ISI, a freelance protector of national security of Pakistan

Guest post by Amjad Malik

ISI is protecting the national security of Pakistan and combating any viable threat to its borders from outside and since 1971 from within. It is not different to the work of the CIA, KGB, RAW, Mossad, and MI5 & MI6 who work day in day out to avert any threat to the security of their own respective countries. The passionate work of this institution though is hardly in the public domain but is paramount when the threat is looming from its neighboring country on its borders, heavy presence of a foreign force on its western borders, and the presence of groups like ‘Makti bahni’ which are promoted, financed and cultured inside Pakistani bordering areas by its enemy. The need of their passionate work become more imperative when the corrupt elite of the country wish to derail the sovereignty of the country and endanger the security of the state by forging an alliance with super power in lust for power putting aside national interest.

Pakistan army unfortunately has spent around 4 decades in power corridors and no other but indecisive & corrupt politicians who lack political will, weaker institutions, tame judiciary and selfish & unprofessional bureaucracy is cumulatively responsible for not erecting a viable democracy where rule of law, good governance, justice and constitutionalism holds sway. In fact, non action on ‘Murree accord,’ continued violation of our air space by drones and China’s support of unchallenged UNSC Resolution no. 1267 is a self evidence of our politician’s poor performance. In fact, our rulers allegedly in an ultra parliamentary decision requested china to let go of the technical hold, making it a strong case for Parliamentary intervention to probe unless they seek army intervention by their default. Former premier Nawaz Sharif is through his vision calling those who are calling shots to make their promises to learn lessons from the history before its too late and is foreseeing those coming who never went out of politics. In the absence of Parliament which stood on 12 Oct 1999, it will be an uphill struggle to put barricades in the way of military unless Charter of Democracy is enacted forthwith, though it is not looking imminent. I think Q league’s Mushahid Hussain has put forward a claim for national government but to many when air force is on high alert and any time Indian air forces may attempt to target some of the MDI outlets emphasises the need of ‘national security government’ due to a weaker political leadership who endanger the security more. That National Security government may be a joint work of DSC and Parliament where army and civilian leadership in conformity work to safeguard the country and avert the threat of aggression against its borders as it’s do or die stage for Pakistan.

As long as all stake holders do not sit on one table and see eye to eye with each other and have a joint aim to safeguard the national interest, promote supreme parliament concept and produce a good governance. In the absence of a failure of the implementation on COD and negation of 18th Feb mandate, I am afraid we will keep seeing illusions everywhere. Pakistan no doubt, is in a very critical situation but sending DG ISI will not solve problems with India. India is playing at the hands of others and going to aggression will ignite a fire within India too which will not be easily put out. With Bombay attacks India is coercively rewarded and Pakistan’s hand is twisted to do more. Pakistan though is committed on war on terrorism but wishes to redraw the procedure under which he will contribute.

Pakistani leaders need to decide whether they wish to move forward democratically or are ready to cave in meagerly at the hands of US pressure as matters have gone ahead of drone attacks now. In this cloud the work of ISI is praiseworthy, As it is combating major intelligence forces in the region and in particular Indian threat successfully. Its a thankless job, unlike Army Generals who enjoy the perks and privileges but the work of this agency is far more difficult then one can comprehend. Extremism has given new twist to international information sharing process, and India has rightly advantaged this weakness. Their aim is to weaken the country and do not allow it to flourish an economic or military power. They also wish it to remain weak on political front with a military run regime where legitimacy always question their viability as a state. I think ISI made Pakistan stronger in the wake of emanating threats from around since 1971 and no doubt, it has advanced in order to meet the 21st century requirements and has developed from human intelligence to scientific knowledge. It’s a high time that people sees ISI separately than army rule. In army rule ISI’s job is doubled but in civil they revert to their old task to safe guard the state from any danger to its ‘national security’ from outside. Looking at the bleak situation of Pakistani rulers, there is not much help to this institution from our incumbent leaders and this freelance protector of national security is carrying on its job silently, rewardlessly and quietly in the line of its duty. Pakistanis need to understand that their country’s security from foreign espionage is intact despite the high level of threat.

Amjad Malik is a Solicitor-Advocate of the Supreme Court of England & Wales and has done LLM in national security law from UK.





137 responses to “ISI, a freelance protector of national security of Pakistan”

  1. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Excellent article !!Yes we need political and democratic institutions but we definetly need ISI and Millitary who are impartial and whose core interest is stability and security of Pakistan and to assess the threats.

  2. Le Mystique Avatar

    “That National Security government may be a joint work of DSC and Parliament where army and civilian leadership in conformity work to safeguard the country and avert the threat of aggression against its borders as it’s do or die stage for Pakistan.”

    What is DSC?

  3. Zia Ur Rehman Avatar

    Anti-Pakistan powers know very well about ISI and really it’s the main reason behind their objections on ISI.

  4. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Pakistan ISI,

    chapeau, messieurs,
    see that you make our enemies pay the price
    whoever, whatever and whereever they are !

    Pakistan Zindabaad

  5. Silence Avatar

    We have a love and hate relation with ISI.

    As an institution, it was supposed to be independent, but every dictator used it for their personal goals and ISI became a victim of hate from citizens as an institution.

    But to be honest, the guys are capable and sincere with Pakistan, they have outperformed on all fronts, whatever task was given to them, now its our job to keep a check on government that ISI is not used for personal benefits.

    I hate ISI for developing ethnic and racial groups inside our society on orders of dictators but I love its performance for our national interests.

    What we need to do is give this institution a shelter from rulers and work for national interests and clear guidelines and mandate, but hurting ISI will mean hurting our very existence.

  6. Khuram Avatar

    I would ask everyone to go to this link and listen very carefully to the entire conversation.Thank you.

  7. Umm Salihah Avatar

    Interesting post. I have long thought that the much-reviled and attacked ISI is the last organisation in Pakistan to really have the defence of Pakistan at its heart. It has often been described as being a law unto itself and outside of the control of the government. Looking at the current band in office, that would appear to be a good thing.

  8. Khuram Avatar

    Here is another link that may interest readers.

  9. guY-sir Avatar

    The globalists have long been using wars to subvert, demoralize and destroy Western civilization. They backed the Nazis and the Soviets in WW2. They created the Punch and Judy show that was the Cold War. They tied US hands while backing Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam.
    Who are they? Also called the illuminati, they represent a recrudescence of the alliance of Rothschild finance and European aristocracy secretly coordinated by a Satanic dogma hidden in freemasonry.
    They plan a new feudalism that will impoverish the middle classes, depopulate and enslave the masses, and leave only the rich served by a technocracy. The world increasingly will resemble a repressive third world country governed by the IMF, UN and World Bank.
    The globalists are centred on the Rothschild-dominated Bank of England, MI-6 and the secretive Round Table society, which spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs. The American branches include the Council on Foreign Relations, CIA and the Rockefeller foundations which all ensure the American people continue to finance and enforce one-world tyranny. The Bush family has owed its prominence to this cabal ever since grandfather Prescott Bush helped fund the Nazis.
    Zionism is supposed to represent the “West” in this sham war with Islam.
    Americans are being groomed to become like Israelis, victims of daily acts of “Muslim terror.” When a suicide bomber struck in Jerusalem, Benjamin Netanyahu said, “Whether the explosion takes place in Bali, Moscow, Mumbai, NYC or Jerusalem we are all united in a war against a common terrorist enemy.” Right on schedule Friday, the media is saying “we are all in Afghanistan now.” Kali Andhi
    Meanwhile, back in the USA, “Muslim terrorist attacks” are an excuse to lay the foundations of a police state. These attacks might serve as a pretext to declare martial law, suspend elections and round up dissidents, i.e. anyone who is not buying into the lie but lie has no legs so it means they all politicians are Quadriplegic gentlemen.
    This may seem incomprehensible to Americans now when the economy is still being propped up. Once the US has done the globalist’s dirty work, interest rates could rise and debt ridden Americans could be stripped of their assets, as they were during the Depression which glimpse we saw in shape of
    In conclusion, mankind is in the clutches of a diabolical multi generational conspiracy. A satanic, criminal cartel has subverted all social institutions and is slowly crafting a brutal global dictatorship. Our political economic and cultural leaders are witting and unwitting pawns. They are fabricating a phony war between Islam and the West in order to accomplish the subjugation of both.

  10. barristerakc Avatar


    The ISI is basically army because most of the strength is from the army. Its an extension of the army.

    ISI is very over-rated and the real role of the intelligence agencies in Pakistan is to buy judges , to blackmail politicians , to start wars of low intensity to get aid , to manipulate low intensity war players for specific ends to please or disturb their super power benefactors !

    I recommend to folks; who are interested in history and security issues should read, “Profiles of Intelligence” by Brigadier Tirmizi.

  11. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    here he goes. again the barrister

  12. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    if ISI ever wanted to take out Altaf kala the biggest enemy of pakistan,consider me as a voluteer for this job.

  13. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    what ever any one say about current threat. imust say this threat became a blessing of ALLAH(swt) on pakistan especially pakistan army and ISI. the whole perspective have been changed with in hours.
    this is phenomenon.

  14. temporal Avatar


    ISI’s functions as an intelligence gathering unit is not under scrutiny

    its role in political subversion and interference in body politic raises ire

    google aredeshir cowasjee’s 9 columns on this subject…asghar khan’s letter to the supreme court that was admitted by the then SC chief justice as a petition and follow its progress (or non-progress) since then…even ifitkhar chaudhry chose to ignore it…(that says more about his priorities)

  15. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Listen to this ,Living in this free society called UK.My office,the streets,the tube station,the buses,the super market ,the shops and even the roads are covered with CCTV to provide protection to me.We do not carry a lot of money with ourselves because we use credit card,so all the governemnt has to do is to check my yearly travel card and details of my bank and credit card and they know which brand I use ,what I eat,how I spend my money and time.
    Where I was this morning what I am doing now.
    My mobile ,my internet,Tv chanels everything is electronically recorded.
    BUT Europe is free.So Pakistan Intelligence service does not control human life as MI5 or MI6 does.
    ISI is far better than USA as well where all the information even Sattelite servelliance provided to Bush was wrong.
    When was ISI this wrong?

  16. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Of course you know Jung-e-Bader and the rain as a war strategy.
    Aur tum apnai rub ki koun koun si naimtoun ko jhutlau gai.
    Muslims as long as follow Allah and remember Him in their hearts Allah never abandons them.

  17. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    And yes looks are extremely deceptive if you see a very western woman in jeans and without scarff does not mean heart is empty without prayers .

  18. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @farrah k raja @2008 @ 2:15 am
    brillient point no one talk about them the fingers always pointing at pakistan and ISI.
    they have dirty business too in fact more dirty than pakistanis.
    yes!appearences are deceiving.thanks to barrister akc he made me remind that.prayers for those who have good soul.

  19. Khaled Avatar

    Ex DG ISI Hameed Gul publicly admits the creation of IJI, distributing millions to different political leaders, Though Altaf Hussain the Great Leader sent the bag full of money to General in 1990, so Altaf Hussain became the number one enemy as he refused to sell him and his party, in recent past Gen Zameer of ISI accepts the manipulation of election results, ISI should distance itself from the politics of this country, as the policies of making talibans and then killing them only damaging Pakistan.

  20. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Editorial in todays Dawn
    Hope for justice

    DONALD Rumsfeld is not the only Bush administration official who deserves to be tried for war crimes; there are others too, and the list is long. In a TV interview on Sunday, vice president-elect Joe Biden did not rule out the possibility of the former defence secretary being tried for prisoner abuse at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib and elsewhere.

  21. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    The above comment is just to say abuse of power in any situation is not acceptable.

  22. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    ISI seems to be doing a great job of protecting Waziristan.

    Go ISI GO!

  23. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    yes altaf refused to use by any agency of pakistan because he already sold his services to CIA on much higher prices.
    i think he is an honest agent.
    jis ka khata hey / usi ka gata hey

  24. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Dear Sir Mr.Mullen

    In response to your request ,”pressing our authorities to allow India to hit certain targets”,this request could not have come to us at any better time.
    Taking this auspecious oppertunity of Christmas I would like to extend a friendly present,send your Allien support to lift Tora Bora and take Osama and Talibaan with you.
    It will make an awesome amusement park full of shock and awe which USA is lacking extremely.I am sure you would not like to deprive your nation of this .

    “A Journey to a friend’s house is never long”

    Sincere Wishes
    Farrah K Raja

  25. Amer Nazir Avatar
    Amer Nazir

    Dear Amjad shb,

    ISI has done a lot using the slogan of patriotism and recently religion. What I am concerned about is its role in the illegal persecution of the common man in Pakistan. The stress is on ‘illegal’ and not whether it was justified or not – the last being a subjective matter…

    The army has used ISI to create confusion internaly and externaly to justify its remaining in power – and here they go again using the latest Indian threat. The problem is that now it seems as if the ISI role is already well documented by the international governments and they intend to curb it somehow…

    And, by trying to protect a ruthless power-drunk organisation that has often terrorized unarmed civilians – guess where the brunt will fall – again on the common people of Pakistan one way or another…

    Maybe all countries need organisations for their covert operations – but any organisation that kidnaps, tortures and kills its own citizens without any check, whom it considers as collateral damage, is simply not worthy of any support by any civilized person…

    And you know what… worry about the common man in the country and what he is being subjected to and not ISI ( which may or maynot be a cuase of the poor man’s misery in the first place) – And by the way, there has not been any selfless work, any man worth his salt that has worked in ISI is very well off financially. He has been amply compensated.

    I think this organisation is more a threat to the people than it can ever bring any good in future… sentimentalism aside, perhaps you cant really afford the luxury anymore of deciding whom to protect, maybe you are wasting your breath on a lost cause…

  26. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Your concern is genuine.ISI is relatively a new institution, it was only initiated during Zia time.
    Let us not underestimate the need and service it provides.
    Particularly keeping in view the complexity and emergence of new world.
    Everything is possible in this world.Where Russia is woeing Nuclear Warheads development,USA & Britain in Afghanistan and wants free route for Gas pipe line form Armenia,Ajerbijan and Georgia etc.
    Kashmir can open up borders on both sides.
    In such a cosmoploitan world only Police and Pakistan army is not enough.
    There is room for development and evolvement of ISI.I personally believe it should work under army,than there are less chances that politicians will use them to harrass journalists or common person.
    Human rights and civil rights definitly need improvement ,it has got nothing to do with ISI.We need to bring awareness among masses about their rights.

  27. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @Dr jawwadKhan,

    it seems Barrister is completely blind with one eye,
    and the other one is so weak that he can not even
    recognize his own lot, the vey Indian Altaf mongoloid
    and his henchmen of MQM leadership, he just forgot
    the enormous favours “ISI” is going to bestow upon MQM
    (MahaBharata Qazaq Movement), in case of War with his

  28. KarimG Avatar

    I am posting it for you guys to watch and use this info along with others to form your opinions….

  29. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    KarimG who is this guy Webster?Why would he choose to expose USA ,Britain,India and Israel?

  30. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ KarimG,

    its amazing the guy webster seems to be influenced
    by Rafay the out spoken Kashmiri bigmouth with his
    crazy denunciations of ” Batilans “, & Indians on Mumbai,
    just check the Indian’s, he has silenced
    some anti-Pakistan indians on Polemic created by the
    Natasha Paracha the so called ” Miss Pakistan ”
    interview with

  31. KarimG Avatar

    As I said, keep open minds, listen to all the available info the whole truth in this shit will not come from only one source. I have a feeling that there is a lot of ‘contamination’ in all the info, often it is a deliberate effort to muddle the facts and make it beyond recognizable. What truly bugs me in this whole affair is the role of Pakistani government. It is obvious to any body with a grain of intelligence that Mumbai was a setup. I have a feeling that Pakistani government’s at least initial halfhearted response was very suspicious. Media people are not talking straight and some intellectuals are also involved in doublespeak. Some thing is up!

  32. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @asad ali!
    i feel really sorry for those who sell their hereafter for extremely low price.

  33. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Whatever they say,Pakistanis are united and are one.Sects and regional conflicts are nothing we have the faith which unites us beyond boundaries.
    I do not wish any muslim blood to be spilled but if they ,India,Israel,US want war this time they will get true Crusade.For we are as hungry as desperate as Crusaders were and we have nothing to loose.

  34. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Well I am not going to think about war ,it sucks you in like a vaccum cleaner.
    “But could not our situation be compared to one of a menacing epidemic? People are unable to view this situation in its true light, for their eyes are blinded by passion. General fear and anxiety create hatred and aggressiveness. The adaptation to warlike aims and activities has corrupted the mentality of man; as a result, intelligent, objective and humane thinking has hardly any effect and is even suspected and persecuted as unpatriotic.” – Copy to Clipboard
    — Albert Einstein

  35. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    no body loves war. every one want peace. but peace is a meaningless with out your ability to maintain peace.
    it means that for right kind of peace you should be powerful enough which make any one to refrain from attacking you.
    true peace is a sense of fear of deadly consequences which you successfully transfer to your opponents.
    i am shure my argument is not shocking for you.

  36. Arshad Khan Avatar
    Arshad Khan

    @ Amir

    Ya don’t underestimate use of ISI. Its just a baby Who knows what it will do when it grows up. It probably got enough money to hand over innocent people to USA if it was all grown up it would have asked for millions not hunderds of dollars to turn them over to USA and especially providing services such as torturing them before they are given up.

    Who knows may be its eyes and ears weren’t grown up enough to know what was going on when people were being handed over to USA.

    Who knows may its brain is not grown up enough to not call Jihadis terrorists.

    Who know may be its grown up already because it “might” be helping Osama and Mullah Omar evade U.S. forces.

    Who Knows where it was when the genocide started in Bosnia.

    Who know how Zardari took power even in the presence of ISI(A powerful institution of the Army).

    Who know it might have intelligence that “Terrorists” are hiding in Waziristan and they are after each and every pakistani…..

    I guess we shouldn’t be blaming Army now We have Politicans running the country. Army or ISI has again taken the back seat.

    I guess protecting National security only means trying to keep yourself in power so you have a still have a counrtry to control.

  37. Khuram Avatar

    Webster Tarpley is a historian with a different approach to problems that were forced on humanity by neocons.Info is available on the web. Why should we suspect someone when he has a different opinion?Miss Farrah k.Raja.

  38. Khuram Avatar


    I am taking the liberty to ask why 25 December has gone unnoticed? It made me sad when AAJ TV in their 1055 bulletin headlines on 25December had Qauid’s birthday as the last item after reporting a traffic accident in Nowshera and Pope Benedict’s Christmas mass.

  39. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Interesting !thanks for info .I am extremely skeptical ,it is a matter of my survival and I cannot trust and should not trust anyone.
    Whatever US ,West and Politicians do ,they do for the betterment of humanity.It is we who have to judge what is better for us.
    Many medicines are prescribed to us to cure but side affects are deadly in longer run.

  40. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Dr Jawwad
    i am sure my argument is not shocking for you.
    Not at all.
    I have learnt peace is between equals.

  41. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    1. I agree with you,webster tarpley on youtube
    (Alex Jones) is very true , as we are no more
    living in a primitive propaganda epoch, of crusaders
    who invented modern day terrorism, since three days
    we are talking nothing else but Tarpley, some Indians
    are shocked to death !

    2. yes, I am ashamed of such disgraceful attitude of
    ingratitude of
    us all, including Teeth Maestro to forget the
    anniversary of our liberator, if you and me were
    born free, it was because of HIM The Greatest of all
    Mohammed Ali Jinnah, God bless you Quaid Sir,
    this morning guard change ceremony t his mosoleum
    was emotional, can’t explain with words.
    thanks for reminding us all.



  42. OneKarachite Avatar

    Thanks Amjad, I am happy to see that Pakistanis are still alive.

    Long Live Pakistan and Long Live ISI.

  43. Khuram Avatar

    Mme Farrah, k.raja you misspelled my name.But that is OK.I respect your opinion.

    Mr.Asad Ali, I am moved by your response.
    Thank you both.

  44. barristerakc Avatar

    Farah Bibi,

    With due respect; you don’t know anything about the security apparatus; working or a damn about security agencies both in the UK & in Pakistan.

    When you say your phones/emails or communication is monitored in UK; you are making a serious allegation but I do know blame you since most Pakistanis and Muslims suffers from the same phobia. This is not US; this is Great Britain.

    There’s something called DATA PROTECTION ACT 1996 in the UK which protects privacy of people living in the UK and Isle Islands and if an intelligence agency want(s) to tap or monitor an individuals communication they have to get a warrant from a magistrate and I know for the fact that magistrates are quite reluctant to give a “go-ahead” until there’s an immediate threat to national security of UK.

    ISI failed is notifying the army about Indian Aggression on Siachen.
    ISI failed in Afghanistan miserable (POST-SOVIET Retreat)
    ISI failed when an American Senator went & took pictures of KRL during Zia(s) tenure.
    ISI failed in 1971
    ISI failed in 1965 (please read: Ayub Khan’s Memoirs)
    ISI failed in controlling the vary elements she created (the former Jehadis now Terrorists)
    ISI failed again in informing Pakistan about India’s Nuclear Tests
    ISI failed in FATA
    The Security Doctrine we Made backfired!!!

    And obviously, ISI is Military but that can not be an excuse to pack ISI but an opportunity to redefine our security doctrine; not by the Military Junta but by Politicians.

    BTW, How many people know that all of the Pakistan High Commission (Knightsbridge) was bugged by M15? ISI failed there too…They only found out when the contractor of the building spill the beans….. I don’t know if you know that most of the Pak Embassy / Consulate folks are either from “K-Block” – IB or from ISI (Infact there’s always a tussle from the civilian agency and army about foreign postings!)

    It’s a common knowledge now that Gen.Pasha is appointed as DG, ISI with the approval of both DIA & CIA.

  45. barristerakc Avatar

    And obviously; Sheikh Omer; Molana Masood Azher’s handling post Indian Plane Hijacking? Sheikh Omer went on to behead Daniel Pearl ruining our image forever abroad while Molana Masood Azher carried out an attack on Indian Parliament. Where was ISI?

  46. Nazir Avatar

    Yes we should remember those,who give their lives for us,
    ISI is the only 1st grade defence line we have,long range or short range missels,nuks or conventional…we last only Mens faces the front Old friend said..”THEY FIGHT FOR PAKISTAN THATS WHAT THEY ARE MENT FOR”.IF PAK….ISTAN..SURVIVES..WE REMAIN..

  47. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    Barrister Sahab
    I understand data protection act what I was saying was that the modern tools provided to me in the name of security are watching me as well.
    No I am not comfertable with big brother watching me all the time.I am not a consumer market where the big companies need to read my habbits and sell me their goods and approach me as a market.Comeon we are human beings.
    The access to the information the government and private companies have,should not have it.
    Unless I am a crminal what right have they got to mentain my record ,why they need to record it any way.They can destroy it.But they do not????
    Animal Farm just a sophisticated one.

  48. farrah, k.raja Avatar
    farrah, k.raja

    At Siachen even breathing at that altitude is difficult let alone ISI working at that Isolated place.The military deployed there is enough.
    ISI did not fail in post Soviet era.It was madam Benazir who accepted Talibaan government.
    ISI was non existant in 1965 and 1971
    ISI neither created Jihadees nor terrorists (USA did the than Jihadees are Terrorists now,ask this question to US)
    Regarding tests who said we failed?If we knew it ,it gave us chance to test ours.Not that I am proud of it.I am anti arms person.
    ISI failed in Fata,where are you getting reports from??
    Politics is a big jigsaw and difficult one when comes to Pakistan often difficult to put things into prospective.

  49. guY-sir Avatar

    Mumabi attacks were directed by Indian-Zionists to gain an end, to get carte blanche to attack pak aka terrorists. Did ya watch crises cell at Geo? it did reveal what I said
    According to Eric Margolis who’s an expert on South Asian affairs esp on Kashmir and Afghan wars have said that ISI is world’s 3rd Active-Agency
    ISI was truly active in Soviet-Afghan war all the weapons like Stinger Missiles was goin thru ISI and it was also preparing Jihadis for soviet war now scenario has changed
    Since US has invaded Afghanistan India turns vocal against pak that pak is a hub of terrorist activities in our cities+kashmir and ISI is behind it.
    They are vilifying ISI in the same manner as they did with Dr Kadeer despite majority of us wanted to see him as didn’t ya?
    If Dr Kalam can be Indian President why not Dr Kadeer but their double standard isn’t hidden from anyone.
    They recently banned Jamate-Dawah and called it that was being created by ISI and recent attacks were contrived by em with helped of ISI
    India has been widely condemned by human rights organizations for routinely using torture, mass executions, arson, and gang rapes to break Kashmiri resistance. Unable to quell the uprising, India has turned its wrath on Pakistan, and frequently threatened a full-scale war against us becuz “geedar” has wake up since “paper-tigers” are in Afghanistan
    US have long been defeated in Afghanistan/Iraq if they haven’t have an air power on which they rely most otherwise on ground they’ve no moral and jazba to fight Mujahidin