Since last night when hell broke loose in Mumbai, I, like millions of people across the world remained in a state of shock watching the events unfold on TV, it for many may have been like a prime time blockbuster film being recorded on the streets of Mumbai, a coordinated attack in seven locations seemed to be a perfect Hollywood script but the difference here was that it was ‘real blood and real people’, not funny in the least bit. Tired and deranged of hearing the same depressing news coming out of India I gave up watching the updates late last night. A special shout out to Dina Mehta, Vani [Flickr images] & many others who were the eyes and ears for millions of people across the world, out doing the main stream media in their brief 140 character SMS messges to the twitter network, these real updates were probably the only life line the world had with Mumbai otherwise it was a ghost town with terrorists on a rampage
What has also sadly transpired within the following day is that the ‘official’ blame game circus is in full swing, contrary to my initial message where I expressed my relief that Pakistan was not being blamed since Deccan Mujahideen were taking the blame, but much to my dismay the good news [?] was short lived and very soon the Indian government was livid at the Pakistani intelligence agencies for having masterminded this attack, in all honesty it might even had been the ISI [ironically we cant trust them either] but whosoever created the mess, Indian or Pakistanis it must be condemned at all costs.
What worries me now is that the mess that we just saw in Mumbai in the last few hours literally pales in comparison of what might be brewing up in Karachi now, tensions between the few ethnic groups have reached an unimaginable and dangerous proportions and I, like many Karachitties, worry that if God Forbid such an incident were to happen its going to be far worse then Mumbai and then do we conveniently point fingers back to India, [which I feel our bureaucracy will do anyway].
Hence you realize the dilemma, the finger pointing session has a tendency to continue endlessly with no probable solution and the terrorists will continue to terrorize us all and make our lives miserable while each side will continue to deliberately fuel the rouge elements to seek revenge. I feel, like educated people, its time that we must work together, the borders between the two countries must disappear, the people must join hands and stand up together, no more Indian, no more Pakistani, quite simply we must join hands for the sake of humanity and say STOP
As a Pakistani I genuinely sit down and pray for the well being of each and every Indian who may have suffered on 26th November and hope that you have the courage to rebuild Mumbai from this disaster, Mumbai is bound to rebound and I hope it rebounds to achieve far greater heights then every before. Living in Karachi we too have been through one too many similar disasters and it is the resolve and commitment of the citizens that bring life back into the ciry, each citizen pitches in to pick up the ashes, help the wounded and nudge the city back into existence. Bottom lins is that the finger pointing session has to stop as unsurprisingly it has never led to any solution.
Mumbai I must assure you despite our differences many peace loving Pakistanis have shed a tear with you on the 26th our heart bleeds with you lets do join hands and shoulder each other back to life. Build bridges, Mumbai we are with you all the way
154 responses to “Mumbai Under Attack & Pakistan to blame”
You are right but who’s gonna believe.
I feel like, we (the people of both countries) are football between these two governments.
What ever they do, the victims are the people of both countries.
Feeling really sorry for Mumbai.
Teeth Maestro
Your article is very genuine and since 9/11 in USA and July seven bombings in London ,whenever I hear such news,the fear engulfs me and I start praying,it is not linked to Pakistan.
Your concerns are genuine and fears for Karachi are mutual.
Although India has tried to point fingers towards Pakistan but if India wants to progress truely and emerge as a true secular state and a biggest example of DEMOCRACY in THE WORLD,INDIA has to look within.
We the Pakistanis are victim of terrorism and even worst we are fighting USA as well.
India and Paksitan both cannot deny that even after the divide,both countries have tried to get rid of fundamentalists and hardliners but somehow ,both countries have failed.
India before pointing the finger towards Pakistan should consider that ISlamabad Marriot was attacked in the same manner.Targets were foreigners.
In both countries there is high ratio of people who feel deprived and poor and thus have deep resentment against the people who have access to money and splash the cash.
India particularly have many ethnic and religious problems which are needed to be addressed.
Invasion of Golden Temple,Murders of Indira Gandhi , Rajiv Gandhi and plane crash of Sunjay were not plotted by Pakistanis or neither by muslims.
FROM Babri Masjid,Bombay,Dehli,train balsts and to the mass murders and public massacres,of Christians and muslims in recent months are not linked to International Terrorism.These are India’s internal problems.
Untill India addresses the grievences of its diverse religious population,its original ideaology that Hindustan is for Hindus alone and the Jhumpar Patti poverty ,India will face such reaction which is breeding within its own masses.
This Terrorism act was not linked to Alqaeda either,as Alqaeda recruits believe in commiting suicide ,instead of using guns and taking hostages .
Pakistan never had better relations with India.Mr.Zardari has agreed to open Pakistan borders, has agreed to provide access to India to use its roads from WAHGA TO THE HIGHEST PEAKS IN KASHMIR and upto Afghanistan.What more can Pakistan government do to please India?
If these are not good relations what else would be?
Instead of trying to divert the attention from its own problems by blaming it on Pakistan and calling Pakistan a root cause of all problems of the modern times
India should really try to address the masses within the country.
How this links to Pakistan?I do not understand.
What I do understand though is that Kashmir should be resolved so that both nations can peacefuly concentrate on their INTERNAL PROBLEMS and ATTEND TO THE NEEDS OF MASSES.
If the recent incidents in India and Pakistan spells out anything that is people in both countries are deprived,are poor,lack resources and have deep resentment against their respective governments.
A positive step would be if INDIA AND PAKISTAN governemnts condemn these attacks together.Co-operate with eachother in tracking down the culprits and accept each other as independent neighbours.
Unless India and Pakistan join hands this extremism in both countries will prevail.Also both countries need to nurture,tolerance,peace and unity amongst their respective masses.
Yes. Because on the jacket of those terrorists were written “Made in Peshawar”
one of the investors at my company got caught up when the Taj was attacked. He was fast enough to take his dad and got a number of people into a room where he smashed a window and made a rope out of bed sheets to climb out of the window from the 4th Floor. Traumatic isnt even the the best word to describe his experience.
While you are saying that these are India’s internal problems i just want to point out this time it is not an internal problem -It is NOT. These people are from KARACHI…the proofs are there for everyone to see on mainstream media 🙁
Please read what this gentleman has to say, he says all that i feel far better than i would ever be able to put into words….
While i am willing to believe that religion is only secondary to these monsters, its driven more by base human emotions like jealousy as you point out; i am unwilling to buy that Pakistan is not behind these attacks!!!
I just wish that a majority of your countrymen were like you…and maybe we would have never had this strife in the first place!
Thanks for sharing.It is natural that the first finger from India will always be pointed towards Pakistan and vice a versa.
The TRAGEDY that struck India is massive and huge.Pakistan cannot afford the consequences of it.This needs a lot of investigation before India and the International community will be able to know exactly who is behind this.
We are fed with so much hate, propoganda and the mud fights that “WE “the people of India and Pakistan cannot see beyond each other.
India today is an emerging super power.Only few weeks ago it sentits mission to moon,think again dear friend ,your money ,your power ,your progress,your IT industry and now space plan … are a big fish now turning into Shark,Maybe it is teh other SHARKS…….who feel threatened.
I do not understand this apologetic behaviour. Why are we giving explanations when we don’t need to? Why are we talking about “the curse of terrorism that has engulfed both countried” and subtly implying that we might be responsible? Has there been a thorough investigation? Don’t we rememeber the Samjhota Express bomb blast, the immediate Indian reaction and the actual facts?
ISI has its hands full on our western border and cannot afford an intelligence war with our trigger-happy neighbour on the east.
Looking at it objectively, I feel internal forces in India have more to gain from these attacks. They would take the focus off Hindu Extremism and its diffusion into Indian intelligence (Lt. Col Prohit’s involvement in Samjhota Express and other bombings). Hindu extremist organisations such as RSS and VHS (both closely affiliated with BJP) as well as the Indian Intelligence have been under close scrutiny after the Col. Purohit incident. Finally its the election year in India and such an incident can only serve one party.
However, I am not pointing any fingers. I am just demonstrating that analysing the situation from a different angle would lead to a diammetrically opposite conclusion. It is just too early to tell and I am amazaed how quickly Indian media and politicians pointed the finger at Pakistan.
@ Indian
The events that are taking place in Mumbai are truly detestable. Believe me, nobody call relate to the plight of India at this point in time, like Pakistan. However, India declared that Pakistan behind these attacks within hours. find it hard to believe that an objective and thorough investigation could have taken place in such a short time. The convenient evidence found thus far itself deserves another look.
i agree with sajjad. they didnt have the intelligence to find out about the attacks. wait they did know something about it but they didnt bother following it up. even their own people are wondering how the terrorists could be so familiar with all the routes etc. it’s a “wonder” how they came up with the intelligence reports so fast and how they made all their conclusions. investigations usually take place over a long period of time. either they have oracles who help them track down the perpetrators or they have really good AI system which allowed them to input all the data and come up with fast answers. It was inevitable that they would blame Pakistan once again sigh.
To all,
If India is trying to start any war or kind of war, so I would say BRING IT ON…
Honestly I think Indian Media is playing a big role to change a mind set of normal peopl.
One of the arrested terrorists has been confirmed as a member of LET, from Faridkot in Pakistan. With of Population of 1 billion and majority hindu population i see no reason that the Hindu Fundamentalists need to import terrorists from our neighbor. The LET leader, The Mumbai underworld don and god knows who else roam freely in Pakistan…You seriously expect us to believe that Hindu Extremists are behind this?
I do not condone their actions either. In India we still have hope that the guilty will be brought to justice as the last week investigations have shown…
Can Pakistan make the same claim?
I do not want to be offensive, neither am i looking for apologies but i am just trying to understand Why? Why?
Indian unclejee are you talking about Indian Faridkot?
While these terror attacks are deplorable, hateful and are surely done by people who are advocates of violent Islam and the hated sharia based .
However, taking this opportunity as a wake up call India should also stop the blame game of propaganda against Pakistan as Mr. Manmohan Singh said last night in his TV address that there is an “external” hand in all this. We and all others already know what he actually means by “external”.
India should also address the various issues related to discrimination and suppression of religious and ethnic minorities and stop violence against innocent people in Kashmir (More than a million people have been killed by the Indian Army killers).
India should reign in the Hindu extremists who commit rampant crimes against all minorities and are also advocates of Hindutva for all of India, irrespective of ones religious denomination.
India should implement its constitution that advocates secularism and provide constitutional guarantees to all minorities and not only Hindu schedule castes.
India should punish those who perpetrated crimes against Sikh community in Delhi & Punjab. It should also arrest and punish people responsible for Gujarat carnage of innocent Muslims.
Looking at Indian Muslims, one can believe that the vision of Mr. Jinnah to create a separate homeland called, “Pakistan” for a marginalized community was correct and relevant at that time. The dream may have been turned sour now, but that is due to reasons that had nothing to do with the vision of Jinnah.
@ Indian
The convenience of the evidence found so far itself makes it suspect. The sources behind acts of organsied terrorism are normally unearthed through complex money trails, logistic details and an analysis of motives not through mobile phones with Pakistani numbers or with an interrogation of a person who claims he is from Faridkot, Pakistan, which is a conundrum in itself as such a place does not exist.
My dear Indian do you think the highly trained terrorists, who had planned every last detail of their mission and successfully held off the whole Indian NGC force for almost 3 days, did not realise that they shouldn’t bring anything along that would implicate their backers. Come on! grow up and smell the crap in your own backyard.
Pakistan or for that matter ISI has nothing to gain from such attacks on the other hand the under-investigation Indian Army, the rently-humiliated BJP politicians and the Bajrang Dal/VHS/RSS extremists are already celebrating their exoneration. The investigation into these elements that was uderway in India threatened to expose the penetration of Hindu extremism in the Indian establishment.
Pakistan is fighting terrorism in all its forms while India is allowing them to take over their country.
@ Doctor you are wrong in more ways than one! 🙂 I am rfeferring to
@Shakir Ally
Tell me how would you feel if some 3rd person were to tell you how you feel about your motherland…I am a minority person who hails from Kashmir…the Indian Kashmir….and believe even in my worst nightmares i do not want to join Pakistan…Azaadi is not one of my demands & never has been…I know practically an Independent Kashmir is not even a remote possibility…the minute we declare independence from India, Pakistan will not even spare 2 seconds before attacking us! Frankly if its a choice between India and Pakistan..i would always always side with India…I am guaranteed basic human rights, an opportunity to create a comfortable life for my family…In Pakistan i know i will always be treated like a second class citizen- A mujahir forever! I know i speak for majority of the people i know….
Minority cleansing is wat the now venerated Benazir pushed for against the Kashmiri Hindus..The situation in Kashmir is something that is being exploited in both India and Pakistan by politicians for their own gains! Please remember that whenever the Hindu rightwing has been in the wrong the whole country has criticized & condemned them, they are sidelined in the political arenas which is why despite being the largest party with elected representatives BJP was unable to form a Govt…because they were politically isolated…and i think we will see a repeat even in the upcoming elections too!
When you talk about Pakistan fighting terrorism please do point me to news artciles/links etc where i can read up how Pakistan plans to combat its home grown terrorism…
I dont think this is the end of the ATS enquiry into the hindu terrorism that you talk abt…We all will have to wait and watch..but with UPA’s face in the mud after these attacks they have too much to lose by not pursuing that line of action…Luckily for us elections are just around the corner…
I agree that a lot of the evidence still needs to be validated, and maybe there is a one in a million chance that it might be a knee jerk reaction on India’s part but tell me with the history we share with Pakistan, of the LET, Hizbul Mujahidiin, the video evidence of Terrorist Training Camps in Pakistan are Indians really that wrong in blaming Pakistan for terror attacks of such scale?
I will leave it up to our inept politicians/administration to investigate and prove who was “really” behind these attacks!
I am also praying that Mosad does not disappoint and goes after whoever killed the Israeli Nationals in Nariman House…unfortunately we as a country have a better chance of justice through the Mosad than our own Govt..
but this country is on the verge of becoming a superpower despite the inept Govt,….and we shall survive this!
I reiterate, I do not want to be disrespectful of anyone..I (hope) am also certain that majority residents of Pakistan do not condone the attacks in Mumbai..It is definitely a case of a few bad apples giving the rest a bad name…
I was watching reporter from indian new channel claiming that the terrorists were linked to pakistan because of their punjabi style dialect (just by listening to the conversation of the terrorist that he is from Deccan Mujahidin they figured out that he is Pakistani). Just because of a friggin’ dialect they linked it to Pakistan? .
A point to ponder few people came from pakistan and masterminded such a brutal and vicious attack which literally kept whole of India on its toes for 3 days. I mean do you really believe this crap propaganda that your media is spreading? Without any major help from internal sources these alleged Pakistanis couldn’t have even reached these 7 different points where they were suppose to attack.Its simply a logistically impossible for an outsider to even reach those 7 places without getting detected. I mean its simply preposterous to say that they came in speedboats from Karachi and then went straight to these hotels and orchestrated these attacks.
Now lets talk some facts. There are 7 major separatist movements going on in india at the moment. Hindu extremists have gone amuck in recent days,this year alone almost 50 churches have been destroyed and burnt by Hindu extremists. You’ve rightly said it your self why would Hindu Fundamentalists need to import terrorists from your neighbors. There are already enough people who have suffered and have genuine grievances and all this looks like their handiwork rather then few pakistanis who came by speedboats. Its all home grown terrorism and Indian intelligence agencies are too embarrassed to admit their failure and and trying to cover their failure by conveniently blaming it all on Pakistan.
@ Indian
Let me add to doctor’s list of India’s virtuous demonstrations of its secular stance:
1. 600 christians killed this year alone
2. 2000 Muslims massacred in Gujrat in 2002
3. Babri mosque demolished in 1992
4. Demolition of the Golden Temple (the holiest Sikh temple) in 1984
These are just a few examples. You’re worst nighmare might be joining Pakistan but I know for a lot people in India this would be a dream come true. There are separation movements going on in a third of India. When will you accept that India that India is a giant with clay feet?
@ Indian
You might find this article interesting:
It’s written by an Indian!
Bad days ahead! It is however heartening to note that the top-leaders on both sides of the blame-divide have reacted in a very sane manner. While Manmohan Singh has not blamed Pakistan government as such but has stated only that the roots of terrorism lie in the Pakiland, Asif Zardari has virtually confirmed this by saying that (I quote him in Urdu),”Gheir reyaasti anaasir hakoomaton par apna agenda musallat karna chaahate hein”.
India is not perfect; it has many problems. Even so, it tries to be fair and it tries to impose a secular law and provide equal rights. That is more than anything we see in the Muslim world.
This attack is not about Pakistan. It is about Islam. Once again we see Muslims doing what their god told them to do: kill and be killed. Thats in the Quran, in case you don’t know. Look it up. Book 9 verse 111 (how ironic!).
These vile killers in Mumbai murder innocent peoople because of their religion — and Muslims everywhere pretend that Islam has nothing to do with the hate and violence we see everywhere Muslims go. Muslims kill because killing is the purest form of Islam — and they don’t care if they kill Muslims or infidels, as long as they kill and cause pain.
All you Muslims do is make excuses and blame others. In case you haven’t read your own traditions, Mohammad also attacked villages and caravans over 25 times (according to Tabarai), sent out dozens of raids more, plundered, murdered, tortured, enslaved men women and children, let his men rape and even beat Aisha… Yet Muslims say “praise be into him” after his name.
This may explain the attacks, the hate and violence done by Muslims. 8 years ago I couldn’t have cared less about Islam. Now I have read their Quran, ahadith, learned their doctrines, studied their history and watch how they treat others. I have nothing but contempt for them and their religion and their dear prophet. I have tried to dialogue with them but they refuse even to be honest about the most basic words in their own scriptures. Pathetic!
Obviously Muslim should be invited to live only in Islamic societies (since they can’t live with non-MUslims in peace). They should leave the US, Canada, Australia, Europe, India, etc… and move to Muslim countries where they can have their hate, sharia, murder, and beat their women for fun (Islamically, of course). The rest of the world would still have problems but much much less.
You can delete this now. Whatever you do, don’t think about the hate in the Quran or the violence that Islam teaches. Never question. Never think. Make excuses. Blame others.
Jose Kactuz
I am impressed with this very objective post by Teeth Maestro.It has generated a useful discussion.However I would here like to mention about report of this incident in another blog which I suspect is operating against the interest of Pakistan.It has a catchy name and is operated by one Adil Najm.The story he posts is total fabrication and silly.Such blogs should be closely monitored and scrutinized.The anti Pakistaniat may not be very obvious but it is there.He mentions that he visited and stayed at almost all the attacked sites in Bombay after he got married.I wonder who is the lucky man!!!
J Kactuz
What a selected study of Quran you have done ,I believe it was some pumphlet of hate race against Islam you read and thought let me take my steam out on MUSLIMS.
Well yes we are muslims and let me teach you one lesson from Quran which you have not read,PATIANCE AND TOLERANCE and ignore the stupids.
If your ideal world is without muslims,DEAR THAT IS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.Creator has bigger plans than yours.
The amount of confusion and ignorance in India about Pakistan and Pakistanis is tremendous and harmful to both countries. Likewise in Pakistan, I’ve not found much of an accurate, frank understanding of India.
It’s not a question of identifying good and bad, but rather of creating and maintaining more people-to-people links.
We can see from the actions of a certain country in North America some examples of what can happen because of ignorance about other countries and peoples. No need to repeat that.
Increasing ties between professional organizations, cities-to-cities, schools-to-schools and in the athletic field will create win-win situations for everyone, economically, personally and politically. A little mutual hospitality goes a long way. Now is the time.
I would like to share few things:
1) Why government of India indicating finger towards Pakistan without proper investigation is because militant did so many foolish mistakes and for that there was not required any investigation.
2) You people (pakistani) trying to say that this brutal task is done by indins and not by pakistanies. then who hijacked indian plane at kandhahar? and where is all guys now who had got free?
3) And last thing i must say that you continue to defend pakistan and pakistani militants that is also my desire, at the end of your life you will got to know that you have got by your own people. and for that we are not intrested to spend our energy, we know how to live life better than u. and we know how to make India prosperous, and if u all people of pakistan will come to togather to fight with us, u will not win, so keep jehad going, dont send your children to school.
Recent incident at Mumbai is a recent example to explain this proverb.
What they have been doing Karachi,Kashmir,Assam, Afghanistan and now in Swat it is time to pay.
Look at western hippocracy since 1988 after Golden Temple incident and assasination of Indra Ghandi and Rajiv Ghandi and many other such incident specially in Mumbai it has never been considered unsafe for western tourist.
Just imagine 1 million britishers tourist ( NRI ) visit India but Because of MQM / Mafia killlings and Mujahidins / fundamenatlists Pakistan is unsafe………Why?
Look at Indian cricket team they are refusing to come to Pakistan because of security concerns and our ministers and politicians are begging please come please come…… they have any shame.
Now England team is returning …… concerns.
I have serious doubts that this is what it seems Indians are going to put blame on Pakistan and will cry that because of Pakistani militant which are not controlled by so called democratic government and India need assurances from Pakistan and UN Security Council. I am very much sure that they are going to suggest and pressurise USA via Jew lobby that Nato forces should be in Pakistan and will deploy their army on our eastern borders………rest is very much obvious.
HINDU TERRIOSM IS OLDER AND BETTER WELL KNOWN THAN ISLAMIC TERROISM which a response and a cry in wilderness against atrocities carried out in Palistine, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Kashmir. Muslims are Defending themselves and they are very few and most of us are of Low Faith and cowards and beggers. Always giving excuses no this no that …
This time to call spade a spade.
NEW DELHI, Nov 17 (Reuters) – Reports that Hindu militants may be involved in bomb attacks first blamed on Islamists may open a Pandora’s Box for India’s beleaguered security services and become a key voter issue before general elections next year.
At least 10 people, including a serving army officer and a Hindu monk and nun, have been arrested over alleged involvement in blasts in the Muslim-dominated town of Malegaon in western Maharashtra state that killed four people.
The same Indian army officer is being investigated over a bomb attack in February 2007 that killed 68 people on the Samjhauta Express, a train between Delhi and Lahore, police said. The attack killed mostly Pakistani passengers.
The reports have proved an embarrassment for the main opposition Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) as it prepares to take on the Congress-led government in both state elections this year and general elections in early 2009.
The BJP has been quick to criticise the Congress-led government for being soft on terrorism when it involves Muslims or Pakistan, but critics say it has been less willing to call for a clampdown on Hindu groups in the face of the latest allegations.
“In the wake of daily arrests of… (Hindu)… terror outfits, the BJP stood exposed,” senior Congress leader Veerappa Moily told the Mail Today. “They cannot take a high moral ground.”
While Islamists are suspects in many other attacks this year, the spectre of Hindu terrorist groups haunts many in India, which emerged from a traumatic partition in 1947 when hundreds of thousands were killed in religious clashes.
IS THIS CLEAR!!!!!!!!!!
@Sajjad: “Demolition of the Golden Temple”?
Thanks for your comments.
Human to human relationship is so important ,
Thats what I thought recently on another blog I had quite an honest and frank political discussions with Indian people including Kashmir and suddenly I feel that since this attack ,they have shut out all reasoning ,even they think HUMANITY,FRIENDSHIP are just slogans.
I work in the Hospitality Industry in London,lived through
7/7 bombing ,Marriot happened my reaction was different,it was of a Pakistani person feeling ,sad,sorrowful and bad.
When TAJ and OBEROI are attacked it has affected me in another way.
It means terrorist have now this trend maybe if it is the right word, to attack Hotels.
One of my colleague who is from India lost his two friends working in Taj.
This act of terrorism has affected me in another way,although I am a muslim,but does the Indian people want to listen this how it affected me,I am shocked to discover no.Do they want to understand why I want to share my concern with them.
Suddenly I am not included in the humanity camp.
As long as Indians are singing they are superpower and their economy is booming ,they are fine,they have humanity and friendship ,as soon as there is some crises ,all evil is Pakistanis and Muslims.
Have they learnt from the DEVIDE OF 1947???
Pakistan government showed extreme responsibility when Marriot happened we could have blame it on India straight away but we wanted to do theinvestigation first.
What is Indian Government doing.Chief Minister is pointing towards Pakistan,Media for past ten years is feeding people ,behind all voilence it is PAKISTAN,heads of Indian Underworld are supported by Pakistan.”
The thing is INDIA although has become a super power has been to moon,one thing which I have learnt from living in UK that is the uniformity and understanding of people on basic human rights and human issues,be it Ire-land,Scotland,England,Wales or be it a small village.
The differences and hatred and small mindedness of India ,THE SO CALLED DEMOCRACY of the world is a MOCKRY a slap on the face of human rights,equality an dthey are not ready to accept others,human beings,this is the basic thing.
In Pakistan our psyche is not very different from them
but because we live in a country which is 80% muslims so we have accepted the rest of the world has different religions like CHINA,INDIA<RUSSIA and Europe and we respect that.
But the Indian mind is still very closed same as at the
time of 1947.Their prejudice is not over and it would not because they see Muslims,Christians,Budhists as invaders.
Only twenty to thirty percent people fom india can relate to what my response to Terrorism in INDIA this time is.
Those Twenty percent are Business community .
I WAS EXPECTING INdia to act more responsibly,Pakistanis are not reacting to war of words but would India stop there ,India has already started a tight build up against Pakistani borders,
What if Terrorists were Bangalis?Tamil Tigers,or what if They were Hindus?
WE ARENOT ASKING FOR WAR<neither of words nor of bullets our President has already exploited his resources to the worst .
If it is Martial Law comming in Pakistan and at the same time if Pakistan have to fight with Millitants in AFghanistan and with India .
If it is a game to buildup Political or pshchological pressure on Pakistanis,before Kashmir Settlement ,Zardari can come under pressure not Pakistani people.
If we have martial law this time,reponsibility is INDIA.
@ Mumbaikar
Akal Takht in the Golden Temple complkex in Amritsar was badly damaged during Operation Blue Star.
@ J Kactuz
Read about the Conquest of Mecca during the Holy Prohet’s (pbuh) time. The people who had been persecuting him and the Muslims for years were given a general pardon. Also read about the crudases and the events that unfolded Muslims captured Jerusalem under Salahuddin Ayubi. Once again a general pardon was issued. Also read about what happened when Christians captured it. The blood in the streets came up to the knees. Also, please answer why Jews took shelter in Muslim lands during the inquisition in Europe. The Muslim world has always allowed every religion to exist reacefully in its realm. No other religious empire can make such a claim. As for the situation these days, how many countries have been occupied by Muslim invaders? Every where in the world, foreign invaders have disrespected boundaries of Muslim countries. Do you think this doesn’t warrant a reaction? I do not endorse targeting of innocent people in any way but I the current dismal state of Muslims would mislead a minute part of the population.
As far as the Mumbai crisis is concerned, let the dust settle and then make a judgement. Already conflicting reports are surfacing.
I don’t think Pakistan has anything to do with the attacks in the face of already troubled environment contained within its borders. It would be instead an obvious mistake to do it especially at a time once its running after getting financial aid from international orgs. What seems obvious is that western powers have much more interests vested in this whole scenario (cause if a war breaks out between the two countries would boost the arms sales).. Its virtually pointless to prematurely target Pakistan because it has become a fashion that wherever the evil Al Qaida / terror strikes people rather than professionally investigating the matter down to the core, try to save face by hiding behind such arguments such as it must have been done under the supervision of Pakistan.. come on now guys!! grow up..
Dear Sjjad and Farrukh,
Well said. But we have to say it loud.
Problem with us that we are muslims, good or bad, we have to abide by some rules laid done by Allah and his Messenger Mohammed pbuh.
We cannot spread rumours and we are not allowed put accusations till we have prove. But look at all these non Muslims soon any thing happens muslims did it Pakistan did it or there is a Pakistani link.
Just minutes after attack on Mumbai when they even didnot knew what’s going on they found ” Concrete” evidence that pakistan is involved and even their Prime minister blamed.
That showed hindu/indian mentality. Now they are blaming UK as well.
They forgot Faridkot is in India which supposed to be in Pakistan in 1947 but because Nehru was sleeping with viceroys of india’s wife ( An historical fact ) then Britisher’s has give back something in return as gesture of thanks.
Mr Anthony Indian/Hindu has hunger for Money they can sell anything for that.. before 1947 ..they were singing with Britishers then during cold war with USSR as they could provide them cheap technology deals now they are sitting in lap of USA because they are in power.
Pakistani has always had same friends they helped people and nations when they were inneed e.g. Saudi Arabia, UAE PRE OIL ERA, CHINA KOREAetc
The only mistake our politicians did was tokeep USA as friend.But Americans are not even friends to their own KINS.
Allama Iqbal said for these 10 boys longtime ago
Proverb in my earlier comment is
t is surprising that even if the so called ‘terrorists’ were Pakistani trained SSG commandos as alleged by many Indian members, I’m surprised how 12 men could besiege two major hotels for such a long while.
The hold ups were so well planned and executed with such precision!
Were all hotel security measures mere proxies?
Plus, 12 men vs. 1200 Indian security forces (involving everyone from Indian ATF to serving Indian Commandos) – the assault went on for almost 60 hrs!
Wow, isn’t that rather shocking? 12 men vs. 1200 (with all helicopters/equipment etc.)? And yet such a long battle for the takeover by Indian authorities?
Either the alleged Pakistani trained commandos are at least 100 times superior to the combined force of the Indian forces A to Z or this was merely a drama orchestrated by the intelligence agencies in India to achieve ulterior motives in future – (just like the 9/11 was used as the Wild Card by the CIA to attack Afghanistan & Iraq).
Some of which is quite clear and has been repeatedly mentioned and identified by different Pakistani sources.
So here are the two possibilities:
1. If it is proved that these 12 men were in fact Pakistani trained, then Indians should be ashamed of their armed commandos who took 60 hours to clear out 12 men and should accept their inferiority when it comes to real time combat.
2. If not, then Indians need to buckle up for a rough ride. There’s an evil within their country that they’ll have to fight and bring into limelight. RAW, by staging this drama, will indirectly be responsible for the massacre of almost 200 Indian citizens and another 300 casualties just to make way to achieve its hidden motives behind the whole drama.
Let’s see how it unveils.
Made And Produced In India
Published : November 28, 2008 | Author : George Fernandez
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Made And Produced In India
India trains all sorts of peoples, from terrorists to militants to fanatics, to suit its national and international needs. But in order to cover up its nefarious activities it focuses on Islam, Muslims, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Hajj, etc.; and blames its neighbors. Indian intelligence agencies are frustrated over the strong lobbying for highlighting Kashmir human rights violations at international forums by some NGOs in Europe and U.S., with the support of Indian human rights and peace activists. A huge lot of resources are being wasted on propaganda purposes by Indian government directly throughout the world.
By George N. Fernandez
Friday, 28 November 2008.
MUMBAI, India—The police investigation into the synchronized September 29 bombing attacks in Malegaon, a city in the west Indian state of Maharashtra, and Madosa, in the neighboring state of Gujarat, has rattled India’s political establishment. The police have thus far arrested 11 people, while indicating that others, potentially many others, may yet be implicated in what they have termed an “extensive” Hindu-extremist terror network.
The arrested include a lieutenant colonel attached to the Indian Army’s Military Intelligence Corps and a retired army major.
Two of the suspects, a Hindu sadhu (holy man) and a sadhvi (holy woman), have long-standing and extensive contacts with prominent politicians and businessmen. All of the alleged principals in the bombing plot have ties to one or more of India’s major “Hindu-nationalist” [the term is used by the Anglo-American media; the real term should be terrorist] organizations: the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the official opposition in India’s parliament, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP, World Hindu Council), and the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh or RSS.
Terrorism and Territory
Armed with latest weapons, “democratic” India occupies Kashmir forcefully, killing thousands of Kashmiri Muslims. India tactfully annexed its neighbor Kashmir, heavily militarized it and killed the freedom fighting Kashmiris and also branded them as “terrorists” and “cross-border-terrorists”. On top of that, India accuses Pakistan and Bangladesh of training “terrorists” against “innocent” India.
India trains all sorts of peoples, from terrorists to militants to fanatics to suit its national and international needs. But in order to cover up its nefarious activities it focuses on Islam, Muslims, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Hajj, etc. blames its neighbors and Indian intelligence agencies are frustrated over the strong lobbying for highlighting the Kashmir human rights violations at international forums by some NGO’s working in Europe and USA with the support of Indian human rights and peace activists. A huge lot of resources are being wasted on propaganda purposes by Indian government directly throughout its missions and various NGOs and other secret agencies the world over, including the Arab World. But it makes strenuous efforts to see that Muslims in India and Kashmir do not make any anti-India propaganda by placing before the world the real situation in the country.
The intelligence wings in India have marked the Indian Muslims into different categories. The major chunk of Muslims is described as “terrorists”, spies and agents of Pakistan, Kashmir and Bangladesh. In order to create make-believe strings, they link the freedom fighting Kashmiris abroad and their media supporters to Pakistani intelligence in order to rob the Kashmiri cause of legitimacy and put Pakistan on the defensive.
Christian Killings in India is
Hindu Fundamentalism
Thousands of terrified Indian Christians are hiding in the forests of Orissa while Hindu fundamentalists burn their homes and kill them without any real reason.
What actually is happening in India is that mobs are targeting churches, orphanages and homes of Christians. Officially, more then two hundred people have now been reported dead and twenty of them were deliberately burned to death in the aftermath of the murder of Hindu leader Lakshmananada Saraswati [unofficial figures have reached 600]. The Christians in India are terrified they left their homes and are taking shelter in forests.
A Christian religious leader said that even in the forests they are not safe. This is not the first time that we are seeing religious hatred in India, in the past we can see examples of Muslims being targeted and the violence cannot be explained in words. There has been very little or no Anglo-American media coverage. The western media outlets are generous enough to give India’s domestic Hindu extremists the label of religious fundamentalism not terrorism.
In the state of Chhattisgarh, four sisters were attacked and abused. In Jharkhand, Hindu fundamentalists attacked a church and tried to “reconvert” the Christian faithful. Four churches have been damaged in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Madhya Pradesh. In New Delhi, two churches have been damaged, and another four attacked. In Punjab, three Christians have been detained by the police under false accusations. In Uttar Pradesh, three pastors have been beaten, together with the wife of one of them. In Uttarakhand, two Christians have been killed, a priest and his employee.
Anti-Sikh riots of 1984
Thousands of Sikhs were killed in a government-planned genocide. Government officials, politicians and police openly participated. Innocent people were burned alive, women and young girls raped. Yet, there has been no justice.
When Sikhs chose to be part of India, it was promised that they would have an autonomous state where they could learn their own language and go about their own religion. To date, three religions, Sikhism, Buddhism and Jainism continue to be forcibly listed as sects of Hinduism in the Indian constitution, so that their followers are not given their due rights.
2002 Gujarat violence
Hundreds of mosques and other Muslim shrines were damaged or destroyed and makeshift Hindu temples were installed in their place in some cases. In Ahmedabad, the dargah of the Sufi saint-poet Wali Gujarati in Shahibaug and the 16th century Gumte Masjid (mosque) in Isanpur were destroyed. The Muhafiz Khan Masjid at Gheekanta was ransacked. Police records list 298 dargahs, 205 mosques, 17 temples and three churches as damaged in the months of March and April, 2002.
According to Human Right Watch estimate, 2,500 Muslims were killed in anti-Muslim riots in Gujrt in 2002. Some 1,223 Muslims were reported missing, 3,548 injured, 1,919 women widowed and 2,606 children orphaned.
An international fact finding committee formed by experts from U.S., U.K., France, Germany and Sri Lanka reported that “sexual violence was being used as a strategy for terrorizing women belonging to minority communities in the state.
MUMBAI November 26, 2008
India always prides itself on being a democracy, yet human rights are violated every single day. It is time to raise our voices, and show enough is enough. The Indian government has supported the killing of Dalits, Muslims, Sikhs and Christians and many other groups. November 26, 2008, Mumbai attack may be a reaction of killing of innocent people by Indian security forces.
Current security situation is the result of the governments’ (past and present) poor handling of matters. Indian Government & Media will try to cash this attack and will start killing of innocent Muslims & minorities in India again. I am also confident on my prediction that India will blame Pakistan, ISI & Kashmiris.
Making indiscriminate arrests of innocent Muslim youth, producing new “master minds” every 24 hours, presenting arrested persons before the media with faces covered with the traditional checkered headscarves — worn by Arabs and Muslims, producing sensational background information are all wrong signals that could damage the communal harmony and alienate the minorities.
The terrorism has not spilled over to India from Pakistan rather India is involved in criminal sets of terrorism in Pakistan. If you see the timings of Mumbai attack you will notice that on 26 November, 2008 Court martial proceedings started against a retired Lieutenant-General (Lt Gen (retd) S K Sahni) on corruption charges for allegedly procuring poor quality food items for troops fighting insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir four years ago.
Recent Mumbai attacks were preplanned, well organized and very professional. These were carried out by local Indian groups & Indian Intelligence agencies to convert the attention of Indian & world media from the court martial proceedings.
Please forward the email (see the evidence in the attached pictures one and two). The world should know how Hindus treat Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and other minorities in India.
The author is based in Mumbai, India, and is an Indian citizen from a minority religion that has seen up to 600 people dead this summer. He wishes not to publish his email address.
© 2007-2008. All rights reserved. & PakNationalists
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any medium
without royalty provided this notice is preserved.
Politicians and religious leaders in India/Pakistan are all the same. Yes there are examples of atrocities against Minorities in India but on other hand India has seen a Muslim President, A Sikh prime minister and a Christian head of ruling party all at same time. There are too many prominent Muslims and Christians in India. Even in US Obama had to give explanations 100s of times that he has forgotten his Islamic roots and is a devout Christian, which is not the case in India.
On condition of minority, condition of poor Hindus and poor minorities is all the same. I have Muslim and Kashmiri friends who are working in software companies in India and living a great life. But ratio wise Muslims there are more poor Muslims than Hindus.
Reason is not discrimination against them. Reason is that they listen to religious leaders, prefer study in Madarsas and not in newer school, want to stick to hardline interpretations of Quran (Yes I have read translations of Quran and Bible. Quran has striking similarity with Bible but educated Christians, Hindu and Muslims have moved ahead of hardliner views. But issue here is Muslims are much more devoted to religion than any other community. They get inspired by religious leaders much more than others. They prefer not going against religion even if they have to suffer themselves. That is what is exploited by religious leaders to fulfill their own ambitions.
This is not my analysis this is what i got from Muslim friends and one of them is rehabilitated Kashmiri, now a successful engineer living in UK from an Indian company.
Neither Hindus treat Muslims badly nor the other way round. It’s a fraction of Hindus and Muslims who under influence of hardliner leaders do this. And that is known to world, that such fraction among Muslims is higher than Hindus.
Have you gone into real reasons for Orrisa christian attacks. Bible asks Christians to spread religion and convert people to Christianity. Missionary there provide food, education and medical benefits to people. This helps people a lot and improves there quality of life. After some time they restrict these facilities to only Christians and ask people to convert. Nothing wrong in this but is unethical. Should Hindu organization attack them?
Instead of spending money on goons, start uplifting people there and if you can’t and those guys can live better life as Christians why shouldn’t they?
I really hope for a world, not without religions, but one where all religions can live in harmony. I like US capitalist culture here, everyone thinks of his own, how can I live better life. In contrast to Europe and some portions of Central US, religion is followed but is a guiding force and not one which regulates life.
While both in India and Pakistan there is a huge population both Hindus and Muslims, who instead of thinking on their own improvement work for not letting other prosper and grow. Each community gets equal oppurtunity in India and Muslims being minority gets reservations at many places. There are Muslims who have grown utilising these oppurtunities and and a large number of if not all of those who have not benefited, have themselves to blame.
Why does India blame Pakistan without investigation? Because involvement of Pakistan based groups in previous attacks is beyond doubt. LeT, Hizbul are based in Pak. Azhar Mashood released after Kandhar hijack gave several interviews from Pak. Dawood ibrahim, master mind of 93 blasts and a smuggler lives in Pak and his son is married to Miandad’s daughter.
Doesn’t mean that Pakistani elements are still involved but if you know a person who has a track record and an incidence happen, who will you blame first? Pakistan itself has to work on improving its own image and current steps being taken by Zardari seems to be helping.
I have Pakistani friends and my father is 47 immigrant from Bannu. I wish we can attain a soft borders between India and Pakistan and people can move freely. Both India and Pakistan will be able to focus more on improving quality of life of poor rather than spending on huge defense budgets. Losers in turn will be Russia and USA who will lose their big clients of warfare.
Thanks for reaching out and writing.It has given me a lot of hope.
On the issue of religion,I am muslim and practicing muslim.Sometimes I just wonder what is a difference between me and a fundamentalist;the difference is huge,that difference is humanity.
Human approach some how in Asia towards religion is , we have stopped to approach the human beings.Why this has happened ?You have provided the answer yourself,politicians and religious preachers.
Religion for long has been used as a tool to be used for votes,to help corrupt politicians.
unless that happens we cannot act and react as a human being.
One good thing I have seen is that people ar trying to rise above themselves and are trying to reachout at a human level.IT SEEMS THE TRAGEDY OF INDIA AND PAKISTAN IS WE HAVE OUT OF DATE POLITICIANS,who cannot motivate people to rise above themselves but instead drag people down.
Politics ,religion why we become so hyper and why we become so emotional including me ??
WELL I HOPE IF WE WANT PEACE WE HAVE TO GET RID OF STUPID LEADERS,be they of ethnic minority or Religion.
Votes should be only for human prosperity.Terrorism is a completly different and International phenomenon.
I think this is not the time to blame Pakistan as this could result in tension between India and Pakistan. I am think that the Indian government and media needs to act little more maturely and responsibly. We have seen on several occasions in past when India has blamed Pakistan and Pakistan’s intelligence service but on all those occasions it turned out that the Indian army, police or some security or intelligence agency was responsible for attacks in their own country. These revelations came out of Indian government’s own investigative reports. These are facts which can be checked and not just made up stories as Indian government and press seem to be familiar with! We all want peace, harmony and prosperity. If a neighbouring country is instable, it can cause instability in the whole region. Therefore, both Pakistan and India need to work together to find the culprits and bring them to justice.
A clarification here, Indian Govt has not blamed Pakistan as state. It has claimed that few Pakistani nationals along with Indian Nationals are involved. To which even Zardari has agreed that there is a possibility that people responsible for attacks in Pakistan may be involved. But media sensationalizes it and use ‘Pakistan’ instead of ‘Pakistani Nationals’. It’s like saying India is involved in child abuse in when a fashion designer of Indian origin was caught.
did any one read the earth shaster of chanakia?
Hi guys,
I am from India. First let me respond to the actual post from Teeth Maestro. I appreciate your concerns abt Mumbai and I am sure you said that from heart.
Regarding the political blame game. India has every right to point finger at Pakistan for this attack because of the following evidence, which not even the best advocate in the world can defend in any court with a judge with 1% common sense.
1, Terrorists came via sea route from karachi
2, They hijacked a fishing vessel and beheaded the innocent fisherman.
3, They killed 2 coast guard officers
4, The captured terrorist is from Faridcot, he has confirmed his Let Links clearly
5, The blackberries and GPS system they used was checked and Phone was used to call Lashkar Commander in Muzaffarabad (Yusuf Muzamil). The GPS shows their route from pakistan.
Pakistan cannot deny Let’s involvement in this. We all know the connection between ISI and LET.
See we can control the stupid saffron terror outfits here, we have taken actions against them. But unfortunately pakistan’s democratic government is powerless in the hands of ISI and powerful sections in Army. There is no doubt that pakistan has become the launching pad of terrorists. Howabt Davood Ibrahim roaming freely in Pakistan. So it is clear that the democratic government has no control there and they do not have power to control ISI, evidenced by the latest news that Mr Zardari, gone back and said ISI chief is not going to visit India. So who is in charge there, ISI or Mr. president.?
Sorry guys, this has gone way too far. India has been patient till Mumbai attack. Considering the evidences and public anger towards the lack of action from the government India is forced to act. Unless pakistani government take stern actions such as arresting the lakshar leaders, handover of davood and controlling the anti national elements in ISI, we are in for something very bad. Lets all pray to avoid a war.
these guys behaving like a spokespersons of indian isn’t the time came to ask for an explanation of their role in terorrist activities in balochistan, FATA and other areas of the paksitan.
we had many doomsdays. countless loss of innocent lives with thousands of grieved families suffering from financial problems and no body pointed fingers against india.
why we are dying for good relations with india at any cost?…. isn’t time to change our approach in international relations.what about the relations with dignity and honor?
isn’t the time has come to keep aside our personal feelings and enthusiaism for having good relations with india and keep focus on our national interests and our security.
@ Ajith
I am sure the Indian authorities haven’t looked hard enough. If they recheck they might even find ISI security cards in the debris. Maybe they’ll discover a printout of an email sent from General Kayani detailing every aspect of the plan to the officers who perpetrated the actual act.
This is ridiculous!
I know it has gone too far. India shamelessly points fingers at Pakistan to try to cover up the massive failures at its end. Not once have Indian authorities given credible evidence and investigations have always revealed internal sources. There are at least five such incidents, the Parliament Attack and Samjhota Express blasts being the most prominent.
My dear it is easy to externalise problems than to face them. Please get your head out of your ass and read what Indian minority writers are saying about India. Your media and government can keep up the image of Shining India but it’s not going to put an end to the turmoil beneath this chic veneer.
These Indians are at least right in that
OUR politicians are A… lickers.
I tell if this has been Army Government these coward Indians would not have courage to threat us because those Mujahids would have replied in actions.
This is a coverup for blast investigation going on in which an army col. and minister is involved.
These guys are as ignorent as their Government is.
Sign of immaturity and weakness is to put blame on somone on mere e.g.
if a child breaks something first he cries aloud and then start beating someone and says he pushed me
This is what all indians are doing blaming someone they can.Being a muslim we want peace and to convey Allah’s message.We are to not force whats happening in FATA we have people caught who are Hindus(disguised as Taliban) but we have not made it issue we are investigating are these RAW paid deploys or BJP we could have done same After Marriot when most of evidence linked to India.
What we did was that we looked at our own inner weaknesses.
To Ashish we cannot take politics from religion because this gives us tells us how to live life in harmony. Islam tells us to love and sacrifice and not love ownself.
I want to convey a message to All my fellow Indians
Non muslims’s life end when they die and a muslim’s life begins after death.
Do Aalam Say Karti Hay Beghana Dil Ko
Ajab Cheez Hay Lazat e Aashnai
Shahdat Hay Matloob o Maqsood e Momin
Na Mal e Ghaneemat Na Kishwar Kusha
If this war begins it will be third world war and will not end at least in your lifetime
Prophet Muhammad’s Last Sermon
Date delivered: 632 A.C., 9th day of Dhul al Hijjah, 10 A.H. in the ‘Uranah valley of Mount Arafat.
After praising, and thanking God, he said: “O People, listen well to my words, for I do not know whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and TAKE THESE WORDS TO THOSE WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT HERE TODAY.
O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Treat others justly so that no one would be unjust to you. Remember that you will indeed meet your LORD, and that HE will indeed reckon your deeds. God has forbidden you to take usury (riba), therefore all riba obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital , however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer inequity. God has judged that there shall be no riba and that all the riba due to `Abbas ibn `Abd al Muttalib shall henceforth be waived.
Every right arising out of homicide in pre-Islamic days is henceforth waived and the first such right that I waive is that arising from the murder of Rabi`ah ibn al Harith ibn `Abd al Muttalib.
O Men, the Unbelievers indulge in tampering with the calendar in order to make permissible that which God forbade, and to forbid that which God has made permissible. With God the months are twelve in number. Four of them are sacred, three of these are successive and one occurs singly between the months of Jumada and Sha`ban. Beware of the devil, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.
O People, it is true that you have certain rights over your women, but they also have rights over you. Remember that you have taken them as your wives only under God’s trust and with His permission. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Treat your women well and be kind to them, for they are your partners and committed helpers. It is your right and they do not make friends with anyone of whom you do not approve, as well as never to be unchaste…
O People, listen to me in earnest, worship God (The One Creator of the Universe), perform your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadan, and give your financial obligation (zakah) of your wealth. Perform Hajj if you can afford to.
All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over white except by piety and good action. Learn that every Muslim is a brother to every Muslim and that the Muslims constitute one brotherhood. Nothing shall be legitimate to a Muslim which belongs to a fellow Muslim unless it was given freely and willingly. Do not, therefore, do injustice to yourselves.
Remember, one day you will appear before God (The Creator) and you will answer for your deeds. So beware, do not stray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
O People, NO PROPHET OR MESSENGER WILL COME AFTER ME AND NO NEW FAITH WILL BE BORN. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand words which I convey to you. I am leaving you with the Book of God (the QUR’AN*) and my SUNNAH (the life style and the behavioral mode of the Prophet), if you follow them you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me directly. Be my witness O God, that I have conveyed your message to your people.
*The Qur’an: Revealed to Prophet Muhammad during the period from 610-632 AC. The first five verses revealed are: (1) Read in the name of your Lord, Who created. (2) Created man out of a clot that clings (in the womb). (3) Read and your Lord is the Most Bountiful. (4) Who taught by the pen. (5) Taught man that which he knew not.
This what we are doing, spreading truth
1.Hindus Sati( burn alive) women defame them ( fashion film prostitution) in name of good time, westernization and we give them right and respect.
2.We do not take riba(interest) hindus, jews, capatalist thrive on it ,bleeding poor people.
3. we have months of peace which is now and was on 26/11
4. HINDUS and other spread Caste system ,west live with social classes and status but Muslim believe in no one superior or inferior all men are equal difference is their piety and righteous action
This is Politics of Islam – PEACE AND PROTECT.
But rest assure all INDIANS and disbelivers we keep striving and told to act if someone forces ZULAM on us.
1000 yrs ago Mohammed Bin Qasim came and won India both with sword and hearts though very few in number
Mahmmod Ghaznavi did same. Now many QASIM AND GHAZNAVI live in subcontinent DONOT DARE TO WAKE THEM UP.
Yeh Ghazi Yeh Tere Purisrar Banday
Jinhein Tu Nay Bakhsha Hay Zoq Khudai
Do Neem, In Ki Thokar Say Sehra o Darya
Simat Kar Pahar In Ki Haybat Say Rai
Do Aalam Say Karti Hay Beghana Dil Ko
Ajab Cheez Hay Lazat e Aashnai
Shahdat Hay Matloob o Maqsood e Momin
Na Mal e Ghaneemat Na Kishwar Kushai
Khaiban Mein Hay Muntazar Lala Kab Say
Qaba Chahaey Is Ko Khoon e Arab Say
Kia Tu Nay Sehra Nasheeno Ko yakta
Khabar Mein, Nazar Mein, Azan Sehar Mein
Talab Jis Ki Saddion Say Thi Zindgi Ko
Wo Soz Is Nay Paya Inhein Kay Jigar Mein
Kushad e Dar Dil Samjthay Hein Is Ko
Halaqat Nahi Mot In Ki Nazar Mein
Dil Mard Momim Mein Phir Zinda Kar Day
Wo Bijli Kay Thi Nara La Tazar Mein
Azaim Ko Seenon Mein Baidar Kar Day
Nigha e Musalman Ko Talwar Kar day
Indian troops started moving to border, hope u remember the last two wars we fought, when we both were almost equal and still we humiliated ur spineless forces. Now India is far more superior and we are backed by other nations as well. Keep praying to Allah. I don’t think even he can help u guys 🙂
@ mumbai
Some superior army you have. Your elite NSG and Black Kat commandos couldnt control 12 insurgents.
who went running to the UN after the 65 war?
Ask Wajpai why he ran to daddy AMERICA….
plz tell Musharaf to stop they are killing us.
IN 1971 we were not beaten by you we went more than 100 -50 miles at many places but we were beaten within and as usual UN intervened and told us to give ur land back.
WE dont need any nation we need Allah’s support if any doubt come and see
I warn you this time it is true jihad we have been quiet for some time and suffered a lot.