Category: Free Speech

  • Knee Jerk Patriotism

    I kind of get puzzled by the reaction of people on the Independence Day. The celebrations, the road blocks, parade of bikes with mufflers (silencers) stripped off, the disproportioned flags, the aerial firing at midnight, all in the middle of a comedy of crises never witnessed in the history of this country; the water crises,…

  • La Demos Kratos

    I was thinking about the process of selection of Secretary General of UN, and why America, Russia, China, France and UK hold the power to veto any selection? I was thinking about the process through which the Pope, who holds the post important position in the Christian world, gets elected? I was also thinking about…

  • Psychoanalysis of an Extremist

    “I am stuck, in middle of nowhere, or at the extremes of somewhere, I don’t know what is right or what is wrong, rather who is right or who is wrong. Height of epistemocracy I might be at, rather in a quest to know more, but got more questions than answers along the way. I…

  • Ansar Abbasi and Jang Group help Apprehend Person spreading Blasphemous Content

    In a recent news report in The News it has been reported that Ansar Abassi and the Jang Group helped apprehend a person spreading Blasphemy on the Internet. Allegedly a certain Dr. Omar Zia using a yahoo account emailed Ansar Abassi with Blasphemous material on June 29th, following it up again on the 30th of…

  • The Myth of Independence – Economic Imperialism

    “The notion that Pakistan controls the reigns to the economic resources of the country is incorrect—she doesn’t. The G-7 does. They are the ones who make all the economic decisions for us, for our country, through their institutions like IMF, World Bank, and WTO through the policies of SAP, TRIPS, and TRIMS. The idea is…

  • Secure Mobile Voice calling for Cell Phone users in Pakistan?

    This query is being forwarded to our local security expert based out of Lahore Mr. Fouad Bajwa who maintains [I await his response] Considering the level of espionage that is undertaken by our authorities at times I believe Pakistani businessmen and citizens stand at a major disadvantage since our own government is resolutely committed…

  • We are a Crowd, not a Nation, not an Ummah …! [Survey Results]

    Recently we (The Critic Blog Team) conducted a survey to prove or disprove a hypothesis that “There is a difference of opinion among the masses about the top 5 problems, i.e. every other person focus on different agendas thus there is no channelized effort toward any single issue”. After receiving replies we complied the data…

  • National Bloggers Conference Update

    Today marked a historic event in the Pakistani Blogosphere, where the Sindh Ministry of IT sponsored a full fledged conference on blogging. The event was hosted at a local hotel in Karachi and was attended by a large audience and had some excellent presentations by a few well known bloggers in Pakistan. The Chief Guest…

  • National Bloggers Conference

    The First National Bloggers Conference is slated to begin at 5:00pm at Regent Plaza Karachi. The event will be covered live here using the Coveritlive application as we have a plenty of good speakers with an exclusive list of guest who will be in attendance. It must be appreciated and mentioned that this event is…

  • DigiActive Guide to Twitter Activism

    DigiActive, a community of people who care passionately about digital activism, and are actively creating a world of activists empowered by digital technology, has recently published an E-Book on Twitter Activism, which explains in simple layman terms on what twitter actually is while shedding light on how it can be used for activism. We here…

  • Press Conference at KPC against the Vandalism @ Arts Council [4:30pm] | Shanaakht

    Press Conference at Karachi Press Club Vandalism @ ArtsCouncil Karachi Press Club, 4:30pm – TODAY (Mon 13 April 09) BE THERE ! You need to do ALL of the following: Come to the Press Conference at Karachi Press Club (KPC) at 4:30 pm, sit in the audience and watch the panel reading out the Statement…

  • Statement on behalf of Concerned Citizens of Pakistan | Shanaakht Festival

    Sign the petition condemning the violence at the against the violence at the Shanaakht Festival This great city of Karachi was the venue of the 2nd Shanaakht Festival held at the Arts Council, Karachi. Over 1000 exhibits of Art were received and featured at this Festival and it was open to the general public. On…

  • Open letter to Sindh Minister for Culture | Shanaakht Festival

    by Khawer Amir Khan shared via Facebook Note on his profile Open letter to Ms. Sassui Palijo, Sindh Minister for Culture Madam Minister, I write this open letter to you with a heavy heart. Workers of your party have betrayed the message of Benazir Bhutto, who very recently gave her life but refused to be…

  • Redefining Democracy

    By Omar Javaid, Sr. Editor, Critic Magazine The crippling economy, hostile neighbors, devastated judiciary, shamelessly stubborn and confused government, and a shattering socio-cultural fabric is fueling an outcry that ‘enough is enough’. The Question of “how to bring the change”, how to steer away from the pitfall very much visible ahead? Was never before so…

  • Presdient Zardari orders GEO shutdown: Letter by MIR

    Geo News, Pakistan’s highest viewership TV channel, is not being seen by most of the country due to orders by President Zardari. Orders have been given to all cable operators to shut down GEO News transmission and or to place the channel towards the end of the cable frequency where most of the TV sets…