It must be noted that it is not only men, students and politicians (a very few) that are standing firm against this Martial Law imposed by General Pervaiz Musharraf but at the same time it is heartening to see women stepping forward and locking hands with other activists to express their right of opinion. Often these women are also rounded up by the police and subsequently sent to jail.
In this day and age there is a never ending debate on the equality of men and women, even in an Islamic country like Pakistan, but despite the debate our society still has culturally maintained a level of dignity and respect for women. For this very reason policewomen are deployed to round up any female protesters and the male officers are not allowed to participate in this exercise. Sadly when we were a witness to the mayhem a few days back during a protest in Lahore after Imran Khan’s arrest where his sisters were manhandled and then later you see this image of a plain clothes man shoving a female into the awaiting jail car, one does scream out in utter disgust.
The video can be viewed from one of my earlier posts when one such woman was actually roughed up and deliberately shoved to the ground by a circle of Policemen in utter ruthlessness all I can say God Bless Pakistan

More images of Women Activists defying the Martial Law in Pakistan
4 responses to “Update @ 0314: Women Activists defying the Martial Law in Pakistan”
Reading your post, I couldn’t help thinking of moment in Zola’s Germinal where la Mouquette moons the soldiers who have been sent to break the minors’ strike. Pakistani ladies activists might shy from such coarse French defense, yet relish the read: Part VI, ch. 5 (Havelock Ellis’ translation) from “In the front rank Mouquette..” to “…as though they had seen them stained by a splash of filth”.
yes seen this image was very Shocking i felt ashamed when i saw that … we all must condemn that .
That police man took chance to get sexual enjoyment by rubbing his penis with buttocks of PTI female activits, holding their breasts and touching and rubbing his hands on other body parts.
In my opinion this police man should be stoned to death.
Well you decide that, because that was your SISTER….moron
Choose yourself a punishment, as you would have the same intention to do same to any lady …no matter that lady is your real sister, daughter or mother…as you are a sick pervert, retarded mind person yourself