I write this in great distress. As the world knows, there has been a wave of protests in Bahrain that has rocked the entire country. While most of the world, including our brothers in Pakistan and media want to see it as a sequel to the incidents in Tunisia and Egypt, let me assure you that it isn’t.
I a Pakistani and a journalist based here for more many years, want to tell you that it is entirely a sectarian issue with the Shias (even not all of them) wreaking havoc on the country. For the past month ever since their protests started on February 14, they have paralysed daily life in the country bringing it to a virtual standstill. Before the operation started on March 15 late afternoon, the protesters had gone on the rampage killing and injuring whoever they could get their hands on. However, they seem to be sifting Pakistanis from the rest since our countrymen are serving the country in the security forces.
It has grown to an extent that they have killed one Pakistani and seriously injured many more. They had even captured a group of Pakistanis and took them to the largest government hospital – Salmaniya Medical Complex – where everyone from patients and doctors kicked and punched and cursed them. The doctors totally violated their oath of treating people irrespective of their race, nationality or leaning. There was lot of panic amongst the residents and citizens here. However, with the arrival of the Peninsula Shield Force (the united GCC force just like Nato, etc.) conditions have improved a lot.
And now a bit about the background of these criminal events. Contrary to what people think about the uprising in Bahrain and its legitimacy, the picture in reality is totally different.
Bahrain is a country of 1.2 million inhabitants with about 537,000 being Bahrainis and the rest consisting of an expat population from many different nationalities, race and culture. People here live in harmony with the government providing all kinds of facilities and above all a safe environment, until now.
And ever since Bahrain embarked on the democratic process in 2002, it has become all the more vibrant with developments reaching unsurpassed levels. The country has like any welfare state provided all the basic facilities to its residents and especially citizens. Job security, free healthcare, free lower education, access to funds for higher education and other foreign scholarships, funds for business, etc. You name and Bahrain govt has provided it. And this was done without discrimination between Sunnis and Shias.
But we still don’t know why the Shias are hell bent on bringing down the govt that has fed them. The Shias of Bahrain started voicing their demands right after the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt and try to fool the world that they were oppressed. But one should see the expensive cars in which they came to Lulu Roundabout (the epicenter of anti-govt protests). Have you ever seen the rich bring about a ‘revolution’?
We had doubts that Iran was instigating the matter. But it came to the fore when its channels like Press TV and other sectarian channels like Al Alam and Al Manar openly and subjectively reported on anti-govt protests, totally ignoring the pro-govt supporters. It was clear that they had a specific agenda in mind and that was to fuel sectarian tensions so they could benefit in the long run. A similar act they accomplished in Iraq.
Of late more than five Sunni mosques have been ransacked as has been the University of Bahrain and every symbol of the govt and Sunnis. I can go on and write pages on this, but I will leave the rest to you to decide. In simple words, we don’t want another Iran, where the minorities and especially Sunnis will be leading inhuman lives.
As responsible media personnel, I request you to look at it from a neutral point of view and come to the safety of your countrymen.
Thank you and jazakAllah khair
Abdulaziz Khattak
Twitter ID: @Khattak99
PS: Please check the links below to see for yourself:
Poor Asians and Pakistanis kicked, cursed at SMC:
Frantic call by callers to Bahrain TV (BTV) to come to their rescue:
Another frantic caller:
Pakistani begs for mercy from anti-govt thugs
Pakistansi kidnapped and terrorised:
Iran’s role in Bahrain and GCC uprisings:
Shia attack Sunnis in Univ of Bahrain
Who’s behind the uprising in Bahrain:
Forces of Peninsula Shield (Gulf equivalent of Nato):
Anti-govt thugs attack police:
Anti-govt Shias check ID cards to see if drivers are Sunnis:
There are tonnes of other pictures of the injured here:
A news report in the local Bahrain English daily:
Also check these FB pages, created or supported by Pakistanis:
49 responses to “Letter from a Pakistani Journalist in Bahrain appealing for Help”
We can only thank Pakistani leadership for this. They are too busy killing their own people.
I am not sure why the INTERNATIONAL MEDIA is playing the game. Definitely, there would exist a larger gain. Not concerned about the crap they feed in the people's minds world over, showing the same lies over and over again etching them in the minds, there does exist the OTHER SIDE.
The only thing I cannot understand is that they speak about only one side.
Is this Human?
There are countless images and videos like this. When there was a Pro-Govt rally where (shias and sunnis) both went, none of the international media shows it.
When the so called PEACEFUL protestors went harrassing school girls last week after which all the schools were closed indefinitely, none of the international media covered it
When they attacked University of Bahrain, the CNN (One of the Big Time Liars) wrote and spread the propaganda that the Pro-Govt people went and attacked the Protesters where as the ground reality was totally different, our friends and family attending it that very day, scared and harrassed , none of the international media aired it
WHY is it that the international media airs what it wants to, how it wants to and fabricates the truth? Why there is no Human Rights commission who can also speak for those who were brutally murdered, kidnapped just for not standing with the protesters.
Look at this page and the links below. Maybe it helps to fabricate more lies.
What a Hypocriticy seeing in this column of Mr.abdul aziz Khatak. I think he got money from those person who want create terror in the society as creating in our own country Pakistan. and they want fighting between Sunnis and shias. In Bhrain, if govt Behave to shias like a enimal then they should protest against the govt. we condemn the bahraini Govt. And we also condemn the saudian army who taking part with in other country matters against the shias. May God Bless all Muslims and safe from these black sheep.
awan,you have no idea what is going on here in bahrain.it has nothing to do in your country.there is an outsider who wanted to take the gcc country and not pakistan.they are the one responsible for all this things.saudian army are here to protect the people not to kill.not all the shias are against the govt,they being threatened if they will not join the protest,they are being oppressed from their own leaders not from the govt,that is all for your information.
Mr Khattak,
Your blogpost have many discripences and it is completely misleading if you think this is not the case then please read/answer the below points;
You wrote: 1. “For the past month ever since their protests started on Fe*bruary 14, they have paralysed daily life in the country bringing it to a virtual standstill.”
You wrote: 1.1 “The Shi_aas of Ba*hrain started voicing their demands right after the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt and try to fool the world that they were oppressed”
>> The protests in Ba*hrain should not be taken as an impact of Egypt, Tunisia or elsewhere’s reflection. They have done this in 1990′s as well…and it is an ongoing phenomenon for them since 1895 when they first voiced against British’s decision to impose She*ikh Es*sa Bin Ali Al Kh*alifa on Ba*hrain.
You wrote: 2. “Before the operation started on March 15 late afternoon, the protesters had gone on the rampage killing and injuring whoever they could get their hands on.”
– Please support the “rampage killing” that how many did they killed please also specify names, you are a journalist you should know!.
You wrote: 3. “However, they seem to be sifting Pak&istanis from the rest since our countrymen are serving the country in the security forces.”
– Even in Pak&istan we dont want people of other provinces come to join our regional/province police so how come Ba*hrainis see Pak&istanis baton charging and fi#ring with shot gu_ns on them…YET ON THEIR OWN LAND? They should see each of the Pak&istani serving as a security personnal as a Pak&istani see Raymond Davis!! simple. They are righteous in cursing them! Why they havenot provided these jobs for Ba*hraini Shi_aas? Why they found the need to bring them from outside…because they dont want to share power and give rights to the grassroot level.
You wrote: 4. “But we still don’t know why the Shi_aas are hell bent on bringing down the go*vt that has fed them.”
– Mind you the government has not fed them, it was and is thier place, the resources are for them and not for one family whatever they got was not all of their rights. See the below report done in 2006 by CNN uploaded to YouTube in 2007.
You wrote: 5. “But one should see the expensive cars in which they came to Lulu Roundabout (the epicenter of anti-go*vt protests). Have you ever seen the rich bring about a ‘revolu*tion’?”
– Mr. Khattak you are thiking this becasue your origin has poverty to the level where a farmer barely become financially strong enough to buy a bullok, you guys are tied with the WADERA system. Rich bringing revolu*tion; you can see Iran’s revolu*tion as the one where each part of the society took part and braught a lively revolu*tion.
You wrote: 6. “totally ignoring the pro-go*vt supporters”
– 🙂 Who are pro-go*vt supporters Pak&istanis, Indians Bengalis and a handful of the other 30% of Ba*hrain’s population!
You wrote: 7. “Of late more than five Su*nni mosques have been ransacked as has been the University of Ba*hrain and every symbol of the go*vt and Su*nnis”
– The Ba*hrain university tension was done by government thugs…check
You wrote: 8. “In simple words, we don’t want another Iran, where the minorities and especially Su*nnis will be leading inhuman lives.”
– In simple words you cannot stop making sajdah for the “u ni ted s tates” and suppose there will be another Iran where the 5th fleet be anchored? minorities are well saved in Iran even the jews have full liberty.
9. “As responsible media personnel, I request you to look at it from a neutral point of view and come to the safety of your countrymen.”
– Nice joke “as a responsible media personnel”. A media personnel take things objectively rather than making comments specially on religious belief’s and sec)tarianism.
Answers for the links you shared to misguide the masses;
You wrote: 1. “Poor Asians and Pak&istanis kicked, cursed at SMC:
These th_ugs were caught by local people in Si_tra island when they were trying to enter with police force.
You wrote: 2. “Pak&istani begs for mercy from anti-go*vt thugs”
See the white (ripped) turban he is wearing? What need that Pak&istani got to wear arab’s dress?
You wrote: 3. “Anti-go*vt thugs attack police:
– See the below links and let me know what do you think should they kiss the police?
You wrote: 4. “Also check these FB pages, created or supported by Pak&istanis:
– Nice joke…”supported by Pak&istanis” brother this is internal problem of Ba*hrain, if Pak&istanis are facing problems they should quite living in Ba*hrain and not to interfere in thier internal matters. They are supporting the regi*me because they are part of the plan to change the demography of Ba*hrain similar like the one which is done by “Is rael” in “Pal estine”
We Pakistanis know what the reality is and we would like to assure you that we support your cause for a democratic government formed by the people of Bahrain.
We realize that your khalifa has been playing the sunni card and fellow citizens from my country have been recruited in the armed forces of Bahrain that are acting against the people of bahrain.
We Pakistanis condemn the use of fellow Pakistanis against the citizens of Bahrain.
You sound like a Shia fundoo
Shame on you, instead of supporting a Pakistani, you want to support criminals just because they are shia.
You wrote: "You sound like a Shi_a fundoo
Shame on you, instead of supporting a Pakistani, you want to support criminals just because they are shia."
– Yes I cannot support Pa_kistanis serving in Ba*hrain pol_ice because I dont have double standards…they way I see Ray_mond _D_avis I see the Pa_kistanis serving else where as P-Olice. Isla_m doesnt supp_ort double standards.
Poor you! your ule_mas have termed peac_eful protgests as haram…
But we still don’t know why the Shias are hell bent on bringing down the govt that has fed them.
Dear Abdul Aziz khatak!
The answer is known to many Pakistanis since decades.Since Sipah e Sahaba took stand and started quoting their religious books.
This is no secret that Shiaizm is a Islamophobic religion and Shia hate Muslims.Iranian revolution and miserable condition of Sunni Muslims is a biggest proof of their hatred.
Thanks for eye opening links. I believe that these links should be spread to as many people as possible.
Thanks for Dr.Sahib for sharing this….nice job
Why do these fanatic barbarians go to third countries as mercenaries to kill and participate in pogroms on behalf of the ruler? Accept passports when they know it is given because they are expected to remain loyal not to the country but to select group of people?
Because they are experts in such activities at home?
Now they are paying price..innocents included..
Reap what you sow..
Dear AbdulAziz Khattak,
Our hearts are with you. I did read these in the news and I'm really pissed at the people protesting.
Had they not killed several Pakistanis, I would have had a different view of the protests.
May Allah save the Pakistanis and all the innocents in Bahrain and other places.
To the people vandalizing in Bahrain: Sorry stooges, we do not support your cause and we hope that the peace be restored.
You worte: "Had they not ki*lled several Pa_kistanis, I would have had a different view of the pro_tests.".
– Why you have double standards… you are boiling for loosing Ray_mond Da_vis at one point and on the other hand many Pa)kistani R_aymon_d Da_vis are there in Bah_rain for which you are are satisfied to be there…
– Please list down "several pa_kistais" name.
You wrote: "To the people vandalizing in Ba*h_rain"
Please check in the below videos who is vand_alizing;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxeXtFv0xGY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=546PgeIOgRM
You wrote: "Sorry stooges, we do not support your cause and we hope that the peace be restored."
– You cannot support even your own cause…the nations' sister Aafi_a Sid_diqui in U_S dungeon and the kil_ler of 2 Pa_kistanis Ra_ymond Da_vis set to free is fresh example.
Events have come to such a pretty pass.
Mohammedans against Mohammedans.
So much for equality and harmony in ISlam.
This article reeks of prejudice.
The author need introspect.
sunni/wahabi ideology is a curse.
To the killers of Pakistanis in Bahrain
Thanks for exposing your idealogy. Since you do not have balls to face a force you go on and kill expatriate civilians.
Your crime can not be justifialbe by any means. Should Pakistanis or Sunnis start a similar revolution against the Shia govt in Pakistan and start to kill Shias? I don't think so, but your extremism would certainly push some people to think that way.
Down with your *bloody* revolution and we can not support every blood in the name of *democracy and freedom*
@farasat or should I call you @faisal…?
You wrote: "Should Pakis.tanis or Sun.nis start a similar rev.lu.tion against the Sh.ia go.vt in Pa.kistan and st.art to kill Sh.ias?I don’t think so, but your extremism would certainly push some people to think that way."
1. Pa.kistan has a dem.ocratically elected go.vernment.
2. The things you are saying aga.inst the peo.ple of some specific school of tho.ught, everybody know wh.ose mad.resas produce sui.cide bo.mbers.
You wrote: "Thanks for exposing your ide.alogy. Since you do not have balls to face a fo.rce you go on and kill expatriate civilians"
1. See, your scho.ol of thought has been serving the caus.e of Je.ws and uncle s.am for many decades, it is the once you are cursing who successfully ki.cked out Is.rael fr.om their ar.eas and you guys kep.t using the mos.que's mic for mere condemnation of poor Pa.lestini.ans or sen.din tro.oops and tro.ps for "figh.ting" un.are.med peo.ple in Ba.hrain. It wa.s you who got tra.pped in U*S drama of Af.ghan Jih.ad in 19.80.
You Wrote: "Down with your *blo.ody* rev.olu.tion and we can not su.pport every bl.ud in the name of *dem.ocracy and fr.eedom*"
1. The re.vlu.tion.ists never need CO.WAR.DS support who se.ll the-ir sis.ter "Aa.fia Sid.diqui" and take blo.od mon.ey from the kil.ler (Ra.ymond D.avis) of the.ir brother.
Haha yeah kill some more Pakis..these buggers deserve to be kicked & shoved..Shias have been long oppressed in Pakistan itself where the Punjabi Sunnis rule the roost. Bahrainian shias should kick some more Paki ass…
One question for the author of this wonderful piece could he care to describe why Bahrain authority hire so many Pakistanis in their Police? why not hire indigenous Shia majority for these jobs.
Pakistan has been supplying such mercenaries to the Arab Gulf states for decades. From London to middle East where ever Pakistanis have gone , every where they are hated could you care to elaborate.
Ask countless dead Libyans, Egyptians, Bahrainis & Tunisians how precious their freedom is.
By parroting the narrative and propoganda of the Bahraini government, you're putting yourself on the wrong side of history with this argument.
This dispute isn't sectarian, it's about fundamental and universal rights.
Imran -Freedom at the expense of brutal murder, NO MATTER who is supporting which side of the argument you cannot confidently claim freedom when brutal murder is your key talking point. MIND you im not taking sides – BOTH sides are playing a dirty game IT MUST STOP
What a convenient revolution in the shadow and support of …..
All of a sudden these *revolutions* started taking place, just go check wikileaks.
If Zardari is a shia and now the govt has released Raymond Davis, should sunnis start killing Shias?
@TeethMaestro – we can argue about the rights and wrongs of Bahraini protestors, but at heart my problem with that article was its inherit bias towards a Pak-centric perspective, ignoring the wider implications of what's happening in Bahrain.
Stripped of context, it makes it sound like the turbulence in Bahrain is all about Pakistanis – it isnt. The writer has crafted gross simplification that just sounds like it came from the Bahraini King's PR team…and actually does no favours for any Pakistanis caught up in the violence.
Supporting your fellow Pakistanis is fine – but this article was an embarassing irresponsible, simplified view of the reality of the situation.
@farasat Your comment is incoherent. Are you suggesting these revolutions are wrong? That Tunisia and Egypt don't deserve the choice to select their own governments? That Gaddafi, Mubarak and Ben Ali were such wonderful presidents that Egyptians wanted them forever?
Your comment on Zardari undoes your argument. Of course random killing would be idiotic in the Raymond Davis case. But Pakistan has courts, a judiciary, vibrant political opposition and functioning arms of the state that allow Pakistanis to at least gather and protest the Davis case.
In Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Bahrain – the kind of protests that Pakistanis had the freedom to particpate in regarding Raymond Davis, would result in your death or detention.
Pakistan is relatively free and open compared to Arab societies – be grateful for that.
Imran – I think you are right – it is an over simplified logic – but I fear that BOTH sides are heading towards immense brutality – we need to condemn all forms of brutality – a conflict of opinions may occrur but not as inhumane as the pictures and videos we are seeing – it brings flooding memories of the war in Karachi that we saw at the hands of MQM – they claimed to be iberators of Karachi but killed ruthlessly – IT DID NOT solve the problem but made it worse the battle lines were drawn so severely that it was impossible to coexist and their actions then still live 20 years down
Bahraini rulers are ruthless – but when protestors also stoop down to their level it makes a bad case for both – I am totally for bringing down this royal hegemony but do you kill police officers only because they serve out orders? it cant be that ruthless that people brutalize with such fierce anger that is inhumane for a human – and I believe the royals do the same – where will it stop !
The solution lies in the hands of the people of Bahrain and with some responsible leader who talks sense across the board – I on the other hand focus on pushing OUR govt [that is a nincompoop in the highest form] to take action helping unprotected civilian Pakistanis that are being threatened – if they are threatened to a great extent then extract them, not leave them at the mercy of a mob gone crazy?
My focus thus naive and simplistic – my agenda is Pakistan – but I hope Bahrain solves it problems out quickly
To the killers of Pakistanis in Bahrain
Down with your *bloody* revolution and we can not support every blood in the name of *democracy and freedom*
Thanks for exposing your idealogy. Since you do not have balls to face a force you go on and kill expatriate civilians.
This is not *revolution*, this is called racism
Your crime can not be justified by any means. Should Pakistanis or Sunnis start a similar revolution against the Shia govt in Pakistan and start to kill Shias? I don’t think so, but your extremism would certainly push some people to think that way.
You are just right….
Ignore the article its fake and from a pro-gov troll. Notice how he didn't even refer to the victim by name – so much for compassion.
May Mr. Ibrahim Rest In Peace and may the world know what the pro-gov thugs did to this poor man and how the gov with Mr. Attak tried to construe his death – May Allah forgive them.
The "journalist" Abdulaziz denied there were military helicopters in the air and when he was shown footage he replied:
"well, why should we deprive anyone of such a great show. let's all participate. have you ever seen a fox hunt ;)"
There you have it a fox hunt by Mr. Abdulaziz Attak the concerned and responsible journalist!
The gov has been using systematic violence on people and unfortunately the poor expats also live with the Shias in similar areas and they are becoming victims of "LIVE" ammunition just like the Shias.
Don't believe me?
Mr. Abraham (Indian National) was shot dead by Bahrain military bullets:
You wrote "If Zardari is a shia and now the govt has released Raymond Davis, should sunnis start killing Shias?"
WRONG SIR!,.. The case of Raymond David was a provincial matter and the provincial government i.e the 'Punjab Government' aka the 'Shareef Brothers' have worked towards the release of Mr Raymond David. Get your facts straight with your arguments based on facts because you 'SIR' sound like a 'HYPOCRITE'. Now go and kill the Sharif Brothers since you're so angry about the release of Raymond David.
@Dr Awab – The police hasnt crossed the limits as they have done in Bahrain. God Forbid the anger that the Pakistani Nation carries in themselves may soon explode and once it does you will see where the police or anyone who tries to get in their way 'will end up'.
P.S Mr AbdulAziz Khattak
I would like to tell you that I sincerely understand why you are so pro-khalifa even though he has been butchering his own people just because of their faith.
Afterall what didn't you get from Shaikh Khalifa, A house, Job, Car and who can forget that now you're a naturalized citizen of Bahrain.
Its time to come back home sunny and serve your real Nation and its people if you care about us so much.
@A pakistani
You know buddy pakistan doesn't provide the majority with jack shit. Now since you care about pakistanis so much why don't you rise up and do something about the corrupt leadership in pakistan. I guess tough talk only works when you are in majority? All I have to say now is show mercy so that Allah can show mercy on you.
@Arshad Khan
You Wrote..
"pakistan doesn’t provide the majority with jack shit"
Your comment reflects what you think of your country, I'm glad that you spoke your heart out. It is Pakistanis like you in Bahrain who for the sake of money have sold both, their religion and their PAKISTANIAT. Pakistanis like you are such a SHAME!
Since you asked about my contribution towards Pakistan so I would like to inform you that I have the luxury to leave for Britain anytime I want and live with my family there but I chose Pakistan because I love my country and I'm contributing by spreading knowledge and wealth amongst my people.
I can understand your frustration but you should know better and, instead of asking what Pakistan gave you, You should ask yourself what you gave back to Pakistan because unknowingly we don't realize what our lovely country has given us.
We ourselves have ruined our country, Pakistan didn't ruin us!
May ALLAH S.W.T show mercy on all of us. Ameen
@A Pakistani,
First of all let me clarify by Pakistan I meant Pakistani leadership. Pakistan it self is just a piece of land that can't provide anything on its own.
I agree that we may be greedy to be living in a foreign country. We should just die hungry living in pakistan while trying to find a job.
You truly said we ourselves have ruined the country. We have become more like animals living there but I can't blame the poor majority for all of it. The majority of blame rests on the shoulder of the leadership. You should be blaiming them for selling their religion and country which they have surely done.
Let me clarify something for you. Hungry stomach tries to satisfy its hunger first any way possible. So if we go out of the country and try to earn a living by ligitimately having a job then we shouldn't be blamed for it because the leadership has the greed of "Qaroon" times the leadership which you don't count in hundreds. This minority is what should be blamed for selling its religion and country. Which deceives it people by giving false hopes by flying some aircrafts to pacify them. Bows to the power while oppressing the powerless.
All I would like from bahraini majority is to show mercy to people because they were only doing their jobs to sustain their hungry stomachs in pakistan so that Allah may show mercy on them.
Although I pray to Allah to give us strength to do something for Islam and humanity.
@Arshad Khan
you wrote..
"Pakistan it self is just a piece of land that can’t provide anything on its own"
That is just wrong. Pakistan is not just a piece of land it is the result of sacrifice of millions of Muslim in the sub-continent.
You wrote
"So if we go out of the country and try to earn a living by ligitimately having a job"
Yes, there is no doubt that if you're working legitimately and feeding your family through earnings from that work that you should be allowed to carry out your duty.
BUT, How can you call these actions legitimate? Where a state that victimized the majority of their right, their resources, their jobs. These jobs were theirs in the first place, so why were foreigners of a particular sect recruited in the first place instead of them? Just like I as a Pakistani wouldn't tolerant this thing happening in my country similarly bahrainis wouldn't either.
You said
"All I would like from bahraini majority is to show mercy to people because they were only doing their jobs"
No they are not just doing their jobs they are committing attrocities against the majority of a country. If I were to give you a job where you were required to shoot peaceful protestors of your religion would you carry out such a job? The answer is a simple 'NO', which is why the ruling government recruits hand picked mercenaries belonging to a particular sect. They are committing a crime by carrying out genocide against the majority. It is the majority which always creates the government just like in Pakistan and else where but in Bahrain what we are seeing is the exact opposite. This is not policing, This is insanity.
@A Pakistani
I don't know of the exact situation. But I would assume that the government tried to create law and order in the country by trying to suppress the uprising though it is a corrupt govt.
My question to you is that was the Police committing these atrocities before these protests? I am sure "NO". They are just carrying out orders now to bring some law and order I am sure. So give them benefit of the doubt atleast and for this reasoning may be we could show some mercy?
You seem to be insistent on drawing the lines between the sects. Though the govt may have started with it. Two wrongs don't make a right.
We shouldn't look at these jobs as mine or yours. The earth belongs to Allah alone. Who has created it for his creation not shia and sunni. However if there is oppression it must be fought againt but properly.
@Arshad Khan:
You wrote: "All I would like from ba.hraini majority is to show mercy to people because they were only doing their jobs"
– So you want to say: "Ra.ymond Da.vis should be treated with me.rcy since he was just doing his job and so all the U.s. for.ces doing their JOBS in Ir.aq, Af.ghanistan and elsewhere and so all th.e Is.raeli f.orces and se.ttlers doin.g their jobs in occ.upied Pa.lestine". WELL SAID BRO!! This should be taken as quote of the century!
You guyz keep comparing raymond with police of the country. Who lives there officially you are comparing apples and orange. yes there are some similarities but they are different.
Yeah all these forces should be shown mercy once you have the upper hand. I am not against appropriately opposing.
you wrote
"My question to you is that was the Police committing these atrocities before these protests? I am sure “NO”.
However if there is oppression it must be fought againt but properly."
Yes, Absolutely the police has been committing these attrocities against the Bahrainis since the very beginning this is nothing new and it has been growing ever since.
The protests started peacefully until the police started dealing with the protestors by shooting them at point blank range, after which the protests turned bloody.
Whether Shia or Sunni, like all governments, the government of Bahrain should be created through the mandate of the majority of any Nation. Its just as simple as that.
@A Pakistani
Fine. so the government has been oppressing the shia population for a long time through the police? Is that what you are saying? So the police has been carrying out the orders of the royal family there I suppose. so they are the ones who should be blamed for this almost 100%.
If you are 100% right in the comment above and Shia population has been continuously oppressed then the uprising should continue as long as it doesn't fulfill the zionist agenda of taking over the middle east as I have understood it to be and there is no transgression of force according to Islamic law.
May Allah provide peace and security in Muslim lands. Inshallah soon we will see an true khilafa.
The Arshad the ruling Khalifa family has been doing this to the majority population of Bahrain from the very beginning at the behest of Saudi Arabia.
As far as the zionist agenda is concerned then you should know that the Ruling khalifa family of Bahrain has allowed the 5th US Naval fleet to keep its base in Bahrain. Now you should know better who's following who's agenda and who's helping who.
Inshallah, Aameen
heart-rending picture. And what is our govt doing regarding the issue?
sir im muslim leave bahrain what is happening in pakistan 42 persons (shia)have been kidnaped by taliban in kuram agency no one bother 10 days have been passed.
8 out of 42 r killed mercilessly by cutting them into pieces .they r recovered after one month .
this is too painful to read and watch the pics. May Allah bless these innocent lost souls and give similar treatment to these butcher protesters.
May Allah give more saudi pets so that these protester may sacrifice them for the sake of freedom
sleeping goverment and NGOs