An extensive coverage at Lahore Metroblogs of the protests at Punjab University following the betrayal of a few IJT activist who handed the Cricketer turned politician to the police to the bureaucracy
The update on Imran Khan is that he was charged under the Anti-Terrorism charge for inciting his supporters to stand up (take up arms) against the government and has been shifted to Kot Lakhpat Jail. Before his arrest he gave an extensive interview with Newsweek which can be read here
PU witnesses largest ever anti-jamiat protests: The situation at the University’s New Campus started to develop at around 11:00 AM when students from the University’s Law College, Institute of Communication Studies, IBA, and adjacent institutes started a march to protest Jamiat’s role in Imran Khan’s arrest by proceeding from one department to another, gathering more people with them. In no time, the youthful crowd had grown to more than 200 people, mainly from the departments where Jamiat traditionally has little or no presence.
As soon as the students reached Law College, a dramatic increase in numbers resulted by law students joining in hordes made this a rally of over 1,000 participants; all students; all apolitical; all having no backing of any puppet party and consisting only of willing participants, both male and female, holding play cards and shouting against IJT as loud as they could.
The ever-increasing crowd of more than 1,500 participants, now, proceeded towards the more IJT influenced parts of the university including the Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Geology departments (IJT’s office at Geology Department was slightly damaged by the students), CHEPS and the main building near Faisal Auditorium.
Proceeding towards the University Hostels via Chemical Engineering Underpass, the number of protesting students had by now grown to 2,000+, all marching rather peacefully through the hostel buildings and returning back to the main campus near Hailey College of Commerce.
At the end of the day, eye-witnesses have put the approximate figure of protestors at about 2,500 to 3,000 students making this the largest-ever anti-IJT protest in Punjab University’s history as well as the biggest post-emergency apolitical rally of students in Pakistan!
For those who do not know, Islami Jamiat Talaba (IJT), is the student wing of Jamaat-e-Islami (JUI), and is quite well known for its hard-line approach to religion and politics. IJT has been involved in several violent acts and used to have a strong presence in public educational institutions of Pakistan.
13 responses to “Update @ 0155: 2500+ Students rally against Jamiat at Punjab University”
For God’s sake RISE UP
On every campus in Lahore Join protests agains musharraf and jamiat
For God’s sake, for Pakistan, show some self respect and RISE NOW till the release of Imran Khan.
i have just two words for jamiat.
F%$ OFF!
protest is not for mullah…they were against formation of, they are against independence of judiciary..
qazi is free. benazir is on tv. imran is in jail for terrorism. what fun.
Well guys what do you expect from a group of a**holes who have been supported by people who are famous for supporting evil dictators, changing parties & affiliations for their own gain and imposing their thoughts of everyone. Jamiat is a group of loosers who are their to harase innocent people. I request all of you who are good people and stuck in this organization of dirt bags, to get out of it, make something new and try to be good and sensible people. We dont need more “badmashs” in our society. Luckily, this role is played really nicely by our army & police. So, its time for you to be sensible, otherwise you will loose what you have, your country, your pride & your identity.
AOA to all muslims.
Ther is a very bad satuation in Pakistan.Islami Jamiat Talba is a indipendent body not student wing of Jmaat_I_Islami. I request all pakistanies that they must read history of Pakistan then they blam who is MUHIB_E_WATAN. There is lake of knowlegd n mind.
I also spend many years in colleges and universities.Islami Jamiat Talba is Patriotic organization.IJT defeat the socialism movement in pak.More than 10,000 worker of IJT sacrifice their lives for Pak in East Pakistan.IJT worker take part in Afghan Jihad and Kashmir.IJT is MOhabbat Wattan talba organization.Inshallah IJT will long live till the for ever.
aslam o alikum
Isalmi jamait talba pakistan is only student org.since 1947 whoes members r strugling for isalmi resolation.during 60 year journy thousnd of its members are SAHEED only for to rule upon islam n pakitan.this org.produced leadrishihp doctores engeenries layers and professional petriot of pakistan.
i want to say throug media that
Is pakistan is Isalmic republic?
i hv many Question but if u think …….?
alway try to courage positive activiteis droos e quran
study circles book fairs.Well com parties to new comers,telent awards of islami jamait talba pakistan in all over n pakistan’s institues
for more info.
dear aslmo alikum
Being a student of Bsc and Karkun(member) of IJT i want to say that v r livng n Isalmic Republic Paakistan on that pakistan hve u evr thoght that
psakistan is a isalmic state ……..?
she hv Isalmaic Socity(MAHSHRA)….?
she hv isalmaic law….?
u an ur famly is saved hera….?
why is isalm is blamd due to pak…..?
i hv many point but i think it is enough…
that why Mullana’s are against the formation of pak
tht v cn’t establish isalmi satate
and then mullan’s r strugling to rule upon isalam….since up to 60 years……
think mi brother and look around urslf and play a role..
i hope that u will nt mind reply me
waleed ahmed khan
Assalam-o- Alikum brother keep it up i ‘ll pray for u to continue his kind of jihad (by qalem)against the muslim brothers and sisters how have no knowldge but as they are puppets in the hands of pakistan dushman aanasir the are innocents .i also pray to Allah Almighty that He should oper their minds and recognise their well wishers And their enemies .Fe Amanillah
A.o.A dear brother jzakillah for ur khiyalat beceus khiyalat hi kisi ki persolality j=ko byan kerty hain bhai wesy apko aik baat btaoon keh kisi ky kirdar per uchalna aur galiyan dy na to dushmanan-e0 Islam ka kam hy .aik Muslan kbhi dushman-e-Islam nhe hosakta .aur galeyan khana aur apni rah per daty rehan Allah jee keh berghuzeedah nabyon ka kam .to phir ap khud andaza ker lain keh ap kon si sef main hain kyon keh dermeyani rah waloon ko Allah je ny Munafiq Kha hy.rah-e-heq ky satheyon ky ly ye pygham kem ky daty rehy Quran ki Basharat apki muntazir hy
“NA dro aur na ghum khao ager tum heq per ho to tum he ghalib rho gh.”AL_QURAN
Aur yeh keh
BAtil S Heq Dba Hy Na Dby Gh!
Phonkon Sy Ye Chragh(JAMIAT)Bhuja Hy Na Bhjy ga!
Aur Aziz bhai apky ly yeh Pygham Keh!!!
Sheb Andhyre Hy musafir karwan bun ker chalain;
Her Taref Phyle Hoi hain Asbiyat ki Sazshain;
Weqt Hy Keh ik dosry Keh Pasban Ben Ker Chlain;
Sheb Andhyre Hy musafir karwan bun ker chalain;
FeAmanillah ;bahi apka shukriya keh apky irshadat ny mujhy bhi qelmi jihad main hissa ly na ka sharef bukhsha,Skuuukriyyya bhai sahib.
jamait is the best students organization in pakistan which protects the students from evil
Assalom o Alaikum WarahmatuLLah
Being an Applicant member of Islami Jamiat talba pakistan i will only say to all my brothers and sisters of this so called islamic republic of Pakistan,
“we have got this state on the base of this slogan that “PAKISTAN KA MATLAB KIA LAA ILLAHA ILL ALLAH” But have we seen any sign of this slogan here in this country. Just think on the view of this meek student and a small worker of I.J.T and then send me your suggestions on my this email:
I would like to advise IJT that, they should accept their faults and mistakes internally as well as publicaly if they believe in faith and honesty. Other wise for expressing lies and manuplating the wrong, we have lot of parties.
Also if they claim for an islamic idiology, they should learn the lesson from Islamic history becouse Islam didnot spread by showing muscles.
Mistakes can be happen but stand on mistakes is crime!!!