WiredPakistan.com a technology blog and the forum run by KO for the past year has in a very astonishing development come under the censorship umbrella as per the directive issued by Network Operations Center at the Pakistan Internet Exchange.
A careful watch has been setup to monitor which ISP’s comply with this directive and as of the writing of this report only PTCL DSL subscribers are facing the block while others remain in the clear. We all remain astonished as to why an Innocent technology website has been a target of such censorship by the government of Pakistan
An email sent to various ISP identified the website as a blocked website
Subject: Re: Blocked IP
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 15:06:47 +0500
To: #########
CC: NOC ITIAssalam-o-Alaikum
Dear Customer,
It is to apprise you that the following website has been blocked as per directive of PTA.
www.wiredpakistan.comBest Regards,
[name removed]
Network Operations Center
Pakistan Internet Exchange
Voice : +92 21 2760066/2774258
Fax : +92 21 2751777
Email: noc@ptcl.net.pk
IP Services, 5th Floor Technical Block
Gateway Exchange Building, Marston Road
Karachi South, Pakistan
Web : http://www.pie.net.pk
While a traceroute from Worldcall Wireless shows it being blocked at the level of PIE
Tracing route to wiredpakistan.com [66.29.**.***] over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 251 ms 259 ms 259 ms
2 280 ms 260 ms 256 ms
3 254 ms 255 ms 259 ms host65.worldcall.net.pk []
4 257 ms 260 ms 261 ms cr01-g1-stm1-lhr-wc.worldcall.net.pk []
5 258 ms 260 ms 282 ms lhr63.pie.net.pk []
6 258 ms 259 ms 259 ms lhr63.pie.net.pk []
7 * * * Request timed out.
14 responses to “Wiredpakistan.com blocked in Pakistan”
Yup! It was a good site and forum. Facing this problem too!
Working Prefectly here
I have Access to it!!!
Open absolutely!
This may be an issue at ISP end. I can absolutely access it.
Well – This much I can say an ISP confirms that PIE NOC has issued this notification – KO reports that it was inaccessible a day earlier as well, it remains mostly accessible but it seems that PTCL has implemented it but others are mostly routing it around.
Why they did it? is as much of your guess as its mine. Could it be just a news distraction, as it makes no sense to attack a tech forum.
I too can access it from MaxCom – but we have a few traceroutes (one attached above) showing its blocked. Lets hope most of us stay in the clear
its is a very good site. i really liked it very much. thanks for providing such informatic news and updates.
It’s still blocked alright (I’m using PTCL DSL btw). Not sure why though, seems strange WiredPakistan could pose any danger to anyone. Maybe it was a mistake or something, you can always bet our incompetent officials to mess things around.
I CANT ACCESS IT. I am using Worldcall broadband cable and its not opening from lahore atleast. Can any one else confirm me if he/she using Worldcall.
I just connected to my remote PC in US and it opens well from there, so its clearly showing the ISP’s in Pakistan are blocking this website. If this is the case, i dont understand where our govt wants to lead the youth. Now people will think of all negative ideas Ip hiding, bypassing proxies, going through fake servers, to access the website… They provide us themselves a chance to revolt and do bad things… This is really pathetic!!!
i can access it, its not blocked.
Maxcom rules.
lol that explains it I myself use maxcom :p
I have been unable to access the website in Karachi using both Worldcall and Cybernet. It’s a sheer pity that this website is being blocked as it is contained a treasure chest of information.
i Can Access it i m also using MaxCom
MaxCom Rules
Perfectly Working
Just an update PTA has unblocked WiredPakistan.com after censoring the entire site for 11 days. KO has done some hard working contacting the ‘higher ups’ in this regard to get the screws turning
Well done KO, did they give you the reason for the goof-up?
I am surprised it's not opening. Any sane reason for blocking it ?