Why is India behaving like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)?

Guest Blog by Azhar Aslam

India today is considered by the world to be an established state. Indians think they are on the brink of acquiring super power status. LeT on the other hand is a banned organization considered to be a terrorist non-state actor. So why is it that the belligerence and jingoism Indian state and media is what would be expected of an organization like LeT. How come Indian state is behaving like a terrorist organization?

Non-state violent actors, until recently have been called mercenaries and have been used, by different powers throughout human history. British imperialism started its life in this shape and form, the most famous being the East India Company. Sir Drake , Sir Raleigh and other such “privateers,” were all non state entrepreneurs who advanced state power. Lawless violence often preceded the rule of law.

More recently after the Second World War United States has employed several non-state forces in various parts of the world to further its foreign policy agenda, often at high human and economic cost to that country and its people. Ironically Afghanistan was one such theatre. The Indian support for Baluchistan insurgency is an open secret. There is a strength of evidence for Indian and US support for ‘Jihadist’ groups operating on Pakistani territories.

After the recent Mumbai attacks it has been claimed by India ( serious evidence still pending) that a non state actor LeT has infringed its territory and perpetrated lawless violence. Indian state and its leaders are now invoking this as a reason to respond in kind. The jingoistic antipakistani stance of Indian media and politicians is being built to hysterical levels. There have been calls to respond in ‘manner of United States’.

It is most disturbing that Indian government instead of behaving in a lawful manner befitting the largest country in the region, has tried its fullest to take ”advantage” of human misery in its own country and of its own people and made this a ‘Pakistan-centric’ event. When it should have been paying attention to healing its own wounds, India has seen it as an opportunity to salt these wounds and create fresh ones. And here the state has been led by hysterical media. That tells volume about the structural stability and framework of Indian institutions claimed to represent world’s largest democracy.

Indian state wants to behave like private bullies , justifying violence , revenge and torture just like non-state terrorists. As Arjvind Rajgopal has put it ‘War has become the preferred means of practicing politics under the guise of opposing terrorism, and it is endorsed as a sacred duty’.

India seems to be following in USSR tradition and trying to create an aura of invincibility for its own ego satisfaction without considering the hundreds of millions of its citizens who are hungry, poor and destitute. Is the death of nearly 250 people, mayhem for a few days in one city, a little hurt ego more important than the teeming masses who linger in poverty. Should India not be concentrating its efforts on spending money for creating infrastructure for its own; of education, health, transport , economic opportunities. Is it worth a war?

Common sense answer is ‘No’. So Why is it that certain parts of Indian media/intellectuals/politicians triumvirate, want India to respond in an American manner? Our analysis leads us to two reasons.

First, Indian leaders and intellectuals suffer from severe inferiority complex and generational anger lingering on from British Raj days. For all the talk of rising power of India and Indians taking over the world India is desperate to declare itself as a super power one way or another. Look closely at the pattern of Indian media’s coverage. It was not designed for Indian masses. It was designed to be fed to the international audeince, in particular US and UK citizens, whose gullibility has no limits. And it is seems India has decided that its response to Mumbai attack, (which by the way was smaller in number of casualties compared to 1993 or 2006 or Gujrat, just to quote few examples) is going to declare to the world that it has turned into a regional or world super power.

India has this complex about being ‘Like America’. This is no more than a sign of serious inferiority complex and insecurity of its own identity. The most obvious sign of this inferiority complex is that the event is described as India’s 9/11, with enemy intruders committing murder and mayhem. “9/11″ has become a nationalizing mantra across the globe, an invocation to remember violence in order to garner consent for violent retaliation.

No one has even considered that what the world has turned into after the American response. It is not as if the world has become a safer or better place that this response should be imitated. The signs of being super in power are maturity and sagacity. It is to reach out and stand against terrorism of any kind and take other ( in this case smaller) countries in the region with her. It is to lead. But has India done any of it ? No sir. So forget about being super in power. India needs to set its own house in order.

This brings us to the second reason behind India’s jingoistic stance. It is related to the long standing failure of Indian state. It has failed in three important respects. First, it has failed its own secularism and failed to forge an Indian nation; second it has failed its own poor in pure economic terms; and thirdly it has failed its Indianness in its eagerness to ape the west.

Not withstanding show boys of Indian Muslims (from Abul Kalam Azaad to M J Akbar) there is the increasing discrimination in civil society and the media against Muslims. Indian state continually fails to provide justice to its minorities and masses. Then there are Dalits, Chrsitians, Bhuddists, Tamils, Naxalites. The list goes on. I quote Gopal again:’ Muslims in India have, for some time, been treated as internal enemies, through a combination of covert and overt socio-economic boycotts, state discrimination, episodes of intense political violence, and anti-terror legislation granting judicial powers to police.’

And what is Indian response to all this. For Kashmir, it blames Pakistan; for the seven sister states Bangladesh is the culprit and China takes the blame for the Naxalite insurrection. India has been in a state of perpetual war due to its ego, border disputes with all its neighbours and misplaced priorities.

Then there are pure economic issues. Here again Indian leaders ego complexes have led to failure of its own people. This failure is villainous in part and negligent to criminal extent. It is multifold and multilayered. While ‘India is shining’ for an elite minority, the masses and the land is being opened up for a new form of colonialism for Bharati and multinationals corporations, in the name of reforms and progress.

What Indians have failed to grasp or at least have shown no capacity to put any such understanding into context is that they are seen as no more than a big economic market opportunity for western nations and corporations, due to sheer numbers. Research from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) shows that within a generation, the country will become a nation of upwardly mobile middle-class households, consuming goods ranging from high-end cars to designer clothing. In two decades the country will surpass Germany as the world’s fifth largest consumer market. It is this which attracts West; not some attitudinal shift in Anglo-Saxon thinking. If they are under any illusion that suddenly Westerns have started seeing them as equal partners, all they have to do is to sit in few pubs across middle England. That shall be more than sufficient to clear such delusions of grandeur.

Consequently in the name of progress, poor are marginalized. Cities suffer from severe economic and social segregation. The slums for the poor are demolished and ghettos moved around. Muslim and Dalits in India are overwhelmingly concentrated in such ghettos and, in episodes of Hindu nationalist violence, have been the principal victims of assaults. It is not India shining. It is Bollywood shining and like tinsel town it is more razz matazz than substance . The Justice Sachar Committee, in 2006, reported that ‘the condition of Muslims had deteriorated to such a point that they were worse off than the untouchable caste, which has traditionally occupied the lowest rung of Indian society’. In some cases, Muslims are ostracized to the point of social death.

And for all the talk of famed reforms by the present Indian Prime Minister in early 1990s, when he was a finance minister, it was more a case of India being at the right place at the right time by sheer luck than any planned strategic goal achievement. Indian progress owes much to certain historical events converging fortuitously at the right time. The collapse of USSR forced India into balance payment crisis, forcing Rao and Singh’s hand to deliver economic reforms where by Licence Raj was ended. At about the same time seeds of globalization were being sown while West was recovering form the recessions of early 1990s. The scores of English speaking graduates of IIT were now suddenly available at cheap labour adding impetus to Indian preeminence as outsourced markets. Western corporations were looking for cutting their costs and they started outsourcing. Indian diaspora played its part. Manufacturing was outsourced to China and IT services to India. Subsequently ore reforms followed and FDI increased as western corporations themselves sought a slice of the market.

This brings us to the third Indian failure. The fact is that Indian middle class is fast losing its ‘Dhesi’ values and the South Asian culture is being undermined by the still persistent and widely prevalent ‘ Ghulam Zahniat’. For all the slogans of ‘new super power’, ‘largest democracy’, ‘big and powerful country’ etc, the Indianness is fast ebbing away.

Most middle class Indians feel more proud to speak, act and live and display the consumerist western lifestyle than any indigenous South Asian, Indian or Baharti lifestyle. Their tastes are indistinguishable from those of prosperous young Westerners – high-end luxury cars, designer clothes, maids and full-time cooks, and regular vacations, abroad.

One sign of this is the elites in Mumbai assuming that they too must respond “like America’’ and asking where their Rudy Giuliani was ? The irony is that the sign of being developed and civilized in India is no longer the welfare of its general masses in economic and social terms but ‘ State terrorism and war’.

Like Pakistan Television is being watched increasingly in India and nearly two thirds of the population has now access to television. And it is very profitable. Consequently there is intense competition in news sector and live TV. Many of 24 hour channels are owned by transnational media corporations. And Like Pakistan a disproportionate number of prime time viewers tune into news channels (perhaps due to the age old Subcontinental taste for politics). Consequently this was the first attack that was being telecast and watched live. It seems that even the planners of these attacks knew this and planned to take full advantage of the global audience on offer. The death of V P Singh and eight people in Tamil Nadu rains from 26 to 29th November went nearly unmentioned. To quote ‘They died unmourned and even unmentioned on the explosive screens that kept millions enthralled’.

As some Indian pundits have asked that while media fixated on ‘who’ and ‘how’ for these attacks, ‘why’ was completely ignored. It is the media which seems to be leading the response of Indian State rather than the other way round. In other words, the corporate agendas of the media owners has dictated the response of Indian rulers and Indian state. The proof of sympathy to the upwardly mobile middle class urbanites it seems is war with Pakistan at the cost of teeming poor and destitute billions. As Gopal points out that the ‘the media in India is only nominally public. …it is elite who own the space and dictate the terms of its discourse. In the recent attacks hardly any attention was paid to the railway station where sixty people were killed. TV crews stayed focused on the luxury hotels, where “People Like Us” were affected.’ To quote J S Raman ‘The elite of Mumbai and elsewhere, mourning the fall of the elegant Taj, have been trying to sound tougher than even the politicians of the Parivar (the Far Right “family”).’

We thus see that these three fundamental failures of Indian State that have either incapacitated the senses of Indian State and its rulers and they are being unwillingly led by the media or they have simply become complicit in the dangerous egocentric brinksmanship regardless of the cost to people of Subcontinent. That the complex to ‘be big’ and ‘super power’ is fuelling this on cannot be doubted. But the world is watching. And India must take a note. The very status it craves for more than anything else is under threat due to its childish and amateurish actions. The more it acts like ‘Non-State’ actor the more it risks its status in the comity of nations.



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474 responses to “Why is India behaving like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)?”

  1. hitec Avatar

    Its all crap pakistan is a failed state
    there is no one to govern them its better india attack pakistan and put their people out of the misery afterall
    we know the only thing they r taught in school is fu*****

  2. akmed Avatar

    asad ali,

    masturbation is still better, healthier and more natural than what you guys do every night…..sodomizing your poor goats. If masturbation was a sin, I can still explain myself to God. But what will your excuse be for screwing the goat every night when God asks you WHY!?

    Poor goats……peace be upon them.

  3. TheIndian Avatar

    Title of post: Why is India behaving like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)?

    Justification: See Pakistani comments above. The Indian commandos were challenged and mocked. It is the right of a soldier to take out the challengers. Enough fun you Paki kids have had, don’t push your luck, or we might just decide to blow you up. That’s all, no argument on all the religious bullshit. End of discussion.

  4. TheIndian Avatar

    I have a family history longer than your stupid religions.

  5. Reality Check Avatar
    Reality Check

    Such intellectual commentary on this post!

    Teeth where are your moderation skills? We are only animals if we’re not civil. And this blog seems to have many animals – from both sides of the border.

    Leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

  6. jairam1 Avatar

    now i an 100% sure that asdi ali is mr kashmiri ,kashmiri u had come up with a figure like this ,did u are god come and tell u this in u r dream ,where did u get the numbers ,kashmiri u are very imaginative.

  7. ROMA Avatar

    see what i told you jairam? asad ali is rafay kasharami. maybe it’s his conjoin siamese twin each with their own computer and each doesn’t know what the other is doing because they are joint at their monkey tail bone and have their backs to each other at all times and both are deaf.

  8. ROMA Avatar

    we are also animals when we kill in the name of religion and ideology my friends.

  9. jairam1 Avatar

    roma just ignore him I think he as a verbal diehorea or numerical diehorea ,that is the reason why he talks unnecessarily and comes up with magical numbers ,he is just bring a bad name to pakistani brain ,
    U see is comments its always regarding Ilsam ,pakistan and muslim ,cos he does not know anything apart from his religion So If its going to make him happy ,just tell him that islam is great,muslim are the best followers any religion can get ,the world knows the truth and U stick on to the question u have ,he is just trying to divert the topic,by abusing u ,I am very sure that he will abuse me after this but i will not reply ,and even u guys dont reply to this person unless he is with in the topic ,if he goes out of the topic ignore him.

  10. jairam1 Avatar

    all u pakistani patriots ,do u know what is happening in SWAT ,U say that U are country is strong than India ,on what basis do u say that ,when u can not control people (bloody Taliban)in u r own country ,u dream of capturing India.
    what are Talibans doing in SWAT ,they have blasted 181 schools in that area already and they are saying that girls should not study ,are they not the strict followers of quran and when the quran does not say how come they are doing it ,and i read in one of u r paki site only that daily 4-5 headless body are found on the street ,and U say that Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world ,how can u guys say when there followers only dont follow and are so violent.kashmiri i am waiting for the links ,If u dont have dont bother to comment,U do the prayer and get the links.every one be in the topic dont act like kashmiri.

  11. jairam1 Avatar

    dont tell me the usual answer ,India is behind it,or islam does not preach this ,the fact is its happening ,just think and tell the reason ,when i said think its only for people with brains not for every one .Asad ali (kashmiri) did u get the link ,or else go pray much harder.

  12. Bangash Khan Avatar

    India is a third-world rickety country. They could not handle 10 youngsters in Mumbai, they talk of “fixing Pakistan”. Pakistanis should not pay so much attention to the rantings and threats of Indians.

  13. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    don’t worry about us.pakistan is preparing itself for islamic revolution just like iran.we have distrubance but unlike india we do not have sepratist movement.
    india is just like a 7 feet 500 pond giant wrestler.who is fine till he stands on his feet but once down never be able to stand.

  14. Prasun Avatar

    This new twist of comparing Mumbai attacks with Gaza situation is actually so funny !!!
    When u compare , do u just compare for the sake of it or is their a reasoning ???
    India has done more for Palestine from the earliest PLO days than Pakistan can ever think of doing.
    Small excerpt :
    “India was the first non-Arab country to contemporaneously recognize the PLO’s authority as “the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.” A PLO office was set up in the Indian capital in 1975, with full diplomatic relations established in March 1980. In return, India opened a Representative Office in Gaza on June 25, 1996. Indian support was said to extend to “consistent and unwavering support” on the Palestinian issue, where it shared the perception that the question of Palestine is at the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict. India has thus consistently supported the legitimate right of the Palestinian people to a State and the consequent imperative need for a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region based on UN Security Council Resolutions 242, 338 and 425, as well as the principle of “Land for Peace.” India has also supported the Madrid Conference of October, 1991.[1]”
    India’s relation with US is much more recent than that of Pakistan and given the US backing of Israel and Pakistan , maybe Pakistan is more complicit for the violence waged by Israel ??? What has Pakistan done to push US to push Israel for all these years ??? the question itself sounds funny doesnt it !!! So stop crying now for Gaza !!!

  15. jairam1 Avatar

    ok atleast u agree that ,there is a some kind of violence,the world call it violence and pakis call it Islamic revolution,Do you know what is the meaning of the world revolution,stoping girls to go to school is revolution? killing People revolution? taking away people freedom of speech is revolution?killing the person who questions god is revolution ? and beating people to wear islamic clothes is revolution ? u r a Doc so tell me ,is not education the basic right of a child ,no matter its a boy or a girl.should not we give freedom of speech ?
    You are doing so many things and just look at u r youths,when the book say not to do only they compitate with india and imagine if it was a country like america or atleast india what would have they done ,and doc what is this sepratist movement that u are talking about ,they might be separtiest movement but are leadres elected and the people who represent India are much better than your MR.10% ,u people take money from america and allow them to operate on u soil and allow them to kill u r citizen ,I am sorry to disappoint u my friend this does not happen in India here the government of India elected by its citizen controls the whole of india .dont u have boluhistan movement happening .
    Pakistanis hate americans and when ever some leaders come from US ,u give a red carpet welcome and u r government is like a dog ,which is waiting for a piece of felt over bone .
    and doc whome did you people chose for f Hilal-e-Quaid-e-Azam second highest paki civilan award ,is not Richard Boucher a American ,when majority of u dont like american how can a government choose by majority of u can give a award ,We Indians tell we dont like paki and we follow it our goverment does not give an award.see what happened in kashmir election ,the kashmiri people voted and made election a success and by voting they have said that they want to be with india ,the same will happen else where ,but who will save SWAT ,when u r government is concentrating hard on pleasing US.

  16. jairam1 Avatar

    if that zardari is the persident he will sell pakistan and take a comission of 10 %,its a different issue that no one would want to buy it.

  17. jairam1 Avatar

    Doc ,I am sorry i am deviating from the topic U dont have to reply just read and enjoy.I just want to tell u a joke ,which is very famous in India ,
    If you are In a room with a ferosious dog which will bite and kill u and u have a pakistani ,you have a gun with only one bullet ,whom would u kill first …….
    pakistani cos dog is much better than him …..
    I hope U like it ?

  18. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    IF it is a very famous joke in india then i can laugh on indians.

  19. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    why so angry?….getting humiliated?????
    don’t feel bad.if you are an indian you can easily humiliated by pakistanis.
    however agree with sanskirt part.NABI E KAREEM (saaw) said “AMMALOKUM,UMMALOKUM” which means that your deeds are your rulers.
    we can be the dogs if you accept that you people are worse than a filthy,shit eating pigs.

  20. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


  21. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    why can’t you ask a new question same old questions with different ID’s.

    1. ” At least 231 of the country’s 608 Districts are currently afflicted, at differing intensities, by various insurgent and terrorist movements. Terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir (affecting 12 of the States 14 Districts), in different States of the Northeast (54 Districts) and Left Wing extremism (affecting at least 165 Districts in 14 States, estimate based on end-2005 data) continue to pose serious challenges to the country’s security framework. In addition, wide areas of the country appear to have ‘fallen off the map’ of good governance, and are acutely susceptible to violent political mobilization, lawlessness and organized criminal activity”


    you have asked many questions and answer my two questions as i asked before:

    “1) which nation or followers of the specific religion killed millions of innocent people.can you order them according to numbers of loss of innocent lives.
    come with facts and figures..
    (be care ful i can esily refute the wrong propaganda style answer)

    2) millions of people lost their lives in iraq,afghanistan,kashmir and now more than 1100 palestinians in just 20 days. why there is always blame against muslims?…..
    tell me what should a muslim resident of gujrat should do when he saw with his own eyes slaughtering of his loved ones when there is no justice on the appaling crimes against his own flash and blood.

    why you people always neglect the actions why so focused on reactions? you even do not have the moral courage to condemn the barbaric act of zionist israelis…why?????because indian govt have close relation with israel….
    because israel is transfering it’s technology.
    where is the humanity of indians now.
    there was only 180 people killed in 4 days. in ghaza there was more than 1100 murders of innocent palestinian people mostly women and children.
    why you people have such a appetite for hog wash???
    why the teeth of an elephent is separate for eating from showing.

  22. jairam Avatar

    kashmiri people by electing the people who want to be In hindustan have spit on the faces of the people who wanted to separate from Hindustan ,i am sure they will hit with slippers for the separatist in the laksabha election.kashmir will always be a integral part ok HINDUStan ,you people first take control of SWAT ,THEN THINK ABOUT KASHMIR?

  23. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    hey jaram!
    read this.
    “The reality is that Jammu and Kashmir, especially the Kashmir Valley, remain under military occupation, with half a million security forces deployed in a state whose total population is little more than 10 million. Since 1990 the state has been under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, which gives the military sweeping powers.

    “Curfews, declared and undeclared, were imposed by security forces so as to prevent anti-Indian government protests and those protests that were mounted were brutally suppressed. Several dozen prominent opponents of Indian rule were kept under house arrest throughout the election campaign, under the draconian Public Safety Act, which authorizes police to detain people for up to two years without trial.


    where are answers of my questions jaram.
    you are beating about the bushes.if you do not have an right answer stay quite.this is more reasonable and respectable than keep posting the crap.

  24. jairam Avatar

    Do u know english are not ,just read the comments that i have made at 9.56 ,and this answers u r question ,
    there are more army in kashmir to control muslim terrorist.
    the person who were under house arrest were leaders who wanted to separte kashmir from india,
    What ever majority of people wants to stay with HINDUStan ,and as i told u before they have spit on the face who wanted to separate them form HINDUStan.
    I should say to u to stop beating around the bushes ,I have raised the question why paki act as a dog waiting to eat left over .they say they are against america and just see the leaders who are elected by pak when american’s come,if u dont like american why is a award given to robert .
    what is the meaning of revolution?
    what is happening in SWAT is revolution ,is it written in ISLAM .come on you are supposed to be a dr,did u get u r mbbs in madarass ,see my previous post ,and just answer the questions that i have raised ,kashmir does not know a thing apart from ISLAM,muslim and quran and u are proving u are no better than him .

  25. I love  porkistan Avatar
    I love porkistan

    jai u are just wasting u r valuble time,I could see the your answer i the pervious comments and DR can not see?
    even i wanted to know why a american was awarded by pakistan government ,did it not find a pakistani to give it u are right they are just like a hungry dog ,tommrow if israel helps them Finacialy they will award them also .
    As u have mentioned paki themself have chosen their leaders.thes leaders are ready to lick the shoe if they have been given money.
    jai remember one thing .YOU CAN WAKE A PERSON WHO IS SLEEPING BUT U CAN NOT AWAKE A PERSON WHO IS PRETENDING TO BE ASLEEP.what you can do is just post and dont expect a answer from them,Islam may be the best religion i dont know but MUSLIM are the worest followers that is for sure ,just see what is happing in northwest provience ,see the leaders that pakistan as elected.mr 10 %

  26. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    piss off

  27. jayram Avatar

    atleast i got answer for some questions ,The link that you have given is of 2007 and now its 2009 ,so lot of things can happen in that time ,when i say this I am not saying that now there is no violence going on ,its going on and it will be controlled by the able government that Hindustan as elected ,not even a district will be ruled by other that the elected reperenstative unlike Pakistan ,see the kashmir election where people have chosen India over separating from it,

    they have spit on peoples face who were saying that kashmir should be separated by electing people who want to be with India.

    I have asked the question same question ,cos i have not got a answer ,you see now also i have not got the answer ,if paki hate americans then why its conforming Hilal-e-Quaid-e-Azam second highest paki civilan award , Richard Boucher who is a american ,why u r leaders choosen by the people act like dogs when some americans come ,why ,is it because that they get finacial aid ,like we through left over to dogs .

    what is revolution.

    I will not deviate from the topic ,

    your question should have been which followers of the specific religion are killing millions of innocent people.can you order them according to numbers of loss of innocent lives.cos we are living in the present.you have asked what would a muslim in gujrat do ,let me ask you what would you have done if hindus killed haj pilagrims by burning,if they will in peace we will not bother them.

    Y is no other religion targeted as muslim is ,y not Buddhist .you muslim did not even allow the buddha statue in afghan ?muslim and islam is the most hated religion cos they hate the world ,it always what you give is what you get,so if hate other people the others will hate you.

    you killed innocent people by suicide attack in Israel instead of fighting with the army and when they do the same you feel the pain.are you concerned cos innocent lifes were lost or muslim were killed.

    you have said India as close relation ship with israel ,then what we should have relation ship with pak ,pak is a sinking ship it will sink with us also..can we have a country which was ruled by military more than elected people.

    just read the comment posted by prasu on jan 19 at 12.51 pm and then talk ,we are not like pak ,who were very close to taliban and when america went into a war it dumped taliban ,


    I hope I have answered u r question if i have not please let me know and i will answer it ,and for the question that i have not got the answer ,do u have answer or can i take it as a yes .

  28. Arshad Avatar

    In the world, today there are above 20% population is muslim and we have to unite, not for the fight against non-muslim but we have to unite to understand our purpose in this world we are not come here eat,walk,sleep. we have a resposibility not only muslim have resposibility but each human have resposibility to support each other and take each to the creator of every thing, who is the creator knows only knowldgable person and muslim, but we were withdraw from our resposibility, therefore now every muslim is beaten by non-muslim becouse we break the agreement that we made with Almighty Allah. So i am requsting all muslim come closer to Holy Qur’an, and sahih Hadith these will give us right path.

  29. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar
    Mohammed Mubashir

    Why to support Pak?

    All The World Knows Terrorists are attacking on India with the support of Pakistan only.
    Moreover in India there are so many people who will give their free suggestion to be patient on these terrorist attacks! need of the hour is we need to check mate these forces…

    Even today we will find pro Pakistanis who will give their free suggestion to keep quiet for India are around us. Might be their numbers are going down but their traces we can’t rusticate them. After Mumbai attacks when Indian mass got annoyed with Pakistan they seem to be hide now they started their old records/arguments. Now their perception is to India, Indian Government, and Indian Political Leadership. They are suggesting not to deliver any statements and not to take actions against peace process.

    Indians are Democracy lovers and their patience limit is little bit high. That’s why whenever there are terrorist attacks fellow citizens, and other foreign friends give lectures about peaceful living to us. In their arguments we will find pro Pakistan characteristics. India needed to come down and make neighbour country’s democratic front stronger. If India become arrogant in Pakistan army will take over. If war happens India’s economy will fall down. Indians will come under more poverty. Even more Pakistan is a atomic power so in the war there is no way we will win in the war… this is their frightening story! Their new argument is, don’t break new relationship between two countries citizens & forums. Whatever happens to India it will be o.k. with them. I don’t have to say separately that “don’t think about war this is their strong belief”.

    We are not new to meaningless arguments like these. We are hearing them from the days of partition. In October, 1947 Pakistan tress passed Kashmir. In the same year December both countries prime minister have met in Lahore. In that meeting India’s Prime Minister Mr. Jawaharlal Nehru requested to Pakistan’s that time Prime Minister Mr. Liyaqat Ali Khan to suggest tress passers to come back. Mr. Khan show empty hands by saying that he is helpless in that matter. His story was that if he suggests such things to them his anarchy can fall down and they can take over, since he is running his government by their support!!! Those days’s Indian leadership which was a pawn of pro-pak forces says yes to that. And they quoted ‘it is not correct to Mr. Khan to suggest like that’. (Actually Liyaqat Ali Khan is the one who sent intruders in to Kashmir.) After that so many times same story repeated. It is normal for India to become silent like a coward whenever Pakistan offensively attacked us. Whenever India thinks to take some strong action or something else they fears India by saying – Lovers of Pakistan enters on the stage. If India reacts strongly peace process will be affected moreover in Pakistan there is a danger of terrorist forces might take power in to their hands. What always happens, same is happening even now.
    From now onwards we don’t have to come under these tricks. We don’t need to continue the pathetic position which put our heads down to war minded pakistan. If we need to put our heads up we have to show the world realty of these pirated patriots. The day we not able to do this we will be not able to protect our territory, democracy, way of life. We have to check mate the play of pro-pakis. We need send them out to look for their own way. For example they can go to Islamabad to dwell. They can happily give their free suggestions to that countries people who not yet lernt A, B, C of politics. If they took providing suggestions as their occupation – if they really bound to peace, modren constitution tenets, formulas – they need to request Pakistan to remove mixture of word ‘Islamic republic’ from their fundamental constitution. Their president, prime minister, ministers, other constitutional officials takes oath on ‘Quran’ to protect Islamic Feelings. That method should be stopped by them. If they attain this goal only they will get a chance to suggest democratic India, and chant about peace. Why we need to spare lovers of religious fundamentalistic country Pakistan than modern democratic, supportive, republiccountry India? Responsible of our freedom values, our protection, our children’s care to bring down the curtain for the play of por-pakis. Need of the hour is to dismantle them who are diluting our decesisons, not reacting properly while from other side of the border militants are attacking us. We can take care of Pakistan after that.

  30. Matthew Avatar

    Pakis, you have no rights to speak about the minorities. You are not a secular nation nor you respect other people’s faiths. You are bred in hate with India.

    We minorities are not really minorities. My friends and neighbors doesn’t consider me as a minority , we have all rights. Regarding the recent violence in Orissa it was because of misunderstanding and mistrust. Indian media and Indian people were quick to condemn it. Next time if you speak about minority right, look your minorities. Is there any prominent citizen or high government official in Pakistan who comes from a minority background. Idiots…

  31. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    jaram @ matthew!
    besharam tu phir aagaya.
    please yar some body do some GPLs of jaram

  32. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ hey Mubashmush,

    watch the website its interesting how your
    dossier of 69 pages from Indian donkeys are
    analysed word by word, it is the biggest joke
    and fisco of Indian Govt. and press, its in English,
    and it does change all, half of the world is making
    jokes on Parnab Mukroojee and his band of ninkumpoops!
    and the list of wanted 9 people, six out of them are
    Indian sikhs and the rest are Mumbai’s Dawood Bhai’s

  33. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    yes, jairam has found another roma called
    matthew, it seems they are running a fake
    Bible printing press in Haifa with the collaboration
    of their intimate partners zionists with 1/3 patti from
    the loot.


    Pakistan is more tolerant than any other country,
    since 1947 all the minorities are living peacfully,
    its always some ” matthews ” homosexual priests who
    are perturbing the peace in Pakistan, as they want to
    evangelise more and more, missionneries also have their
    Talibans, extremists , fundamantalist and terrorists,like
    roma’s tribe,
    but generally speaking, they are all good citizens and
    And I will now do as Drjawwadkhan suggested
    honour Jairam and you with a BIG GPL and throw you
    back to Mumbai jail.

  34. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar
    Mohammed Mubashir

    ‘Sir, why is it that all terrorists are Muslims?’ Prajvi Bagga Malhotra, a Class 11 student of Modern School, asked me this question during a discussion about current events.

    This was a very timely, bold but sensible question and being a Muslim, I was accountable to address the curiosity in the minds of a class of 52 students.

    Prajvi isn’t the only one to have alluded to the Western media coined statement that all terrorists are Muslims but all Muslims are not terrorists. With so many voices stating that the religion advocates violence, Islam is today under the scanner. Not all of them can be wrong – people judge by what they see and today these terrorists speak and act violently in the name of Islam.

    I told Prajvi that the guiding themes of every religion are the same. Islam too has the same theme and ideology as other religions but a few people misled some of its followers in the name of god.

    26/11 (Mumbai), Kafeel in Glasgow, Mumbai blasts by the Memons and others in India, the jehadis in Kashmir, 9/11, 7/7 (London), 13/12 (Delhi), 29/10 (Delhi) and the Al Qaeda at a global level – all these make my head go down in shame.

    It’s so embarrassing that each time a Muslim name is found attached with the inhuman and insane acts of terrorism.

    Note that jehad is the most misunderstood and misconstrued concept by our non-Muslim brethren and even Muslims. The true concept of jehad in Islam is not to be against other communities, groups or religions but to be against one’s own selfish nature, vices and shortcomings within Muslim society in order to fight evil, injustice, inequity, illiteracy and ignorance. First an individual fights jehad against himself to get cleansed. After that he continues the efforts with his wife, family, locality and the whole community. This is Jehad-e-Akbar, the right meaning of jehad.

    Terrorism is a political process and religion or a religious community has nothing to do with it. Neither does any religion teach to kill innocents (that is what the terrorists do) nor are the terrorists the people chosen by that religious community to undertake such ghastly acts on their behalf.

    Nevertheless, an average Muslim’s fears are hate crimes, difficulty in finding jobs, admissions and residential accommodation, unwanted repercussions, distrust and other such things that always get exacerbated by such incidents. Muslims also fear a backlash like the 1984 Sikh riots against them. Terrorists should not be helped in creating a rift between communities.

    The Mumbai attackers did try to create a cleavage between Hindus and Muslims. However, though a tragic incident, it did have a silver lining in that it cut across religious lines and saw people uniting in their horror and outrage.

    But leaders of some parties have even begun to think that any criticism of Pakistan would not be relished by this country’s Muslims.

    I still remember that during the last general elections in India, to appease Muslims the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) boasted of the Lahore bus and improving relations with Pakistan as one of its major achievements. It’s so sad that these people still treat Indian Muslims as Pakistan’s stooges.

    Though all Indians know that a few terrorists do not tarnish a whole community, the government for fear of losing votes will not take the matter up with the Pakistani government seriously and will just resort to rhetoric.

    It is quite clear now that Indian politicians of all shades were somehow living under an illusion that if they were to turn harsh against acts of terror, they would alienate the Muslims of this country.

    When will they ever realize that by doing so they are clearly reflecting their perverted psyche of labelling all Indian Muslims as pro-Pakistanis, which is the worst abuse for any Indian Muslim.

    Going soft on terror will not make Muslims happy as the perpetrators of such acts do not segregate their targets by religion. If the politicians of this country think that by shying away from taking on terrorists directly and by going soft on terror they will get kudos from Muslims, they are sadly mistaken.

    The public in general has now had enough of those who exploit religious sentiment in order to gain electoral and political mileage. The recent poll results in Delhi are an indication of that.

    The rider is: let us save Islam from ‘the Muslims’, Hinduism from ‘the Hindus’, Christianity from ‘the Christians’, Judaism from ‘the Jews’ and Sikhism from ‘the Sikhs’ and other zealots as religion is a very personal matter and as humans, we are all same.

  35. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar
    Mohammed Mubashir

    Mumbai, December 02: Muslim clerics in Mumbai said Tuesday that the bodies of nine militants who carried out last week’s attacks in the city should not be buried in India.

    A group of Muslim scholars representing about 50 religious organizations met to discuss how the community should respond to the attacks that killed 188 people and injured more than 300.

    Only one of the 11 gunmen involved in the shootings and grenade attacks has been captured alive. India says all the attackers came from Pakistan.

    ” These people should be buried where they came from. There is no space for them on our holy land ”
    Syed Moinuddin Ashraf, president of the city\’s Jamia Qadriya Ashrafiya madrassa

    “These people should be buried where they came from. There is no space for them on our holy land,” said Syed Moinuddin Ashraf, president of the city’s Jamia Qadriya Ashrafiya madrassa or Muslim religious school.

    The bodies are currently lying in two morgues in Mumbai hospitals, where officials said they are waiting for the local government’s directions on what to do with them.

    “It seems that non-profit bodies have been asked to bury them, but no one seems to be ready,” said one senior official at Mumbai’s Sir Jamsetjee Jeejebhoy (J.J.) Hospital where eight bodies are being kept.

    The authorities may also wait for a few more days in case someone makes a claim on the bodies, the official said.

    The clerics said they hoped their recommendation to refuse burial in India would be heeded.

    “If someone goes ahead and does it, it would be a big disappointment, a big letdown,” Ashraf said.


  36. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar
    Mohammed Mubashir

    Islamabad, Dec 23: Hunted by the US and NATO forces for committing acts of terror in Afghanistan, the Taliban Tuesday said they would back the Pakistan Army by deploying hundreds of suicide bombers in case of any military action with India.

    Claiming that “thousands of our well-armed militants are ready to fight alongside the army if any war is imposed on Pakistan,” chief of the outlawed Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, Baitullah Mehsud, told The News daily by phone from an undisclosed location.

    Hundreds of would-be bombers had been “given suicide jackets and explosive-laden vehicles for protection of the border in case of any aggression by the Indian forces”, he said.

    “The time had come, to wage a real jihad that the Taliban had been waiting for,” Mehsud, for whom the Pakistani and US forces are on the look out claimed.

    “We know very well that the visible and invisible enemies of the country have been planning to weaken this lone Islamic nuclear power. But the mujahideen will foil all such nefarious designs of our enemies,” he said.

    This is for the first time Mehsud has admitted that Taliban has marshalled thousands of fighters close to the Afghan-Pak border and where Pakistani army has launched a major operation to flush them out.

    Mehsud said people might question how the Taliban would fight alongside the Pakistan Army when the militants had been fighting the force for a long time.

    Source: zeenews.com

  37. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @Mohammed Mubasher!
    i can understand your situation also the conditions you are working.persistant allegations and repression!!!
    if i were you i ask the student that who kill mr gandhi?
    was his killer a muslim ?
    who kill the indra ? was her killer a muslim?
    who killed the rajive? his killer was a muslim?
    who killed the 70,000 kashmiris ? are those buthers were muslims
    who killed 2000 innocent mulims in gujrat ? those animals
    were muslims?
    who demolished the babri mosque ?
    ask your students
    and please do not forget to watch dr zakir naik’s programme on this issue “is terrorism a muslim monopoly”

  38. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    and please do not worry about hindu assholes they live on false perceptions not on reality and facts

  39. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar
    Mohammed Mubashir

    Capital suggestion – Dr Farrukh Saleem

    In 2005, Pakistanis witnessed a total of four suicide attacks. In 2006, there were seven and in 2007 there were 56; more than one a week. In the first 11 weeks of 2008, there have been 17 suicide attacks; an annualized rate of 80. In 2005, Muslim casualties of terrorist violence in Pakistan numbered 648. In 2006 and 2007, casualties jumped to 1,471 and 3,599, respectively. In the first 10 weeks of 2008 casualties already stand at 1,064 with a daily average of 14 and an annualized rate of over 5,000.

    Why are Muslims killing Muslims? Is there a connection between suicide attacks and lack of education? Is there a correlation between suicide attacks and poverty? Is there a connection between suicide attacks and the followers of Islam?

    Between 1980 and 2003, there have been 315 suicide terror attacks worldwide. Of the 315, at least 75 per cent of the “attacks involved Islamist groups or terrorist acts in Muslim-majority lands (University of Chicago’s ‘Chicago Project on Suicide Terrorism’).” Subsequent to 2003, almost all suicide attacks involved Muslims killing Muslims.

    Professor Robert Pape of University of Chicago has compiled detailed data on age, place of origin, residence, educational background, socioeconomic status and even dietary preferences of 462 individual suicide terrorists (who undertook suicide terrorism campaigns between 1980 and 2003). Here are some surprises. Question: Is there a correlation between poverty and suicide terrorism. Answer: No. Professor Pape has demonstrated that the poverty level of individual suicide terrorists was more or less the same as the rest of the population. Question: Is there a correlation between education and suicide terrorism. Answer: No. Professor Pape has, once again, demonstrated that the level of education of individual suicide terrorists was more or less the same as the rest of the population.

    In conclusion–and contrary to the common held perception–suicide terrorism has little or nothing to do with the level of education. Additionally, suicide terrorism is certainly not rooted in poverty (as is often believed). According to Professor Alberto Abadie, of Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, “There is no significant relationship between a country’s wealth and level of terrorism…..” Furthermore, individual psychology has almost nothing to do with suicide terrorism. Suicide terrorism is all about group dynamics.

    Dr Yusef Yadgari, an Afghan pathologist, has studied 110 suicide bombers in Afghanistan. Dr Yadgari has found that “80 percent of the attackers had some kind of physical or mental disability.”

    What then is the way out of suicide attacks? As is always the case, a proper diagnosis of the ailment is the first step towards cure. We must, therefore, make a distinction between forces driven by the tribal code of honour, referred to as the ‘Pushtunwali’, on the one hand and elements driven by ideology on the other hand. Tribals driven by their code of honour have no extra-territorial ambitions while ideologically driven forces have extra-territorial objectives. Pushtunwali has no room for suicide terrorism while ideology drives all suicide attacks. Peace with the followers of Pushtunwali is something that can be negotiated while forces driven by ideology are beyond negotiations.

    What then is the way forward? To begin with, segregation of the two forces followed by political isolation of all ideologically-driven elements. The one political force best suited to do the task is the Awami National Party (ANP). And, the best model to be followed is the ‘Awakening Groups’ in Iraq. Over the past five years, some 1,000 Muslim suicide bombers have killed more than 13,000 Muslim men, women and children in Iraq. Last year, tribal Sheikhs began forming ad-hoc armed forces that guard neighbourhoods, infrastructure and man checkpoints. These ‘Awakening Groups’ across Iraq have managed to identify and then isolate Al Qaeda elements. As a consequence, Al-Qaeda is fast loosing sanctuaries and is being unable to continue its deadly campaign of terror. Awakening Groups have risen; risen up against suicide bombers. And, the number of suicide attacks is sharply down.

    In Pakistan, suicide attacks are not a reaction to something that the army may have done. The suicide campaign is entirely proactive seeking to establish safe heavens on Pakistani territory. In the meanwhile, Pakistani society continues to tolerate extremist preachers and Muslim suicide bombers are killing no one but their Muslim brothers and sisters.

    The writer is an Islamabad-based freelance columnist. Email: farrukh15@hotmail.com
    Courtesy: The News, 30/3/2008

  40. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar
    Mohammed Mubashir

    10 January 2008
    Capital suggestion
    Twenty-five thousand years ago, haplogroup R2 characterized by genetic marker M124 arose in southern Central Asia. Then began a major wave of human migration whereby members migrated southward to present-day India and Pakistan (Genographic Project by the National Geographic Society; http://www.nationalgeographic.com). Indians and Pakistanis have the same ancestry and share the same DNA sequence.

    Here’s what is happening in India:
    The two Ambani brothers can buy 100 percent of every company listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and would still be left with $30 billion to spare. The four richest Indians can buy up all goods and services produced over a year by 169 million Pakistanis and still be left with $60 billion to spare. The four richest Indians are now richer than the forty richest Chinese.

    In November, Bombay Stock Exchange’s benchmark Sensex flirted with 20,000 points. As a consequence, Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Industries became a $100 billion company (the entire KSE is capitalized at $65 billion). Mukesh owns 48 percent of Reliance.

    In November, comes Neeta’s birthday. Neeta turned forty-four three weeks ago. Look what she got from her husband as her birthday present: A sixty-million dollar jet with a custom fitted master bedroom, bathroom with mood lighting, a sky bar, entertainment cabins, satellite television, wireless communication and a separate cabin with game consoles. Neeta is Mukesh Ambani’s wife, and Mukesh is not India’s richest but the second richest.
    Mukesh is now building his new home, Residence Antillia (after a mythical, phantom island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean). At a cost of $1 billion this would be the most expensive home on the face of the planet. At 173 meters tall Mukesh’s new family residence, for a family of six, will be the equivalent of a 60-storeyed building. The first six floors are reserved for parking. The seventh floor is for car servicing and maintenance. The eighth floor houses a mini-theatre. Then there’s a health club, a gym and a swimming pool. Two floors are reserved for Ambani family’s guests. Four floors above the guest floors are family floors all with a superb view of the Arabian Sea. On top of everything are three helipads. A staff of 600 is expected to care for the family and their family home.

    In 2004, India became the 3rd most attractive foreign direct investment destination. Pakistan wasn’t even in the top 25 countries. In 2004, the United Nations, the representative body of 192 sovereign member states, had requested the Election Commission of India to assist the UN in the holding elections in Al Jumhuriyah al Iraqiyah and Dowlat-e Eslami-ye Afghanestan. Why the Election Commission of India and not the Election Commission of Pakistan? After all, Islamabad is closer to Kabul than is Delhi.

    Imagine, 12 percent of all American scientists are of Indian origin; 38 percent of doctors in America are Indian; 36 percent of NASA scientists are Indians; 34 percent of Microsoft employees are Indians; and 28 percent of IBM employees are Indians.

    For the record: Sabeer Bhatia created and founded Hotmail. Sun Microsystems was founded by Vinod Khosla. The Intel Pentium processor, that runs 90 percent of all computers, was fathered by Vinod Dham. Rajiv Gupta co-invented Hewlett Packard’s E-speak project. Four out of ten Silicon Valley start-ups are run by Indians. Bollywood produces 800 movies per year and six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years.
    For the record: Azim Premji, the richest Muslim entrepreneur on the face of the planet, was born in Bombay and now lives in Bangalore.India now has more than three dozen billionaires; Pakistan has none (not a single dollar billionaire).

    The other amazing aspect is the rapid pace at which India is creating wealth. In 2002, Dhirubhai Ambani, Mukesh and Anil Ambani’s father, left his two sons a fortune worth $2.8 billion. In 2007, their combined wealth stood at $94 billion. On 29 October 2007, as a result of the stock market rally and the appreciation of the Indian rupee, Mukesh became the richest person in the world, with net worth climbing to US$63.2 billion (Bill Gates, the richest American, stands at around $56 billion).

    Indians and Pakistanis have the same Y-chromosome haplogroup. We have the same genetic sequence and the same genetic marker (namely: M124). We have the same DNA molecule, the same DNA sequence. Our culture, our traditions and our cuisine are all the same. We watch the same movies and sing the same songs. What is it that Indians have and we don’t?

    Indians elect their leaders.

    And also to mention: They think of Construction of own nation, unlike nations who r just concerned with destruction of others :P)

    Capital suggestion By Dr Farrukh Saleem 12/9/2007

  41. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    thats interesting!!!!
    jaram @ moha mubash
    same old shit with another ID.
    lolzzzzzz again

  42. Iva Avatar

    This blog is WRONG! India does not suffer from an inferior compex! Are you upset that India is rising as a super power? And America and the UK do look at India as an allie? Someone sounds jealous. The people from India are very smart. I am American and we all learn in school all the time that India is coming on up and so is China. They are civilized people. The people from India aren’t SUICIDE bombers like these brainwashed muslims. I wouldn’t even call them Muslim. The muslims I know are not like that at all.

  43. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar
    Mohammed Mubashir

    Thank for support IVA.

  44. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar
    Mohammed Mubashir


    Sectarianism (Firqa-Bandi)
    Posted on June 25, 2008 by itisimrankhan

    Shajar Hai Firqa-Aarayi, Ta’assub Hai Samar Iska
    Yeh Woh Phal Hai Ke Jannat Se Nikalwata Hai Adam ko

    When Moses returned to his people and saw them worshiping an Idol. He asked his brother Aaroon:
    “What prevented you when you saw them going astray? That you followed me not? Have you have then disobeyed my order?”
    Aaroon replied:
    “O son of my mother! seize me not by my beard nor by my head. Verily, I feared that you would say ‘You have caused a division among the children of Isreal and you have not respected my word.’ “

    The bold statement in the above verse, 92-94 from Chapter 20 Al-Quran, has a great lesson. Moses got satisfied with his brother’s answer. Why? Probably, Aaroon thought that worshiping an idol is totally stupefied and may easily be stopped by a little enlightment they all were waiting for, but if they get divided then it will become very difficult to gather them again. And this reason was enough to make Moses satisfied.


    Bazoo Tera Tauheed Ki Quwwat Se Qawi Hai

    According to the Quran, idolatry or assigning partners to the one GOD (shirk) is an egregious sin. The first thing that Islam speaks about is “Oneness (Tauheed)”. But what does that “Oneness” mean? Does it mean worshiping a single God? What if you worship a single GOD but have idols in your heart that you follow in your daily lives? In Iqbal words:

    Buton Se Tujh Ko Ummeedein, Khuda Se No-Meedi,
    Mujhey Bata To Sahih Aur Kafri Kya Hai?

    Oneness is achieved when everyone associates himself/herself to a single authority and spends life according to a single message. This oneness can never be achieved if human are divided in different religions and sects, where each sect has different authorities and different messages.

    How We Divided?

    Bayan Mein Nuqta-e-Tauheed Aa To Sakta Hai
    Tere Dimagh Mein But-Khana Ho To Kya Kahiye?

    First Episode

    From the first day of human intellect, Allah wanted “Oneness” to be the major pillar of DEEN so all messengers brought the same message. Whenever people deviated from this path and be divided into sects, Allah sent a messenger to bring them again under a single roof.

    Qur’an – Chapter 2 – Verse 213:
    Mankind was one single nation, and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; and with them He sent the Book in truth, to judge between people in matters wherein they differed; but the People of the Book, after the clear Signs came to them did not differ among themselves, except through selfish contumacy.

    But people started associating themselves to messengers and invented new religions from a single DEEN. For example, Jews accepted Moses and all messengers prior to him but refused to accept Jesus. Who accepted Jesus were called Christians and also accepted all messengers prior to Jesus but refused to accept Mohammad. The reason was the association to the messengers instead of Allah. Allah ended the line of prophets with the advent of Mohammad P.B.U.H. People who accepted Mohammad also accepted all the messengers prior to him.

    Qur’an – Chapter 2 – Verse 136:
    Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered.

    Qur’an Chapter 33, Verse 40:
    Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah is ever Aware of all things.

    People once again started coming under a single roof and associated themselves to a single GOD. They started practicing what was revealed from Allah. History is witness that Muslims became the most respected nation in the world. But this glory could not be continued longer.

    Second Episode

    Qur’an – Chapter 3 – Verse 144:
    Muhammad is but a messenger, messengers (the like of whom) have passed away before him. Will it be that, when he dieth or is slain, ye will turn back on your heels? He who turneth back on doth no hurt to Allah, and Allah will reward the thankful.

    Qur’an – Chapter 3 – Verse 103:
    And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allâh and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allâh’s Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren, and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allâh makes His Ayât clear to you, that you may be guided.

    Within the first 50 years of Islam, muslims started getting divided into different groups. Initially, the reason was not the differences in practices but gradually different groups started following different personalities and each group considered its leader as the final authority over DEEN. This ummah had the responsibility to spread the good and stop the evil but this objective could only be acheived if muslims were united. Today, people do not call themselves as “muslims” they have many other identities. If you have any doubt then try sometime asking someone.

    Qur’an Chapter 6, Verse 159:
    Verily, those who divide their DEEN and break up into sects, you (O Muhammad SAW) have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only with Allâh, Who then will tell them what they used to do. (159)

    Initially there were only 2 sects, then these 2 sects got further divided, and getting divided day by day. Few of them follow an Imam but still do not offer prayers in each others’ mosque. You just collect fatwas that they have directed against each other, finally you will ask “if everyone is wrong then who is right?” Every sect considers itself “correct” according to the beliefs they have extracted from Qur’an or from narrations. Every sect has its own narrators and narrations and don’t consider other narrators or narrations reliable.

    Qur’an – Chapter 30 – Verse 32:
    Be not of those who split up their DEEN, and became sects, each sect rejoicing in that which is with it.

    Qur’an Chapter 3 Verse 105:
    And be not as those who divided and differed among themselves after the clear proofs had come to them. It is they for whom there is an awful torment. (105)

    Iqbal replies the Shikwa in Jawab-e-Shikwa and says:
    Manfiyat Aik Hai Is Qaum Ki, Nuqsan Bhi Aik
    Aik Hi Sab Ka Nabi, Deen Bhi, Imaan Bhi Aik
    Haram-e-Paak Bhi, Allah Bhi, Qur’an Bhi Aik
    Kya Bari Baat Thi Hote Jo Musalman Bhi Aik!
    Firqa-Bandi Hai Kaheen, Aur Kaheen Zaatein Hain
    Kya Zamane Mein Panapne Ki Yehi Baatein Hain?

    Youn To Sayyed Bhi Ho, Mirza Bhi Ho, Afghan Bhi Ho
    Tum Sabhi Kuch Ho, Batao To Musalman Bhi Ho?

    The Solution

    Qur’an – Chapter 49 – Verse 9:
    And if two parties or groups among the believers fall to fighting, then make peace between them both, But if one of them outrages against the other, then fight you (all) against the one that which outrages till it complies with the Command of Allâh; then if it complies, then make reconciliation between them justly, and be equitable. Verily! Allâh loves those who are equitable.

    Who has been addressed here to make peace between two parties? It’s a party that do not belong to any sect. It was Mohammad P.B.U.H at that time and his true followers. But it had to be continued after Mohammad P.B.U.H so it actually means a Central Authority that follows Quranic System, Quran termed it as “Qibla”.

    Qaumon Ke Liye Maut Hai Markaz Se Judaayi

    The Qur’an is the only way to understand the real essence of Islam and no doubt this book (Qur’an) has no contradictions while other books do have and these contradictions lead to the differences between sects. Muslims nowadays have blind faith on those books that are not from Allah. Qur’an is being used for “sawaab” purposes only, actually misusing it and DEEN is being extracted from books other than Qur’an.

    Qur’an – Chapter 4 – Verse 82:
    Will they not then ponder on the Qur’an? If it had been from other than Allah they would have found therein many contradictions.

    Qur’an – Chapter 2- Verse 78-79:
    And there are among them illiterates, who know not the Book, but (see therein their own) desires, and they do nothing but conjecture. (7 8) Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: “This is from Allah” to traffic with it for a miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write and for the gain they make thereby.

    Will you still follow books other than Qur’an?

    Final Words

    The enemies of Islam, unfortunately they are not outsiders, have played great games in the past but we are still unaware of those conspiracies and taking those unquranic beliefs and teachings as DEEN. Try to think at least what are the reasons of downfall of muslim ummah? Few thousands muslims were strong when they followed Qur’an and the exact DEEN revealed by Allah but now 1.4 billion muslims have no strength. Could this be the same practices that Mohammad P.B.U.H and his companions followed or practices have been changed somehow?

    Please Think, You Can Think


  45. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    those were interesting posts from MUB:MOH @jaram
    please read it and enjoy some interesting paras of the posts

    “26/11 (Mumbai), Kafeel in Glasgow, Mumbai blasts by the Memons and others in India, the jehadis in Kashmir, 9/11, 7/7 (London), 13/12 (Delhi), 29/10 (Delhi) and the Al Qaeda at a global level – all these make my head go down in shame.

    dr say: you see jihad in kashmir is the same as suicide bombing…..hummmm interesting)

    “Note that jehad is the most misunderstood and misconstrued concept by our non-Muslim brethren and even Muslims. The true concept of jehad in Islam is not to be against other communities, groups or religions but to be against one’s own selfish nature, vices and shortcomings within Muslim society in order to fight evil, injustice, inequity, illiteracy and ignorance. First an individual fights jehad against himself to get cleansed. After that he continues the efforts with his wife, family, locality and the whole community. This is Jehad-e-Akbar, the right meaning of jehad.

    dr say:the utter ignorance about jihad)

    “The rider is: let us save Islam from ‘the Muslims’, Hinduism from ‘the Hindus’, Christianity from ‘the Christians’, Judaism from ‘the Jews’ and Sikhism from ‘the Sikhs’ and other zealots as religion is a very personal matter and as humans, we are all same.

    dr say:are we the same?how can a muslim who believe in one GOD,THE PROPHET(PBUH),ANGELS, THE RESSURECTION DAY be equal to the polythiest monkey worshiper,cow’s urine drinker hindu????……very interesting)

    ” These people should be buried where they came from. There is no space for them on our holy land ”
    Syed Moinuddin Ashraf, president of the city\’s Jamia Qadriya Ashrafiya madrassa
    In Pakistan, suicide attacks are not a reaction to something that the army may have done. The suicide campaign is entirely proactive seeking to establish safe heavens on Pakistani territory. In the meanwhile, Pakistani society continues to tolerate extremist preachers and Muslim suicide bombers are killing no one but their Muslim brothers and sisters

    dr say: when a muslim dies the body became the property of ALMIGHTY ALLAH(swt) and he ordered the proper burial no matter what crime he had committed.that is why NABEE e KAREEM (PBUH) offered namaz e janaza for munafiqeen and zani

    “The two Ambani brothers can buy 100 percent of every company listed on the Karachi……………………….result of the stock market rally and the appreciation of the Indian rupee, Mukesh became the richest person in the world, with net worth climbing to US$63.2 billion (Bill Gates, the richest American, stands at around $56 billion).

    dr say: this is just one sided picture have a look at the real face of india
    1. – people below poverty line: about 260 million (acc. to AB Vajpayee feb 04)
    – poor living in India: one quarter of the world’s poor [BBC Aug 04]
    – people living on less than 1 Euro per day (50-55 Rs) 2004: about 30 % of population
    – * number of people in India living on less than 50 pence per day: about 300 million
    [BBC News Night, Oct 2006]
    – number of people living in slums: 150 million [BBC 15 sep 2004]
    – people in Mumbai living in shanty towns, open spaces, or on pavements: 50% of
    Mumbai’s population [BBC, Nov 2005]
    – world’s largest slum: located in Mumbai; Dharavi, 432 acres
    – number of inhabited buildings declared as dangerous or dilapidated in Mumbai:
    19,000 [BBC; Sep 2005]
    – number of children in India who die before the age of 5: 63 out of 1000 according
    to UN report [BBC; Sep 2005]
    – children under 3 years of age in Orissa severely malnourished: 21 % (Feb 04, acc to
    National Family Health Survey); or 3.8 % (acc. to data collected by the state)
    – tribal children below the age of six who have died of malnourishment-related causes
    in 15 districts of Maharashtra: 9,000 (between Apr 2003 and May 2004)
    – number of street children in Delhi: 150,000 estimate [BBC; Sep 2005]


    1. Business efficiency 59.053 [33rd of 51]
    Economic freedom 1.5 [123rd of 156]
    Economic importance 2.1 [25th of 25]
    GDP > PPP $3,362,960,000,000.00 [4th of 163]
    GDP per capita in 1820 $531.00 [24th of 23]
    GDP per capita in 1900 $625.00 [38th of 39]
    GDP per capita in 1950 $597.00 [49th of 52]
    GDP per capita in 1973 $853.00 [50th of 52]
    Income category Low income
    Income distribution > Poorest 10% 3.5% [22nd of 114]
    Income distribution > Richest 10% 33.5% [38th of 114]
    Overall productivity > PPP $7,279.30 [50th of 49]
    Poverty > Share of all poor people 41.01 % of world’s poor [1st of 80]
    Technological achievement 0.2 [59th of 68]
    Trade with US > US exports of textile, sewing machines 35,253 [8th of 183]
    World Trade > Imports > Mech transmission equipment 237,454 [22nd of 137]
    World Trade > Imports > Mechanical handling equipment 168,327 [33rd of 146]
    World Trade > Imports > Special industrial machines nes 640,857 [25th of 144]
    World Trade > Imports > Special transactions nes 557,253 [25th of 118]

    “our traditions and our cuisine are all the same. We watch the same movies and sing the same songs. What is it that Indians have and we don’t?
    Indians elect their leaders.

    dr say:inspite of that we have one fundamental difference which do not allow us to be the same….. THE ISLAM
    you can not see in pakistan the group of ferrocious dog looking mob killing and burning the innocent men,women and children.chasing the innocent women like wild dog raping in front of crowd and then murder them brutally and burned their bodies in front of police and armed forces.while the crowd was laughing on the acts of HINDUTUVA

    And also to mention: They think of Construction of own nation, unlike nations who r just concerned with destruction of others :P) Capital suggestion By Dr Farrukh Saleem 12/9/2007

    dr say:look at the construction work

    And then suddenly…the following:

    “Sectarianism (Firqa-Bandi)
    Posted on June 25, 2008 by itisimrankhan
    Shajar Hai Firqa-Aarayi, Ta’assub Hai Samar Iska
    Yeh Woh Phal Hai Ke Jannat Se Nikalwata Hai Adam……..till the end.

    dr say: ladies and gentlemen make no mistake understanding india the real face is much uglier than we can imagine.
    please try to understand the efforts of @mubashar@jaram and others.this is a poison which is given to us in the form sugar coated pills.have nice day “NASRUN MINALLAH HE WA FATHUN QAREEB

  46. Matthew Avatar

    Comment by dr.jawwadkhan on January 23, 2009 @ 4:21 pm

    jaram @ matthew!
    besharam tu phir aagaya.
    please yar some body do some GPLs of jaram

    Comment by Asad Ali on January 24, 2009 @ 12:20 am


    yes, jairam has found another roma called
    matthew, it seems they are running a fake
    Bible printing press in Haifa with the collaboration
    of their intimate partners zionists with 1/3 patti from
    the loot.

    Listen guys I have no hatred to other religions. Nor do I like Zionists who fakes God words for their own good. I gave great respect for Islam and its people. I accept Mohammed as a prophet of God. My question to all people of Islam is ” where is the gentle Islam that His Honor Saladdin followed.

    Doesn’t Islam teaches you to respect all people as same and all ethnicity as same. The reason you are disrespecting other people is because of religion. U must know that God( Allah) is the same for us, and no one can claim that he is the true people of God. U must understand that u are followers of God because ur forefathers had the chance to know about God. Most of the people aren’t becuz the oppurtunity doesn’t reach them. These people are not given the right preaching and opportunity to change their fate.

    And last don’t get his holy God’s name in to the political gains of human world. God’s rule is entirely spiritual and it has nothing to do with the dirty politics.

  47. sunni Avatar

    How can Pakistan stand up to India when they cannot even stand up to the Talibans in the SWAT valley who has destroyed 200 schools and killed thousands of fellow muslims?

    Pakistan’s goverment does not stand a chance with India if the 2 goes to war.

  48. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar

    A good article to read

  49. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar
    Mohammed Mubashir

    Aadmi amal se khud apna faisla kar le,

    Ek kadam par dozakh hain, ek kadam par jannat

    (Let man decide his own fate by his deeds,

    On one side is Hell and on the other Heaven)


  50. Mohammed Mubashir Avatar
    Mohammed Mubashir

    India’s Islam by Arun Nair
