Fikr-e-Insaan an audio track by Arieb Azhar for Solidarity Day 2011

Arieb Azhar on the request of Aman Ittehad has created this masterpiece audio track called Fikr-e-Insaan which he will sing at the Solidarity Day peace rally in Islamabad on 1st Janurary 2011.

It has just been released for us all to enjoy and we hope to run this track in most of the 108 Solidarity Day locations across Pakistan

Enjoy !! and thank you Arieb for producing a very inspiring track for Pakistan !!!




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3 responses to “Fikr-e-Insaan an audio track by Arieb Azhar for Solidarity Day 2011”

  1. Wasio Ali Khan Abbas Avatar

    Really great track and some masterful lyrics. He knows his trade well 🙂

  2. Rabia Sherazi Avatar

    Amazing song… already a big big fan of Arieb's coz of his dialect .. thanks for the share ..:)


    Rabia Sherzi

  3. times travel Avatar

    love his voice.. his songs "maan e ne ain kinu akhan" is fabouls