Tag: CJP

  • Ms. Bhutto, A free Judiciary But Detained Judges – An Open Letter by Ghazala Minallah

    An open letter written by Ghazala Minallah d/o Late Justice Safdar Shah to Benazir Bhutto Dear Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, I was absolutely shocked and amazed at your latest statement regarding the judiciary. How could you, of all people, say that you believed in an independent judiciary BUT that personalities did not matter? If personalities did…

  • CodePink – Vigil Outside a “Sub-Jail” in Lahore

    CodePink activists were in Karachi for a few days and later headed off to the northern areas to take more part in the Anti-Martial law activities. Reaching Lahore they have already started making a ruckus and an article by Medea Benjamin on their visit to Aitzaz Ahsan’s house where he has been placed under house…

  • Open letter from Salman Ahmed to Bilal Musharraf

    I share with you an open letter sent by Salman Ahmed of Junoon to Bilal Musharraf, son of General Pervaiz Muhsarraf, I had received the email directly from Salman but had resisted the urge to post it since I thought he may have not meant it to go public, but when I read that this…

  • Eye witness account of Lahore Protest

    A report of the Students Action Committee protest on 30th November as posted by The Neem Revolution on The Emergency Times Students from 21 universities, under the banner of Student Action Committee Lahore, gathered today at Liberty Chowk to publicly voice their dissent. The streets were lined with hundreds of Police Elite forces which warned…

  • Students Action Committee Protest in Islamabad

    An eyewitness account of the protests organized by Students Action Committee in Islamabad published by The Neem Revolution at The Emergency Times The Protest Rally in Islamabad on Friday turned out to be a huge success, with around 300 people showing up to express their outrage at the continued subversion of the judiciary and media,…

  • Letter from the Daughter of CJ Iftikhar Mohammed Chaudhry

    “I am a proud child“ This letter is for all the Judges who refused to take oath under PCO and who happen to be my uncles as well. I had never thought that one day I will have to convey my message to you people like this, through this mode but we know things are…

  • APDM Boycotts Elections

    Reports are coming in that APDM has resolved to boycott the elections – this is a good move on behalf of the opposition and must be hailed widely. The pressure will now be on Musharraf to somehow try to salvage the his notion of Free and Fair elections. It must be remembered that a proper…

  • Doctors for Democracy refused to meet visiting ‘Special Envoys’ at NY Consulate

    Received via the Association of Pakistani Professional network Dear Consul General of Pakistan, Thank you for your invitation to attend a briefing and dinner on November 29th, 2007. Our understanding is that the representatives of the current government in Pakistan will be present in this briefing. Considering the representation of a regime which has trampled…

  • Student Action Committee Lahore urges for an Election Boycott

    Emergency Times has published a letter from the Student Action Committee in Lahore urging the political parties to boycott the elections To the leadership of the APDM, PML-N, PPP and PTI, The students of over 15 universities and institutes of Lahore have united to form the Student Action Committee, Lahore. We are also collaborating with…

  • Peace Initiative threatened by Police

    Today’s Peace Initiative event by the citizens of Karachi has come under threat from the administration, the police have categorically said “We will come and smash everything and arrest everyone there”. While Geo which was helping orchestrate all this is saying that “this is far too much responsibility” we also don’t want to put people…

  • Citizens delegation meets non-PCO judges of the Sindh High Court

    Report prepared by People’s Resistance Judges of Sind High Court who did not take oath under the PCO of Nov 3 were surprised when they gathered for dinner at one of their homes, where a large delegation of ordinary citizens — students, businessmen, accountants, corporate executives, journalists, and activists were waiting with flowers and cake…

  • Imran Khan refuses to contest elections under Martial Law

    Coming through a number of sources, the PTI leadership is said to have refused to file election papers for the upcoming elections on the grounds that it is a farce and far from being fair and independent being orchestrated by a Martial Law administrator simply to enable him to get a life extension from the…

  • Peace Initiative for Judiciary & Media

  • The Path of a Patriot

    Guest post by mhb Opposing General Pervez Musharraf is not a cause worth endorsing solely by itself. General Pervez Musharraf is not the man he was when he first usurped the seat of Pakistan’s government. Over time as his political age has advanced, he has undergone a staged metamorphosis: from an amateur idealist, to a…

  • Nawaz Sharif’s Return and the Boycott Dilemma

    Its all over the media that Nawaz Shairf has finally landed in Lahore after some serious arm bending negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Musharraf (mind you I use Musharraf as Pakistan does not figure anywhere in this equation). It was basically orchestrated to level the playing field as Benazir was apparently acting too erratic in…