Shaheed or Halak ? – Ghazi Abdul Rashid

Ghazi Abdul RasheedEver since the afternoon of the faithful day when in between the intense fighting at the Lal Masjid, the Pakistan Army victoriously announced the death of the head militant of Lal Masjid Maulana Ghazi Abdul Rashid. Watching the news reports come through on all news channels I did notice that everyone was refraining to tag his death as a Shahdat. For many non-Muslims reading this article, it might seem to be a trivial issue but to a Muslim it means a world of a difference. A simple naming terminology is of no consequence to the soul in this world but it means a phenomenal difference in life-here-after. Quite simply its a decision to be made by Allah for him on the day of the Judgment.

A shaheed is a title that is given to a Muslim after his death, if he died during the fulfillment of a religious commandment. For a moment lets forget the political issues surrounding the crisis, coming to the root of the issue it was Ghazi Abdul Rashid who was defending the integrity of Islam challenging the ineffectiveness of the government in implementing the sharia law hence allowing a progressive degradation of our society. Without doubt Right or Wrong Maulana Shazi Abdul Rashid was defending his place of worship and was fulfilling his religious duties in this process.

Shaheed is a title for a Muslim when he dies for Islam While on the other hand the aggressors (Pakistan Army) were overwhelmingly attacking the mosque to the extent of destroying a large portion of the property throughout the compound. Hence can easily be labeled as aggressors against Islam, which is probably the highest crime for a Muslim. The jawans may be following order but it must be remembered that if one of the jawans were to loose his life in battle against Islam cannot be labeled as a Shaheed simply because he was a Muslim.

I share with you an interesting email I received by Mr. M Javed Iqbal who portrays a very compelling argument, which actually also got me thinking about this important issue. I quote…

During the attack on Lal Masjid and Madarsah Hafsa a question that was repeatedly raised was ‘ Who is “Shaheed” and who is “Halak”.’

In my opinion the distinction is crystal clear. The mistake and mischief lies with the initiator. Who started knocking down masajid in the capital of Islamic Republic of Pakistan? If I am traveling and somebody open fires on me, I have a right to defend myself and fire back at him. Therefore we must understand that what Ghazi brothers did was in self defence. The pity is Mullahs of the country have been corrupted by Musharraf by offering nice salaries and perks to them, hence they failed to point out that the sanctity of a masjid was to be safeguarded at all costs. No Muslim can dare attack a masjid, because it is Allah house.

Accordingly security forces, army men and rangers who attacked Lal Masjid are jahunumi and the fighters of Lal Masjid are shuhdaa and shall Insha Allah Will be rewarded with Paradise. Each officer or jawan must have refused to obey illegal order of attacking a masjid. They could say: “Look sir ! we joined the army to protect the Masajid and save women and children, not for destroying and killing them”.

Since they gave preference to order of the officer over Order of Allah, they are mahluk and jahanumi.

The brave fight back of Ghazi Abdul Rashid is an eye opener. When most of the Mullas just talked he challenged the illegal and immoral acts of Musharraf regime of knocking down 90 year old masajid of Islamabad and kept fighting for the cause till death. On such noble death Mir has said:

Marge Majnun pe aqal gum hai Mir
Kiya Diwane ne maut pai hai !

Most Mullas could not see this fine line and remained indifferent, although they could have raised hue and cry against desecration of masajid. We should not forget that Quran says “Allah is Most Powerful and Revengeful” Every party can see his image in this mirror!

Considering the issue, I feel convinced that the sad demise of Ghazi Abdul Rashid should be labeled as a Shaheed and full respect offered to the body in regards to its proper dignified burial. I would hold the Pakistani Army responsible to the extent of disobeying the Islamic Law to which they all have sworn to uphold.

He died defending the religion of Islam against the evil forces.

I hope that, you too, would join me in prayer hoping that Allah would confer the title of Shahdat upon Shaheed Ghazi Abdul Rashid and grant him his deserved place in the life-here-after.



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1,044 responses to “Shaheed or Halak ? – Ghazi Abdul Rashid”

  1. Naveed Avatar

    for those who donot know that lal masjid was orgionally occuied some decades of sqr_feets but the father of shazi extended it to nearly 2000 sqr feets approximately with help of people in army under the reign of zia ul huq or
    around that if sum one wants to impose sharia he shud go
    reforming his deeds rather then others if sum one commits
    sins he will pay for it infront of God donot cause fasaad
    on the name of islam have u ever seen anything happening
    like this ibn saudia arabia ,this is all crap u kidnapped policemen ,u took over shops illegaly burn shops of others and now u say that we r following islam good going spoil the name of islam and use it for ur benefits

  2. AAn Avatar


    how can u preach islam on gunpoint.

    all over history we denied Europeans' commest that Islam Spread by Sword and now we r "spreading" ( imposing Islam by Guns and power .

    who says Ghazi was shaheed please read the history of Kaaba when Kabaa was taken hostage and what Saudi Arabia did to culprits.

    <a href="http://”_blank”>http://<a href="…” target=”_blank”>…
    and also this one
    i think we did very less to lal masjid occupents. they showed have been crushed and we should have set an example.

  3. noman Avatar


  4. Akbar Avatar

    What a pity that we are still debating it? Have we gone mad? Why are we calling this terrorit SHAHEED?

    I think we deserve what ever is happening with us. We have corrupted our souls, our minds and our hearts to a level where we are unable to call a spade a spade.

    We deserve these terrorist attacks.

  5. noman Avatar

    i believe all of ghazi lovers hv gone for suicide bombings namely haq , ayesha habib , dark cloud, waqas and all g6 fellows :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    but i dont agree tht we deserve these terrorist attacks….yes ppl r foolish but even then lets not lose hope ……….

    judges ki bahali nahi hui na thtsy :))))))))))))

    zardari;s Pakistan is really khapping …….

    Akbar this is ghazi bolg thtsy ppl comment here….debate is over………

    lets pray together tht we shd get rid of this filth very soon inshallah.

  6. Arif Avatar



  7. Arif Avatar

    i will try to get CD of LAS Masjid real story on utube then every one is free to comment

  8. adnan danish Avatar
    adnan danish

    thay were right……i believe……

  9. noman Avatar

    meaningless debate started again………..arif post is really funny…….

  10. noman Avatar


    nobody denies tht the punishment for theft is cutting off tht hand of the culprit…ghazi rasheed by all means had stolen land from cda……at the minimum his hand shd hv been cut off later to defend his theft he killed armymen amongst other crimes like abduction , burning property etc etc therefore the means as indicated by u justify his death as per sharia rules……ghazi actions were incorrect…

    jiskay means hi ghalat hon plus harkat who cares abt his demands

    its said…………jairy aithay pairay o lahore vi pairay tai lal masjid chay vi pairay…………….

  11. sameer Avatar

    what a silly bunch of people its good that army killed him
    pakistan zinda bad pak army zinda bad

  12. noman Avatar

    ofcourse it was gud ridance to bad stinking rubbish…..

  13. dr_jawwad71 Avatar

    no doubt “SHAHEED”
    He lived a life of “SAEED” and died a death of “SHAHEED”
    May ALLAH(swt) accept his SHAHADAT. give him the higher
    place in jannat,he deserve

  14. dr_jawwad71 Avatar

    all qadiyanis, nationalists , secular extremists ,animals of materialism ,islamo phobics are happy on the shahadat of ghazi abdul rasheed.
    but soon inshaALLAH the time will come when these elements see their place untenable in pakistan, inshaALLAH the time will come when these elements will pay.

  15. noman Avatar

    dr sahib the strength of ur emaan and the standard of ur interpretition of islam clearly indicates tht ur from amongst those who support suicide bombings against fellow muslims and other islamic activities ion the name of islam……

    ppl like u andd ghazi rasheed are responsible for the deaths of hundreads of ppl killed in the name of islam by suicide bombers….however none yet on this blog hv been able to support tht terrorist in the light of Quran n sunna…

    i challange u to prove his actions in the light of the above ….u will fail as others inshallah coz allah is not on the side of jaheeleens…….

  16. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    “dr sahib the strength of ur emaan and the standard of ur
    interpretition of islam”
    tell me what do you do if some one try to demolish a 100 yrs old mosque in your neighborhood???
    tell me what you do when a brothel or a massage parlor start working in your neighborhood?
    i don’t know about you but any muslim with pudency will do exactly like these people did.
    what happened when a cd vendor start to rent porn movies
    what will you do then???i think you are enlightened moderate enough it will never bother you but there are people who become restless and try their best to uproot these kinds of crimes.
    what ghazi abdul rasheed demanded? one can differ the methodology (including me)but his demand is just right.
    what crimes he commited ( have a look at the crimes of gen musharraf, zardari,nawaz shareef and altaf hussain)???
    your enlightened moderate gen: musharraf killed brutally with hundreds of women and children with phosphros bomb.
    is it you enlightened moderation???
    then tell me what is a difference between you and a
    suicide bomber.
    ( ghazi abdul rasheed never had any suicide bomber,nor foriegn terorrist.Who told you that???
    who told you that i appericiate suicide bombing????
    is it necessary for a person with your level of intellect to express thoughts in this kind of forum?????????

  17. noman Avatar

    Dr sahib

    Im against the demolishing of any mosque whatsoever..however im also against mosques / madrissas constructed over grabbed against the opening of brothels anywhere not only in my neibhourhood….but im also against the abduction of women even if they are prostitutes for whatever naik maqsad……

    U hv talked about the crimes of musharraf, zardar , nawaz etc but u hv strangely missed ghazi rasheed and aziz, qazi hussain amongst other religious bigots.i believe all of them should be punished for their individual crimes….its strange tht we always target personalities not the issues involved…..

    I don’t disagree with anyone’s sensible demands however u cannot rob a bank to feed the poor .i hv some simple questions

    1. is it ghazi shariat or the one in Quran and sunna?
    2. y the opening of brothels was a sudden discovery by ghazi sahib?
    3. who were the witnesses of aunty shamim;s bad deeds as per shariah?
    4. y the brother of an mma mna was let off in the raid on the Chinese parlor.
    5. on whose behest only the Chinese parlor was targeted? Wat abt numerous Pakistan , Russian , tajik and afrghani parlors operating in isb
    6. mention the relevant ayas supporting all of ghazi;s demands and actions
    7. mention reasons y ghazi shd not be punished for his actions?
    8. u really know wat a phosphorous bomb is???????? The only device in use with
    Pakistan army is a small grenade which is used for smoke .

    As far as suicide bombers are concerned I hv myself heard ghazi aziz;s sermon claiming tht he had 50 / 60 suicide bombers inside…this was telecast live on all news channels….hamid mir also mentioned about girl coming frm lal masjid wearing a suicide jacket……so how come all those inside were innocent???????? To my mind they were all terrorist….waisay bhi all channels before the operation telecast images of the same students holding all types of weapon and burning / looting govt property adjacent to lal masjid…how come they are innocent……….they are the same innocent students responsible for the deaths of numerous policemen /army personal during the operations……

    Hamaray apkay ghar ki aurtein to danday lai k kabhi pims kabhi poly clinic dandnati nahi phirti…bari shirafat hain……..jamia hifza;s 313 brigade is quite famous …courtesy the interviews of its members on aljazeera…..

    The easiest way to shut down a brothel if there is one to change the environment surrounding it…..y 5 / 10 hooligans could not sit outside such brothels and stop ppl from goin in????? strangely only aunty shamim gained the fame of a bad one………why none of her clients if any were shown on tv by the same chap………ghazi also gave a fatwa against neelofar bhaktiar…who gives this bloody criminal the license to kill/criticize anyone he wants to???????/ tomorrow someone like him will outlaw wearing of jeans by men or talking in English maybe the next step would be a mendatory beard/burqa…….

    The funniest thing is tht u support a man;s demand for shariah who by all means was not following shariah himself………….i believe a better way to make an example of such ppl who try to defame islam and its teachings is public flogging and public hanging……….


  18. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    good to hear that you are against the demolition of mosques if CDA felt the same way this tragedy and bloodshed could be detered.
    don’t you think that CDA suddenly start working according to law? isn’t strange?? this land could be easily reinstated by courts but what CDA did,they provocate the peoples and tried to demolish 100 yr old mosque. but wait….are we talking about CDA???
    Isn,t the CDA is same,old and most corrupt department of pak govt?
    Isn,t right that the CDA bosses are one of the richest goverment officer in the world???
    isn,t the same CDA who snubbed rampant peculation of margalla hills agriculture land???
    what made CDA to work according to law???
    strange hunhh?….
    No doubt Ghazi brothers crossed some limits but don’t you think that laughing and dancing over their dead bodies are loathful act???
    4 witness are called by the courts of law for the accusation of fornication and adultry??
    and you want to apply this condition on brothels.
    did you ever see a prostitute having sex in market????
    who taught you quran and sunnah…..javed ghamdi???
    can you point out a single FIR against qazi hussain ahmed??
    why chinese ????is it international conspiracy?? no because chinese parlor was in the vicinity of lal masjid.
    by the way massage parlor are not allowed even china…strange isn’t it???
    aayat ??? ahadeeth??? my dear i m sorry to say you belong to the category of interpretationist no matter how many quranic verse and ahadeeth mubarka i quote,the end will be on interpretation. by the way you might heard the most quoted aaya about amr bil maroof wa niha un al munkir..
    or hadeeth about three degrees of iman

    never heard of phosphorus bomb??? see the (rtd)lt:gen jamshed kiyanis interview on geo tv with dr shahid masood.
    aired few months ago ( the most shocking interview i have ever heard.his testimony will be enough to convict pervaez musharraf as a war criminal)

    sucide bomber was merely a bluff to scare the authorities as ghazi brother sense that some thing is going wrong??
    you heard his bluff but you never heard that how he was almost begging the media to come inside in order refute the allegations of governament at the start of the bloody operation.
    one strange phenomenon observed that media was kept blindfolded since the begining of the operation.
    strange thing was that even after the end of operation media was kept away from jamia hafsa.
    every one who have love for ALLAH(SWT) AND HIS shariyah should be punished.
    you are angry for lowlives like neelofer bakhtiyar , aunty shameem who were only threatened but you don’t feel sorry for hundreds of innocent ladies,girls and children who were actually brutally murdered by armed forces.???
    i don’t know which clan of muslim you belong…
    serious question were asked after lal masjid saga..
    how the weapons in huge quantity brought in the islam abad while people like me can not enter with weapon like knife..
    unhuman, swinish and barbaric use of force of pakistan army while they could be easily be surrendered by blockade and cutting the electricity,water and other things.

    like me most of pakistani believe that ghazi brothers was instrigated by aegencies they didn’t realise the deadly trap in the begining when realized it was already too late because our bloody son of a gun general pervez need sacrifices in the alter of slavery to please his masters.
    he never wanted this issue to be resolved peacefully.
    done is done every one played thier part, but what are you doing is such a disgusting and nauseous even americans have manners they don’t do know what are you doing???
    you are laughing and dancing over the dead bodies of hunderds of innocent muslims who caught in this tragedy…
    so hurting and shocking…..

    any way i think pakistan is brink of revolution many people like me believe that count down is begin for qadiyanis, nationalists , secular extremists ,animals of materialism and islamo phobics to wrap up and sooner there will be islam which govern on islamic republic of pakistan

  19. noman Avatar

    first of all im not laughing at the death and carnage duriing and after the operation but ur naive belief tht all those inside lal masjid were innocent is strange…..this blog is not abt cda .its corruption etc would require a seperate blog and is not a part of discussion…. there is a lot wrong with the system in the country and agree with me or not ghazi brothers were a part of the rot tht is the same system………..your claim that media was kept blindfolded is far frm true…i distinctly remember a program on geo in which ghazi rasheed was interviewd inside the mosque, during the abduction of aunty shamim and various policemen media went inside the mosque and interviewed both umme hassan and aunty shamim along with some students….y ghazi sahib did not conduct a tour of the entire premesis at tht time????????? u hv also convieniently forgotten the weapons shown by all channels before the operation…….the fact of the matter is tht ghazi n those inside were common criminals and had nothing to do with islam or religion..a lot of questions which should be asked , like y and how weapons were present in the mosque????

    y and who ordered cda to demolish the mosque????
    why cda permitted the construction of jamia hifza/lal masjid on encroached land???/
    for what purpose was the mosque being used for the past 20/30 yrs esp during the afghan jihad by cia?
    why ghazi was not punished for possession of rocket launchers?
    why he was not sent to jail after burning melody cinema in which two men died and burning of numerous shops in food street and aabpara?

    u mentioned 4 witnesws are reqd by law…plz correct urself…these witnesses are reqd by islamic law/sharia…u say tht sex is not performed in public…how laughable and naive…plz mention the places where sex is performed openly???it has always been performed in rooms tht is covered and hidden places…..the requirement of 4 witnesses does stand…….this law is from the quran…me u and ghazi cannot do anything do abt it……anything against aunty shamim is tohmat until proven as per sharia reqt…u called neelofar bhaktiar a lowlife.wat for???????????just for some pics during a para jump?????funny , coz u support a criminal , murderer,abducter…..

    u claim tht ghazi did not hv suicide bombers inside…yet he claimed the same on all channels…how funny tht the guy is facing an army and rather than giving up his arms and coming out as his brother and bhabi did later he chose to stay inside…the killing of all inside mosque lies squarely on the shoulders of this sick creature using the name of islam for watever interest he had……..

    as for late jsamshed gulzar kiani the guy was made a gen by musharraf, served under him and did not hv the guts to wuestion his boss throughout his tenure…he did not resign i wonder y???he developed differences after being appointed chairman fpsc….and came on tv just to oppose musharraf for political gains…my clarification regarding phosphorous bomb still stands……

    ur beloved media has put students frm lal madsjid infront of camera mny a times…thee jihalat and extremist views stand exposed….plz watch hamid mir;s comments on nadia khan show….

    the hadith u mentioned is y im on this blog coz i bel tht this is also a part of amar bil maroof …y shd a sick person like ghazi beallowed to hijack islam…as far as qazi sahib is concerned cia k paisay kha k ab tak xzinda hai…..unn par fir kiun ho ge…….he along with other molvis serves his american master in the name of islam…..u were surprised on cda sudden actions but ghazi;s sudden awakening to islam and brothels escaped ur attention……..
    the most innocent ppl who died during the op were the uniformed personal who had no choice but to lay down their lives to protect ppl like us………for 7 days the govt offered them surrender…all those who came out are still alive even if some in jail…….y the ghamar ghazi couldnt come out????????????
    u asked abt my clan of islam… surprised…why ru bent on tafarka…islam is one and same for all….i do not sympathise with anyone of u who can call ppl kafir if they disagree with u but those innocent suicide bombers are all shaheeds…..all those brave surrendered students say tht those killed by them were kuffar …strangely all those outside lal mosque are kafirs as per their definition…….i cannot feel sorry for such inhuman ppl………..

    khas kam jahan pak

  20. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    “ur naive belief tht all those inside lal masjid were
    innocent is strange…..

    what are you trying to say that women,girls and children(2-6 yrs are also terorrists?
    for the sake of arguments if i accept this notion that they are all terorrist was the use of barbaric,swinish and relentless use of militory power justified??
    did you ever see the use of military hardware in situation like these, in any where in the world??

    did you see the use of phosphorus bombs in situation like these(please don’t tell me that you never heard that. alot of ppl know that ask any one of them or see for ur self the interview of jamshed kayani)
    what does it mean?? it means that this issue is not so simple. use of chemical warfare in anti terorrist operation
    shows there was some other driving forces beside stablishing the writ of state.

    “your claim that media was kept blindfolded is far frm
    i said media was kept blindfolded with the begining of operation.don,t you remember that whole area was besieged and cordon off by militory and media was not even in the vicinity of lal masjid.i remember geo was showing roof top footage shooted from long range.don’t you remember that..?

    i didn’t say that there was no weapon.what i was asking that how these weapons brought in the islamabad while ppl like me can not enter with simple knife???
    the fact is that ghazi brothers were obliged and instigated by intelligence agencies for thier dirty games.

    “as for late jsamshed gulzar kiani the guy was made a
    gen by musharraf, served under him and did not hv the
    guts to wuestion his boss throughout his tenure…
    there was burned pieces of bodies watched by all media and ppl of islamabad was enough to believe jamshed kiyani’s claim.his credibility could be assessed only by court of law
    i hope that time will come when this wild pig(gen pervez) will be brought to justice.i hope a trial for this war mangol.

    “u mentioned 4 witnesws are reqd by law…plz correct urself…these witnesses are reqd by islamic law/sharia…u say tht sex is not performed in public…how laughable and naive…plz mention the places where sex is performed openly???

    i asked you before and i m asking you again is it necessary
    to talk on quran o sunnah??
    is it obligatory??
    are you sheikh ul hadeeth, mufti or alim e din???
    yes i meant islamic court of law (thank you)
    what i was asked a simple question, ” did you ever saw a prostitute having sex????
    does prostitute have sex in public???
    offcourse “NO” (even a block head could easily understand my point)
    tell me if you,me and many many people didn,t see a prostitute having sex how can you produce 4 witnesses in front of court of law???(islamic offcourse)
    these islamic jurisprudence deal with the normal people living in the soceity and you want to apply on brothels???
    i want to know the name of the asshole who taught you quran and sunnah.
    it,s not merely a para jumping after the para jumping she hugged a “GORA” (and please don’t tell that you never saw her hugging) i called her lowlife because of this public demonstration of “enlightened moderation”

    lot of ppl specially media closely observed the situation on ground and their testimony shows entirely different pic
    and please don’t forget that because of this unhuman and brutal act “silent majority” gave a slap to the face of gen pervaiz on 18th feb.irony is that in today’s daily jang dated 3/11/2008 hamid mir wrote an article in which he asked gen pervez some questions in face to face meeting with this wild,s worth reading i gaurunty you.

    i believe that time will come when islam will prevail in this country.lal masjid and jamia hafsa was just a starting point.and i believe that true muslims from any school of thought will be separated from from the munafiqeen.inshaALLAH

  21. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    you can work better for so called human rights organisations.please stop using the words like quran and sunnah. we are what we are ….it,s a fate.its a destiny you can’t turn your back on your fate and your destiny.
    may ALLAH(swt)do our fate with shohada and sulaha

  22. noman Avatar

    Well first of all I cannot understand ur argument tht we shd not talk abt Quran and sunnah. Not being an alim or mufti does not stop us from seeking guidance from Quran…it is the glorious Quran and the prophet;s (p.b.u.h) which shd guide all our actions….having said tht lets get the issue straight

    U claim tht children age 2-6 were inside but I distinctly recall ghazi during the operation claiming tht no kids were inside….same was highlighted/questioned by the media……however even if for argument sake we bel u then who was holding them inside???????????/ when umme hassan can come out burqa molvi can run why dint these kids come out????????? It means the criminal sick ghazi was holding them as human shields……….how brave and Islamic……….if this is an amal e saleh I can just doubt ur iq and common sense

    Do u really know wat chemical warfare is?????????? Hv u ever seen chemical weapon at work????????????? The only time these hv been employed in subcontinent was during kargil by the Indians…if a chemical weapon had been use in jamia hafza the entire g 6 would hv suffocated.the army does not buy weapons to be used in small rooms.military weapons are area weapons affecting large areas.the phosphorous based grenade used in the operation is standard issue used to produce smoke to conceal movement of troops…it can cause burns / blisters etc and in rare cases can cause fire…however it was a legitimate weapon and shd hv been used to conceal troop movement…y shd innocent soldiers be subjected to the fire of terrorist…u seem to forget almost 13 /14 uniformed personal died in the operation….u hv again convieniently forgotten the weapon holding darhi walas shown by all channels in and around the lal mosque.

    U are extremely funny!!!!!!!!!!!!

    U shd also accuse ghazi tht he did not assist media by shooting video frm the lal mosque …if he could hv weapons inside, mobile phones y not cameras……however for ur kind information the media must hv been removed for their own safety…….
    Y ghazi did not call the media inside before the operation for a guided tour…maybe he was busy with aunty shamim and planning more kidnapping……..6 months before the operation there wasn’t army in or around the mosque stopping journalist .ghazi at tht time had the qabza of children;s library and the masjid rd was a jihadi area.the entire media at tht time was screaming for an operationto rid Islamabad of this menace.y ghazi at tht time did not invite them inside.

    I totally agree with u on one count tht ghazi brothers had been instigated for their stupid criminal acts…….however this does not make ghazi innocent…im not defender of govt or agencies ..they shd also be taken to task..similarly the ghazi leftover shd also be punished

    As far as jamshed kiani …may Allah bless his soul….the man did himself a great dis service by speaking nonsensefor political gains in his last yr…the guy was core commd rwp.directly responsible for security in rwp/isb…he also served in isi as a maj gen…yet he wanted us to belt ht he was not aware of anything goin on in the lal mosque.he himself was one of those responsible arguebaly for letting the weapons in …as far as his opposition to musharraf is concerned I disagree…..was musharraf stupid enough to promote an opponent frm maj gen to lt gen?????????? n then appoint him as chairman funny.

    As far as claims go .hamid mir on nks claimed a girl coming frm jamia hifza wearing a suicide jacket………….maybe she was one of the innocent girls u seem to feel sorry abt…how innocent…..waisay uss masoom larki ko suicide jacket kahan sai milli????????????? STRANGE

    Ur refernce to 4 witnesses ……dear brother its not me who requires it…it is mandatory as per Quran……..otherwise anyone would allege tht someone in their muhalla is a prostitute or a girl of bad character and punish them accordingly…just like they do kari in sindh……any allegation in which hud cannot be proven is tohmat , punishable by 80 koras….however take ur argument with the Quran not me….as I believe it its ur choice if u don’t….moreover the use of abusive language in the same line with the word Quran shows ur islam and Quran loving credentials

    U wrote “ I want to know the name of tht …………….who taught u quran”

    Neelofar bhakitiar was hugged by a gora …does tht make the woman a non muslim or a lowlife as u say???????the language u r usingis highly offensive…..u call ppl pig , qadiyani , kafir etc etc and u forget the quran which strictly forbids u frm using abusive language…….BASICALLY YOU ARE WORRIED/BOTHERED ABT NIFAZ E SHARIAT , QURAN OR SUNNAT……YOU ARE JUST DEFENDING PERSONALITIES U LIKE…….

    I do not defend musharraf but if the slap on his face was maulana ZARDARI u are welcome coz Pakistan really khappay…… far as saint hamid mir owner of two farm houses in chak shehzad is concerned I personally emailed him askin him to hv a live programme in which ppl shd be allowed to question him live abt the role of media in the past 1.5 yrs…the gr8 man did not reply

    I hv not understood wat u mean by the last two paras….how can we talk abt islam leaving Quran and sunnah??????????

    Nobody has an ijaradari on islam/Quran…………

    Ghazi sahib ki jang shariat kit hi…..and u want to exclude Quran and sunnat frm the discussion…………….. laughs out loud!!!!!!!!

    Plz use decent language while contributing on the blog……..arguement cannot be won by abusive language

  23. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    my deeply rooted hatred and abomination for enlightened moderates and even more for so called scholars who interpretrate Islam to please the moderates not ALLAH(swt) made me to say which was wrong. I apologize to all pigs. pigs are pigs God created them, no body can change them.
    However, pervez musharraf is a biped pig, is a handy work of iblis there could be no resemblance. Really, I insulted the pigs
    My apologies to all pigs.

    Even though I think ghazi brothers crossed some limits my heart goes out for all people killed in lal masjid and jamia hafsa. No matter how violent they are in their methodology of imposing shariyah they could be coaxed by Diasporas and sincere Muslims who have hearts and souls. Every Pakistani (true Muslim) was deeply shocked and grieved by barbaric act of gen pervez.I feel the same way but you are celebrating the annihilation of these people who are our Muslim brothers and sisters.
    Don’t mind if I say that I only saw the qadiyanis to be happy on this tragedy.
    While the whole country is agreed that pervez musharraf was a puppet, a dictator who damage the Pakistan in unprecedented way and he should be brought to justice. I found a admirer of gen pervez…..Admirers who can be counted on fingers in billion of population.

    1) at the beginning of the operation some girls decided to come out side of jamia hafsa willingly
    2) many of the girls decided to stay but were compelled to come out side by umme Hassan
    3) many girls came out side never reached to their destiny.
    4) still there were orphan girls and babies (most of them founded injured and lost after 2005 earth quake and they brought in jamia hafsa where they were provided food shelter and guardianship .umme Hassan was like a mother to them and jamia hafsa was only place they got. These poor souls refused to leave even umme Hassan molana aziz tried hard to convince.
    My heat goes out for these poor souls.
    And I couldn’t understand what make you behave like a SICK BASTARD
    Are you sure you are not qadiyani???
    Umme Hassan escaped and left behind her 18 yrs old son, molana abdul aziz escaped and left behind his son, his brother and his mother (senile and diseased) all were also killed by soldiers of Pakistan army. What are you trying to prove???
    Did ghazi abdul rasheed also using his mother and nephew as a human shield??

    White phosphorus (WP) is a flare- and smoke-producing incendiary weapon, or smoke-screening agent, made from a common allotrope of the chemical element phosphorus. White phosphorus bombs and shells are incendiary devices, but can also be used as an offensive anti-personnel flame compound capable of causing serious burns or death.
    White phosphorus weapons are controversial today because of their potential use against civilians. While the Chemical Weapons Convention does not designate WP as a chemical weapon, various unofficial groups consider it to be one. In recent years, the United States, Israel, Russia, and Argentina have used white phosphorus in combat.
    Its use by the US has resulted in considerable controversy (see white phosphorus use in Iraq). Initial field reports from Iraq referred to white phosphorus use against insurgents, but its use was officially denied until November, 2005, when the Pentagon admitted to the use of white phosphorus while stating that its use for producing obscuring smoke is legal and does not violate the Chemical Weapons Convention. A Pentagon spokesman has also admitted that WP “was used as an incendiary weapon against enemy combatants,” though not against civilians.
    That is what I call a half truth. Any one can check about phosphorus bomb through internet (more precisely through wikipedia)
    Do I still sound very funny????

    “Y ghazi did not call the media inside before the
    operation for a guided tour…maybe he
    Was busy with aunty shamim and planning more

    that is what I call laughing and dancing over their dead bodies. Are you sure you are not qadiyani????

    Core commanders do not deal with internal security neither any other serving army officer except those who are transferred to ISI or MI
    Smear campaign for every person who raise his voice against gen musharraf (Gen with excellent service record or journalist with good reputation, integrity and credibility)
    Wow that is the news our hamid mir have 2 farms in chak shehzad. (Poor hamid mir is unnecessarily paying the house rent in Islamabad.
    Do you know the punishment for a slanderer in Quran?

    I will say that Quran in the hand interpretationist is far more damaging then in the hand of American soldier in Guantanamo bay.
    Honor killing is entirely a different pretext is some thing to do with the typical tribal mentality, influenced by their traditions and customs with utter ignorance with Islam and shariyah. In sind they also make their daughters to marriage with Quran to save their family assets. Should we stop printing Quran??
    Do we have bad character women in our neighborhood???? Yes, we have, even in nice and decent families. What we do about that in our real life? we use to say “dafa kar yar jahanum ka shoq hey to janey de…
    You are still unable to understand that it is a “ family honor” who kills the women not the poor understanding of islam.
    Did you ever saw a woman who was killed by people OTHER THEN HER RELATIVES on the allegation of adultery and fornication??
    Still couldn’t understand why we need 4 witness in order to remove a brothel from our area???. Ask ghamdi , I am sure he may have some strange kind of logic.

    Zardari was selected by America to replace pervez. not elected by people of Pakistan.

    Hamid mir didn’t respond??? As he was also perpetrator against gen pervez, he might got scared when you send a e mail.

    “Neelofar bhakitiar was hugged by a gora …does that make the woman a non muslim or
    a lowlife as u say?????
    Hugging by gora can not make a woman infidel, but can surely make her low life and supporting the hugging can make any one a “PIMP”
    If my argument is wrong then let the gora hug your mother and sister publicly and set an example.

    I just advised you not to talk on Quran and sunnah because you don’t know about Islamic jurisprudence and it’s applications and on the basis of half knowledge you are ridiculising the poor souls.
    Although Christians and Jews orientalists have more knowledge but it doesn’t make them true Muslim. It’s a sincerity and taqwa and fear of ALLAH(swt) who make a person a true Muslim

    It’s a my deeply rooted hate and abomination for qadiyanis, secular fascists, enlightened moderates, animals of materialism, islamo-phobics and for scholars who want to please these elements of the dark side, made me say the words I don’t use normally. I ask almighty for forgiveness.(ALLAH ho ghafoor ur raheem)

  24. Nadcracker Avatar

    *phew* Who won?!

  25. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    Once an american siad that pakistani can sell their mothers for money.
    i think he was not entirely wrong.we have some bipeds in islamic democratic of pakistan who are ever ready to sell anything for a small interest.these animals feel proud to be a pimp of a nation and brothels

  26. nauman Avatar

    i quote you from ur second last para ” it’s a sincerity and taqwa & fear of allah who make a person a true muslim”

    i agree!!!!!!!!!moreover

    the qualifying degrees for emaan are explicitely stated in the Quran…kalema e shihadat is the basis of emaan…emaan e mufasil and emaan e mujamil as taught to us are better definitions.however the use of bad language proves tht u do not fit the above ur attempt to prove ghazi correct ur defying the orders of Allah and his rasool(p.b.u.h)…ur involving urself in slander,abusive language, calling others kafir etc etc therefore before putting up an arguement i would like to decide the terms of the arguement….. an arguement cannot be decided on the basis of abusive language as u use it nor on my or ur say so….we hv to refer to the Quran or saheeh hadith and sunnah.thts how Allah has ordered us to do in the Quran……ur very much against interpretitions.wat do u consider the 4 great aaimas .all of them interpreted the Quran in different manners…even ghazi sahib throughout his life adopted one interpretition from amongst atleast 4.his and ur extremist beliefs tht anybody who opposes u or him are kuffar smacks of igniorance and jihalat…..from ur post its evident tht ur anti musharraf , zardari etc but my dear brother if these two jhonnys are criminals tht does not make ghazi correct……none of these individuals committed watever crimes u speak of in the name of islam…ghazi sahib did…as far as the presence of ppl inside the masjid any one who did not come out after the govts call for surrender shd hv been taken as a terrorist but u believe tht they were fighting for a just cause…..but tht just cause was forgotten by the same ppl in the name of safe passage and gaoon ja k pursakoon zindgi guzarnay ki appeal…. uss waqt brothels khatam ho gayay thay…ya hakomat sharaee ho gaee thee?????????? if ur arguement tht their deeds were correct is agreed to then all those who came out including molvi burqa and umme hassan are munafaqeen…y the hell did they come out? wat are u trying to prove??????????????????????????????????????? many innocent lives hv been lost during suicide bombings by these so called jihadis tht u speak of . as per u the claim by molvi burqa tht he has 50 suicide bombers was just tactics……… he shd hv been shot even on these mere words as proof……aside from some brain washed orphans who the hell was supporting him?????????/ where were the deeni jaamat????????? and rest of the maulanas… the past 1 month the papers are full of raids on brothels by the police…it means tht even after his death they still exist…imagine umme hassan living in the same city and compromising …wat was so special then ? y and at whose ishara did the ghazis make a stand for shariah???????????? america , india israel ya ur beloved qadiyani?u talk abt ghamidi even maulana israr , zakir naik , or any other major / renowned alim e deen agree with the way ghazi did things…even u dont…13 soldiers/policemen were killed during the operation…some of them were killed even before the firing on the mosque started…ghazi is solely responsible for their deaths…..if musharraf shd be tried for any wrongful death wat abt ghazi ….he shd only be coaxed?????????/disgusting

    u talk abt my sister and mother…..wat were ur family members doing when ghazi was waging his war for terror…y did u not make an example??????????? maybe ur making using bad language…..

    as far as ghazi’s mother and nephew/son ….some theories suggest tht they were being held by ghazis fellow terrorist who had gone out of his control on seeing the govt reaction….just to ensure their safe exit……ppl suggest tht benazir bhutto might hv been killed by zardari coz he was the biggest gainer……..ghazi brothers also had political motives……apni jaan k liyay maa beta bhi bhool jatay hain…….and the clear example is this family……….

    as far as gen jamshed is concerned ur info regarding the army is incorrect…wat abt the role of 111 brigade which has troops all over isb…it is responsible for the security of both pindi and isb….this is directly under core commd pindi…jamshed sahib was one for more than 1 yr…he was also a maj gen in the isi yet all things happening in and around isb always escaped his attention….shahid masood is now a minister/musheer…..he was also anti musharraf ofcourse for political gains..similarly hamid mir who is so innocent and dedicated as per u convieniently forgets zardari;s and nawaz sharif’s corruption…kiani sahib kiska paisa lai k bol rahay thay aur kis motive k liyay bol rahay thay is evident by the timing and manner of his interviews…why did his concious wake up after retirement???????i would hv agreed to his honesty if he had resigned frm the army…tht wud hv been honourable…..

    phosphorous bomb tht u speak of does not exist with the pakistan army…the gernades they used contained wp1 and it does hv these effects which u speak of but there use for smoke and concealing movement of troops is justified…remembertht these ppl inside the mosque were armed , dangerous , sick terrorist.

    galian na denay ka bhi shaid apko alim e deen hi batein gai …ur parents must hv forgotten..quote a single abuse by the prophet(p.b.u.h) against abu jehal or abdullah bin abbi….my ideal personality even forgave hind who murdered his beloved uncle hamza..

    Allah orders us to read , understand and ponder upon the teachings of Quran…Allah has not addressed alims in the holy Quran…the Quran is a guidance for everyone…please read the first 7 ayas of surat baqra………

    ghazis actions shd be judged as per the Quran……..

  27. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @ nauman
    blah blah blah blah blah………..

  28. noman Avatar

    jawad u hv finally run out of answer as ghazi cannot be defended by logic or islam….

    the language u use depicts ur lack of respect for islam and humanity…..all ur posts and the examples u quote are signs of ur sick mentality…

    all ghazi supporters in this blog hv been using similar language i.e abuse and slander …the funniest thing is tht all of u try to defend ghazi’s so called islamic actions….

    laughs out loud

    jihalat aur gandi mentality ka muqabla waqai app sai koi nahi kar sakta……

    shame on you!!!

  29. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    right now i am laughing at your self proclaimed victory
    keep dreaming……..

  30. noman Avatar

    its not abt winning or losing.however if u feel tht u hv no answers or justifications as per Quran and sunnah i believe ur correct…..

    im not here to offend / abuse anybody…..nor im supporter of any politician however im against all those who for their political interests defame the name of muslims….

    in ur case u must learn manners , decency and norms of public conversation….

    ur helplessness is evident from ur last two posts… experience says

    1. tht ghazi lovers cannot speak in a decent manner/language. questions still unanswered.

  31. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    you are such a impossible reminds me a story.
    once two person,over an incident exchanged bitter arguments one guy was a lean and short while the other guy looked like a wrestler huge and strong.
    suddenly short and lean guy blew a fuse and started abusing the huge one. the huge got out raged and he punched on his face.short guy paused for few second and challanged the huge guy if he dare,do it again.huge guy again punched his face and keep beated him till both got aggravated.
    passer-by came and helped the short guy and lift him up while he was pissed ambulance was called and he was taken in to ambulance short guy stood up and said;
    bach gaya sala, aaj to mar hi jata mere hathon
    LOLZZZZZZZ……. hahahahhhahahahahhah

  32. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    Hey nauman!
    If you want further discussion, you should give up your disguise.Do not talk to me behind the masks.
    You want further discussion, declare your true identity.
    I am almost convinced that you are a qadiyani. Prove me wrong by saying:

    “I solemnly affirm that Nabi Kareem MOHAMMED (PBUH) is a
    Last prophet sent by ALLAH (SWT) and there is no prophet
    After Nabi Kareem (pbuh) and that the curse and wrath of
    ALLAH (SWT) be upon any person who claim to be a prophet
    After Nabi Kareem (pbuh)”

    What you have to do is just copy the Para under comas and paste it. I accept all your term & conditions for further debate,in return you have to agree upon only for this.

    Hey, @nauman what do you say?

  33. noman Avatar

    1. First Kalima TAYYABA, The declaration of Sanctity.There is no deity but Allah and Mohammed is His Messenger.

    the kalima written above is not for ur is my emaan and im proud of it …i do not need ur certificate to prove myself a muslim…….i hv never stated tht the terms and conditions for any discussion would be be urs or mine…Allah ordains tht whenever in doubt refer everything to the Holy book i.e Quran or the sunnah of prophet (p.b.u.h) …these terms hv been set by Allah not myself…allah;s commandments are binding on all muslims…strangely u and all ghazi supporters hesitate to support the arguement by Quran and sunnah…..

    ur only confusing/twisting the issue to divert attention from the misdeeds of ghazi brothers……

    i still expact tht u will continue the use of filthy/abusive language and try to make up jokes as u lack logic and knowledge….

    u hv been indulging in slander against myself and others as i believe u will continue to do the same……

    read the Quran and find out the punishment for tohmat…ur an eligible candidate for it…….

    ghazi and his supporters call everyone kafir who does not agree with them……….strange

    please tell us after re reading ur own posts and the filth/abuses in them , do u consider ur self a good muslim?????? i will never call anybody a kafir aside from those who declare it but i can call u misguided muslim like ghazi……

    the fitna irtidad in hazrat abu bakar caliphate was dealt by him in an examplery manner…i also agree with 1973 constitution which declares qadianis/lahoris etc as non muslims…what i dont understand is u and all ghazi lovers declaring anybody who opposes them as a qadiani…surprisingly ur more interested in qadianis than Quran…… qadiani publicity agents???????????????

    all ur posts constitute filth and rubbish..y cant u support ghazi as per the Quran and sunna……..afterall he was fighting for implementation of shariah

    laughs out loud!!!!!!!

  34. noman Avatar

    1. First Kalima TAYYABA, The declaration of Sanctity.There is no deity but Allah and Mohammed (p.b.u.h)is His last Messenger.

    the kalima written above is not for ur is my emaan and im proud of it …i do not need ur certificate to prove myself a muslim…….i hv never stated tht the terms and conditions for any discussion would be be urs or mine…Allah ordains tht whenever in doubt refer everything to the Holy book i.e Quran or the sunnah of prophet (p.b.u.h) …these terms hv been set by Allah not myself…allah;s commandments are binding on all muslims…strangely u and all ghazi supporters hesitate to support the arguement by Quran and sunnah…..

    ur only confusing/twisting the issue to divert attention from the misdeeds of ghazi brothers……

    i still expact tht u will continue the use of filthy/abusive language and try to make up jokes as u lack logic and knowledge….

    u hv been indulging in slander against myself and others as i believe u will continue to do the same……

    read the Quran and find out the punishment for tohmat…ur an eligible candidate for it…….

    ghazi and his supporters call everyone kafir who does not agree with them……….strange

    please tell us after re reading ur own posts and the filth/abuses in them , do u consider ur self a good muslim?????? i will never call anybody a kafir aside from those who declare it but i can call u misguided muslim like ghazi……

    the fitna irtidad in hazrat abu bakar caliphate was dealt by him in an examplery manner…i also agree with 1973 constitution which declares qadianis/lahoris etc as non muslims…what i dont understand is u and all ghazi lovers declaring anybody who opposes them as a qadiani…surprisingly ur more interested in qadianis than Quran…… qadiani publicity agents???????????????

    all ur posts constitute filth and rubbish..y cant u support ghazi as per the Quran and sunna……..afterall he was fighting for implementation of shariah

    laughs out loud!!!!!!!

  35. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    again tricks! you are using the same tricks like many qadiyanis do.
    kalema tayyaba is surely a declaration of sanctity but it does not deal with imposters.
    your translation is wrong there was no “last” in kalema e tayyaba.
    therefore qadiyani used this kalema even their own temples (i personally saw kalema tayyaba written on the temple of qadiyani)

    what did i asked you?
    all i asked you was a simple copy the para under coma and paste it. why this is so hard for you?
    instead of clear statement you started giving bhashan.
    well @nauman bhashan time is over we have already exchanged many argument any one can go through these arguments.
    so stop beating the bush and say:
    “wrath and curse of ALLAH(SWT) on any one including mirza
    ghulam ahmed qadiyani who claim the prophethood after

    just copy and paste
    easy isn,t it?

  36. noman Avatar

    1. First Kalima TAYYABA, The declaration of Sanctity.There is no deity but Allah and Mohammed (p.b.u.h)is His Messenger.

    for u to believe in allah;s words i hv to copy paste what u write…this is the strength of ur emaan…if i do not copy paste certain paras u will not believe what allah says in the quran coz ur ego is not being satisfied…..

    y do u visit qadiyani temples????????? STRANGE!!!!!!!
    RU GIVING ME ANY HINT?????????

    y copying paste is so hard for me??????

    y is it so hard for u to believe wat stated in Quran…..watever i write and say has no importance for u…unless and until i say wat u say…watever u hv written is not even part of kalima…….but u say it its important

    i believe Allah is one .holy prophet9p.b.u.h) is his last messanger and i believe in all the 4 books he revealed on us…i belive in all his messangers………

    all those who claim prophethood after prophet(p.b.u.h) are sinners and will be punish by Allah….this includes those whose temples u r very fond of visting maybe thts the reason y u cannot c the logic in Quran and still choose to support ghazi etc….

    waisay Allah has not made it compulsory top curse and put his wrath on somebody for becoming a muslim…..these lines are ur creations and not foundation of being a muslim or emaan…….

    im not interested in any discussion with u because the manner of ur posts indicate the level of knowledge rather the lack of it tht u possess abt islam…..qadiani temples mai janay k bajayay if u had read the Quran even once with translation u would hv been putting ur energies to gud use…………

    now we hv to be branded muslims i.e if we believe in ghazi then we fit in the definition of muslims………..

    i hv still not questioned ur emaan even when u urself confess of visiting qadiani temples but its easy for u to slander and put tohmat on others……..

    y shdnt i pray for the curse of Allah on those who use abusive language and indulge in slander in the name of islam??????????

    there is no arguement between me and u …..i only demanded manners and decency …………….

    u know tht u r wrong …ur position is based on lies but ur still defending it because of ego…….these are just attention diverting tactics u r using…..

    please inform us in ur next post y u consider urself a better muslim as u hv failed to prove ghazis actions as per Quran n sunna and u hv decided to change the path so lets find out the good qualities of being a muslim from u…highlight it frm ur posts ……….

    good attempt to confuse the issue: history repeating on this blog……..

    laughs out loud!!!!!!

  37. noman Avatar

    being a muslim means the ability to slander , call people kafir,using filthy/abusive language, disrespecting every second women,defending personalities and avoiding the Quran and sunnat,visiting qadiani temples… everyone with them is muslim , everyone against them is an inferior , kafir…..


    are these the qualities which makes a gud muslim?????????

    however ur attitude is normal considering tht u support ghazi…all his supporters and him hv the same wud hv been unusual if u wud hv talked sense/logic…..

    ur last few posts indicate tht u hv nothing to support ur arguement……so keep thinking about new ways/tactics to abuse ppl as thts wat ur best at….

    may Allah save us from such thaikaidars of islam and forgive the misdeeds of ghazi and all those including u for continously indulging in tohmat….

    Allah apko hidayat dai……..ameen

  38. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    It is a late response as I was busy with vaccinations of my fellow workers and some problems in claims of the patients.

    Always laugh out loud!!!
    Good to hear that you are not qadiyani. It is not compulsory we use as a test to know whom we are talking to? For any kind of discussion especially which involves the religious issue, determination of mentality of opponent is very important. Whether is he qadiani, secular fascist, or hired hand by intelligence agencies?
    One thing always amazed every body that one is crying and chanting so much about quran and sunnah why he is so happy on death of thousands of rasikh ul aqeeda muslims.
    One who is repeatedly giving bhashans about quran and sunnah why is lying all the time ? why he is distorting the truth, why he is tampering the fact?
    I thought you were qadiyani because I saw even liberal Muslims sad on massacre that took more than 2000 lives mostly innocent girls and children.
    Every one liberal or rasikh ul aqeeda grieved the deaths of rasheed ghazee and his fellow fighters.
    Why???……because Nabi Kareem(pbuh) said “ummat is like a body if one part hurts so the other part feels pain (meaning).this hadeeth reflects true nature of true Muslims.
    So according to hadeeth if some body is celebrating the defeat and massacre of Muslim it means that some thing is wrong with that person.
    And then I saw few people dancing and laughing over their dead bodies including you, immediately my mind told me that you might be qadiyani.
    Strange thing about you is that you are entirely different from Diaspora
    1) People of Pakistan believe that even ghazi rasheed crossed some limits his demand is just right. You suddenly appeared chanting and crying about Quran and sunnah and challenged (with half knowledge) that no one can prove in the light of quran and sunnah.
    Then I pointed out about amr bilmaroof wa niha an il munkir and 3 degrees of eiman in response is nothing but…. blah blah blah
    2) Every Pakistani believes that gen pervez is worst possible head of state one country can ever have. He sold out every thing for money and power even 700 innocent Pakistani to America. He played with constitution of Pakistan .toppled elected govt, dismissed unlawfully a Supreme Court chief justice, destroyed the cultural decency, propagated atheism and nude kind of secular fascism, immunized and promoted qadiyanis in an unprecedented way. People hate him and want his trial. While few like you are still supporting him badly. No wonder what make you diametrically different from the Diaspora?
    3) Strange kind of support for brothels and prostitutes. I asked you that why 4 witnesses is required to remove a brothel from area and when I refuted your arguments then again you started blah blah blah…..
    4) You denied almost about every thing happened on these days. Like phosphorus bomb. First you denied about lethality of phosphorus bomb but when I refuted your argument you started blah blah blah….. and started saying that this kind of phosphorus bomb Pakistan army do not possess this kind of phosphorus bomb. Lolzzzzz Are you a procurement agent of Pakistan army or you supply the arms and ammunition to the army?
    5) You slandered about hamid mir and his 2 farms in chak shehzad and forgot all about quran and sunnah
    6) Your gesture and comments towards ghazi abdul rashed and shohada of lal masjid and jamia hafsa is full of contempt, cruel and indecent showed your mental sickness and you require and decency and manner? While whole nation was grieving you were jumping like a cat. And now you are giving me the bhashan on decency and manner.

    Well I don’t have any respect who cheered on death of a true muslim and spew the poison against the people who were mercilessly slaughtered by army. No body has. Just ask any one.

    May ALLAH save us all from the fire who’s fuel will be the humans.
    May ALLAH save all from the pretense of modern age.
    May ALLAH save us from the pretence of exterior as well interior.

  39. noman Avatar

    Well first of all ur accusation about dancing and laughing abt the death of innocent ppl is entirely wrong…im happy tht the terrorist inside lal masjid died and got wat they deserved….i do not consider any single person male or female who died inside lal masjid as innocent….i had doubts abt the presence of children but ghazi himself denied tht no children were present inside…the entire media also wanted children if any to be safe…..later when the anti musharraf propogandists took hold of the media campaign etc i.e to throw the current govt out many stories abt lal masjid emerged…we were shown girls on capital talk , 50 minute , ary etc claiming tht there were children inside…the same girls were calling all army personal who took part in the operation as kuffar and said on national tv tht all of them were killed by allah …I find this claim of urs tht a wide diaspora of ppl i.e the majority supports ghazi and his actions far from the truth…..if this was the case mqm in khi and the ig Punjab would not hv blamed umme hassan of recruiting suicide bombers………..she along with her hubby were the custodians of jamia hifza and lal mosque respectively…..maulana burqa showed his courage by fleeing the mosque…if he was wajing jihad he shd hv stayed…..similarly umme hassan ran away and strangely left females inside the mosque…mean , stupid and entirely selfish… far as ghazi , son of umme hassan n her saas y they were left behind is known only to her.but this is a fact tht it was not for religious duties……why ghazi was asking for safe passage for himself n his companions for pursakoon zindgi, mazi ko bhulana chahtay hain ……..isnt maulana burqa safely in custody of the police? Wat makes u think tht ghazi wud hv been treated differently? I again stress tht if any innocent life was lost inside the mosque the entire blame rest on this family….

    U claim tht rasik ul aqeeda muslims cried at the deaths of ghazi n band of terrorists…strangely no one cries for 13/14 soldiers and policemen who died during the operation…just imagine the situation tht a stupid molvi needs money for jihad , kills u and takes ur money for buying a rifle….ur family must then say tareeqa thora ghalat tha magar molvi demand tou shariat hi ki kar raha tha….amar bil maroof ghar sai shru hota hai………see ghazi;s family history…….a family installed in lal mosque by zia ul haq for their affiliations with sipah sihaba.both brothers were paid by the same state against whom they had suddenly decided to wage jihad….these brothers were active participant in the afghan war…lal mosque at that time was a training / recruiting place for jihadis , trained on cia money…both these buggers including almost all our deeni jaamat hv direct links with cia…so much so that even the course of many madrissas has been approved by cia to be used against the Russians in afghanistan…hv u ever asked urself frm where do these guys in bajore , swat and lal masjid etc get the money from to waje so called jihad against Pakistan…there are 20000 regular Indian troops in afghanistan .the entire northern alliance is anti and iran along with India are sponsoring these so called jihadis for their vested interests i.e non development of gawadar as a port against chabahar in iran and dubai itself…India naturally wants us in a problem …what better way to do it than using the same molvis most of whom were against the creation of Pakistan itself.ghazi led a mob after azim tariq;s murder , burning property all over abpara…not defending melody cinema but nobody had a right to burn it in the name of amar bil maroof…..the same ghazi was caught transporting rocket launchers for allah knows wat?

    1) amar bil maroof as stated in the Quran is beyond any doubt but we will hv to c who is doing it and how he is carrying this activity? This would remain Islamic till the time it remains within the bounds of shariah .as soon as u cross those bounds it becomes unislamic. Ghazi actions u urself agree were crossing limits .who permitted himto cross these limits/ and y was he doing it? Just for fun or fame.

    2) I do not support musharraf but I would not call him the worst of rulers.he really has strong competition to chose from . his policies are not part of my discussion. Coz he has not committed anything in the name of islam.ghazi on the other hand played into the hands of the western world by doing everything wrong in the name of islam.

    3) I hv not supported any brothel/prostitute. I do not hv any knowledge abt brothels or qadiyani temples nor I want to…the papers are full of stories abt brothels etc…to prove adultery 4 witnesses are reqd…incase of a brothel even if 4 witnesses are not present other options can be undertaken…..firs can be lodged…if ghazi himself had lodged an fir and then aggressively persuded by taking out prosessions, goin to media , approaching political authority tht is the mma mna aslam arain lot of pressure could hv been built up…… don’t tell me tht these things were done…if so where r the firs, why aslam arain the local mna has no responsibility? Wat abt the media? This sacha media can only bring out rubbish/negative news y not something constructive.? Didn’t I give another solution rather than abducting tht lady…….the same chaps including the burqa brigade could hv stood a vigil outside this house not letting anyone in? another strange fact is the absence of any male clients from the entire scene. Y they if present were let off? The news reported tht the brother of an mmma mna was let off by the burqa brigade from Chinese parlor? U still hv not answered these lines….why ghazi was supporting the male clients of these alleged prostitutes?
    4) As far as phosphorous grenades are concerned u taunted tht I shd be an agent for the army to know abt dear I hv a number of shaheeds in my family including those who hv earned gallantry awards like sj in wars against India the established kuffar…..i do not understand the ghazi brothers wajing war against their own army comprising fully of muslims and then declaring them kafir.the grenade is common issue in the army and I hv seen it .do talk to some fauji aside from politically motivated generals serving or retd.
    5) As far as my claim against hamid mir is concerned ur was my mistake..i had read it on a website and as I don’t hv any proof of it I shdnt hv spoken it out….however this gentleman himself talks abt suicide bomber frm jamia hifza ( girl wearing suicide jacket) u avoided commenting on it…strangely all these ppl easily find suicide jackets and explosive material to blow themselves up…the same chap before the operation used to say capital k beech mai aik masjid ka molvi apni hakomat qaim karna chahta hai.writ of the state challenge ho rahi….isb k shehri apnay apko mehfooz tasawar nahi kartay… support this many ppl were called on his show……geo along with other channels beat the war drums throughout the episode of all ghazi crimes…….these chaps were also responsible for building up pressure onto the govt for the operation in the same manner as they built up pressure against musharraf…chief justice ab bhi bahir hai but strangely the media is not giving it as much coverage now….gern kiani words against musharraf were headline news along with ex servicemen society……his death merited only a brief mention on geo esp coz their purpose had been fulfilled.
    Waisay jo tohmtain , galian, gandi ghatia batein app kartay rahain hain ya jo banday ghazi aur uskay logon k hathon marray hain unka hisab kon dai ga………..

    Finally :

    U call ghazi a true muslim but agree tht he crossed the bounds of sharia…..did he sign tht statement which u wanted me to sign….how do u know tht he was not a qadiani. An agent of raw , cia , mossad ….y r u not as strict in judging him as u were for me???????? Without any basis u called me a qadiani etc…….
    Where hv u seen me dancing???????
    Where hv u seen me abusing u or these ppl?
    Decency is a must in all public interactions……app logon ki maa par unglian uthanay ko islami samjhtay hain……I hv not even reacted on ur dirty examples……
    Many ppl don’t support ghazi so don’t call it a majority support….tht sicko was using orphans and females for his personal gain…..he shd not hv been shot…he along with his brother and bhabhi deserved all the sharaee punishments tht is chopping of hands for illegal occupation of land, flogging for tohmat, beheading for spreading fisad , causing nifaq and killing the innocent soldiers/policemen during the operation…..jis baikhofi sai this man committed such big crimes is a point of concern…was he above the law?????? If zardari is corrupt , mushraf is bad , nawaz is chor shd some molvi kill them all and claim tht I did this for ALLAH. A similar sicko killed a female mpa for not observing parda in gwa …this concept of sharia is strange..where every shida maja molvi can claim tht he is the law …obey me coz thts shariat .question me and ur qadiani kafir…oppose me and I will brand ur house a brothel or call u a lowlife…kill u and ur family and term u kuffar………gimmie a break!!!!!!!

    We all r common ppl not zardari musharaf or molvi burqa …these all r above the law in Pakistan….even if I do a small crime today I will be punished….all of them will go free as in sab ka pawa hai………aur log bawaqoof jo inn mai sai kisi aik ko support kartay hain……..ab tou burqay aur darhi ko dekh k shopkeepers are alert…….islam ki iss sai ziada badnami possible nahi thi……..i do not sympathise with these brainless females……shown on geo how they were kicked out from various hospitals in isb for threatening nurses….i feel pity on everyone who suts his brain , closes the Quran , forgets the sunna and starts following some zardari, mushrraf or molvi etc etc

    I hv been on this blog since lal mosque operation…my stance is still the same…prove everything from quran n sunnat I will agree…u can scroll above and read so u cant call it a sudden demand…….

    Lolz, hehehe, khas kam jahan pak ( as I don’t abuse and these are decent alternatives to bring out my anger)

  40. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    ” Lolz, hehehe, khas kam jahan pak ( as I don’t abuse and
    these are decent alternatives to bring out my anger)

    it’s not abusing, it’s an expression of sick mentality in the public.i don’t expect you to show sympathy for ghazi a.rasheed but atleast you can stop dancing and laughing over a dead body even he is your arch enemy.
    does quran and sunnah not tell you any thing about that?
    did you see (maaz allah) Nabi e Kareem(pbuh) and sahaba e kiram (rta) cheered on the death of any enemy?

  41. noman Avatar

    from the entire post u had only this to jump upon…….just compare ur language, abuses with these simple words……… laughing is a sign of sick mentality, wowwwwww……ab iss pai bhi fatwa hai????????hansnay wala bhi kafir hai………i dont laugh over the dead bodies but i laugh over the sick mentality and senseless displayed by ghazi and supporters.

    prove from the Quran this is dancing over the dead bodies or unislamic…….u mentioned the prophet(p.b.u.h) and yet hyprocite enough to use words like pimp, pig , qadiani, kafir against all who oppose u…………u prove this from Quran plz???????

    however im happy tht u agree with the rest of my post as u hv no counter arguement specifically abt ghazi;s actions being islamic from Quran and sunnat…….

    dont even attempt to teach me decency coz ur not the rite person to do so coz my posts hv been very decent ……..

    u still hv not answered any of my questions even frm this last post……………what a pity!!!!!!!!!

    khas kam jahan pak

  42. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    lastly i advise you sincierly to repent in front ALLAH(SWT)
    and ask His forgiveness.He is most merciful and gracious.
    in the end we all have to present in front of ALMIGHTY ALLAH(SWT)on the day of judgement which is not far from now(i think) where you will not be able to deceive any one by chanting about quran and sunnah.the day when ALLAH(SWT) will be in state of extreme majesty.
    when even Prophets except nabi kareem(saw)will not dare to say any thing.the day with full of hardness and longiness.
    and some one who just invited the wrath of ALLAH(swt) in this earthy life will be the looser of the loosers.
    extrem pain forever
    suffering forever
    tourment forever
    cursed forever
    and all this suffering for what?
    chiken feeds,dibs and disdained interests.
    just for a afflicting job.

    what a loss!
    May ALLAH save us all from the fire who’s fuel will be the humans.
    May ALLAH save all from the pretense of modern age.
    May ALLAH save us from the pretence of exterior as well interior.

  43. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    also In jusdgement day there will be no
    heehehehehehe and

  44. noman Avatar

    Firstly its not ur advice.Allah tallah has ordered in the Quran that we should always be asking his forgiveness and repenting on our sins .we cannot express garatitude for the smallest of allah;s blessing in our entire life times. Hell is always deserved and jannah only by allah;s rehmat.

    u thinking about Quran ands sunnat is deceiving people????? Don’t u hv Quran at home….if u think im wrong correct me ……why not amar bil maroof and nahi unil munkir in the light of Quran and sunnat? Wats so difficult…….just because u don’t hv answers to defend that criminal?

    U can even call people Quran as deceivers and Qadiyani…….u shd beg forgiveness for this act…………. How can u call a muslim a kafir?

    How can u attribute shirk to a person who believes in Allah?

    Ghazi rasheed;s actions were unislamic and even not appreciated by u but he is rasikh ul aqeeda muslim coz he hijacked a mosque? Killed numerous ppl in the name of islam?

    Please read the Quran specifically ayat al kursi…Allah says illah bi iznahi means without allah;s permission nobody would be allowed the role of shifaaat…..we do not know who all Allah will permit….and secondly how dare u say that Allah will be in extreme majesty only on the day of judgement? Allah is the always majestic……….

    May Allah forgive me and place me in those who are on the right side……

    Ur right , on qayamaat u also dare to call ppl pig, pimp,qadiani, kafir , lowlife, bastard……….
    Dare to indulge in abusing ppl mothers and sisters ….

    Basically u don’t hv any answer/logic to support whatever ur trying to support………therefore u indulge in side stepping the issue under discussion…..
    I once again challenge u to support ghazi and urself in the light of Quran and sunnat……

    I really don’t understand y ppl on this blog indulge in personal attacks just to support that criminal……….

    U hv not answered a single question of mine….even u could not identify the harm in lolz and hehe morally, ethically or in the light of religion………

    Hats off to me tht I bear with ur abuses and bad language ( coz u will be answerable for them on day of judgement) and I just do hehehe…………u basically want to incite me and trying my patience……Allah sabar karnay walon k sath hain…..inshallah Allah mujhay sabareen hi mai rakhay ga. Amen

    Kash ghazi aur burqa brigade nai aik bar bhi roz e akhrat k baray mai socha hota tou who apni jaan ko khasaray main a daltay aur fisad na philatay……..

    Ha ha ha ha ……..

  45. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    Dear noman!
    Time is running out. Human life is just like a piece of ice in a scorching heat. Salvation is solely depending upon the surrender of our free will against ALLAH (SWT).
    HE is most gracious and the merciful. HE blessed us in the earthy life with so many things, our lives depend upon, and we even cannot count. In return, he just orders the complete and unconditional obedience. Only ALLAH (swt) decides whomever, whatever, whenever’s and wherever’s.
    If He orders His servants to fight for shariyah, promotion of virtue and prevention of vice in Quran, its mean we have to follow the command no matter what the cost it takes. It means it become a collective responsibility a “farz e kifayah” which means some one have to come forward and obey ALLAH (SWT) other wise we all will become offender fasiq and will be accountable on judgment day.
    Ghazi abdul rasheed did that he stand for shariyah fought against vice. He took the entire burden on his shoulder. He sacrificed his life along with other rasikh ul aqeeda Muslims brothers and sisters, unprecedented in modern history of Islam.
    In spite of being thankful for the sacrifice, you indulged yourself in the monkey business. Derided the poor souls, mocked upon their helplessness knowing that they mercilessly slaughtered by swinish, barbaric and rogue army.
    Repent for your derogatory remarks against the shohada the pure souls if you know the high levels of not invite the wrath of ALLAH (SWT).
    When you say:
    Why not amar bil maroof and nahi unil munkir in the
    light of Quran and sunnat? Wats so difficult…….just
    because u don’t hv answers to defend that criminal?

    it indicates your level of understanding of “Quran and sunnah” you want a justification of one Qurani order in the light of Quran and sunnah…….so funny and absurd.
    so please tell me, with this level of understanding of Quran and sunnah, is it necessary to mock and ridicule the sacrifices of shohada e Islam?
    i call it a invitation to the wrath of ALLAH(SWT)

    in the end i must convey the meaning of hadeeth which say that deplore for a person who destroy his hereafter “aaqibah” for the “dunya” of the others.
    May ALLAH save us all from the fire who’s fuel will be the humans.
    May ALLAH save all from the pretense of modern age?
    May ALLAH save us from the pretence of exterior as well interior?

  46. noman Avatar

    well i am not thankful for any so called sacrifice made by those in masjid…those criminals were just causing fisad in the world and will punished ion the hereaftre inshallah….i hv already asked u to quote the relevent ayas of the Quran on which ghazi;s actions were based and how they were carried out……there is no justification for his criminal acts……

    wat were the outlines of his so called shariah ? just slogans?

    burning public property?
    lootingpublic offices?
    taking over children;s library?
    brainwashing children?
    killing innocent soldiers?
    calling ppl kafir?
    indulging in slander?

    these are sharee actions? i told u to prove these actions in the light of Quran and sunnat not to defend shariat?

    nobody opposes shariah……….u very well know wat im asking so dont try to say other than wat is asked……

    ghazi rasheed was as helpless as maulana burqa, his wife n other male / females who came out…….inn par so called jihad maaf ho gia tha????

    laughs out loud!!!

    ghazi bhi safe passage mang raha tha????????? pursakoon zindgi k liye????????????

    wat farz e kafaya and wat jihad abt it????????


    promotion of virtue …hahaha…..u call his actions virtues????????????????

    fight against vice…correct…coz that wat the army was doing …tht is fighting against a fisadi / vice

    he took the burden………………….yes…..he is entirely to blame for the entire episode …..he is responsible for the deaths of all innocent ppl during the operation.
    i can only compare him with dakoos, abducters and petty politicians who make such sacrifices daily ……bibi shaheed, bhutto shaheed, zia shaheed and finally criminal shaheed
    ab log plots par kabza kar k, tv par jhoot bol k bhi shaheed kehlayein gai…wowwwwww

    wat abt the ppl killed by ghazi?????/ it was they who made the supreme sacrifice????? how can u call them barbaric?? who r u to name them brutul??????

    u shd repent in labelling ghazi actions as sharee…waisay u hv still not quoted the relevent ayas of Quran

    infact ur just beating the drum……

    ghazi ki tarefain does not make correct and rasik ul aqeeda…….

    u hv still failed to answer any of my questions…..
    dont try to dodge…….
    u very well know wat im asking…..
    like hamid mir u also hv taken u turn first according to u he crossed limits…now he is rasikh ul aqeeda……..

    kia andar burqay kam opar gayay thay …pehnta aur woh bhi bahir bhaj jata??????

    hehehe (funny indeed)

  47. Arif Avatar

    wat were the outlines of his so called Good governece of Musharraf
    burning public Mosque and burning public property in Fata area?
    kidnapping/Selling countrymen to USA for few dollars?
    Selling public property (steel Mill)
    taking over mosque and children’s Maddareasah?
    brainwashing public?
    killing innocent pakistani/muslims?
    calling Mujahidden as terrorrists and calling the real terrorist USA friend ?
    Breaking constitution.
    Imposing Martial Law.
    Putting Chief Justice under house arrest.

    indulging in slander?

  48. Arif Avatar

    please read this regarding lal masjid massacre

  49. noman Avatar


    again trying to confuse the issue…..this blog is not of musharraf neither im his supporter……..neither musharraf diod all wat u allege in the name of islam.
    ghazi;s madrissa was just like masjid e zarar …shd hv been demolished frm the outset…..

    these are not mujahadeens……..if musharraf is an american agent i believe ghazi also to be one…please read my previous posts carefully……….

    i know musharraf is wrong in many aspects neither im here to defend but if ur a ghazi supporter plz prove ghazis actions from Quran/sunna………as he was committing sins in the name of islam


  50. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    “again trying to confuse the issue…..this blog is not of
    musharraf neither im his supporter……..neither musharraf
    diod all wat u allege in the name of islam.
    ghazi;s madrissa was just like masjid e zarar …shd hv been
    demolished frm the outset…..

    Not demolished from outset???
    no problem.
    destroy it with heavy guns and with militory hardware
    what?…children and women are inside????
    no problem kill them all
    use the phosphorus bomb if neccessary.

    and remember @noman will be there even we discuss this issue after 10 years.noman is authority on quran and sunnah
    no one dare to mess with him.he can even justify the actions of george bush in the light of quran and sunnah.
    if you have enough time to read his post please do not forget to see my answer side by side

    best regards