Horse Trading in Full Swing at Raiwind Stables

Horse Trading in PakistanFor FIVE years horses were on one side of the fence – in preparation for the next five years the horses are slowly stumbling over the fence to be with the NEW OWNERS at Raiwind horse stables

Best part is that it slowly seems that the Horse Stables are getting full at Raiwind – its always been “fun collecting” but when they “start demanding” that is when we shall start seeing another Deja Vu of the PPP slogan “Democracy is the best revenge

Truly I’m quite happy to see this horse trading circus. Sharif’s might be ecstatic “playing politics” but its the greedy form of politics that is being exposed – trading in, the same political behemoths that have individually destroyed Pakistan for the past 25 years to take them for another tenure – could not be more criminal

It shall be the power of EACH VOTER to see if he realizes that these are the exact same people that have destroyed Pakistan since literally 1988 – PPP has ruled for about 14 years and PML for 17 years (CM & PM) – for a combined total of 31 years – is an experiment that needs to be exposed. VOTE WISELY



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