Islamabad Observer shares an article by Usman Khalid, a retired Brigadier of the Pakistan Army and the Director of the London Institute of South Asia. Never in the history of any country, its government has so consistently acted against the national interest as the Zardari Administration while the MQM in tandemn with Asif Zardari’s PPP are playing poker with all their cards on the table. Zardari presides over a coalition comprising political parties that oppose Pakistan. Under his leadership, the PPP has also become an anti-Pakistan Party – read the entire article here
MQM Scheme for the Breakup of Pakistan
212 responses to “MQM Scheme for the Breakup of Pakistan”
traitors… the whole bunch.
… and you're going to take the word of a retired Brigadier–aur wo bhi Farangi Think Tank-wala–over a fellow Karachiite? Where's your loyalty to your matti, hainjee?
Traitors need to kicked out of Pakistan. Be it MQM or AZ.
@ iFaqeer,
Does a retired major somehow become a lesser Pakistani than a Karachiite?
Only unanimously agreed document that we can refer to is 1973 Constitution. It is mentioned therein that Pakistan is a "Federation". Brigadier Sahib should look into the meaning of the word 'federation' first.
I quote below the rights of the provinces under 1973 Constitution.
Part V
Relations Between Federation and Provinces
141. Extent of Federal and Provincial laws.
Subject to the Constitution, [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] may make laws (including laws having extra-territorial operation ) for the whole or any part of Pakistan, and a Provincial Assembly may make laws for the Province or any part thereof.
142. Subject-matter of Federal and Provincial laws.
Subject to the Constitution-
(a) [144] [Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall have exclusive power to make laws with respect to any matter in the Federal Legislative List;
(b) [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)], and a Provincial Assembly also, shall have power to make laws with respect to any matter in the Concurrent Legislative List;
(c)A Provincial Assembly shall, and [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall not, have power to make laws with respect to any matter not enumerated in either the Federal Legislative List or the Concurrent Legislative List; and
(d) [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] shall have exclusive power to make laws with respect to matters not enumerated in either of the Lists for such areas in the Federation as are not included in any Province.
143.Inconsistency between Federal and Provincial laws.
If any provision of an Act of a Provincial Assembly is repugnant to any provision of an Act of [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] which [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] is competent to enact, or to any provision of any existing law with respect to any of the matters enumerated in the Concurrent Legislative List, then the Act of [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)], whether passed before or after the Act of the Provincial Assembly, or, as the case may be, the existing law, shall prevail and the Act of the Provincial Assembly shall, to the extent of the repugnancy, be void.
144.Power of [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] to legislate for two or more Provinces by consent.
(1) If two or more Provincial Assemblies pass resolutions to the effect that [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] may by law regulate any matter not enumerated in either List in the Fourth Schedule, it shall be lawful for [144][Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] to pass an Act for regulating that matter accordingly, but any act so passed may, as respects any Province to which it applies, be amended or repealed by Act of the Assembly of that Province.
If we are sincere about democracy, it has to start at grass roots level. Villages, Tehsils and Towns to have their own elected councils making decisions on the local issues. Provinces to have their assemblies as the next tier of legislature followed by the National Parliament to legislate about national, inter-provincial and international matters. How will this cause a break up?
The article is written to propagate a very biased agenda. It is a misconception that giving more power to the provinces will cause Pakistan to break up. There are more chances of Pakistan breaking up if the Federal unit’s grievances are left unresolved as happened in East Pakistan
@ Rockfilla
The purpose of not giving Provincial autonomy to the smaller provinces is to maintain the Baladasti of Punjab and Punjabi Establishment and to run Pakistan and provinces like punjabi colonies.
there is no harm in giving provincial autonomy to smaller provinces as it is promised in 1940 Lahore resolution and in 1973 constitution as well.
By not giving the Provincial Autonomy Pakistan is fast running towards disaster as the people of Sindh Pakhtoonkha and Balochistan are frustrated from Punjab and Punjabi Baladasti and will result something more drastic then 1971
and you’re going to take the word of a retired Brigadier–aur wo bhi Farangi Think Tank-wala–over a fellow Karachiite?
I think you are kidding, right sabahat bhai?
Yes, I was pulling The Good Doctor's leg. But was I kidding? Here's my point: after the last several of years of opposing mil-tary rule and emergency and everything, Da Maestro throws in a comment from a Bir-gay-dier without any qualification. From looking at what I find on the LISA website, this gentleman most probably has different positions the soldiers we have had who have subverted democracy and our nation's institutions. But that's not what Da Maestro said. He just said "a Brigadier". To which I commented. And the same logic for a Think Tank based in London.
Do anyone become a lesser Pakistani? Absolutely not. But does one person's opinion need to be taken in context of his background, other positions, and so on? Heck ya! I consider, say, Mustafa Khar, Pervez Musharraf and Asif Zardari Pakisanis like any other. But if he lectured me about rule of law, honest and corruption, I would listen to them pateiently as human beings and Pakistanis–but I take their input with a pinch of salt: in the case of MK and AZ because of corruption and maybe treason (in the case of MK) and an utter disregard of the rule of law and his service oath in the case of Musharraf. In fact, that's why I was dinging Da Maestro for not providing his readers some context on this Brigadier–soldiers from our country who speak for peace and so on need to be cherished and given their props.
PS: It is sad that even an obviously jocular-sounding statement is taken seriously! I specifically threw in a "hainjee" to be doubly sure the light-hearted attitude came through.
Why does this brigadier sahib sound like Ahmed Qureshi. Its hilarious though, that a brigadier sb can cook conspiracy theories too like most of us do.
This article starts with a presupposed notion that PPP and MQM are anti-Pakistan. To me this article does not even meets the standards of any sane writing…just a incoherent propaganda, nothing more, and isn't worth wasting time getting into argument over this silly piece of writing.
Someone who is a fan of "the prospect of the armed forces acting as an institution to save the country from its political class" is to be taken seriously after all the "saving" that Ayub, Zia and Musharraf have done? How many hours of electricity do you get daily?
Awab Alvi, really wants to get some fame and penetration by blaming MQM for every thing. there are some cadres he is concentrating upon. Where ever he finds any thing against MQM he just publishes it.
How come he is still alive ? if he claims that MQM takes out every one who is against them ? 🙂
The more he writes against MQM, the more i have started thinking about MQM ….
SIMPLY NON SENSE as it seems that writer is much affraid of provincial autonomy than breakup of pakistan.
1) there is no comparision between todays pakistan and east pakistan of late 60's and early 70's.
2) it was the establishment who turned a patriotic mujeeb ur rehman into a traitor. i wish the establishment of today could understand the simple fact that our mistakes,bias and prejudice make a traitor popular in the mases.
3) provincial autonomy is the requirement of pakistan if we want to make pakistan stronger.
4) people of khi and hyderabad love pakistan like the people of any province.please follow some gallop polls.i can say that the ideas of "jinnah poor" are baseless and produced by the establishment.
5) please correct me if i am wrong, i smell the parochialism in this article.
6) very much disoppointed to see this article on teeth maestro.
7) completely agree that altaf hussain is working on hidden agenda but it doesn't mean that all demands of the MQM are pointing on anti state direction.i hate to agree that MQM know the feelings of mases and know how to translate into politics while other parties do not.
@ Awab Alvi aka Teeth Maestro
Dear Awab
Every time you write against MQM you give right to people like me to defend and show the other side of the picture.
Every one knows your political affiliation with Imran Khan Party,Imran Khan trying to get attention by just talking rubbish about MQM and Altaf Hussain,but sorry to say he could get some attention in Punjab but not in other provinces specially in Karachi
Dear you are posting such posts in your blog just In Bughz e MQM and distributing certificates of Traitor ship will only harm Pakistan, so please don't become part of conspiracy to harm Pakistan as neither Altaf Hussain nor MQM can break this country nor they want, if something bad happens to this country God forbid, people like Brig Usman Khalid and people who break Pakistan in 1971 will be responsible who don't want to accept the people of Smaller Provinces as equal citizens of this country nor want to give them rights.
@Khaled – I wonder when did I choose to stop you or anyone sympathetic to MQM from defending the party on this blog – I have an opinion, and you have the right to yours. Be my guest. But please remain civil, thats my only request.
Dear Awab
I never said you stop me from writing or defending, But the way you over looked things related to Karachi and Pakistan and just emphasize on publishing Anti MQM articles makes you a biased person, this article you post here blaming MQM for breaking Pakistan and this sort of article is itself uncivilized and i just wonder by accusing anyone blindly with unethical, biased and uncivilized manner you are actually asking people to be civilized ?
Sorry brother the mentality of this article is uncivilized and we have the right to counter uncivilized things with uncivilized manner as every action has equal but opposite reaction.
In my opinion punjab is trying to break pakistan and they are looking for a scapegoat like Bangalis and Imran Khan Nawaz Sharif and People of Punjab and the people follow those leaders are all part of it .
@Khaled – if you think im all about MQM bashing on this blog – then you have not followed my blog long enough to know me well – Yes I consider MQM a fascist organization [you might disagree] but this blog is quite more than only MQM.
Yes we have bigger fish to fry, and sadly MQM is right in the middle of my frying pan 🙂 that said the above comment you still focused on me alone and yet to fail to defend MQM – and are simply engaging me …. might I consider you a troll?…. I hope not
In my opinion the only good positive thing that I see from MQM is Mustafa Kamal – rest of the team top to bottom, Babur Ghauri etc etc and the likes are ruthless mindless freaks who choose to rule by thuggery alone, issues and principles all melt away in front of hard cash. And they have very well traded many of the good muhajir issues in exchange for $$$$
Your leader AH, is probably the biggest laughing stock of this century, mind you this label is not coined by me but have heard it from many of the sane muhajir supporters – even from within your units
The fun part is when he takes the microphone to address his people, dude, I should pay you guys to provide us with ROTFL material- priceless
Problem is if you still choose to be lead by this "Altaf Hussain" then I cant argue with you much then and can only have pity. After all Actions speak louder then words.
All said – I will hold by breath to await your mindless rebuttal going berserk on me merely because I made fun of your leader. After all its apparent that you don't hold your shots when you ridicule other leaders even Imran Khan – who I believe is better choice than the rest [some may disagree, but thats my political opinion, my personal right as much as yours to follow Altaf Hussain]
@ Teeth
Atleast my leader is not involved in extra marital affair with an illegitimate child on his resume.
Secondly you are free to write you can cook what ever you like in your fry pan but the reality is you live in karachi you are quite social but if you consider MQM as Fascist then i wonder what kind of Fascist and Terrorists MQM is that you are on the streets of karachi that seems to be a biggest joke for me.
As far as Altaf Hussain is concern, sorry you don't know much about him, He is a Charismatic leader with a large following and that is quite humiliating for you people as your writings didn't made any impact nor your writing convince people to distance themselves from MQM.
Your blog is a biased Blog and you are just posting your frustration here as far as Mohajirs are concern i never see you raising any mohajir issue nor you ever replied to my simple question about mohajir killings and massacres before the creation of MQM.
The guy Mustafa Kamal you admired is also from a local unit of MQM from a slum who were arrested on charges of Terrorism in mid 90's and tortured mercilessly.
So doctor keep writing i am waiting for your posts and people here do know what is right and what is wrong.
@Khalid Farooqi: is it not shame that you get into someone's personal life when you find no reasonable argument to defend your militant party policies. It's like girl gossips. You found nothing against IKhan so you started talking about his personal life?
in this way we have heard about Altaf's affair with Zareen Majeed too..should It be propagated? This is not the right tactic. People like you give more bad impression to your party than outsiders.
@Ifaqeer bhai:
Bir-gay-dier without any qualification
lol. you are still kidding right? who is qualified in Pakistan that you are asking the qualification of a retired foji?
here’s what Tazeen (a journalist) wrote on her blog
Imran Khan & I …
by Tazeen
This is the story of Tazeen and Imran Khan. It tells us how some people grow up and realize things are not what they seem to be and how some other people regress and become abysmally dense.
Tazeen is a super excited kid. She is one of those kids who will get the chance to meet one of her all time favourite heroes Imran Khan. Not only will she meet him, she will be awarded a badge (along with a goody bag with Imran Khan’s autographed poster) which says, ‘Imran’s Tigers’ because Tazeen has raised sufficient amount of funds for the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Trust (a trust founded by Imran Khan) by selling raffle tickets. So determined was Tazeen to earn that ‘Imran’s Tigers’ badge that she twisted the arm of her mother’s jeweler (a Memon Seth of all the people) and sold him a good 100 raffle tickets. Tazeen was ecstatic when she received her badge and shook hands with Imran Khan. Much to her mother’s chagrin, she plastered Imran Khan’s autographed poster in her room for next two years.
Imran Khan launches a political party. Tazeen is no longer a child and is a bit skeptical about Imran Khan’s political future, but she has complete faith in the man. After all, Imran Khan is one of those very few Pakistanis who excelled at whatever they did (cricket, philanthropy, fund raising etc) and she thought politics would be the same.
Tazeen is just out of school, a fresh faced journalist working for a newspaper, and is excited about being able to vote for the first time. She has plans about voting for Mr. Imran Khan’s party. Just before elections, she gets the chance to attend an event hosted in honor of Mr Imran Khan by some women in media group. Imran Khan spoke at length about the importance of justice and fair play. Tazeen is suitably impressed and asks Mr. Khan about his party’s stance on CEDAW. CEDAW is a UN Convention for Eradication of Discrimination Against Women which was signed by People’s Party government, but no further legislation was carried out at either national or provincial level to to modify the laws in accordance with CEDAW. Mr. Khan first asks his associate what CEDAW is. For a politician who is running an election campaign and is talking exclusively with women journalists, it is a gaffe of the highest order. The associate turns out to be just as clueless about CEDAW as Mr. Khan. When Tazeen explains what CEDAW is and asks Mr. Khan about his policy to redress the discriminatory laws, he refuses to acknowledge that there are any discriminatory laws against women in Pakistan. When Tazeen points out Hudood Ordinance, he says that Huddod laws are necessary to keep the morality of people in check. Tazeen is highly disturbed and a little sad at the degeneration of her childhood hero.
Tazeen is in England, studying for her Masters degree. Imran Khan got divorced and the news is plastered all over, from respectable newspapers such as Guardian and Times to tabloids such as Sun and Daily Mirror. Everyone had an opinion about it, including Tazeen’s Greek & Philippino flatmates. Someone said that Imran Khan mistreated his wife. Tazeen defended Imran Khan’s honor and that of her country and refused to believe that Ms. Khan was mistreated by anyone in Pakistan, including her former husband.
Tazeen has all but given up on Imran Khan. A man who once asked Junoon to come up with Ehtesab anthem (a song about accountability of politicians in Pakistan) which took pot shots at BB, Zardari and Nawaz Sharif now takes his political cues from the same Man of Steel (that’s Nawaz Sharif for the uninitiated) and follows an extremely right wing political ideology (if it can be called that).
Tazeen visibly cringes every time Imran Khan appears on Hamid Mir’s talk show and says, “Hamad, tumhain naheen pata, main batata hoon.” (Hamid, you don’t know anything, let me tell you how it all goes).
Tazeen is invited to present a paper at an International symposium on Democracy. Imran Khan is chairing a session. Although it had nothing to do with the session he was chairing, Imran Khan first regaled every one with tales of courage & valor of Justice Iftekhar Chaudhry and then about the impeccable justice system of jirga courts operated by tribes across the country. (Jirga is a council of influential and rich men of a certain tribe who settle disputes amongst themselves. Most often, these disputes are settled through cash payments or through marrying off young girls to men of inappropriate age and/or character as compensation for a crime committed).
Tazeen is neither a super excited kid, nor a fresh faced journalist who is easily impressed by a celebrity. Tazeen is now a cynic par excellence and asks Mr. Khan how can he support independent judiciary and an alternative justice system of jirga court. Aren’t they mutually exclusive? Imran Khan apparently mistook Tazeen for Hamid Mir (although she looks nothing like the infamous Hamid Mir and does not sport a moustache) and says, “Bibi apko kuch naheen pata, main batata hoon.” (bibi, you don’t know anything, let me tell you how it all goes). Tazeen has had enough of Imran Khan and his relentless support for jirga. She intercepts and says, “But Khan Sahib, how can you support a system which institutionally excludes women and poor men from the decision making process?” Imran Khan loses it at that and lashes out at Tazeen. He is red in his face and foaming at the corners of his mouth and says, “Bibi, you stopped me in mid sentence, that’s bad tameezi (bad manners) and I don’t talk to bad tameez (ill mannered) people.”
Tazeen now thinks that Imran Khan is not even a real politician. He is a “Made for TV Politician” who is only good at riling other people in political discussion or telling Hamid Mir that is he is a nincompoop and does not know anything. Tazeen believes that Imran Khan would start doing hair implant infomercials in future which would go something like this:
Main pehlay buhat ganja tha jis ki wajah se kaafe pareshan rehta tha, meri biwi bhi mujhe chor ke chalee gayee, phir mujhe kisi ne Azmat Nai se baal lagwanay ka mashwara diya, bas main forun hi Azmat Nai ke paas gaya ……
Moral of the story: For better or for worse, everything changes.
Its her unfortunate experience with her idol and by the looks of it she is done and finished with her fascination with Imran khan, no harm in it .
The debate about if Imran Khan should know about CEDAW [come on I can bet most people on this blog also never heard of this acronym] it is comparable to you or me throwing out a random acronym / or a tough Angrezi word and expect everyone to know – and if they dont – you then ridicule them “OMG You dont know ” LOL – come on – get a life. He position on Womens rights is clear, the Hudood ordinance no-vote was in a walk out protest as it was a walk out in protest against the running hegemony of President Musharraf – yes history wrote it down almost like the misfire of boycotting the election. Imran’s position on womens issue is far more positive then other politicians.
No one has defended the arrogance of imran Khan, we all know there is some, heck name me one politician who does not have an ego to boost – be it PPP, be it PML Q & N, be it ANP or even your holy MQM – all these politician are arrogant disrespecting ego-mongers each and everyone. Prime examples I can pull from the top of my head were BB, Asif Zardari, Wasim Akhtar, Ganja, Babar Ghori – etc etc = the list is endless and yes Imran Khan goes have an ego. No one ever said he was an angel –
My position, yes a politicial position is that he is just better then the rest, [you too have a political position and there is no harm in it] I believe that despite the few problems at least he thinks of Pakistan and sticks to his principles and issues and Does not barter his principles for the sake of money. A commonality of PPP, PML, ANP & MQM etc etc money talks in all these parties
@Old MQM Supporter – LOL churan Chattni video remains priceless – and yes it should help Khaled / AKC answer the charismatic leader part LMAO, the other circus was when he offered his resignation and took it back within a few hours – thats too me takes the cake, literally 160 million people in Pakistan and millions abroad were like Jaw-dropping ROTFL watching the circus.
As far as Altaf Hussain is concerned this YouTube video takes the cake –
Churan Chatni Speech
Khalid have a look and reflect – should be enough to answer the "He is a Charismatic leader" comment
@ Adnan
Zareen Majeed and Altaf Hussain were class fellows from University of Karachi and the table story about this was published by Takbeer ISI Sponsored 15 dayer because Zareeen Majeed was active worker of MQM and was in MQM Central Cabinet. It was a table story but Sita Wife Daughter is still alive.
Most of the people here contradicts the views of The original writer(Brig Usman Khalid) and the teeth about this Post,
Imran Khan is advocating Talibans and asking for imposition of Shariah What a Hypocrite he is.…
Imran Khan promising to impose Shariah should be stoned to death according to Shariah for having a child with out marriage and should be disqualify from taking part in elections according to 1973 constitution of Pakistan which stated
Article 62 (d) he is of good character and is not commonly known as one who violates Islamic Injunctions;
MQM and Altaf Hussain can be called terrorist mafia or anything you have in your mouth but father of a illegitimate child can't be called anything as he is leader of Teeth, adnan etc and it become personal life of some one
@ Old MQM Supporter
Why you have need to use such an out dated nick ???
@ Teeth
All your hues n cries and allegations are worthless sorry to say as you are still out there on the streets of karachi and nobody is harming you,so the allegation against MQM that it's a Fascist Party die itself.
Your leader Imran Khan according to 1973 constitution can't even participate in elections, so can you please answer me and all the readers why you are following a leader who can't even take part in elections according to LAW of Pakistan and should be stoned to death according to Islamic Law ??
and i still remember when imran khan said, i will not go back from UK unless i get Altaf Hussain Caught …. and after a week Dr. Arif (the karachi president of Tehreek-e-insaaf) said We got Altaf Hussain this time ….
barkig dogs they are 🙂 …. but i do respect doctor – atleast he is trying hard to become successful in some thing … good money in yellow journalism or rather blogging 🙂
Just look at the timings of such anti MQM articles . Everyone suddenly starts writing against MQM as MQM submitted the bill for provincial autonomy, which is according to 1940 Lahore resolution and totally inline with 1973 constitution.
If Provincial Autonomy would be given to the provinces, the Ruling Punjab will suffer huge financial loses as Punjab run its affairs from snatching shares of smaller provinces and the ruling elite of Punjab don’t want this, so they started a malicious campaign against MQM.
But in 21st century, it is hard to make people fool, everyone knows who are behind these articles,
It was Punjab and its establishment who break this country in 1971 and put the blame on Bungali Muslims who fought and struggle for Pakistan and now as the 3 provinces and the people of three smaller provinces wants their rights the ruling Punjab mafia would break this country again and need a scape goat so that the blame should be put on someone like MQM, the reason of naming MQM repeatedly is to crush MQM as MQM is the biggest hurdle in making Karachi part of Greater Punjab.
The wolrd agencies making maps of Pakistan are continuously showing karachi part of Punjab and in the presence of MQM this can not be done so the ruling Punjabi Mafia wants to eliminate MQM and i guess the time is near that is the reason such news articles are coming in succession.
@ Teeth
hey you didn't answer me why you are following a person who can't even contest elections according to Pakistani Law ?
may be because he has a moral courage to accept his past.
dear khalid!
please don't try to tell us that altaf hussain is an angel.
he also had a physical relationship with many female supporters of MQM.
and one of altaf's body gaurd "munaf paredi" lost his life because he saw the famous singer in the bed roof of altaf committing indecent acts.
later on munaf was abducted,totured and lost his senses.
after some time he committed suicide in the state of insanity.
altaf got the blind folded support of millions of people.
billions of rupees donated and snatched.
absolute power.
hundreds of workers ready to lay their lives to protect him.
all he got in his youth.
and remain unmarried for a long time.
yet he was a secularist.
if you say that he was a clean then i will laugh on it.
@ Jawwad Khan
I guess you read jasarat and takbeer alot, anywayz no verdict against Altaf Hussain that he has an illegitimate child like Imran Khan.
@khaled farooqi!
hahahhahah. not because i read jasarat or takbeer but because many "farooqi" friends who have been related to MQM.
yes he doesn't have (or atleast no body said that) a illiegitimate child.(thanks for the gentlemen who invented condoms)lolzzz
although i am admirer of his many quality of leadership,imran khan have but i am not a supporter of imran khan for two reasons:
1) as you already mensioned the "arogance" and i hate to see the one man show in a political party.i believe that was the reason which made MQM a fascist organisation.
2)i have a doubt about his orientation as a pakistani leader because his attitude as a captin of pakistan cricket team towards the cricketers of karachi was so biased and obvious that it is harder for especially urdu speaking masses to accept him as a leader.
he is one of those leaders who always talk about pakistan but deep in their subconscious pakistan means only a specific area.
@ Jawwad
Don't laugh too much as people like are just posting table stories on this and other blogs and such stories are worthless as people of karachi repeatedly give mandate to MQM made people like you to just beat your heads.
I guess you are also like Doctor on KMB who were posting stories that after the murder of Khaled Bin Waleed his father was cursing Altaf Hussain and MQM, but the fact is Khaled Bin Waleed Father died many years before Khaled murder.
So suddenly many farooqi friends told you such stories LOL
keep writing such stories as people of karachi listen heard and read all such stories in Takbeer and Ummat and know what is right and what is wrong .
i do not know about khalid bin waleed.i told you the story no doubt i read in takbeer but one of my khanzada friend verified that story because munaf paredi was his cousin.
but may i ask you one simple question:
what makes any muslim prohibited from adultry and fornication?
answer is simple "ISLAM"
so please tell me the good reason why altaf or any other secularist should avoid one of the most powerfull human instinct?……be an "enlightened moderate"
please do not forget the most popular quote of the all time:
"power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely"
it's good to see the level of tolerance against such a harsh criticism because i remember the time when 15 yrs ago i criticised altaf in front of my neighbor who was a "nazariyat karkun" he stopped me and said "mamay! hamarey bap ko gali dedo magar altaf bhai ko kuchh kaha to achha na hoga"
dear khaled i saw this movement from the very begining and i saw the damages.i believe that MQM is a "poras ka haathi"
which can crush any one who come in the way (friend or foe)
15000 MQM workers were killed in ppp time and now i see the patch up again with the warm relations.
don't you think that MQM went a way too far?…yes we should go for reconciliations but 15000 murders and warm relations, i simply couldn't understand that.
tell me why the teeth of elephant for eating are different from the teeth on display.
@ Jawwad
after accepting that you read the story in Takbeer it is clear who are you and what is reason of writing anti MQM stories here.
So Doc chill have a nice day be happy :0)
If you don't like MQM you have the right but millions like and Love MQM and ALtaf Hussain so do what you like and we will do what we like :o)
@Khaled faroqi!
please do not jump on conclusion just because i was the reader of weekly takbeer.i saw even the unit and sector incharge and other leaders reading the takbeer…..may be you will not agree with me but the truth is MQM was successfully penetrated by agencies these agencies were especially good in picking the news and they pass these news to takbeer.
late salah uddin worked for the agencies and his murder was still a mystery.many people say that MQM killed him but i believe there are other groups who killed him.
any way it is nice talking to you.thanks for listening.
best regards
@ Jawwad
You are right agencies penetrated in MQM results in Haqiqi, as far as Takbeer Salahuddin murder, his daughter said his husband Rafiq afghan editor of ummat killed her father and from that day she is vanished from the scene.
One more thing
most of the stories published in takbeer were baseless and table stories.
MQM is peacefull and great political party.
we love MQM, all karachi love ALTAF bhai.
MQM se jalne walon ab ek baat jaan lo achi tarah,
ab raaj karegi MQM (MUTTAHDA)
this is 1 ov the leading political parties in pakistan who fights back for the rights of poor people & its most daring weapon is PRAGMATISM.
@ a r Khan,
its shameful for any civilized human being to
listen to your ghissa pitta dadra honouring
simple murderer and a coward Mirassi, who carrys on
his namard shoulders 30.000 muhajirs pathans,
punjabi'scadavres, those he alone eliminated to come to
power, he even used military operations to eliminate his
opponants within, he handed over two lists of militants
of MQM, to the military commander, his name is
Altaf Hussain Khussrah, and this Hijra ran away from
Pakistan to save his arse from justice that is waiting
for him.
@Asad Ali
I can't understand that u people talk rubbish like Khusra n Hijra wht ever look Mr if have any argument against MQM n Altaf Hussain Bhai give ur arguments with strong evidences and one thing more that He did not ran away frm Pakistan we sent him out because there should be someone who have to think about Pakistan not for those bloody millionare people but for poor people in the territory understood MQM is an peace loveing democratic Party…………. aur joo Saza Yafta Mujrim (convicted criminal) of Pakistan like Nawaz Shareef wapas aatay hein loogoon ko khareed kar paisa dikha kay and as I said MQM 80% Ghareeb Tabkay ki Jamat hai too paisay say khareedna tuu door ki baat hai and NOT ANY JUSTICE IS WAITING FOR ALTAF BHAI COZ HE IS THE JUSTICE HIMSELF…
One thing more dear "murderer and a coward Mirassi" are not ever found in Karachi every body know better that where they are found
Feeamaan Allah
G.A Altaf Hussain Bhai
G.A Muttahidda
@ Karachi's creme de la creme intellectuals, hakims,
editors, journalists, professors, poets and active
militants, were assassinated by Altaf and his gang
with direct assisstance of RAW.
I noticed my comment on Divide Pakistan is deleted,
well, does'nt matter, the Pakistanis in Paris have
already alerted DST to do the necessary.
@ Salman bhai,
kia MQM ne unsab ko bhi qatl karwa dia ??
aur wo jo MQM mein ghussay howay hein ?
salim Shezaad, waghairah waghairah !!!
Salahuddin, Hakim Saeed, Rais Amrohvi key
qatilan bhi MQM mein hein !!
qurban jaen aapki mommy daddy type language kay.
aap hi jaison ke liye kaha gaya hey:
" pajama dheela ho kay tang
qauid kay hi sang
Janab jahan tak baat hai mommy daddy type language tuu tezeeb aap kay nazdeeq yeh hai too koi baat nahi aur second thing shayad aap jaisay loogoon ki JAMMATOON mein pajamay koo ziada soochtay hoon gay but yahan sirf aik hii sooch hai aur hai
@ Asad Bhai
Daikhain mein nay aik baat pehlay hii kahi keh koi bhi baat strong evdences kay saath achi lagti hein bas joo suni sunai batain MQM mein kisi kisam kay koi qatil nahi ghussay hoay aur aap yeh dekho hum bhi bhaut sii batain kar saktain hein laikin nahi kartay sirf strong evidence nahi news paper mein aya Nawaz Shareef 112 sandooqoon kay saath deal kay tehet KSA chalay gaay with family but no evidences soo we can't talk abt that case haan yeh evedince hai keh Tayara sazish case mein saza hoye thi ussay
@salman bhai!
naraz kiyon hotey hen?
aap altaf bhai ke khilaf baton ko dil par na liya kijiye.
logon ka kia hey log to baten banatey rehtey hen.
log to ulti seedhi baten sochtey hen.
jaisey is waqt mujhey soch aarahee hey.
@ dr.jawwadkhan
Chalain aik baat too achi hoo gayee keh mommy daddy type language ki aap baat karahay thay who aap nay bhi apna lii inn short BAAT KARNAY KA SALIKE AA GAYA well jahan tka Altaf Bhai ki baat hi tuu sahab aap kay kehnay say kuch hoo tuu sakta nahi hai joo chahay boloo well aap ka taaluq kisi political party say hai ya nahi kyoun kay non-political party too Pakistan mein sirf aur airf MUTTAHIDDA QUAMI MOVEMENT hai joo 80% mutwasir tabqay kay liay kaam kartii hai baqi aap JAGEERDAAR PARTY say too hoon gay hii kyoun kay wohi baicharay soochtay hein keh unn say kehnay say sachaaee chup jaay gi laikin woh yeh nahi janta MUTTAHIDDA aik INQUAILAB ka naam hai JO NA RUKA THA, NA RUKA HAI, NA RUKAY GA…….
“Fanoos Ban Kar Jis Ki Hifazat Hawa Karay
Woh Shamma Kia Bujhay Jisay Roshan Khuda Karay”
Mera naam Sher Khan hai, mera talluque Azad Kashmir se hai, main Karachi main job karta hoon, kuch log mufadparast 2% murad yaafta tabqua jo MQM ke khilaf hai,hum jaisay ghareeb log Altaf Hussain Bhai ki qiyadat pasand karten hain, kiyon ke Altaf Bhai ghareeb ke haqooq ki baat karten hain, main samajhta hoon ke woh her ghareeb mazloomon ki dil ki dharkan ban chookay hain. kiyon ki Altaf Bhai he mazloom, ghareeb, or peesay huay tabqe ki noomaindgi karten hain main unka teh dil se shukarguzar hoon, or Allah Paak dua karta hoon ke Altaf Bhai ko salaamat rakhhay-Ameen or main duniya ko yeh batadena chaahta hoon ke MQM ke mukhalif Drug, Land Mafia & Taliban terrorist jo is mulk ki taraqi dekhna naheen chaahtay, or is mulk main apni marzi ka nizaam lane chahte hain or is mulk ko afra tafri main lana chaahtey hain, MQM woh wahid Needar Jamait hai jo ke bela dar khauf behhair laalach ke ghareeb, mazloom awam ki khidmat karne ka pokhta azam rakhti hai, or mukhalfeen ke paas bepanah najaiz wasael hai jo woh raat din MQM ke mukhalfat karten hain main un mafia, taliban terrorist ko bata dena chaahta hoon ke Pakistan ke ghiver awan MQM ke shaana bashaana hain or waqt pe zaroorat pari to kisi qurbani se daregh naheen karengay.isee liye hum yeh kehte hain ke, hum hoan ya na hoan, hamara ghar rahe ya na rahe hamara dil kehta hai mera quaide salamat rahe.
Sher Khan Rajpoot
Azad Kashmir
Kashmiri Nazimabad, Karachi