People’s Resistance would like to issue a call for a 6-hour vigil outside SIUT today 7th Dec for the quick recovery of Mr. Muneer Malik. Please show up in full force and share your concern for this great leader and his struggling medial condition.
Location : SIUT Karachi
Date: 7th December 2007
Time: 6 pm to 12 am midnight
Bring: Flowers, candles, posters and banners supporting Muneer Malik and his dream cause the ‘Restoration of Judiciary’
Spread the word through out Karachi via Email – SMS and Personal phone calls lets have some good spirited Karachiites show up in support of his health. Please also note that this is NOT a confrontational meet up and will remain strictly a vigil to share our concern for the quick recovery of Mr. Muneer Malik
On Behalf of the People’s Resistance