Geert Wilders to be charged for anti-Islamic statements

Geert Wilders the Dutch Politician FITNA movieMany may recall the infamous Dutch right-wing parliamentarian Geert Wilder who had produced a movie called FITNA a year or so back where he had degraded the Holy Koran calling it a fascist book and even compared it to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.

BBC has just reported that a Dutch court has ordered prosecutors to put a right-wing politician on trial for making anti-Islamic statements. The court outlined that hate speech is considered so serious that it is in the general interest to draw a clear line

BBC: “The Amsterdam appeals court has ordered the prosecution of member of parliament Geert Wilders for inciting hatred and discrimination, based on comments by him in various media on Muslims and their beliefs,” the court said in a statement. “The court also considers appropriate criminal prosecution for insulting Muslim worshippers because of comparisons between Islam and Nazism made by Wilders,” it added.

This Anti-Islamic controversial video had created an uproar in early 2008 when it was first released by Geert Wilders, the problems arose almost immediately a day after it was posted on Live Leak, where the host deleted the video from it servers, Geert then uploaded it on Youtube, which lead to a blanket censorship by the Government of Pakistan blocking the YouTube video in Pakistan. But quite by accident this censorship accidentally got uploaded onto global network routers resulting in a massive 2-hour network outage of servers across the world, leading Pakistan Telecommunication Authorities to some heartfelt embarrassing apologies to tender.

It was also fun to note that despite all the hype surrounding the video, Geert Wilders was forced to edit certain sections of his video due to copyright infringements as he had utilized certain cartoons from a certain danish cartoonist without permission.

This was soon followed by tremendous pressure from Dutch businessmen, threatening to sue his as his fitna video damaged the Dutch name and repercussions will impact their global business interests

“If they (Muslims) decide to boycott Dutch businesses, it will harm Dutch exports,” Bernard Wientjes, the chairman of the Dutch employers’ organization “Companies like Shell, Philips and Unilever are easily recognizable as Dutch companies.”

To now watch Geert Wilders face court charges …… we all anxiously await the courts decision



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72 responses to “Geert Wilders to be charged for anti-Islamic statements”

  1. Joe Shmoe Avatar
    Joe Shmoe

    thats nasty

  2. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    comparisons between Islam and Nazism made by Wilders,”
    Seeing latest episode of Ghaza I cannot decide which was horific,What Germans did or what Israel did?
    Appauling,sickneing,horrific and nausiating.
    Good to see Europe is separating itself from both acts.

  3. rabia Avatar

    “Seeing latest episode of Ghaza I cannot decide which was horific,What Germans did or what Israel did?”

    If you said that in the Netherlands, would you agree that you should be put on trial for hate speech?

  4. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    nothing but face saving measure.for those who know the dutch society know that fact.

    @farrah k raja!
    welcome back 🙂

  5. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    this was just a face saving measure,people who know about dutch society can easily realize that.

    @farrah k raja!
    welcome back.
    were you ok?

  6. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ his pic reminds me of a gross swine with

    fake blond hair Hijrah. in his young age

    geerti’s girlfriend eloped with a morrocan,

    who nicked her right next door, he never forgave

    this to Islam !!

  7. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    My remarks above are on extremely sensitive matter.Please note I have not made anti semantic remark.I have commented on the crimes two countries comitted.I am not targetting religion.

  8. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Thanks.I am fine.Just could not understand the suggession that instead of posting comments everyone should have their own blog.

  9. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    “If you said that in the Netherlands, would you agree that you should be put on trial for hate speech?”
    No .My statement is humanitarian and it stands for both the victimisation of Jews by Germans and now of Palestenians by Israel.
    What Dutch film makers and cartoon drawings did was delibrate act of provoking anger among Muslims.When we want to criticise,or question things there are better ways of doing it.

  10. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    no matter how horrible and appaling crime israel committed people should not protest against that by any mean not even verbal condemnation.
    because @rabia and other zionist consider this act as a antisemitism…..lolzzz
    who are you people?

  11. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Dr Jawwad
    Recently I am taken aback just within past two months I have seen remarkable programmes on BBC channels everything regarding Alhamra,Codoba,Al Andalus,to Mercahnts at Venice and Muslims Scientists like Ibn-e-Hathim and muslim influence on Spain,Italy,Reniasance ,Crusades and that Religion is continueation of same religion from Abraham to Moses and to Jesus and than how Grand Muslims were.
    I am glad at this re-discovery but I am shocked,why Europe would like to honour Muslims or recognise Muslims as a Glorious Nation.
    After Centuries of bloodshed and exploitation ….there is twist in the tale…I am just wondering why?

  12. Give me a break Avatar
    Give me a break

    Please sign the petition to cancel prosecution against Geert Wilders.

  13. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    this is the one of the greatest achivements of zionists.
    they not only erased the hatred from the hearts and minds of christians but also turned them against the muslims.
    no wonder why the free society like america can not make any criscism against barbaric acts of israeli forces.

  14. barristerakc Avatar

    LOL, Great DP, Awab – suits him.Finally, something is being done. I have to agree with Dr.Jawaad that it’s only an eye-wash and the Dutch is taking on Geert after 2-3 years because of EU and that too because of a recent deal between EU , Morocco, Algeria and other African countries where EU was called to act or they will not co-operate.

    I do not know if anyone recognize that, the damage has already been done by the likes of Geert Wilders whereas, the Dutch Government along with Sweden and Denmark has “tightened there immigration policies” and I hear serious stories of institutional discrimination towards our Muslim brothers there. A

    t a same time, there’s a huge migration of Dutch Muslims especially Kurdish, Somalians, Moroccans and Algerians to England & France.

    But we have to understand Dutch Society and how this Islamophobia all begin. it really started with the murder of Van Gogh’s who was a film maker . But for whatever reasons credit should be given to the Dutch for not voting this guy’s Freedom something Party in – elections. I remember him making a fool out of himself at BBC’s Hardtalk?

  15. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Do you know what the bloody film was about?Where do you see that happening?Instead of trying to understand West we have to understand ourself.
    West are mature and beyond contradiction for they have renounced religion and morality.It is Muslims and East which has the conflicts.Are these conflicts genuine or are these propogated or thrown at us?

  16. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @ Rabia,

    how can you say that what you have said in your
    remarks earlier, can you quote the Dutch law on the
    subject, which can be contested in EU as well as
    International court of justice.
    Was Genghiz Khan worst than Hitler and what has
    happened in Gaza is not to be compared with Nazis ?

    please eleborate ?

  17. shy-guy Avatar

    We cannot do anything to blasphemous person because we too are hypocrites to our religion and its rules.
    We’re part of totalitarian tyranny world which holds extensive hatred towards Monotheism/Mohammad.
    do you remember Sabbatai Zevi? Proclaimed messiah whom converted to Islam during Ottaman Sultan rein.
    He was pretended to be Muslim rather he subverted Muslims and Islam since converso. My point is that these bastards heretical cult should kill on the spot rather converting ’em to Islam.
    A Chicago-area scholar, Christopher Jon Bjerknes exposing Sabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank satanism please read its an extensive material.pdf but read it, will lead you toward an eye opening truth.

  18. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    We cannot do anything to blasphemous person because we too are hypocrites to our religion and its rules.
    No we are not hypocrates,neither are Christians nor are Jews.Political hijacking and murder in the name of religion debate put it on one side and see Jew,Christian and Islam,preists and religious institutions are rediculed and mocked at.
    Muhammdans so far have not accepted this redicule,we protest,we get angry and it is beyond understanding of Christians why we react in this manner because religion for them has long been a good source of humour.
    I am surprised though Christians in Pakistan have same respect for their Church as we have for our religion.

  19. AH Avatar

    Can a society call itself free if it arrests people for expressing their opinion?

  20. rabia Avatar

    My remarks above are on extremely sensitive matter.Please note I have not made anti semantic remark.I have commented on the crimes two countries comitted.I am not targetting religion.”

    Farrah, maybe Geert Wilders thinks that his remarks are on a sensitive matter too. In any case, since I live in the US and the free speech laws here are much more permissive, I don’t understand why anyone should be prosecuted for saying anything about anything be it a religion, or a country.

    Europeans have different ideas about free speech, but I think that the US laws make much more sense. Just like I feel like you shoud be free to compare Israel to the Nazis, or to criticize hinduism (as most Pakistanis do in the most offensive of ways), I don’t understand why a European, in Europe, should not have the right to criticize Islam however harshly he wants to.

  21. rabia Avatar

    anyway, just in case I didn’t make myself clear, I have no problem with you criticizing israel. I just don’t understand why you support someone being prosecuted for criticizing Islam.

  22. Syed Avatar

    This idiot has become daring because of the weaknes of the Muslims. Allah SWT Himself Will punish him not only in this world but in the Hereafter as well.

  23. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    what if i pass the sickest remarks against your family, will you defend my right of expressing the opinion?
    yes i have a right to pee. but what if i go to the vatican city and pee on the face of the pop?

    it is not an islamophobia it is hatred against islam and muslims. the rest of europe after world war 2(Almighty bless the soul of the great hitler)some how managed to lower this hatred and became more concerned about peace and equality which was not the case of netherland.they kept their hatred intact (in a civilized way ofcourse)
    dutch traditionaly was known in europe as a “slaves of jews”
    in shahab nama mr qudrat ullah shahab wrote that at the time of registration of the new born baby, when they asked about the religion,many parents say it is upto my child he can chose any religion when he grow up except islam.

  24. barristerakc Avatar

    I have friends telling me that another politician is charged against making a dagnatory comment against Islam in Australia.


    As for your question about Fitna, I know about the movie although I will come short of saying that I had seen the movie. I also remember a girl of Somalian-Origin who left Islam modeled for fitna (I think she’s a Dutch legislator now).

    Farah, as you have mentioned rightly and I have always maintained that there needs to be a serious process of introspection within the Muslim World and the process has already started with writers like Tarek Fatah and Fatima Hussain coming out from Toronto and London areas although we are short of Arab writers. I do not buy the “conflict of civilization” theory at all since the world has moved on and is a more integrated then ever before.

    Your assertion Madam that West has moved on and let me quote you, “renounced religion and morality is somewhat true but the word “renounce” is in bad taste. West needs a definition to start with, “to me West is not only Western Europe and America alone but geographically, West is the North America, Western Europe, Australia, Japan and even South Korea but let’s not clamp down and restrict West geographically; it’s the “Western Approach” we should we really capitalizing upon. Now lets not forget that most if not all of the “upper-middle classes” especially and “middle classes” think in Western terms and notions around the world so although they are not geographically “in” one of those conventional countries which are “Western” but they have a pretty western approach.

    So a person in Karachi, Bangalore, Shanghai, Harare, and Kiev may not be geographically located in what we call “West” but with the approach he or she respectively could be branded as a westerner. Let’s not also forget we live in a free-market (capitalist) societies which is prorably, West’s biggest export apart from Democracy.

    And now to the notion that West have discarded religion and morality. Do you know that there have been serious voices in EU that it should be a “Christian Bloc” instead of a secular one.. Anyhow, you need to know about the history and disputes between the “Church & the State”. The gradual separation between the two (Chruch & State) especially in England and later on during the French Revolution which later spread to most of the European countries is good reading.

    Now religion rightly is considered as a private business by West and prorably that’s why they have prospered and as far as “morality” is concerned, I think West is way better then my country, Pakistan or Saudia Arabia or Thailand because there’s a sense of justice in those societies established although they are hypocrites (the nations) for practicing fair play in there societies and practicing just the opposite in other(s) but that’s understandable in International Politics”.

  25. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    “prosecuted for criticizing Islam “.Islam is open to discussion ,Quran is open to different interpretations.
    It is not criticising Islam ,it is humiliating,misrepresenting and making it a dogmatic religion whose followers are ignorants,barbaric and idiots.
    That was the message of the film.
    This message means we need civilisation to be taught to us.I do not accept this .During the Dark ages,when America was not discovered yet ,Muslims had best libraries,and Monuemental Science ,art and architecture ,around Europe,Arab and Asia.
    How can anyone blame such a religion a barbaric one.This is my faith ,this is my identity and no I do not allow anyone to mis represent it.It means they are mis interpretting me.

  26. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Dr Jawwad
    Shahab Nama is such a good read.I need to read it again though.Also Mustansar Tarrar.

  27. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Also Europe has this sensitivity regarding semantic religion because Europe has ,butchered Jews through out Europe and they handed over Jews from around Europe to Germans.
    It is definitely a matter of high sensitivity,not only for Jews living in Europe but for Muslims & Christians in Europe too.
    USA can be more free maybe because it is sitting so far from Europe,East and Arab world but still cannot keep its hands off.

  28. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Can a society call itself free if it arrests people for expressing their opinion?

    What a great question,so walking nude in the streets is the greatest expression of self as per some.Also devil worshipping and sucking blood from cutts is also some sort of expression?
    Where would you draw the line?The question is if we do not draw a line where will it lead us?

  29. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Extremely interesting the people who are defending freedom of expression are forgetting the right of protest ,strange why Mulsims should not protest if they find something grotesque and offensive.

  30. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    you said in your comment of 22 jan09 @6.07 am

    ” if you said that in the Netherlands could you agree
    that you should be put on trial for hate speech ”

    what have you tried to compare there ?
    inciting killings among communities ?
    inciting hatred among communities ?

    If comparing gaza’s Genocide with Nazi’s holocaust?
    then its not inciting or a hate speech !
    e.g. the two million Rwandais genocided, what would you
    call it ? that was incited, and eventually perpetrated
    calling on radio and organising it.
    11.000 Bosnian muslims gencided in Srebrenica, what was
    it ? Bosnians declare and claimed it, UNO approved that
    it was a genocide ?

    Now, Farrah Raja observed like me and others the
    ” seeing latest episode of Gaza, I cannot decide which
    was horrific ? what Germans did or what Israel did ”

    now your reply to Farrah was either stupid or you
    yourself judged in your own way, but nothing to do
    with the legislation, or in any defiance of right of
    expression, apart from the legislations concerning
    anti-semitism and revisionism, in what way or law
    Geert Wilder will seek protection and immunity ?

    His case is pure Islamophobia, and Europe has not
    yet established any rigourous legislation, but he has
    incited openly against a community, to hate them, and
    eliminate them, and he compared Islam with Nazism,
    Europe is not yet quite free to have all the rights
    equal for everyone ?

  31. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    you don’t know what are you talking about !
    a society which does’nt respect obligatorily
    its citizen’s right to respect and equal treatment,&
    when a political party’s mandate incites hatred and
    aparthiede for any community or religion, simply
    means that the institutions of that country are
    certainly not respecting Human rights and are in
    serious degradation towards totalitarianism, and are
    less than a well organized brothel !
    (see the case of South Africa’s aparthied against its
    own indigenous population )no wonder Gerrty has
    Afrikaan’s genetics!!

  32. Rabia Avatar

    “Extremely interesting the people who are defending freedom of expression are forgetting the right of protest ,strange why Mulsims should not protest if they find something grotesque and offensive.”

    When did I say that you should not protest about whatever you want? I clearly stated that you should be able to protest about whatever you want and so should Geert Wilders (about Islam). What is your problem with that? The rest of your comments are too emotional to respond to.

  33. Rabia Avatar

    Asad Ali,
    Show me an example where Geert Wilders has openly and directly incited violence against Muslims.

  34. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @farrah k raja!
    good to know that inspite living in london you still have a taste for urdu literature. if you want to study the best literature in urdu i suggest the name of MUMTAZ MUFTI. for me he is the best along with qudrat ullah shahab, ashfaque ahmed and bano qudsiyah.these personalities left unbelieveable effects on the hearts and mind of many pakistanis.

  35. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar


    “mil gaey pasban sanam khaney ko kabey se”lolzzzz again

  36. barristerakc Avatar


    I support Greet on his opposition to political Islam which is prorably more dangerous then HIV but lets not forget about Greet(s) real agenda which is sending all immigrants and that too Muslims immigrants back which is creating a backlash in Dutch Society.

  37. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Dr Jawwad
    Of course I have read them deeply.Personally my observation is Qudarat Ullah Shahab is the best in this group.Mumtaz Mufti second best but Ashfaq and Mufti were deeply influenced by Shahab.Shahab was original in practice rest followed his inspiration,Islam.Bano surpasses all of them because of her deep analysis of Pakistan society and norms.

  38. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali


    of course he wants all out of Netherlands,and Europe !

    you said you live in States, I undestand, you don’t know
    the European legislations, some of the countries of EU
    heavily influenced by zionism have passed some
    legislations which are corrupt and not equal e.g.
    the so called genocide of Armenians in French legislation
    is purely a maneuverings from Armenian diaspora, just
    like Israeli initiative against anit-semitism and
    revisionism. We try to ask the French legislature to
    pronounce two millions of Algerians were genocided by
    France, but they don’t want,
    now if Algerian parliament pronounces
    which will be genuine and authentic with debate and
    proof, that two million of Algirians were genocided by
    France, there will be an earth quake, but they are
    prevented to do so, although, its there right !

    Rabia, sounds like Pakistani muslimah ?

  39. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    the curse of the modern civilization upon the humanity is that the wishes and temptations became the god for human beings.mulims or non muslims and because of that many of us do not want to control the animal inside and sacriligiouly condemn any effort to bound by shariah.

    @farrah k raja!
    truely qudrat ullah shahab was a great writer bano qudsia has a deep analysis especially for the society and man and her theory that haram goes in the genes of human being and ashfaq ahmed has distingushed ability of characterization but what amazed me the most about mumtaz mufti is the total truth and amazing amazing and amazing depriciation of intellectual self from his writing and his emotional behaviours.i truely love this man.
    do read his “labbek”, “ali poor ka aeli” and “ali aur alkh nagree” you will realize how great writer he was.
    i have read his books so many times and every time i discover a new experience of life.

  40. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    “Labbek” of course I have read that but it seems I need to re-read .Ali Poor Ka Aeli is best seller.Once I visited Sang-e-meel and they were just re-printing and re-printing
    and the demand was still up.

  41. barristerakc Avatar

    @David Mate,
    Political Islam is the biggest threat to “world peace” because it gives other(s) the pretext to invade and conquer . Moreover, I believe that a combo of any religion and politics results in hatred and war .I will stop there. Hamas is as much to blame as Israel without a doubt. The Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese, Saudi(s) tend to agree with this assertion. Al-Jazeera on record gave out a very dispassionate analysis of Hamas actually giving the innocent of GAZA to Israelis on a plate .Israel is not that innocent and should not be taken over by religiously motivated folks. After all eventually people like Ariel Sharon who were hardcore to start with realized that “talks and two-state solution” is the only solution. Unfortunately, he died or I am sure, he would have made it happen.

    Awab, Lets not forget interestingly most of the Baloch Leaders (excluding Nationalists); I am talking about the current PPP and PML-Q lot still support’s Mushraff. Now obviously, there had been foreign interference especially from IRAN in Balochistan. Let’s atleast give credit to PPP for restoring some sort of confidence in Balochistan.

  42. Asad Ali Avatar
    Asad Ali

    @Farrah dear,

    you said on 22nd jan @8.01 pm in reply to

    ” west are mature & beyond contradiction
    for they have renounced religion & morality”

    I wonder how barrister felt after receiving such
    compliments, or was it a slap on his face, if
    barrister and his Mongols became already
    ‘mature and beyond condradiction’ in the mean time !

  43. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Renouncing God and Morality does not mean it does not exist,this is dilemma of AKC.
    Problem is he has no other values to replace it with.So instead of moving on he keeps rejecting them.

  44. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    @farrah k raja!
    quite right!
    but i wonder this whole process of rejection can not be unintentional and i don’t see any intellectual upbringing behind paki perverted secularism except a intese desire for “nanga nach”. there must be purpose or motives behind a aberration from secularism itself.

  45. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Dr Jawwad
    motives behind a aberration from secularism itself.
    I do not know about rest of Europe but English at least have given up morality and religion because of reasoning.Majorly because of Darwin .When a human being decides he is independent or free of GOD he does not need morality.Also they have seen splits in religion and murder in wars because they have caused many around the world.It is natural to grow above it.
    They have replaced it with ,”SELF or Human Being ” general rules of living in a society with Do and Don’t.
    What ever suits me is fine as long as I am not a cause of concern or nuisance to others.
    To be honest I like this freedom.It is the same principal by which Sufi’s live.

  46. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    ” To be honest I like this freedom.”
    This freedom is to live for personal dreams.Like I want to teach at Gaza I pack my bag and end up there.Like I want to save some rare specie of some fish at Atlantic I will live for it.This freedom is to live by what you believe in truely.
    Many just dream of a high fly job,fast cars,credit cards and often become a victim of cocktail of celebration of drugs and alcohal.

  47. dr.jawwadkhan Avatar

    what i want to ask that no matter what, secularism is not exactly the same in every country.secularism in india is quite different from secularism in usa,england or france.
    every where secularism evolves from the society it self.
    sets it’s own standard and develop its own methodology which is never anti easier words we can say that secularism brought many good things tolerance,dialogue,
    respect for human life(at least they claim so)along with many bad thing.
    what surprise me most about the paki secular fascism.
    it’s emergence in recent years and it’s violent and hatefull attitude against religion is beyond my comprehension.

  48. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    Pakistanis are not Secular nor Humanitarian neither is India nor is Bangla desh.I have thought on this whole scenario East is too conservative and because we were freed from colonisation only in past century soon after that Iran ,Pakistan faced American invasion,separation of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in terms of Indian agression .Cold war of Russia with US its affects on China,as a result whole of Asia became more enclosed,insecure and dogmatic in terms of religion,social and cultural values.
    Unless Kashmir is resolved ,US moves out of region and India stops aggressive attitude towards China and Pakistan ,Nations would remain as they are.
    Revolution of Iran saved it but in Pakistan we have romance between Saudia and West ,we would stick to that.
    In Pakistan you will find different NGO and groups,they do follow Marxism,Democracy ,Human rights ,rich class follows Capitalism and than we are all Muslims ,in all this amalgum it is hard to find Secularism.These people are not able to practice secularism or Democracy and that is the biggest handicap.It was my biggest handicap too.

  49. farrah k raja Avatar
    farrah k raja

    So basically you are right it has to develop from within people.We need democracy with Islam.What people do not realise is it is a thing to live and practice.They think these are ideas , they discuss and debate and feel proud they are democratic or liberals.