Category: India

  • Pakistani Hacker hacks Kevin Mitnick

    On 21th August Kevin Mitnick the legendary hacker of the 90’s who got sent to jail for his suspicious social engineering based hacking activities for a five-year prison term in 1995 was at this week at the receiving end of a massive defacement of four of his websites (Defacement) , (Defacement), (Defacement)…

  • Links for 2006-07-23

    Pakistan to the rescue Friends are made beyond the hatred and violence of Indian and Pakistani rivalry – Kudos to Amit Varma for this heart touching show of friendship (tags: activism pakistan) Berkman Center People Blogs, Aggregated Berkman Centers aggregator, interesting read (tags: activism) Suspect Paki » Hitler Youth Israel continues to use force at…

  • Links for 2006-07-22

    My hearts in Accra » Thoughts and disagreements over Indias blog block Yet again, Ethan supports the Dont Block the Blog campaign (tags: activism pakistan) Andrew Lih » Blog Archive » Pakistan Tools for India Andrew Lih discusses the Indian & Pakistan Blogspot ban (tags: activism pakistan) – Indian bloggers get help from Pak…

  • – Slap the Block for Indians

    Yasir Memon & Naveed Memon have come yet again to save the blogging community from the douldrums to have launched which is similar to pkblogs but more suited for the Indian traffic. On July 17th the Indian Government has started blocking a number of websites specifically Blogspot, Typepad and Geocities. This comes as a…

  • Iran you’re Next

    Total world domination is what appears to the ultimate goal of the United States of America. The US has been playing the same tactics it was found guilty off a few years back when it was itching to dip into the oily waters of Iraq. It threw at the UN and the world every conceivable…

  • Pakistan Censors Knowledge for Seven Hours

    In a very surprising development the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority which controls the Pakistan Internet Exchange had blocked access to the entire domain at around 1:00pm on 31st March. Immediately the AGABBIP group and the Don’t Block the Blog team were set into motion. The ban was not localized to any single ISP but was…

  • Pakistan Googled by a Texan

    George W. Bush’s two-day trip to Pakistan can now sadly be looked back upon more as a state sponsored relaxation trip for the President after his hectic schedule in India. Little do the Pakistanis have anything to show for this visit by the most powerful dictator of the world. In 2000, we were literally on…

  • Don’t Block the Blog

    As I write this post on the morning of 4th March 2006 all sub domains of carrying thousands of free blogs continue to remain censored for all internet users in Pakistan. The mess all started on the 27th of February when the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority issued instructions to all ISP to block all websites…

  • Friendship across Borders

    The two neighbouring countries India and Pakistan may be at daggers drawn fighting each other for every inch of space and every political move is followed by a check-mate in retaliation. The governments also have an organized propaganda against the other side pumping the people with pure hatred, hence to create an environment of mistrust.…

  • India comments on Baluchistan

    The Govt of Pakistan was surprised to see a recent official Indian statement appearing a few days back on the escalating Baluchistan crisis. “The Government of India has been watching with concern the spiralling violence in Baluchistan and the heavy military action, including the use of helicopter gunships and jet fighters by the Government of…

  • Playboy India

    This is some mild breaking news to those kind gentlemen (which naturally includes you [if you happen to be a male] and me) who have never had the opportunity to glance at a Playboy Magazine (*snicker*). Playboy International is presently in serious stages to launch its brand name magazine in India, as revealed in the…

  • Barmy Army Sent Home Packin’

    Today was another proud Pakistani moment, when the Pakistan team pulled out a to-be-drawn test match into a nail clinching victory. On the 5th and final day of the 3rd Pak-Eng test match, the English team went to lunch confident for a draw with eight wickets in hand and half a day left, draw to…

  • BLA Bombs PIDC

    Baluchistan Liberation Army has claimed to have bombed the PIDC building which houses PPL and also a KFC outlet, on first thought people assumed this to be another attack on the multinational franchise KFC, as it would then actually be the third hit on Colonel Sanders. The bomb blast took place early morning during the…

  • British born Pakistanis

    Ain’t it ironic that the word Pakistan seems to creep into every terrorist incident worldwide? In the recent London Bombings three out of the four terrorists are British nationals of Pakistani descent: Shehzad Tanweer, Mohammed Sadique Khan and Hasib Hussain have been accused to be the primary suspects in the on going investigation. Following the…

  • Knocked Out

    We have heard of electrical outages and have often heard of no water supply, but this week we add another item to the list, NO INTERNET ACCESS. On Monday afternoon the SMW-2 cable suffered a critical power loss about 30 odd miles from Karachi, to make matters worse PTCL sadly tried to save up money…