Category: ElectionPK08
Attorney General Qayyum Aware of Massive Election-Rigging Plans as early as Nov
In an audio recording obtained by Human Rights Watch, Pakistans Attorney General [Mr. upsnoot] Malik Qayyum stated that upcoming parliamentary elections will be “massively rigged, Human Rights Watch said that the recording was made during a phone interview with a member of the media on November 21, 2007. Qayyum, while still on the phone interview,…
Talking in percentages, the latest IRI survey
Guest Blog by Zovc The latest IRI survey released on 11th of February indicates once again that Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) will clean sweep the February 18th elections. These elections are thought to be one of the most critical in Pakistani history not just because they will decide the fate of Pakistan for the next…
Just Think for Once and Then Vote
Guest Blog by Amjad Malik This could be one of the most uncertain elections in Pakistan where there are hundred of doubts whether they will be held as scheduled, and if yes, will it be fair and the atmosphere is not conducive either. If people come out of fear, and went to vote on the…
Pro Musharraf Rally welcomed in Islamabad
Funny yet ironic how the bureaucracy chooses to sugar-coat its Pro-Musharraf supporters with police protection, security gates and then finally a treat of lunch boxes. While only a few days earlier the opposition was treated with tear gas, bricks and a hose down in the chilly Islamabad winter. Free and Fair elections definitely remain an…
Dichotomy in Electioneering: A Pakistani Perspective
Guest blog by temporal who blogs at Baithak The blurb informs us that Mariam Mufti is currently working on her doctoral dissertation on the party system of Pakistan at Johns Hopkins University. In the News today she offers these views and definitions: To resolve the debate on whether or not strong political parties are essential…
Pakistan pushing out IRI Election Observers
In what continues to be trumpeted as a free and fair elections it seems the Government of Pakistan is keen to push out International Republican Institute (IRI) from properly monitoring the elections. IRI is a U.S. democracy-building institute funded by the US Congress and it has come on record to say that it is being…
Zero Fervor for Elections
By Farooq Tariq spokesperson for the Labour Party Pakistan Thirteen days to go and yet there is no election excitement. There are no street corner meetings or large-scale public rallies. The main leadership of those parties participating in the elections plan no national tours. It could be the most colorless election in the history of…
Pakistan’s Forgotten Man
By Aitzaz Ahsan for Newsweek February 11, 2008 In the past months, as the crisis in Pakistan has worsened, key figures in the Bush administration, including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, have spoken out about the need for free and fair elections and have condemned extremism. Yet they’ve continued through-out to support the man who…
Kiyani & Musharraf, all seems not to well
A picture is worth a thousand words Credit: WhizNews Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Kayani and President (retired Gen and former COAS) Pervez Musharraf sit together during the missile training launch of Ghauri (Hatf V). According to analysts, their postures and body languages indicate “all’s not well” between the two. It has been reliably…
Kurd & Tariq Mehmood released, but others will remain under House Arrest
It is being reported that Lawyer Ali Ahmed Kurd in Peshawar and Justice Tariq Mehmood in Quetta have been released from their house arrest which has lasted for around three months imposed by the Pakistani Government. Caretaker Information Minister Nisar Memon said the moves were aimed at creating a good atmosphere during this month’s parliamentary…
How to Steal an Election Without Breaking a Sweat
This writeup was posted on the People’s Resistance network, this might be more of a general report but quite literally the upcoming elections in Pakistan have all the signs to be fully rigged. Pakistan fails on each and every condition mentioned here From Abuja to Islamabad, autocratic regimes have become adept at manipulating “free and…
An Open Letter to EU, US, UH & COMMONWEALTH
Guest Blog by Sami Khan An open letter to “All Concerned European Union consists of 27 member states with complete civil liberties for the citizens one can only dream of in the third world country like Pakistan. But it is very unfortunate that whenever there is a minimal chance of establishing democracy in our country,…
Pakistan’s Political Future: An Alternative Perspective – Imran Khan at the Asia Society
An event is being held by the Asia Society where Imran Khan will shed light on the present political siltation in Pakistan, as usual a live webcast will be available for those who may want to participate and once the session is completed I will post the MP3 file here on the blog for others…
US Senators meet Imran Khan to discuss the future of Democracy in Pakistan
Yesterday a very high profile meeting was held in Washignton DC with Imran Khan who met a high powered Senate group under the leadership of Senator Harry Reid the Senate Majority Leader, other leaders included Senator Dick Durbin who is Assistant Senate Majority Leader, Chairman Senate Foreign Relation Committee Senator Joe Biden, Chairman South Asia…
Justice Bhagwandas placed under House Arrest
It is being reported that the deposed non-PCO judge Justice Baghwandas has been placed under house arrest. Justice Bhagwandas was one of the judges who was forcibly thrown into retirement since he along with over 60 Supreme Court and High Court judges who refused to sign an illegal consitutionsl order as prescribed by General Pervaiz…