Guest Blog by Azhar Aslam
India today is considered by the world to be an established state. Indians think they are on the brink of acquiring super power status. LeT on the other hand is a banned organization considered to be a terrorist non-state actor. So why is it that the belligerence and jingoism Indian state and media is what would be expected of an organization like LeT. How come Indian state is behaving like a terrorist organization?
Non-state violent actors, until recently have been called mercenaries and have been used, by different powers throughout human history. British imperialism started its life in this shape and form, the most famous being the East India Company. Sir Drake , Sir Raleigh and other such “privateers,” were all non state entrepreneurs who advanced state power. Lawless violence often preceded the rule of law.
More recently after the Second World War United States has employed several non-state forces in various parts of the world to further its foreign policy agenda, often at high human and economic cost to that country and its people. Ironically Afghanistan was one such theatre. The Indian support for Baluchistan insurgency is an open secret. There is a strength of evidence for Indian and US support for ‘Jihadist’ groups operating on Pakistani territories.
After the recent Mumbai attacks it has been claimed by India ( serious evidence still pending) that a non state actor LeT has infringed its territory and perpetrated lawless violence. Indian state and its leaders are now invoking this as a reason to respond in kind. The jingoistic antipakistani stance of Indian media and politicians is being built to hysterical levels. There have been calls to respond in ‘manner of United States’.
It is most disturbing that Indian government instead of behaving in a lawful manner befitting the largest country in the region, has tried its fullest to take ”advantage” of human misery in its own country and of its own people and made this a ‘Pakistan-centric’ event. When it should have been paying attention to healing its own wounds, India has seen it as an opportunity to salt these wounds and create fresh ones. And here the state has been led by hysterical media. That tells volume about the structural stability and framework of Indian institutions claimed to represent world’s largest democracy.
Indian state wants to behave like private bullies , justifying violence , revenge and torture just like non-state terrorists. As Arjvind Rajgopal has put it ‘War has become the preferred means of practicing politics under the guise of opposing terrorism, and it is endorsed as a sacred duty’.
India seems to be following in USSR tradition and trying to create an aura of invincibility for its own ego satisfaction without considering the hundreds of millions of its citizens who are hungry, poor and destitute. Is the death of nearly 250 people, mayhem for a few days in one city, a little hurt ego more important than the teeming masses who linger in poverty. Should India not be concentrating its efforts on spending money for creating infrastructure for its own; of education, health, transport , economic opportunities. Is it worth a war?
Common sense answer is ‘No’. So Why is it that certain parts of Indian media/intellectuals/politicians triumvirate, want India to respond in an American manner? Our analysis leads us to two reasons.
First, Indian leaders and intellectuals suffer from severe inferiority complex and generational anger lingering on from British Raj days. For all the talk of rising power of India and Indians taking over the world India is desperate to declare itself as a super power one way or another. Look closely at the pattern of Indian media’s coverage. It was not designed for Indian masses. It was designed to be fed to the international audeince, in particular US and UK citizens, whose gullibility has no limits. And it is seems India has decided that its response to Mumbai attack, (which by the way was smaller in number of casualties compared to 1993 or 2006 or Gujrat, just to quote few examples) is going to declare to the world that it has turned into a regional or world super power.
India has this complex about being ‘Like America’. This is no more than a sign of serious inferiority complex and insecurity of its own identity. The most obvious sign of this inferiority complex is that the event is described as India’s 9/11, with enemy intruders committing murder and mayhem. “9/11″ has become a nationalizing mantra across the globe, an invocation to remember violence in order to garner consent for violent retaliation.
No one has even considered that what the world has turned into after the American response. It is not as if the world has become a safer or better place that this response should be imitated. The signs of being super in power are maturity and sagacity. It is to reach out and stand against terrorism of any kind and take other ( in this case smaller) countries in the region with her. It is to lead. But has India done any of it ? No sir. So forget about being super in power. India needs to set its own house in order.
This brings us to the second reason behind India’s jingoistic stance. It is related to the long standing failure of Indian state. It has failed in three important respects. First, it has failed its own secularism and failed to forge an Indian nation; second it has failed its own poor in pure economic terms; and thirdly it has failed its Indianness in its eagerness to ape the west.
Not withstanding show boys of Indian Muslims (from Abul Kalam Azaad to M J Akbar) there is the increasing discrimination in civil society and the media against Muslims. Indian state continually fails to provide justice to its minorities and masses. Then there are Dalits, Chrsitians, Bhuddists, Tamils, Naxalites. The list goes on. I quote Gopal again:’ Muslims in India have, for some time, been treated as internal enemies, through a combination of covert and overt socio-economic boycotts, state discrimination, episodes of intense political violence, and anti-terror legislation granting judicial powers to police.’
And what is Indian response to all this. For Kashmir, it blames Pakistan; for the seven sister states Bangladesh is the culprit and China takes the blame for the Naxalite insurrection. India has been in a state of perpetual war due to its ego, border disputes with all its neighbours and misplaced priorities.
Then there are pure economic issues. Here again Indian leaders ego complexes have led to failure of its own people. This failure is villainous in part and negligent to criminal extent. It is multifold and multilayered. While ‘India is shining’ for an elite minority, the masses and the land is being opened up for a new form of colonialism for Bharati and multinationals corporations, in the name of reforms and progress.
What Indians have failed to grasp or at least have shown no capacity to put any such understanding into context is that they are seen as no more than a big economic market opportunity for western nations and corporations, due to sheer numbers. Research from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) shows that within a generation, the country will become a nation of upwardly mobile middle-class households, consuming goods ranging from high-end cars to designer clothing. In two decades the country will surpass Germany as the world’s fifth largest consumer market. It is this which attracts West; not some attitudinal shift in Anglo-Saxon thinking. If they are under any illusion that suddenly Westerns have started seeing them as equal partners, all they have to do is to sit in few pubs across middle England. That shall be more than sufficient to clear such delusions of grandeur.
Consequently in the name of progress, poor are marginalized. Cities suffer from severe economic and social segregation. The slums for the poor are demolished and ghettos moved around. Muslim and Dalits in India are overwhelmingly concentrated in such ghettos and, in episodes of Hindu nationalist violence, have been the principal victims of assaults. It is not India shining. It is Bollywood shining and like tinsel town it is more razz matazz than substance . The Justice Sachar Committee, in 2006, reported that ‘the condition of Muslims had deteriorated to such a point that they were worse off than the untouchable caste, which has traditionally occupied the lowest rung of Indian society’. In some cases, Muslims are ostracized to the point of social death.
And for all the talk of famed reforms by the present Indian Prime Minister in early 1990s, when he was a finance minister, it was more a case of India being at the right place at the right time by sheer luck than any planned strategic goal achievement. Indian progress owes much to certain historical events converging fortuitously at the right time. The collapse of USSR forced India into balance payment crisis, forcing Rao and Singh’s hand to deliver economic reforms where by Licence Raj was ended. At about the same time seeds of globalization were being sown while West was recovering form the recessions of early 1990s. The scores of English speaking graduates of IIT were now suddenly available at cheap labour adding impetus to Indian preeminence as outsourced markets. Western corporations were looking for cutting their costs and they started outsourcing. Indian diaspora played its part. Manufacturing was outsourced to China and IT services to India. Subsequently ore reforms followed and FDI increased as western corporations themselves sought a slice of the market.
This brings us to the third Indian failure. The fact is that Indian middle class is fast losing its ‘Dhesi’ values and the South Asian culture is being undermined by the still persistent and widely prevalent ‘ Ghulam Zahniat’. For all the slogans of ‘new super power’, ‘largest democracy’, ‘big and powerful country’ etc, the Indianness is fast ebbing away.
Most middle class Indians feel more proud to speak, act and live and display the consumerist western lifestyle than any indigenous South Asian, Indian or Baharti lifestyle. Their tastes are indistinguishable from those of prosperous young Westerners – high-end luxury cars, designer clothes, maids and full-time cooks, and regular vacations, abroad.
One sign of this is the elites in Mumbai assuming that they too must respond “like America’’ and asking where their Rudy Giuliani was ? The irony is that the sign of being developed and civilized in India is no longer the welfare of its general masses in economic and social terms but ‘ State terrorism and war’.
Like Pakistan Television is being watched increasingly in India and nearly two thirds of the population has now access to television. And it is very profitable. Consequently there is intense competition in news sector and live TV. Many of 24 hour channels are owned by transnational media corporations. And Like Pakistan a disproportionate number of prime time viewers tune into news channels (perhaps due to the age old Subcontinental taste for politics). Consequently this was the first attack that was being telecast and watched live. It seems that even the planners of these attacks knew this and planned to take full advantage of the global audience on offer. The death of V P Singh and eight people in Tamil Nadu rains from 26 to 29th November went nearly unmentioned. To quote ‘They died unmourned and even unmentioned on the explosive screens that kept millions enthralled’.
As some Indian pundits have asked that while media fixated on ‘who’ and ‘how’ for these attacks, ‘why’ was completely ignored. It is the media which seems to be leading the response of Indian State rather than the other way round. In other words, the corporate agendas of the media owners has dictated the response of Indian rulers and Indian state. The proof of sympathy to the upwardly mobile middle class urbanites it seems is war with Pakistan at the cost of teeming poor and destitute billions. As Gopal points out that the ‘the media in India is only nominally public. …it is elite who own the space and dictate the terms of its discourse. In the recent attacks hardly any attention was paid to the railway station where sixty people were killed. TV crews stayed focused on the luxury hotels, where “People Like Us” were affected.’ To quote J S Raman ‘The elite of Mumbai and elsewhere, mourning the fall of the elegant Taj, have been trying to sound tougher than even the politicians of the Parivar (the Far Right “family”).’
We thus see that these three fundamental failures of Indian State that have either incapacitated the senses of Indian State and its rulers and they are being unwillingly led by the media or they have simply become complicit in the dangerous egocentric brinksmanship regardless of the cost to people of Subcontinent. That the complex to ‘be big’ and ‘super power’ is fuelling this on cannot be doubted. But the world is watching. And India must take a note. The very status it craves for more than anything else is under threat due to its childish and amateurish actions. The more it acts like ‘Non-State’ actor the more it risks its status in the comity of nations.
474 responses to “Why is India behaving like Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT)?”…
Please see the above pictures.
if can not see devil or god it does not mean that they dont exists .In our country its happening with dead in your country living people are treated more badly than you want I can send you the link whats happening in pak the GREAT? and your friendly country till sep 11.
your country is already divided (SWAT) and the taliban have more power than your government there and the 7 sister state is ruled by the able government which we people have elected.
dare to look at the picture, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ,A very nice caych line just like some b grade looywood movie ha ha ha ha ha ha ah aha ha ha ha ah aha ha ah ah ah ……………
India: Manages its own finances ever since Independence.
India: Civilian rule ever since Independence.
India: More number of Muslims in India than in Pakistan.
India: More Mosques in India than in Pakistan.
India: Has had a Muslim as a President.
India: Percapita income of Indian muslims is more than average Pakistani.
1 USD = 52 INR, 1 GBP =72 INR.
India's defence outlay, paid from its own budget, no gifts or funding from Russia or US or heaven and is less than 25% GDP.
Pakistan: Needs constant US budgetary Support, besides IMF various loans . .
several times gone to the brink of bankruptcy, resurrected by the US aid.
Pakistan: Under military dictatorship most part since Independence
Pakistan: Islamic State, hence no rights for other religions.
Pakistan: 1 Babri Masjid destroyed in India but hundreds of temples destroyed in Pakistan. Babri Masjid itself was built after demolishing a temple . .
Pakistan: Afghan Taliban, developed + trained by ISI. Funded by US CIA. Where did India come into this picture????
Pakistan: 1USD = 81 PKR, 1GBP = 111 PKR
Kashmir: Percapita income of Indian Kashmiri more than Pakistani Kashmiri.
If Indian muslims decide to keep their children away from public schools and instead send them to Madarassa (India offers Mandatory, free, public schools with free meals) who is responsible for the illiteracy of the Muslims???
If Indian muslims, do not integrate with the rest of the population, refuse to learn the local language and live in their own towns and make them their ghettoes, send their children only to madarassa and not to school, why cant the local mosques teach them . . we are Indians and we should learn and try to aspair???
Indian Muslim population has risen 10 folds in population percentage . . .since India's Independence.
The Questions for you, MM are . .
1. Why should India have an inferiority complex in relation with Pakistan?
2. Why should India compete with Pakistan? Why should India bother about Pakistan?
3. What is India going to gain out of Afghanistan?? Get a share of the opium produce???
4. India can live without begging from America for alms . . Can Pakistan do??
5. Indian Security Forces killed 9 terrorists and caught 1 alive in a surprise terrorist strike . . In Lahore on a "presidential security" convoy, 14 teroorists kill 6 police officers and WALK (not even run) away from the scene . . . How can you compare Indian security agencies are a failure but the Pakistab story is a success . .
Mate, open your mind and dont be afraid to face the reality . . The world will not become dark just because you ve closed your eyes . .
I am not a Pakistan Hater but a Clear thinker . .
NB: To be frank, i dont mind giving away Kashmir to Pakistan, We are just wasting millions of our own money (not borrowed from US or Saudi Arabia or Israel for that matter) to no avail . .mebbe you can accept the remaining millions of your islamic brotherhood from India as well . . coz a lot of them think they are Pakistanis because they are muslims . . I would not want to hold any Muslim in India against their wishes . . besides that was the reason for the creation of Pakistan . . A thriving Vibrant Prospering Islamic Nation
Pakistan should be named henceforth as PUKISTAN. Failed state of Pukistan. You created the terrorist, used all the money from your begging bowl and now Frankenstein is at your door. He has come inside killed your children, brainwashed them and still you idiots blame india??? What do you have there now? Do you have democracy?, money? anything. So sad to see the state of affairs. We both got independence at the same time. Compare India with your country. The whole world will vouch that India has gone places while your country is going places with the begging bowl.
"Pakistan should be named henceforth as PUKISTAN"
look at these pictures and tell me why india should not be named as "obnoxious and shocking shamshanghat"…
For Dissent Against Hindu Extremism
by Angana Chatterji
July 28, 2002
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), the Bajrang Dal, and other Hindu extremist organisations, collectively known as the Sangh Parivar (Hindu fundamentalist family of organisations), are utilising religion to foment communal violence toward organising ultra right, non-secular and undemocratic nationalism in India. Once again, this year has borne heartbreaking testimony to this. As the Sangh Parivar goosesteps to a future predicated on injustice and bigotry, we, as ordinary citizens, must not be lulled into complacent comfort that denies our own complicity. Minorities in contemporary India are becoming the evil “other” that must be annihilated or assimilated. For those of us not explicitly under attack, it is time to examine our privilege and use it to empower the conscience of a democratic and secular India, where necessary religious and social reforms are enacted.
Hindu fundamentalism is well funded by Indians abroad. These organisations receive substantial contributions from Hindus in the United States and elsewhere. Outlook Magazine in its July 22, 2002, issue published an article by A. K. Sen, titled, “Deflections to the Right” highlighting a component of the chain of funding that sustains Hindu extremism. The article states that the India Development and Relief Fund (IDRF) is one of the more conspicuous charity organisations that fundraises in the United States to support RSS battalions in India. IDRF lists Sewa International as its counterpart in India. Sewa International and the various organisations that it oversees receive over two-thirds of IDRF funding. Sewa International, in its mission to transform India, states on its website in a section on “Experiments and Results” with “Social Harmony” that social consolidation can be achieved through social cohesion. Among other things, their website quotes Manya H. V. Sehadarji, Sarkaryawah of the RSS: “The ultimate object of all these endeavours is Hindu Sangathan — consolidation and strengthening of the Hindu society.” Hindu extremism, like other xenophobic movements, functions through carefully fashioning exclusionary principles whereby all non Hindus, and dissenting Hindus, identified as Hindu traitors, become second class citizens. In addition, justification of caste inequities, subordination of Dalits (“lower” caste communities), women, adivasis (tribal) and other minorities, and the consolidation of a cohesive middle class base are critical to its momentum.
In the United States, where substantial funding is raised for Hindu extremist agendas, the government must act to ensure that organisations that broker terror should not continue to enjoy their non-profit status within the country. It is interesting that in 1999, the VHP failed to gain recognition at the United Nations as “a cultural organization” because of its philosophical underpinnings. However the VHP of America is an independent charity registered in the United States in the 1970s, where it has received funds from a variety of individuals and organisations.
Non-resident Indians and Americans of Indian descent must examine the politics of hate encouraged by extremist Hindu organisations in the name of charity and social work. Indians, one of the most financially successful groups in the United States, must take seriously their moral obligation to ensure that their dollars are not funding malice and scrutinise the organisations that are on the receiving end in India. The issue is not whether these organisations are undertaking charitable work, but if they are doing so to promote separatist and non-secular ideals. Param Vaibhav Ke Path Par (On The Road To Great Glory) written by Sadanand Damodar Sapre, and published in 1997 by Suruchi Prakashan, Jhandewalan, New Delhi, the central publication house of the RSS, lists the 40+ organisations maintained by the RSS in India for its multivariate programs.
In addition, VHP and other Parivar outfits target the communalisation of education through the “Vanavasi Kalyan Ashram” and “Ekal Vidyalas” (schools). One strategy is to Hinduise adivasi communities, exploit divisions among the marginalised, and indoctrinate the youth, in order to both turn them against one another and use them as foot soldiers in the larger cause of religious nationalism. Such inculcation has had serious repercussions in Gujarat this year where tribals were manipulated into attacking Muslims during the carnage in February and March. While Hindu fundamentalists do not have a monopoly on religious intolerance in India, their actions are holding the country hostage. Well organised, wide spread and acting in the name of the majority religion in India, Hindu extremism is positioned to silence diversity through force and terror, the rhetoric of Hindu supremacy, and the positioning of minority groups as depraved enemies who must be punished.
Indians at home and abroad must oppose the deep infiltration of the Hindutva brigade into the press, as well as the political, military, bureaucratic, civic, business, educational, law and order institutions of India. Such infiltration is creating a nation where the constitution is violated by religious fundamentalists, with such violation tolerated by the state. While the current government at the centre holds open and close links to organisations within the Sangh Parivar, citizens are assured that secularism and democracy are sacred and secure. In reality, the government's handling of communal violations and sanctioning of communalism jeopardises our capacity to function as a nation.
The VHP, in its meeting with Muslim leaders in New Delhi on July 15, 2002, stated that if Muslims agree to resettle Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir, Muslims in Gujarat would be rehabilitated. Hindus must understand that issues connected to the democratisation of Pakistan, ethical resolutions to Kashmir, or gender reforms within Islam are separate from India's commitment to upholding the rights of minorities or to reforms within Hinduism. Hindu extremism against Muslims and other minorities in India collapses distinctions that must be made to honour human rights in India. Also, Hindutva's discourse of history posits Hindus and Hinduism as under siege and preposterously asserts the idea of India as a Hindu nation. Such revisionist history strategically and hideously poses that a vengeful justice can be found for the crimes of history committed under non-Hindu rulers. Retribution is sought by attacking contemporary Indian Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and others.
Hinduism is critical to the fabric of India, as are all the other cultures and religions that inhabit this land and frame the imagination of this nation. It will require considerable effort on our part to conceive a secular nation where religion is indeed separate from the integrity of the state, where pluralism guarantees rights and respect to the religious and non-religious alike. Every Hindu and every citizen must denounce that to be Indian is to be Hindu, challenge assertions that a secular constitution is anti-Hindu, and refute the call for a Hindu nation in India as anti-national. Patriotism and nationalism demand that all social, political and religious groups work for an India free of disenfranchisement, institutionalised violence, corruption and rampant inequities. We cannot permit India's secular and democratic fabric to be irreparably compromised. The politics of segregation and hate cannot determine the century before us.
Angana Chatterji is a professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco.
@ Jay
the only answer is for you is Pakistan is a Muslim country and it is trying to achieve that, and India is a Kafir country which don't have religion importance on state level, for a Muslim he can't bound to one country Allah (SWT) made us to serve him not for ourselves and in Qur’an Allah said that he made everything for assistance of Muslim to ease him in his duties towards Allah (SWT) first to know who you are? What you have to do please read Qur’an with meaning I am not telling you to leave your religion just understand what Islam is saying my friend these days every one using Jihad = Terrorism but it is not true Jihad = Strive against evil, oppression, Nafs Jihad is not Holy war in Arabic Holy War has different terminology and which is not in the Qur’an!!! When we are comparing Pakistan and India we need see the size of India if you reduce that size to Pakistan's then where will India stands? After 50years of independence what is Pakistan and What India will be? Which is fighting in itself on the name of political parties, religions, states, poor and rich, cast system, factionalism, naxalism, Bribe, Corporate Scams (EX: Satyam) list will go on… at least in Pakistan we know we have one religion to follow which is true religion of almighty, evils are everywhere and Insha Allah Pakistan one day will definitely defeat it and become complete Islamic state where Allah and his Rasool will be first to follow, obey and subjugate.
Dear MM
Few Issues with your observation about "hindu extremism"
1. How many Hindu Fund Raising Organisations do you know of Worldwide?
2. Do you know How many Muslim Fund Raising Organisations are there world wide??
3. Do you know of any Hindu "terrorist" organisation that has done a mass terror activity (please do not include the communal clashes) i mean in terms of bomb blasts, hijacking airplanes, "halal" ing humans (Daniel Pearl)
4. How which hindu organisation has raised funds for purchasing arms to fight any other religious outfit?
5. About your observations that Hindus should not feel patriotic or they should not preach the religion, can you say the same for Pakistan? Can you remove Islam from the government of Pakistan or provide religious equality in Pakistan?
6. your so called, "Hindu Hardline" party has governed India for 5 yrs.. Did it mass murder the Musllims?
Mate come down to earth . . you seem to be in a delusional worl of your making . .
Muslim organisations have done criminal activities and mass murders, September 2001, Munich 1976, Bali Bombing, London Subway attack, Spanish Metro Attack . . How are you going to justify them . . .? Or do you think they were committed by Hindus and framed to Muslims???
Who says that India is a poor country?
— Revelation of Swiss bank accounts
Recently, due to international pressure, the Swiss government agreed to disclose the names of the account holders only if the respective governments formally asked for it. Indian government is not asking for the details…….any marks for guessing why?
We need to start a movement to pressurize the government to do so! This is perhaps the only way, and a golden opportunity, to expose the high and mighty and weed out corruption!
Please read on……and forward to all the honest Indians to… somebody is forwarding to you……..and build a ground-swell of support for action! Is India poor, who says? Ask the Swiss banks. With personal account deposit bank of $1,500 billion in foreign reserve which have been misappropriated, an amount 13 times larger than the country's foreign debt, one needs to rethink if India is a poor country?
DISHONEST INDUSTRIALISTS, scandalous politicians and corrupt IAS, IRS, IPS officers have deposited in foreign banks in their illegal personal accounts a sum of about $1500 billion, which have been misappropriated by them. This amount is about 13 times larger than the country's foreign debt. With this amount 45 crore poor people can get Rs 1, 00,000 each. This huge amount has been appropriated from the people of India by exploiting and betraying them. Once this huge amount of black money and property comes back to India, the entire foreign debt can be repaid in 24 hours. After paying the entire foreign debt, we will have surplus amount, almost 12 times larger than the foreign debt. If this surplus amount is invested in earning interest, the amount of interest will be more than the annual budget of the Central government. So even if all the taxes are abolished, then also the Central government will be able to maintain the country very comfortably. Some 80,000 people travel to Switzerland every year, of which 25,000 travel very frequently. 'Obviously, these people won't be tourists. They must be travelling there for some other reason,' believes an official involved in tracking illegal money. And, clearly, he isn't referring to the commerce ministry bureaucrats who've been flitting in and out of Geneva ever since the World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations went into a tailspin!
Just read the following details and note how these dishonest industrialists, scandalous politicians, corrupt officers, cricketers, film actors, illegal sex trade and protected wildlife operators, to name just a few, sucked this country's wealth and prosperity. This may be the picture of deposits in Swiss banks only. What about other international banks?
Black money in Swiss banks — Swiss Banking Association report, 2006 details bank deposits in the territory of Switzerland by nationals of following countries: 1/2
Country Deposits
India $1456 billion
Russia $470 billion
U.K. $390 billion
Ukraine $100 billion
Now do the math – India with $1,456 billion or $1.4 trillion has more money in Swiss banks than rest of the world combined. Public loot since 1947:
Can we bring back our money? It is one of the biggest loots witnessed by mankind — the loot of the Aam Aadmi (common man) since 1947, by his brethren occupying public office. It has been orchestrated by politicians, bureaucrats and some businessmen.
The list is almost all-encompassing. No wonder, everyone in India loots with impunity and without any fear.
What is even more depressing is that this ill-gotten wealth of ours has been stashed away abroad into secret bank accounts located in some of the world's best known tax havens. And to that extent the Indian economy has been stripped of its wealth. Ordinary Indians may not be exactly aware of how such secret accounts operate and what are the rules and regulations that go on to govern such tax havens.
However, one may well be aware of 'Swiss bank accounts,' the shorthand for murky dealings, secrecy and of course pilferage from developing countries into rich developed ones. In fact, some finance experts and economists believe tax havens to be a conspiracy of the western world against the poor countries. By allowing the proliferation of tax havens in the twentieth century, the western world explicitly encourages the movement of scarce capital from the developing countries to the rich. In March 2005, the Tax Justice Network (TJN) published a research finding demonstrating that $11.5 trillion of personal wealth was held offshore by rich individuals across the globe.
The findings estimated that a large proportion of this wealth was managed from some 70 tax havens. Further, augmenting these studies of TJN, Raymond Baker — in his widely celebrated book titled 'Capitalism's Achilles Heel: Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free Market System' — estimates that at least $5 trillion have been shifted out of poorer countries to the West since the mid-1970.
It is further estimated by experts that one per cent of the world's population holds more than 57 per cent of total global wealth, routing it invariably through these tax havens. How much of this is from India is anybody's guess.
What is to be noted here is that most of the wealth of Indians parked in these tax havens is illegitimate money acquired through corrupt means. Naturally, the secrecy associated with the bank accounts in such places is central to the issue, not their low tax rates as the term 'tax havens' suggests. Remember Bofors and how India could not trace the ultimate beneficiary of those transactions because of the secrecy associated with these bank accounts?
@ Jay
it seems you not read the article completely which written by your fellow Hindu not me and they given some answers to your questions!!!
you are doing like MM ALAM did in 1965.
very impressive.
Get your heads out of your asses. Pakistan's foreign reserves is 93.8% through US alms that Pakistan receives every year. GDP shamefully low. Unemployment at a peak. Stop chasing after political and religious rhetoric and wake up to what real prosperity is.
See through the fact that your leaders show you fake issues like India being an enemy only in order to hide real problems. Pakistan is full of bright youth that has ambition and grit but zero opportunity. Come and visit Mumbai/ Delhi/ Bangalore etc. You will know the difference – which is politics is politics. Leaders do what they were born to do. The intelligentsia and the working class gives a shit and only knows to work hard for self growth. It is this individual effort that collectively has made India an economic power. Off course we have problems…but at least we are on the right path to solve them.
sensible guy what you have told makes a lot sense to me ,but this people does not want to see anything beyond religion ,their leaders are taking a ride and people like zaid hamid want to increase their popularity and TRP because the teleshow is bread and butter form him ,
see the video of what paki school girls think about India and aso see the explanation given ,this is how your leaders and people like zaid are doing
Don't you think Indian Muslims have more religious as well as other freedoms than Muslims in Pakistan? It's a shame what Pakistan is doing to itself. Just after Independence, so called experts believed that Pakistan will be way ahead of India in terms of its economy. It seems Pakistanis have shot themselves with their own weapon. The sad Part is the true essence of ISLAM has been completely lost in this hatred of India and the West.
Dear MM
Looks like you have done a whole heap of research about Hindu religion and India. For argument sake, if I agree that India is a failed state with only corrupt politicians and disillusioned people . . What is the state of Pakistan? Utopia?? Have you not done any research about your own country . . before commenting about another country . .
Is there a country in the World there is no corruption. Does Saudi Arabia or Iran ruled by completely selfless, clear leadership?? What about all the CIA dollars sent to Pakistan? Are they Invested in people development activities?
Mate, one thing you guys in Pakistan dont understand is if America decides to desert you, you wont have any one to pay alms for your bowl . . and you cant buy ur AK47s for your beloved "freedom fighters" . . Tell me what have your freedom fighters achieved since 1947 . . apart from killing all the thousands of innocent people . . mostly Muslims…
Who did the terrorists(or in your words, freedom fighters) kill in the attack on the Srilankan Team . . . Muslim Pakistani Policemen . .
Its people like you who are corrupting the Pakistani people.
Did Allah ask you to make the whole world follow Islam?
Why cant you just let people follow whatever religion they want to follow? After all no one is stopping you from following your religion . . If you can have your beliefs and ideas . . So can the others as well . . .
My religion teaches me one thing. Its is called self contention. Unless you are contend with what you have your mind will never think clearly . .
Dear MM… your mind is full of jealousy, hatred, paranoia, and enmity based on your delusional belief.
First thing you need to do at this stage is . . read your Koran . . with a clear mind and conscience . . Second thing, look back at your country . . why it was founded, what happened when it was founded how it has progressed in the past 62yrs and what you have contributed to your country . . Try to think with a neutral, non judgmental conscience with literature from your own country as well as from writers from the western world and Indian authors.. Once you have read the arguments from all the sides, only then would you be in a position to make up your mind based on facts . .
Otherwise you are just going to be a one in the mob or a sheep in a heard . .
NB: for your info. Satyam is not dead . . it still supports the IT system of more than half of the fortune 500 companies around the world. At the moment it is being restructured. . Further atleast we have got some companies to even involve in malpractice . . Indian Tata's own Land Rover and Jaguar… Mittel steel is one of the biggest in the world . . I can give you an unending list of Indian success stories . .
you are doing like MM ALAM did in 1965.
very impressive
Who is MM ALAM . . what did he do?
Dear MM
"The freedom fighters have always restricted themselves inside or outside Kashmir."
What do u mean by that? "restricted inside or outside" what does it mean???? lol. Any idea what you are talking about???
MM ALAM was a jet fighter pilot.
who destroyed 6 indian jet fighters with in 3 minutes.
till now no other pilot could break this record.
Is that y India lost the war?
"MM ALAM was a jet fighter pilot.
who destroyed 6 indian jet fighters with in 3 minutes.
till now no other pilot could break this record."
jay-indian a very Impressive work but defently not like mm alam .thank you some of the information was new to me I did not know so many Facts.I am more proud to be a Indian.
Dear MM jay_indian as asked so many question on your economy ,your education you have just answered keeping Religion in mind .well lets say u r religion is the best(just for you people) then why u r leaders are going to places with begging bolw and asking for dont like american thats fine why the hell you are eating american bitten roti's ,you take money from them and u say you hate them ,is this showing u r faithfulness.your politician can not rule u r country and they want to help us .did u see the tight slap given by a Indian muslim to mush .ha ha ha it was very nice ,you people want to ignore it ignore it the world will not ignore are saying Islam is good the why kashmir muslims have a better GDP the pakistan occupied kashmir any answer other than "ISLAM IS GREAT" READ WHAT JAY-INDIAN AS WRITTEN AND ANSWER ,I AM VERY SURE THAT THIS TOPIC WILL BE CHANGED WITH SOME LINKS WHICH AS SOME PHOTOS OR NEGATIVE REPORT ABOUT INDIA.YOU CAN NOT HIDE BEHIND SHOWING INDIA IN A BAD LIGHT ,
the leaders you have elected ,may Allah be pleased with you,
musharuf came to India and he got a tight slap form a Indian muslim and that zardari is he fighting to remove terrorism or he is trying to remove democracy ,can any patriot Paki tell me what he is trying to do.
India and China had a war in 1962. China did fire the first shot, however it was because India provoked China with its "forward policy".
Pakistan hate India. They have different religions. And India wanted to take out Pakistan because "it was one country". There were Eastern Pakistan, and Western Pakistan. India already took out the smaller one with military forces decades ago.
Both case you can blame on the British.
It was the British colonized India, and when they left, they created two countries.
It was also the British, who tried to grab Tibetan land from China's Qing Dynasty. The British draw a line on the map and called it The McMahon Line, and they claim this line is the border between India and China…while this line actually went way into Chinese territory. Their goal was clear, since they were occupying India, any "India land" belonged to them. They tried to grab more land for themselves.
However, after the British left, the Indians tried to say that The McMahon Line was the real border between China and India…because they wanted more land for themselves too.
There was not a clear solution yet. And China intend to leave it as status quo since those areas were pretty remote. But Indians used "Forward Policy". They kept building more and more military outposts further and further into Chinese side of the border. So they could claim the land behind the posts as theirs. China warned them repeated with no effect. So China launched an attack to show India who is the boss. Mere 30,000 Chinese troops almost made India move their capital city.
Once China made the point, they sudden withdraw back to original positions and called for ceasefire. They quickly returned a couple thousand India POWs and all captured equipments.
After the Chinese easily defeated India, Pakistan saw a strong ally they could relay on for against India. And China also saw a counter force to the India in the region.
India, Pakistan: a comparison by DR. ISRAT HUSAIN
what are you trying to say ,what is the final CONCLUSION ,are you trying to tell that pakistan is better than India ?the world knows what is India and pak.
in your comparsion what you have posted see what he says .
(Most Recent Estimates)
Life Expectancy (in years)
Adult Literacy (in percent)
Female Literacy (in percent)
Gross Enrollment Ratio (combined – in percent)
Access to Health Services (in percent)
Daily Caloric Supply Per Capita 2,395 2,316
Underweight Children Under Five (in percent) 53.0 40.0
Infant Mortality (per ’000 births) 81.0 89.0
Total Fertility Rate 3.8 6.2
the other comparison is 10 years old ,have seen the recent once.
15 years is a lot of time go and see the latest comparison my friend.
here is a list of recent facts ,get your self updated
(1) Terrorist sponsoring Countries – Pakistan -# 1 in the world
(2) Most Dangerous Countries: Pakistan -# 2 in the world
(3) Failed Countries: Pakistan -# 9 in the world (Tied)
(4) Most Unstable Countries: Pakistan -# 3 in the world
(5) Most Distrusted Countries: Pakistan -# 4 in the world
(6) Most Dependant on Foreign Aid: Pakistn -# 5 in the world
NOTE: India did not make any of the above lists
(Sources: Asia Outline, World Forum,
(1) Economy(GDP): India – 3rd Largest in the world, Pak -#48
(2) Growth Rate: India – 2nd Fastest in the world, Pak -#53
(3) Foreign Investment: India – 2nd in the world, Pak -#89
(4) Foreign Reserves: India – 400 Billion, Pak – 14 Billion
(5) No. of Billionairs – India – 55, tied 2nd in the world , Pak – 0
(6) World Fortune 500 Companies: India – 28, Pak – 0
7) Market Cap: India – 1.7 Trillion, Pak – 45 Billion
note pakistan did not make any of the above list.
(Sources: IMF, CIA Factsheet & UN Reports)
have a look at this web site…
It as the list of countries according to the GDPs .from 1960 -2006 and India Is always ahead of your country ,I am not paki who will believe what ever people say ,like they believe zaid ,you can not fool a Indian.please have a on look the web site and then tell us.the world nows what is pak and what is India.
In case if we keep that pakistan as more gdp than India ,can you tell me which country is investing in u r country name the mnc,fortune 500 company?
(1) Terrorist sponsoring Countries – Pakistan -# 1 in the
(5) Most Distrusted Countries: Pakistan -# 4 in the world
laugh out loud
dear MM!
these facts were made in the mind of the greatest moron in the world.i call it jaram factory of facts.lolz
just avoid him
even if these 2 facts r made up, there is a possibility of it to be correct….and by mentionining only these 2 points u hav agreed to jairams other facts…dont u think even that is very shameful for u pakistanis….and dont u think u must stop comparing urselves with india as u guys stand nowhere……….
Stop this bullshit.
Live and let live
Can't the author get it in his mind??
So called non state actors are operating from your soil?
what has pakistan done to punish them?
Dawood ibrahim,Shakeel,Let Chief and all its members are free to do anything .
Forget Let,taliban is close to capturing full pakistan
so dont lecture us
Its all evident, that pakistan is mother of all problems
you all are migraine for the world
Pakistanis cant run their country
Hence u all should merge into india
and look upon india as an ideal nation in 21st century
"Just because BJP or Shiv Sinha is part of India ,or taken down Babri mosque we didnot think we should attack India."
which joker has written this ??
Does the writer not know that in retaliation hundreds of temples have been destroyed in Pakistan ? those were temples which were in daily use.
Babri Masjid has NEVER been used as a mosque(not even in British India) although that is no reason to break it.
Get over it pal ; One does not attack another country for what happens within that country ! An attack is a response to a hostile action as in 9/11 or similar.
This article is a sad joke at an intellectual analysis of geo-political realities post-26/11 . The utter ignorance of the author on almost every aspect of the event he is talking about is simply mind boggling! Not to mention, the poor justifications and sad dissembling about the perverse nature of the true criminals reeks of cognitive myopia at its finest.
Quite simply that author alludes that India is acting like a terrorist entity for merely showing "outrage" at an outrageous assault on its people ? Is that unreasonable ?? I would imagine any rational and sane person would agree that it is not. Apparently, this outrage is termed by the naive author as "jingoism" and "belligerence" which makes me wonder if the author even understands the meaning of those words? Also, add to this, the author is under the impression that the Indian government somehow tows the line of private media outlets !? Which is demonstrably false and not supported by any historical precedence. Further, the author goes on to incredulously state that the India government should focus on poverty and such rather than deal with the mortal threat of violence and extremism emanating through state collusion from Pakistan! An absurd assertion by someone who does not comprehend the gravity of the situation even to the slightest.
The author does not seem to comprehend that the Indian state and the Indian polity are not contingent on the vagaries of popular sentiment but rather on deliberate and concerted plan guided by self interest of the state as a whole. Unfortunate for the author, that India is not the banana republic he is used to! Moreover, the author fails to contend or even entertain the idea that the LET, a state sponsored entity, is tantamount to an attack on a sovereign nation through an agency of his state and thus a veiled act of war ? Is the author really so daft as to not realize this understanding amongst the Indian citizenry ?
Lastly, the author states that India plans to respond "like United States " which also responded to a dastardly terrorist attack from craven and depraved individuals following Islam. Isnt that exactly what India faced on 26/11 ? The author then presents some warped understanding about India's poor vis a vis the "urban elite" and goes on to assert that a confrontation with Pakistan would hurt them!
Apparently, the author fails to mention that it is the very same "poor" who will remain poor should terrorists from the swamp of his nation continue to hamper the growth of India and spread instability through terrorist attacks. Moreover, the entire "Article" sounds like a craven mea culpa and an attempt at obfuscating the one fact he always fails to mention, that the LeT, the agents of the Pakistani state who have are the ones actually conducting a "war" and have killed many more people for a longer period than any war with pakistan would take.
This article is yet another pathetic attempt by a myopic and addled Pakistani who fancies himself an intellectual to distance himself from the stark reality that his state and his fellow citizens in collusion with various agencies in his state are indeed responsible for bloody and vicious attacks on innocent civilians and his fellow citizen is now on trial for crimes against the people of India and waging war against the Indian state.
Sir, I am an Indian but I found your article to be a truly insightful and interesting read, surprisingly free of malice.
Please keep writing and posting ! I will look out for you !
PS: Adab means both "literature" and "good manners". I find both present in you.
pakistan ko pata hai ki wo kabhi bharat se zyaada tarakki nahi kar sakta,isliye pakistan ki yeh strategy hai ki bharat me ghuspaith karke bharat ki economy growth per asar dale….magar pakistan ko nahi pata ki vo chahe kuch bhi karle,bharat ka vo kuch nahi bigaad sakta.
pakistan sab atankwadio ka birthplace hai….magar ab uske paale hue atankwadi usi ko nuksaan pahuchaarahe hai to pak is baat ka faayda utha raha hai or bol raha hai ki yeh sab bharat karwa raha hai….
duniya jaanti hai ki bharat ne kabhi kahi per bhi atank nahi phailaya hai..bharat atank ke khilaf hai….
pakistan itna garib hai ki har saal US se karodo dollar leta hai..magar india ki economy pakistan se lakho guna acchhi hai….yahi baat pak se bardaasht nahi ho rahi hai ki unki economy india se itni kam kyu hai….bharat ki economy pak se acchhi hai,yeh issi baat se pata chal jata hai ki bharat US se ek paisa bhi nahi leta..
bharat aaj jo hai,apne dum pe hai..taliban pakistan ke shahro pe kabza kar raha hai aur pak govt. kuch nahi kar paa rahi hai..pak ne mumbai me attacks karwaye hai..
ek din aayega jab pakistan ki jagah taliban hoga duniya ke nakshe bharat hi taliban ka khatma karega..
kitne paki bharat aakar apna ghar chalate hai..pak ke singers,comedians bharat aakar apna pet paalte hai,phir bhi pak ko sharm nahi aati….taras aata hai pak per……..
@ mataji u r really patriotic but use a standard language which at least can be understood.Blaming each other is not a solution for peace and economic development we have to maintain peace. The think i never understand is that why anything that happens in India is linked to ISI. When the samjhota Express incident occoured u blamed ISI when the mumbai incident occured it was again the ISI. Solve the core issue Kashmir thecause of LT and other organisations. If u ask to ban LT and HM then please ban shevsena and try bajarangi in court and then point fingers.
Now as the congress has came to power we should again start a peace process. It is very important for both of us, for the region and the world. War is not an option for both of us both of us have nukes and once a war starts there are no limitations so we in our peoples greater interest and move on.
pakis u all piss off………but remember whenever u don`t have food to eat and cloths to wear come to us……….we will give your sisters and ur mothers something real ….
i`m thinking that they have bored of getting in that bloody cuted penis………send them us india we will provide them a non-damaged one………..
hamen aik ghtiya hamsaya mila india shuru se hi.
India and Israel are halluci-Nations……
This post was written by a moron in the heat of aftermath of Mumbai. What a load of crap! I hope this guy has changed his mind. I thought the theme of this article was terror attack on India and the response of the Indian govt. This guy goes to defense spending,India's relation with Bangladesh,China,etc.. What was the need and is it relevant to the topic?? He says India has a identity crisis too! Seriously! He's from a country which loves Indian Cinemas and TV shows and is largely influence by its culture. He,more than anyone, coming from Pakistan, should know that India has its own Identity. God! Now I am pissed that I spent my time reading this article!
Oh my God! What a load of BS is this. I think people in Pakistan are so out of touch in this day and age that they don't see things like EVERYONE else in the entire world, including their allies China and Saudi Arabia. Pakistan has a rent an army, rent a state, rent a constitution kind of a system. NO COUNTRY has ever pounded its own citizens with tanks, fighter jets and a fully loaded army the way Pakistan has done in SWAT. At the behest of the USA and UK. And they have the cheek to tell India and the rest of the world to behave themselves. its American and British aid that's literally feeding bankrupt Pakistan. Wake up to reality, your leaders have , when they turn their guns on its own people in SWAT or rent its army to kill its former allies.
Dude, look at your country. We have got our revenge without even seeking it. 2 days ago 33 people died. 2 weeks ago there was an attack. 170 people were killed in Mumbai. How many have been killed by your guys since Mumbai? Certainly,more than 170. You started playing with fire in Afghanistan and Kashmir and you were bound to get burnt by that fire sometime.. That exactly has what happened.. We will just watch as NWFP,FATA and Balochistan will implode. You say we interfere in Balochistan but nobody believes apart from your Urdu press. Go tell that to Richard Hollbroke,the guy who currently has unlimited powers in Pakistan,that India is interfering in Balochistan. He'll say,"shut the FUCK UP!". Unlike you we only want to steal american Jobs and get their investment in our country. We dont want their aid which will eventually get exhausted. Jobs and investment stay forever.
You have no idea how much economy is dependent on the US's. In time you will learn. As US will grow closer to India(natural allies), we will ultimately control the US's Pakistani Policy. See what we are doing??
No terror attacks have taken place since mumbai-not a soul killed. Count the number of attacks in your country. What about the number killed??? Its HUGE! Revenge is sweet,especially if your enemy alone is responsible for its own misery.. 🙂
Good luck man, I heard Baitullah is replaced by a even more ruthless fine young Muslim.. 🙂 Watch out for a suicide bomber,dude. He might put an RDX up your ass! 😛
@ ProudPaki
Hey you all be afraid of Allah.
Listen what Muhammad(be peace upon him) said, and all your problems will be solved. Click this link-
to all of ye pakis, don't waste time on this forum. you should be helping zardari collect his 50/100 billion dollars donation he has been desperately looking for. the chinks and the saudi camels have said no. so god damn it ….. oooooops allah damn it 🙂 pick up your beggin' bowls and make the paki nation proud!
@Kelly Sheehy ,
Seriously??? This blog? Anyway good luck..
I think its really unfortunate for india to have a neighbor like pakistan (A failed Nation)
jai shree ram !
u muslims are all cockroaches of this world.
u keep spreading hate feelings all over weather its kashmir, bosnia, israel, US or anywhere in the world.
what u need is an open minded religion or else islam would become a cause for your own destruction.
Indians run ! LET is going to be here soon lol
Cannot wait to see Dehli and indian nuclear assets episode ! hahaha