Benazir’s cursed Apartment in Manhattan

Benazirs Cursed Apartment in Manhattan NYThe tragic assassination of Benazir Bhutto has quite a number of conspiracy theorists lining up to offer their analysis, was it fate or destiny we may never know but some have gone to speculate it may have been the Bhutto curse where all members of the Bhutto dynasty are slowly eradicated, and in the recent surge of theories emerges another angle about an ill fated penthouse New York apartment which Benazir may have bought a year back.

The Wag Online published an article recently by Seema Boesky titled The Cursed Apartment, where she shares here experience in trying to sell her penthouse apartment in Manhattan New York (The Belaire Condominium, East 72nd street) Previous two attempts to the apartment lead to the sudden death of the prospective buyers.

… To recap, my first buyer dropped dead at the closing. The second, with contract in hand, bolted down 47 flights of stairs, never to be heard from again. Why? My building is the one New York Yankee pitcher Cory Lidle flew an airplane into, tragically crashing it five floors below my apartment—where my buyer was signing our contract.

This penthouse had now seemingly being cursed to sell, but shortly later the real estate agent had lined up another buyer, for the initial meetings came the husband who according to Seema was charming, attractive, in his 50s, and extremely chatty and a few days later she encountered ‘a stunning woman with an engaging smile’ who finalized the deal.

Our closing went quickly and easily, and while unpacking my belongings for the third and final time in Westchester, I remember thinking how silly my broker was for believing my apartment was jinxed. One year later, newspaper headlines proved her right after all, and the sale has left me feeling sad ever since. My buyer? Benazir Bhutto.

Whatever might be the case, fate or destiny we shall never know, it simply is a sinking feeling to have lost a Pakistani leader at the hands of ruthless terrorists may her soul rest in peace.

Read more at The Wag Online | Cyril Almeida | Dawn Blog



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14 responses to “Benazir’s cursed Apartment in Manhattan”

  1. nota Avatar

    Maybe it’s not the apartment that’s cursed but the real estate agent. 🙂

  2. Karim Avatar

    Excuse me for not giving a hoot, we have a whole nation here that appears to be cursed because of wonderful AWAMI leaders like her!

  3. JinnahFan Avatar

    Awab, you’d be much better respected if you resisted the urge to go into the gutter every now and then (like you’ve done this time).

  4. Karim Avatar

    Gutter? Which one? Years and years of 10% ones or the Swiss conviction one? These people rob the country blind, give people years of lies and you are offended by what I say? Man you gotta get your priorities right. And yes, I don’t believe that Mush and Nawaz are any better, just in case you thought! They believe in the country they want to rule, ASK THEM TO RAISE THEIR CHILDREN HERE, they want to fix the economy of this country, ASK THEM TO BRING THEIR MONEY HERE, and I can go on..gutter!

  5. JinnahFan Avatar

    Karim: so their corruption is somehow a justification for talking about absurdities such as this article? Maybe the corruption you mentioned serves us right for wasting time on stupid issues….

  6. Karim Avatar

    I don’t get don’t seem to want to defend the Bhutto/Zardari for their conduct but appear to be offended by the article or comment about them!
    Sir (or Madam), look at the state of affairs in our country, a power hungry, corrupt and … believe that because of their family name they have the right to rule the country. Their corruption and disregard for the country is legendry. If, BB’s will is as they say it is, can you imagine how little she thought of the country when she declared a 19 year old, non-Urdu speaking Bilawal to become a party leader. I felt sorry for all the senior party members being sidelined and made to play the role of little pawns by Zardari. Things are so bad that even serious journalists have been dutifully calling BB “Shaheed”, what exactly she died defending? Personal desire to have power or democracy? She certainly demonstrated great deal of democracy in her will! Final word, even in death the legacy of her uber corruption lives on via Zardari and the crown prince from Oxford….read on

  7. Hassan Abbas Avatar
    Hassan Abbas

    You are so right.The whole game is coming out into the open now.The leaders of the PPP couldn’t care two hoots for the peoples views.Zardari has already declared the people voted for his party and not for the judges.The rest of the lot adjourned the assembly before the 30th to avoid honouring the Murree declaration.The PM to hoist a grand dinner and musical evening for army top brass – and declare them guardians of the nations geographical and ideological frontiers;While his boss flew off to Dubai to avoid Nawaz and Co.My God!Could you ever find a more callous violater of a nations mandate then this lot.Besides could he have avoided going to the PM’s presidential bash had he been around.That would have truly blown his game.
    Will the people of Pakistan accept this breach of their mandate ? I guess they will have too; Aitezaz has been grovelling so much for a PPP ticket -I guess has already sold his soul for one, seeing no response from him to the PPP delaying tactics.

    Poor Nawaz and Co don’t have a hope left,they trusted the wrong horse.Now that the President is firmly back in the saddle ,let us see who goes first PPP or PML(N).Both will ultimately;unless as the PM is so wisely doing he behaves like the Chowdhrys of Gujrat.

    All the best

  8. Karim Avatar

    Hey H. Abbas, I have not been keeping up with the events for a couple of days..well well.. so knives are out and back stabbing has begun, how typical!

    Umar Deen my man, my hat’s off to you for bailing out so that you don’t have to see the disgrace, I dunno, its kinda cruel to say, but may be we deserve these low lives, who knows!

  9. Umar Avatar

    Eureka!! Idea!!! Lets get all politicians (aka crooks) to buy this apartment! 😛

    Problem solved 😉

  10. Karim Avatar

    Now why didn’t I think of that!

  11. Naeem Avatar

    What the hell you are talking about. we should not believe on mysteries..but tell me the one out there; who is angel!!
    Benazir was one super human being who survived the severe torture of time in shape of lost of his father & brothers and her husband prisioned for 11 years without any conviction, even no case proved against her too. The ppl have one all time hobby to throw rubbish on others… But God blessed her with the image of larger than life..and she still lives on and will be remembered for the coming generations.

  12. Umar Avatar

    Naeem regarding BB as a Saint please refer to

    Regarding unproven cases please read as follows:

    “Myth 1 being circulated:

    BMW case was the only case pending case on Zardari and he was not given justice on that.

    Zardari had many cases pending on him, some of the charges being non-bailable. I am just categorizing a few:
    Multiple Murder Cases:

    Myth 2: Zardari was innocent. CJ did not get him justice.

    Anyone who had followed Zardari’s cases knows the real reason why he could not be tried properly was because he always claimed to be unwell or some other excuse used by his lawyer to delay the hearings AND NOT BECAUSE HE WAS INNOCENT. I am sending 3 news reports from different years:

    May 11, 1999:
    Month long adjournment

    Aug 25, 2001:
    (If you know the background of this case you will know Hakim Sahib did not have any involvement in the Steel Mills Case).
    Two Month long adjournment

    Nov 27, 2004:
    Adjournment until next date.

    It is amazing how he was never sick once he did not have to go to court. Shaid khana theek nai tha jail ka?”

    Lastly yeah she lives on and is remembered by millions of idiots/uneducated fools. So who cares if they remember her?? Hell they remember Aishwarya Rai too! 😛

  13. Sehar Avatar

    To umar,the only idiot and fool is you.

    I am western educated and in the western world and media she had a place as a politician not only in Pakistan ,but in the outside world too.So,shut up.Nobody is interested in what you say.

    Who are you???Alive or dead you are a worthless useless Sob.

    , So,you may go and take a hike.!!!Understand???Fool

    dont even try to talkl of BBbhutto

    like that.She is an Icon.

    She stands for hope ,inspiration and a relief to millions while she was alive not only ion Pakistan,but around the w orld.The media adores her.

    And she stll will remain as so,because she fought and d stood for people.Women,children and those men in society

    who have no voice.She-BENazir Bhutto is a martyr

    A voice for dEmOCRACY for a country that has absolutely no DEMOCRACY!!!

    .Poverty,women empowerment,educationg poor masses etcterta,You on the other hand,are

    not.You are a nobody.So alive or dead,you mean nothing to me,nor anyone else in this world,so you dummy (Umar go shut up and get lost!!!

    Thank you,


  14. Z.S Avatar

    People like you cant make a ny difference to anyone in this world,but you try to criticize those individuals akas like

    the Bhutto

    Benazir who do,make a difference to people.

    She did in her words,actions and behaviour.I love her with all my heart,and thank god

    everyday for making her and sending an Angel like her

    to pakistan ,and the world

    to offer her views about DEMOCRACY

    and steps to bring about Democract to a poor and dejected country of forgotten people of the world-Pakistan and to PAkistaniis,for EXCEPT FOR BHUTTO ,PAkistan has absolutely no positive communication or friends with the outside worldWATSOEVER!!!!

    not our neighbours

    NOT INDIA<NOT SAUDI ARABIA and forget the western world,

    Pakistaniis consider everybody to be their enemy.However,

    in reality the pakistanis are their own biggest enemys to themselves,for murdering their leaders,and NOT

    INDIA SAUDIA ARABIA,UAE or AMERICA and the western world.

    Their leaders are not shot at in their countrys.So,they are civilised.Pakistan and pakiustaniis are uncivilised brutes.They like to shed the blood of their own people.Despite knowing this,bhutto risked her life,and

    had to brutally attacked and shot at in Pakistan because of this.

    I hope you barbarians are happy now,

    YOU SHAMELESSLY MURDERED her,and now are

    observing your religious fasts

    after taking the lives of your leaders.