تبدیلیی آ نہی رہی – تبدیلی آ گئی ہے
پٹرول کی قیمت میں بہی تبدیلی آگئ ہےTabdeeli Aa-nahi Rahi – Tabdeeli Aa-gaye Hai
Petrol prices mein bhee Tabdeeli Aa-gaye HaiMubarak to all Pakistani – let it be on record that it is definitely because of Imran Khan sb’s pressure & the popularity of the Dharna’s and the Virality of the Go Nawaz Go chant that has made the Noora’s scramble to provide some relief to themselves even if its mere moral survivability from the #GoNawazGo slogan
I leave you with a thought as the Nooras are high fiving each other on Rs. 9.4 of price reduction – the fact is that globally the crude oil prices have fallen by ~34% which if translated from Rs. 103/ltr should have been close to a fall of Rs 35+ tax – someone is still pocketing the ~25% difference – shared on Facebook by Awab Alvi [link]
Petrol Prices > Tabdeeli Aagaye Hai