Musharraf’s taped address to nation – Part 1

(I’m still transcribing this via the translations from an Al Jazeera reporter on the ground, so please excuse typos and the like)

My brothers and sisters all over pakistan, peace be upon you, i’m addressing at this moment. Pakistan, is running a crisis, home security is happening, because of domestic violence, this is very important and a time to make a serious decision in pakistan. Whether it is discomfort or with comfort, but i doubt if i don’t take this decision then there is danger for pakistan stability and integrity.

i promise, in front of you whatever i took the decision it was in the interest of pakistan before everything, the stability of pakistan is important no personal interest or consideration, over all this pakistan is the first and i hope all the pakistanis in this way think so, they don’t!

My brothers and sisters last few months, the situation was changing i want to put some light on the first thing i say, terrorism an extremism, at the moment the societal attacks happened in karachi, islamabad and in other cities, it happoened there. Extremists people, feel themself free to do whatever they like because they don’t care about police. They got growing confidence they want to confront police.

Before it was happening in nwfp, and they moved from there to centeral pak and southern districts. Condition is worse but i want to inform you that with sadness those extrmeist people, moved towards pakistani capital, these extremist people, they want to challenge the right of government so they want to etablish their own government, government inside government and worst of all these estremists want to live in their own religious ideas which belongs to dark ages and they want to impose their own ideas on the majority. In my view, this is a very much damaging, a challenge to the foundation of pakistan and is a very serious situation.

Now, i would like to talk to to you about administration. Some peolpe want to paralyze adminstrative structure. Some of our administrative senior beraucrats are running between our own offices and supreme court, and no one is getting justice from sc but insulting remarks and some judges are doing between cases whether they are justified or not and some of those cases concern admin officers so that is how law and order sitation is paralyzed at the moment. Senior officers are demoralized, all those people supposed to take action but because they were demoralized and punished from sc, some of them, out of 10 officers, two inspector general police were suspended by court and i was compelled to conider this situation on my authority because they were, if you take the process of democracy, so some people,
putting somethings.



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One response to “Musharraf’s taped address to nation – Part 1”

  1. aalyaq Avatar

    Incoherent ?