Why is India behaving like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)?

Guest Blog by Azhar Aslam

India today is considered by the world to be an established state. Indians think they are on the brink of acquiring super power status. LeT on the other hand is a banned organization considered to be a terrorist non-state actor. So why is it that the belligerence and jingoism Indian state and media is what would be expected of an organization like LeT. How come Indian state is behaving like a terrorist organization?

Non-state violent actors, until recently have been called mercenaries and have been used, by different powers throughout human history. British imperialism started its life in this shape and form, the most famous being the East India Company. Sir Drake , Sir Raleigh and other such “privateers,” were all non state entrepreneurs who advanced state power. Lawless violence often preceded the rule of law.

More recently after the Second World War United States has employed several non-state forces in various parts of the world to further its foreign policy agenda, often at high human and economic cost to that country and its people. Ironically Afghanistan was one such theatre. The Indian support for Baluchistan insurgency is an open secret. There is a strength of evidence for Indian and US support for ‘Jihadist’ groups operating on Pakistani territories.

After the recent Mumbai attacks it has been claimed by India ( serious evidence still pending) that a non state actor LeT has infringed its territory and perpetrated lawless violence. Indian state and its leaders are now invoking this as a reason to respond in kind. The jingoistic antipakistani stance of Indian media and politicians is being built to hysterical levels. There have been calls to respond in ‘manner of United States’.

It is most disturbing that Indian government instead of behaving in a lawful manner befitting the largest country in the region, has tried its fullest to take ”advantage” of human misery in its own country and of its own people and made this a ‘Pakistan-centric’ event. When it should have been paying attention to healing its own wounds, India has seen it as an opportunity to salt these wounds and create fresh ones. And here the state has been led by hysterical media. That tells volume about the structural stability and framework of Indian institutions claimed to represent world’s largest democracy.

Indian state wants to behave like private bullies , justifying violence , revenge and torture just like non-state terrorists. As Arjvind Rajgopal has put it ‘War has become the preferred means of practicing politics under the guise of opposing terrorism, and it is endorsed as a sacred duty’.

India seems to be following in USSR tradition and trying to create an aura of invincibility for its own ego satisfaction without considering the hundreds of millions of its citizens who are hungry, poor and destitute. Is the death of nearly 250 people, mayhem for a few days in one city, a little hurt ego more important than the teeming masses who linger in poverty. Should India not be concentrating its efforts on spending money for creating infrastructure for its own; of education, health, transport , economic opportunities. Is it worth a war?

Common sense answer is ‘No’. So Why is it that certain parts of Indian media/intellectuals/politicians triumvirate, want India to respond in an American manner? Our analysis leads us to two reasons.

First, Indian leaders and intellectuals suffer from severe inferiority complex and generational anger lingering on from British Raj days. For all the talk of rising power of India and Indians taking over the world India is desperate to declare itself as a super power one way or another. Look closely at the pattern of Indian media’s coverage. It was not designed for Indian masses. It was designed to be fed to the international audeince, in particular US and UK citizens, whose gullibility has no limits. And it is seems India has decided that its response to Mumbai attack, (which by the way was smaller in number of casualties compared to 1993 or 2006 or Gujrat, just to quote few examples) is going to declare to the world that it has turned into a regional or world super power.

India has this complex about being ‘Like America’. This is no more than a sign of serious inferiority complex and insecurity of its own identity. The most obvious sign of this inferiority complex is that the event is described as India’s 9/11, with enemy intruders committing murder and mayhem. “9/11″ has become a nationalizing mantra across the globe, an invocation to remember violence in order to garner consent for violent retaliation.

No one has even considered that what the world has turned into after the American response. It is not as if the world has become a safer or better place that this response should be imitated. The signs of being super in power are maturity and sagacity. It is to reach out and stand against terrorism of any kind and take other ( in this case smaller) countries in the region with her. It is to lead. But has India done any of it ? No sir. So forget about being super in power. India needs to set its own house in order.

This brings us to the second reason behind India’s jingoistic stance. It is related to the long standing failure of Indian state. It has failed in three important respects. First, it has failed its own secularism and failed to forge an Indian nation; second it has failed its own poor in pure economic terms; and thirdly it has failed its Indianness in its eagerness to ape the west.

Not withstanding show boys of Indian Muslims (from Abul Kalam Azaad to M J Akbar) there is the increasing discrimination in civil society and the media against Muslims. Indian state continually fails to provide justice to its minorities and masses. Then there are Dalits, Chrsitians, Bhuddists, Tamils, Naxalites. The list goes on. I quote Gopal again:’ Muslims in India have, for some time, been treated as internal enemies, through a combination of covert and overt socio-economic boycotts, state discrimination, episodes of intense political violence, and anti-terror legislation granting judicial powers to police.’

And what is Indian response to all this. For Kashmir, it blames Pakistan; for the seven sister states Bangladesh is the culprit and China takes the blame for the Naxalite insurrection. India has been in a state of perpetual war due to its ego, border disputes with all its neighbours and misplaced priorities.

Then there are pure economic issues. Here again Indian leaders ego complexes have led to failure of its own people. This failure is villainous in part and negligent to criminal extent. It is multifold and multilayered. While ‘India is shining’ for an elite minority, the masses and the land is being opened up for a new form of colonialism for Bharati and multinationals corporations, in the name of reforms and progress.

What Indians have failed to grasp or at least have shown no capacity to put any such understanding into context is that they are seen as no more than a big economic market opportunity for western nations and corporations, due to sheer numbers. Research from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) shows that within a generation, the country will become a nation of upwardly mobile middle-class households, consuming goods ranging from high-end cars to designer clothing. In two decades the country will surpass Germany as the world’s fifth largest consumer market. It is this which attracts West; not some attitudinal shift in Anglo-Saxon thinking. If they are under any illusion that suddenly Westerns have started seeing them as equal partners, all they have to do is to sit in few pubs across middle England. That shall be more than sufficient to clear such delusions of grandeur.

Consequently in the name of progress, poor are marginalized. Cities suffer from severe economic and social segregation. The slums for the poor are demolished and ghettos moved around. Muslim and Dalits in India are overwhelmingly concentrated in such ghettos and, in episodes of Hindu nationalist violence, have been the principal victims of assaults. It is not India shining. It is Bollywood shining and like tinsel town it is more razz matazz than substance . The Justice Sachar Committee, in 2006, reported that ‘the condition of Muslims had deteriorated to such a point that they were worse off than the untouchable caste, which has traditionally occupied the lowest rung of Indian society’. In some cases, Muslims are ostracized to the point of social death.

And for all the talk of famed reforms by the present Indian Prime Minister in early 1990s, when he was a finance minister, it was more a case of India being at the right place at the right time by sheer luck than any planned strategic goal achievement. Indian progress owes much to certain historical events converging fortuitously at the right time. The collapse of USSR forced India into balance payment crisis, forcing Rao and Singh’s hand to deliver economic reforms where by Licence Raj was ended. At about the same time seeds of globalization were being sown while West was recovering form the recessions of early 1990s. The scores of English speaking graduates of IIT were now suddenly available at cheap labour adding impetus to Indian preeminence as outsourced markets. Western corporations were looking for cutting their costs and they started outsourcing. Indian diaspora played its part. Manufacturing was outsourced to China and IT services to India. Subsequently ore reforms followed and FDI increased as western corporations themselves sought a slice of the market.

This brings us to the third Indian failure. The fact is that Indian middle class is fast losing its ‘Dhesi’ values and the South Asian culture is being undermined by the still persistent and widely prevalent ‘ Ghulam Zahniat’. For all the slogans of ‘new super power’, ‘largest democracy’, ‘big and powerful country’ etc, the Indianness is fast ebbing away.

Most middle class Indians feel more proud to speak, act and live and display the consumerist western lifestyle than any indigenous South Asian, Indian or Baharti lifestyle. Their tastes are indistinguishable from those of prosperous young Westerners – high-end luxury cars, designer clothes, maids and full-time cooks, and regular vacations, abroad.

One sign of this is the elites in Mumbai assuming that they too must respond “like America’’ and asking where their Rudy Giuliani was ? The irony is that the sign of being developed and civilized in India is no longer the welfare of its general masses in economic and social terms but ‘ State terrorism and war’.

Like Pakistan Television is being watched increasingly in India and nearly two thirds of the population has now access to television. And it is very profitable. Consequently there is intense competition in news sector and live TV. Many of 24 hour channels are owned by transnational media corporations. And Like Pakistan a disproportionate number of prime time viewers tune into news channels (perhaps due to the age old Subcontinental taste for politics). Consequently this was the first attack that was being telecast and watched live. It seems that even the planners of these attacks knew this and planned to take full advantage of the global audience on offer. The death of V P Singh and eight people in Tamil Nadu rains from 26 to 29th November went nearly unmentioned. To quote ‘They died unmourned and even unmentioned on the explosive screens that kept millions enthralled’.

As some Indian pundits have asked that while media fixated on ‘who’ and ‘how’ for these attacks, ‘why’ was completely ignored. It is the media which seems to be leading the response of Indian State rather than the other way round. In other words, the corporate agendas of the media owners has dictated the response of Indian rulers and Indian state. The proof of sympathy to the upwardly mobile middle class urbanites it seems is war with Pakistan at the cost of teeming poor and destitute billions. As Gopal points out that the ‘the media in India is only nominally public. …it is elite who own the space and dictate the terms of its discourse. In the recent attacks hardly any attention was paid to the railway station where sixty people were killed. TV crews stayed focused on the luxury hotels, where “People Like Us” were affected.’ To quote J S Raman ‘The elite of Mumbai and elsewhere, mourning the fall of the elegant Taj, have been trying to sound tougher than even the politicians of the Parivar (the Far Right “family”).’

We thus see that these three fundamental failures of Indian State that have either incapacitated the senses of Indian State and its rulers and they are being unwillingly led by the media or they have simply become complicit in the dangerous egocentric brinksmanship regardless of the cost to people of Subcontinent. That the complex to ‘be big’ and ‘super power’ is fuelling this on cannot be doubted. But the world is watching. And India must take a note. The very status it craves for more than anything else is under threat due to its childish and amateurish actions. The more it acts like ‘Non-State’ actor the more it risks its status in the comity of nations.



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474 responses to “Why is India behaving like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)?”

  1. barristerakc Avatar

    LOL…The point is that “the whole wide world” considers Pakistan dodgy; and the countries include our friend, “China”. The whole of Polish Mission is Pakistan is packing and going home and I know UN is not happy either – hell, the IMF team didn’t visit Pakistan and met at more neutral venue: Dubai.

    These Asad Ali(s); Farah; Raja types should not be taken seriously as they are Jamat-e-Islami and Al-Queda/Taliban inspired – religious thugs who does not have a say in policy making.


    My friend very dispassionately while we accept and there is some sense of guilt among Pakistanis and Pakistan(s) Politics Government – you should calm down as well, mate. No use of fighting with such ignorant Islamists like Asad Ali/Farrah/Jawad.

    Our respected governments will be sorting things out for the betterment of both our countries.

    As a Pakistani; I apologize for Mumbai Massacre! I am ashamed that people from our country took part in killing innocent Indians but let me assure you there are actions being taken as I type to counter such elements.

  2. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    The zurriats of Mr. Indian, Mr. counter-terrorism,
    and Barritzser is cofirmed to public, they are
    raw, not refined or cultivated, or even cultured
    but simply RAW’s zionist branch, manufactured in
    Nariman Mossad center Mumbai.

    No, barristzer, you are not Pakistani, you can
    only apologize to BJP, RSS, thru Red-Cross.
    stay away from Pakistan,
    go and live next door to Altaf Singh Prohat.

    Which respected Govts. you are talking ?
    Sardar ji to pug chukay hein, ab apka Peer Bhand
    apkay mazar ka mujjawar baney ga. Dr.Sattar Balthakuray

  3. ProudPaki Avatar

    you know guys,, I am not much surprised by Blister, Indian, Cunt or Wunt. Like Blister I go to Indian forums and pretend Indian and than bash them, lolzz.. its funny somehow… thats why I don’t really care when pplz pretend to be pakistani and talk against it,, since I know how this trick works..

    Take my advise all patriot Pakistanis, do what I do,, join Indian forums as Indian and spread the word against them,, same as mr. blister doing here… you;ll enjoy I bet…

  4. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali



    Indian army invaded E .Pak with 250.000 plus
    150.000 of their bastards Mukti Bahini,

    it took you, Hijrah Indians, 400.000 Indian troups
    against 90.000 Pak. army encircled,
    were you guys ever man enough to fight ?
    with the help of then MQM, Bhashani, Mujib, Bhutto

  5. AH Avatar

    Still waiting for a response that lists one attack on Pakistan that has been traced to India by a credible source.

  6. Mikey_Noida Avatar

    The article is well written and highlights interesting points

    As a nation, Indian has truly failed and is danger in splintering as the secular idealisms are gradually falling apart

    Where was the Indian government when 2000 died in Gujrat?

    Reality is that India talks a good game, but frankly the armed fources are a joke. How is it that 10 people can take a whole city and its elite forces hostage?

    I am sorry Pakistan is no mosquito. It it was India, would have acted by now. But they now that Pakistan cannot be under estimated because the entire nation will unite to defend the nation against Indian aggression

  7. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Terrorism started with Israel.On 22July 1946 a bomb attack took place at the Heaq Quarter of the British administration in Palestine which left 91 dead.
    This head quarter was ,SURPRISE,Surprise a Hotel,King David Hotel.
    Us influenced British to allow Jewish immigrants to come to Palestine.Why I am not surprised that Bombay attacks happened on the hotel next to the Jewish centre.
    There are too many similarities.Too much mutual interest between India,USA and Israel.
    So no wonder George Bush who is often deaf and dumb when comes to address the media has such a pitch,tone and vacabulary to portray Terrorism.US has whole history of harbouring and protecting Terrorist state of Israel.
    Pakistan is at cross roads Musharaff has separated Islam from terrorism.
    India is at cross roads as well ………..

  8. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Barrister akc
    These Asad Ali(s); Farah; Raja types should not be taken seriously as they are Jamat-e-Islami and Al-Queda/Taliban inspired – religious thugs who does not have a say in policy making.

    I asked for a professionally drafted hardcore evidence.You claimed to be a mole from inside .
    You came up with contempt of people’s court.

    What happened to your democracy?Once upon a time there was a thing called integrity and self respect hmmn that seems to be a thing of history,maybe in times of Jinnah.

    You need to know the story of poor Adnan Samee how he is kicked out of Secular India,doors of India are open ,only get a visa it should not be a problem for you.You would recieve a red carpet welcome.
    Poor thing has to put with payjamma chaap ,Muhammad Ali Johar group in Pakistan.Well I am proud of to be that group.At least I have a courage to embrace my people.
    I want you to face the world with the same courage try to explain the Seculars and West and ask them to embrace you ?
    Tell me what answer you get?
    Ask !!
    Mirror !Mirror !Who am I ?
    Well the answer I get is I cannot live under Talibaan,nor under US neither under the shadow of India ,I am I.
    The muslim woman of Pakistan.I am not ashamed my religion is Islam .What is yours?

  9. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Barrister akc
    I like you,you make me feel patriotic and more religious,something which I was loosing.:)

  10. CounterTerrorism Avatar

    @Asad Ali

    But your army men were equating like 1 paki = 10 Indian …. so by that equation you guys should have won that war pretty comfortably.
    Now i am loving ur comments …. u r too much fun. And i am looking forward to how you are going to defend yourself when ur gov finally agree to Indian claim ab’t Mumbai terror attack. Take my advise … start preparing for that day.

  11. CounterTerrorism Avatar


    … You need to know the story of poor Adnan Samee how he is kicked out of Secular India,doors of India are open …

    False news lady. Dont loose ur credibility by such cheap propaganda. This weekend he was in Mumbai .. i dont know when he was kicked off from Indian soil ?

  12. readinglord Avatar

    What a garbage all it is! The new generation forgets that what is called Pakistan today is the child of India for which Allama Iqbal had sung the following ‘Tarana’:

    “Hindi hein ham watan he Hindostan hamaara
    Ham bulbalein hein iski yih gulsitaan hamaara”

    So why wish ill for your Grand-mother land which is India where more Muslims live than in Pakistan and which is our neighbor now nearest in culture and history than any other country.

    Terrorists are the enemies of humanity under whatever label they work. So we should fight against them till end as human beings unitedly, irrespective of the state label we carry.

  13. roma Avatar

    to all Pakistani citizens,

    We the rest of the civilized world are patiently waiting for you to produce any objective and factual evidence that verifies your claims of Indian government terrorist activities around the world.

    Thank you for your diligence.

  14. barristerakc Avatar

    The problem lies with the Nawaiwaqt generation in Pakistan; mostly Punjabis like you) who grew up with the false notion of 1 Muslim = 10 Hindus apart from considering this state, Pakistan as an Islamic State and the fact that you are one of the most hated people from Karachi to Khyber by Sindhis, Balcoh (please refer to Governor Balochistan’s statement apart from Nawab Marri’s statement), to Mohajirs to Kashmirs to everyone because of your false and somewhat weird, “worldview” and domination of Pakistan.

    As we, the more mainstream Pakistanis continue to allocate 20% and more of our budget to the army, very little can change in terms of vision or strategy. Civilian Government is a sham in Pakistan, its a military state which defines its domestic and foreign policies based on their strategic interest as defined by the military.

    Pakistan is now doing following effectively and the transformation has already started:

    1. Getting rid of Mulla theocracy
    2. Keep religion confined to the Mosque (most important)
    3. Open the doors to do business (promote Capitalism and Free Market Economy)
    4. Open and encourage liberal society (Enlighten Moderation)
    5. Provide security to all citizens and guests
    6. Make doing business seamless and efficient
    7. Setup infrastructure and let them come
    8. Stop Kashmiri Militant Groups the way we are doing with Al-Queda and Talibans

    The problem is how are we to free ourselves of this frankenstein monster (the curse of Talibanization and Islamist Factions) which has become a part of our society? This virus has no nationality, class or age limits, it only comes in different shades of grey and black but at the end of the day they all subscribe to the same ideology. Jinnah’s Pakistan died the day we let religion dictate our lives, its best we acknowledge that fact and move forward knowing the real Pakistan of today.

    But then I believe that Zardari and company are genuinly trying to solve the problem despite Army’s double game. Unfortunately, we have politicians such as Nawaz Sharif, Qazi and Imran Khan who sympathize with these extremist groups for obvious reasons.

    If this administration is undermined, these groups are waiting in the wings, once in power they will call off their dogs but only to show the world that they are in control, effectively there will be no change and events such as these will be repeated.

    Restraint is required right now and try to ignore the jingoistic so called intellectuals, most of them are wedded to the old system that thrives on Indo-Pak rivalry.

    And Ofcourse, the Adnan Sami story turns out to be as false as your identity, Farah.

  15. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    So people if I become a sacred woman of Islam instead of Westernised woman ,the credit goes to Barrister.

  16. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    counter terrorism
    False news lady. Dont loose ur credibility by such cheap propaganda. This weekend he was in Mumbai .. i dont know when he was kicked off from Indian soil ?

    I will post the Adnan Samee news today from the source I have to search through archives.

  17. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    barrister akc
    Finally saw some rationale coming out of you.
    1. Getting rid of Mulla theocracy
    2. Keep religion confined to the Mosque (most important)
    3. Open the doors to do business (promote Capitalism and Free Market Economy)
    4. Open and encourage liberal society (Enlighten Moderation)
    5. Provide security to all citizens and guests
    6. Make doing business seamless and efficient
    7. Setup infrastructure and let them come
    8. Stop Kashmiri Militant Groups the way we are doing with Al-Queda and Talibans

    1.It is not possible ,how one feels about the religion and wants to practice it cannot be and should not be controlled by government.
    2.Religion is confined to the mosque.There are thousands of Pakistanis who keep sleeping even on Eid day instead of offering prayers and people like you walk upto maosque stand out side and say yes I attended the earliest Jammat so mostly Eid does happen for socialising but ofetn without fasting.(LOL for you)
    Rest is fine.
    You do not have to curb Islam ,you cannot stop people from offering prayers but yes curb Terrorism by providing oppertunities and give some hope to people.
    Since it is India topic I would like to add unless the mass movement starts in whole of Indo Pak in which the middle class ,particularly woman does work together and ask for their rights (not like a Revolution) slowly but steadily whole of Asia can be a different place.
    Within Pakistan as well untill you stop,branding people,passing your Judgements and putting them into boxes there will be a strong reaction not democracy.

  18. Indian Avatar

    Did u notice the name of the author? Take a guess abt their religion and identity….


  19. ProudPaki Avatar

    Asad, Farah, Dr. I am surprised why you even bother to answer Blister? Ignorance is best policy for these kind of people.. Blister kind of people can’t be convinced. If I would you, I’ll totally ignore Blister or just swear at him to keep him coming back otherwise he will stop coming to this blog and ppl will lose a cheap entertainment 😉

  20. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    @counter terrorism ,”Adnan Sami ”
    Himadree, Hindustan Times

    New Delhi, December 17, 2008

    Jagjit Singh said “People like him [Adnan Sami] should be sent back to Pakistan”. Adnan Sami now says he ‘can’t believe it’. HT City tried to get to the bottom of the mysterious rift brewing between the Ghazal maestro and the musician.

    Reports say that when Sami decided to bring together stalwarts of Indian music for a particular track for the movie 1920, Jagjit was approached, but finally it was Kailash Kher who sang his part.

    We spoke to the movie’s director Vikram Bhatt, who explains, “Initially he [Jagjit Singh] was a part of track that Adnan was working on. But things didn’t work out, the issue being mainly monetary. I couldn’t afford Jagjit sahab. It was already a huge budget.”

    Probably irked by the incident, Singh said in a recent interview: “He [Adnan] can’t even sing. People like him should be sent back to work there [Pakistan] because they make money in India and send it to Pakistan.”

    Responding to this, Sami said he couldn’t believe Singh would talk about him like this. “He’s always been so sweet to me. I’m his biggest fan… why would he accuse me of sending money to Pakistan? I earn and pay taxes in Mumbai, I can show you my PAN card,” he says.

    Bhatt adds that Jagjit’s comments come at a volatile time. “We shouldn’t throw out singers from Pakistan because of terrorism. However, those who come to India, work here, and also get our love and respect. They should also respect us in return.”

    Later on I read Adnan Sami is in Dubai.This is not the first time something like this has happened.I do not wish to start pasting articles and news from India anti-Pakistan sentiments.

  21. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Ladies and Gentlemen,







  22. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    you say, ” we the rest of civilized world ”

    from front or behind ?

  23. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    human body counts about 206 bones and 6 holes.

    I am wondering, where do you feel very depressed ?
    Blister,Indian, counterterrorist, perhaps I have some

  24. seeker Avatar

    Hi Frenz,
    (indian and pakistanis)
    Hapi new year btw.

    Aslam bhai wapas aaoo, jung chid gayi yahan to.

    Wat shud i say, i read Aslam’s view point, and by the time i had read the last word of the last comment on it, i was myself a terrorist all together.

    What every you say, whomever you ascertain as the utmost lawful, ethnic, secular country. Chalo pakistan hi sahi, ya fir india hi sahi. It all ends up here on this web page. There is no conclusion. Na to india aa raha hai award lene na pakistan aa raha thnx bolne.

    This was a country, which separated(Reason still debatable). Anyhow, mobs settled on both the sides of the border. Representatives lead these countries, decided for these countries and stay decomposed & returned back to the nature. We were all the same, equally hopeful, Our forefathers witnessed vrythin with hope jus as we do. 2day all we are left over to discuss is certain www links. Any indian / pakistani strollin around the net hooks up on such articles intending to intellectually contemplate and moment he stops here we effortlessely switch him over to a interospective mode. He is left with enuf 2 doubt his own countries intentions. We are gud….man…2 gud.

    Agreed that not all comments/thoughts are a final conclusion, jus sayin that the impression that this tussle leaves is a negative one. And further what…nothing, we leave the blog and so does vry1 else but with a intensified BP. Wat i intend to convey is that we are doing nothing great, we are doin jus wat we hv been doin and we kno it does no good. Doesn’t matter if your country was right and was betrayed by the neighbourin country, you had reacted, & u continue to react bt if those reactions wud hv been ideal then things would have been better now, no matter if the other country does not act ethically you have not done enuf to convert it to a ethnic state. Yes i am sounding idealistic, agreed but its only there you see +vity, u might disagree but u urself kno dat +vity drives us . You fight amongst ur family members but u dont jus kill them u wait and try to convert & convince them, u will hv to wait. there is no other way, there was never any other way ever, not coz of compulsion, its coz this way is realistic path, and you kno that. We are not here to kill and end earth. R we a virus of this planet with a responsibility to see that earth decomposes well into the solarsystem?

    hhehe point is our words are not waste, they just dont disappear. Once uttered / expressed it is uncontrollable. It is open for interpretation and it never dies. It is contemplated over by brains thereafter assisting a thought which then guides our actions for others to learn from, we cannot evade it, it happens, jus like gravity, it has been happenin all these years. we cannot turn blind eyes, we are bound to reproduce and the product will follow us our actions. We might or might not agree bt we have a responsibility.

    you might say that bolna easy hai actions is wat is required. you are right wen u say that and we shud not just be hopeful, we shud act concrete. But anyways v r nt here doin nythin concrete, v r simply blogin. Isliye blog hi karn hai to khyal rakhenge ki kuch ganda na karen. Kaun sa jaake foregn polcies bana rahe hain humlog.Jo log bana rahe hain wo jaante hain wo kya kar rahe hain. Uparwala unko prudence de.
    Jahan tak aam log ka sawal hai, we need not fight on the actions that some politically driven tom dik hary took on behalf of this country.

    I kno there can be comments on my comment. But I request you to just reconsider my request that please note that if ur comment leaves a bad taste to a reader then it was not the right food for thought. And if the digestion is bad the atmosphere is gonna be beyond human toleration (hehe). Guide me frenz if I m rong.

  25. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    last year at this time, rafay Kashmiri recited some
    poetry on the blog Pakistaniat.com, for Aitezaz Ashan
    disappeared from the secene now, I had copied the
    sublime couplets, here it is for you, Sir,

    charagh-e-zindagi hoga ferozan, ham nehin hongay,
    chaman mein aeigi fasl-e-baharan, ham nehin hongay

    Agar ma’azi munnawar tha kabhi, to ham ne thay hazir,
    jo mustaqbal kabhi hoga darakhsha’n, ham nehin hongay

    pls. re-formulate your comment, so that I can target you
    correctly with my heavey artillery.

  26. barristerakc Avatar

    These Al-Queda/Taliban Thugs Types only know one language which is of: guns and bullets and should be hanged and executed infront of everyone along with their families.

    I am glad they are not in Karachi or I will personally have to “sort” them out 🙂

  27. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    you see one in thing in common from george bush, tony blair,aehood barak, manmohan singh upto BARRISTER AK,ROMA, READINGLORD and others.
    they keep focus on reactions and hate to listen any thing about actions.
    Q:genocide in gaza
    A:…ok thats bad but sucicide bomber should be deal with iron hand….
    A:because they kill innocent men,women and children.
    Q:but why the same thing israel keep doing since decade with out facing any resentment of civilised world????….
    and answer we all know…face saving expressions of a nonsense,disgusting and nauseously artifical deplore

    the same thing we see every where
    genocide in kashmir, chechniya, afghanistan
    this troll have only one song.
    “fight against terrorism”

    bottom line?
    kufr millat e wahida hey

  28. N Avatar

    So Dr. jawwad is it justified? plz help me understand.

  29. Mani Avatar


    nice link dude; enjoyed reading comments there that manmohan singh is an ISI operative. india being such a big country is intimidated by a small pakistan; i find it real funny 😀

  30. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    justified what?
    genocide in gaza or suicide bombing?

  31. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Barrister,

    we are all living in Altaf Singh Prohat’s Karachi,
    give us a point where we can make your darshans, and
    bring along all your zurriat
    (as Rafay Kashmiri calls you) I have personal account
    to settle with you on Johar’s insult.

  32. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    barrister akc
    when you use such language ,These Al-Queda/Taliban Thugs Types only know one language which is of: guns and bullets and should be hanged and executed infront of everyone along with their families.

    You are even worst than Talibaan,for we know at least what Talibaan stand for.

  33. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    What your degree your democracy stands for is even more horrific?In the name of democracy you want to have lisence to act like Talibaan .So bloody American.

  34. awara Avatar

    barrister aka Choroo…

    tum sai achey woh dalley hain jo sirf aik randeee ko bechtey hain tum jaisey log to poooree qaum ko kothey par charhadain apney shauq kee khatir

    as far as India is concerned , they didn’t have the balls. Other wise we Pakistanis already live in stone age, we might as well mix their 5% with their 95% of stone age.

  35. noNonSense Avatar

    Good Post

  36. CounterTerrorism Avatar


    It is quite famous spat between two singers. Lets do basic comprehension here.

    First this ..

    Jagjit Singh said “People like him [Adnan Sami] should be sent back to Pakistan”. Adnan Sami now says he ‘can’t believe it’

    and then this …

    Bhatt adds that Jagjit’s comments come at a volatile time. “We shouldn’t throw out singers from Pakistan because of terrorism. However, those who come to India, work here, and also get our love and respect. They should also respect us in return.”

    And you guessed from this article that he was kicked out of India and formed an opinion and forced others to believe in your News/views. For ur kind info he is fine, healthy and happy in Mumbai and here is the latest report ab’t him to confirm what i have said.

    @Asad Ali

    You are trying to find depression in BONES and HOLES 😀 …. Al-Quida/Taliban style medication i guess. Keep writing u funny guy.

  37. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Suicide Bombing
    Is not justified,no reason is big enough to kill ourselves.
    This is exactly what US and Israel want .To bring desperation and despair into people where they loose all hope.
    Do not forget Jews have been prosecuted and are afraid nation at least the ones who Lead Israel.They are sick.
    terrorism is in their basis ,Israel Terrorism ,first victims were not Muslims but were British.
    Why we should play the acts written and directed by USA and Israel?
    Muslim Life is sacred ,message of Islam is sacred ,it is message of peace.The wrold knows Muslims meant peace in Al Andalus and Muslims meant peace in Jerusalem,Muslims brought peace in India.
    I am surprised how can Muslim be a suicide bomber?
    No .definitely not???
    The challenges ,what ever they maybe are not bigger than cause of Islam which is Peace and preservance of Human life.

  38. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    what is your problem then ?
    Sardar ji is a Sardar ji, we respect him,
    that is why he is very reluctant in reading
    his speeches, anyway Khalistan is the next new state.
    even you gulp down 34% of Indian punjab

  39. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    @counter terrorism
    I have provided you the reference with the context.Hindustan Times is a National newspaper of India.
    Adnan Sami is not limited to India alone he is International personality.
    If he is back that is fine what is my problem.

  40. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ awara bhai,
    wah wah, kia khoob durgat banai he !!
    mein apki tashbihaat se khussusan mehzuz howa,

    likhtay rahiey, dilon ko garmatay rehiey,
    barristrazon ko tarpatay rehiey

    this word ” choroo ” I know, is from Karachi,
    which mean ” gappein chornay wala “

  41. ProudPaki Avatar

    ha ha ha ha,, @awara. I like blister’s sketch you drawn.

    Its soooo interesting that how we Pakistani and Indian are fighting cyber war here and most of us may work very close to each other, for example I have 3 Indian colleagues and we daily go out for ciggi brks and there is not a slightest hatred in my mind when I am with them and vice versa. Probably we don’t discuss these issues. Or perhaps we are all educated and professional, and Indians here are probably some sadak chaap bhukkay nangay sitting in some icafe, picking up nexts pocket and smoking tottay.. 😉

  42. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Thanks .I am glad you agree with my point of view.

  43. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Dr Jawwad
    This is a very good question:
    Q:but why the same thing israel keep doing since decade with out facing any resentment of civilised world????….
    Since World war II ,it was solely US which facilitated Jews to create Israel,British and rest of European countries after World War 1 amd World War 2 have abstained from plunging into wars.
    USA and Russia were two major players after the wars.Europe was left sidelined by the power of USA.
    European countries have learnt their lessons from World War 1 and 2 and are not aggressive nations.
    They wish and want to have peace in the Region particularly Palestine.
    The thing is Israel is hostage to their own Terrorist Policy and supported by USA.USA is head of UNO.Europe has not got a lot of say in this.
    future looks better though where it seems Europe and China will be major players.
    Yes Palestine can be resolved.Peace is the solution to everything.
    World is not silent it is just ,world is ignored by USA.
    What will become of USA when world will ignore it ,perhaps what happened to Rome.
    My hope lies with Europe.Arabs have to help put their act together as well.

  44. Mani Avatar

    dude; im a paki 😛 i was just pointing to the link khurram gave in his post and i visited that. i was amazed that people over in india consider pakistan which is less than half their size an enemy yet they cant even apply politicial pressure with regards to the mumbai attacks. these people dont know zardari, agar ye mulk me sab ko chakma de sakta hai; ye to india waloun ko kha jae ga aur inhe pata bi nai chale ga 😀

  45. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    ok, agar wo kha sakta he india ko, laikin
    apne suna he ” hathi ke dantt, dekhanay ke aur
    khanay ke aur ”

    @ Farrah,

    counter terrorist bagh gae’ya, berrister ki tarha !

  46. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    your bullshit about adnan Sami does’nt impress me,

    as I am not a fan of Adnan Sami, however, Jagjit Singh
    should hold his tongue and let relax the inferior
    part of his running away jaw, while he is perfroming an
    unmangeable ghandhaar, to avoid test he choses only low
    octave, which is not professional, when he sings, one
    wonders if he is sleeping and trying to prevent snors.

    I am
    amateur, learning, critic of Classical
    and semi classical subconti-music, since the age of 9,
    enjoy 4 gharanas styles !

  47. CounterTerrorism Avatar


    My question remains still to be answered. Where did you find that adnan sami thrown out of India ? The link you posted here was ab’t spat between Jagjit and Sami. Nothing suggests like your earlier claim.

    @Mani, Asad Ali

    Only time will tell ki “zardari kise khata hai … India ko ya Pak ko”. The way his gov is flipping back and forth you guys shud better cautious abt his intention. He is another zulfikar bhuttu in making.

  48. karthick Avatar

    Ok. Before making my comment, I have to announce that I am an Indian, so that you guys can judge me before reading.

    India is not perfect, neither do we claim that. We are as “embarrassed” about Gujarat as we are about the economic problem and other issues we face. The point is we are accepting the issues and trying hard to overcome it. Our primary ideals remain intact, secular and democratic.

    All you guys can make claims about how RAW and Indian government is supporting this and that, they are all just words in the thin air, unless you substantiate by facts (ofcourse related evidences, not the one’s portraying ProudPaki’s obsession to Indian penis size). Rule of the game is as pointed out by Roma, know and state the facts before making claims.


    you come across as one of the few people with a level head here. To be honest, reading these views, I came to know that Sami is a pakistani. Having said that, it doesnt change my point of view on how amazing a singer he is. So is I have always loved Junoon and one of my a favorite singers Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. I dont think it is quite appropriate to generalize the country’s opinion based on some individual’s comment.

    Finally commenting on the blog, I appreciate the research which has gone behind it. However, I find it filled with generalization errors and very biased. Couldn’t stop myself from laughing when I read this

    > Indian leaders and intellectuals suffer from severe
    > inferiority complex and generational anger lingering on
    > from British Raj days

    “inferiority complex” eh?! :D!

  49. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    “dont think it is quite appropriate to generalize the country’s opinion based on some individual’s comment.”
    Agree with you.Neither a persons comments on blog bring out the whole conception one holds about the country particularly when the country is as huge as India and as complex as India.