved amicably. However, he said there are a lot of people in Pakistan who understand the religion and its spirit well, and a wrong course adopted by some would not make any difference.
“I counsel these people to compassionately resolve the issue according to the distinguished principles of Islam in consultation with the government, Ulema and officials,” the Imam-e-Kaaba stressed. He said Islam does not allow violence, terrorism and use of force. The religion teaches mutual compassion and emphasises on love and affection.
Al-Sudais said that in an Islamic government, everybody cannot act on his own and has to follow the system and institutions of the state. Anarchy and chaos, he said, are worse than murder, and Muslims must have to act collectively. They are not allowed to adopt an independent path.
The Imam-e-Kaaba said Muslims are protectors of each other while limiting themselves to the confines of the law, and the rules prescribed by the state institutions. Islam prohibits taking any actions that divide Muslims.
better challange him!!
( when i talk about him its u who jump and hide like ur fav pet not me)
first of all you were happy when people were abusing Jawwad on Pak Tea house and you called it Izzat afzai…well may Allah give Honor to Dr Jawwad, Ameeen.
the kuffar of mecca used to abude Muhammad (S.A.W.W), they wanted Muhammad(S.A.W.W) to get tired and give up his message. You can be sarcastic and call it *izzat afzai* too, but then where does it put you then? among the kuffar.
So nothing to loose for Dr Jawwad, Insha Allah. May Allah give him (Dr. Jawwad) sons like Ummar Khattab, Hamza(Asad-ullah), Ali, Abu-Bakar, Abu-Obaidah, Khalid Bin AlWaleed (R.A un-hum), Ameeeeen.
May Allah give you hidaya and open your heart and may Allah save you from following the disciples of Dajjal, Ameeen.
brother asim!
i have no word,i don't know what should i say. i am honored and moved.
i am not here to defend my honor i am here to defend the honor of ghazi abdul rasheed(in a right sense he doesn't need that because he is already given a special honor and special level by Allah(swt) and i believe that howling monkeys like noman can't damage his image. because he gave his life in a way of Allah(swt).
what just happend when i saw this guy trying to defame the high level soul along with other shohada i couldn't control my self and since about 8 months i am here trying to respond the monkey business.
any way again thanks a lot for the wishes.may Allah give you the best gift Allah gives to his loved ones.thanks a lot brother.
lolzzz (well may Allah give Honor to Dr Jawwad, Ameeen)
u or anybody like him are only respected by each other as u share the same filth in ur mind.
both of you did not reply if any site calls u a qadiyani one shd believe that site or not???????
for 8 months dactar jawadd is in denial….
yes for last 8/10 months ur displaying ur true worth and proving nothing else
none of u commented on imam e Qaaba comments about lal masjid molvis
high level soul…rubbish
dactar jawaad not only on this blog but on various other teeth maestro blogs u use the same galam galoch typical sick menatality of urs.
dont teach us qadiyaniat please
y ur so hesitant to accept imam e Qaaba comments
he does not call ur high level souls as correct
y would the honorable dactar jawaad would even touch upon that
if i dont agree with dactar jawaad galam galoch then it makes me a kafir ????? asim u r toooo ……:))))))))
to call somebody a kafir or Qadiani is a one second game .u proved it thtsy i dont bel in this falana is a qadiani and falana is kafir propoganda.
asim y dont u agree with imam e Qaaba???? may Allah give u light and hidayat.
u better keep on taking qadiyaniat lessons from dactar sahib as in tht wat he is masters.
read carefully what imam eqaaba says abt the most braveheart warriors !!!!!
Imam-e-Kaaba Shaikh Abdur Rehman al-Sudais has ardently appealed to the Lal Masjid administration to give up the path it has adopted for the past few months or the enemy would benefit from anarchy and chaos.
“I deeply regret and am surprised over their undertaking,” he said while talking to a group of senior journalists at the Punjab House on Saturday. Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Asseri was also present on the occasion.
In his brief opening remarks, Asseri said the Muslim Ummah was faced with paramount challenges after 9/11, which should be tackled with wisdom and acumen. The Imam-e-Kaaba said he was disappointed to note that the Lal Masjid brigade had involved women and children who, he said “should not be used (in such activity).”
He said that seizing mosques was an act of enemies of Islam and Pakistan. “Being a well-wisher of Pakistan, I request these people to act while remaining within the clearly defined commandments of the religion. Any transgression will only accomplish the objectives of the enemy,” he said.
He said Islam does not allow anybody to make mosques sanctuary this way. This is no wise method, he said, adding that mosques are Houses of Allah Almighty, not meant to show power by any person or group. “Anybody who likes to enforce Islamic Shariah can’t force it on his own. It can’t be enforced at the individual level. Ulema and those having knowledge of Islam should be approached for this purpose.”
Al-Sudais expressed the hope that the issue would remain confined to the local level and would be resolved amicably. However, he said there are a lot of people in Pakistan who understand the religion and its spirit well, and a wrong course adopted by some would not make any difference.
“I counsel these people to compassionately resolve the issue according to the distinguished principles of Islam in consultation with the government, Ulema and officials,” the Imam-e-Kaaba stressed. He said Islam does not allow violence, terrorism and use of force. The religion teaches mutual compassion and emphasises on love and affection.
Al-Sudais said that in an Islamic government, everybody cannot act on his own and has to follow the system and institutions of the state. Anarchy and chaos, he said, are worse than murder, and Muslims must have to act collectively. They are not allowed to adopt an independent path.
The Imam-e-Kaaba said Muslims are protectors of each other while limiting themselves to the confines of the law, and the rules prescribed by the state institutions. Islam prohibits taking any actions that divide Muslims.
The reason I have respect for Dr jawwad is because of Deen-e-Mohammad (S.A.W.W), if you call it filth, then Allah is witness on you. As there is nothing else that we share.
Don't abuse Imam-e-Kaba for your sick theories and all you can do is just cut/paste the same stupid comment, worthless of replying.
Imam-e-Kaba did not know that our President of that time was a pimp.
Imam-e-Kaba did not know that Musharraf saved a group of rapists, who raped Dr Shazia, just because this group of rapists were sons of our Bastard Generals.
Imam-e-Kaba did not know that Pervez Musharraf termed the gang rape of Mukhtara maiee as something that she asked for , just to get immigration.
Imam-e-Kaba did not know that Pakistan Army and police are just to protect pimps and whores and take a commission out of this *trade*.
So stop abusing the poor Imam, all he wanted was nothing more than peace in Pakistan.
The poor Imam did not know what our Generals did in Bangladesh.
Imam-e-Kaba didn't ask Ghazi brothers to worship Pakistan Army (like you do) and take every word of this facist organization as above Quran and Sunnah.
Yes I had respect for Pakistan Army and I wanted to join Pakistan Army just like any other Pakistani. But not any more.
They ar just a bunch of pimps who have no code, no ethics and no values. I'm thankful to Allah that he saved me from eating Haram and obeying Haram, Alhamdulillah
"Al-Sudais said that in an Islamic government, everybody cannot act on his own and has to follow the system and institutions of the state. Anarchy and chaos, he said, are worse than murder, and Muslims must have to act collectively. They are not allowed to adopt an independent path."
Pakistan is a Muslim Majority Country (and every other person no matter what Aqeedah he holds call himself a Muslim, which is not the case), and the Government is not Islamic Government.
Yes I had respect for Pakistan Army and I wanted to join Pakistan Army just like any other Pakistani. But not any more.
They ar just a bunch of pimps who have no code, no ethics and no values. I'm thankful to Allah that he saved me from eating Haram and obeying Haram, Alhamdulillah. [∞]
I second you here, i have nothing but disrespect for Pakistan Army in my heart.
Now I know y u disrespect Pakistan army
U both must be issb rejects.
Both of ur lying willfully
Imran u dint even know that capt kernel sher khan shaheed
The brave soldier was from Pakistan army ( in ur last post)
However ur justifications for filthy and abusive language used by urself and dactar jawadd are nothing but pieces of crap
This is what u call deen e muhammdi?????????????/
Imam e Qaaba….
I respect his opinion . its u who is riducling him.
This is the same dactar jawad logic and version…lolz
Ur the knowalls.
U were standing when dr shazia was being reportedly raped by sons of generals
Waisay kis general k betay thay??????/
Nobody is asking u to worship anybody except Allah
But u do not believe in Allahs word.
U believe tht the imam behind whom everybody performs haj knew nothing
Only coz he does not share dactar jawaad and ur view point????????
A fatwa has now come out from all ullema in Pakistan against the activities of Taliban
Molana naeemi has been martyred . he himself condemned the sick talibani activities
As does his son who is new mohtamam of jamia naeemia but maybe according to u they are also ignorant.
Fact of the matter is everyone shd worship the lal masjid molvis.
They should not believe Quran/sunna
Use abusive language and call those who believe in Quran as kafirs.
Plz support any of ur points with the help of Quran i.e suicide bombing,burning property, cutting throats, kidnapping women, hanging dead bodies, wearing burqa , last but not least running away from a so called righteous cause .ur ume hassan and burqa molvi are also beneficiaries of deal with zardari.
Even ghazi decoit was looking for an nro i.e safe passage
And plz do not ridicule imam e Qaaba by portraying that dactar jawad is a more enlightened man .
Don’t try to become hamid mir
i.e twist and confuse the topic if u cannot convince.
Do upload ur conversation on u tube with imam e qaaba in which he told u that my dear asim im ignorant of current affairs.
The sins ur indulging in like calling people bastards, kadiani, kafir , pimps etc etc cannot be nowzubilah examples of sunnah but y would u care
Ur only agenda is to malign islam and display ur true personality showing ur background.
Im really sorry for both of u maybe even dactar jawad for being rejected by issb.
respect of pakistan army??lolzzzz noman lolzzzz
by the way what happens to your Quran and sunnah when your army sell the pakistanis for dollars?
when they grabs the lands of pakistan?
shall i repeat myself which i have already said from here:
***Comment by dr jawwad khan on May 25, 2009 @ 2:04 pm***
upto here:
***Comment by dr jawwad khan on May 25, 2009 @ 3:08 pm ****
the reality is bitter but the truth is that this army is nothing but bharhay ka tattoo.this army can bomb the khana e kabaa if americans give them enough dollars.
what a lowlives they are!!!!!
and here he goes again.
first he chanted "quran and sunnah" than i slaped his face with the refrences from Quran and hadith.
then he started saying that ghazi brothers were crimanals then supreme court kick his lying butt by releasing molana abdul aziz.
and now imam e kaaba!!!!
which is eloquently responded by brother asim and imran ali.
but nothing can stop @noman because:
he is legendary munafiq like abdulla ibn e ubbai….
Pakistani Fauj
Maal-o-daulat ho bey hisab
nokar chakar hon dastiyab
yahee hai GHQ kaa nisaaab
Ho dushman taqatwar agar
to daal-dain hathyar uthakar,
mangey jo dushman inkee maan ko
naa-dain magar qeemat paa kar
phir agar qaum haey karey agar
lagadain bohtan apni hi man pr,
kis kis ko ro-ogay, aey faraz,
jo they kal tak shaheen o baaz
nikley qaum kai qatil, dagha baz
respect for pakistan Army remains the same coz if thats true
then apki azad adlia aur azad cheaf justice ko apni rozi roti halal karni chahye.
otherwise its the famous dactar jawaad sayings……a propoganda
secondly when in my conversation have u read me praising the generals of the army?????????????/
its u who quote the late general kiani not me…then call him tht ugly gali aswell.
i fully support musharraf for lal masjid operation plus wats goin on now in swat.
supreme court___________________ man everybody knows he cut out a deal and came out.
thts y his mouth is shut and desire for so called jihad is dead.
imam e Qaaba and brother asim …yes he copied ur explaination.
anything which does not suit u would hv this kind of lucid explaination.
basically ur trying to allege tht he was too corrupt and nothing else
shame on you.
munafiq ???????/me???????
coz i dont agree with ur stupid excuses/ explaination.
u being in saudia know everything
imam e Qaaba knows nothing
how convienient & really funny!!!!!!
the other brother of urs i.e imran did not know tht capt kernal sher khan was a fauji ____ tou unki aqal ko waisay hi salam.
khana kaaba ki respect jitni app kartay hain its quite evident tht if u get the chance u hv the tendency to harm.
but inshallah aisa ho ga kabhi nahi.
nothing happens to my Quran and sunnah nowzubillah. pakistan army has soldiers who fight against criminals like ur beloved molvis and the barbaric talibans.
dactatr jawaad ki worth bus itni hai k koi bhi aira ghaira dactar sahib ki uper ki cuttings nechay laga dey aur 4 lines dactar sahib ki tareef kar dei tou dactar sahib k mureed tayar.
for your dear ghazi criminals imam e Qaaba made a very nice statement which is as follows
Imam-e-Kaaba Shaikh Abdur Rehman al-Sudais has ardently appealed to the Lal Masjid administration to give up the path it has adopted for the past few months or the enemy would benefit from anarchy and chaos.
“I deeply regret and am surprised over their undertaking,” he said while talking to a group of senior journalists at the Punjab House on Saturday. Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Asseri was also present on the occasion.
In his brief opening remarks, Asseri said the Muslim Ummah was faced with paramount challenges after 9/11, which should be tackled with wisdom and acumen. The Imam-e-Kaaba said he was disappointed to note that the Lal Masjid brigade had involved women and children who, he said “should not be used (in such activity).”
He said that seizing mosques was an act of enemies of Islam and Pakistan. “Being a well-wisher of Pakistan, I request these people to act while remaining within the clearly defined commandments of the religion. Any transgression will only accomplish the objectives of the enemy,” he said.
He said Islam does not allow anybody to make mosques sanctuary this way. This is no wise method, he said, adding that mosques are Houses of Allah Almighty, not meant to show power by any person or group. “Anybody who likes to enforce Islamic Shariah can’t force it on his own. It can’t be enforced at the individual level. Ulema and those having knowledge of Islam should be approached for this purpose.”
Al-Sudais expressed the hope that the issue would remain confined to the local level and would be resolved amicably. However, he said there are a lot of people in Pakistan who understand the religion and its spirit well, and a wrong course adopted by some would not make any difference.
“I counsel these people to compassionately resolve the issue according to the distinguished principles of Islam in consultation with the government, Ulema and officials,” the Imam-e-Kaaba stressed. He said Islam does not allow violence, terrorism and use of force. The religion teaches mutual compassion and emphasises on love and affection.
Al-Sudais said that in an Islamic government, everybody cannot act on his own and has to follow the system and institutions of the state. Anarchy and chaos, he said, are worse than murder, and Muslims must have to act collectively. They are not allowed to adopt an independent path.
The Imam-e-Kaaba said Muslims are protectors of each other while limiting themselves to the confines of the law, and the rules prescribed by the state institutions. Islam prohibits taking any actions that divide Muslims.
u give references from Quran/sunna about suicide bombing/cutting throats, burning property, slandering, wearing burqa by men,abduction and kidnapping…..right???
again really sorry for all of u for being issb rejects!!
Chalo yai log to ISSB kai reject hain.
magar unn ko kiaa kahogey jo ISSB main clear ho-aey aur qaum kai sab sai barey Gandoo baney (Musharraf).
ISSB main woh log clear hotey hain jinko dakoo bann-na hota hai aur woh badnam bhee nahee hona chahtey.
Aik dakoo woh hotaa hai jo kisee kaa mobile cheen leta hai aur apney ghr kaa cholha jalata hai. Aik dakoo woh hotaa hai jo apnee qaum ko thook lagata hai aur phir bhee boltaa hai kah mairee izzat karo. bey hisaab acres kee zameen khaa jataa hai. Qaum kee daulat kaa malik bann jaata hai, jisey chahta hai nawaztaa hai aur jisey chahta hai jail main daal detaa hai.
Musharraf bhee dosree qisam kaa dakoo thaa, abb apney dosrey bhi dakooo-on kai sath karachi main takhtian laga raha hai
(ISSB main woh log clear hotey hain jinko dakoo bann-na hota hai aur woh badnam bhee nahee hona chahtey.)
angoor khattay hona issi ko kehtay hain.
Dakaition ka tou pata nahi lekin suicide bombings mai jo innocent log martay hain unkay baray mai app kiun khamosh hain.
Jin masoom logon k gallon par churian phair k Taliban islam ka name roashan kartay hain…uss par bhi apko koi aitraz nahi.
Deeni decoits are ofcourse above the law ,lal masjid is a case in point.jamia hafza built on grabbed land , weopns purchased from zakat money. Ab bhi halway aur bakray ki larai hai..
Our molvis are shamelessly begging always, even molana burqas real issue was the zakat money collected by him in the billions.
Thtsy we have zardari as president.
Imam chor hon tou kaum yehi deserve karti hai.
Apki azad adlia ch arsalan cj son k baray mai abhi tak khamosh hai.
Swat operation k khilf bhi koi suo moto nahi hua.
Molana burqa bhi deal kar k hi bahir aya.
Sab shariyat dali dabay mai aur mian biwi jahad chor k bhag niklay …laanat
Ummehassan was such a nice loving mother of the girls tht she ran leaving behind her children.
I have never praised any general. But hats off to all those police men, rangers,army men who went in and secured lal mosque from the hands of jewishindian agents.
Hats off to the brave men fighting against Indian sponsored baitullas and fazzuillah. May Allah bless these brave souls and grant them success.
What is the so called azad chief justice, adlia doing to rid Pakistan of corrouption?????????
Ab tou medis bhi azad hai…
Sorry for all issb rejects )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Pak fauj zindabad
Pakistan paindabad
Too akelaa hee maur hai kiaa iss jungle main? khud hee nachtaa hai aur khud hee khush hotaa hai 🙂
Musharraf to aaj kal bijlee choree karkey guzara kar raha hai, kiaa tum log bhee aaj kal Atamee-asassey bachaney kai liey cell-phone cheen cheen kar guzara kar rahey ho?
Musharraf kee tarhaa tum log bhee apney har kaam ko Qaum kee hifazat sai mansoob kardetay ho.
Jo kaam dushman nahee karsaktey they woh kaam Musharraf nai kiaa, Pakistan ko pathar kai zamaney main pohnchaa diaa. Naa bijleee hai aur naa Pani.
JANGAL KA MORE!!!! hahahhahaha well said
Question is jungal ka more ya army ka roger more?
or aunty shameem ki debi more?
Jin logon kai gallon par churiyan pheri gayi un ko Masoom honay ka ticket tu govt or army daiti hai, aur in kai nazdeek doosroon ka khoon khoon nahee paani hai, har banday ko haq hasil hai kai wo apna badla lai, chahai wo gala kaat kai lai ya saman kaat kar [:D].
Bilkul sahi, asim. Pathar ke zamanay kay mazhab ke lye pathar ke zamanay ki baqi cheezein bhi poori ho gai hain.
old is gold danial! old is always gold.
barhay bhai yeh sooraj,pani aur hawa to pathar kay zamany say bhee pehlay kay hen.to kia aap inhen is bunyad par mustarad karden gay kay yeh purani cheez hay.
eye for an eye! is the most logical legislature human history ever made.
Mein pathar ke zamanay ki soch ki taraf ishara kar raha tha, jo ke aap jantay thay magar phir bhi aap ne bongi maarnay ka faisla kya. Afsos.
Aur agar "old is gold" ki bina par hum mazhab ka intikhab karna chahtay hain to phir to sooraj, aag, samundar ko poojna shuru kar dein. Ya phir Yoonani khudaon par yaqeen kar lein.
Baat wohi hai: puranay zamanay mein insani soch uss had tak nahin pohanchi thi jis hadd tak woh aaj ponanch chuki hai. Iss liye woh insaan jo apni sochnay ki salahiat ko band nahin karta, usse yeh puranay zamanay ki kahanian aur lateefay nahin pasand aatay.
imran… ur lack of common sense and knowledge forcing u to abuse..:))))))) jaheelns k pass apni baat manwanay k liyay gali sai behtar koi tareeqa nahi.ghazi k fans qadiyani/kafir hi kartay rahain gai…lolzzz
imran capt kernal shair khan jinki app tareef kar rahay thai pakistan army mai hain…:))))))
confused minded imran ali.
even could not explain , neither ur peer sahib could understand ur previous post that what u were trying to say and for what
same opinion for dactar jawad
dactar jawaad .(abey noman!
tu abhee tak zinda hay.men samjha phosphorus bomb say khudkashi kar li hay.
gud logic to defend the criminals….
imam e Qaaba nai ghazi criminals k baray may yeh farmaya hai
Imam-e-Kaaba Shaikh Abdur Rehman al-Sudais has ardently appealed to the Lal Masjid administration to give up the path it has adopted for the past few months or the enemy would benefit from anarchy and chaos.
“I deeply regret and am surprised over their undertaking,” he said while talking to a group of senior journalists at the Punjab House on Saturday. Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Asseri was also present on the occasion.
In his brief opening remarks, Asseri said the Muslim Ummah was faced with paramount challenges after 9/11, which should be tackled with wisdom and acumen. The Imam-e-Kaaba said he was disappointed to note that the Lal Masjid brigade had involved women and children who, he said “should not be used (in such activity).”
He said that seizing mosques was an act of enemies of Islam and Pakistan. “Being a well-wisher of Pakistan, I request these people to act while remaining within the clearly defined commandments of the religion. Any transgression will only accomplish the objectives of the enemy,” he said.
He said Islam does not allow anybody to make mosques sanctuary this way. This is no wise method, he said, adding that mosques are Houses of Allah Almighty, not meant to show power by any person or group. “Anybody who likes to enforce Islamic Shariah can’t force it on his own. It can’t be enforced at the individual level. Ulema and those having knowledge of Islam should be approached for this purpose.”
Al-Sudais expressed the hope that the issue would remain confined to the local level and would be resolved amicably. However, he said there are a lot of people in Pakistan who understand the religion and its spirit well, and a wrong course adopted by some would not make any difference.
“I counsel these people to compassionately resolve the issue according to the distinguished principles of Islam in consultation with the government, Ulema and officials,” the Imam-e-Kaaba stressed. He said Islam does not allow violence, terrorism and use of force. The religion teaches mutual compassion and emphasises on love and affection.
Al-Sudais said that in an Islamic government, everybody cannot act on his own and has to follow the system and institutions of the state. Anarchy and chaos, he said, are worse than murder, and Muslims must have to act collectively. They are not allowed to adopt an independent path.
The Imam-e-Kaaba said Muslims are protectors of each other while limiting themselves to the confines of the law, and the rules prescribed by the state institutions. Islam prohibits taking any actions that divide Muslims.
really feel sorry for issb rejects :)))))))
barhay bhai!
aap inkisaree say kam lay rahay hen aap nay soch ki bat nahee ki mazhab ki bat ki thi.
bilkul poojen gay ba shart yeh kay sooraj ghuroob na ho, aag thandi na ho aur paani kabhee sookhay na!
ab yeh to koee bat na huwee kay aik khuda(pani) ko choolay par charhaya aur aik khuda(aag) ko neechahy laga diya.ab agar handi ulat gaee to neechay wala khuda barbad naheen to ooper wala khuda barbad.
"puranay zamanay mein insani soch uss had tak nahin pohanchi thi jis hadd tak woh aaj ponanch chuki hai"
there are many thing which do change but some things never change.saanp kabhi dasna naheen chorhta.insan qatal karna naheen chorhta.darindagee ki woh woh misalen is jadeed dor men qayam huwee hen jis ko dekh kar shetan bhee sharma jaey.
aur jo chand log mohazab bhi huway hen to woh is tarah kay kay ab woh aik do ka gala katnay men sakht karahiyat mehsoos kartay hen.agar koee aisa manzar dekh len to raton ko neend naheen aatee.psychiatrist kay pas jatay hen.maheenon ilaj chalta hay…..to unhon nay socha kay itni hewaniyat kay muzahiray say bachnay kay liyay johri,kimiyayi aur hayatiyati aslaha bana liya jaey, daizy cutter,MOBs aur buker busters bana liyay… 🙂 ab aap ko talwar lekar logon ki gardanen naheen utarni parhen gee.bas aik button dabana hoga.sheher kay sheher aur gaon kay gaon safha e hastee say mit jaen gay.
and guess what??
you will remain a civilized and modern man.(taliyan….)
Asim _______ tou meray agay kiun rotay ho bhai apnay azad cheif justice ko kahain k jashan bohat mana lia , americans sai bhi mulaqatein kar li ab koi kam bhi kar lein.beechari mazloom mukhran maai bhi bijli chor hai , fata mai tou koi bill deta nahi tou unn sai shikayat kiun nahi?????????
jungle ka morr _ thanks. agar app sab lajawab hain tou iss mai mera kia qasoor.app k mehboob molana burqa aur aunty umme hassan agar jahad chor k bhag gayay apnay so called massom bachon ko chor k apni jaan bacha li tou iss mai bhi mera koi qasoor nahi.
dactar sahib…bari ghair sharaee angrazi films dekhna shru kar di hain?
yeh dekhtay huway shariat chutti chali jati hai.
dactar jawad aikalay tou iss blog par apnay apko bohat baibus mehsoos kartay hain
tou jab inhi ki tarh ki koi fazool goi karnay wala jayay tou phir apnay fave pet ki tarh dactar sahab tamam mareez bhool k ajatay hain :))))))
as for aunty shami !
MARRIAGE PROPOSAL: Maulana Aziz said that a “special centre” had been set up in Madressah Hafsa titled “Taibaat Abidaat Centre” to provide shelter to women who would voluntarily give up their “immoral activities”. He said these women would be provided “security and protection” through “marriages”. Maulana Aziz announced that he would marry any woman who repented and gave up her immoral life. “I am now 46 years old and am ready to marry a woman who is between 35 to 40 years of age. If she promises to live a life of piety, I promise that I will never refer about her past life,” Maulana Aziz announced.
capt kernal shaheed ka pata chal gia k pakistan army sai thay????
app jo bhi kena cha rahay hain woh apkay dactar genius jawaad ki samjh mai hi asakta hai.
sorry for all of u for being issb rejects :)))))))))))
Haha, Dr Jawwad, kya aap ke khyal mein mazhab ka soch se koi ta'luq nahin? Zabardast, mera hi nukta aap ne khud bayan kar diya.
I'm not advocating worshipping anything, you know that I don't believe in any religion. My point was simply to highlight that religious belief is pointless and something that made sense to pre-modern people. Today, when we can explain a lot of things through scientific discoveries and research, why hide behind religion and find comfort in answers that cannot be verified.
If today, Mohammed came to people and said "Oh, I travelled to the heavens to chill out with God and I met Moses and Jesus and saw heaven and hell and I also travelled to Jerusalem and then Buraq dropped me back". How do you think they'd react? Will they become his followers? How would people react to Abraham trying to slit the throat of his own son because 'God asked me to'? Would he not be locked up in the looney bin?
Yeh sab baatein bohat puranay zamanay ki hain jab insan ko samajh nahin thi. Now there is no excuse.
abey noman!
tu abhee tak zinda hay.men samjha phosphorus bomb say khudkashi kar li hay.
aewen khuwa makhuwa!
faith is little more complicated in its dynamics.this is the faith which make the people to leave their high profile jobs of MNC's,priviliged life style and luxuries of the lives and go to the mountains of afghanistan and sacrifice their lives.
hazrat! aap apni hi bat kijiyay logon ki bat rehnay dijiyay.
Noman Qadyani, i am not an ISSB reject, never tried for Armed Forces. 😉
the logic is very clear.no one confused. the good pakistan army man is….a dead army man(killed in action) rest are as good/bad as any civilian can be .
saboot danay ki zaroorat to hay hi naheen kiyoonkay saboot to men dey chuka hoon. waisay bhee you have become evidence proof.
agar kal ko yehi imam e kaaba keh den kay pakistan army nay bohat zulum kia hay logon kay saath to???
you are a hypocrite upto your bone….
tumharee himayat main murtad bhee iss blog per aney lagey.
Pata nahee mubarakbaad doo yaa nohaa parhoon tumharee badqismatee per…
imam e Qaaba logic Quran aur sunnat ki roshni mai baat kartay hain.
waisay bhi army nai zulm kia hai tou uss sai molana burqa aur ghazi criminals theek sachay nahi ho jayein gai.
hypocrite me?????? u confessed dactar sahib in ur eariler post tht their methodology was wrong and now u hv completely forgotten so u dont hv to blame me for munafikat atleast _______
apni jahalat par noha parh lou…
sorry for all issb rejects :))))))))))))
yai dekho agent kon hai…
magar tumharee ankhain nahee khulaingee. Tumharey dil main marz hai jo barhtaa hee nazar ataa hai, kam honey kai koee asaar naheee.
i have the same Questions regarding criminal ghazi brothers.
u trying to say musharraf chor hai iss liyay molana burqa bardran bhi chor hain :))))))))))))
lolzzzz…very convincing!!!!!!!!
you can have all the qustions but the link posted above is about your *messenger* Pervez Musharraf who is currently sleeping with Altaf Hussain.
You have no response to this link
The truth is for a bastard like *pervez* musharraf, it is legit for the ghazi brothers to do whatever they did, burqa is a minute issue. It's better for a man to do this than to sell his mother for some quick $$$$$.
when i denied the link. i acknowledged thtsy i responded
thts wat im saying musharaf chor tou hai tou molvi bardran zakat k paisay par weapons lai kar jo danga fisad kartay hain woh kia hai??????
maa behn ki galian dena bhaii bohat aasan hai…shariat k nifaz k liyay maa behn ko galian dena , qadian kafir kehna farz nahi hai.
waqai uncle burqa tou apna issue burqay may chupa bhool hi gayay thy.
issue hi koi nahi tha.aik burqa pehn k bhaag gia, doosra safe passage mang raha tha.:))))))))))
he ran away along with his wife leaving behind his mother, son , brother and the students he used for these criminal activities.
disgusting !!!
ooper bhai sahab nai kaha musharraf bijli chor hai mainay yeh bhi man lia hai , lekin mukhtaran maai bhi bijli chor hai ….
One should also accept the fact that the following are criminal “acts” as per Pakistani law or even Islam does not allow such things:
Illegal encroachment on a government land,
Illegal occupation of a childerns’ library,
Kidnapping and illegal confinement of women,
attack on businesses and forcing them to shut down,
Kidnapping of policemen,
Setting up parallel courts within a state against the laws of that state,
Kidnapping and illegal confinement of foreigners,
Snatching arms and equipments from security personnels,
Firing and killing security personnels,
damaging and burning, public and private property,
Keeping arms and amuntion in a mosque for no apparent reason,
not laying arms on the request of authorities and firing at security personnel during the leninecy period of 5 full days,
keeping some of the people in Mosque without their consent and endagering their lives (also many of them got killed during the operation).
A person with an open mind will not accept that the above acts were committed so that Islamic Sharia laws could be implemented in the country.
and for ur innocent ghazi brothers imam Qaaba said and i quote
Imam-e-Kaaba Shaikh Abdur Rehman al-Sudais has ardently appealed to the Lal Masjid administration to give up the path it has adopted for the past few months or the enemy would benefit from anarchy and chaos.
“I deeply regret and am surprised over their undertaking,” he said while talking to a group of senior journalists at the Punjab House on Saturday. Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Asseri was also present on the occasion.
In his brief opening remarks, Asseri said the Muslim Ummah was faced with paramount challenges after 9/11, which should be tackled with wisdom and acumen. The Imam-e-Kaaba said he was disappointed to note that the Lal Masjid brigade had involved women and children who, he said “should not be used (in such activity).”
He said that seizing mosques was an act of enemies of Islam and Pakistan. “Being a well-wisher of Pakistan, I request these people to act while remaining within the clearly defined commandments of the religion. Any transgression will only accomplish the objectives of the enemy,” he said.
He said Islam does not allow anybody to make mosques sanctuary this way. This is no wise method, he said, adding that mosques are Houses of Allah Almighty, not meant to show power by any person or group. “Anybody who likes to enforce Islamic Shariah can’t force it on his own. It can’t be enforced at the individual level. Ulema and those having knowledge of Islam should be approached for this purpose.”
Al-Sudais expressed the hope that the issue would remain confined to the local level and would be resolved amicably. However, he said there are a lot of people in Pakistan who understand the religion and its spirit well, and a wrong course adopted by some would not make any difference.
“I counsel these people to compassionately resolve the issue according to the distinguished principles of Islam in consultation with the government, Ulema and officials,” the Imam-e-Kaaba stressed. He said Islam does not allow violence, terrorism and use of force. The religion teaches mutual compassion and emphasises on love and affection.
Al-Sudais said that in an Islamic government, everybody cannot act on his own and has to follow the system and institutions of the state. Anarchy and chaos, he said, are worse than murder, and Muslims must have to act collectively. They are not allowed to adopt an independent path.
The Imam-e-Kaaba said Muslims are protectors of each other while limiting themselves to the confines of the law, and the rules prescribed by the state institutions. Islam prohibits taking any actions that divide Muslims.
:)))))))))again sorry for all isb rejects
yai parh…
gherat hotee to tum log chullo bher pani main doob kar mar chukey hotey.
One should also accept the fact that the following are criminal “acts” as per Pakistani law or even Islam does not allow such things:
Illegal encroachment on a government land,
Illegal occupation of a childerns’ library,……
An online interview with Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa-Agha has revealed that Pakistani Generals are worth Rs 500 million each. In this interview, conducted by despardes.com’s Editor-in-Chief Irshad Salim, Dr. Siddiqa tells us how the Pakistani military establishment has systematically looted the country. That they are no more than thieves. No wonder Ayesha Siddiqa-Agha’s book Military Inc.: Inside Pakistan’s Military Economy has been banned in Pakistan.
Financial Swindling
How Pakistan Army Blatantly Covered up Huge Frauds
by Shahwar Faryal
ISLAMABAD: How the Pakistan Army bulldozes the civilians whenever any financial fraud is detected, even if it is years old, has become evident from what happened with some of the files of military purchases which came to the Auditor General of Pakistan.
Financial Swindling
The Land Scams in the Name of the Sacred Soldiers
by M Afzal Khan
ISLAMABAD, August 24: Land scams that are proliferating across the country, specially in the name of our Armed Forces, have come into sharp focus, sadly because of murder of two guards of a high profile housing society in the federal capital.
First it was the National Assembly last night and next morning the Senate, where members from both sides of the isle voiced their outrage over the blatant manner in which this housing society used the name of Pakistan Navy to generate massive public interest and money in its highly publicized schemes………
and finally the news:
“Supreme Court (SC) has rejected government plea seeking
cancellation of bail of former Khateeb Lal Masjid Maulana
Abdul Aziz in four cases…..”
" yeh chattakh pattakh to samajh men aata hay.tamachay ki awaz hay,laikin yeh DHUBBBB ki awaz kaisi hey?
yeh darasal GPL ki awaz hay.jo noman nay adalat e aaliya say karaee hay.
lanatullah he walmunafiqeen wal kazibeen
sorry mistake
lanatullah hay alal munafiqeen wal kazibeeen
the heart touching article of javed chohadry about pervez musharraf
oriya maqbool jan says:
obstruction the way of shariyah will leads to a bloody revolution- molana abdul aziz (on second anniversery of shohada e lal masjid/ jamia hafsa)
another soul touching article by oriya maqbool jan
ata ul haq qasmi on pervez musharraf