As I narrated yesterday the problem of MQM lies elsewhere (read London) – a narration of what happened that lead to the resignation – knowing Bhai this scenario is quiet possible – I only miss the fact that it was not nationally televised to hear the anger / and the bang in-your-face hang up
“DAWN: On late Tuesday night the national and provincial level parliamentarians (in Karachi and in Islamabad) gathered for a meeting along with members of the coordination committee and some participants from the US. In their various locations, they were addressed by the party chief from London.
Some senior MQM leaders joined the meeting from the US while the MQM members of the National Assembly and the Senate were listening from the Parliament Lodges in Islamabad. Members of the coordination committee were present in Karachi and London.
And a severe dressing down followed.
MQM chief Altaf Hussain lashed out at them for their cowardice and betrayal. Unclear on how to placate their party leader, the elected members offered to resign and to the shock and surprise of some of them, he agreed before banging the phone on them.
Mr Hussain who had worked himself up into a state of rage by then said that the parliamentarians could do whatever they wanted and hung up.”