Author: Dr. Awab Alvi
PML transfers Senate Candidates to Punjab for Election
PML-N candidates Salim Zia, Nehal Hashmi, Rahila Magsi and Iqbal Zafar Jhagra get their votes transferred to Punjab overnight and the very next day all their names appear on PML’s list of candidates for senate How amazingly brilliant of Election Commission of Pakistan to oblige the PML 20 days after the announcement of the election…
Najam Sethi Forgets his Criticism on Imran Khan’s ’92 WC Team
Najam Sethi says on Geo TV that “If you criticize the cricket team they may lose motivation” and blamed the media and public for launching a demoralizing assault on the players But quite interestingly his column in 1992 against Imran Khan voices the exact same knee-jerk reaction – and accused Imran Khan of having floundered…
Forgotten Tragedies – The Nation
The Nation Editorial > One would think that terrorism and militancy is our biggest concern, but political espionage and plotting has been our curse since the very beginning. So many lives have been lost over the years, from the infamous bori-band corpses of Sindh to the massacre of Pakistan Awami Tehreek workers in Punjab, we…
Update on the APS Injured Student Ahmed Nawaz
For quite a few days Social Media was abuzz with concerns about the medical treatment of one of the school children injured in the APS attack in Peshawar named Ahmed Nawaz – ever-so Vigilant Media carried reports of an enraged father pleading to the govt of medical assistance (or lack of). I personally had been…
With loads of love to KElectric – Get Well Soon
via @DrAwab on Instagram
PML-N’s Weak and Frivolous Economic Managers = Pakistan’s Economic Woes
An article by Dr Ashfqaue Khan (Principal and Dean NUST School of Social Sciences and Humanities) published in Business Recorder – “Pakistan is currently facing one of the worst economic challenges of its history. Almost eight years of continued economic misgovernance have severely damaged the economy beyond recognition. Weak and frivolous economic managers, ministers and…
KPK Govt Security updates after the Army Public School Attack
There are many people who ask what has PTI / KPK Government been doing in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province to counter the terrorist threat to the people living in the province and also to the school children of the area specially after the tragic Army Public School attack on 16th December which claimed the lives of over…
Dynamics of PTI #ShutDownToRebuild Strike in Karachi
The strike call for 12th December in Karachi was a tough & a strategic call made by Chairman Imran Khan on 30th Nov, it was a bold move to tactically increase pressure on the PML govt to rethink its negotiation strategy viz-a-viz to proceeding with an independent investigation of alleged election rigging in 2013. If…
ECP Grave for Extra Ballot printing papers digs deeper from Zero to 9.3 Million
Quite shockingly the more you dig into the ECP hoping to expose the facts of this esteemed organisation entrusted to conduct Free and Fair elections – is fudging numbers – how can on 11th August 2014 ECP is on record to say Tribune – 11th August: They refuted allegations that ballot papers were printed through private contractors…
A Masterful Political Stroke by Imran Khan to Challenge Sharif’s
A masterful political stroke delivered by Imran Khan / PTI he showed flexibility on the resignation issue, but has clearly pushed to force the Sharif’s to conduct an investigation on Vote Audit – IF NOT, then Lahore shall be blocked on 4th Dec Faisalabad shall be blocked on 8th Dec Karachi shall be blocked on…
Tum Bana Kar Raho Gey, In’sha’Allah Naya Pakistan
Post by Imran Khan (official).
Pervaiz Rasheed’s response to Zardari’s Swiss Case – needs French translation
Watch the amazing response by Pakistan’s Information Minister when asked about Swiss Necklace Case on Asif Zardari’s corruption judgement – the judgement was issued by the swiss courts on 29th October, the Attorney General on query acknowledge that they received a copy of the order on Nov 24th and even after three days, the Minister…
Duplicate Serial Number Printing Scam in May 2013 Elections
Ever wonder the extent of Election Rigging – the more you dig the more comes out here in this picture I share over 130 constituencies where a PRIVATE contractor was given a contract to print SERIAL NUMBERS on Ballot papers – In the process of printing he documents how extra serial #’s (read DUPLICATE) were…
Nawaz Sharif’s – Defeatist Body Language
The fundamentals of good leadership is to present yourself with a positive and confident body language, be it limited to mere visual optics, but every public opportunity one needs to be on-top of his game and each photograph taken should portray confidence combined with the subtleties of a good tailored suit, well groomed hair and even…
JKT refutes Pervaiz Rasheed’s baseless accusations, with Evidence
On Sunday during the coverage of PTI Jalsa in Gujranwala, Pakistan Information Minister Pervaiz Rasheed addressed a press conference accusing PTI / Imran Khan and specifically PTI Secretary General Jahangir Tareen for misusing his public limited company JDW aircraft for personal usage of Imran Khan to commute across the country for his campaigning. Perviaz Rasheed…