It is without doubt that an entire nation actually sheds a tear on the death of Benazir Bhutto, she was a hero to many, and rival to others, but the bottom line is that she was a brave leader of our nation and her struggles for democracy will not go unremembered. May Her Soul Rest in Peace.
In an attempt to provide the online community and opportunity to offer their condolences to the grieving family and literally thousands of Peoples Party supporters I would like to initiate this condolence book for Benazir Bhutto. I will make it my own responsibility to present the entire list to the offices of the Pakistan Peoples Party to be attached with the main condolence book. Please Pay your respects below
505 responses to “Online Condolence Book for Benazir Bhutto”
Benazir was beautiful, smart and down to earth. Fearless and brave and devoted to her country, her father,(his dreams he made her dreams), her party the PPP and her people.
Never in my life ,( nor will I ever), see
such an outstanding, brilliant, unselfish
iconic figure that devoted their existance
to her belief in her country and the up and
rising youth. I still greive her departure.
I also think that we will not be suprised to find out from the UN investigation that
the people involved directly with her death are the people who persuaded her to return
and work out a deal with Musharrif,( leading her into her own death trap)The very same people who carry out their post as president in much of the same way Musharrif
has done with Pakistan.Benazir knew of the
pole rigging being financed by Bushco. and
was about to present it along with other
information. Unfortunately she died that
afternoon hours before this was to take place. We still believed Bin Laden was alive.
Thanks to her now we know just how severe
this government will go. America is no
better off than Pakistan WE have one heck
of a demonistic president that has the
blood of thousands upon thousands of
people on his hands from 9-11 to the war in
Iraq all in the name of oil, minerals and
whatever else of value anyone might have.
Benazir knew this thats why he had to stop
her he didn’t want to be exposed. Her blood
is all over his hands. HE SHOULD BE MADE
true Antichrist.
God bless you Benazir your candle of life
will glow forever in the hearts of millions
and forever in the twinkle of each star at
Although i was not supporter of her poiltics but a shoking news made me awakend while i had gone to sleep with my two kids.My 3 years old son also awakened and we both heared the reactive,grieved voice of my husband after listening the news of banazir,s assacination.At that time i felt how much i loved and respected her.i just wept and wept……..My 3 year old son Hassan still see her picture on the tv,road or some vehicals and say in a timid voice “Mama Bainazir allah kay pass chali gai?”mama un ko kis nay goli mari?”Mama un ko kion goli mari?.I wish my child can have his answer.May allah rest her soul in peace and make my Pakistan a real great country.
Today I am in pain, I am in anger ad my heart bleeds for Benair Bhutto and her family and for my beloved Pakistan.
Whether one agreed with the political philosophy of BB or not, she was a brave and courageous daughter of Pakistan, who despite failings espoused a liberal vision for Pakistan and its people. She was a national leader of stature and today Pakistan has lost a person who was fighting the dark forces that are threatening to engulf Pakistan, a Pakistan where the majority believe in a Pakistan which is tolerant and open.
Benazir we will miss you for in your death, a hope seems to have been extinguished. May Allah rest her soul in peace.
The heart bleeds and the heart mourns. May the people responsible for this crime pay and may they pay dearly. I hope that they pay for their sins in this world.
I was their in his City Naudero that time, when it was listen that Benazir has been associanated,
Benzair Bhutto was a unique lady.
May Allah rest her soul.
Ye nairangian bhi daikhi dehar main ke loag
Doast hain maqtool ke aur humnava qatil ke hain
Dead are sinless, can’t say the same for when they were alive. Saint she was NOT, far from it!
She must be getting what she worked for.
Alas! UN, US, UK and none can help her.
If she had good deeds, she wouldn’t need my prayers, if she had bad deeds my prayers wouldn’t help either.
What happened to the 15 milllion dollars of the kickbacks, can that buy her any comfort? or the surrey castle? or may be the luxurious condominiums of Dubai….
or those central airconditioners or those fancy cars….
where she is now, living is a 2 x 7 x 10 deep hole and sharing it with the other creatures of Allah.
Either you like or dislike BB, you can’t deny that you will die too. Have you prepared yourself for that journey?? I ask myself first…..hhhhhh
you are very very honest leader ur a so sweet i love bhtto family
yeah right..keep it up, there will never be shortage of leaders like that
Assalam o Alikum Warahmat ullah e wabarakatuhu
well i cannot explain the joy the day when she put her foot on the land of Pakistan after a long long time on 18th october 2007 but who knows except Allah that she is coming to sarcrifice for the democracy of Pakistan.
INA Lillah e wa ina illah e rajioon….
May ALLAH bless her & give peace & colm her soul..
Benazir Bhutto you were like a mother to me….being a citizen of pakistan for which your father and brothers gave away their lives…it is today so hard for me to accept that u r no more with us…i will miss u bb for all the times to cum..pakistan has lost its last hoe….what a brave daughter
Yo..yo.. hang on a minute, father, yes I understand, but brothers, how did THEY give their lives for Pakistan. If memory serves me well, one was poisoned in France by a Russian agent (the wife)and second was murdered in Pakistan on the orders of a crook (the brother-in-law) if there is more to the story I would like to here it!
BiBi we are sorry this time again it is not the public of Pkistan it is leadership of your party who has sold your blood and trying to run democracy in a dictatorial style. Your blood has not dried on the killer roads of Rawalpindi and your leaders of the party are cleberating in Prime Minister House. Ask them what have they achived so far.
Saaye-e-Ban Na rahai.
Jis ke chashmai taswoor ne mari zindagi ko muskil pasand bana diya. jis roshan ankhain ne mera mulk ko roshan honey ki umeedain dedain. is zaan-e-qalandar ne humain maqrooz ker diya…. aa badshah ho ke badshah tujh se bara koi nahi mera malik mera aqa. tu inko apni rahamatoain se nawaz de ke tujhe ser bahr ker silla dena wala koi nahi. may allah rest her soul
INA Lillah e wa ina illah e rajioon….
Before you all people go off condoling please read about her life history at (http://middleeast.about.com/od/pakistan/p/me071110a.htm).
As you can observe she was from the elite privileged class in Pakistan. Most of her supporters/voters are poor/uneducated.
Even though being educated she kept the her kins/voters in Sindh province uneducated and backward. A visit to Sindh Pakistan will show you that people are still living in Stone ages there.
While she claimed to have love and concern for well being of poor she never bothered to spend a single dime of her easy money on them. Instead she and her husband systematically robbed Pakistan.
While I am not pleased that she is dead, I believe she got what she deserved. My only sorrow is that other crooks are alive! 🙂
I hatee the killers ,investers and the hiden hands behind that assasination. That is not a assasination of Muhatarma Benazeer Bhutto but actually it is assasination of Queen of democracy and assasination of last chance of binding force in betweeb four provinces.
Jehangir Rahujo,Advocate
when i was told that here is a bomb blast n u ere there i said nothing hapens to leaders only poor citizen dies and went back tu my cooking but after five min wen my brother told me that u are dead……….. i cant explan my feeling i who haave never been a part of politic was crying , i who hv never taken interest in u n in ppp and in any political party was shokedd
though i hv said that leaders never got shooted but i didnt mean any body death specially a female ……
the misery, the pain that i feel, million ov people feel, un explainableeeee i creid n cried n criedddddddd as if i hv lose my gem Pakistan has lose his wealth
i admired u as the first muslim women who showed the world that we muslim females are not laggars we can do if we want tooo
i don’t know how tu express my grievence but i salute u for being such a brave women that u didnt afraid even knowing that ur life is in danger
i salute u Mrs Benazir
u really are Benazir
n shame on the people who hv assasinated u
anat ho un pe jinhoon ne aurat zaat pee hath uthaya usko mar giraya……….cowards
weather she was good she was bad
she has white or black
i dont hv any concern but greivence is that a lady a muslim lady was assainated
n the coward who were afraid of female power are still roaming confidently
BIBI we miss your presence badly. Things are pretty bad without you nothing has changed even after the Elections. Peoples Party has even changed the stance and started bargains for very cheap.
May Allah Bless your humble Sole with Peace Amin.
Zardari Sb has fixed last nail in the Coffin of Bhutto Clan by giving ticket to his own Sister for the LARKANA SEAT. Why out of all Zardari sb selected this choice why not somebody Orignal die hard People’s Party worker or Leader. I personally think Bhutto factor is being minimised but this will never happen Insha Allah. BIBI Pakistan is missing you badly.
Now there is no any doubt that Muhatarma Benazir Bhutto received bullets shots fired by killer and there was a pre-planned to kill Benazir Bhutto. She was a queen of the political world . It was a day of sorrows, tears and hat ness. We condemn the act of Martyrdom/ assassination of Muhatarma Benazir Bhutto. The attack upon her was not an attack on her self but same was on Pakistan. That is not a single time we are receiving the death body of leader from the establishment especially from Punjab. It was last chance to them to show and prove their sincerity to Sindh. It is fact that it is second time that Punjab sent us a death body of Sindhi leader and Ex- Prime Minister. Still we could not forget the assassination of Mr.Zulifqar Ali Bhutto.
Benazir was not single lady but she was a symbol of the Pakistan, shelter of Sindh and chain in the Federation of Pakistan. Assassination of Banazir is actually is an assassination of federation. She was full shined star on the sky of the Global politics. It is unfortunate for the Pakistan and all progressive mind people of the world that Martyred Benazir is not in between us. I think it total responsibility of state to provide the security to the life of the people and Benazir was an international personality and several times she rote to the Government to take measures to secure her, but how Government could take steps to secure when it is involved in this assassination. We know Musaraf and his terror Party are involved in this political assassination. How now lovers of Pakistan can will satisfy the people of Sindh that they thinking them as equal. It is totally fraud with people of Pakistan and specially with people if Sindh . It is also shameful that Government and Military establishment is continuously trying to hide the assassinators and changing their statements in regard of her killing. Government is throwing the burden of killing on Al-Qaida and represents of Al-Qaida already denied for that, it is fact that it is the custom of Al-Qaida to announce and to take the responsibility of their all acts committed by them. Assassination of Benazir Bhutto is a target killing and killers are known by Government, Choudhris, their allies and Terrorist group of Karachi, who like to control of country in their hands and are worried for wining position in the coming elections of the country.
The people of Sindh are under shock and they can not forget this political assassination and the assassinators. Benazir is from the soil of Sindh. So people of Sindh continuously drop the tears.
Jehangir Rahujo,Advocate
0333-3731993, 0300 928115
Oh God..Mr. advocate, give it up already!
BIBI your assasination has unvieled so many faces even your closest people are now being ??????????????????
i cant imagine tat charismatic,g8 leader is gone.she was champion of democracy.thz is unbearable loss4 whole nation.it is impossible to forget her,it might take centuries or whole life..heart bleeds and mourns for her.
it is said: “WHOM GOD LOVEs DIE EARLY”
she proved meaning of her name,lived like princess and died with no comparison to others.May ppl responsible for her death pay for their sins in thz world.
My deepest condolence to co.chairman mr asif zardari, chairman bilawal bhutto, bakhtawar, aseefa and ppp.and i wish chairman and co.chairman good luck to make pakistan strong and stable nation,
May her soul rest in peace.ameen.
its really very sad news for us, May Allah forgive her and be pleased and give her place in paradise, and also give patience and courage to bear this irreparable loss ………. !
Despite the politicle differnces with the Shaheed Muhtarama Benazir Butho I would like to say that her assasination was great lost for the country. All Mighty Allah may give him place in paradise.
it’s great lost of pakistan which will never be filled she was great leader of pakistan no one can replaace for centuries
may ALLAH bless her sole in peace AMIN
dr. rasool Bux
madina munwarrah
saudi arabia
well ,i personaly not have much of liking for benazir .but as regards her being a ploitician ,well she was out standing,her sense of analysing a situation was above board,she was the ONLY POLITICIAN ,who could handle all in one ..her murder is a BBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG LOSS TO PAKISTAN .i have all my deep prayers for her ,may ALLAH bless her soul ,may ALLAH ,bless us all with wisdom ,sense for the safety of PAKISTAN ,.I think we all must b up to save our beloved mother land from the hands of bad people who r just here to sell and earn money from our land ,LETS ALL SAVE PAKISTAN ,THE AIM BENAZIR HAD ,AS SHE LANDED BACK HOME ,I LOVE U BENAZIR .
Stupid bitch left zardari behind! why couldnt she have taken him with her …. adn while were at it that fat cow nawaz too …
She was a mass murderer with the blood of thousands on her hands. Ill bet she’s suffering in her grave as we speak as one early token of her ticket to Dozakh
And Jehangir Rahujo,Advocate …. you need to get a proper job you illiterate moron
Benazir aka Pinky was no loss to Pakistan. Those who think so, did not see her last picture. Personally I think she was suffering with some disease. If a medical professional notices her last picture, her facial skin is all boggy and pitty. Looks like she was on steroids of some sort. Pinky did nothing for the women of Pakistan. She was just a mere female symbol who was extremely vindictive – ask the Chief reporter of the Harvard Student Newspaper who refused to hire her when she was a student at Radcliffe. She did not even make it past her ‘O’levels with decent grades! She was riding on the Bhutto name (which I admire) just as Zardari now is. However, for someone diseased, I do say, Inallillahi wa inna raajeoon.
i cant imagine tat charismatic,g8 leader is gone.she was champion of democracy.thz is unbearable loss4 whole nation.it is impossible to forget her,it might take centuries or whole life..heart bleeds and mourns for her.
it is said: “WHOM GOD LOVEs DIE EARLY”
she proved meaning of her name,lived like princess and died with no comparison to others.May ppl responsible for her death pay for their sins in thz world.
My deepest condolence to co.chairman mr asif zardari, chairman bilawal bhutto, bakhtawar, aseefa and ppp.and i wish chairman and co.chairman good luck to make pakistan strong and stable nation,
May her soul rest in peace.ameen.
nono of us would have seen such a great leader like her own father in our country like Benazir bhuttoI cant imagine tat charismatic,g8 leader is gone.she was champion of democracy.thz is unbearable loss4 whole nation.it is impossible to forget her,it might take centuries or whole life..heart bleeds and mourns for her.
it is said: “WHOM GOD LOVEs DIE EARLY”
she proved meaning of her name,lived like princess and died with no comparison to others.May ppl responsible for her death pay for their sins in thz world.
My deepest condolence to co.chairman mr asif zardari, chairman bilawal bhutto, bakhtawar, aseefa and ppp.and i wish chairman and co.chairman good luck to make pakistan strong and stable nation,
May her soul rest in peace.ameen.
I am glad you gone!!
Please call your hubby ASAP to you and save Pakistan!!
Tera yeh akhri ehsaan!!
One year later, we do not forget. Rest in Peace. May we all find the courage to stand up for our beliefs and be humble and giving to our fellow man to allow them to share our world with us in peace. “Better the pride that resides in a citizen of the world, than the pride that divides when a colorful rag is unfurled!”- Neil Peart
It is hard to belive that a year has past and still seems like a moment ago.The sadness is as strong today as yesterday.I do hope we all can remember what she stood for and what she gave her life for.Let us all stop and think what we can do to make a difference to make the world a better place for all.Rest in peace Benazir Bhutto.We will never forget.
Chalo mar gaee
Laanat ho aap k is words pe Yazeed…. Solidify
Jo bhee Benazir Bhutto k barey mein Galat alfaaz likhey ga woh apni maan ki Naajayez aulaad hogaa., Samjhney waloon k liye eshaara he kafi hai…
Why was BB Killed? Any Idea?
kindly visit
It is a great loss of the people of Pakistan. She was an ideal women in every possible way. We salute her efforts that she undertook and we pay homage to the lady who sacrificed her life for the country and its people. Her life is an ideal for millions of people. We can never forget her. May Allah bless her and may she rest in peace!
An article written by Maulana Imran N Hossein
A Bhutto is a Bhutto
Written by Imran Nazar Hosein
I slept through the night without any consciousness that it was old year's night, and I went to
the Masjid here in Cape Town this morning for Salaat, came back home and made me a nice
cup of coffee, and then went back to work on this Bhutto essay without any consciousness that
Pope Gregory's New Year had dawned. That represents startling evidence of the anti-systemic
character of my being and consciousness.
The Anglo-American-Israeli triple alliance which now rules the world from London, Washington
and Jerusalem, and which wages unjust war on Islam and Muslims on behalf of the
Euro-Jewish State of Israel, has lost in the assassination of Benazir Bhutto one who proclaimed
herself to be their dearest friend and supporter. She walked the extra mile, and talked even
more than that, to convince them that she was a sincere friend and ally. She did so because
she understood perfectly well that Pakistan, like Saudi Arabia, was different from most other
countries in the world in the sense that the ruling Jewish-Christian alliance that had created the
world-order would never tolerate the survival of any regime in either country unless it was
subservient to them. While this was also true of nearly all of the rest of the world of Islam, it was
emphatically so in respect of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Even so, I believe that they
suspected Benazir's sincerity, and that they must be quietly relieved that she is no more. After
all, they knew what they did to her father, and she knew it as well; and the possibility existed
that there must have burned in a daughter's heart a deeply held desire to avenge the gruesome
and humiliating assassination/hanging death of a father she adored.
It would be rash for anyone to dismiss the possibility that the events we now recall were in
some way related to her assassination. Indeed a summary dismissal of our arguments will raise
more questions, rather than resolve the problems posed by the essay.
When Israel launched her pre-emptive war on the Arabs and Muslims in 1967, that country
succeeded in wresting military control over Jerusalem and over Masjid al-Aqsa. This Masjid,
which was originally built by Prophet Solomon ('alaihi al-Salaam), was universally recognized as
the third of the three holiest Masajid in Islam, – the other two being the Masjid al-Haram
(Ka'aba) built by Father Abraham ('alaihi al-Salaam) in Makkah, and the Masjid al-Nabi in
Madina which was built by Prophet Muhammad himself (peace and blessings of Allah Most
High be upon him). The loss of Jerusalem and of Masjid al-Aqsa affected Saudi Arabia's King
Faisal so traumatically that he took courageous steps to terminate that country's client-state
relationship with the Jewish-Christian alliance that ruled the world.
Faisal took carefully prepared steps to mend his relationship with Egypt's Gamal Abdel Nasser
and to put an end to the proxy war that their two countries had been waging in Yemen. When
Nasser died in 1970 Faisal then continued his efforts to forge a Saudi-Egyptian alliance with
Nasser's successor, Anwar Sadat. Those efforts bore fruit, and by October 1973 Egypt felt
herself ready to avenge the humiliating defeat at the hands of Israel in 1967. Simultaneous with
the launch of war on Israel in October 1973 – an attack that caught Israel completely by surprise
and could have resulted in an Israeli defeat had it not been for massive American military
intervention in the war – Faisal unveiled his master plan. He imposed an Arab oil boycott on the
US. The US dollar, which had been floating at US$40 per ounce of gold, suddenly sank by
400% to US$160 per ounce of gold, and American motorists were queuing in lines a mile long
to buy gas for their motor cars.
The political genius of Pakistan's Prime Minister, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto recognized the unique
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A Bhutto is a Bhutto
Written by Imran Nazar Hosein
opportunity that had emerged with the dramatic successes of the war and the oil boycott and
grasped that opportunity to forge a Pakistani-Saudi anti-systemic alliance. Bhutto's political
acumen, when combined with the moral and spiritual authority of Faisal's sincere faith, would
now function as the foundation for launching an effort to restore political and economic
independence to the world of Islam. Within an amazingly short period of less than four months,
Bhutto succeeded in hosting the Lahore Islamic Summit Conference that brought together the
largest and most representative gathering of Muslim leaders since the collapse of the Islamic
Caliphate in 1924.
The US administration vigorously opposed that Islamic Summit. Henry Kissinger warned
Bhutto of dire consequences of hosting such a summit. Prime Minister Kosygin of the USSR did
the same. The Shah of Iran was used to try to obstruct the convening of the Summit. However,
nothing could stand in Bhutto's way. He courageously defied the Anglo-American-Israeli alliance
and the Summit was successfully held in Lahore in February 1974. Bhutto set modest and
realistic political and economic goals that he sought to achieve in the Summit, and he was
successful in achieving those goals.
Bhutto the actor also brought drama to the Summit when he reconciled with Bangladesh's
Mujibur Rahman and cleverly used the platform of the Summit to extend political recognition to
a Bangladesh that had emerged from a truncated Pakistan.
Two months after the Summit, in April 1974, India launched her first nuclear explosion and
entered into the nuclear club. It is quite likely that the timing of the Indian nuclear explosion
represented a carefully calculated Indian political and military warning against the emergence of
an Islamic bloc that would be independent of the Anglo-American-Israeli embrace. India was
resolutely opposed to the emergence of an Islamic bloc, indeed so opposed that the Indians
had courted public humiliation in 1970 when the Indian delegation was thrown out of the Rabat
Islamic Summit Conference.
Bhutto's response to the Indian nuclear explosion confirmed beyond any doubt that he was
committed to an independent Pakistan that would be free from American and Indian hegemony.
He emotionally and publicly launched Pakistan on a do-or-die national effort to achieve a
Pakistani nuclear response (to India's entry into the nuclear club) and announced that the effort
must be pursued "even if it were to take a thousand years and even if we have to eat
grass". However, money did not really constitute a problem since, so long as the
Saudi-Pakistani alliance remained intact, it would always be possible for Saudi Arabia to fund
that Pakistani effort. In fact, it took just a few years for Bhutto's dream to be realized and for
Pakistan to dramatically succeed in entering the nuclear club.
This essay is primarily concerned, however, with the consequences that emerged for Faisal
and Bhutto for having dared to defy the Jewish-Christian alliance. (Readers may wish to look at
my essay on the topic: "The Qur'an prohibits Muslim friendship and alliance with a
Jewish-Christian alliance" located on my website http://www.imranhosein.org).
In August 1975, one year after the Lahore Summit and less than two years after the oil boycott
on the US, Faisal was assassinated. Those who planned the assassination demonstrated their
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A Bhutto is a Bhutto
Written by Imran Nazar Hosein
evil genius (even before 9/11) when they succeeded in drugging, brainwashing and hypnotizing
one of Faisal's nephews, then a student at an American university, to return to Saudi Arabia and
to shoot his uncle to death. The Saudi royal family understood perfectly who was responsible for
the assassination, why it had occurred, and what was the message with which it came, and
decided to abandon Faisal's independent foreign policy and to return to the American embrace
as a client state.
The score then read "one has gone – one more must go". Bhutto's turn was next.
Faisal's death was quick. It took just a moment and it was over. Not so Bhutto, – they made a
truly horrible example of him and he suffered worse than a dog before he was
assassinated/hanged to death. In 1976, Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party completed its five-year
term of office and general elections were due. The Anglo-American-Israeli alliance intervened
so dramatically in those elections that Pakistanis resident in USA were sent back home with
briefcases packed with millions of dollars. One such money-mule confessed to such to this
writer himself. Pakistani intelligence discovered evidence of massive intervention and corruption
of the electoral process. Bhutto counter-attacked by rigging the election. His enemies then
responded by financing such violent street demonstrations and riots that it was Iran in 1952 all
over again. The CIA had brought down Dr Mossadiq's nationalist Iranian government in 1952
while using the same strategy. The fact that Bhutto had made many enemies made the task
easier for them this time around.
Street demonstrations and riots eventually created political conditions that could be used to
justify a pre-planned military coup-d'etat. Predictably, the military coup d'etat installed a
pro-American military dictator. Bhutto was arrested and spent more than a year in jail (in
humiliating conditions that he described to be worse than that of a dog) before he was
assassinated/hanged to death as an accomplice to murder.
The message to the world was now clear: Both were gone – and so too would any other
Pakistani or Saudi Muslim leader who chose to follow them! Indeed the military dictator who had
deposed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto himself had a change of heart and subsequently attempted to take
Pakistan out of the Jewish-Christian embrace. But Ziaul Haq paid the price that Panama's Omar
Torrejo and many others beside had paid. His airplane fell out of the sky and he too, died in yet
another political assassination planned and executed by the greatest terrorists mankind will ever
Benazir did her very best during her two brief terms as Prime Minister of Pakistan to convince
them that she was not her father's daughter, but in the end, it appears to me, they decided that
a Bhutto was a Bhutto, and they could not chance another Bhutto! And so on both occasions
that she became Prime Minister, she was deposed. However, on this post 9/11 occasion when
Israel is so close to achieving a messianic destiny of ruling the world, and Benazir's electoral
victory was only two weeks away, they had to put her away.
We send our prayers, may you rest in peace…
I think America & local pakistan offical are involve In the v. said murders of Muhtarma Be nazir bhutto & her father Mr Z.A.Bhutto.
specially Sindh solute them
We all family members miss alot our great leader. We pray for her all the time.
Benazir symbolized a lot of things, both positive and negative, to us Pakistanis who grew up in the 90s. Charismatic and well educated, on the positive side, she represented hope and courage; however, on the negative side, the unprecendented corruption and murderous looting that marked her tenure in government was absolute hell for the so called “mohajirs” (people–and their children born in Pakistan–who migrated from India during or after the Partition in 1947
Late Benazeer was no doubt intelligent, but she was greedy of power & seat,her this weakness attracted Hakim Ali Zardari,who traped Nusrat Bhutto and get married his son Asif Ali Zardari with Benazeer Bhutto.Since then Bhutto family's downfall started.Zardari who is criminal minded started his dirty game by killing two sons of Bhutto, and then tortured so much Nusrat Bhutto that she has gone in comma and the last targe was Benazeer.Now the devil is ruling,looting,killing his all opponents,increasing his assests & bank balances and dragging Pakistan towards complete destruction.Feel sorry for Bhutto's family,pray for
them rest in peace.Ameen
She was an asset for Pakistan, may she Rest in Peace.